Search Results

There are 8 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2023-28874 The next parameter in the /accounts/login endpoint of Seafile 9.0.6 allows attackers to redirect users to arbitrary sites.
CVE-2023-28873 An XSS issue in wiki and discussion pages in Seafile 9.0.6 allows attackers to inject JavaScript into the Markdown editor.
CVE-2021-43820 Seafile is an open source cloud storage system. A sync token is used in Seafile file syncing protocol to authorize access to library data. To improve performance, the token is cached in memory in seaf-server. Upon receiving a token from sync client or SeaDrive client, the server checks whether the token exist in the cache. However, if the token exists in cache, the server doesn't check whether it's associated with the specific library in the URL. This vulnerability makes it possible to use any valid sync token to access data from any **known** library. Note that the attacker has to first find out the ID of a library which it has no access to. The library ID is a random UUID, which is not possible to be guessed. There are no workarounds for this issue.
CVE-2021-30146 Seafile 7.0.5 (2019) allows Persistent XSS via the "share of library functionality."
CVE-2020-16143 The seafile-client client 7.0.8 for Seafile is vulnerable to DLL hijacking because it loads exchndl.dll from the current working directory.
CVE-2019-8919 The seadroid (aka Seafile Android Client) application through 2.2.13 for Android always uses the same Initialization Vector (IV) with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode to encrypt private data, making it easier to conduct chosen-plaintext attacks or dictionary attacks.
CVE-2014-5443 Seafile Server before 3.1.2 and Server Professional Edition before 3.1.0 allow local users to gain privileges via vectors related to ccnet handling user accounts.
CVE-2013-7469 Seafile through 6.2.11 always uses the same Initialization Vector (IV) with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode to encrypt private data, making it easier to conduct chosen-plaintext attacks or dictionary attacks.
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