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Re: CVEs with no REF URL (or a REF URL that is self referential)

On 2017-10-04 17:54, Kurt Seifried wrote:

> The embargo often is set for a time and the commits/vendor
> announcements/etc all take time. Rather then wait and check and
> update the CVE entry with the ref URL it would be much easier just to
> fire off the CVE that is self contained to the database so there is
> something nearly immediately in the database (we're finding this
> helps a lot with the higher profile messy issues).

Ah OK.  I've been operating under the impression that the delay you're 
talking about was too small to matter, probably hours, less than half a 
day.  I consider same-day CVE ID to be fast enough, maybe < 6 hours for 
hot issues.

 - Art

Page Last Updated or Reviewed: October 05, 2017