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RE: [CVEPRI] CVE accuracy, consistency, stability, and timeliness

I have been following this thread with much interest from a "tool-vendor"
perspective as well as from a CVE board member trying to verify a CAN when
there is just isn't sufficent information other than a couple of security
list mailings or a less than revealing vendor blurb about a problem and a
patch. So for my $.02 worth.

I believe it was Bill Fithen who brought up the different levels of "needs"
that can be applied to CVE board members and the consumers of our products
as well.  The software engineer who needs the minute details of a software
flaw and the Sysadm or Security Officer (or CIO/CEO) who is more concerned
with the impact to his organization and the fix "...which are the most
critical, have the greatest risk, how do I fix them, what will it cost me,
how long will it take and if one patch fixes three or four
vulnerabilities....all the better!"

So the absolutely accurate response, while the ultimate goal, is not as
critical for some of us as it is for others, depending on which side of the
product you are on. I don't know if I agree with Steve's use of
"inaccuracy"...more time-based degrees of accuracy {8>).  Time does play a
big part, both in the amount of time spent researching entries and in the
decision to get the information out to the user as quickly, and correctly as
possible given all available data.

No matter what we decide, we are still going to have the few CVE entries
that will need to be modified at some point so it may be counter-productive
to spend 80% of our time on the 10-15% of candidates that require extensive
research to determine whether they are a single entry or multiple entries.
So, while it can be a pain to modify entries in a product and initial-entry
accuracy/quality control strives to limit the need, it is still a necessary
part of on-going maintenance and a cost of doing business.

I prefer to split the entries if there is a doubt as to whether it is a
single problem or multiple seperate issues.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven M. Christey [mailto:coley@LINUS.MITRE.ORG]
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 11:36 PM
> To: cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org
> Subject: [CVEPRI] CVE accuracy, consistency, stability, and timeliness
> All,
> While this email has arisen out of content decision (CD) discussions,
> it touches on a number of critical issues that ultimately affect all
> consumers of CVE.  Therefore I've added a CVEPRI tag to this thread.
> These discussions have illuminated a number of CVE content issues that
> we have been wrestling with at MITRE in the last year, but especially
> the past six months.
> Pascal Meunier asked:
> >if we have to analyze the nature of a vulnerability to make a CVE
> >entry, haven't we gone too far with respect to the stated 
> goals of the
> >CVE?
> Bill Fithen added:
> >We should guard against creating a situation where in-depth analysis
> >is required... just decide if a thing is one thing or two things.
> >...Pursuing perfection too early may mean the introduction of delays
> >that make the eventual acceptance of an entry less valuable merely
> >because of the delay
> We've been doing deep analysis of CVE items at MITRE, because I have
> believed that it's important for CVE to be as consistent, accurate,
> and stable as possible.  And there have been delays as a result.  Note
> that there has been internal disagreement about this approach, and
> we've been revisiting this issue in the past few weeks.
> Various members of the CVE content team have conducted some deep
> analysis to try and resolve some issues, e.g. the lpr problem that
> L0pht announced in February that's still around after its initial
> discovery several years ago.  Linux problems, and Unix problems in
> general, can also be troublesome because there are so many different
> distributions that fix the same problem at different times.
> This deep analysis has been a significant bottleneck with respect to
> creating candidates and distinguishing between entries.  In some
> cases, the content team may spend several hours researching a single
> issue that could be one candidate or several.  The deep analysis may
> involve poring through various information sources, patches, exploits,
> software change logs, etc. - i.e. the type of research that I assume
> people do for full-fledged vulnerability databases.  With 10,000
> legacy submissions for us to convert into candidates, I don't believe
> we have the resources to do it all if we have to perform deep analysis
> on 10% of them.  And in the end, as people have pointed out, you will
> never be completely sure of accuracy, because there's so much
> incomplete information.
> My approach has been that if the CVE list is to be a "standard," it
> should be both stable and reliable.  (I say "CVE list" to distinguish
> it from the candidates list, which we already accept to be
> unreliable.)  Maintainers of proprietary vulnerability databases
> generally have more flexibility to change their own entries.  With
> CVE, a change could have an effect on many different consumers.
> So I've been careful to avoid creating candidates that might be
> duplicates of other candidates or entries, careful to be consistent
> with respect to level of abstraction, and much more careful not to add
> any candidate to the CVE list if it looks like it's a duplicate of an
> existing entry.  If we have to change the level of abstraction of CVE
> entries very often, that becomes a maintenance problem for people who
> maintain CVE compatible products - or, if the mappings aren't kept up
> to date, CVE compatibility becomes less useful to the consumers of
> those products.  Changes in CVE will also have an impact on the
> quality of any quantitative analysis that uses CVE names as a way of
> normalizing the data.
> This is one of the main reasons why the CD's are as detailed and
> "strict" as they are.  They attempt to make CVE as stable and
> consistent as possible, as early in the process as possible.  They
> attempt to minimize the amount of modification to existing CVE
> entries, and to minimize the amount of work for Editorial Board
> members and maintainers of CVE-compatible products.  On the other
> hand, it is very labor-intensive and results in delays.
> Perhaps a portion of the deep analysis can rely more heavily on the
> expertise of Board members.  If 2 candidates look similar, they could
> be tagged to indicate that they need deeper analysis.  Anybody who has
> some good insight into the problem could provide feedback; if nobody
> has enough information, maybe we move to a default position of
> splitting or merging as appropriate.  We could, as has been suggested,
> annotate potentially related CVE entries (or candidates) and make that
> information available to the few individuals who would need it.
> Another way of minimizing the effects of poor information would be to
> involve the software vendors as much as possible.  This could be done
> by bringing major software vendors onto the Editorial Board, and/or in
> some consulting role; but with minor vendors, it could be an
> especially labor intensive job that could duplicate some of what
> others in the community are already doing.  And while insufficient
> vendor confirmation of security problems may be a significant problem,
> maybe CVE isn't the right place to solve this.  (Note that we are
> looking to add more software vendors to the Board, so if you have any
> recommendations, let me know.)
> As you've seen in the CD's proposed so far, the default action has
> generally been to MERGE two issues when there's incomplete
> information.  But several people have expressed a preference to keep
> the issues SPLIT if there's no good information available otherwise.
> I agree with David LeBlanc - I think we'll pay a price regardless of
> which default action we choose.  My initial thinking is that a default
> SPLIT action would make the CVE maintenance job a lot easier - but we
> have to consider the impact on the users of CVE.
> So we need to have some feedback from people who have CVE compatible
> products, to understand the potential impact of moving away from deep
> analysis.  I estimate that a maximum of 15% of all CVE entries could
> ultimately require a change in the level of abstraction as new
> information is discovered.  Realistically, it may be more like 5%
> (because most would be corrected in the candidate stage, and/or we may
> decide to live with the "noise" in the absence of good information).
> Note that I got the 15% figure based on the percentage of candidates
> that are affected by content decisions related to abstraction, and of
> course these figures can't really be measured anyway.
> So to CVE-compatible database and tool vendors, and anyone who expects
> to be conducting "CVE-based" analysis - is a 15% error rate tolerable?
> How about 10% or 5%?
> Perhaps we can minimize the amount of serious modifications to CVE
> entries (e.g. SPLITS, MERGES, or deprecations) by only performing them
> a few times a year, say in each reference version, to minimize the
> impact on maintainers and users.
> The fundamental question is: how much effort should be put into making
> sure that CVE entries are accurate and stable, and can we live with
> the extended review process that it would entail (in other words,
> business as usual)?  Or are we willing to accept some inaccuracy and
> additional mapping maintenance in order to allow CVE to remain
> relatively timely?
> - Steve

Page Last Updated or Reviewed: May 22, 2007