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There are 59 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-39565 An Improper Neutralization of Data within XPath Expressions ('XPath Injection') vulnerability in J-Web shipped with Juniper Networks Junos OS allows an unauthenticated, network-based attacker to execute remote commands on the target device. While an administrator is logged into a J-Web session or has previously logged in and subsequently logged out of their J-Web session, the attacker can arbitrarily execute commands on the target device with the other user's credentials. In the worst case, the attacker will have full control over the device. This issue affects Junos OS: * All versions before 21.2R3-S8, * from 21.4 before 21.4R3-S7, * from 22.2 before 22.2R3-S4, * from 22.3 before 22.3R3-S3, * from 22.4 before 22.4R3-S2, * from 23.2 before 23.2R2, * from 23.4 before 23.4R1-S1, 23.4R2.
CVE-2024-38374 The CycloneDX core module provides a model representation of the SBOM along with utilities to assist in creating, validating, and parsing SBOMs. Before deserializing CycloneDX Bill of Materials in XML format, _cyclonedx-core-java_ leverages XPath expressions to determine the schema version of the BOM. The `DocumentBuilderFactory` used to evaluate XPath expressions was not configured securely, making the library vulnerable to XML External Entity (XXE) injection. This vulnerability has been fixed in cyclonedx-core-java version 9.0.4.
CVE-2024-36404 GeoTools is an open source Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. Prior to versions 31.2, 30.4, and 29.6, Remote Code Execution (RCE) is possible if an application uses certain GeoTools functionality to evaluate XPath expressions supplied by user input. Versions 31.2, 30.4, and 29.6 contain a fix for this issue. As a workaround, GeoTools can operate with reduced functionality by removing the `gt-complex` jar from one's application. As an example of the impact, application schema `datastore` would not function without the ability to use XPath expressions to query complex content. Alternatively, one may utilize a drop-in replacement GeoTools jar from SourceForge for versions 31.1, 30.3, 30.2, 29.2, 28.2, 27.5, 27.4, 26.7, 26.4, 25.2, and 24.0. These jars are for download only and are not available from maven central, intended to quickly provide a fix to affected applications.
CVE-2024-36401 GeoServer is an open source server that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. Prior to versions 2.23.6, 2.24.4, and 2.25.2, multiple OGC request parameters allow Remote Code Execution (RCE) by unauthenticated users through specially crafted input against a default GeoServer installation due to unsafely evaluating property names as XPath expressions. The GeoTools library API that GeoServer calls evaluates property/attribute names for feature types in a way that unsafely passes them to the commons-jxpath library which can execute arbitrary code when evaluating XPath expressions. This XPath evaluation is intended to be used only by complex feature types (i.e., Application Schema data stores) but is incorrectly being applied to simple feature types as well which makes this vulnerability apply to **ALL** GeoServer instances. No public PoC is provided but this vulnerability has been confirmed to be exploitable through WFS GetFeature, WFS GetPropertyValue, WMS GetMap, WMS GetFeatureInfo, WMS GetLegendGraphic and WPS Execute requests. This vulnerability can lead to executing arbitrary code. Versions 2.23.6, 2.24.4, and 2.25.2 contain a patch for the issue. A workaround exists by removing the `gt-complex-x.y.jar` file from the GeoServer where `x.y` is the GeoTools version (e.g., `gt-complex-31.1.jar` if running GeoServer 2.25.1). This will remove the vulnerable code from GeoServer but may break some GeoServer functionality or prevent GeoServer from deploying if the gt-complex module is needed.
CVE-2024-2648 A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, was found in Netentsec NS-ASG Application Security Gateway 6.3. Affected is an unknown function of the file /nac/naccheck.php. The manipulation of the argument username leads to improper neutralization of data within xpath expressions. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. VDB-257286 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.
CVE-2024-2645 A vulnerability classified as problematic has been found in Netentsec NS-ASG Application Security Gateway 6.3. This affects an unknown part of the file /vpnweb/resetpwd/resetpwd.php. The manipulation of the argument UserId leads to improper neutralization of data within xpath expressions. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-257283. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.
CVE-2023-38207 Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.6-p1 (and earlier), 2.4.5-p3 (and earlier) and 2.4.4-p4 (and earlier) are affected by a XML Injection (aka Blind XPath Injection) vulnerability that could lead in minor arbitrary file system read. Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.
CVE-2023-35858 XPath Injection vulnerabilities in the blog and RSS functions of Modern Campus - Omni CMS 2023.1 allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to obtain application information.
CVE-2023-26261 In UBIKA WAAP Gateway/Cloud through 6.10, a blind XPath injection leads to an authentication bypass by stealing the session of another connected user. The fixed versions are WAAP Gateway & Cloud 6.11.0 and 6.5.6-patch15.
CVE-2023-23835 A vulnerability has been identified in Mendix Applications using Mendix 7 (All versions < V7.23.34), Mendix Applications using Mendix 8 (All versions < V8.18.23), Mendix Applications using Mendix 9 (All versions < V9.22.0), Mendix Applications using Mendix 9 (V9.12) (All versions < V9.12.10), Mendix Applications using Mendix 9 (V9.18) (All versions < V9.18.4), Mendix Applications using Mendix 9 (V9.6) (All versions < V9.6.15). Some of the Mendix runtime API&#8217;s allow attackers to bypass XPath constraints and retrieve information using XPath queries that trigger errors.
CVE-2022-46751 Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference, XML Injection (aka Blind XPath Injection) vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache Ivy.This issue affects any version of Apache Ivy prior to 2.5.2. When Apache Ivy prior to 2.5.2 parses XML files - either its own configuration, Ivy files or Apache Maven POMs - it will allow downloading external document type definitions and expand any entity references contained therein when used. This can be used to exfiltrate data, access resources only the machine running Ivy has access to or disturb the execution of Ivy in different ways. Starting with Ivy 2.5.2 DTD processing is disabled by default except when parsing Maven POMs where the default is to allow DTD processing but only to include a DTD snippet shipping with Ivy that is needed to deal with existing Maven POMs that are not valid XML files but are nevertheless accepted by Maven. Access can be be made more lenient via newly introduced system properties where needed. Users of Ivy prior to version 2.5.2 can use Java system properties to restrict processing of external DTDs, see the section about "JAXP Properties for External Access restrictions" inside Oracle's "Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) Security Guide".
CVE-2022-34813 A missing permission check in Jenkins XPath Configuration Viewer Plugin 1.1.1 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to create and delete XPath expressions.
CVE-2022-34812 A cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Jenkins XPath Configuration Viewer Plugin 1.1.1 and earlier allows attackers to create and delete XPath expressions.
CVE-2022-34811 A missing permission check in Jenkins XPath Configuration Viewer Plugin 1.1.1 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to access the XPath Configuration Viewer page.
CVE-2022-24309 A vulnerability has been identified in Mendix Applications using Mendix 7 (All versions < V7.23.29), Mendix Applications using Mendix 8 (All versions < V8.18.16), Mendix Applications using Mendix 9 (All versions < V9.13 only with Runtime Custom Setting *DataStorage.UseNewQueryHandler* set to False). If an entity has an association readable by the user, then in some cases, Mendix Runtime may not apply checks for XPath constraints that parse said associations, within apps running on affected versions. A malicious user could use this to dump and manipulate sensitive data.
CVE-2022-22244 An XPath Injection vulnerability in the J-Web component of Juniper Networks Junos OS allows an unauthenticated attacker sending a crafted POST to reach the XPath channel, which may allow chaining to other unspecified vulnerabilities, leading to a partial loss of confidentiality. This issue affects Juniper Networks Junos OS: all versions prior to 19.1R3-S9; 19.2 versions prior to 19.2R3-S6; 19.3 versions prior to 19.3R3-S7; 19.4 versions prior to 19.4R3-S9; 20.1 versions prior to 20.1R3-S5; 20.2 versions prior to 20.2R3-S5; 20.3 versions prior to 20.3R3-S5; 20.4 versions prior to 20.4R3-S4; 21.1 versions prior to 21.1R3-S3; 21.2 versions prior to 21.2R3-S1; 21.3 versions prior to 21.3R3; 21.4 versions prior to 21.4R1-S2, 21.4R2; 22.1 versions prior to 22.1R1-S1, 22.1R2.
CVE-2022-22243 An XPath Injection vulnerability due to Improper Input Validation in the J-Web component of Juniper Networks Junos OS allows an authenticated attacker to add an XPath command to the XPath stream, which may allow chaining to other unspecified vulnerabilities, leading to a partial loss of confidentiality. This issue affects Juniper Networks Junos OS: all versions prior to 19.1R3-S9; 19.2 versions prior to 19.2R3-S6; 19.3 versions prior to 19.3R3-S7; 19.4 versions prior to 19.4R2-S7, 19.4R3-S8; 20.1 versions prior to 20.1R3-S5; 20.2 versions prior to 20.2R3-S5; 20.3 versions prior to 20.3R3-S5; 20.4 versions prior to 20.4R3-S4; 21.1 versions prior to 21.1R3-S2; 21.2 versions prior to 21.2R3-S1; 21.3 versions prior to 21.3R2-S2, 21.3R3; 21.4 versions prior to 21.4R1-S2, 21.4R2-S1, 21.4R3; 22.1 versions prior to 22.1R1-S1, 22.1R2.
CVE-2021-43822 Jackalope Doctrine-DBAL is an implementation of the PHP Content Repository API (PHPCR) using a relational database to persist data. In affected versions users can provoke SQL injections if they can specify a node name or query. Upgrade to version 1.7.4 to resolve this issue. If that is not possible, you can escape all places where `$property` is used to filter `sv:name` in the class `Jackalope\Transport\DoctrineDBAL\Query\QOMWalker`: `XPath::escape($property)`. Node names and xpaths can contain `"` or `;` according to the JCR specification. The jackalope component that translates the query object model into doctrine dbal queries does not properly escape the names and paths, so that a accordingly crafted node name can lead to an SQL injection. If queries are never done from user input, or if you validate the user input to not contain `;`, you are not affected.
CVE-2021-41098 Nokogiri is a Rubygem providing HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parsers with XPath and CSS selector support. In Nokogiri v1.12.4 and earlier, on JRuby only, the SAX parser resolves external entities by default. Users of Nokogiri on JRuby who parse untrusted documents using any of these classes are affected: Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parse, Nokogiri::HTML4::SAX::Parser or its alias Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::Parser, Nokogiri::XML::SAX::PushParser, and Nokogiri::HTML4::SAX::PushParser or its alias Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::PushParser. JRuby users should upgrade to Nokogiri v1.12.5 or later to receive a patch for this issue. There are no workarounds available for v1.12.4 or earlier. CRuby users are not affected.
CVE-2021-40690 All versions of Apache Santuario - XML Security for Java prior to 2.2.3 and 2.1.7 are vulnerable to an issue where the "secureValidation" property is not passed correctly when creating a KeyInfo from a KeyInfoReference element. This allows an attacker to abuse an XPath Transform to extract any local .xml files in a RetrievalMethod element.
CVE-2021-21266 openHAB is a vendor and technology agnostic open source automation software for your home. In openHAB before versions 2.5.12 and 3.0.1 the XML external entity (XXE) attack allows attackers in the same network as the openHAB instance to retrieve internal information like the content of files from the file system. Responses to SSDP requests can be especially malicious. All add-ons that use SAX or JAXB parsing of externally received XML are potentially subject to this kind of attack. In openHAB, the following add-ons are potentially impacted: AvmFritz, BoseSoundtouch, DenonMarantz, DLinkSmarthome, Enigma2, FmiWeather, FSInternetRadio, Gce, Homematic, HPPrinter, IHC, Insteon, Onkyo, Roku, SamsungTV, Sonos, Roku, Tellstick, TR064, UPnPControl, Vitotronic, Wemo, YamahaReceiver and XPath Tranformation. The vulnerabilities have been fixed in versions 2.5.12 and 3.0.1 by a more strict configuration of the used XML parser.
CVE-2020-4774 An XPath vulnerability may impact IBM Curam Social Program Management 7.0.9 and 7.0.10, caused by the improper handling of user-supplied input. By sending a specially-crafted input, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain unauthorized access or reveal sensitive information such as XML document structure and content. IBM X-Force ID: 189152.
CVE-2020-26247 Nokogiri is a Rubygem providing HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parsers with XPath and CSS selector support. In Nokogiri before version 1.11.0.rc4 there is an XXE vulnerability. XML Schemas parsed by Nokogiri::XML::Schema are trusted by default, allowing external resources to be accessed over the network, potentially enabling XXE or SSRF attacks. This behavior is counter to the security policy followed by Nokogiri maintainers, which is to treat all input as untrusted by default whenever possible. This is fixed in Nokogiri version 1.11.0.rc4.
CVE-2020-25162 A XPath injection vulnerability in the B. Braun Melsungen AG SpaceCom Version L81/U61 and earlier, and the Data module compactplus Versions A10 and A11 allows unauthenticated remote attackers to access sensitive information and escalate privileges.
CVE-2019-8158 An XPath entity injection vulnerability exists in Magento 2.2 prior to 2.2.10, Magento 2.3 prior to 2.3.3 or 2.3.2-p1. An attacker can craft a GET request to page cache block rendering module that gets passed to XML data processing engine without validation. The crafted key/value GET request data allows an attacker to limited access to underlying XML data.
CVE-2019-0370 Due to missing input validation, SAP Financial Consolidation, before versions 10.0 and 10.1, enables an attacker to use crafted input to interfere with the structure of the surrounding query leading to XPath Injection.
CVE-2018-14404 A NULL pointer dereference vulnerability exists in the xpath.c:xmlXPathCompOpEval() function of libxml2 through 2.9.8 when parsing an invalid XPath expression in the XPATH_OP_AND or XPATH_OP_OR case. Applications processing untrusted XSL format inputs with the use of the libxml2 library may be vulnerable to a denial of service attack due to a crash of the application.
CVE-2018-1284 In Apache Hive 0.6.0 to 2.3.2, malicious user might use any xpath UDFs (xpath/xpath_string/xpath_boolean/xpath_number/xpath_double/xpath_float/xpath_long/xpath_int/xpath_short) to expose the content of a file on the machine running HiveServer2 owned by HiveServer2 user (usually hive) if hive.server2.enable.doAs=false.
CVE-2016-9149 The Addresses Object parser in Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS before 5.0.20, 5.1.x before 5.1.13, 6.0.x before 6.0.15, 6.1.x before 6.1.15, 7.0.x before 7.0.11, and 7.1.x before 7.1.6 mishandles single quote characters, which allows remote authenticated users to conduct XPath injection attacks via a crafted string.
CVE-2016-6272 XPath injection vulnerability in Epic MyChart allows remote attackers to access contents of an XML document containing static display strings, such as field labels, via the topic parameter to help.asp. NOTE: this was originally reported as a SQL injection vulnerability, but this may be inaccurate.
CVE-2015-6011 Web Reference Database (aka refbase) through 0.9.6 and bleeding-edge before 2015-01-08 allows remote attackers to conduct XML injection attacks via (1) the id parameter to unapi.php or (2) the stylesheet parameter to sru.php.
CVE-2015-5970 The ChangePassword RPC method in Novell ZENworks Configuration Management (ZCM) 11.3 and 11.4 allows remote attackers to conduct XPath injection attacks, and read arbitrary text files, via a malformed query involving a system entity reference.
CVE-2015-20108 xml_security.rb in the ruby-saml gem before 1.0.0 for Ruby allows XPath injection and code execution because prepared statements are not used.
CVE-2015-1809 XML external entity (XXE) vulnerability in CloudBees Jenkins before 1.600 and LTS before 1.596.1 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary XML files via an XPath query.
CVE-2015-0264 Multiple XML external entity (XXE) vulnerabilities in builder/xml/ in Apache Camel before 2.13.4 and 2.14.x before 2.14.2 allow remote attackers to read arbitrary files via an external entity in an invalid XML (1) String or (2) GenericFile object in an XPath query.
CVE-2014-3600 XML external entity (XXE) vulnerability in Apache ActiveMQ 5.x before 5.10.1 allows remote consumers to have unspecified impact via vectors involving an XPath based selector when dequeuing XML messages.
CVE-2014-3579 XML external entity (XXE) vulnerability in Apache ActiveMQ Apollo 1.x before 1.7.1 allows remote consumers to have unspecified impact via vectors involving an XPath based selector when dequeuing XML messages.
CVE-2013-6735 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0.0.x through, 6.0.1.x through, 6.1.0.x through CF27, 6.1.5.x through CF27, 7.0.0.x through CF26, and 8.0.0.x through CF08 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive Java Content Repository (JCR) information via a modified Web Content Manager (WCM) URL.
CVE-2013-6025 The XMLParse procedure in SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 ESD 2 allows remote authenticated users to read arbitrary files via a SQL statement containing an XML document with an external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference, related to an XML External Entity (XXE) issue.
CVE-2013-0505 IBM Sterling Order Management 8.0 before HF127, 8.5 before HF89, 9.0 before HF69, 9.1.0 before FP41, and 9.2.0 before FP13 allows remote authenticated users to conduct XPath injection attacks, and read arbitrary XML files, via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4840 IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (BI) 8.4.1 before IF1, 10.1 before IF2, 10.1.1 before IF2, and 10.2 before IF1 allows remote attackers to conduct XPath injection attacks, and call XPath extension functions, via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4837 IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (BI) 8.4.1 before IF1, 10.1 before IF2, 10.1.1 before IF2, and 10.2 before IF1 allows remote authenticated users to conduct XPath injection attacks, and read arbitrary XML files, via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4063 The Apache Santuario configuration in Eucalyptus before 3.1.1 does not properly restrict applying XML Signature transforms to documents, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-3488 The libxslt support in contrib/xml2 in PostgreSQL 8.3 before 8.3.20, 8.4 before 8.4.13, 9.0 before 9.0.9, and 9.1 before 9.1.5 does not properly restrict access to files and URLs, which allows remote authenticated users to modify data, obtain sensitive information, or trigger outbound traffic to arbitrary external hosts by leveraging (1) stylesheet commands that are permitted by the libxslt security options or (2) an xslt_process feature, related to an XML External Entity (aka XXE) issue.
CVE-2012-2870 libxslt 1.1.26 and earlier, as used in Google Chrome before 21.0.1180.89, does not properly manage memory, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted XSLT expression that is not properly identified during XPath navigation, related to (1) the xsltCompileLocationPathPattern function in libxslt/pattern.c and (2) the xsltGenerateIdFunction function in libxslt/functions.c.
CVE-2012-2596 The XPath functionality in unspecified web applications in Siemens WinCC 7.0 SP3 before Update 2 does not properly handle special characters in parameters, which allows remote authenticated users to read or modify settings via a crafted URL, related to an "XML injection" attack.
CVE-2011-2834 Double free vulnerability in libxml2, as used in Google Chrome before 14.0.835.163, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors related to XPath handling.
CVE-2011-2821 Double free vulnerability in libxml2, as used in Google Chrome before 13.0.782.215, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted XPath expression.
CVE-2011-2543 Buffer overflow in the cuil component in Cisco Telepresence System Integrator C Series 4.x before TC4.2.0 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (endpoint reboot or process crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a long location parameter to the getxml program, aka Bug ID CSCtq46496.
CVE-2011-1944 Integer overflow in xpath.c in libxml2 2.6.x through 2.6.32 and 2.7.x through 2.7.8, and libxml 1.8.16 and earlier, allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted XML file that triggers a heap-based buffer overflow when adding a new namespace node, related to handling of XPath expressions.
CVE-2011-1713 Microsoft msxml.dll, as used in Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7, allows remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive information about heap memory addresses via an XML document containing a call to the XSLT generate-id XPath function. NOTE: this might overlap CVE-2011-1202.
CVE-2011-1712 The txXPathNodeUtils::getXSLTId function in txMozillaXPathTreeWalker.cpp and txStandaloneXPathTreeWalker.cpp in Mozilla Firefox before 3.5.19, 3.6.x before 3.6.17, and 4.x before 4.0.1, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.14, allows remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive information about heap memory addresses via an XML document containing a call to the XSLT generate-id XPath function.
CVE-2011-1202 The xsltGenerateIdFunction function in functions.c in libxslt 1.1.26 and earlier, as used in Google Chrome before 10.0.648.127 and other products, allows remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive information about heap memory addresses via an XML document containing a call to the XSLT generate-id XPath function.
CVE-2011-0195 The generate-id XPath function in libxslt in Apple iOS 4.3.x before 4.3.2 allows remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive information about heap memory addresses via a crafted web site. NOTE: this may overlap CVE-2011-1202.
CVE-2010-4494 Double free vulnerability in libxml2 2.7.8 and other versions, as used in Google Chrome before 8.0.552.215 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors related to XPath handling.
CVE-2010-4008 libxml2 before 2.7.8, as used in Google Chrome before 7.0.517.44, Apple Safari 5.0.2 and earlier, and other products, reads from invalid memory locations during processing of malformed XPath expressions, which allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted XML document.
CVE-2009-0819 sql/ in MySQL 5.1 before 5.1.32 and 6.0 before 6.0.10 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (crash) via "an XPath expression employing a scalar expression as a FilterExpr with ExtractValue() or UpdateXML()," which triggers an assertion failure.
CVE-2007-2247 SQL injection vulnerability in modules/news/article.php in phpMySpace Gold 8.10 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the item_id parameter.
CVE-2006-4748 Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in F-ART BLOG:CMS 4.1 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the (1) xagent, (2) xpath, (3) xreferer, and (4) xdns parameters in (a) admin/plugins/NP_Log.php, and the (5) pitem parameter in (b) admin/plugins/NP_Poll.php; and allow remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the (6) pageRef parameter in (c) admin/plugins/NP_Referrer.php.
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