Legendsec Technology Co. Ltd
Legendsec SecIDS 3600 Intrusion Detection System
Provide a short description of how and where your capability is made available to your customers and the public (required):
CVE compatibility information available in the module of Policy viewer within Our management client.
Describe how and where your capability indicates the most recent CVE version used to create or update its mappings (required):
For each Rule, our IDS has a hyperlink to the respective rule page, and from the page, a hyperlink of CVE name is supplied to link the respective CVE page which provides a version number on the top of the event description. Our Application Support Team updates IDS Knowledge Base weekly.
Indicate how often you plan on updating the mappings to reflect new CVE versions and describe your approach to keeping reasonably current with CVE versions when mapping them to your repository (required):
We update on bi-weekly basis, with comparison table (CVE and our repository).
Describe how and where you explain to your customers the timeframe they should expect an update of your capability's mappings to reflect newly available CVE content (required):
We issue release notice to customes through emails and update information on Web site.
Describe the criteria used for determining the relevance of a given CVE Identifier to your Capability (required):
Besides a professional team maintaining all necessary information, external resources deliver accurate and in-time reports as well.
Describe the mechanism used for reviewing CVE for content changes (required):
We download CVE source from https://cve.mitre.org/data/downloads/index.html and to compare.
Describe the source of your CVE content (required):
Provide a copy, or directions to its location, of where your documentation describes CVE and CVE compatibility for your customers (required):
We provide CVE description information in:
- ..\Program Files\SecIDS 3600\SecIDS 3600 Event Collector\Policy\help\ PolicyCn.chm
- The Help page in Policy management of The management console;
Provide a copy, or directions to its location, of where your documentation describes the specific details of how your customers can use CVE names to find the individual security elements within your capability's repository (required):
Finding Elements using CVE Names in "..\Program Files\SecIDS 3600\SecIDS 3600 Event Collector\Policy\help\ PolicyCn.chm" according to the following steps:
- Open "PolicyCn.chm"
- Click Search button
- Input CVE name
- Press List button to complete the task.
Provide a copy, or directions to its location, of where your documentation describes the process a user would follow to find the CVE names associated with individual security elements within your capability's repository (required):
Finding Elements using CVE Names in "..\Program Files\SecIDS 3600\SecIDS 3600 Event Collector\Policy\help\ PolicyCn.chm" according to the following steps:
- Open "PolicyCn.chm"
- Click Search button
- Input CVE name
- Press List button to complete the task.
Give detailed examples and explanations of how a user can locate tasks in the tool by looking for their associated CVE name (required):
The "PolicyCn.chm" supports full-text searches and CVE name searches for vulnerability information. Each vulnerability with a corresponding CVE has an associated "Rule Help" page which contains relevant information for that vulnerability. Please refer to the answers for question 10 and question 11.
Give detailed examples and explanations of how, for reports that identify individual security elements, the tool allows the user to determine the associated CVE names for the individual security elements in the report (required):
Each event in the report ,has a corresponding to a Help page of "PolicyCn.chm", this page also supplied a CVE link to the CVE Web page.
Give detailed examples and explanations of the different ways that a user can use CVE names to find out which security elements are tested or detected by the service (i.e. by asking, by providing a list, by examining a coverage map, or by some other mechanism) (required):
- Open The SecIDS 3600 management console;
- Select Event Monitor.
- Double click on any event and go to The Detail page to complete the task.
Give detailed examples and explanations of how, for reports that identify individual security elements, the user can determine the associated CVE names for the individual security elements in the report (required):
- Select Report -> Event Report
- Select date.
- Double click on any event.
Give detailed examples and explanations of how a "find" or "search" function is available to the user to locate tasks in the online capability by looking for their associated CVE name or through an online mapping that links each element of the capability with its associated CVE name(s) (required):
Give detailed examples and explanations of how, for reports that identify individual security elements, the online capability allows the user to determine the associated CVE names for the individual security elements in the report. (required):
If details for individual security elements are not provided, give examples and explanations of how a user can obtain a mapping that links each element with its associated CVE name(s), otherwise enter N/A (required):
Give detailed examples and explanations of how a user can associated elements in the capability by looking for their associated CVE name (required):
- Open "PolicyCn.chm"
- Click Search button
- Input CVE name
- Press List button to complete the task
Give detailed examples and explanations of how, for reports that identify individual security elements, the capability allows the user to determine the associated CVE names for the individual security elements in the report (required):
- Select Report -> Event Report
- Select date.
- Double click on any event.
Provide details about the different electronic document formats that you provide and describe how they can be searched for specific CVE-related text (required):
The documents we provide is in HTML/CHM format, which can be searched using the full-text search and CVE Name search mechanism in the GUI.
If one of the capability's standard electronic documents only lists security elements by their short names or titles provide example documents that demonstrate how the associated CVE names are listed for each individual security element (required):
- Open "PolicyCn.chm"
- Click Search button
- Input short names or titles
- Press List button to complete the task
Give detailed examples and explanations of how the GUI provides a "find" or "search" function for the user to identify your capability's elements by looking for their associated CVE name(s) (required):
supports full-text searches and CVE name searches for vulnerability information. The user may search for an element using the CVE name. Please refer to the answer for question 10.
Briefly describe how the associated CVE names are listed for the individual security elements or discuss how the user can use the mapping between CVE entries and the capability's elements, also describe the format of the mapping (required):
CVE names are listed under the "Stand ID" section:
- The Help page in Policy management of The management console
- PolicyCn.chm
Please refer to the answer for question 11.
Have an authorized individual sign and date the following Compatibility Statement (required):
"As an authorized representative of my organization I agree that we will abide by all of the mandatory CVE Compatibility Requirements as well as all of the additional mandatory CVE Compatibility Requirements that are appropriate for our specific type of capability."
Name: LinBo
Title: General Manager
Have an authorized individual sign and date the following accuracy Statement (recommended):
"As an authorized representative of my organization and to the best of my knowledge, there are no errors in the mapping between our capability's Repository and the CVE entries our capability identifies."
Name: LinBo
Title: General Manager
FOR TOOLS ONLY - Have an authorized individual sign and date the following statement about your tools efficiency in identification of security elements (required):
"As an authorized representative of my organization and to the best of my knowledge, normally when our capability reports a specific security element, it is generally correct and normally when an event occurs that is related to a specific security element our capability generally reports it."
Name: LinBo
Title: General Manager