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There are 24 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-5541 The Ibtana – WordPress Website Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the 'ibtana_visual_editor_register_ajax_json_endpont' function in all versions up to, and including, This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to update option values for reCAPTCHA keys on the WordPress site. This can be leveraged to bypass reCAPTCHA on the site.
CVE-2024-3941 The reCAPTCHA Jetpack WordPress plugin through 0.2.2 does not have CSRF check in some places, and is missing sanitisation as well as escaping, which could allow attackers to make logged-in admin add Stored XSS payloads via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2024-3940 The reCAPTCHA Jetpack WordPress plugin through 0.2.2 does not have CSRF check in place when updating its settings, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change them via a CSRF attack
CVE-2024-37946 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in weDevs ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress allows Stored XSS.This issue affects ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress: from n/a through 1.2.5.
CVE-2024-34009 Insufficient checks whether ReCAPTCHA was enabled made it possible to bypass the checks on the login page. This did not affect other pages where ReCAPTCHA is utilized.
CVE-2024-1288 The Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the 'saswp_reviews_form_render' function in all versions up to, and including, 1.26. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor access and above, to modify the plugin's stored reCaptcha site and secret keys, potentially breaking the reCaptcha functionality.
CVE-2023-6963 The Getwid – Gutenberg Blocks plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to CAPTCHA Bypass in versions up to, and including, 2.0.4. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to bypass the Captcha Verification of the Contact Form block by omitting 'g-recaptcha-response' from the 'data' array.
CVE-2023-6959 The Getwid – Gutenberg Blocks plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the recaptcha_api_key_manage function in all versions up to, and including, 2.0.3. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with subscriber-level access and above, to add, modify, or delete the 'Recaptcha Site Key' and 'Recaptcha Secret Key' settings.
CVE-2023-48654 One Identity Password Manager before 5.13.1 allows Kiosk Escape. This product enables users to reset their Active Directory passwords on the login screen of a Windows client. It launches a Chromium based browser in Kiosk mode to provide the reset functionality. The escape sequence is: go to the Google ReCAPTCHA section, click on the Privacy link, observe that there is a new browser window, navigate to any website that offers file upload, navigate to cmd.exe from the file explorer window, and launch cmd.exe as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
CVE-2023-28167 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Vsourz Digital CF7 Invisible reCAPTCHA plugin <= 1.3.3 versions.
CVE-2023-0085 The Metform Elementor Contact Form Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to reCaptcha Bypass in versions up to, and including, 3.2.1. This is due to insufficient server side checking on the captcha value submitted during a form submission. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to bypass Captcha restrictions and for attackers to utilize bots to submit forms.
CVE-2022-3831 The reCAPTCHA WordPress plugin through 1.6 does not sanitise and escape some of its settings, which could allow high privilege users such as admin to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed (for example in multisite setup).
CVE-2022-2913 The Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA WordPress plugin before 1.7 doesn't check the proper IP address allowing attackers to spoof IP addresses on the allow list and bypass the need for captcha on the login screen.
CVE-2022-1442 The Metform WordPress plugin is vulnerable to sensitive information disclosure due to improper access control in the ~/core/forms/action.php file which can be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker to view all API keys and secrets of integrated third-party APIs like that of PayPal, Stripe, Mailchimp, Hubspot, HelpScout, reCAPTCHA and many more, in versions up to and including 2.1.3.
CVE-2021-39362 An XSS issue was discovered in ReCaptcha Solver 5.7. A response from,,,,, or in setCaptchaCode() is inserted into the DOM as HTML, resulting in full control over the user's browser by these servers.
CVE-2021-24189 Low privileged users can use the AJAX action 'cp_plugins_do_button_job_later_callback' in the Captchinoo, Google recaptcha for admin login page WordPress plugin before 2.4, to install any plugin (including a specific version) from the WordPress repository, as well as activate arbitrary plugin from then blog, which helps attackers install vulnerable plugins and could lead to more critical vulnerabilities like RCE.
CVE-2020-8594 The Ninja Forms plugin 3.4.22 for WordPress has Multiple Stored XSS vulnerabilities via ninja_forms[recaptcha_site_key], ninja_forms[recaptcha_secret_key], ninja_forms[recaptcha_lang], or ninja_forms[date_format].
CVE-2020-11512 Stored XSS in the IMPress for IDX Broker WordPress plugin before 2.6.2 allows authenticated attackers with minimal (subscriber-level) permissions to save arbitrary JavaScript in the plugin's settings panel via the idx_update_recaptcha_key AJAX action and a crafted idx_recaptcha_site_key parameter, which would then be executed in the browser of any administrator visiting the panel. This could be used to create new administrator-level accounts.
CVE-2018-21012 The cf7-invisible-recaptcha plugin before 1.3.2 for WordPress has XSS.
CVE-2017-2171 Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Captcha prior to version 4.3.0, Car Rental prior to version 1.0.5, Contact Form Multi prior to version 1.2.1, Contact Form prior to version 4.0.6, Contact Form to DB prior to version 1.5.7, Custom Admin Page prior to version 0.1.2, Custom Fields Search prior to version 1.3.2, Custom Search prior to version 1.36, Donate prior to version 2.1.1, Email Queue prior to version 1.1.2, Error Log Viewer prior to version 1.0.6, Facebook Button prior to version 2.54, Featured Posts prior to version 1.0.1, Gallery Categories prior to version 1.0.9, Gallery prior to version 4.5.0, Google +1 prior to version 1.3.4, Google AdSense prior to version 1.44, Google Analytics prior to version 1.7.1, Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) prior to version 1.28, Google Maps prior to version 1.3.6, Google Shortlink prior to version 1.5.3, Google Sitemap prior to version 3.0.8, Htaccess prior to version 1.7.6, Job Board prior to version 1.1.3, Latest Posts prior to version 0.3, Limit Attempts prior to version 1.1.8, LinkedIn prior to version 1.0.5, Multilanguage prior to version 1.2.2, PDF & Print prior to version 1.9.4, Pagination prior to version 1.0.7, Pinterest prior to version 1.0.5, Popular Posts prior to version 1.0.5, Portfolio prior to version 2.4, Post to CSV prior to version 1.3.1, Profile Extra prior to version 1.0.7. PromoBar prior to version 1.1.1, Quotes and Tips prior to version 1.32, Re-attacher prior to version 1.0.9, Realty prior to version 1.1.0, Relevant - Related Posts prior to version 1.2.0, Sender prior to version 1.2.1, SMTP prior to version 1.1.0, Social Buttons Pack prior to version 1.1.1, Subscriber prior to version 1.3.5, Testimonials prior to version 0.1.9, Timesheet prior to version 0.1.5, Twitter Button prior to version 2.55, User Role prior to version 1.5.6, Updater prior to version 1.35, Visitors Online prior to version 1.0.0, and Zendesk Help Center prior to version 1.0.5 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the function to display the BestWebSoft menu.
CVE-2015-6830 libraries/plugins/auth/AuthenticationCookie.class.php in phpMyAdmin 4.3.x before and 4.4.x before allows remote attackers to bypass a multiple-reCaptcha protection mechanism against brute-force credential guessing by providing a correct response to a single reCaptcha.
CVE-2015-0890 The BestWebSoft Google Captcha (aka reCAPTCHA) plugin before 1.13 for WordPress allows remote attackers to bypass the CAPTCHA protection mechanism and obtain administrative access via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-3535 Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in CMSLogik 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) admin_email, (2) header_title, (3) site_title parameter to admin/settings; (4) recaptcha_private or (5) recaptcha_public parameter to admin/captcha_settings; (6) fb_appid, (7) fp_secret, (8) tw_consumer_key, or (9) tw_consumer_secret parameter to admin/social_settings; (10) slug parameter to admin/gallery/save_item_settings; or (11) item_link parameter to admin/edit_menu_item_ajax. NOTE: this issue might be resultant from CSRF.
CVE-2011-0759 Multiple cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in the configuration page in the Recaptcha (aka WP-reCAPTCHA) plugin for WordPress allow remote attackers to hijack the authentication of administrators for requests that disable the CAPTCHA requirement or insert cross-site scripting (XSS) sequences via the (1) recaptcha_opt_pubkey, (2) recaptcha_opt_privkey, (3) re_tabindex, (4) error_blank, (5) error_incorrect, (6) mailhide_pub, (7) mailhide_priv, (8) mh_replace_link, or (9) mh_replace_title parameter.
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