
• CVSS Severity Rating • Fix Information • Vulnerable Software Versions • SCAP Mappings • CPE Information
`cilium-cli` is the command line interface to install, manage, and troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters running Cilium. Prior to version 0.13.2,`cilium-cli`, when used to configure cluster mesh functionality, can remove the enforcement of user permissions on the `etcd` store used to mirror local cluster information to remote clusters. Users who have set up cluster meshes using the Cilium Helm chart are not affected by this issue. Due to an incorrect mount point specification, the settings specified by the `initContainer` that configures `etcd` users and their permissions are overwritten when using `cilium-cli` to configure a cluster mesh. An attacker who has already gained access to a valid key and certificate for an `etcd` cluster compromised in this manner could then modify state in that `etcd` cluster. This issue is patched in `cilium-cli` 0.13.2. As a workaround, one may use Cilium's Helm charts to create their cluster.
Note: References are provided for the convenience of the reader to help distinguish between vulnerabilities. The list is not intended to be complete.
Assigning CNA
GitHub (maintainer security advisories)
Date Record Created
20230310 Disclaimer: The record creation date may reflect when the CVE ID was allocated or reserved, and does not necessarily indicate when this vulnerability was discovered, shared with the affected vendor, publicly disclosed, or updated in CVE.
Phase (Legacy)
Assigned (20230310)
Votes (Legacy)
Comments (Legacy)
Proposed (Legacy)
This is an record on the CVE List, which provides common identifiers for publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities.