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There are 747 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-5632 Longse NVR (Network Video Recorder) model NVR3608PGE2W, as well as products based on this device, create a WiFi network with a default password. A user is neither advised to change it during the installation process, nor such a need is described in the manual. As the cameras from the same kit connect automatically, it is very probable for the default password to be left unchanged.
CVE-2024-5615 The Open Graph plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Sensitive Information Exposure in all versions up to, and including, 1.11.2 via the 'opengraph_default_description' function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to extract sensitive data including partial content of password-protected blog posts.
CVE-2024-4106 A vulnerability has been found in FAST/TOOLS and CI Server. The affected products have built-in accounts with no passwords set. Therefore, if the product is operated without a password set by default, an attacker can break into the affected product. The affected products and versions are as follows: FAST/TOOLS (Packages: RVSVRN, UNSVRN, HMIWEB, FTEES, HMIMOB) R9.01 to R10.04 CI Server R1.01.00 to R1.03.00
CVE-2024-39345 AdTran 834-5 HDC17600021F1 (SmartOS devices enable the SSH service by default and have a hidden, undocumented, hard-coded support account whose password is based on the devices MAC address. All of the devices internet interfaces share a similar MAC address that only varies in their final octet. This allows network-adjacent attackers to derive the support user's SSH password by decrementing the final octet of the connected gateway address or via the BSSID. An attacker can then execute arbitrary OS commands with root-level privileges.
CVE-2024-38466 Shenzhen Guoxin Synthesis image system before 8.3.0 has a 123456Qw default password.
CVE-2024-37897 SFTPGo is a full-featured and highly configurable SFTP, HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV server - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob. SFTPGo WebAdmin and WebClient support password reset. This feature is disabled in the default configuration. In SFTPGo versions prior to v2.6.1, if the feature is enabled, even users with access restrictions (e.g. expired) can reset their password and log in. Users are advised to upgrade to version 2.6.1. Users unable to upgrade may keep the password reset feature disabled or set a blank email address for users and admins with access restrictions so they cannot receive the email with the reset code and exploit the vulnerability.
CVE-2024-34696 GeoServer is an open source server that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. Starting in version 2.10.0 and prior to versions 2.24.4 and 2.25.1, GeoServer's Server Status page and REST API lists all environment variables and Java properties to any GeoServer user with administrative rights as part of those modules' status message. These variables/properties can also contain sensitive information, such as database passwords or API keys/tokens. Additionally, many community-developed GeoServer container images `export` other credentials from their start-up scripts as environment variables to the GeoServer (`java`) process. The precise scope of the issue depends on which container image is used and how it is configured. The `about status` API endpoint which powers the Server Status page is only available to administrators.Depending on the operating environment, administrators might have legitimate access to credentials in other ways, but this issue defeats more sophisticated controls (like break-glass access to secrets or role accounts).By default, GeoServer only allows same-origin authenticated API access. This limits the scope for a third-party attacker to use an administrator’s credentials to gain access to credentials. The researchers who found the vulnerability were unable to determine any other conditions under which the GeoServer REST API may be available more broadly. Users should update container images to use GeoServer 2.24.4 or 2.25.1 to get the bug fix. As a workaround, leave environment variables and Java system properties hidden by default. Those who provide the option to re-enable it should communicate the impact and risks so that users can make an informed choice.
CVE-2024-32741 A vulnerability has been identified in SIMATIC CN 4100 (All versions < V3.0). The affected device contains hard coded password which is used for the privileged system user `root` and for the boot loader `GRUB` by default . An attacker who manages to crack the password hash gains root access to the device.
CVE-2024-32213 The LoMag WareHouse Management application version and older were found to allow weak passwords. By default, hard-coded passwords of 10 characters with little or no complexity are allowed.
CVE-2024-32210 The LoMag WareHouse Management application version and older were to utilize hard-coded passwords by default for forms and SQL connections.
CVE-2024-31991 Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager and meal planner. Prior to 1.4.0, the safe_scrape_html function utilizes a user-controlled URL to issue a request to a remote server. Based on the content of the response, it will either parse the content or disregard it. This function, nor those that call it, add any restrictions on the URL that can be provided, nor is it restricted to being an FQDN (i.e., an IP address can be provided). As this function&#8217;s return will be handled differently by its caller depending on the response, it is possible for an attacker to use this functionality to positively identify HTTP(s) servers on the local network with any IP/port combination. This issue can result in any authenticated user being able to map HTTP servers on a local network that the Mealie service has access to. Note that by default any user can create an account on a Mealie server, and that the default user is available with its hard-coded password. This vulnerability is fixed in 1.4.0.
CVE-2024-31970 AdTran SRG 834-5 HDC17600021F1 devices (with SmartOS and fixed in Version have SSH enabled by default, accessible both over the LAN and the Internet. During a window of time when the device is being set up, it uses a default username and password combination of admin/admin with root-level privileges. An attacker can exploit this window to gain unauthorized root access by either modifying the existing admin account or creating a new account with equivalent privileges. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
CVE-2024-31464 XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform. Starting in version 5.0-rc-1 and prior to versions 14.10.19, 15.5.4, and 15.9-rc-1, it is possible to access the hash of a password by using the diff feature of the history whenever the object storing the password is deleted. Using that vulnerability it's possible for an attacker to have access to the hash password of a user if they have rights to edit the users' page. With the default right scheme in XWiki this vulnerability is normally prevented on user profiles, except by users with Admin rights. Note that this vulnerability also impacts any extensions that might use passwords stored in xobjects: for those usecases it depends on the right of those pages. There is currently no way to be 100% sure that this vulnerability has been exploited, as an attacker with enough privilege could have deleted the revision where the xobject was deleted after rolling-back the deletion. But again, this operation requires high privileges on the target page (Admin right). A page with a user password xobject which have in its history a revision where the object has been deleted should be considered at risk and the password should be changed there. a diff, to ensure it's not coming from a password field. As another mitigation, admins should ensure that the user pages are properly protected: the edit right shouldn't be allowed for other users than Admin and owner of the profile (which is the default right). There is not much workaround possible for a privileged user other than upgrading XWiki.
CVE-2024-31391 Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File vulnerability in the Apache Solr Operator. This issue affects all versions of the Apache Solr Operator from 0.3.0 through 0.8.0. When asked to bootstrap Solr security, the operator will enable basic authentication and create several accounts for accessing Solr: including the "solr" and "admin" accounts for use by end-users, and a "k8s-oper" account which the operator uses for its own requests to Solr. One common source of these operator requests is healthchecks: liveness, readiness, and startup probes are all used to determine Solr's health and ability to receive traffic. By default, the operator configures the Solr APIs used for these probes to be exempt from authentication, but users may specifically request that authentication be required on probe endpoints as well. Whenever one of these probes would fail, if authentication was in use, the Solr Operator would create a Kubernetes "event" containing the username and password of the "k8s-oper" account. Within the affected version range, this vulnerability affects any solrcloud resource which (1) bootstrapped security through use of the `` option, and (2) required authentication be used on probes by setting ``. Users are recommended to upgrade to Solr Operator version 0.8.1, which fixes this issue by ensuring that probes no longer print the credentials used for Solr requests. Users may also mitigate the vulnerability by disabling authentication on their healthcheck probes using the setting ``.
CVE-2024-31069 IO-1020 Micro ELD web server uses a default password for authentication.
CVE-2024-30210 IO-1020 Micro ELD uses a default WIFI password that could allow an adjacent attacker to connect to the device.
CVE-2024-29844 Default credentials on the Web Interface of Evolution Controller 2.x (123 and 123) allows anyone to log in to the server directly to perform administrative functions. Upon installation or upon first login, the application does not ask the user to change the password. There is no warning or prompt to ask the user to change the default password.
CVE-2024-29737 In streampark, the project module integrates Maven's compilation capabilities. The input parameter validation is not strict, allowing attackers to insert commands for remote command execution, The prerequisite for a successful attack is that the user needs to log in to the streampark system and have system-level permissions. Generally, only users of that system have the authorization to log in, and users would not manually input a dangerous operation command. Therefore, the risk level of this vulnerability is very low. Mitigation: all users should upgrade to 2.1.4 Background info: Log in to Streampark using the default username (e.g. test1, test2, test3) and the default password (streampark). Navigate to the Project module, then add a new project. Enter the git repository address of the project and input `touch /tmp/success_2.1.2` as the "Build Argument". Note that there is no verification and interception of the special character "`". As a result, you will find that this injection command will be successfully executed after executing the build. In the latest version, the special symbol ` is intercepted.
CVE-2024-29666 Insecure Permissions vulnerability in Vehicle Monitoring platform system CMSV6 v. through v. allows a remote attacker to escalate privileges via the default password component.
CVE-2024-28862 The Ruby One Time Password library (ROTP) is an open source library for generating and validating one time passwords. Affected versions had overly permissive default permissions. Users should patch to version 6.3.0. Users unable to patch may correct file permissions after installation.
CVE-2024-2859 By default, SANnav OVA is shipped with root user login enabled. While protected by a password, access to root could expose SANnav to a remote attacker should they gain access to the root account.
CVE-2024-27295 Directus is a real-time API and App dashboard for managing SQL database content. The password reset mechanism of the Directus backend allows attackers to receive a password reset email of a victim user, specifically having it arrive at a similar email address as the victim with a one or more characters changed to use accents. This is due to the fact that by default MySQL/MariaDB are configured for accent-insensitive and case-insensitive comparisons. This vulnerability is fixed in version 10.8.3.
CVE-2024-26133 EventStoreDB (ESDB) is an operational database built to store events. A vulnerability has been identified in the projections subsystem in versions 20 prior to 20.10.6, 21 prior to 21.10.11, 22 prior to 22.10.5, and 23 prior to 23.10.1. Only database instances that use custom projections are affected by this vulnerability. User passwords may become accessible to those who have access to the chunk files on disk, and users who have read access to system streams. Only users in the `$admins` group can access system streams by default. ESDB 23.10.1, 22.10.5, 21.10.11, and 20.10.6 contain a patch for this issue. Users should upgrade EventStoreDB, reset the passwords for current and previous members of `$admins` and `$ops` groups, and, if a password was reused in any other system, reset it in those systems to a unique password to follow best practices. If an upgrade cannot be done immediately, reset the passwords for current and previous members of `$admins` and `$ops` groups. Avoid creating custom projections until the patch has been applied.
CVE-2024-25729 Arris SBG6580 devices have predictable default WPA2 security passwords that could lead to unauthorized remote access. (They use the first 6 characters of the SSID and the last 6 characters of the BSSID, decrementing the last octet.)
CVE-2024-25607 The default password hashing algorithm (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1) in Liferay Portal 7.2.0 through, and older unsupported versions, and Liferay DXP 7.4 before update 16, 7.3 before update 4, 7.2 before fix pack 17, and older unsupported versions defaults to a low work factor, which allows attackers to quickly crack password hashes.
CVE-2024-24749 GeoServer is an open source server that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. Prior to versions 2.23.5 and 2.24.3, if GeoServer is deployed in the Windows operating system using an Apache Tomcat web application server, it is possible to bypass existing input validation in the GeoWebCache ByteStreamController class and read arbitrary classpath resources with specific file name extensions. If GeoServer is also deployed as a web archive using the data directory embedded in the `geoserver.war` file (rather than an external data directory), it will likely be possible to read specific resources to gain administrator privileges. However, it is very unlikely that production environments will be using the embedded data directory since, depending on how GeoServer is deployed, it will be erased and re-installed (which would also reset to the default password) either every time the server restarts or every time a new GeoServer WAR is installed and is therefore difficult to maintain. An external data directory will always be used if GeoServer is running in standalone mode (via an installer or a binary). Versions 2.23.5 and 2.24.3 contain a patch for the issue. Some workarounds are available. One may change from a Windows environment to a Linux environment; or change from Apache Tomcat to Jetty application server. One may also disable anonymous access to the embeded GeoWebCache administration and status pages.
CVE-2024-22355 IBM QRadar Suite Products through and IBM Cloud Pak for Security through does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 280781.
CVE-2024-21653 The vantage6 technology enables to manage and deploy privacy enhancing technologies like Federated Learning (FL) and Multi-Party Computation (MPC). Nodes and servers get a ssh config by default that permits root login with password authentication. In a proper deployment, the SSH service is not exposed so there is no risk, but not all deployments are ideal. The default should therefore be less permissive. The vulnerability can be mitigated by removing the ssh part from the docker file and rebuilding the docker image. Version 4.2.0 patches the vulnerability.
CVE-2024-0840 The Grandstream UCM Series IP PBX before firmware version is affected by a parameter injection vulnerability in the HTTP interface. A remote and authenticated attacker can execute arbitrary code by sending a crafted HTTP request. Authentication may be possible using a default user and password. Affected models are the UCM6202, UCM6204, UCM6208, and UCM6510.
CVE-2024-0819 Improper initialization of default settings in TeamViewer Remote Client prior version 15.51.5 for Windows, Linux and macOS, allow a low privileged user to elevate privileges by changing the personal password setting and establishing a remote connection to a logged-in admin account.
CVE-2023-6448 Unitronics VisiLogic before version 9.9.00, used in Vision and Samba PLCs and HMIs, uses a default administrative password. An unauthenticated attacker with network access can take administrative control of a vulnerable system.
CVE-2023-5754 Sielco PolyEco1000 uses a weak set of default administrative credentials that can be easily guessed in remote password attacks and gain full control of the system.
CVE-2023-5536 A feature in LXD (LP#1829071), affects the default configuration of Ubuntu Server which allows privileged users in the lxd group to escalate their privilege to root without requiring a sudo password.
CVE-2023-51982 CrateDB 5.5.1 is contains an authentication bypass vulnerability in the Admin UI component. After configuring password authentication and_ Local_ In the case of an address, identity authentication can be bypassed by setting the X-Real IP request header to a specific value and accessing the Admin UI directly using the default user identity.(
CVE-2023-50719 XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform. Starting in 7.2-milestone-2 and prior to versions 14.10.15, 15.5.2, and 15.7-rc-1, the Solr-based search in XWiki discloses the password hashes of all users to anyone with view right on the respective user profiles. By default, all user profiles are public. This vulnerability also affects any configurations used by extensions that contain passwords like API keys that are viewable for the attacker. Normally, such passwords aren't accessible but this vulnerability would disclose them as plain text. This has been patched in XWiki 14.10.15, 15.5.2 and 15.7RC1. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-50305 IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 273336.
CVE-2023-50291 Insufficiently Protected Credentials vulnerability in Apache Solr. This issue affects Apache Solr: from 6.0.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.3.0. One of the two endpoints that publishes the Solr process' Java system properties, /admin/info/properties, was only setup to hide system properties that had "password" contained in the name. There are a number of sensitive system properties, such as "basicauth" and "aws.secretKey" do not contain "password", thus their values were published via the "/admin/info/properties" endpoint. This endpoint populates the list of System Properties on the home screen of the Solr Admin page, making the exposed credentials visible in the UI. This /admin/info/properties endpoint is protected under the "config-read" permission. Therefore, Solr Clouds with Authorization enabled will only be vulnerable through logged-in users that have the "config-read" permission. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 9.3.0 or 8.11.3, which fixes the issue. A single option now controls hiding Java system property for all endpoints, "-Dsolr.hiddenSysProps". By default all known sensitive properties are hidden (including "-Dbasicauth"), as well as any property with a name containing "secret" or "password". Users who cannot upgrade can also use the following Java system property to fix the issue: '-Dsolr.redaction.system.pattern=.*(password|secret|basicauth).*'
CVE-2023-50125 A default engineer password set on the Hozard alarm system (Alarmsysteem) v1.0 allows an attacker to bring the alarm system to a disarmed state.
CVE-2023-49280 XWiki Change Request is an XWiki application allowing to request changes on a wiki without publishing directly the changes. Change request allows to edit any page by default, and the changes are then exported in an XML file that anyone can download. So it's possible for an attacker to obtain password hash of users by performing an edit on the user profiles and then downloading the XML file that has been created. This is also true for any document that might contain password field and that a user can view. This vulnerability impacts all version of Change Request, but the impact depends on the rights that has been set on the wiki since it requires for the user to have the Change request right (allowed by default) and view rights on the page to target. This issue cannot be easily exploited in an automated way. The patch consists in denying to users the right of editing pages that contains a password field with change request. It means that already existing change request for those pages won't be removed by the patch, administrators needs to take care of it. The patch is provided in Change Request 1.10, administrators should upgrade immediately. It's possible to workaround the vulnerability by denying manually the Change request right on some spaces, such as XWiki space which will include any user profile by default.
CVE-2023-48241 XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform. Starting in version 6.3-milestone-2 and prior to versions 14.10.15, 15.5.1, and 15.6RC1, the Solr-based search suggestion provider that also duplicates as generic JavaScript API for search results in XWiki exposes the content of all documents of all wikis to anybody who has access to it, by default it is public. This exposes all information stored in the wiki (but not some protected information like password hashes). While there is a right check normally, the right check can be circumvented by explicitly requesting fields from Solr that don't include the data for the right check. This has been fixed in XWiki 15.6RC1, 15.5.1 and 14.10.15 by not listing documents whose rights cannot be checked. No known workarounds are available.
CVE-2023-47800 Natus NeuroWorks and SleepWorks before 8.4 GMA3 utilize a default password of xltek for the Microsoft SQL Server service sa account, allowing a threat actor to perform remote code execution, data exfiltration, or other nefarious actions such as tampering with data or destroying/disrupting MSSQL services.
CVE-2023-47352 Technicolor TC8715D devices have predictable default WPA2 security passwords. An attacker who scans for SSID and BSSID values may be able to predict these passwords.
CVE-2023-4645 The Ad Inserter for WordPress is vulnerable to Sensitive Information Exposure in versions up to, and including, 2.7.30 via the ai_ajax function. This can allow unauthenticated attackers to extract sensitive data such as post titles and slugs (including those of protected posts along with their passwords), usernames, available roles, the plugin license key provided the remote debugging option is enabled. In the default state it is disabled.
CVE-2023-46249 authentik is an open-source Identity Provider. Prior to versions 2023.8.4 and 2023.10.2, when the default admin user has been deleted, it is potentially possible for an attacker to set the password of the default admin user without any authentication. authentik uses a blueprint to create the default admin user, which can also optionally set the default admin users' password from an environment variable. When the user is deleted, the `initial-setup` flow used to configure authentik after the first installation becomes available again. authentik 2023.8.4 and 2023.10.2 fix this issue. As a workaround, ensure the default admin user (Username `akadmin`) exists and has a password set. It is recommended to use a very strong password for this user, and store it in a secure location like a password manager. It is also possible to deactivate the user to prevent any logins as akadmin.
CVE-2023-46233 crypto-js is a JavaScript library of crypto standards. Prior to version 4.2.0, crypto-js PBKDF2 is 1,000 times weaker than originally specified in 1993, and at least 1,300,000 times weaker than current industry standard. This is because it both defaults to SHA1, a cryptographic hash algorithm considered insecure since at least 2005, and defaults to one single iteration, a 'strength' or 'difficulty' value specified at 1,000 when specified in 1993. PBKDF2 relies on iteration count as a countermeasure to preimage and collision attacks. If used to protect passwords, the impact is high. If used to generate signatures, the impact is high. Version 4.2.0 contains a patch for this issue. As a workaround, configure crypto-js to use SHA256 with at least 250,000 iterations.
CVE-2023-46138 JumpServer is an open source bastion host and maintenance security audit system that complies with 4A specifications. Prior to version 3.8.0, the default email for initial user admin is `admin[@]mycompany[.]com`, and users reset their passwords by sending an email. Currently, the domain `` has not been registered. However, if it is registered in the future, it may affect the password reset functionality. This issue has been patched in version 3.8.0 by changing the default email domain to ``. Those who cannot upgrade may change the default email domain to `` manually.
CVE-2023-46133 CryptoES is a cryptography algorithms library compatible with ES6 and TypeScript. Prior to version 2.1.0, CryptoES PBKDF2 is 1,000 times weaker than originally specified in 1993, and at least 1,300,000 times weaker than current industry standard. This is because it both defaults to SHA1, a cryptographic hash algorithm considered insecure since at least 2005, and defaults to one single iteration, a 'strength' or 'difficulty' value specified at 1,000 when specified in 1993. PBKDF2 relies on iteration count as a countermeasure to preimage and collision attacks. If used to protect passwords, the impact is high. If used to generate signatures, the impact is high. Version 2.1.0 contains a patch for this issue. As a workaround, configure CryptoES to use SHA256 with at least 250,000 iterations.
CVE-2023-45249 Remote command execution due to use of default passwords. The following products are affected: Acronis Cyber Infrastructure (ACI) before build 5.0.1-61, Acronis Cyber Infrastructure (ACI) before build 5.1.1-71, Acronis Cyber Infrastructure (ACI) before build 5.2.1-69, Acronis Cyber Infrastructure (ACI) before build 5.3.1-53, Acronis Cyber Infrastructure (ACI) before build 5.4.4-132.
CVE-2023-44324 Adobe FrameMaker Publishing Server versions 2022 and earlier are affected by an Improper Authentication vulnerability that could result in a Security feature bypass. An unauthenticated attacker can abuse this vulnerability to access the API and leak default admin's password. Exploitation of this issue does not require user interaction.
CVE-2023-43042 IBM SAN Volume Controller, IBM Storwize, IBM FlashSystem and IBM Storage Virtualize 8.3 products use default passwords for a privileged user. IBM X-Force ID: 266874.
CVE-2023-41967 Sensitive information uncleared after debug/power state transition in the Controller 6000 could be abused by an attacker with knowledge of the Controller's default diagnostic password and physical access to the Controller to view its configuration through the diagnostic web pages. This issue affects: Gallagher Controller 6000 8.70 prior to vCR8.70.231204a (distributed in 8.70.2375 (MR5)), v8.60 or earlier.
CVE-2023-41878 MeterSphere is a one-stop open source continuous testing platform, covering functions such as test tracking, interface testing, UI testing and performance testing. The Selenium VNC config used in Metersphere is using a weak password by default, attackers can login to vnc and obtain high permissions. This issue has been addressed in version 2.10.7 LTS. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-41595 An issue in xui-xray v1.8.3 allows attackers to obtain sensitive information via default password.
CVE-2023-4154 A design flaw was found in Samba's DirSync control implementation, which exposes passwords and secrets in Active Directory to privileged users and Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODCs). This flaw allows RODCs and users possessing the GET_CHANGES right to access all attributes, including sensitive secrets and passwords. Even in a default setup, RODC DC accounts, which should only replicate some passwords, can gain access to all domain secrets, including the vital krbtgt, effectively eliminating the RODC / DC distinction. Furthermore, the vulnerability fails to account for error conditions (fail open), like out-of-memory situations, potentially granting access to secret attributes, even under low-privileged attacker influence.
CVE-2023-41010 Insecure Permissions vulnerability in Sichuan Tianyi Kanghe Communication Co., Ltd China Telecom Tianyi Home Gateway v.TEWA-700G allows a local attacker to obtain sensitive information via the default password parameter.
CVE-2023-38994 The 'check_univention_joinstatus' prometheus monitoring script (and other scripts) in UCS 5.0-5 revealed the LDAP plaintext password of the machine account in the process list allowing attackers with local ssh access to gain higher privileges and perform followup attacks. By default, the configuration of UCS does not allow local ssh access for regular users.
CVE-2023-38369 IBM Security Access Manager Container through does not require that docker images should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 261196.
CVE-2023-37755 i-doit pro 25 and below and I-doit open 25 and below are configured with insecure default administrator credentials, and there is no warning or prompt to ask users to change the default password and account name. Unauthenticated attackers can exploit this vulnerability to obtain Administrator privileges, resulting in them being able to perform arbitrary system operations or cause a Denial of Service (DoS).
CVE-2023-35837 An issue was discovered in SolaX Pocket WiFi 3 through 3.001.02. Authentication for web interface is completed via an unauthenticated WiFi AP. The administrative password for the web interface has a default password, equal to the registration ID of the device. This same registration ID is used as the WiFi SSID name. No routine is in place to force a change to this password on first use or bring its default state to the attention of the user. Once authenticated, an attacker can reconfigure the device or upload new firmware, both of which can lead to Denial of Service, code execution, or Escalation of Privileges.
CVE-2023-34258 An issue was discovered in BMC Patrol before 22.1.00. The agent's configuration can be remotely queried. This configuration contains the Patrol account password, encrypted with a default AES key. This account can then be used to achieve remote code execution.
CVE-2023-34237 SABnzbd is an open source automated Usenet download tool. A design flaw was discovered in SABnzbd that could allow remote code execution. Manipulating the Parameters setting in the Notification Script functionality allows code execution with the privileges of the SABnzbd process. Exploiting the vulnerabilities requires access to the web interface. Remote exploitation is possible if users[exposed their setup to the internet or other untrusted networks without setting a username/password. By default SABnzbd is only accessible from `localhost`, with no authentication required for the web interface. This issue has been patched in commits `e3a722` and `422b4f` which have been included in the 4.0.2 release. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should ensure that a username and password have been set if their instance is web accessible.
CVE-2023-34235 Strapi is an open-source headless content management system. Prior to version 4.10.8, it is possible to leak private fields if one is using the `t(number)` prefix. Knex query allows users to change the default prefix. For example, if someone changes the prefix to be the same as it was before or to another table they want to query, the query changes from `password` to `t1.password`. `password` is protected by filtering protections but `t1.password` is not protected. This can lead to filtering attacks on everything related to the object again, including admin passwords and reset-tokens. Version 4.10.8 fixes this issue.
CVE-2023-3326 pam_krb5 authenticates a user by essentially running kinit with the password, getting a ticket-granting ticket (tgt) from the Kerberos KDC (Key Distribution Center) over the network, as a way to verify the password. However, if a keytab is not provisioned on the system, pam_krb5 has no way to validate the response from the KDC, and essentially trusts the tgt provided over the network as being valid. In a non-default FreeBSD installation that leverages pam_krb5 for authentication and does not have a keytab provisioned, an attacker that is able to control both the password and the KDC responses can return a valid tgt, allowing authentication to occur for any user on the system.
CVE-2023-32682 Synapse is a Matrix protocol homeserver written in Python with the Twisted framework. In affected versions it may be possible for a deactivated user to login when using uncommon configurations. This only applies if any of the following are true: 1. JSON Web Tokens are enabled for login via the `jwt_config.enabled` configuration setting. 2. The local password database is enabled via the `password_config.enabled` and `password_config.localdb_enabled` configuration settings *and* a user's password is updated via an admin API after a user is deactivated. Note that the local password database is enabled by default, but it is uncommon to set a user's password after they've been deactivated. Installations that are configured to only allow login via Single Sign-On (SSO) via CAS, SAML or OpenID Connect (OIDC); or via an external password provider (e.g. LDAP) are not affected. If not using JSON Web Tokens, ensure that deactivated users do not have a password set. This issue has been addressed in version 1.85.0. Users are advised to upgrade.
CVE-2023-31634 In TeslaMate before 1.27.2, there is unauthorized access to port 4000 for remote viewing and operation of user data. After accessing the IP address for the TeslaMate instance, an attacker can switch the port to 3000 to enter Grafana for remote operations. At that time, the default username and password can be used to enter the Grafana management console without logging in, a related issue to CVE-2022-23126.
CVE-2023-31492 Zoho ManageEngine ADManager Plus version 7182 and prior disclosed the default passwords for the account restoration of unauthorized domains to the authenticated users.
CVE-2023-31417 Elasticsearch generally filters out sensitive information and credentials before logging to the audit log. It was found that this filtering was not applied when requests to Elasticsearch use certain deprecated URIs for APIs. The impact of this flaw is that sensitive information such as passwords and tokens might be printed in cleartext in Elasticsearch audit logs. Note that audit logging is disabled by default and needs to be explicitly enabled and even when audit logging is enabled, request bodies that could contain sensitive information are not printed to the audit log unless explicitly configured.
CVE-2023-30603 Hitron Technologies CODA-5310 Telnet function with the default account and password, and there is no warning or prompt to ask users to change the default password and account. An unauthenticated remote attackers can exploit this vulnerability to obtain the administrator&#8217;s privilege, resulting in performing arbitrary system operation or disrupt service.
CVE-2023-30352 Shenzen Tenda Technology IP Camera CP3 V11.10.00.2211041355 was discovered to contain a hard-coded default password for the RTSP feed.
CVE-2023-30351 Shenzen Tenda Technology IP Camera CP3 V11.10.00.2211041355 was discovered to contain a hard-coded default password for root which is stored using weak encryption. This vulnerability allows attackers to connect to the TELNET service (or UART) by using the exposed credentials.
CVE-2023-29193 SpiceDB is an open source, Google Zanzibar-inspired, database system for creating and managing security-critical application permissions. The `spicedb serve` command contains a flag named `--grpc-preshared-key` which is used to protect the gRPC API from being accessed by unauthorized requests. The values of this flag are to be considered sensitive, secret data. The `/debug/pprof/cmdline` endpoint served by the metrics service (defaulting running on port `9090`) reveals the command-line flags provided for debugging purposes. If a password is set via the `--grpc-preshared-key` then the key is revealed by this endpoint along with any other flags provided to the SpiceDB binary. This issue has been fixed in version 1.19.1. ### Impact All deployments abiding by the recommended best practices for production usage are **NOT affected**: - Authzed's SpiceDB Serverless - Authzed's SpiceDB Dedicated - SpiceDB Operator Users configuring SpiceDB via environment variables are **NOT affected**. Users **MAY be affected** if they expose their metrics port to an untrusted network and are configuring `--grpc-preshared-key` via command-line flag. ### Patches TODO ### Workarounds To workaround this issue you can do one of the following: - Configure the preshared key via an environment variable (e.g. `SPICEDB_GRPC_PRESHARED_KEY=yoursecret spicedb serve`) - Reconfigure the `--metrics-addr` flag to bind to a trusted network (e.g. `--metrics-addr=localhost:9090`) - Disable the metrics service via the flag (e.g. `--metrics-enabled=false`) - Adopt one of the recommended deployment models: [Authzed's managed services]( or the [SpiceDB Operator]( ### References - [GitHub Security Advisory issued for SpiceDB]( - [Go issue #22085]( for documenting the risks of exposing pprof to the internet - [Go issue #42834]( discusses preventing pprof registration to the default serve mux - [semgrep rule]( checks for a variation of this issue ### Credit We'd like to thank Amit Laish, a security researcher at GE Vernova for responsibly disclosing this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-28630 GoCD is an open source continuous delivery server. In GoCD versions from 20.5.0 and below 23.1.0, if the server environment is not correctly configured by administrators to provide access to the relevant PostgreSQL or MySQL backup tools, the credentials for database access may be unintentionally leaked to admin alerts on the GoCD user interface. The vulnerability is triggered only if the GoCD server host is misconfigured to have backups enabled, but does not have access to the `pg_dump` or `mysqldump` utility tools to backup the configured database type (PostgreSQL or MySQL respectively). In such cases, failure to launch the expected backup utility reports the shell environment used to attempt to launch in the server admin alert, which includes the plaintext database password supplied to the configured tool. This vulnerability does not affect backups of the default on-disk H2 database that GoCD is configured to use. This issue has been addressed and fixed in GoCD 23.1.0. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may disable backups, or administrators should ensure that the required `pg_dump` (PostgreSQL) or `mysqldump` (MySQL) binaries are available on the GoCD server when backups are triggered.
CVE-2023-27974 ** DISPUTED ** Bitwarden through 2023.2.1 offers password auto-fill when the second-level domain matches, e.g., a password stored for an hosting provider when is visited. NOTE: the vendor's position is that "Auto-fill on page load" is not enabled by default.
CVE-2023-26490 mailcow is a dockerized email package, with multiple containers linked in one bridged network. The Sync Job feature - which can be made available to standard users by assigning them the necessary permission - suffers from a shell command injection. A malicious user can abuse this vulnerability to obtain shell access to the Docker container running dovecot. The imapsync Perl script implements all the necessary functionality for this feature, including the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism. This code path creates a shell command to call openssl. However, since different parts of the specified user password are included without any validation, one can simply execute additional shell commands. Notably, the default ACL for a newly-created mailcow account does not include the necessary permission. The Issue has been fixed within the 2023-03 Update (March 3rd 2023). As a temporary workaround the Syncjob ACL can be removed from all mailbox users, preventing from creating or changing existing Syncjobs.
CVE-2023-26269 Apache James server version 3.7.3 and earlier provides a JMX management service without authentication by default. This allows privilege escalation by a malicious local user. Administrators are advised to disable JMX, or set up a JMX password. Note that version 3.7.4 onward will set up a JMX password automatically for Guice users.
CVE-2023-25187 An issue was discovered on NOKIA Airscale ASIKA Single RAN devices before 21B. Nokia Single RAN commissioning procedures do not change (factory-time installed) default SSH public/private key values that are specific to a network operator. As a result, the CSP internal BTS network SSH server (disabled by default) continues to apply the default SSH public/private key values. These keys don't give access to BTS, because service user authentication is username/password-based on top of SSH. Nokia factory installed default SSH keys are meant to be changed from operator-specific values during the BTS deployment commissioning phase. However, before the 21B release, BTS commissioning manuals did not provide instructions to change default SSH keys (to BTS operator-specific values). This leads to a possibility for malicious operations staff (inside a CSP network) to attempt MITM exploitation of BTS service user access, during the moments that SSH is enabled for Nokia service personnel to perform troubleshooting activities.
CVE-2023-25131 Use of default password vulnerability in PowerPanel Business Local/Remote for Windows v4.8.6 and earlier, PowerPanel Business Management for Windows v4.8.6 and earlier, PowerPanel Business Local/Remote for Linux 32bit v4.8.6 and earlier, PowerPanel Business Local/Remote for Linux 64bit v4.8.6 and earlier, PowerPanel Business Management for Linux 32bit v4.8.6 and earlier, PowerPanel Business Management for Linux 64bit v4.8.6 and earlier, PowerPanel Business Local/Remote for MacOS v4.8.6 and earlier, and PowerPanel Business Management for MacOS v4.8.6 and earlier allows remote attackers to log in to the server directly to perform administrative functions. Upon installation or upon first login, the application does not ask the user to change the 'admin' password.
CVE-2023-24055 ** DISPUTED ** KeePass through 2.53 (in a default installation) allows an attacker, who has write access to the XML configuration file, to obtain the cleartext passwords by adding an export trigger. NOTE: the vendor's position is that the password database is not intended to be secure against an attacker who has that level of access to the local PC.
CVE-2023-23451 The Flexi Classic and Flexi Soft Gateways SICK UE410-EN3 FLEXI ETHERNET GATEW. with serial number <=2311xxxx all Firmware versions, SICK UE410-EN1 FLEXI ETHERNET GATEW. with serial number <=2311xxxx all Firmware versions, SICK UE410-EN3S04 FLEXI ETHERNET GATEW. with serial number <=2311xxxx all Firmware versions, SICK UE410-EN4 FLEXI ETHERNET GATEW. with serial number <=2311xxxx all Firmware versions, SICK FX0-GENT00000 FLEXISOFT EIP GATEW. with serial number <=2311xxxx with Firmware <=V2.11.0, SICK FX0-GMOD00000 FLEXISOFT MOD GATEW. with serial number <=2311xxxx with Firmware <=V2.11.0, SICK FX0-GPNT00000 FLEXISOFT PNET GATEW. with serial number <=2311xxxx with Firmware <=V2.12.0, SICK FX0-GENT00030 FLEXISOFT EIP GATEW.V2 with serial number <=2311xxxx all Firmware versions, SICK FX0-GPNT00030 FLEXISOFT PNET GATEW.V2 with serial number <=2311xxxx all Firmware versions and SICK FX0-GMOD00010 FLEXISOFT MOD GW with serial number <=2311xxxx with Firmware <=V2.11.0 all have Telnet enabled by factory default. No password is set in the default configuration.
CVE-2023-22906 Hero Qubo HCD01_02_V1.38_20220125 devices allow TELNET access with root privileges by default, without a password.
CVE-2023-22481 FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS feed aggregator. When using the greader API, the provided password is logged in clear in `users/_/log_api.txt` in the case where the authentication fails. The issues occurs in `authorizationToUser()` in `greader.php`. If there is an issue with the request or the credentials, `unauthorized()` or `badRequest()` is called. Both these functions are printing the return of `debugInfo()` in the logs. `debugInfo()` will return the content of the request. By default, this will be saved in `users/_/log_api.txt` and if the const `COPY_LOG_TO_SYSLOG` is true, in syslogs as well. Exploiting this issue requires having access to logs produced by FreshRSS. Using the information from the logs, a malicious individual could get users' API keys (would be displayed if the users fills in a bad username) or passwords.
CVE-2023-22451 Kiwi TCMS is an open source test management system. In version 11.6 and prior, when users register new accounts and/or change passwords, there is no validation in place which would prevent them from picking an easy to guess password. This issue is resolved by providing defaults for the `AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS` configuration setting. As of version 11.7, the password can&#8217;t be too similar to other personal information, must contain at least 10 characters, can&#8217;t be a commonly used password, and can&#8217;t be entirely numeric. As a workaround, an administrator may reset all passwords in Kiwi TCMS if they think a weak password may have been chosen.
CVE-2023-20269 A vulnerability in the remote access VPN feature of Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Software and Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to conduct a brute force attack in an attempt to identify valid username and password combinations or an authenticated, remote attacker to establish a clientless SSL VPN session with an unauthorized user. This vulnerability is due to improper separation of authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) between the remote access VPN feature and the HTTPS management and site-to-site VPN features. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by specifying a default connection profile/tunnel group while conducting a brute force attack or while establishing a clientless SSL VPN session using valid credentials. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to achieve one or both of the following: Identify valid credentials that could then be used to establish an unauthorized remote access VPN session. Establish a clientless SSL VPN session (only when running Cisco ASA Software Release 9.16 or earlier). Notes: Establishing a client-based remote access VPN tunnel is not possible as these default connection profiles/tunnel groups do not and cannot have an IP address pool configured. This vulnerability does not allow an attacker to bypass authentication. To successfully establish a remote access VPN session, valid credentials are required, including a valid second factor if multi-factor authentication (MFA) is configured. Cisco will release software updates that address this vulnerability. There are workarounds that address this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-1944 This vulnerability enables ssh access to minikube container using a default password.
CVE-2023-1778 This vulnerability exists in GajShield Data Security Firewall firmware versions prior to v4.28 (except v4.21) due to insecure default credentials which allows remote attacker to login as superuser by using default username/password via web-based management interface and/or exposed SSH port thereby enabling remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands with administrative/superuser privileges on the targeted systems. The vulnerability has been addressed by forcing the user to change their default password to a new non-default password.
CVE-2023-0922 The Samba AD DC administration tool, when operating against a remote LDAP server, will by default send new or reset passwords over a signed-only connection.
CVE-2023-0896 A default password was reported in Lenovo Smart Clock Essential with Alexa Built In that could allow unauthorized device access to an attacker with local network access.
CVE-2023-0444 A privilege escalation vulnerability exists in Delta Electronics InfraSuite Device Master 00.00.02a. A default user 'User', which is in the 'Read Only User' group, can view the password of another default user 'Administrator', which is in the 'Administrator' group. This allows any lower privileged user to log in as an administrator.
CVE-2023-0352 The Akuvox E11 password recovery webpage can be accessed without authentication, and an attacker could download the device key file. An attacker could then use this page to reset the password back to the default.
CVE-2023-0345 The Akuvox E11 secure shell (SSH) server is enabled by default and can be accessed by the root user. This password cannot be changed by the user.
CVE-2022-47209 A support user exists on the device and appears to be a backdoor for Technical Support staff. The default password for this account is &#8220;support&#8221; and cannot be changed by a user via any normally accessible means.
CVE-2022-46411 An issue was discovered in Veritas NetBackup Flex Scale through 3.0 and Access Appliance through 8.0.100. A default password is persisted after installation and may be discovered and used to escalate privileges.
CVE-2022-46172 authentik is an open-source Identity provider focused on flexibility and versatility. In versions prior to 2022.10.4, and 2022.11.4, any authenticated user can create an arbitrary number of accounts through the default flows. This would circumvent any policy in a situation where it is undesirable for users to create new accounts by themselves. This may also affect other applications as these new basic accounts would exist throughout the SSO infrastructure. By default the newly created accounts cannot be logged into as no password reset exists by default. However password resets are likely to be enabled by most installations. This vulnerability pertains to the user context used in the default-user-settings-flow, /api/v3/flows/instances/default-user-settings-flow/execute/. This issue has been fixed in versions 2022.10.4 and 2022.11.4.
CVE-2022-46163 Travel support program is a rails app to support the travel support program of openSUSE (TSP). Sensitive user data (bank account details, password Hash) can be extracted via Ransack query injection. Every deployment of travel-support-program below the patched version is affected. The travel-support-program uses the Ransack library to implement search functionality. In its default configuration, Ransack will allow for query conditions based on properties of associated database objects [1]. The `*_start`, `*_end` or `*_cont` search matchers [2] can then be abused to exfiltrate sensitive string values of associated database objects via character-by-character brute-force (A match is indicated by the returned JSON not being empty). A single bank account number can be extracted with <200 requests, a password hash can be extracted with ~1200 requests, all within a few minutes. The problem has been patched in commit d22916275c51500b4004933ff1b0a69bc807b2b7. In order to work around this issue, you can also cherry pick that patch, however it will not work without the Rails 5.0 migration that was done in #150, which in turn had quite a few pull requests it depended on.
CVE-2022-46145 authentik is an open-source identity provider. Versions prior to 2022.11.2 and 2022.10.2 are vulnerable to unauthorized user creation and potential account takeover. With the default flows, unauthenticated users can create new accounts in authentik. If a flow exists that allows for email-verified password recovery, this can be used to overwrite the email address of admin accounts and take over their accounts. authentik 2022.11.2 and 2022.10.2 fix this issue. As a workaround, a policy can be created and bound to the `default-user-settings-flow flow` with the contents `return request.user.is_authenticated`.
CVE-2022-45481 The default configuration of Lazy Mouse does not require a password, allowing remote unauthenticated users to execute arbitrary code with no prior authorization or authentication. CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVE-2022-42467 When running in prototype mode, the h2 webconsole module (accessible from the Prototype menu) is automatically made available with the ability to directly query the database. It was felt that it is safer to require the developer to explicitly enable this capability. As of 2.0.0-M8, this can now be done using the 'isis.prototyping.h2-console.web-allow-remote-access' configuration property; the web console will be unavailable without setting this configuration. As an additional safeguard, the new 'isis.prototyping.h2-console.generate-random-web-admin-password' configuration parameter (enabled by default) requires that the administrator use a randomly generated password to use the console. The password is printed to the log, as "webAdminPass: xxx" (where "xxx") is the password. To revert to the original behaviour, the administrator would therefore need to set these configuration parameter: isis.prototyping.h2-console.web-allow-remote-access=true isis.prototyping.h2-console.generate-random-web-admin-password=false Note also that the h2 webconsole is never available in production mode, so these safeguards are only to ensure that the webconsole is secured by default also in prototype mode.
CVE-2022-41933 XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. When the `reset a forgotten password` feature of XWiki was used, the password was then stored in plain text in database. This only concerns XWiki 13.1RC1 and newer versions. Note that it only concerns the reset password feature available from the "Forgot your password" link in the login view: the features allowing a user to change their password, or for an admin to change a user password are not impacted. This vulnerability is particularly dangerous in combination with other vulnerabilities allowing to perform data leak of personal data from users, such as GHSA-599v-w48h-rjrm. Note that this vulnerability only concerns the users of the main wiki: in case of farms, the users registered on subwiki are not impacted thanks to a bug we discovered when investigating this. The problem has been patched in version 14.6RC1, 14.4.3 and 13.10.8. The patch involves a migration of the impacted users as well as the history of the page, to ensure no password remains in plain text in the database. This migration also involves to inform the users about the possible disclosure of their passwords: by default, two emails are automatically sent to the impacted users. A first email to inform about the possibility that their password have been leaked, and a second email using the reset password feature to ask them to set a new password. It's also possible for administrators to set some properties for the migration: it's possible to decide if the user password should be reset (default) or if the passwords should be kept but only hashed. Note that in the first option, the users won't be able to login anymore until they set a new password if they were impacted. Note that in both options, mails will be sent to users to inform them and encourage them to change their passwords.
CVE-2022-4126 Use of Default Password vulnerability in ABB RCCMD on Windows, Linux, MacOS allows Try Common or Default Usernames and Passwords.This issue affects RCCMD: before 4.40 230207.
CVE-2022-39273 FlyteAdmin is the control plane for the data processing platform Flyte. Users who enable the default Flyte&#8217;s authorization server without changing the default clientid hashes will be exposed to the public internet. In an effort to make enabling authentication easier for Flyte administrators, the default configuration for Flyte Admin allows access for Flyte Propeller even after turning on authentication via a hardcoded hashed password. This password is also set on the default Flyte Propeller configmap in the various Flyte Helm charts. Users who enable auth but do not override this setting in Flyte Admin&#8217;s configuration may unbeknownst to them be allowing public traffic in by way of this default password with attackers effectively impersonating propeller. This only applies to users who have not specified the ExternalAuthorizationServer setting. Usage of an external auth server automatically turns off this default configuration and are not susceptible to this vulnerability. This issue has been addressed in version 1.1.44. Users should manually set the staticClients in the selfAuthServer section of their configuration if they intend to rely on Admin&#8217;s internal auth server. Again, users who use an external auth server are automatically protected from this vulnerability.
CVE-2022-37857 bilde2910 Hauk v1.6.1 requires a hardcoded password which by default is blank. This hardcoded password is hashed but stored within the config.php file server-side as well as in clear-text on the android client device by default.
CVE-2022-3675 Fedora CoreOS supports setting a GRUB bootloader password using a Butane config. When this feature is enabled, GRUB requires a password to access the GRUB command-line, modify kernel command-line arguments, or boot non-default OSTree deployments. Recent Fedora CoreOS releases have a misconfiguration which allows booting non-default OSTree deployments without entering a password. This allows someone with access to the GRUB menu to boot into an older version of Fedora CoreOS, reverting any security fixes that have recently been applied to the machine. A password is still required to modify kernel command-line arguments and to access the GRUB command line.
CVE-2022-36106 TYPO3 is an open source PHP based web content management system released under the GNU GPL. It has been discovered that the expiration time of a password reset link for TYPO3 backend users has never been evaluated. As a result, a password reset link could be used to perform a password reset even if the default expiry time of two hours has been exceeded. Update to TYPO3 version 10.4.32 or 11.5.16 that fix the problem. There are no known workarounds for this issue.
CVE-2022-36083 JOSE is "JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS with no dependencies using runtime's native crypto in Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Electron, and Deno. The PBKDF2-based JWE key management algorithms expect a JOSE Header Parameter named `p2c` PBES2 Count, which determines how many PBKDF2 iterations must be executed in order to derive a CEK wrapping key. The purpose of this parameter is to intentionally slow down the key derivation function in order to make password brute-force and dictionary attacks more expensive. This makes the PBES2 algorithms unsuitable for situations where the JWE is coming from an untrusted source: an adversary can intentionally pick an extremely high PBES2 Count value, that will initiate a CPU-bound computation that may take an unreasonable amount of time to finish. Under certain conditions, it is possible to have the user's environment consume unreasonable amount of CPU time. The impact is limited only to users utilizing the JWE decryption APIs with symmetric secrets to decrypt JWEs from untrusted parties who do not limit the accepted JWE Key Management Algorithms (`alg` Header Parameter) using the `keyManagementAlgorithms` (or `algorithms` in v1.x) decryption option or through other means. The `v1.28.2`, `v2.0.6`, `v3.20.4`, and `v4.9.2` releases limit the maximum PBKDF2 iteration count to `10000` by default. It is possible to adjust this limit with a newly introduced `maxPBES2Count` decryption option. If users are unable to upgrade their required library version, they have two options depending on whether they expect to receive JWEs using any of the three PBKDF2-based JWE key management algorithms. They can use the `keyManagementAlgorithms` decryption option to disable accepting PBKDF2 altogether, or they can inspect the JOSE Header prior to using the decryption API and limit the PBKDF2 iteration count (`p2c` Header Parameter).
CVE-2022-35866 This vulnerability allows remote attackers to bypass authentication on affected installations of Vinchin Backup and Recovery Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the configuration of the MySQL server. The server uses a hard-coded password for the administrator user. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to bypass authentication on the system. Was ZDI-CAN-17139.
CVE-2022-35280 IBM Robotic Process Automation 21.0.0, 21.0.1, and 21.0.2 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 230634.
CVE-2022-35198 Contract Management System v2.0 contains a weak default password which gives attackers to access database connection information.
CVE-2022-34333 IBM Sterling Order Management 10.0 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 229698.
CVE-2022-34005 An issue was discovered in TitanFTP (aka Titan FTP) NextGen before 1.2.1050. There is Remote Code Execution due to a hardcoded password for the sa account on the Microsoft SQL Express 2019 instance installed by default during TitanFTP NextGen installation, aka NX-I674 (sub-issue 1). NOTE: as of 2022-06-21, the 1.2.1050 release corrects this vulnerability in a new installation, but not in an upgrade installation.
CVE-2022-3323 An SQL injection vulnerability in Advantech iView The specific flaw exists within the ConfigurationServlet endpoint, which listens on TCP port 8080 by default. An unauthenticated remote attacker can craft a special column_value parameter in the setConfiguration action to bypass checks in com.imc.iview.utils.CUtils.checkSQLInjection() to perform SQL injection. For example, the attacker can exploit the vulnerability to retrieve the iView admin password.
CVE-2022-32967 RTL8111EP-CG/RTL8111FP-CG DASH function has hard-coded password. An unauthenticated physical attacker can use the hard-coded default password during system reboot triggered by other user, to acquire partial system information such as serial number and server information.
CVE-2022-31806 In CODESYS V2 PLCWinNT and Runtime Toolkit 32 in versions prior to V2.4.7.57 password protection is not enabled by default and there is no information or prompt to enable password protection at login in case no password is set at the controller.
CVE-2022-31211 An issue was discovered in Infiray IRAY-A8Z3 1.0.957. There is a blank root password for TELNET by default.
CVE-2022-30935 An authorization bypass in b2evolution allows remote, unauthenticated attackers to predict password reset tokens for any user through the use of a bad randomness function. This allows the attacker to get valid sessions for arbitrary users, and optionally reset their password. Tested and confirmed in a default installation of version 7.2.3. Earlier versions are affected, possibly earlier major versions as well.
CVE-2022-30622 Disclosure of information - the system allows you to view usernames and passwords without permissions, thus it will be possible to enter the system. Path access: http://api/sys_username_passwd.cmd - The server loads the request clearly by default. Disclosure of hard-coded credit information within the JS code sent to the customer within the Login.js file is a strong user (which is not documented) and also the password, which allow for super-user access. Username: chcadmin, Password: chcpassword.
CVE-2022-29933 Craft CMS through 3.7.36 allows a remote unauthenticated attacker, who knows at least one valid username, to reset the account's password and take over the account by providing a crafted HTTP header to the application while using the password reset functionality. Specifically, the attacker must send X-Forwarded-Host to the /index.php?p=admin/actions/users/send-password-reset-email URI. NOTE: the vendor's position is that a customer can already work around this by adjusting the configuration (i.e., by not using the default configuration).
CVE-2022-29729 Verizon 4G LTE Network Extender GA4.38 - V0.4.038.2131 utilizes a weak default admin password generation algorithm which generates passwords that are accessible to unauthenticated attackers via the webUI login page.
CVE-2022-29287 Kentico CMS before 13.0.66 has an Insecure Direct Object Reference vulnerability. It allows an attacker with user management rights (default is Administrator) to export the user options of any user, even ones with higher privileges (like Global Administrators) than the current user. The exported XML contains every option of the exported user (even the hashed password).
CVE-2022-28810 Zoho ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus before build 6122 allows a remote authenticated administrator to execute arbitrary operating OS commands as SYSTEM via the policy custom script feature. Due to the use of a default administrator password, attackers may be able to abuse this functionality with minimal effort. Additionally, a remote and partially authenticated attacker may be able to inject arbitrary commands into the custom script due to an unsanitized password field.
CVE-2022-27511 Corruption of the system by a remote, unauthenticated user. The impact of this can include the reset of the administrator password at the next device reboot, allowing an attacker with ssh access to connect with the default administrator credentials after the device has rebooted.
CVE-2022-25570 In Click Studios (SA) Pty Ltd Passwordstate 9435, users with access to a passwordlist can gain access to additional password lists without permissions. Specifically, an authenticated user who has write permissions to a password list in one folder (with the default permission model) can extend his permissions to all other password lists in the same folder.
CVE-2022-25184 Jenkins Pipeline: Build Step Plugin 2.15 and earlier reveals password parameter default values when generating a pipeline script using the Pipeline Snippet Generator, allowing attackers with Item/Read permission to retrieve the default password parameter value from jobs.
CVE-2022-24784 Statamic is a Laravel and Git powered CMS. Before versions 3.2.39 and 3.3.2, it is possible to confirm a single character of a user's password hash using a specially crafted regular expression filter in the users endpoint of the REST API. Multiple such requests can eventually uncover the entire hash. The hash is not present in the response, however the presence or absence of a result confirms if the character is in the right position. The API has throttling enabled by default, making this a time intensive task. Both the REST API and the users endpoint need to be enabled, as they are disabled by default. The issue has been fixed in versions 3.2.39 and above, and 3.3.2 and above.
CVE-2022-2336 Softing Secure Integration Server, edgeConnector, and edgeAggregator software ships with the default administrator credentials as `admin` and password as `admin`. This allows Softing to log in to the server directly to perform administrative functions. Upon installation or upon first login, the application does not ask the user to change the `admin` password. There is no warning or prompt to ask the user to change the default password, and to change the password, many steps are required.
CVE-2022-20844 A vulnerability in authentication mechanism of Cisco Software-Defined Application Visibility and Control (SD-AVC) on Cisco vManage could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to access the GUI of Cisco SD-AVC using a default static username and password combination. This vulnerability exists because the GUI is accessible on self-managed cloud installations or local server installations of Cisco vManage. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by accessing the exposed GUI of Cisco SD-AVC. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to view managed device names, SD-AVC logs, and SD-AVC DNS server IP addresses.
CVE-2022-20695 A vulnerability in the authentication functionality of Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to bypass authentication controls and log in to the device through the management interface This vulnerability is due to the improper implementation of the password validation algorithm. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by logging in to an affected device with crafted credentials. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to bypass authentication and log in to the device as an administrator. The attacker could obtain privileges that are the same level as an administrative user but it depends on the crafted credentials. Note: This vulnerability exists because of a non-default device configuration that must be present for it to be exploitable. For details about the vulnerable configuration, see the Vulnerable Products section of this advisory.
CVE-2022-2052 Multiple Trumpf Products in multiple versions use default privileged Windows users and passwords. An adversary may use these accounts to remotely gain full access to the system.
CVE-2022-20466 In applyKeyguardFlags of, there is a possible way to observe the user's password on a secondary display due to an insecure default value. This could lead to local information disclosure with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Android-10 Android-11 Android-12 Android-12L Android-13Android ID: A-179725730
CVE-2022-20342 In WiFi, there is a possible disclosure of WiFi password to the end user due to an insecure default value. This could lead to local information disclosure with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Android-13Android ID: A-143534321
CVE-2022-1666 The default password for the web application&#8217;s root user (the vendor&#8217;s private account) was weak and the MD5 hash was used to crack the password using a widely available open-source tool.
CVE-2022-1039 The weak password on the web user interface can be exploited via HTTP or HTTPS. Once such access has been obtained, the other passwords can be changed. The weak password on Linux accounts can be accessed via SSH or Telnet, the former of which is by default enabled on trusted interfaces. While the SSH service does not support root login, a user logging in using either of the other Linux accounts may elevate to root access using the su command if they have access to the associated password.
CVE-2021-45841 In Terramaster F4-210, F2-210 TOS 4.2.X (4.2.15-2107141517), an attacker can self-sign session cookies by knowing the target's MAC address and the user's password hash. Guest users (disabled by default) can be abused using a null/empty hash and allow an unauthenticated attacker to login as guest.
CVE-2021-45083 An issue was discovered in Cobbler before 3.3.1. Files in /etc/cobbler are world readable. Two of those files contain some sensitive information that can be exposed to a local user who has non-privileged access to the server. The users.digest file contains the sha2-512 digest of users in a Cobbler local installation. In the case of an easy-to-guess password, it's trivial to obtain the plaintext string. The settings.yaml file contains secrets such as the hashed default password.
CVE-2021-45039 Multiple models of the Uniview IP Camera (e.g., IPC_G6103 B6103.16.10.B25.201218, IPC_G61, IPC21, IPC23, IPC32, IPC36, IPC62, and IPC_HCMN) offer an undocumented UDP service on port 7788 that allows a remote unauthenticated attacker to overflow an internal buffer and achieve code execution. By using this buffer overflow, a remote attacker can start the telnetd service. This service has a hardcoded default username and password (root/123456). Although it has a restrictive shell, this can be easily bypassed via the built-in ECHO shell command.
CVE-2021-44480 Wokka Lokka Q50 devices through 2021-11-30 allow remote attackers (who know the SIM phone number and password) to listen to a device's surroundings via a callback in an SMS command, as demonstrated by the 123456 and 523681 default passwords.
CVE-2021-43834 eLabFTW is an electronic lab notebook manager for research teams. In versions prior to 4.2.0 there is a vulnerability which allows an attacker to authenticate as an existing user, if that user was created using a single sign-on authentication option such as LDAP or SAML. It impacts instances where LDAP or SAML is used for authentication instead of the (default) local password mechanism. Users should upgrade to at least version 4.2.0.
CVE-2021-43799 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool. Zulip Server installs RabbitMQ for internal message passing. In versions of Zulip Server prior to 4.9, the initial installation (until first reboot, or restart of RabbitMQ) does not successfully limit the default ports which RabbitMQ opens; this includes port 25672, the RabbitMQ distribution port, which is used as a management port. RabbitMQ's default "cookie" which protects this port is generated using a weak PRNG, which limits the entropy of the password to at most 36 bits; in practicality, the seed for the randomizer is biased, resulting in approximately 20 bits of entropy. If other firewalls (at the OS or network level) do not protect port 25672, a remote attacker can brute-force the 20 bits of entropy in the "cookie" and leverage it for arbitrary execution of code as the rabbitmq user. They can also read all data which is sent through RabbitMQ, which includes all message traffic sent by users. Version 4.9 contains a patch for this vulnerability. As a workaround, ensure that firewalls prevent access to ports 5672 and 25672 from outside the Zulip server.
CVE-2021-43774 A risky-algorithm issue was discovered on Fujifilm DocuCentre-VI C4471 1.8 devices. An attacker that obtained access to the administrative web interface of a printer (e.g., by using the default credentials) can download the address book file, which contains the list of users (domain users, FTP users, etc.) stored on the printer, together with their encrypted passwords. The passwords are protected by a weak cipher, such as ROT13, which requires minimal effort to instantly retrieve the original password, giving the attacker a list of valid domain or FTP usernames and passwords.
CVE-2021-43284 An issue was discovered on Victure WR1200 devices through 1.0.3. The root SSH password never gets updated from its default value of admin. This enables an attacker to gain control of the device through SSH (regardless of whether the admin password was changed on the web interface).
CVE-2021-43282 An issue was discovered on Victure WR1200 devices through 1.0.3. The default Wi-Fi WPA2 key is advertised to anyone within Wi-Fi range through the router's MAC address. The device default Wi-Fi password corresponds to the last 4 bytes of the MAC address of its 2.4 GHz network interface controller (NIC). An attacker within scanning range of the Wi-Fi network can thus scan for Wi-Fi networks to obtain the default key.
CVE-2021-43271 Riverbed AppResponse 11.8.0, 11.8.5, 11.8.5a, 11.9.0, 11.9.0a, 11.10.0, 11.11.0, 11.11.0a, 11.11.1, 11.11.1a, 11.11.5, and 11.11.5a (when configured to use local, RADIUS, or TACACS authentication) logs usernames and passwords if either is entered incorrectly. If a user enters an incorrect username and/or password when logging into the WebUI, these attempted credentials are included in an error message that is logged in the WebUI log file. A log entry does not appear if the username and password provided correctly match a valid set of credentials. This also does not happen if AppResponse is configured to use SAML authentication. The WebUI log file is included in subsequent diagnostic system dumps that are generated. (Only users with Full Control access to the System Configuration permission can generate system dumps. By default, only System Administrators have Full Control access to the System Configuration permission.)
CVE-2021-42892 In TOTOLINK EX1200T V4.1.2cu.5215, an attacker can start telnet without authorization because the default username and password exists in the firmware.
CVE-2021-42850 A weak default administrator password for the web interface and serial port was reported in some Lenovo Personal Cloud Storage devices that could allow unauthorized device access to an attacker with physical or local network access.
CVE-2021-42849 A weak default password for the serial port was reported in some Lenovo Personal Cloud Storage devices that could allow unauthorized device access to an attacker with physical access.
CVE-2021-41296 ECOA BAS controller uses weak set of default administrative credentials that can be easily guessed in remote password attacks and gain full control of the system.
CVE-2021-41268 Symfony/SecurityBundle is the security system for Symfony, a PHP framework for web and console applications and a set of reusable PHP components. Since the rework of the Remember me cookie in version 5.3.0, the cookie is not invalidated when the user changes their password. Attackers can therefore maintain their access to the account even if the password is changed as long as they have had the chance to login once and get a valid remember me cookie. Starting with version 5.3.12, Symfony makes the password part of the signature by default. In that way, when the password changes, then the cookie is not valid anymore.
CVE-2021-40866 Certain NETGEAR smart switches are affected by a remote admin password change by an unauthenticated attacker via the (disabled by default) /sqfs/bin/sccd daemon, which fails to check authentication when the authentication TLV is missing from a received NSDP packet. This affects GC108P before, GC108PP before, GS108Tv3 before, GS110TPP before, GS110TPv3 before, GS110TUP before, GS308T before, GS310TP before, GS710TUP before, GS716TP before, GS716TPP before, GS724TPP before, GS724TPv2 before, GS728TPPv2 before, GS728TPv2 before, GS750E before, GS752TPP before, GS752TPv2 before, MS510TXM before, and MS510TXUP before
CVE-2021-40825 nLight ECLYPSE (nECY) system Controllers running software prior to 1.17.21245.754 contain a default key vulnerability. The nECY does not force a change to the key upon the initial configuration of an affected device. nECY system controllers utilize an encrypted channel to secure SensorViewTM configuration and monitoring software and nECY to nECY communications. Impacted devices are at risk of exploitation. A remote attacker with IP access to an impacted device could submit lighting control commands to the nECY by leveraging the default key. A successful attack may result in the attacker gaining the ability to modify lighting conditions or gain the ability to update the software on lighting devices. The impacted key is referred to as the SensorView Password in the nECY nLight Explorer Interface and the Gateway Password in the SensorView application. An attacker cannot authenticate to or modify the configuration or software of the nECY system controller.
CVE-2021-39434 A default username and password for an administrator account was discovered in ZKTeco ZKTime 10.0 through 11.1.0, builds 20180901, 20190510.1, 20200309.3, 20200930, 20201231, and 20210220.
CVE-2021-39064 IBM Spectrum Copy Data Management 2.2.13 and earlier has weak authentication and password rules and incorrectly handles default credentials for the Spectrum Copy Data Management Admin console. IBM X-Force ID: 214957.
CVE-2021-38935 IBM Maximo Asset Management does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 210892.
CVE-2021-38759 Raspberry Pi OS through 5.10 has the raspberry default password for the pi account. If not changed, attackers can gain administrator privileges.
CVE-2021-38456 A use of hard-coded password vulnerability in the Moxa MXview Network Management software Versions 3.x to 3.2.2 may allow an attacker to gain access through accounts using default passwords
CVE-2021-37555 TX9 Automatic Food Dispenser v3.2.57 devices allow access to a shell as root/superuser, a related issue to CVE-2019-16734. To connect, the telnet service is used on port 23 with the default password of 059AnkJ for the root account. The user can then download the filesystem through preinstalled BusyBox utilities (e.g., tar and nc).
CVE-2021-36804 Akaunting version 2.1.12 and earlier suffers from a password reset spoofing vulnerability, wherein an attacker can proxy password reset requests through a running Akaunting instance, if that attacker knows the target's e-mail address. This issue was fixed in version 2.1.13 of the product. Please note that this issue is ultimately caused by the defaults provided by the Laravel framework, specifically how proxy headers are handled with respect to multi-tenant implementations. In other words, while this is not technically a vulnerability in Laravel, this default configuration is very likely to lead to practically identical identical vulnerabilities in Laravel projects that implement multi-tenant applications.
CVE-2021-35965 The Orca HCM digital learning platform uses a weak factory default administrator password, which is hard-coded in the source code of the webpage in plain text, thus remote attackers can obtain administrator&#8217;s privilege without logging in.
CVE-2021-35961 Dr. ID Door Access Control and Personnel Attendance Management system uses the hard-code admin default credentials that allows remote attackers to access the system through the default password and obtain the highest permission.
CVE-2021-34337 An issue was discovered in Mailman Core before 3.3.5. An attacker with access to the REST API could use timing attacks to determine the value of the configured REST API password and then make arbitrary REST API calls. The REST API is bound to localhost by default, limiting the ability for attackers to exploit this, but can optionally be made to listen on other interfaces.
CVE-2021-34203 D-Link DIR-2640-US 1.01B04 is vulnerable to Incorrect Access Control. Router ac2600 (dir-2640-us), when setting PPPoE, will start quagga process in the way of whole network monitoring, and this function uses the original default password and port. An attacker can easily use telnet to log in, modify routing information, monitor the traffic of all devices under the router, hijack DNS and phishing attacks. In addition, this interface is likely to be questioned by customers as a backdoor, because the interface should not be exposed.
CVE-2021-33321 Insecure default configuration in Liferay Portal 6.2.3 through 7.3.2, and Liferay DXP before 7.3, allows remote attackers to enumerate user email address via the forgot password functionality. The should be defaulted to true.
CVE-2021-33190 In Apache APISIX Dashboard version 2.6, we changed the default value of listen host to in order to facilitate users to configure external network access. In the IP allowed list restriction, a risky function was used for the IP acquisition, which made it possible to bypass the network limit. At the same time, the default account and password are fixed.Ultimately these factors lead to the issue of security risks. This issue is fixed in APISIX Dashboard 2.6.1
CVE-2021-32795 ArchiSteamFarm is a C# application with primary purpose of idling Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously. In versions prior to a Denial of Service (aka DoS) vulnerability which allows attacker to remotely crash running ASF instance through sending a specifically-crafted Steam chat message exists. The user sending the message does not need to be authorized within the bot or ASF process. The attacker needs to know ASF's `CommandPrefix` in advance, but majority of ASF setups run with an unchanged default value. This attack does not allow attacker to gain any potentially-sensitive information, such as logins or passwords, does not allow to execute arbitrary commands and otherwise exploit the crash further. The issue is patched in ASF V4.3.1.0. The only workaround which guarantees complete protection is running all bots with `OnlineStatus` of `0` (Offline). In this setup, ASF is able to ignore even the specifically-crafted message without attempting to interpret it.
CVE-2021-32753 EdgeX Foundry is an open source project for building a common open framework for internet-of-things edge computing. A vulnerability exists in the Edinburgh, Fuji, Geneva, and Hanoi versions of the software. When the EdgeX API gateway is configured for OAuth2 authentication and a proxy user is created, the client_id and client_secret required to obtain an OAuth2 authentication token are set to the username of the proxy user. A remote network attacker can then perform a dictionary-based password attack on the OAuth2 token endpoint of the API gateway to obtain an OAuth2 authentication token and use that token to make authenticated calls to EdgeX microservices from an untrusted network. OAuth2 is the default authentication method in EdgeX Edinburgh release. The default authentication method was changed to JWT in Fuji and later releases. Users should upgrade to the EdgeX Ireland release to obtain the fix. The OAuth2 authentication method is disabled in Ireland release. If unable to upgrade and OAuth2 authentication is required, users should create OAuth2 users directly using the Kong admin API and forgo the use of the `security-proxy-setup` tool to create OAuth2 users.
CVE-2021-32588 A use of hard-coded credentials (CWE-798) vulnerability in FortiPortal versions 5.2.5 and below, 5.3.5 and below, 6.0.4 and below, versions 5.1.x and 5.0.x may allow a remote and unauthenticated attacker to execute unauthorized commands as root by uploading and deploying malicious web application archive files using the default hard-coded Tomcat Manager username and password.
CVE-2021-31539 Wowza Streaming Engine before (in a default installation) has cleartext passwords stored in the conf/admin.password file. A regular local user is able to read usernames and passwords.
CVE-2021-30165 The default administrator account & password of the EDIMAX wireless network camera is hard-coded. Remote attackers can disassemble firmware to obtain the privileged permission and further control the devices.
CVE-2021-30028 SOOTEWAY Wi-Fi Range Extender v1.5 was discovered to use default credentials (the admin password for the admin account) to access the TELNET service, allowing attackers to erase/read/write the firmware remotely.
CVE-2021-28936 The Acexy Wireless-N WiFi Repeater REV 1.0 ( Web management administrator password can be changed by sending a specially crafted HTTP GET request. The administrator username has to be known (default:admin) whereas no previous authentication is required.
CVE-2021-28909 BAB TECHNOLOGIE GmbH eibPort V3 prior version 3.9.1 allow unauthenticated attackers to access uncontrolled the login service at /webif/SecurityModule in a brute force attack. The password could be weak and default username is known as 'admin'. This is usable and part of an attack chain to gain SSH root access.
CVE-2021-27952 Hardcoded default root credentials exist on the ecobee3 lite device. This allows a threat actor to gain access to the password-protected bootloader environment through the serial console.
CVE-2021-25863 Open5GS 2.1.3 listens on and has a default password of 1423 for the admin account.
CVE-2021-25323 The default setting of MISP 2.4.136 did not enable the requirements (aka require_password_confirmation) to provide the previous password when changing a password.
CVE-2021-22669 Incorrect permissions are set to default on the &#8216;Project Management&#8217; page of WebAccess/SCADA portal of WebAccess/SCADA Versions 9.0.1 and prior, which may allow a low-privileged user to update an administrator&#8217;s password and login as an administrator to escalate privileges on the system.
CVE-2021-22115 Cloud Controller API versions prior to 1.106.0 logs service broker credentials if the default value of db logging config field is changed. CAPI database logs service broker password in plain text whenever a job to clean up orphaned items is run by Cloud Controller.
CVE-2021-21319 Galette is a membership management web application geared towards non profit organizations. In versions prior to 0.9.5, malicious javascript code can be stored to be displayed later on self subscription page. The self subscription feature can be disabled as a workaround (this is the default state). Malicious javascript code can be executed (not stored) on login and retrieve password pages. This issue is patched in version 0.9.5.
CVE-2021-20470 IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 and 11.2.0 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 196339.
CVE-2021-20418 IBM Security Guardium 11.2 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 196279.
CVE-2021-20175 Netgear Nighthawk R6700 version does not utilize secure communication methods to the SOAP interface. By default, all communication to/from the device's SOAP Interface (port 5000) is sent via HTTP, which causes potentially sensitive information (such as usernames and passwords) to be transmitted in cleartext
CVE-2021-20174 Netgear Nighthawk R6700 version does not utilize secure communication methods to the web interface. By default, all communication to/from the device's web interface is sent via HTTP, which causes potentially sensitive information (such as usernames and passwords) to be transmitted in cleartext.
CVE-2021-20169 Netgear RAX43 version does not utilize secure communications to the web interface. By default, all communication to/from the device is sent via HTTP, which causes potentially sensitive information (such as usernames and passwords) to be transmitted in cleartext.
CVE-2021-20154 Trendnet AC2600 TEW-827DRU version 2.08B01 contains an security flaw in the web interface. HTTPS is not enabled on the device by default. This results in cleartext transmission of sensitive information such as passwords.
CVE-2021-20025 SonicWall Email Security Virtual Appliance version 10.0.9 and earlier versions contain a default username and a password that is used at initial setup. An attacker could exploit this transitional/temporary user account from the trusted domain to access the Virtual Appliance remotely only when the device is freshly installed and not connected to Mysonicwall.
CVE-2020-8828 As of v1.5.0, the default admin password is set to the argocd-server pod name. For insiders with access to the cluster or logs, this issue could be abused for privilege escalation, as Argo has privileged roles. A malicious insider is the most realistic threat, but pod names are not meant to be kept secret and could wind up just about anywhere.
CVE-2020-8632 In cloud-init through 19.4, rand_user_password in cloudinit/config/ has a small default pwlen value, which makes it easier for attackers to guess passwords.
CVE-2020-8573 The NetApp HCI H610C, H615C and H610S Baseboard Management Controllers (BMC) are shipped with a documented default account and password that should be changed during the initial node setup. During upgrades to Element 11.8 and 12.0 or the Compute Firmware Bundle 12.2.92 the BMC account password on the H610C, H615C and H610S platforms is reset to the default documented value which could allow remote attackers to cause a Denial of Service (DoS).
CVE-2020-7998 An arbitrary file upload vulnerability has been discovered in the Super File Explorer app 1.0.1 for iOS. The vulnerability is located in the developer path that is accessible and hidden next to the root path. By default, there is no password set for the FTP or Web UI service.
CVE-2020-7954 An issue was discovered in OpServices OpMon 9.3.2. Starting from the apache user account, it is possible to perform privilege escalation through the lack of correct configuration in the server's sudoers file, which by default allows the execution of programs (e.g. nmap) without the need for a password with sudo.
CVE-2020-6369 SAP Solution Manager and SAP Focused Run (update provided in WILY_INTRO_ENTERPRISE 9.7, 10.1, 10.5, 10.7), allows an unauthenticated attackers to bypass the authentication if the default passwords for Admin and Guest have not been changed by the administrator.This may impact the confidentiality of the service.
CVE-2020-5721 MikroTik WinBox 3.22 and below stores the user's cleartext password in the settings.cfg.viw configuration file when the Keep Password field is set and no Master Password is set. Keep Password is set by default and, by default Master Password is not set. An attacker with access to the configuration file can extract a username and password to gain access to the router.
CVE-2020-5365 Dell EMC Isilon versions 8.2.2 and earlier contain a remotesupport vulnerability. The pre-configured support account, remotesupport, is bundled in the Dell EMC Isilon OneFS installation. This account is used for diagnostics and other support functions. Although the default password is different for every cluster, it is predictable.
CVE-2020-5326 Affected Dell Client platforms contain a BIOS Setup configuration authentication bypass vulnerability in the pre-boot Intel Rapid Storage Response Technology (iRST) Manager menu. An attacker with physical access to the system could perform unauthorized changes to the BIOS Setup configuration settings without requiring the BIOS Admin password by selecting the Optimized Defaults option in the pre-boot iRST Manager.
CVE-2020-5248 GLPI before before version 9.4.6 has a vulnerability involving a default encryption key. GLPIKEY is public and is used on every instance. This means anyone can decrypt sensitive data stored using this key. It is possible to change the key before installing GLPI. But on existing instances, data must be reencrypted with the new key. Problem is we can not know which columns or rows in the database are using that; espcially from plugins. Changing the key without updating data would lend in bad password sent from glpi; but storing them again from the UI will work.
CVE-2020-5229 Opencast before 8.1 stores passwords using the rather outdated and cryptographically insecure MD5 hash algorithm. Furthermore, the hashes are salted using the username instead of a random salt, causing hashes for users with the same username and password to collide which is problematic especially for popular users like the default `admin` user. This essentially means that for an attacker, it might be feasible to reconstruct a user's password given access to these hashes. Note that attackers needing access to the hashes means that they must gain access to the database in which these are stored first to be able to start cracking the passwords. The problem is addressed in Opencast 8.1 which now uses the modern and much stronger bcrypt password hashing algorithm for storing passwords. Note, that old hashes remain MD5 until the password is updated. For a list of users whose password hashes are stored using MD5, take a look at the `/user-utils/users/md5.json` REST endpoint.
CVE-2020-5148 SonicWall SSO-agent default configuration uses NetAPI to probe the associated IP's in the network, this client probing method allows a potential attacker to capture the password hash of the privileged user and potentially forces the SSO Agent to authenticate allowing an attacker to bypass firewall access controls.
CVE-2020-4574 IBM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 184181.
CVE-2020-4429 IBM Data Risk Manager 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.5, and 2.0.6 contains a default password for an IDRM administrative account. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to login and execute arbitrary code on the system with root privileges. IBM X-Force ID: 180534.
CVE-2020-4269 IBM QRadar 7.3.0 to 7.3.3 Patch 2 contains hard-coded credentials, such as a password or cryptographic key, which it uses for its own inbound authentication, outbound communication to external components, or encryption of internal data. IBM X-ForceID: 175845.
CVE-2020-4245 IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence 5.2.6 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 175423.
CVE-2020-4001 The SD-WAN Orchestrator 3.3.2, 3.4.x, and 4.0.x has default passwords allowing for a Pass-the-Hash Attack. SD-WAN Orchestrator ships with default passwords for predefined accounts which may lead to to a Pass-the-Hash attack.
CVE-2020-3923 DVR firmware in TAT-76 and TAT-77 series of products, provided by TONNET, contain misconfigured authentication mechanism. Attackers can crack the default password and gain access to the system.
CVE-2020-35338 The Web Administrative Interface in Mobile Viewpoint Wireless Multiplex Terminal (WMT) Playout Server 20.2.8 and earlier has a default account with a password of "pokon."
CVE-2020-3446 A vulnerability in Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services (vWAAS) with Cisco Enterprise NFV Infrastructure Software (NFVIS)-bundled images for Cisco ENCS 5400-W Series and CSP 5000-W Series appliances could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to log into the NFVIS CLI of an affected device by using accounts that have a default, static password. The vulnerability exists because the affected software has user accounts with default, static passwords. An attacker with access to the NFVIS CLI of an affected device could exploit this vulnerability by logging into the CLI. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to access the NFVIS CLI with administrator privileges.
CVE-2020-3394 A vulnerability in the Enable Secret feature of Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Switches and Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches in standalone NX-OS mode could allow an authenticated, local attacker to issue the enable command and get full administrative privileges. To exploit this vulnerability, the attacker would need to have valid credentials for the affected device. The vulnerability is due to a logic error in the implementation of the enable command. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by logging in to the device and issuing the enable command. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to gain full administrative privileges without using the enable password. Note: The Enable Secret feature is disabled by default.
CVE-2020-3330 A vulnerability in the Telnet service of Cisco Small Business RV110W Wireless-N VPN Firewall Routers could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to take full control of the device with a high-privileged account. The vulnerability exists because a system account has a default and static password. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by using this default account to connect to the affected system. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to gain full control of an affected device.
CVE-2020-3180 A vulnerability in Cisco SD-WAN Solution Software could allow an unauthenticated, local attacker to access an affected device by using an account that has a default, static password. This account has root privileges. The vulnerability exists because the affected software has a user account with a default, static password. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by remotely connecting to an affected system by using this account. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to log in by using this account with root privileges.
CVE-2020-3158 A vulnerability in the High Availability (HA) service of Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to access a sensitive part of the system with a high-privileged account. The vulnerability is due to a system account that has a default and static password and is not under the control of the system administrator. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by using this default account to connect to the affected system. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to obtain read and write access to system data, including the configuration of an affected device. The attacker would gain access to a sensitive portion of the system, but the attacker would not have full administrative rights to control the device.
CVE-2020-29380 An issue was discovered on V-SOL V1600D V2.03.69 and V2.03.57, V1600D4L V1.01.49, V1600D-MINI V1.01.48, V1600G1 V2.0.7 and V1.9.7, and V1600G2 V1.1.4 OLT devices. TELNET is offered by default but SSH is not always available. An attacker can intercept passwords sent in cleartext and conduct a man-in-the-middle attack on the management of the appliance.
CVE-2020-29062 An issue was discovered on CDATA 72408A, 9008A, 9016A, 92408A, 92416A, 9288, 97016, 97024P, 97028P, 97042P, 97084P, 97168P, FD1002S, FD1104, FD1104B, FD1104S, FD1104SN, FD1108S, FD1204S-R2, FD1204SN, FD1204SN-R2, FD1208S-R2, FD1216S-R1, FD1608GS, FD1608SN, FD1616GS, FD1616SN, and FD8000 devices. There is a default blank password for the guest account.
CVE-2020-29061 An issue was discovered on CDATA 72408A, 9008A, 9016A, 92408A, 92416A, 9288, 97016, 97024P, 97028P, 97042P, 97084P, 97168P, FD1002S, FD1104, FD1104B, FD1104S, FD1104SN, FD1108S, FD1204S-R2, FD1204SN, FD1204SN-R2, FD1208S-R2, FD1216S-R1, FD1608GS, FD1608SN, FD1616GS, FD1616SN, and FD8000 devices. There is a default root126 password for the root account.
CVE-2020-29060 An issue was discovered on CDATA 72408A, 9008A, 9016A, 92408A, 92416A, 9288, 97016, 97024P, 97028P, 97042P, 97084P, 97168P, FD1002S, FD1104, FD1104B, FD1104S, FD1104SN, FD1108S, FD1204S-R2, FD1204SN, FD1204SN-R2, FD1208S-R2, FD1216S-R1, FD1608GS, FD1608SN, FD1616GS, FD1616SN, and FD8000 devices. There is a default debug124 password for the debug account.
CVE-2020-29059 An issue was discovered on CDATA 72408A, 9008A, 9016A, 92408A, 92416A, 9288, 97016, 97024P, 97028P, 97042P, 97084P, 97168P, FD1002S, FD1104, FD1104B, FD1104S, FD1104SN, FD1108S, FD1204S-R2, FD1204SN, FD1204SN-R2, FD1208S-R2, FD1216S-R1, FD1608GS, FD1608SN, FD1616GS, FD1616SN, and FD8000 devices. There is a default panger123 password for the suma123 account for certain old firmware.
CVE-2020-29055 An issue was discovered on CDATA 72408A, 9008A, 9016A, 92408A, 92416A, 9288, 97016, 97024P, 97028P, 97042P, 97084P, 97168P, FD1002S, FD1104, FD1104B, FD1104S, FD1104SN, FD1108S, FD1204S-R2, FD1204SN, FD1204SN-R2, FD1208S-R2, FD1216S-R1, FD1608GS, FD1608SN, FD1616GS, FD1616SN, and FD8000 devices. By default, the appliance can be managed remotely only with HTTP, telnet, and SNMP. It doesn't support SSL/TLS for HTTP or SSH. An attacker can intercept passwords sent in cleartext and conduct man-in-the-middle attacks on the management of the appliance.
CVE-2020-28998 An issue was discovered on Geeni GNC-CW013 doorbell 1.8.1 devices. A vulnerability exists in the Telnet service that allows a remote attacker to take full control of the device with a high-privileged account. The vulnerability exists because a system account has a default and static password.
CVE-2020-27872 This vulnerability allows network-adjacent attackers to bypass authentication on affected installations of NETGEAR R7450 routers. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the mini_httpd service, which listens on TCP port 80 by default. The issue results from improper state tracking in the password recovery process. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-11365.
CVE-2020-25848 HGiga MailSherlock contains weak authentication flaw that attackers grant privilege remotely with default password generation mechanism.
CVE-2020-25753 An issue was discovered on Enphase Envoy R3.x and D4.x devices with v3 software. The default admin password is set to the last 6 digits of the serial number. The serial number can be retrieved by an unauthenticated user at /info.xml.
CVE-2020-25749 The Telnet service of Rubetek cameras RV-3406, RV-3409, and RV-3411 cameras (firmware versions v342, v339) could allow an remote attacker to take full control of the device with a high-privileged account. The vulnerability exists because a system account has a default and static password. The Telnet service cannot be disabled and this password cannot be changed via standard functionality.
CVE-2020-25252 An issue was discovered in Hyland OnBase through and below, and below, and below, and below and and below. CSRF can be used to log in a user, and then perform actions, because there are default credentials (the wstinol password for the manager or hsi account).
CVE-2020-24612 An issue was discovered in the selinux-policy (aka Reference Policy) package 3.14 through 2020-08-24 because the .config/Yubico directory is mishandled. Consequently, when SELinux is in enforced mode, pam-u2f is not allowed to read the user's U2F configuration file. If configured with the nouserok option (the default when configured by the authselect tool), and that file cannot be read, the second factor is disabled. An attacker with only the knowledge of the password can then log in, bypassing 2FA.
CVE-2020-21514 An issue was discovered in Fluent Fluentd v.1.8.0 and Fluent-ui v.1.2.2 allows attackers to gain escalated privileges and execute arbitrary code due to a default password.
CVE-2020-1716 A flaw was found in the ceph-ansible playbook where it contained hardcoded passwords that were being used as default passwords while deploying Ceph services. Any authenticated attacker can abuse this flaw to brute-force Ceph deployments, and gain administrator access to Ceph clusters via the Ceph dashboard to initiate read, write, and delete Ceph clusters and also modify Ceph cluster configurations. Versions before ceph-ansible 6.0.0alpha1 are affected.
CVE-2020-16231 The affected Bachmann Electronic M-Base Controllers of version MSYS v1.06.14 and later use weak cryptography to protect device passwords. Affected controllers that are actively supported include MX207, MX213, MX220, MC206, MC212, MC220, and MH230 hardware controllers, and affected end-of-life controller include MC205, MC210, MH212, ME203, CS200, MP213, MP226, MPC240, MPC265, MPC270, MPC293, MPE270, and CPC210 hardware controllers. Security Level 0 is set at default from the manufacturer, which could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to gain access to the password hashes. Security Level 4 is susceptible if an authenticated remote attacker or an unauthenticated person with physical access to the device reads and decrypts the password to conduct further attacks.
CVE-2020-15482 An issue was discovered on Nescomed Multipara Monitor M1000 devices. The device enables an unencrypted TELNET service by default, with a blank password for the admin account. This allows an attacker to gain root access to the device over the local network.
CVE-2020-15323 Zyxel CloudCNM SecuManager 3.1.0 and 3.1.1 has the cloud1234 password for the a1@chopin account default credentials.
CVE-2020-15250 In JUnit4 from version 4.7 and before 4.13.1, the test rule TemporaryFolder contains a local information disclosure vulnerability. On Unix like systems, the system's temporary directory is shared between all users on that system. Because of this, when files and directories are written into this directory they are, by default, readable by other users on that same system. This vulnerability does not allow other users to overwrite the contents of these directories or files. This is purely an information disclosure vulnerability. This vulnerability impacts you if the JUnit tests write sensitive information, like API keys or passwords, into the temporary folder, and the JUnit tests execute in an environment where the OS has other untrusted users. Because certain JDK file system APIs were only added in JDK 1.7, this this fix is dependent upon the version of the JDK you are using. For Java 1.7 and higher users: this vulnerability is fixed in 4.13.1. For Java 1.6 and lower users: no patch is available, you must use the workaround below. If you are unable to patch, or are stuck running on Java 1.6, specifying the `` system environment variable to a directory that is exclusively owned by the executing user will fix this vulnerability. For more information, including an example of vulnerable code, see the referenced GitHub Security Advisory.
CVE-2020-15157 In containerd (an industry-standard container runtime) before version 1.2.14 there is a credential leaking vulnerability. If a container image manifest in the OCI Image format or Docker Image V2 Schema 2 format includes a URL for the location of a specific image layer (otherwise known as a &#8220;foreign layer&#8221;), the default containerd resolver will follow that URL to attempt to download it. In v1.2.x but not 1.3.0 or later, the default containerd resolver will provide its authentication credentials if the server where the URL is located presents an HTTP 401 status code along with registry-specific HTTP headers. If an attacker publishes a public image with a manifest that directs one of the layers to be fetched from a web server they control and they trick a user or system into pulling the image, they can obtain the credentials used for pulling that image. In some cases, this may be the user's username and password for the registry. In other cases, this may be the credentials attached to the cloud virtual instance which can grant access to other cloud resources in the account. The default containerd resolver is used by the cri-containerd plugin (which can be used by Kubernetes), the ctr development tool, and other client programs that have explicitly linked against it. This vulnerability has been fixed in containerd 1.2.14. containerd 1.3 and later are not affected. If you are using containerd 1.3 or later, you are not affected. If you are using cri-containerd in the 1.2 series or prior, you should ensure you only pull images from trusted sources. Other container runtimes built on top of containerd but not using the default resolver (such as Docker) are not affected.
CVE-2020-15105 Django Two-Factor Authentication before 1.12, stores the user's password in clear text in the user session (base64-encoded). The password is stored in the session when the user submits their username and password, and is removed once they complete authentication by entering a two-factor authentication code. This means that the password is stored in clear text in the session for an arbitrary amount of time, and potentially forever if the user begins the login process by entering their username and password and then leaves before entering their two-factor authentication code. The severity of this issue depends on which type of session storage you have configured: in the worst case, if you're using Django's default database session storage, then users' passwords are stored in clear text in your database. In the best case, if you're using Django's signed cookie session, then users' passwords are only stored in clear text within their browser's cookie store. In the common case of using Django's cache session store, the users' passwords are stored in clear text in whatever cache storage you have configured (typically Memcached or Redis). This has been fixed in 1.12. After upgrading, users should be sure to delete any clear text passwords that have been stored. For example, if you're using the database session backend, you'll likely want to delete any session record from the database and purge that data from any database backups or replicas. In addition, affected organizations who have suffered a database breach while using an affected version should inform their users that their clear text passwords have been compromised. All organizations should encourage users whose passwords were insecurely stored to change these passwords on any sites where they were used. As a workaround, wwitching Django's session storage to use signed cookies instead of the database or cache lessens the impact of this issue, but should not be done without a thorough understanding of the security tradeoffs of using signed cookies rather than a server-side session storage. There is no way to fully mitigate the issue without upgrading.
CVE-2020-15000 A PIN management problem was discovered on Yubico YubiKey 5 devices 5.2.0 to 5.2.6. OpenPGP has three passwords: Admin PIN, Reset Code, and User PIN. The Reset Code is used to reset the User PIN, but it is disabled by default. A flaw in the implementation of OpenPGP sets the Reset Code to a known value upon initialization. If the retry counter for the Reset Code is set to non-zero without changing the Reset Code, this known value can be used to reset the User PIN. To set the retry counters, the Admin PIN is required.
CVE-2020-14011 Lansweeper 6.0.x through 7.2.x has a default installation in which the admin password is configured for the admin account, unless "Built-in admin" is manually unchecked. This allows command execution via the Add New Package and Scheduled Deployments features.
CVE-2020-12801 If LibreOffice has an encrypted document open and crashes, that document is auto-saved encrypted. On restart, LibreOffice offers to restore the document and prompts for the password to decrypt it. If the recovery is successful, and if the file format of the recovered document was not LibreOffice's default ODF file format, then affected versions of LibreOffice default that subsequent saves of the document are unencrypted. This may lead to a user accidentally saving a MSOffice file format document unencrypted while believing it to be encrypted. This issue affects: LibreOffice 6-3 series versions prior to 6.3.6; 6-4 series versions prior to 6.4.3.
CVE-2020-12773 A security misconfiguration vulnerability exists in the SDK of some Realtek ADSL/PON Modem SoC firmware, which allows attackers using a default password to execute arbitrary commands remotely via the build-in network monitoring tool.
CVE-2020-12734 DEPSTECH WiFi Digital Microscope 3 allows remote attackers to change the SSID and password, and demand a ransom payment from the rightful device owner, because there is no way to reset to Factory Default settings.
CVE-2020-12732 DEPSTECH WiFi Digital Microscope 3 has a default SSID of Jetion_xxxxxxxx with a password of 12345678.
CVE-2020-11915 An issue was discovered in Svakom Siime Eye 14.1.00000001.3.330. By sending a set_params.cgi?telnetd=1&save=1&reboot=1 request to the webserver, it is possible to enable the telnet interface on the device. The telnet interface can then be used to obtain access to the device with root privileges via a reecam4debug default password. This default telnet password is the same across all Siime Eye devices. In order for the attack to be exploited, an attacker must be physically close in order to connect to the device's Wi-Fi access point.
CVE-2020-11878 The Jitsi Meet (aka docker-jitsi-meet) stack on Docker before stable-4384-1 uses default passwords (such as passw0rd) for system accounts.
CVE-2020-11720 An issue was discovered in Programi Bilanc build 007 release 014 31.01.2020 and possibly below. During the installation, it sets up administrative access by default with the account admin and password 0000. After the installation, users/admins are not prompted to change this password.
CVE-2020-11671 Lack of authorization controls in REST API functions in TeamPass through allows any TeamPass user with a valid API token to become a TeamPass administrator and read/modify all passwords via authenticated api/index.php REST API calls. NOTE: the API is not available by default.
CVE-2020-11624 An issue was discovered in AvertX Auto focus Night Vision HD Indoor/Outdoor IP Dome Camera HD838 and Night Vision HD Indoor/Outdoor Mini IP Bullet Camera HD438. They do not require users to change the default password for the admin account. They only show a pop-up window suggesting a change but there's no enforcement. An administrator can click Cancel and proceed to use the device without changing the password. Additionally, they disclose the default username within the login.js script. Since many attacks for IoT devices, including malware and exploits, are based on the usage of default credentials, it makes these cameras an easy target for malicious actors.
CVE-2020-10965 Teradici PCoIP Management Console 20.01.0 and 19.11.1 is vulnerable to unauthenticated password resets via login/resetadminpassword of the default admin account. This vulnerability only exists when the default admin account is not disabled. It is fixed in 20.01.1 and 19.11.2.
CVE-2020-10552 An issue was discovered in Psyprax before 3.2.2. The Firebird database is accessible with the default user sysdba and password masterke after installation. This allows any user to access it and read and modify the contents, including passwords. Local database files can be accessed directly as well.
CVE-2020-10549 rConfig 3.9.4 and previous versions has unauthenticated SQL injection. Because, by default, nodes' passwords are stored in cleartext, this vulnerability leads to lateral movement, granting an attacker access to monitored network devices.
CVE-2020-10548 rConfig 3.9.4 and previous versions has unauthenticated SQL injection. Because, by default, nodes' passwords are stored in cleartext, this vulnerability leads to lateral movement, granting an attacker access to monitored network devices.
CVE-2020-10547 rConfig 3.9.4 and previous versions has unauthenticated SQL injection. Because, by default, nodes' passwords are stored in cleartext, this vulnerability leads to lateral movement, granting an attacker access to monitored network devices.
CVE-2020-10546 rConfig 3.9.4 and previous versions has unauthenticated SQL injection. Because, by default, nodes' passwords are stored in cleartext, this vulnerability leads to lateral movement, granting an attacker access to monitored network devices.
CVE-2020-10537 An issue was discovered in Epikur before 20.1.1. A Glassfish 4.1 server with a default configuration is running on TCP port 4848. No password is required to access it with the administrator account.
CVE-2020-10276 The password for the safety PLC is the default and thus easy to find (in manuals, etc.). This allows a manipulated program to be uploaded to the safety PLC, effectively disabling the emergency stop in case an object is too close to the robot. Navigation and any other components dependent on the laser scanner are not affected (thus it is hard to detect before something happens) though the laser scanner configuration can also be affected altering further the safety of the device.
CVE-2020-10275 The access tokens for the REST API are directly derived from the publicly available default credentials for the web interface. Given a USERNAME and a PASSWORD, the token string is generated directly with base64(USERNAME:sha256(PASSWORD)). An unauthorized attacker inside the network can use the default credentials to compute the token and interact with the REST API to exfiltrate, infiltrate or delete data.
CVE-2020-10270 Out of the wired and wireless interfaces within MiR100, MiR200 and other vehicles from the MiR fleet, it's possible to access the Control Dashboard on a hardcoded IP address. Credentials to such wireless interface default to well known and widely spread users (omitted) and passwords (omitted). This information is also available in past User Guides and manuals which the vendor distributed. This flaw allows cyber attackers to take control of the robot remotely and make use of the default user interfaces MiR has created, lowering the complexity of attacks and making them available to entry-level attackers. More elaborated attacks can also be established by clearing authentication and sending network requests directly. We have confirmed this flaw in MiR100 and MiR200 but according to the vendor, it might also apply to MiR250, MiR500 and MiR1000.
CVE-2020-10269 One of the wireless interfaces within MiR100, MiR200 and possibly (according to the vendor) other MiR fleet vehicles comes pre-configured in WiFi Master (Access Point) mode. Credentials to such wireless Access Point default to well known and widely spread SSID (MiR_RXXXX) and passwords (omitted). This information is also available in past User Guides and manuals which the vendor distributed. We have confirmed this flaw in MiR100 and MiR200 but it might also apply to MiR250, MiR500 and MiR1000.
CVE-2020-0019 In the Broadcom Nexus firmware, there is an insecure default password. This could lead to local information disclosure in the kernel with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Android SoCAndroid ID: A-171413798
CVE-2020-0016 In the Broadcom Nexus firmware, there is an insecure default password. This could lead to local escalation of privilege in the kernel with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Android SoCAndroid ID: A-171413483
CVE-2019-9950 Western Digital My Cloud, My Cloud Mirror Gen2, My Cloud EX2 Ultra, My Cloud EX2100, My Cloud EX4100, My Cloud DL2100, My Cloud DL4100, My Cloud PR2100 and My Cloud PR4100 firmware before 2.31.174 is affected by an authentication bypass vulnerability. The login_mgr.cgi file checks credentials against /etc/shadow. However, the "nobody" account (which can be used to access the control panel API as a low-privilege logged-in user) has a default empty password, allowing an attacker to modify the My Cloud EX2 Ultra web page source code and obtain access to the My Cloud as a non-Admin My Cloud device user.
CVE-2019-9733 An issue was discovered in JFrog Artifactory 6.7.3. By default, the access-admin account is used to reset the password of the admin account in case an administrator gets locked out from the Artifactory console. This is only allowable from a connection directly from localhost, but providing a X-Forwarded-For HTTP header to the request allows an unauthenticated user to login with the default credentials of the access-admin account while bypassing the whitelist of allowed IP addresses. The access-admin account can use Artifactory's API to request authentication tokens for all users including the admin account and, in turn, assume full control of all artifacts and repositories managed by Artifactory.
CVE-2019-9229 An issue was discovered on AudioCodes Mediant 500L-MSBR, 500-MBSR, M800B-MSBR and 800C-MSBR devices with firmware versions F7.20A to F7.20A.251. An internal interface exposed to the link-local address allows attackers in the local network to access multiple quagga VTYs. Attackers can authenticate with the default 1234 password that cannot be changed, and can execute malicious and unauthorized actions.
CVE-2019-7632 LifeSize Team, Room, Passport, and Networker 220 devices allow Authenticated Remote OS Command Injection, as demonstrated by shell metacharacters in the support/mtusize.php mtu_size parameter. The lifesize default password for the cli account may sometimes be used for authentication.
CVE-2019-7579 An issue was discovered on Linksys WRT1900ACS devices. An ability exists for an unauthenticated user to browse a confidential ui/ file on the router's webserver, allowing for an attacker to identify possible passwords that the system uses to set the default guest network password. An attacker can use this list of 30 words along with a random 2 digit number to brute force their access onto a router's guest network.
CVE-2019-7488 Weak default password cause vulnerability in SonicWall Email Security appliance which leads to attacker gain access to appliance database. This vulnerability affected Email Security Appliance version 10.0.2 and earlier.
CVE-2019-5635 A cleartext transmission of sensitive information vulnerability is present in Hickory Smart Ethernet Bridge from Belwith Products, LLC. Captured data reveals that the Hickory Smart Ethernet Bridge device communicates over the network to an MQTT broker without using encryption. This exposed the default username and password used to authenticate to the MQTT broker. This issue affects Hickory Smart Ethernet Bridge, model number H077646. The firmware does not appear to contain versioning information.
CVE-2019-4698 IBM Security Guardium Data Encryption (GDE) does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 171929.
CVE-2019-4576 IBM QRadar Network Packet Capture 7.3.0 - 7.3.3 Patch 1 and 7.4.0 GA does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 166803.
CVE-2019-4565 IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager 3.0 and 3.0.1 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 166626.
CVE-2019-4321 IBM Intelligent Operations Center V5.1.0 - V5.2.0, IBM Intelligent Operations Center for Emergency Management V5.1.0 - V5.1.0.6, and IBM Water Operations for Waternamics V5.1.0 - V5.2.1.1 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 161201.
CVE-2019-4235 IBM PureApplication System through does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 159417.
CVE-2019-4169 IBM Open Power Firmware OP910 and OP920 could allow access to BMC via IPMI using default OpenBMC password even after BMC password was changed away from the default password. IBM X-Force ID: 158702.
CVE-2019-4067 IBM Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) 5.1.0 through 5.2.0 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 157012.
CVE-2019-3700 yast2-security didn't use secure defaults to protect passwords. This became a problem on 2019-10-07 when configuration files that set secure settings were moved to a different location. As of the 20191022 snapshot the insecure default settings were used until yast2-security switched to stronger defaults in 4.2.6 and used the new configuration file locations. Password created during this time used DES password encryption and are not properly protected against attackers that are able to access the password hashes.
CVE-2019-20471 An issue was discovered on TK-Star Q90 Junior GPS horloge 3.1042.9.8656 devices. When using the device at initial setup, a default password is used (123456) for administrative purposes. There is no prompt to change this password. Note that this password can be used in combination with CVE-2019-20470.
CVE-2019-20470 An issue was discovered on TK-Star Q90 Junior GPS horloge 3.1042.9.8656 devices. It performs actions based on certain SMS commands. This can be used to set up a voice communication channel from the watch to any telephone number, initiated by sending a specific SMS and using the default password, e.g., pw,<password>,call,<mobile_number> triggers an outbound call from the watch. The password is sometimes available because of CVE-2019-20471.
CVE-2019-20467 An issue was discovered on Sannce Smart HD Wifi Security Camera EAN 2 950004 595317 devices. The device by default has a TELNET interface available (which is not advertised or functionally used, but is nevertheless available). Two backdoor accounts (root and default) exist that can be used on this interface. The usernames and passwords of the backdoor accounts are the same on all devices. Attackers can use these backdoor accounts to obtain access and execute code as root within the device.
CVE-2019-20466 An issue was discovered on Sannce Smart HD Wifi Security Camera EAN 2 950004 595317 devices. A local attacker with the "default" account is capable of reading the /etc/passwd file, which contains a weakly hashed root password. By taking this hash and cracking it, the attacker can obtain root rights on the device.
CVE-2019-20464 An issue was discovered on Sannce Smart HD Wifi Security Camera EAN 2 950004 595317 devices. By default, a mobile application is used to stream over UDP. However, the device offers many more services that also enable streaming. Although the service used by the mobile application requires a password, the other streaming services do not. By initiating communication on the RTSP port, an attacker can obtain access to the video feed without authenticating.
CVE-2019-20138 The HTTP Authentication library before 2019-12-27 for Nim has weak password hashing because the default algorithm for libsodium's crypto_pwhash_str is not used.
CVE-2019-20026 The WebPro interface in NEC SV9100 software releases 7.0 or higher allows unauthenticated remote attackers to reset all existing usernames and passwords to default values via a crafted request.
CVE-2019-1953 A vulnerability in the web portal of Cisco Enterprise NFV Infrastructure Software (NFVIS) could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to view a password in clear text. The vulnerability is due to incorrectly logging the admin password when a user is forced to modify the default password when logging in to the web portal for the first time. Subsequent password changes are not logged and other accounts are not affected. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by viewing the admin clear text password and using it to access the affected system. The attacker would need a valid user account to exploit this vulnerability.
CVE-2019-19492 FreeSWITCH 1.6.10 through 1.10.1 has a default password in event_socket.conf.xml.
CVE-2019-1935 A vulnerability in Cisco Integrated Management Controller (IMC) Supervisor, Cisco UCS Director, and Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to log in to the CLI of an affected system by using the SCP User account (scpuser), which has default user credentials. The vulnerability is due to the presence of a documented default account with an undocumented default password and incorrect permission settings for that account. Changing the default password for this account is not enforced during the installation of the product. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by using the account to log in to an affected system. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the scpuser account. This includes full read and write access to the system's database.
CVE-2019-19340 A flaw was found in Ansible Tower, versions 3.6.x before 3.6.2 and 3.5.x before 3.5.3, where enabling RabbitMQ manager by setting it with '-e rabbitmq_enable_manager=true' exposes the RabbitMQ management interface publicly, as expected. If the default admin user is still active, an attacker could guess the password and gain access to the system.
CVE-2019-19299 A vulnerability has been identified in SiNVR/SiVMS Video Server (All versions < V5.0.0), SiNVR/SiVMS Video Server (All versions >= V5.0.0 < V5.0.2), SiNVR/SiVMS Video Server (All versions >= V5.0.2). The streaming service (default port 5410/tcp) of the SiVMS/SiNVR Video Server applies weak cryptography when exposing device (camera) passwords. This could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to read and decrypt the passwords and conduct further attacks.
CVE-2019-19232 ** DISPUTED ** In Sudo through 1.8.29, an attacker with access to a Runas ALL sudoer account can impersonate a nonexistent user by invoking sudo with a numeric uid that is not associated with any user. NOTE: The software maintainer believes that this is not a vulnerability because running a command via sudo as a user not present in the local password database is an intentional feature. Because this behavior surprised some users, sudo 1.8.30 introduced an option to enable/disable this behavior with the default being disabled. However, this does not change the fact that sudo was behaving as intended, and as documented, in earlier versions.
CVE-2019-18828 Barco ClickShare Button R9861500D01 devices before 1.9.0 have Insufficiently Protected Credentials. The root account (present for access via debug interfaces, which are by default not enabled on production devices) of the embedded Linux on the ClickShare Button is using a weak password.
CVE-2019-18790 An issue was discovered in channels/chan_sip.c in Sangoma Asterisk 13.x before 13.29.2, 16.x before 16.6.2, and 17.x before 17.0.1, and Certified Asterisk 13.21 before cert5. A SIP request can be sent to Asterisk that can change a SIP peer's IP address. A REGISTER does not need to occur, and calls can be hijacked as a result. The only thing that needs to be known is the peer's name; authentication details such as passwords do not need to be known. This vulnerability is only exploitable when the nat option is set to the default, or auto_force_rport.
CVE-2019-1859 A vulnerability in the Secure Shell (SSH) authentication process of Cisco Small Business Switches software could allow an attacker to bypass client-side certificate authentication and revert to password authentication. The vulnerability exists because OpenSSH mishandles the authentication process. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by attempting to connect to the device via SSH. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to access the configuration as an administrative user if the default credentials are not changed. There are no workarounds available; however, if client-side certificate authentication is enabled, disable it and use strong password authentication. Client-side certificate authentication is disabled by default.
CVE-2019-18339 A vulnerability has been identified in SiNVR/SiVMS Video Server (All versions < V5.0.0). The HTTP service (default port 5401/tcp) of the SiVMS/SiNVR Video Server contains an authentication bypass vulnerability, even when properly configured with enforced authentication. A remote attacker with network access to the Video Server could exploit this vulnerability to read the SiVMS/SiNVR users database, including the passwords of all users in obfuscated cleartext.
CVE-2019-18337 A vulnerability has been identified in Control Center Server (CCS) (All versions < V1.5.0). The Control Center Server (CCS) contains an authentication bypass vulnerability in its XML-based communication protocol as provided by default on ports 5444/tcp and 5440/tcp. A remote attacker with network access to the CCS server could exploit this vulnerability to read the CCS users database, including the passwords of all users in obfuscated cleartext.
CVE-2019-17444 Jfrog Artifactory uses default passwords (such as "password") for administrative accounts and does not require users to change them. This may allow unauthorized network-based attackers to completely compromise of Jfrog Artifactory. This issue affects Jfrog Artifactory versions prior to 6.17.0.
CVE-2019-1723 A vulnerability in the Cisco Common Services Platform Collector (CSPC) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to access an affected device by using an account that has a default, static password. This account does not have administrator privileges. The vulnerability exists because the affected software has a user account with a default, static password. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by remotely connecting to the affected system using this account. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to log in to the CSPC using the default account. For Cisco CSPC 2.7.x, Cisco fixed this vulnerability in Release For Cisco CSPC 2.8.x, Cisco fixed this vulnerability in Release
CVE-2019-1688 A vulnerability in the management web interface of Cisco Network Assurance Engine (NAE) could allow an unauthenticated, local attacker to gain unauthorized access or cause a Denial of Service (DoS) condition on the server. The vulnerability is due to a fault in the password management system of NAE. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by authenticating with the default administrator password via the CLI of an affected server. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to view potentially sensitive information or bring the server down, causing a DoS condition. This vulnerability affects Cisco Network Assurance Engine (NAE) Release 3.0(1). The default password condition only affects new installations of Release 3.0(1).
CVE-2019-1675 A vulnerability in the default configuration of the Cisco Aironet Active Sensor could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to restart the sensor. The vulnerability is due to a default local account with a static password. The account has privileges only to reboot the device. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by guessing the account name and password to access the CLI. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to reboot the device repeatedly, creating a denial of service (DoS) condition. It is not possible to change the configuration or view sensitive data with this account. Versions prior to DNAC1.2.8 are affected.
CVE-2019-16399 Western Digital WD My Book World through II 1.02.12 suffers from Broken Authentication, which allows an attacker to access the /admin/ directory without credentials. An attacker can easily enable SSH from /admin/system_advanced.php?lang=en and login with the default root password welc0me.
CVE-2019-16303 A class generated by the Generator in JHipster before 6.3.0 and JHipster Kotlin through 1.1.0 produces code that uses an insecure source of randomness (apache.commons.lang3 RandomStringUtils). This allows an attacker (if able to obtain their own password reset URL) to compute the value for all other password resets for other accounts, thus allowing privilege escalation or account takeover.
CVE-2019-15716 WTF before 0.19.0 does not set the permissions of config.yml, which might make it easier for local attackers to read passwords or API keys if the permissions were misconfigured or were based on unsafe OS defaults.
CVE-2019-15350 The Tecno Camon Android device with a build fingerprint of TECNO/H622/TECNO-ID5b:8.1.0/O11019/G-180829V31:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed platform app with a package name of com.lovelyfont.defcontainer (versionCode=7, versionName=7.0.11). This app contains an exported service named com.lovelyfont.manager.service.FunctionService that allows any app co-located on the device to supply the file path to a Dalvik Executable (DEX) file which it will dynamically load within its own process and execute in with its own system privileges. This app cannot be disabled by the user and the attack can be performed by a zero-permission app. Executing commands as the system user can allow a third-party app to video record the user's screen, factory reset the device, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the Graphical User Interface (GUI), and obtains the user's text messages, and more. Executing code as the system user can allow a third-party app to factory reset the device, obtain the user's Wi-Fi passwords, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the GUI, change the default Input Method Editor (IME) (e.g., keyboard) with one contained within the attacking app that contains keylogging functionality, and obtains the user's text messages, and more.
CVE-2019-15349 The Tecno Camon Android device with a build fingerprint of TECNO/H612/TECNO-ID5a:8.1.0/O11019/F-180828V106:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed platform app with a package name of com.lovelyfont.defcontainer (versionCode=7, versionName=7.0.11). This app contains an exported service named com.lovelyfont.manager.service.FunctionService that allows any app co-located on the device to supply the file path to a Dalvik Executable (DEX) file which it will dynamically load within its own process and execute in with its own system privileges. This app cannot be disabled by the user and the attack can be performed by a zero-permission app. Executing commands as the system user can allow a third-party app to video record the user's screen, factory reset the device, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the Graphical User Interface (GUI), and obtains the user's text messages, and more. Executing code as the system user can allow a third-party app to factory reset the device, obtain the user's Wi-Fi passwords, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the GUI, change the default Input Method Editor (IME) (e.g., keyboard) with one contained within the attacking app that contains keylogging functionality, and obtains the user's text messages, and more.
CVE-2019-15346 The Tecno Camon iClick 2 Android device with a build fingerprint of TECNO/H622/TECNO-ID6:8.1.0/O11019/F-180824V116:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed platform app with a package name of com.lovelyfont.defcontainer (versionCode=7, versionName=7.0.11). This app contains an exported service named com.lovelyfont.manager.service.FunctionService that allows any app co-located on the device to supply the file path to a Dalvik Executable (DEX) file which it will dynamically load within its own process and execute in with its own system privileges. This app cannot be disabled by the user and the attack can be performed by a zero-permission app. Executing commands as the system user can allow a third-party app to video record the user's screen, factory reset the device, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the Graphical User Interface (GUI), and obtains the user's text messages, and more. Executing code as the system user can allow a third-party app to factory reset the device, obtain the user's Wi-Fi passwords, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the GUI, change the default Input Method Editor (IME) (e.g., keyboard) with one contained within the attacking app that contains keylogging functionality, and obtains the user's text messages, and more.
CVE-2019-15345 The Tecno Camon iClick Android device with a build fingerprint of TECNO/H633/TECNO-IN6:8.1.0/O11019/A-180409V96:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed platform app with a package name of com.lovelyfont.defcontainer (versionCode=7, versionName=7.0.8). This app contains an exported service named com.lovelyfont.manager.service.FunctionService that allows any app co-located on the device to supply the file path to a Dalvik Executable (DEX) file which it will dynamically load within its own process and execute in with its own system privileges. This app cannot be disabled by the user and the attack can be performed by a zero-permission app. Executing commands as the system user can allow a third-party app to video record the user's screen, factory reset the device, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the Graphical User Interface (GUI), and obtains the user's text messages, and more. Executing code as the system user can allow a third-party app to factory reset the device, obtain the user's Wi-Fi passwords, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the GUI, change the default Input Method Editor (IME) (e.g., keyboard) with one contained within the attacking app that contains keylogging functionality, and obtains the user's text messages, and more.
CVE-2019-15341 The Tecno Camon iAir 2 Plus Android device with a build fingerprint of TECNO/H622/TECNO-ID3k:8.1.0/O11019/E-180914V83:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed platform app with a package name of com.lovelyfont.defcontainer (versionCode=7, versionName=7.0.11). This app contains an exported service named com.lovelyfont.manager.service.FunctionService that allows any app co-located on the device to supply the file path to a Dalvik Executable (DEX) file which it will dynamically load within its own process and execute in with its own system privileges. This app cannot be disabled by the user and the attack can be performed by a zero-permission app. Executing commands as the system user can allow a third-party app to video record the user's screen, factory reset the device, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the Graphical User Interface (GUI), and obtains the user's text messages, and more. Executing code as the system user can allow a third-party app to factory reset the device, obtain the user's Wi-Fi passwords, obtain the user's notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the GUI, change the default Input Method Editor (IME) (e.g., keyboard) with one contained within the attacking app that contains keylogging functionality, and obtains the user's text messages, and more.
CVE-2019-15304 Lierda Grill Temperature Monitor V1.00_50006 has a default password of admin for the admin account, which allows an attacker to cause a Denial of Service or Information Disclosure via the undocumented access-point configuration page located on the device. This wifi thermometer app requests and requires excessive permissions to operate such as Fine GPS location, camera, applists, Serial number, IMEI. In addition to the "backdoor" login access for "admin" purposes, this accompanying app also establishes connections with several china based URLs to include Alibaba cloud computing. NOTE: this device also ships with ProGrade branding.
CVE-2019-14656 Yealink phones through 2019-08-04 do not properly check user roles in POST requests. Consequently, the default User account (with a password of user) can make admin requests via HTTP.
CVE-2019-13559 GE Mark VIe Controller is shipped with pre-configured hard-coded credentials that may allow root-user access to the controller. A limited application of the affected product may ship without setup and configuration instructions immediately available to the end user. The bulk of controllers go into applications requiring the GE commissioning engineer to change default configurations during the installation process. GE recommends that users reset controller passwords during installation in the operating environment.
CVE-2019-12941 AutoPi Wi-Fi/NB and 4G/LTE devices before 2019-10-15 allows an attacker to perform a brute-force attack or dictionary attack to gain access to the WiFi network, which provides root access to the device. The default WiFi password and WiFi SSID are derived from the same hash function output (input is only 8 characters), which allows an attacker to deduce the WiFi password from the WiFi SSID.
CVE-2019-12105 ** DISPUTED ** In Supervisor through 4.0.2, an unauthenticated user can read log files or restart a service. Note: The maintainer responded that the affected component, inet_http_server, is not enabled by default but if the user enables it and does not set a password, Supervisor logs a warning message. The maintainer indicated the ability to run an open server will not be removed but an additional warning was added to the documentation.
CVE-2019-11326 An issue was discovered on Topcon Positioning Net-G5 GNSS Receiver devices with firmware 5.2.2. The web interface of the product is protected by a login. A guest is allowed to login. Once logged in as a guest, an attacker can browse a URL to read the password of the administrative user. The same procedure allows a regular user to gain administrative privileges. The guest login is possible in the default configuration.
CVE-2019-11231 An issue was discovered in GetSimple CMS through 3.3.15. insufficient input sanitation in the theme-edit.php file allows upload of files with arbitrary content (PHP code, for example). This vulnerability is triggered by an authenticated user; however, authentication can be bypassed. According to the official documentation for installation step 10, an admin is required to upload all the files, including the .htaccess files, and run a health check. However, what is overlooked is that the Apache HTTP Server by default no longer enables the AllowOverride directive, leading to data/users/admin.xml password exposure. The passwords are hashed but this can be bypassed by starting with the data/other/authorization.xml API key. This allows one to target the session state, since they decided to roll their own implementation. The cookie_name is crafted information that can be leaked from the frontend (site name and version). If a someone leaks the API key and the admin username, then they can bypass authentication. To do so, they need to supply a cookie based on an SHA-1 computation of this known information. The vulnerability exists in the admin/theme-edit.php file. This file checks for forms submissions via POST requests, and for the csrf nonce. If the nonce sent is correct, then the file provided by the user is uploaded. There is a path traversal allowing write access outside the jailed themes directory root. Exploiting the traversal is not necessary because the .htaccess file is ignored. A contributing factor is that there isn't another check on the extension before saving the file, with the assumption that the parameter content is safe. This allows the creation of web accessible and executable files with arbitrary content.
CVE-2019-11202 An issue was discovered that affects the following versions of Rancher: v2.0.0 through v2.0.13, v2.1.0 through v2.1.8, and v2.2.0 through 2.2.1. When Rancher starts for the first time, it creates a default admin user with a well-known password. After initial setup, the Rancher administrator may choose to delete this default admin user. If Rancher is restarted, the default admin user will be recreated with the well-known default password. An attacker could exploit this by logging in with the default admin credentials. This can be mitigated by deactivating the default admin user rather than completing deleting them.
CVE-2019-11081 A default username and password in Dentsply Sirona Sidexis 4.3.1 and earlier allows an attacker to gain administrative access to the application server.
CVE-2019-10907 Airsonic 10.2.1 uses Spring's default remember-me mechanism based on MD5, with a fixed key of airsonic in An attacker able to capture cookies might be able to trivially bruteforce offline the passwords of associated users.
CVE-2019-10694 The express install, which is the suggested way to install Puppet Enterprise, gives the user a URL at the end of the install to set the admin password. If they do not use that URL, there is an overlooked default password for the admin user. This was resolved in Puppet Enterprise 2019.0.3 and 2018.1.9.
CVE-2019-10195 A flaw was found in IPA, all 4.6.x versions before 4.6.7, all 4.7.x versions before 4.7.4 and all 4.8.x versions before 4.8.3, in the way that FreeIPA's batch processing API logged operations. This included passing user passwords in clear text on FreeIPA masters. Batch processing of commands with passwords as arguments or options is not performed by default in FreeIPA but is possible by third-party components. An attacker having access to system logs on FreeIPA masters could use this flaw to produce log file content with passwords exposed.
CVE-2019-0039 If REST API is enabled, the Junos OS login credentials are vulnerable to brute force attacks. The high default connection limit of the REST API may allow an attacker to brute-force passwords using advanced scripting techniques. Additionally, administrators who do not enforce a strong password policy can increase the likelihood of success from brute force attacks. Affected releases are Juniper Networks Junos OS: 14.1X53 versions prior to 14.1X53-D49; 15.1 versions prior to 15.1F6-S12, 15.1R7-S3; 15.1X49 versions prior to 15.1X49-D160; 15.1X53 versions prior to 15.1X53-D236, 15.1X53-D495, 15.1X53-D591, 15.1X53-D69; 16.1 versions prior to 16.1R3-S10, 16.1R4-S12, 16.1R6-S6, 16.1R7-S3; 16.1X65 versions prior to 16.1X65-D49; 16.2 versions prior to 16.2R2-S7; 17.1 versions prior to 17.1R2-S10, 17.1R3; 17.2 versions prior to 17.2R1-S8, 17.2R3-S1; 17.3 versions prior to 17.3R3-S2; 17.4 versions prior to 17.4R1-S6, 17.4R2-S2; 18.1 versions prior to 18.1R2-S4, 18.1R3-S1; 18.2 versions prior to 18.2R1-S5; 18.2X75 versions prior to 18.2X75-D30; 18.3 versions prior to 18.3R1-S1.
CVE-2018-9112 A low privileged admin account with a weak default password of admin exists on the Foxconn FEMTO AP-FC4064-T AP_GT_B38_5.8.3lb15-W47 LTE Build 15. In addition, its web management page relies on the existence or values of cookies when performing security-critical operations. One can gain privileges by modifying cookies.
CVE-2018-9090 CoreOS Tectonic 1.7.x and 1.8.x before 1.8.7-tectonic.2 deploys the Grafana web application using default credentials (admin/admin) for the administrator account located at grafana-credentials secret. This occurs because CoreOS does not randomize the administrative password to later be configured by Tectonic administrators. An attacker can insert an XSS payload into the dashboards.
CVE-2018-9010 Intelbras TELEFONE IP TIP200/200 LITE devices allow remote authenticated admins to read arbitrary files via the /cgi-bin/cgiServer.exx page parameter, aka absolute path traversal. In some cases, authentication can be achieved via the admin account with its default admin password.
CVE-2018-6312 A privileged account with a weak default password on the Foxconn femtocell FEMTO AP-FC4064-T version AP_GT_B38_5.8.3lb15-W47 LTE Build 15 can be used to turn on the TELNET service via the web interface, which allows root login without any password. This vulnerability will lead to full system compromise and disclosure of user communications. The foxconn account with an 8-character lowercase alphabetic password can be used.
CVE-2018-5770 An issue was discovered on Tenda AC15 devices. A remote, unauthenticated attacker can make a request to /goform/telnet, creating a telnetd service on the device. This service is password protected; however, several default accounts exist on the device that are root accounts, which can be used to log in.
CVE-2018-5708 An issue was discovered on D-Link DIR-601 B1 2.02NA devices. Being on the same local network as, but being unauthenticated to, the administrator's panel, a user can obtain the admin username and cleartext password in the response (specifically, the configuration file restore_default), which is displayed in XML.
CVE-2018-5266 Cobham Sea Tel 121 build 222701 devices allow remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive information about valid usernames by reading the loginName lines at the js/userLogin.js URI. NOTE: default passwords for the standard usernames are listed in the product's documentation: Dealer with password seatel3, SysAdmin with password seatel2, and User with password seatel1.
CVE-2018-25081 ** DISPUTED ** Bitwarden through 2023.2.1 offers password auto-fill within a cross-domain IFRAME element. NOTE: the vendor's position is that there have been important legitimate cross-domain configurations (e.g., an IFRAME element on the website) and that "Auto-fill on page load" is not enabled by default.
CVE-2018-20735 ** DISPUTED ** An issue was discovered in BMC PATROL Agent through 11.3.01. It was found that the PatrolCli application can allow for lateral movement and escalation of privilege inside a Windows Active Directory environment. It was found that by default the PatrolCli / PATROL Agent application only verifies if the password provided for the given username is correct; it does not verify the permissions of the user on the network. This means if you have PATROL Agent installed on a high value target (domain controller), you can use a low privileged domain user to authenticate with PatrolCli and then connect to the domain controller and run commands as SYSTEM. This means any user on a domain can escalate to domain admin through PATROL Agent. NOTE: the vendor disputes this because they believe it is adequate to prevent this escalation by means of a custom, non-default configuration.
CVE-2018-20402 Safe Software FME Server through 2018.1 creates and enables three additional accounts in addition to the initial administrator account. The passwords to the three accounts are the same as the usernames, which are guest, user, and author. Logging in with these accounts will grant any user the default privilege roles that were also created for each of the accounts.
CVE-2018-20377 Orange Livebox 00.96.320S devices allow remote attackers to discover Wi-Fi credentials via /get_getnetworkconf.cgi on port 8080, leading to full control if the admin password equals the Wi-Fi password or has the default admin value. This is related to Firmware 01.11.2017-11:43:44, Boot v0.70.03, Modem, Hardware 02, and Arcadyan ARV7519RW22-A-L T VR9 1.2.
CVE-2018-20151 In WordPress before 4.9.9 and 5.x before 5.0.1, the user-activation page could be read by a search engine's web crawler if an unusual configuration were chosen. The search engine could then index and display a user's e-mail address and (rarely) the password that was generated by default.
CVE-2018-19911 FreeSWITCH through 1.8.2, when mod_xml_rpc is enabled, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via the api/system or txtapi/system (or api/bg_system or txtapi/bg_system) query string on TCP port 8080, as demonstrated by an api/system?calc URI. This can also be exploited via CSRF. Alternatively, the default password of works for the freeswitch account can sometimes be used.
CVE-2018-1956 IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 153628.
CVE-2018-19537 TP-Link Archer C5 devices through V2_160201_US allow remote command execution via shell metacharacters on the wan_dyn_hostname line of a configuration file that is encrypted with the 478DA50BF9E3D2CF key and uploaded through the web GUI by using the web admin account. The default password of admin may be used in some cases.
CVE-2018-19392 Cobham Satcom Sailor 250 and 500 devices before 1.25 contained an unauthenticated password reset vulnerability. This could allow modification of any user account's password (including the default "admin" account), without prior knowledge of their password. All that is required is knowledge of the username and attack vector (/index.lua?pageID=Administration usernameAdmChange, passwordAdmChange1, and passwordAdmChange2 fields).
CVE-2018-19275 The BluStar component in Mitel InAttend before 2.5 SP3 and CMG before 8.4 SP3 Suite Servers has a default password, which could allow remote attackers to gain unauthorized access and execute arbitrary scripts with potential impacts to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the system.
CVE-2018-18929 The Tightrope Media Carousel Seneca HDn Windows-based appliance is shipped with a default local administrator username and password. This can be found by a limited user account in an "unattend.xml" file left over on the C: drive from the Sysprep process. An attacker with this username and password can leverage it to gain administrator-level access on the system.
CVE-2018-18473 A hidden backdoor on PATLITE NH-FB Series devices with firmware version 1.45 or earlier, NH-FV Series devices with firmware version 1.10 or earlier, and NBM Series devices with firmware version 1.09 or earlier allow attackers to enable an SSH daemon via the "kankichi" or "kamiyo4" password to the _secret1.htm URI. Subsequently, the default password of root for the root account allows an attacker to conduct remote code execution and as a result take over the system.
CVE-2018-17919 All versions of Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology Co., Ltd XMeye P2P Cloud Server may allow an attacker to use an undocumented user account "default" with its default password to login to XMeye and access/view video streams.
CVE-2018-17894 NUUO CMS all versions 3.1 and prior, The application creates default accounts that have hard-coded passwords, which could allow an attacker to gain privileged access.
CVE-2018-16879 Ansible Tower before version 3.3.3 does not set a secure channel as it is using the default insecure configuration channel settings for messaging celery workers from RabbitMQ. This could lead in data leak of sensitive information such as passwords as well as denial of service attacks by deleting projects or inventory files.
CVE-2018-1680 IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager Virtual Appliance 2.2.1 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 145236.
CVE-2018-16752 LINK-NET LW-N605R devices with firmware allow Remote Code Execution via shell metacharacters in the HOST field of the ping feature at adm/systools.asp. Authentication is needed but the default password of admin for the admin account may be used in some cases.
CVE-2018-15748 On Dell 2335dn printers with Printer Firmware Version, Engine Firmware Version 1.10.65, and Network Firmware Version V4.02.15(2335dn MFP) 11-22-2010, the admin interface allows an authenticated attacker to retrieve the configured SMTP or LDAP password by viewing the HTML source code of the Email Settings webpage. In some cases, authentication can be achieved with the blank default password for the admin account. NOTE: the vendor indicates that this is an "End Of Support Life" product.
CVE-2018-15719 Open Dental before version 18.4 installs a mysql database and uses the default credentials of "root" with a blank password. This allows anyone on the network with access to the server to access all database information.
CVE-2018-15427 A vulnerability in Cisco Video Surveillance Manager (VSM) Software running on certain Cisco Connected Safety and Security Unified Computing System (UCS) platforms could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to log in to an affected system by using the root account, which has default, static user credentials. The vulnerability is due to the presence of undocumented, default, static user credentials for the root account of the affected software on certain systems. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by using the account to log in to an affected system. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to log in to the affected system and execute arbitrary commands as the root user.
CVE-2018-15389 A vulnerability in the install function of Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning (PCP) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to access the administrative web interface using a default hard-coded username and password that are used during install. The vulnerability is due to a hard-coded password that, in some cases, is not replaced with a unique password. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to access the administrative web interface with administrator-level privileges.
CVE-2018-14943 Harmonic NSG 9000 devices have a default password of nsgadmin for the admin account, a default password of nsgguest for the guest account, and a default password of nsgconfig for the config account.
CVE-2018-14668 In ClickHouse before 1.1.54388, "remote" table function allowed arbitrary symbols in "user", "password" and "default_database" fields which led to Cross Protocol Request Forgery Attacks.
CVE-2018-14528 Invoxia NVX220 devices allow TELNET access as admin with a default password.
CVE-2018-14324 The demo feature in Oracle GlassFish Open Source Edition 5.0 has TCP port 7676 open by default with a password of admin for the admin account. This allows remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive information, perform database operations, or manipulate the demo via a JMX RMI session, aka a "jmx_rmi remote monitoring and control problem." NOTE: this is not an Oracle supported product.
CVE-2018-1372 IBM Security Guardium Big Data Intelligence (SonarG) 3.1 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 137772.
CVE-2018-12924 Sollae Serial-Ethernet-Module and Remote-I/O-Device-Server devices have a default password of sollae for the TELNET service.
CVE-2018-1240 Dell EMC ViPR Controller, versions after, contain an information exposure vulnerability in the VRRP. VRRP defaults to an insecure configuration in Linux's keepalived component which sends the cluster password in plaintext through multicast. A malicious user, having access to the vCloud subnet where ViPR is deployed, could potentially sniff the password and use it to take over the cluster's virtual IP and cause a denial of service on that ViPR Controller system.
CVE-2018-1216 A hard-coded password vulnerability was discovered in vApp Manager which is embedded in Dell EMC Unisphere for VMAX, Dell EMC Solutions Enabler, Dell EMC VASA Virtual Appliances, and Dell EMC VMAX Embedded Management (eManagement): Dell EMC Unisphere for VMAX Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC Solutions Enabler Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC VASA Virtual Appliance versions prior to, and Dell EMC VMAX Embedded Management (eManagement) versions prior to and including 1.4 (Enginuity Release 5977.1125.1125 and earlier). They contain an undocumented default account (smc) with a hard-coded password that may be used with certain web servlets. A remote attacker with the knowledge of the hard-coded password and the message format may use vulnerable servlets to gain unauthorized access to the system. Note: This account cannot be used to log in via the web user interface.
CVE-2018-1214 Dell EMC SupportAssist Enterprise version 1.1 creates a local Windows user account named "OMEAdapterUser" with a default password as part of the installation process. This unnecessary user account also remains even after an upgrade from v1.1 to v1.2. Access to the management console can be achieved by someone with knowledge of the default password. If SupportAssist Enterprise is installed on a server running OpenManage Essentials (OME), the OmeAdapterUser user account is added as a member of the OmeAdministrators group for the OME. An unauthorized person with knowledge of the default password and access to the OME web console could potentially use this account to gain access to the affected installation of OME with OmeAdministrators privileges. This is fixed in version 1.2.1.
CVE-2018-11681 ** DISPUTED ** Default and unremovable support credentials (user:nwk password:nwk2) allow attackers to gain total super user control of an IoT device through a TELNET session to products using the RadioRA 2 Lutron integration protocol Revision M to Revision Y. NOTE: The vendor disputes this id as not being a vulnerability because what can be done through the ports revolve around controlling lighting, not code execution. A certain set of commands are listed, which bear some similarity to code, but they are not arbitrary and do not allow admin-level control of a machine.
CVE-2018-11629 ** DISPUTED ** Default and unremovable support credentials (user:lutron password:integration) allow attackers to gain total super user control of an IoT device through a TELNET session to products using the HomeWorks QS Lutron integration protocol Revision M to Revision Y. NOTE: The vendor disputes this id as not being a vulnerability because what can be done through the ports revolve around controlling lighting, not code execution. A certain set of commands are listed, which bear some similarity to code, but they are not arbitrary and do not allow admin-level control of a machine.
CVE-2018-11509 ASUSTOR ADM 3.1.0.RFQ3 uses the same default root:admin username and password as it does for the NAS itself for applications that are installed from the online repository. This may allow an attacker to login and upload a webshell.
CVE-2018-11134 In order to perform actions that requires higher privileges, the Quest KACE System Management Appliance 8.0.318 relies on a message queue managed that runs with root privileges and only allows a set of commands. One of the available commands allows changing any user's password (including root). A low-privilege user could abuse this feature by changing the password of the 'kace_support' account, which comes disabled by default but has full sudo privileges.
CVE-2018-11062 Integrated Data Protection Appliance versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 contain undocumented accounts named 'support' and 'admin' that are protected with default passwords. These accounts have limited privileges and can access certain system files only. A malicious user with the knowledge of the default passwords may potentially log in to the system and gain read and write access to certain system files.
CVE-2018-10989 Arris Touchstone Telephony Gateway TG1682G 9.1.103J6 devices are distributed by some ISPs with a default password of "password" for the admin account that is used over an unencrypted connection, which might allow remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions by leveraging access to the local network. NOTE: one or more user's guides distributed by ISPs state "At a minimum, you should set a login password."
CVE-2018-10987 An issue was discovered on Dongguan Diqee Diqee360 devices. The affected vacuum cleaner suffers from an authenticated remote code execution vulnerability. An authenticated attacker can send a specially crafted UDP packet, and execute commands on the vacuum cleaner as root. The bug is in the function REQUEST_SET_WIFIPASSWD (UDP command 153). A crafted UDP packet runs "/mnt/skyeye/ %s" with an attacker controlling the %s variable. In some cases, authentication can be achieved with the default password of 888888 for the admin account.
CVE-2018-10871 389-ds-base before versions, is vulnerable to a Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information. By default, when the Replica and/or retroChangeLog plugins are enabled, 389-ds-base stores passwords in plaintext format in their respective changelog files. An attacker with sufficiently high privileges, such as root or Directory Manager, can query these files in order to retrieve plaintext passwords.
CVE-2018-10532 An issue was discovered on EE 4GEE HH70VB-2BE8GB3 HH70_E1_02.00_19 devices. Hardcoded root SSH credentials were discovered to be stored within the "core_app" binary utilised by the EE router for networking services. An attacker with knowledge of the default password (oelinux123) could login to the router via SSH as the root user, which could allow for the loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system. This would also allow for the bypass of the "AP Isolation" mode that is supported by the router, as well as the settings for multiple Wireless networks, which a user may use for guest clients.
CVE-2018-10239 A privilege escalation vulnerability in the "support access" feature on Infoblox NIOS 6.8 through 8.4.1 could allow a locally authenticated administrator to temporarily gain additional privileges on an affected device and perform actions within the super user scope. The vulnerability is due to a weakness in the "support access" password generation algorithm. A locally authenticated administrative user may be able to exploit this vulnerability if the "support access" feature is enabled, they know the support access code for the current session, and they know the algorithm to generate the support access password from the support access code. "Support access" is disabled by default. When enabled, the access will be automatically disabled (and support access code will expire) after the 24 hours.
CVE-2018-0468 A vulnerability in the configuration of a local database installed as part of the Cisco Energy Management Suite (CEMS) could allow an authenticated, local attacker to access and alter confidential data. The vulnerability is due to the installation of the PostgreSQL database with unchanged default access credentials. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by logging in to the machine where CEMS is installed and establishing a local connection to the database. The fix for this vulnerability randomizes the database access password in new installations; however, the fix will not change the password for existing installations. Users are required to manually change the password, as documented in the Workarounds section of this advisory. There are workarounds that address this vulnerability.
CVE-2018-0238 A vulnerability in the role-based resource checking functionality of the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) Director could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to view unauthorized information for any virtual machine in the UCS Director end-user portal and perform any permitted operations on any virtual machine. The permitted operations can be configured for the end user on the virtual machines with either of the following settings: The virtual machine is associated to a Virtual Data Center (VDC) that has an end user self-service policy attached to the VDC. The end user role has VM Management Actions settings configured under User Permissions. This is a global configuration, so all the virtual machines visible in the end-user portal will have the VM management actions available. The vulnerability is due to improper user authentication checks. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by logging in to the UCS Director with a modified username and valid password. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to gain visibility into and perform actions against all virtual machines in the UCS Director end-user portal of the affected system. This vulnerability affects Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) Director releases 6.0 and 6.5 prior to patch 3 that are in a default configuration. Cisco Bug IDs: CSCvh53501.
CVE-2018-0150 A vulnerability in Cisco IOS XE Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to log in to a device running an affected release of Cisco IOS XE Software with the default username and password that are used at initial boot, aka a Static Credential Vulnerability. The vulnerability is due to an undocumented user account with privilege level 15 that has a default username and password. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by using this account to remotely connect to an affected device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to log in to the device with privilege level 15 access. This vulnerability affects Cisco devices that are running a vulnerable release of Cisco IOS XE Software Release 16.x. This vulnerability does not affect Cisco IOS XE Software releases prior to Release 16.x. Cisco Bug IDs: CSCve89880.
CVE-2018-0087 A vulnerability in the FTP server of the Cisco Web Security Appliance (WSA) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to log in to the FTP server of the device without a valid password. The attacker does need to have a valid username. The vulnerability is due to incorrect FTP user credential validation. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by using FTP to connect to the management IP address of the targeted device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to log in to the FTP server of the Cisco WSA without having a valid password. This vulnerability affects Cisco AsyncOS for WSA Software on both virtual and hardware appliances that are running any release of Cisco AsyncOS 10.5.1 for WSA Software. The device is vulnerable only if FTP is enabled on the management interface. FTP is disabled by default. Cisco Bug IDs: CSCvf74281.
CVE-2017-9932 Green Packet DX-350 Firmware version v2.8.9.5-g1.4.8-atheeb has a default password of admin for the admin account.
CVE-2017-9852 ** DISPUTED ** An Incorrect Password Management issue was discovered in SMA Solar Technology products. Default passwords exist that are rarely changed. User passwords will almost always be default. Installer passwords are expected to be default or similar across installations installed by the same company (but are sometimes changed). Hidden user accounts have (at least in some cases, though more research is required to test this for all hidden user accounts) a fixed password for all devices; it can never be changed by a user. Other vulnerabilities exist that allow an attacker to get the passwords of these hidden user accounts. NOTE: the vendor reports that it has no influence on the allocation of passwords, and that global hardcoded master passwords do not exist. Also, only Sunny Boy TLST-21 and TL-21 and Sunny Tripower TL-10 and TL-30 could potentially be affected.
CVE-2017-9137 Ceragon FibeAir IP-10 wireless radios through 7.2.0 have a default password of mateidu for the mateidu account (a hidden user account established by the vendor). This account can be accessed via both the web interface and SSH. In the web interface, this simply grants an attacker read-only access to the device's settings. However, when using SSH, this gives an attacker access to a Linux shell. NOTE: the vendor has commented "The mateidu user is a known user, which is mentioned in the FibeAir IP-10 User Guide. Customers are instructed to change the mateidu user password. Changing the user password fully solves the vulnerability."
CVE-2017-9000 ArubaOS, all versions prior to, 6.4 prior to, 6.5.x prior to, 6.5.2, 6.5.3 prior to, 6.5.4 prior to, 8.x prior to FIPS and non-FIPS versions of software are both affected equally is vulnerable to unauthenticated arbitrary file access. An unauthenticated user with network access to an Aruba mobility controller on TCP port 8080 or 8081 may be able to access arbitrary files stored on the mobility controller. Ports 8080 and 8081 are used for captive portal functionality and are listening, by default, on all IP interfaces of the mobility controller, including captive portal interfaces. The attacker could access files which could contain passwords, keys, and other sensitive information that could lead to full system compromise.
CVE-2017-8772 On BE126 WIFI repeater 1.0 devices, an attacker can log into telnet (which is open by default) with default credentials as root (username:"root" password:"root") and can: 1. Read the entire file system; 2. Write to the file system; or 3. Execute any code that attacker desires (malicious or not).
CVE-2017-8771 On BE126 WIFI repeater 1.0 devices, an attacker can log into telnet (which is open by default) with default credentials as root (username:"root" password:"root"). The attacker can make a user that is connected to the repeater click on a malicious link that will log into the telnet and will infect the device with malicious code.
CVE-2017-8405 An issue was discovered on D-Link DCS-1130 and DCS-1100 devices. The binary rtspd in /sbin folder of the device handles all the rtsp connections received by the device. It seems that the binary loads at address 0x00012CF4 a flag called "Authenticate" that indicates whether a user should be authenticated or not before allowing access to the video feed. By default, the value for this flag is zero and can be set/unset using the HTTP interface and network settings tab as shown below. The device requires that a user logging to the HTTP management interface of the device to provide a valid username and password. However, the device does not enforce the same restriction by default on RTSP URL due to the checkbox unchecked by default, thereby allowing any attacker in possession of external IP address of the camera to view the live video feed. The severity of this attack is enlarged by the fact that there more than 100,000 D-Link devices out there.
CVE-2017-8011 EMC ViPR SRM, EMC Storage M&R, EMC VNX M&R, EMC M&R for SAS Solution Packs (EMC ViPR SRM prior to 4.1, EMC Storage M&R prior to 4.1, EMC VNX M&R all versions, EMC M&R (Watch4Net) for SAS Solution Packs all versions) contain undocumented accounts with default passwords for Webservice Gateway and RMI JMX components. A remote attacker with the knowledge of the default password may potentially use these accounts to run arbitrary web service and remote procedure calls on the affected system.
CVE-2017-7964 Zyxel WRE6505 devices have a default TELNET password of 1234 for the root and admin accounts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to conduct DNS hijacking attacks by reconfiguring the built-in dnshijacker process.
CVE-2017-7722 In SolarWinds Log & Event Manager (LEM) before 6.3.1 Hotfix 4, a menu system is encountered when the SSH service is accessed with "cmc" and "password" (the default username and password). By exploiting a vulnerability in the restrictssh feature of the menuing script, an attacker can escape from the restricted shell.
CVE-2017-7306 ** DISPUTED ** Riverbed RiOS through 9.6.0 has a weak default password for the secure vault, which makes it easier for physically proximate attackers to defeat the secure-vault protection mechanism by leveraging knowledge of the password algorithm and the appliance serial number. NOTE: the vendor believes that this does not meet the definition of a vulnerability. The product contains correct computational logic for supporting arbitrary password changes by customers; however, a password change is optional to meet different customers' needs.
CVE-2017-6688 A vulnerability in Cisco Elastic Services Controllers could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to log in to an affected system as the Linux root user, aka an Insecure Default Password Vulnerability. More Information: CSCvc76631. Known Affected Releases: 2.2(9.76).
CVE-2017-6687 A vulnerability in Cisco Ultra Services Framework Element Manager could allow an authenticated, remote attacker with access to the management network to log in to the affected device using default credentials present on the system, aka an Insecure Default Password Vulnerability. More Information: CSCvc76695. Known Affected Releases: 21.0.0.
CVE-2017-6640 A vulnerability in Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to log in to the administrative console of a DCNM server by using an account that has a default, static password. The account could be granted root- or system-level privileges. The vulnerability exists because the affected software has a default user account that has a default, static password. The user account is created automatically when the software is installed. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by connecting remotely to an affected system and logging in to the affected software by using the credentials for this default user account. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to use this default user account to log in to the affected software and gain access to the administrative console of a DCNM server. This vulnerability affects Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) Software releases prior to Release 10.2(1) for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Virtual Appliance platforms. Cisco Bug IDs: CSCvd95346.
CVE-2017-6131 In some circumstances, an F5 BIG-IP version 12.0.0 to 12.1.2 and 13.0.0 Azure cloud instance may contain a default administrative password which could be used to remotely log into the BIG-IP system. The impacted administrative account is the Azure instance administrative user that was created at deployment. The root and admin accounts are not vulnerable. An attacker may be able to remotely access the BIG-IP host via SSH.
CVE-2017-5159 An issue was discovered on Phoenix Contact mGuard devices that have been updated to Version 8.4.0. When updating an mGuard device to Version 8.4.0 via the update-upload facility, the update will succeed, but it will reset the password of the admin user to its default value.
CVE-2017-5155 An issue was discovered in Schneider Electric Wonderware Historian 2014 R2 SP1 P01 and earlier. Wonderware Historian creates logins with default passwords, which can allow a malicious entity to compromise Historian databases. In some installation scenarios, resources beyond those created by Wonderware Historian may be compromised as well.
CVE-2017-4976 EMC ESRS Policy Manager prior to 6.8 contains an undocumented account (OpenDS admin) with a default password. A remote attacker with the knowledge of the default password may login to the system and gain administrator privileges to the local LDAP directory server.
CVE-2017-3209 The DBPOWER U818A WIFI quadcopter drone provides FTP access over its own local access point, and allows full file permissions to the anonymous user. The DBPower U818A WIFI quadcopter drone runs an FTP server that by default allows anonymous access without a password, and provides full filesystem read/write permissions to the anonymous user. A remote user within range of the open access point on the drone may utilize the anonymous user of the FTP server to read arbitrary files, such as images and video recorded by the device, or to replace system files such as /etc/shadow to gain further access to the device. Furthermore, the DBPOWER U818A WIFI quadcopter drone uses BusyBox 1.20.2, which was released in 2012, and may be vulnerable to other known BusyBox vulnerabilities.
CVE-2017-20002 The Debian shadow package before 1:4.5-1 for Shadow incorrectly lists pts/0 and pts/1 as physical terminals in /etc/securetty. This allows local users to login as password-less users even if they are connected by non-physical means such as SSH (hence bypassing PAM's nullok_secure configuration). This notably affects environments such as virtual machines automatically generated with a default blank root password, allowing all local users to escalate privileges.
CVE-2017-18374 The ZyXEL P660HN-T1A v1 TCLinux Fw $ v001 / 3.40(ULM.0)b31 router distributed by TrueOnline has two user accounts with default passwords, including a hardcoded service account with the username true and password true. These accounts can be used to login to the web interface, exploit authenticated command injections and change router settings for malicious purposes.
CVE-2017-18373 The Billion 5200W-T TCLinux Fw $ v008 130603 router distributed by TrueOnline has three user accounts with default passwords, including two hardcoded service accounts: one with the username true and password true, and another with the username user3 and and a long password consisting of a repetition of the string 0123456789. These accounts can be used to login to the web interface, exploit authenticated command injections, and change router settings for malicious purposes.
CVE-2017-18371 The ZyXEL P660HN-T1A v2 TCLinux Fw # router distributed by TrueOnline has three user accounts with default passwords, including two hardcoded service accounts: one with the username true and password true, and another with the username supervisor and password zyad1234. These accounts can be used to login to the web interface, exploit authenticated command injections, and change router settings for malicious purposes.
CVE-2017-18264 An issue was discovered in libraries/ in phpMyAdmin 4.0 before, 4.4.x, 4.6.x, and 4.7.0 prereleases. The restrictions caused by $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false are bypassed under certain PHP versions (e.g., version 5). This can allow the login of users who have no password set even if the administrator has set $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] to false (which is also the default). This occurs because some implementations of the PHP substr function return false when given '' as the first argument.
CVE-2017-17878 An issue was discovered in Valve Steam Link build 643. Root passwords longer than 8 characters are truncated because of the default use of DES (aka the CONFIG_FEATURE_DEFAULT_PASSWD_ALGO="des" setting).
CVE-2017-17743 Improper input sanitization within the restricted administration shell on UCOPIA Wireless Appliance devices before 4.4.20, 5.0.x before 5.0.19, and 5.1.x before 5.1.11 allows authenticated remote attackers to escape the shell and escalate their privileges by uploading a .bashrc file containing the /bin/sh string. In some situations, authentication can be achieved via the bhu85tgb default password for the admin account.
CVE-2017-16727 A Credentials Management issue was discovered in Moxa NPort W2150A versions prior to 1.11, and NPort W2250A versions prior to 1.11. The default password is empty on the device. An unauthorized user can access the device without a password. An unauthorized user has the ability to completely compromise the confidentiality and integrity of the wireless traffic.
CVE-2017-16565 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in /cgi-bin/login on Vonage (Grandstream) HT802 devices allows attackers to authenticate a user via the login screen using the default password of 123 and submit arbitrary requests.
CVE-2017-1601 IBM Security Guardium 10.0, 10.0.1, and 10.1 through 10.1.4 Database Activity Monitor does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 132624.
CVE-2017-1597 IBM Security Guardium 10.0, 10.0.1, 10.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.1.4, and 10.5 Database Activity Monitor does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 132610.
CVE-2017-15366 Before Thornberry NDoc version 8.0, laptop clients and the server have default database (Cache) users set up with a single password. This password is left behind in a cleartext log file during client installation on laptops. This password can be used to gain full admin/system access to client devices (if no firewall is present) or the NDoc server itself. Once the password is known to an attacker, local access is not required.
CVE-2017-14147 An issue was discovered on FiberHome User End Routers Bearing Model Number AN1020-25 which could allow an attacker to easily restore a router to its factory settings by simply browsing to the link http://[Default-Router-IP]/restoreinfo.cgi & execute it. Due to improper authentication on this page, the software accepts the request hence allowing attacker to reset the router to its default configurations which later could allow attacker to login to router by using default username/password.
CVE-2017-1411 IBM Security Identity Governance Virtual Appliance 5.2 through does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 127399.
CVE-2017-1221 IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager (IBM BigFix 9.2 and 9.5) does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 123861.
CVE-2017-1196 IBM BigFix Compliance (TEMA SUAv1 SCA SCM) 1.9.70 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 123671.
CVE-2017-11351 Axesstel MU553S MU55XS-V1.14 devices have a default password of admin for the admin account.
CVE-2017-10718 Recently it was discovered as a part of the research on IoT devices in the most recent firmware for Shekar Endoscope that any malicious user connecting to the device can change the default SSID and password thereby denying the owner an access to his/her own device. This device acts as an Endoscope camera that allows its users to use it in various industrial systems and settings, car garages, and also in some cases in the medical clinics to get access to areas that are difficult for a human being to reach. Any breach of this system can allow an attacker to get access to video feed and pictures viewed by that user and might allow them to get a foot hold in air gapped networks especially in case of nation critical infrastructure/industries.
CVE-2017-1000401 The Jenkins 2.73.1 and earlier, 2.83 and earlier default form control for passwords and other secrets, <f:password/>, supports form validation (e.g. for API keys). The form validation AJAX requests were sent via GET, which could result in secrets being logged to a HTTP access log in non-default configurations of Jenkins, and made available to users with access to these log files. Form validation for <f:password/> is now always sent via POST, which is typically not logged.
CVE-2017-1000153 Mahara 15.04 before 15.04.10 and 15.10 before 15.10.6 and 16.04 before 16.04.4 are vulnerable to incorrect access control after the password reset link is sent via email and then user changes default email, Mahara fails to invalidate old link.Consequently the link in email can be used to gain access to the user's account.
CVE-2016-9738 IBM QRadar 7.2 and 7.3 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 119783.
CVE-2016-8962 IBM BigFix Inventory 9.2 does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts. IBM X-Force ID: 118851.
CVE-2016-7030 FreeIPA uses a default password policy that locks an account after 5 unsuccessful authentication attempts, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service by locking out the account in which system services run on.
CVE-2016-6829 The trove service user in (1) Openstack deployment (aka crowbar-openstack) and (2) Trove Barclamp (aka barclamp-trove and crowbar-barclamp-trove) in the Crowbar Framework has a default password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2016-6531 ** DISPUTED ** Open Dental 16.1 and earlier has a hardcoded MySQL root password, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative access by leveraging access to intranet TCP port 3306. NOTE: the vendor disputes this issue, stating that the "vulnerability note ... is factually false ... there is indeed a default blank password, but it can be changed ... We recommend that users change it, each customer receives direction."
CVE-2016-6530 Dentsply Sirona (formerly Schick) CDR Dicom 5 and earlier has default passwords for the sa and cdr accounts, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative access by leveraging knowledge of these passwords.
CVE-2016-6093 IBM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager does not require that users should have strong passwords by default, which makes it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts.
CVE-2016-5670 Crestron Electronics DM-TXRX-100-STR devices with firmware before 1.3039.00040 have a hardcoded password of admin for the admin account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via the web management interface.
CVE-2016-4474 The image build process for the overcloud images in Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8.0 (Liberty) director and Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7.0 (Kilo) director (aka overcloud-full) use a default root password of ROOTPW, which allows attackers to gain access via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2016-3735 Piwigo is image gallery software written in PHP. When a criteria is not met on a host, piwigo defaults to usingmt_rand in order to generate password reset tokens. mt_rand output can be predicted after recovering the seed used to generate it. This low an unauthenticated attacker to take over an account providing they know an administrators email address in order to be able to request password reset.
CVE-2016-3237 Kerberos in Microsoft Windows Vista SP2; Windows Server 2008 SP2 and R2 SP1; Windows 7 SP1; Windows 8.1; Windows Server 2012 Gold and R2; Windows RT 8.1; and Windows 10 Gold, 1511, and 1607 allows man-in-the-middle attackers to bypass authentication via vectors related to a fallback to NTLM authentication during a domain account password change, aka "Kerberos Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability."
CVE-2016-2944 IBM BigFix Remote Control before 9.1.3 does not properly restrict failed login attempts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a brute-force approach.
CVE-2016-2360 Milesight IP security cameras through 2016-11-14 have a default root password in /etc/shadow that is the same across different customers' installations.
CVE-2016-2331 The web interface on SysLINK SL-1000 Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Modular Gateway devices with firmware before 01A.8 has a default password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2016-2314 GlobespanVirata ftpd 1.0, as used on Huawei SmartAX MT882 devices V200R002B022 Arg, allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (device outage) by using the FTP MKD command to create a directory with a long name, and then using certain other commands.
CVE-2016-2286 Moxa MiiNePort_E1_4641 devices with firmware 1.1.10 Build 09120714, MiiNePort_E1_7080 devices with firmware 1.1.10 Build 09120714, MiiNePort_E2_1242 devices with firmware 1.1 Build 10080614, MiiNePort_E2_4561 devices with firmware 1.1 Build 10080614, and MiiNePort E3 devices with firmware 1.0 Build 11071409 have a blank default password, which allows remote attackers to obtain access via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2016-1560 ExaGrid appliances with firmware before 4.8 P26 have a default password of (1) inflection for the root shell account and (2) support for the support account in the web interface, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative access via an SSH or HTTP session.
CVE-2016-1341 Cisco NX-OS 7.0(1)N1(1), 7.0(1)N1(3), and 7.0(4)N1(1) on Nexus 2000 Fabric Extender devices has a blank root password, which allows local users to gain privileges via unspecified vectors, aka Bug ID CSCur22079.
CVE-2016-1329 Cisco NX-OS 6.0(2)U6(1) through 6.0(2)U6(5) on Nexus 3000 devices and 6.0(2)A6(1) through 6.0(2)A6(5) and 6.0(2)A7(1) on Nexus 3500 devices has hardcoded credentials, which allows remote attackers to obtain root privileges via a (1) TELNET or (2) SSH session, aka Bug ID CSCuy25800.
CVE-2016-10401 ZyXEL PK5001Z devices have zyad5001 as the su password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain root access if a non-root account password is known (or a non-root default account exists within an ISP's deployment of these devices).
CVE-2016-10372 The Eir D1000 modem does not properly restrict the TR-064 protocol, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via TCP port 7547, as demonstrated by opening WAN access to TCP port 80, retrieving the login password (which defaults to the Wi-Fi password), and using the NewNTPServer feature.
CVE-2016-10307 Trango ApexLynx 2.0, ApexOrion 2.0, GigaLynx 2.0, GigaOrion 2.0, and StrataLink 3.0 devices have a built-in, hidden root account, with a default password for which the MD5 hash value is public (but the cleartext value is perhaps not yet public). This account is accessible via SSH and/or TELNET, and grants access to the underlying embedded UNIX OS on the device, allowing full control over it.
CVE-2016-10306 Trango Altum AC600 devices have a built-in, hidden root account, with a default password of abcd1234. This account is accessible via SSH and/or TELNET, and grants access to the underlying embedded UNIX OS on the device, allowing full control over it.
CVE-2016-10305 Trango Apex <= 2.1.1, ApexLynx < 2.0, ApexOrion < 2.0, ApexPlus <= 3.2.0, Giga <= 2.6.1, GigaLynx < 2.0, GigaOrion < 2.0, GigaPlus <= 3.2.3, GigaPro <= 1.4.1, StrataLink < 3.0, and StrataPro devices have a built-in, hidden root account, with a default password that was once stored in cleartext within a software update package on a Trango FTP server. This account is accessible via SSH and/or TELNET, and grants access to the underlying embedded UNIX OS on the device, allowing full control over it.
CVE-2016-10115 NETGEAR Arlo base stations with firmware 1.7.5_6178 and earlier, Arlo Q devices with firmware 1.8.0_5551 and earlier, and Arlo Q Plus devices with firmware 1.8.1_6094 and earlier have a default password of 12345678, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access after a factory reset or in a factory configuration.
CVE-2016-0930 Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Ops Manager before 1.6.19 and 1.7.x before 1.7.10, when vCloud or vSphere is used, has a default password for compilation VMs, which allows remote attackers to obtain SSH access by connecting within an installation-time period during which these VMs exist.
CVE-2016-0762 The Realm implementations in Apache Tomcat versions 9.0.0.M1 to 9.0.0.M9, 8.5.0 to 8.5.4, 8.0.0.RC1 to 8.0.36, 7.0.0 to 7.0.70 and 6.0.0 to 6.0.45 did not process the supplied password if the supplied user name did not exist. This made a timing attack possible to determine valid user names. Note that the default configuration includes the LockOutRealm which makes exploitation of this vulnerability harder.
CVE-2016-0726 The Fedora Nagios package uses "nagiosadmin" as the default password for the "nagiosadmin" administrator account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access by leveraging knowledge of the credentials.
CVE-2015-9254 Datto ALTO and SIRIS devices have a default VNC password.
CVE-2015-9240 Due to a bug in the the default sign in functionality in the keystone node module before 0.3.16, incomplete email addresses could be matched. A correct password is still required to complete sign in.
CVE-2015-9231 iTerm2 3.x before 3.1.1 allows remote attackers to discover passwords by reading DNS queries. A new (default) feature was added to iTerm2 version 3.0.0 (and unreleased 2.9.x versions such as 2.9.20150717) that resulted in a potential information disclosure. In an attempt to see whether the text under the cursor (or selected text) was a URL, the text would be sent as an unencrypted DNS query. This has the potential to result in passwords and other sensitive information being sent in cleartext without the user being aware.
CVE-2015-8611 BIG-IP LTM, AAM, AFM, Analytics, APM, ASM, DNS, Link Controller, and PEM 12.0.0 before HF1 on the 2000, 4000, 5000, 7000, and 10000 platforms do not properly sync passwords with the Always-On Management (AOM) subsystem, which might allow remote attackers to obtain login access to AOM via an (1) expired or (2) default password.
CVE-2015-8282 SeaWell Networks Spectrum SDC 02.05.00 has a default password of "admin" for the "admin" account.
CVE-2015-7856 OpenNMS has a default password of rtc for the rtc account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access by leveraging knowledge of the credentials.
CVE-2015-7283 The web administration interface on ZyXEL NBG-418N devices with firmware 1.00(AADZ.3)C0 has a default password of 1234 for the admin account, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative privileges by leveraging a LAN session.
CVE-2015-7280 The web administration interface on ReadyNet WRT300N-DD devices with firmware 1.0.26 has a default password of admin for the admin account, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative privileges by leveraging a LAN session.
CVE-2015-7277 The web administration interface on Amped Wireless R10000 devices with firmware has a default password of admin for the admin account, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative privileges by leveraging a LAN session.
CVE-2015-7246 D-Link DVG-N5402SP with firmware W1000CN-00, W1000CN-03, or W2000EN-00 has a default password of root for the root account and tw for the tw account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain administrative access.
CVE-2015-6850 EMC VPLEX GeoSynchrony 5.4 SP1 before P3 and 5.5 before Patch 1 has a default password for the root account, which allows local users to gain privileges by leveraging a login session.
CVE-2015-6847 The default configuration of EMC VPLEX GeoSynchrony 5.4 SP1 before P3 stores cleartext NAVISPHERE GUI passwords in a log file, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information by reading this file.
CVE-2015-6412 Cisco Modular Encoding Platform D9036 Software before 02.04.70 has hardcoded (1) root and (2) guest passwords, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via an SSH session, aka Bug ID CSCut88070.
CVE-2015-6389 Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance before 11.0 has a hardcoded cmuser account, which allows remote attackers to obtain access by establishing an SSH session and leveraging knowledge of this account's password, aka Bug ID CSCus62707.
CVE-2015-6316 The default configuration of sshd_config in Cisco Mobility Services Engine (MSE) through allows logins by the oracle account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access by entering this account's hardcoded password in an SSH session, aka Bug ID CSCuv40501.
CVE-2015-6016 ZyXEL P-660HW-T1 2 devices with ZyNOS firmware 3.40(AXH.0), PMG5318-B20A devices with firmware 1.00AANC0b5, and NBG-418N devices have a default password of 1234 for the admin account, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative access via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2015-5994 The web management interface on Mediabridge Medialink MWN-WAPR300N devices with firmware 5.07.50 has a default password of admin for the admin account and a default password of password for the medialink account, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative privileges by leveraging a Wi-Fi session.
CVE-2015-5959 Froxlor before with the default configuration/setup might allow remote attackers to obtain the database password by reading /logs/sql-error.log.
CVE-2015-4196 Platform Software before 4.4.5 in Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager (CDM) 8.x has a hardcoded password for a privileged account, which allows remote attackers to obtain root access by leveraging knowledge of this password and entering it in an SSH session, aka Bug ID CSCuq45546.
CVE-2015-3968 The FTP service on Janitza UMG 508, 509, 511, 604, and 605 devices has a default password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to read or write to files via a session on TCP port 21.
CVE-2015-2915 Securifi Almond devices with firmware before AL1-R201EXP10-L304-W34 and Almond-2015 devices with firmware before AL2-R088M have a default password of admin for the admin account, which allows remote attackers to obtain web-management access by leveraging the ability to authenticate from the intranet.
CVE-2015-2874 Seagate GoFlex Satellite, Seagate Wireless Mobile Storage, Seagate Wireless Plus Mobile Storage, and LaCie FUEL devices with firmware before have a default password of root for the root account, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative access via a TELNET session.
CVE-2015-1842 The puppet manifests in the Red Hat openstack-puppet-modules package before 2014.2.13-2 uses a default password of CHANGEME for the pcsd daemon, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary shell commands via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2015-0985 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in XZERES 442SR OS on 442SR wind turbines allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of admins for requests that modify the default user's password via a GET request.
CVE-2015-0924 Ceragon FibeAir IP-10 bridges have a default password for the root account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a (1) HTTP, (2) SSH, (3) TELNET, or (4) CLI session.
CVE-2015-0529 EMC PowerPath Virtual Appliance (aka vApp) before 2.0 has default passwords for the (1) emcupdate and (2) svcuser accounts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive information via a login session.
CVE-2014-9736 GE Healthcare Centricity Clinical Archive Audit Trail Repository has a default password of initinit for the (1) SSL key manager and (2) server keystore; (3) keystore_password for the server truststore; and atna for the (4) primary storage database and (5) archive storage database, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors.
CVE-2014-9687 eCryptfs 104 and earlier uses a default salt to encrypt the mount passphrase, which makes it easier for attackers to obtain user passwords via a brute force attack.
CVE-2014-9614 The Web Panel in Netsweeper before 4.0.5 has a default password of branding for the branding account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a request to webadmin/.
CVE-2014-9406 ARRIS Touchstone TG862G/CT Telephony Gateway with firmware 7.6.59S.CT and earlier has a default password of password for the admin account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a request to home_loggedout.php.
CVE-2014-9183 ZTE ZXDSL 831CII has a default password of admin for the admin account, which allows remote attackers to gain administrator privileges.
CVE-2014-8656 The Compal Broadband Networks (CBN) CH6640E and CG6640E Wireless Gateway 1.0 with firmware CH6640- have a default password of (1) admin for the admin account and (2) compalbn for the root account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access to certain sensitive information via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2014-7233 GE Healthcare Precision THUNIS-800+ has a default password of (1) 1973 for the factory default System Utilities menu, (2) TH8740 for installation using TH8740_122_Setup.exe, (3) hrml for "Setup and Activation" using DSASetup, and (4) an empty string for Shutter Configuration, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: since these passwords appear to be used to access functionality during installation, this issue might not cross privilege boundaries and might not be a vulnerability.
CVE-2014-7232 GE Healthcare Discovery XR656 and XR656 G2 has a password of (1) 2getin for the insite user, (2) 4$xray for the xruser user, and (3) #superxr for the root user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether these passwords are default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2014-5447 Zarafa WebAccess 7.1.10 and WebApp 1.6 beta uses weak permissions (644) for config.php, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information by reading the PHP session files. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2014-0103.
CVE-2014-5334 FreeNAS before 9.3-M3 has a blank admin password, which allows remote attackers to gain root privileges by leveraging a WebGui login.
CVE-2014-4811 IBM Storwize 3500, 3700, 5000, and 7000 devices and SAN Volume Controller 6.x and 7.x before allow remote attackers to reset the administrator superuser password to its default value via a direct request to the administrative IP address.
CVE-2014-4018 The ZTE ZXV10 W300 router with firmware W300V1.0.0a_ZRD_LK has a default password of admin for the admin account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2014-3692 The customization template in Red Hat CloudForms 3.1 Management Engine (CFME) 5.3 uses a default password for the root account when a password is not specified for a new image, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2014-3680 Jenkins before 1.583 and LTS before 1.565.3 allows remote authenticated users with the Job/READ permission to obtain the default value for the password field of a parameterized job by reading the DOM.
CVE-2014-3419 Infoblox NetMRI before 6.8.5 has a default password of admin for the "root" MySQL database account, which makes it easier for local users to obtain access via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2014-2061 The input control in PasswordParameterDefinition in Jenkins before 1.551 and LTS before 1.532.2 allows remote attackers to obtain passwords by reading the HTML source code, related to the default value.
CVE-2014-1408 The Conceptronic C54APM access point with runtime code 1.26 has a default password of admin for the admin account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via an HTTP request, as demonstrated by stored XSS attacks.
CVE-2014-0842 The account-creation functionality in IBM Rational Focal Point 6.4.x and 6.5.x before and 6.6.x before 6.6.1 places the new user's default password within the creation page, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information by reading the HTML source code.
CVE-2014-0709 Cisco UCS Director (formerly Cloupia) before has a hardcoded password for the root account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain administrative access via an SSH session to the CLI interface, aka Bug ID CSCui73930.
CVE-2014-0361 The default configuration of IBM 4690 OS, as used in Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions 4690 POS and other products, hashes passwords with the ADXCRYPT algorithm, which makes it easier for context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information via unspecified cryptanalysis of an ADXCSOUF.DAT file.
CVE-2014-0234 The default configuration of broker.conf in Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise 2.x before 2.1 has a password of "mooo" for a Mongo account, which allows remote attackers to hijack the broker by providing this password, related to the script in Openshift Extras before 20130920. NOTE: this may overlap CVE-2013-4253 and CVE-2013-4281.
CVE-2014-0175 mcollective has a default password set at install
CVE-2014-0135 Kafo before 0.3.17 and 0.4.x before 0.5.2, as used by Foreman, uses world-readable permissions for default_values.yaml, which allows local users to obtain passwords and other sensitive information by reading the file.
CVE-2014-0085 JBoss Fuse did not enable encrypted passwords by default in its usage of Apache Zookeeper. This permitted sensitive information disclosure via logging to local users. Note: this description has been updated; previous text mistakenly identified the source of the flaw as Zookeeper. Previous text: Apache Zookeeper logs cleartext admin passwords, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information by reading the log.
CVE-2013-7442 GE Healthcare Centricity PACS Workstation 4.0 and 4.0.1 has a password of (1) CANal1 for the Administrator user and (2) iis for the IIS user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors related to TimbuktuPro. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires it.
CVE-2013-7405 The Ad Hoc Reporting feature in GE Healthcare Centricity DMS 4.2 has a password of Never!Mind for the Administrator user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2013-7404 GE Healthcare Discovery NM 750b has a password of 2getin for the insite account for (1) Telnet and (2) FTP, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2013-7395 ZOLL Defibrillator / Monitor X Series has a default (1) supervisor password and (2) service password, which allows physically proximate attackers to modify device configuration and cause a denial of service (adverse human health effects).
CVE-2013-6884 The write-blocker in CRU Ditto Forensic FieldStation with firmware before 2013Oct15a has a default "ditto" username and password, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2013-5535 The analytics page on Cisco Video Surveillance 4000 IP cameras has hardcoded credentials, which allows remote attackers to watch the video feed by leveraging knowledge of the password, aka Bug IDs CSCuj70402 and CSCuj70419.
CVE-2013-5430 The Jazz Team Server component in IBM Security AppScan Enterprise 8.x before 8.8 has a default username and password, which makes it easier for remote authenticated users to obtain unspecified access to this component by leveraging this credential information in an environment with applicable component installation details.
CVE-2013-4735 The Digital Alert Systems DASDEC EAS device before 2.0-2 and the Monroe Electronics R189 One-Net EAS device before 2.0-2 have a default password for an administrative account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via an IP network.
CVE-2013-4622 The 3G Mobile Hotspot feature on the HTC Droid Incredible has a default WPA2 PSK passphrase of 1234567890, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access by leveraging a position within the WLAN coverage area.
CVE-2013-4613 The default configuration of the administrative interface on the Canon MG3100, MG5300, MG6100, MP495, MX340, MX870, MX890, MX920, and MX922 printers does not require authentication, which allows remote attackers to modify the configuration by visiting the Advanced page. NOTE: the vendor has apparently responded by stating "for user convenience, the default setting does not require a password. However, if a user has a particular concern about third parties accessing the user's home printer, the default setting can be changed to add a password."
CVE-2013-4509 The default configuration of IBUS 1.5.4, and possibly 1.5.2 and earlier, when IBus.InputPurpose.PASSWORD is not set and used with GNOME 3, does not obscure the entered password characters, which allows physically proximate attackers to obtain a user password by reading the lockscreen.
CVE-2013-4031 The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) implementation in Integrated Management Module (IMM) and Integrated Management Module II (IMM2) on IBM BladeCenter, Flex System, System x iDataPlex, and System x3### servers has a default password for the IPMI user account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to perform power-on, power-off, or reboot actions, or add or modify accounts, via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-3454 Cisco TelePresence System Software 1.10.1 and earlier on 500, 13X0, 1X00, 30X0, and 3X00 devices, and 6.0.3 and earlier on TX 9X00 devices, has a default password for the pwrecovery account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to modify the configuration or perform arbitrary actions via HTTPS requests, aka Bug ID CSCui43128.
CVE-2013-2762 The Schneider Electric Magelis XBT HMI controller has a default password for authentication of configuration uploads, which makes it easier for remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions via crafted configuration data.
CVE-2013-2342 The HP StoreOnce D2D backup system with software before 3.0.0 has a default password of badg3r5 for the HPSupport account, which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative access and delete data via an SSH session.
CVE-2013-2297 Eucalyptus EuStore sets a blank root password in the default configuration of EMI 3868652036, EMI 0400376721, EMI 2425352071, and EMI 1347115203, which allows local users to gain privileges via unspecified vectors, a related issue to CVE-2013-2069.
CVE-2013-1170 The Cisco Prime Network Control System (NCS) appliance with software before has a default password for the database user account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to change the configuration or cause a denial of service (service disruption) via unspecified vectors, aka Bug ID CSCtz30468.
CVE-2013-0632 administrator.cfc in Adobe ColdFusion 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2, and 10 allows remote attackers to bypass authentication and possibly execute arbitrary code by logging in to the RDS component using the default empty password and leveraging this session to access the administrative web interface, as exploited in the wild in January 2013.
CVE-2013-0148 The Data Camouflage (aka FairCom Standard Encryption) algorithm in FairCom c-treeACE does not ensure that a decryption key is needed for accessing database contents, which allows context-dependent attackers to read cleartext database records by copying a database to another system that has a certain default configuration.
CVE-2012-6695 GE Healthcare Centricity PACS Workstation 4.0 and 4.0.1 has a password of ddpadmin for the ddpadmin user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2012-6694 GE Healthcare Centricity PACS Workstation 4.0 and 4.0.1, and Server 4.0, has a password of 2charGE for the geservice account, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors related to TimbuktuPro. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires it.
CVE-2012-6693 GE Healthcare Centricity PACS 4.0 Server has a default password of (1) nasro for the nasro (ReadOnly) user and (2) nasrw for the nasrw (Read/Write) user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors.
CVE-2012-6660 GE Healthcare Precision MPi has a password of (1) orion for the serviceapp user, (2) orion for the clinical operator user, and (3) PlatinumOne for the administrator user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether these passwords are default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2012-6611 An issue was discovered in Polycom Web Management Interface G3/HDX 8000 HD with Durango 2.6.0 4740 software and embedded Polycom Linux Development Platform 2.14.g3. It has a blank administrative password by default, and can be successfully used without setting this password.
CVE-2012-6528 Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in ATutor before 2.1 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the PATH_INFO to (1) themes/default/tile_search/index.tmpl.php, (2) login.php, (3) search.php, (4) password_reminder.php, (5) login.php/jscripts/infusion, (6) login.php/mods/_standard/flowplayer, (7) browse.php/jscripts/infusion/framework/fss, (8) registration.php/themes/default/ie_styles.css, (9) about.php, or (10) themes/default/social/basic_profile.tmpl.php.
CVE-2012-5629 The default configuration of the (1) LdapLoginModule and (2) LdapExtLoginModule modules in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 4.3.0 CP10, 5.2.0, and 6.0.1, and Enterprise Web Platform (EWP) 5.2.0 allow remote attackers to bypass authentication via an empty password.
CVE-2012-4879 The Linux Console on the WAGO I/O System 758 model 758-870, 758-874, 758-875, and 758-876 Industrial PC (IPC) devices has a default password of wago for the (1) root and (2) admin accounts, (3) a default password of user for the user account, and (4) a default password of guest for the guest account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain login access via a TELNET session, a different vulnerability than CVE-2012-3013.
CVE-2012-3951 The MySQL component in Plixer Scrutinizer (aka Dell SonicWALL Scrutinizer) and earlier has a default password of admin for the (1) scrutinizer and (2) scrutremote accounts, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via a TCP session.
CVE-2012-3885 The default configuration of AirDroid 1.0.4 beta uses a four-character alphanumeric password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a brute-force attack.
CVE-2012-3579 Symantec Messaging Gateway (SMG) before 10.0 has a default password for an unspecified account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain privileged access via an SSH session.
CVE-2012-3020 The Siemens Synco OZW Web Server devices OZW672.*, OZW772.*, and OZW775 with firmware before 4 have an unspecified default password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain administrative access via a network session.
CVE-2012-3013 WAGO I/O System 758 model 758-870, 758-874, 758-875, and 758-876 Industrial PC (IPC) devices have default passwords for unspecified Web Based Management accounts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain administrative access via a TCP session.
CVE-2012-1844 The Quantum Scalar i500 tape library with firmware before i7.0.3 (604G.GS00100), also distributed as the Dell ML6000 tape library with firmware before A20-00 (590G.GS00100) and the IBM TS3310 tape library with firmware before R6C (606G.GS001), uses default passwords for unspecified user accounts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via unknown vectors.
CVE-2012-0697 HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 MSA array systems have a default account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to perform administrative tasks via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2011-4788.
CVE-2011-5324 The TeraRecon server, as used in GE Healthcare Centricity PACS-IW,, and possibly other versions, has a password of (1) shared for the shared user and (2) scan for the scan user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2011-5323 GE Healthcare Centricity PACS-IW,, and possibly other versions has a password of A11enda1e for the sa SQL server user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2011-5322 GE Healthcare Centricity Analytics Server 1.1 has a default password of (1) V0yag3r for the SQL Server sa user, (2) G3car3s for the analyst user, (3) G3car3s for the ccg user, (4) V0yag3r for the viewer user, and (5) geservice for the geservice user in the Webmin interface, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors.
CVE-2011-4945 PolicyKit 0.103 sets the AdminIdentities to "wheel" by default, which allows local users in the wheel group to gain root privileges without authentication.
CVE-2011-4749 The billing system for Parallels Plesk Panel 10.3.1_build1013110726.09 generates a password form field without disabling the autocomplete feature, which makes it easier for remote attackers to bypass authentication by leveraging an unattended workstation, as demonstrated by forms on certain pages under admin/index.php/default.
CVE-2011-4659 Cisco TelePresence Software before TE 4.1.1 on the Cisco IP Video Phone E20 has a default password for the root account after an upgrade to TE 4.1.0, which makes it easier for remote attackers to modify the configuration via an SSH session, aka Bug ID CSCtw69889, a different vulnerability than CVE-2011-2555.
CVE-2011-4509 The HMI web server in Siemens WinCC flexible 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2008; WinCC V11 (aka TIA portal); the TP, OP, MP, Comfort Panels, and Mobile Panels SIMATIC HMI panels; WinCC V11 Runtime Advanced; and WinCC flexible Runtime has an improperly selected default password for the administrator account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a brute-force approach involving many HTTP requests.
CVE-2011-4048 The Dell KACE K2000 System Deployment Appliance has a default username and password for the read-only reporting account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from the database by leveraging the default credentials.
CVE-2011-3452 Internet Sharing in Apple Mac OS X before 10.7.3 does not preserve the Wi-Fi configuration across software updates, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information by leveraging the lack of a WEP password for a Wi-Fi network.
CVE-2011-2666 The default configuration of the SIP channel driver in Asterisk Open Source 1.4.x through and 1.6.2.x through does not enable the alwaysauthreject option, which allows remote attackers to enumerate account names by making a series of invalid SIP requests and observing the differences in the responses for different usernames, a different vulnerability than CVE-2011-2536.
CVE-2011-2555 Cisco TelePresence Recording Server 1.7.2.x before has a default password for the root administrator account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to modify the configuration via an SSH session, aka Bug ID CSCtr76182.
CVE-2011-2024 Cisco Network Registrar before 7.2 has a default administrative password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a TCP session, aka Bug ID CSCsm50627.
CVE-2011-1623 Cisco Media Processing Software before 1.2 on Media Experience Engine (MXE) 5600 devices has a default root password, which makes it easier for context-dependent attackers to obtain access via (1) the local console, (2) an SSH session, or (3) a TELNET session, aka Bug ID CSCto77737.
CVE-2011-1520 The default configuration of the server console in IBM Lotus Domino does not require a password (aka Server_Console_Password), which allows physically proximate attackers to perform administrative changes or obtain sensitive information via a (1) Load, (2) Tell, or (3) Set Configuration command.
CVE-2011-0885 A certain Comcast Business Gateway configuration of the SMC SMCD3G-CCR with firmware before has a default password of D0nt4g3tme for the mso account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain administrative access via the (1) web interface or (2) TELNET interface.
CVE-2011-0423 The PolyVision RoomWizard with firmware 3.2.3 has a default password of roomwizard for the administrator account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain console access via an HTTP session, a different vulnerability than CVE-2010-0214.
CVE-2011-0354 The default configuration of Cisco Tandberg C Series Endpoints, and Tandberg E and EX Personal Video units, with software before TC4.0.0 has a blank password for the root account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via an unspecified login method.
CVE-2011-0197 App Store in Apple Mac OS X before 10.6.8 creates a log entry containing a user's AppleID password, which might allow local users to obtain sensitive information by reading a log file, as demonstrated by a log file that has non-default permissions.
CVE-2011-0002 libuser before 0.57 uses a cleartext password value of (1) !! or (2) x for new LDAP user accounts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access by specifying one of these values.
CVE-2010-5310 The Acquisition Workstation for the GE Healthcare Revolution XQ/i has a password of adw3.1 for the sdc user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2010-5309 GE Healthcare CADStream Server has a default password of confirma for the admin user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors.
CVE-2010-5307 The HIPAA configuration interface in GE Healthcare Optima MR360 has a password of (1) operator for the root account, (2) adw2.0 for the admin account, and (3) adw2.0 for the sdc account, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether these passwords are default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2010-5306 GE Healthcare Optima CT680, CT540, CT640, and CT520 has a default password of #bigguy for the root user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors.
CVE-2010-4733 WebSCADA WS100 and WS200, Easy Connect EC150, Modbus RTU - TCP Gateway MB100, and Serial Ethernet Server SS100 on the IntelliCom NetBiter NB100 and NB200 platforms have a default username and password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain superadmin access via the web interface, a different vulnerability than CVE-2009-4463.
CVE-2010-4233 The Linux installation on the Camtron CMNC-200 Full HD IP Camera and TecVoz CMNC-200 Megapixel IP Camera with firmware 1.102A-008 has a default password of m for the root account, and a default password of merlin for the mg3500 account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via the TELNET interface.
CVE-2010-4121 ** DISPUTED ** The TCP-to-ODBC gateway in IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment does not require authentication for SQL statements, which allows remote attackers to modify, create, or read database records via a session on TCP port 2020. NOTE: the vendor disputes this issue, stating that the "default Microsoft Access database is not password protected because it is intended to be used for evaluation purposes only."
CVE-2010-4115 HP StorageWorks Modular Smart Array P2000 G3 firmware TS100R011, TS100R025, TS100P002, TS200R005, TS201R014, and TS201R015 installs an undocumented admin account with a default "!admin" password, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2010-4094 The Tomcat server in IBM Rational Quality Manager and Rational Test Lab Manager has a default password for the ADMIN account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging access to the manager role. NOTE: this might overlap CVE-2009-3548.
CVE-2010-3911 Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in vtiger CRM before 5.2.1 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via (1) the username (aka default_user_name) field or (2) the password field in a Users Login action to index.php, or (3) the label parameter in a Settings GetFieldInfo action to index.php, related to modules/Settings/GetFieldInfo.php.
CVE-2010-3038 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing (UVC) System 5110 and 5115, when the Linux operating system is used, has a default password for the (1) root, (2) cs, and (3) develop accounts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via the (a) FTP or (b) SSH daemon, aka Bug ID CSCti54008.
CVE-2010-2976 The controller in Cisco Unified Wireless Network (UWN) Solution 7.x through has (1) a default SNMP read-only community of public, (2) a default SNMP read-write community of private, and a value of "default" for the (3) SNMP v3 username, (4) SNMP v3 authentication password, and (5) SNMP v3 privacy password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2010-2967 The loginDefaultEncrypt algorithm in loginLib in Wind River VxWorks before 6.9 does not properly support a large set of distinct possible passwords, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a (1) telnet, (2) rlogin, or (3) FTP session.
CVE-2010-2469 The Linear eMerge 50 and 5000 uses a default password of eMerge for the IEIeMerge account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain Video Recorder data by establishing a session to the device.
CVE-2010-2247 makepasswd 1.10 default settings generate insecure passwords
CVE-2010-2083 Microsoft Dynamics GP has a default value of ACCESS for the system password, which might make it easier for remote authenticated users to bypass intended access restrictions via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2010-2082 The web interface on the Cisco Scientific Atlanta WebSTAR DPC2100R2 cable modem with firmware 2.0.2r1256-060303 has a default administrative password (aka SAPassword) of W2402, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain privileged access.
CVE-2010-2073 in Pyftpd 0.8.4 contains hard-coded usernames and passwords for the (1) test, (2) user, and (3) roxon accounts, which allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files from the FTP server.
CVE-2010-1704 Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in 2daybiz Polls (aka Advanced Poll) Script allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via (1) the password field to login.php, (2) the login field (aka email parameter) to login.php, (3) the password field (aka pass parameter) to the default URI under admin/, and possibly (4) the login field to the default URI under admin/. NOTE: some of these details are obtained from third party information.
CVE-2010-0595 Cisco Mediator Framework 1.5.1 before, 2.2 before, and 3.0 before 3.0.9.release.1 on the Cisco Network Building Mediator NBM-2400 and NBM-4800 and the Richards-Zeta Mediator 2500 has a default password for the administrative user account and unspecified other accounts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain privileged access, aka Bug ID CSCtb83495.
CVE-2010-0570 Cisco Digital Media Manager (DMM) 5.0.x and 5.1.x has a default password for the Tomcat administration account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted web application, aka Bug ID CSCta03378.
CVE-2010-0219 Apache Axis2, as used in dswsbobje.war in SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.2, CA ARCserve D2D r15, and other products, has a default password of axis2 for the admin account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by uploading a crafted web service.
CVE-2010-0214 The administrative interface on the PolyVision RoomWizard with firmware 3.2.3 places the Sync Connector Active Directory (AD) credentials in a web form that is accessed over HTTP on port 80, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information by reading the HTML source code corresponding to the /admin/sign/DeviceSynch URI.
CVE-2009-5154 An issue was discovered on MOBOTIX S14 MX-V4.2.1.61 devices. There is a default password of meinsm for the admin account.
CVE-2009-5143 GE Healthcare Discovery 530C has a password of #bigguy1 for the (1) acqservice user and (2) wsservice user of the Xeleris System, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2009-5021 Cobbler before 1.6.1 does not properly determine whether an installation has the default password, which makes it easier for attackers to obtain access by using this password.
CVE-2009-4945 AdPeeps 8.5d1 has a default password of admin for the admin account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via requests to index.php.
CVE-2009-4770 The FTP server component in httpdx 1.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.6b, and 1.5 has a default password of pass123 for the moderator account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain privileged access.
CVE-2009-4463 Intellicom NetBiter WebSCADA devices use default passwords for the HICP network configuration service, which makes it easier for remote attackers to modify network settings and cause a denial of service. NOTE: this is only a vulnerability when the administrator does not follow recommendations in the product's installation documentation. NOTE: this issue was originally reported to be hard-coded passwords, not default passwords.
CVE-2009-4402 The default configuration of SQL-Ledger 2.8.24 allows remote attackers to perform unspecified administrative operations by providing an arbitrary password to the admin interface.
CVE-2009-4189 HP Operations Manager has a default password of OvW*busr1 for the ovwebusr account, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a session that uses the manager role to conduct unrestricted file upload attacks against the /manager servlet in the Tomcat servlet container. NOTE: this might overlap CVE-2009-3099 and CVE-2009-3843.
CVE-2009-4188 HP Operations Dashboard has a default password of j2deployer for the j2deployer account, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a session that uses the manager role to conduct unrestricted file upload attacks against the /manager servlet in the Tomcat servlet container. NOTE: this might overlap CVE-2009-3098.
CVE-2009-3548 The Windows installer for Apache Tomcat 6.0.0 through 6.0.20, 5.5.0 through 5.5.28, and possibly earlier versions uses a blank default password for the administrative user, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2009-2317 The Axesstel MV 410R has a certain default administrator password, and does not force a password change, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2009-2271 The Huawei D100 has (1) a certain default administrator password for the web interface, and does not force a password change; and has (2) a default password of admin for the admin account in the telnet interface; which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2009-1745 Armorlogic Profense Web Application Firewall before 2.2.22, and 2.4.x before 2.4.4, has a default root password hash, and permits password-based root logins over SSH, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2009-1465 Application Access Server (A-A-S) 2.0.48 has "wildbat" as its default password for the admin account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2009-1000 The Oracle Applications Framework component in Oracle E-Business Suite 12.0.6 and 11i10CU2 uses default passwords for unspecified "FND Applications Users (not DB users)," which has unknown impact and attack vectors.
CVE-2009-0941 The HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) on HP LaserJet Printers, Edgeline Printers, and Digital Senders has no management password by default, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2009-0940 Multiple cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) on HP LaserJet Printers, Edgeline Printers, and Digital Senders allow remote attackers to hijack the intranet connectivity of arbitrary users for requests that (1) print documents via unknown vectors, (2) modify the network configuration via a NetIPChange request to hp/device/config_result_YesNo.html/config, or (3) change the password via the Password and ConfirmPassword parameters to hp/device/set_config_password.html/config.
CVE-2009-0919 XAMPP installs multiple packages with insecure default passwords, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via (1) the "lampp" default password for the "nobody" account within the included ProFTPD installation, (2) a blank default password for the "root" account within the included MySQL installation, (3) a blank default password for the "pma" account within the phpMyAdmin installation, and possibly other unspecified passwords. NOTE: this was originally reported as a problem in DFLabs PTK, but this issue affects any product that is installed within the XAMPP environment, and should not be viewed as a vulnerability within that product. NOTE: DFLabs states that PTK is intended for use in a laboratory with "no contact from / to internet."
CVE-2009-0742 The username command in Cisco ACE Application Control Engine Module for Catalyst 6500 Switches and 7600 Routers and Cisco ACE 4710 Application Control Engine Appliance stores a cleartext password by default, which allows context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information.
CVE-2009-0644 The HTTP interface in Swann DVR4-SecuraNet has a certain default administrative username and password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain privileged access.
CVE-2009-0621 Cisco ACE 4710 Application Control Engine Appliance before A1(8a) uses default (1) usernames and (2) passwords for (a) the administrator, (b) web management, and (c) device management, which makes it easier for remote attackers to perform configuration changes to the Device Manager and other components, or obtain operating-system access.
CVE-2009-0620 Cisco ACE Application Control Engine Module for Catalyst 6500 Switches and 7600 Routers before A2(1.1) uses default (1) usernames and (2) passwords for (a) the administrator and (b) web management, which makes it easier for remote attackers to perform configuration changes or obtain operating-system access.
CVE-2009-0617 Cisco Application Networking Manager (ANM) before 2.0 uses a default MySQL root password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to execute arbitrary operating-system commands or change system files.
CVE-2009-0616 Cisco Application Networking Manager (ANM) before 2.0 uses default usernames and passwords, which makes it easier for remote attackers to access the application, or cause a denial of service via configuration changes, related to "default user credentials during installation."
CVE-2008-6993 Siemens Gigaset WLAN Camera 1.27 has an insecure default password, which allows remote attackers to conduct unauthorized activities. NOTE: the provenance of this information is unknown; the details are obtained solely from third party information.
CVE-2008-6824 The management interface on the A-LINK WL54AP3 and WL54AP2 access points has a blank default password for the admin account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2008-6588 Aztech ADSL2/2+ 4-port router has a default "isp" account with a default "isp" password, which allows remote attackers to obtain access if this default is not changed.
CVE-2008-5848 The Advantech ADAM-6000 module has 00000000 as its default password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access through an HTTP session, and (1) monitor or (2) control the module's Modbus/TCP I/O activity.
CVE-2008-5104 Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, 7.10, 8.04 LTS, and 8.10, when installed as a virtual machine by (1) python-vm-builder or (2) ubuntu-vm-builder in VMBuilder 0.9 in Ubuntu 8.10, have ! (exclamation point) as the default root password, which allows attackers to bypass intended login restrictions.
CVE-2008-5041 Sweex RO002 Router with firmware Ts03-072 has "rdc123" as its default password for the "rdc123" account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access. NOTE: the provenance of this information is unknown; the details are obtained solely from third party information.
CVE-2008-4296 The Cisco Linksys WRT350N with firmware has "admin" as its default password for the "admin" account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2008-3274 The default configuration of Red Hat Enterprise IPA 1.0.0 and FreeIPA before 1.1.1 places ldap:///anyone on the read ACL for the krbMKey attribute, which allows remote attackers to obtain the Kerberos master key via an anonymous LDAP query.
CVE-2008-1880 The default configuration of Firebird before on Gentoo Linux sets the ISC_PASSWORD environment variable before starting Firebird, which allows remote attackers to bypass SYSDBA authentication and obtain sensitive database information via an empty password.
CVE-2008-1543 The Advanced User Interface Pages in the ProST Web Management component on the Airspan WiMAX ProST have a certain default User ID and password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain partial administrative access, a different vulnerability than CVE-2008-1262.
CVE-2008-1524 The SNMP service on ZyXEL Prestige routers, including P-660 and P-661 models with firmware 3.40(AGD.2) through 3.40(AHQ.3), has "public" as its default community for both (1) read and (2) write operations, which allows remote attackers to perform administrative actions via SNMP, as demonstrated by reading the Dynamic DNS service password or inserting an XSS sequence into the system.sysName.0 variable, which is displayed on the System Status page.
CVE-2008-1522 ZyXEL Prestige routers, including P-660 and P-661 models with firmware 3.40(AGD.2) through 3.40(AHQ.3), have (1) "user" as their default password for the "user" account and (2) "1234" as their default password for the "admin" account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2008-1507 PEEL, possibly 3.x and earlier, has (1) a default account with password admin, and (2) a default account with password cinema, which allows remote attackers to gain administrative access.
CVE-2008-1264 The Linksys WRT54G router has "admin" as its default FTP password, which allows remote attackers to access sensitive files including nvram.cfg, a file that lists all HTML documents, and an ELF executable file.
CVE-2008-1256 The ZyXEL P-660HW series router has "admin" as its default password, which allows remote attackers to gain administrative access.
CVE-2008-0029 Cisco Application Velocity System (AVS) before 5.1.0 is installed with default passwords for some system accounts, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2007-6757 GE Healthcare Centricity DMS 4.2, 4.1, and 4.0 has a password of Muse!Admin for the Museadmin user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2007-6756 ZOLL Defibrillator / Monitor M Series, E Series, and R Series have a default password for System Configuration mode, which allows physically proximate attackers to modify device configuration and cause a denial of service (adverse human health effects).
CVE-2007-6709 The Cisco Linksys WAG54GS Wireless-G ADSL Gateway with 1.01.03 and earlier firmware has "admin" as its default password for the "admin" account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access.
CVE-2007-6260 The installation process for Oracle 10g and llg uses accounts with default passwords, which allows remote attackers to obtain login access by connecting to the Listener. NOTE: at the end of the installation, if performed using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), most accounts are disabled or their passwords are changed.
CVE-2007-6122 The default_encrypt function in encrypt.c in IRC Services before 5.0.63, and 5.1.x before 5.1.7, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) via a long password. NOTE: some of these details are obtained from third party information.
CVE-2007-6081 AdventNet EventLog Analyzer build 4030 for Windows, and possibly other versions and platforms, installs a mysql instance with a default "root" account without a password, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges and modify logs. Fixed in EventLog Analyzer Build 6000.
CVE-2007-5828 ** DISPUTED ** Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in the admin panel in Django 0.96 allows remote attackers to change passwords of arbitrary users via a request to admin/auth/user/1/password/. NOTE: this issue has been disputed by Debian, since product documentation includes a recommendation for a CSRF protection module that is included with the product. However, CVE considers this an issue because the default configuration does not use this module.
CVE-2007-5714 The Gentoo ebuild of MLDonkey before 2.9.0-r3 has a p2p user account with an empty default password and valid login shell, which might allow remote attackers to obtain login access and execute arbitrary code.
CVE-2007-5432 Stride 1.0 has a default administrator username of "scott" with the password "running", which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative access through login.php.
CVE-2007-5382 The conversion utility for converting CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) and earlier to Cisco Wireless Control System (WCS) creates administrator accounts with default usernames and passwords, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2007-5260 ASP-CMS 1.0 stores sensitive information under the web root with insufficient access control, which allows remote attackers to download a database containing the username and password via a direct request for mdb-database/ASP-CMS_v100.mdb.
CVE-2007-4746 The Cisco Video Surveillance IP Gateway Encoder/Decoder (Standalone and Module) firmware 1.8.1 and earlier, Video Surveillance SP/ISP Decoder Software firmware 1.11.0 and earlier, and the Video Surveillance SP/ISP firmware 1.23.7 and earlier have default passwords for the sypixx and root user accounts, which allows remote attackers to perform administrative actions, aka CSCsj34681.
CVE-2007-4598 IBM SurePOS 500 has (1) a default password of "12345" for the manager and (2) blank default passwords for operator accounts.
CVE-2007-4388 2wire 1701HG and 2071 Gateway routers, with 5.29.51 and possibly 3.17.5 software, have a blank password by default.
CVE-2007-4361 NETGEAR (formerly Infrant) ReadyNAS RAIDiator before 4.00b2-p2-T1 beta creates a default SSH root password derived from the hardware serial number, which makes it easier for remote attackers to guess the password and obtain login access.
CVE-2007-4316 The management interface in ZyNOS firmware 3.62(WK.6) on the Zyxel Zywall 2 device has a certain default password, which allows remote attackers to perform administrative actions.
CVE-2007-4093 Minb Is Not a Blog (minb) stores sensitive information under the web root with insufficient access control, which allows remote attackers to download a database containing usernames and encrypted passwords via a direct request for db/users.db.
CVE-2007-3465 Check Point SofaWare Safe@Office, with firmware before Embedded NGX 7.0.45 GA, has a certain default password.
CVE-2007-3446 BugMall Shopping Cart 2.5 and earlier has a default username "demo" and password "demo," which allows remote attackers to obtain login access.
CVE-2007-3139 config/general.php in Quick.Cart 2.2 and earlier uses a default username and password, which allows remote attackers to access the application via a login action to admin.php. NOTE: this can be leveraged to upload and execute arbitrary code.
CVE-2007-3047 The Vonage VoIP Telephone Adapter has a default administrator username "user" and password "user," which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative access.
CVE-2007-2554 Associated Press (AP) Newspower 4.0.1 and earlier uses a default blank password for the MySQL root account, which allows remote attackers to insert or modify news articles via shows.tblscript.
CVE-2007-2282 Cisco Network Services (CNS) NetFlow Collection Engine (NFC) before 6.0 has an nfcuser account with the default password nfcuser, which allows remote attackers to modify the product configuration and, when installed on Linux, obtain login access to the host operating system.
CVE-2007-2229 Microsoft Windows Vista uses insecure default permissions for unspecified "local user information data stores" in the registry and the file system, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information such as administrative passwords, aka "Permissive User Information Store ACLs Information Disclosure Vulnerability."
CVE-2007-1538 ** DISPUTED ** McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5.0.i uses insecure permissions for certain Windows Registry keys, which allows local users to bypass local password protection via the UIP value in (1) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\McAfee\DesktopProtection or (2) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\TVD\VirusScan Entreprise\CurrentVersion. NOTE: this issue has been disputed by third-party researchers, stating that the default permissions for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE does not allow for write access and the product does not modify the inherited permissions. There might be an interaction error with another product.
CVE-2006-7253 GE Healthcare Infinia II has a default password of (1) infinia for the infinia user, (2) #bigguy1 for the acqservice user, (3) dont4get2 for the Administrator user, (4) #bigguy1 for the emergency user, and (5) 2Bfamous for the InfiniaAdmin user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors.
CVE-2006-6718 The Allied Telesis AT-9000/24 Ethernet switch has a default password for its admin account, "manager," which allows remote attackers to perform unauthorized actions.
CVE-2006-5288 Cisco 2700 Series Wireless Location Appliances before have a default administrator username "root" and password "password," which allows remote attackers to obtain administrative privileges, aka Bug ID CSCsb92893.
CVE-2006-4652 (1) Amazing Little Poll and (2) Amazing Little Picture Poll have a default password of "dsapoll", which allows remote attackers to create a new poll by entering default credentials via lp_admin.php.
CVE-2006-3732 Cisco Security Monitoring, Analysis and Response System (CS-MARS) before 4.2.1 ships with an Oracle database that contains several default accounts and passwords, which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information.
CVE-2006-3287 Cisco Wireless Control System (WCS) for Linux and Windows 4.0(1) and earlier uses a default administrator username "root" and password "public," which allows remote attackers to gain access (aka bug CSCse21391).
CVE-2006-3203 The installation of Ultimate PHP Board (UPB) 1.9.6 and earlier includes a default administrator login account and password, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2006-2738 The open source version of Open-Xchange 0.8.2 and earlier uses a static default username and password with a valid login shell in the initfile for the ldap-server, which allows remote attackers to access any server where the default has not been changed.
CVE-2006-2044 na-img-4.0.34.bin for the IP3 Networks NetAccess NA75 has a default username of admin and a default password of admin.
CVE-2006-1284 The installation of SQLAnywhere in Symantec Ghost 8.0 and 8.2, as used in Symantec Ghost Solutions Suite (SGSS) 1.0, includes a default administrator login account and password, which allows local users to gain privileges or modify tasks.
CVE-2006-1009 M4 Project enigma-suite before 0.73.3 (Windows) has a default password of "nominal" for the "enigma-client" account, which allows local users to gain access.
CVE-2006-1002 NETGEAR WGT624 Wireless DSL router has a default account of super_username "Gearguy" and super_passwd "Geardog", which allows remote attackers to modify the configuration. NOTE: followup posts have suggested that this might not occur with all WGT624 routers.
CVE-2006-0834 Uniden UIP1868P VoIP Telephone and Router has a default password of admin for the web-based configuration utility, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information on the device such as telephone numbers called, and possibly connect to other hosts. NOTE: it is possible that this password was configured by a reseller, not the original vendor; if so, then this is not a vulnerability in the product.
CVE-2006-0789 Certain unspecified Kyocera printers have a default "admin" account with a blank password, which allows remote attackers to access an administrative menu via a telnet session.
CVE-2006-0352 The default configuration of Fluffington FLog 1.01 installs users.0.dat under the web document root with insufficient access control, which might allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information (login credentials) via a direct request. NOTE: It was later reported that 1.1.2 is also affected.
CVE-2006-0181 Cisco Security Monitoring, Analysis and Response System (CS-MARS) before 4.1.3 has an undocumented administrative account with a default password, which allows local users to gain privileges via the expert command.
CVE-2005-4868 Shared memory sections and events in IBM DB2 8.1 have default permissions of read and write for the Everyone group, which allows local users to gain unauthorized access, gain sensitive information, such as cleartext passwords, and cause a denial of service.
CVE-2005-4045 Unspecified vulnerability in System Communications Services 6 Delegated Administrator 2005Q1 in Sun Java System Messaging Server 2005Q1 allows remote attackers to obtain the Top-Level Administrator (TLA) default password via unknown vectors, possibly involving configure_toplevel_admin.ldif.
CVE-2005-3717 The telnet daemon in UTStarcom F1000 VOIP WIFI Phone s2.0 running VxWorks 5.5.1 with kernel WIND 2.6 has a default username "target" and password "password", which allows remote attackers to gain full access to the system.
CVE-2005-3595 By default Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition installs with a blank password for the Administrator account, which allows remote attackers to gain control of the computer.
CVE-2005-3344 The default installation of Horde 3.0.4 contains an administrative account with a blank password, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2005-3280 Paros 3.2.5 uses a default password for the "sa" account in the underlying HSQLDB database and does not restrict access to the local machine, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2005-3196 Planet Technology Corp FGSW2402RS switch with firmware 1.2 has a default password, which allows attackers with physical access to the device's serial port to gain privileges.
CVE-2005-2998 PHP Advanced Transfer Manager 1.30 has a default password for the administrator user, which allows remote attackers to upload and execute arbitrary PHP files.
CVE-2005-2584 The web administration interface in Mentor ADSL-FR4II router running firmware 2.00.0111 does not set a default password, which allows local users to gain access.
CVE-2005-2428 Lotus Domino R5 and R6 WebMail, with "Generate HTML for all fields" enabled, stores sensitive data from names.nsf in hidden form fields, which allows remote attackers to read the HTML source to obtain sensitive information such as (1) the password hash in the HTTPPassword field, (2) the password change date in the HTTPPasswordChangeDate field, (3) the client platform in the ClntPltfrm field, (4) the client machine name in the ClntMachine field, and (5) the client Lotus Domino release in the ClntBld field, a different vulnerability than CVE-2005-2696.
CVE-2005-1733 Cookie Cart stores the password file under the web document root with insufficient access control, which allows remote attackers to obtain usernames and encrypted passwords via a direct request to passwd.txt.
CVE-2005-1078 XAMPP 1.4.x has multiple default or null passwords, which allows attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2005-0865 Samsung ADSL Modem SMDK8947v1.2 uses default passwords for the (1) root, (2) admin, or (3) user users, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges via Telnet or an HTTP request to adsl.cgi.
CVE-2005-0601 Cisco devices running Application and Content Networking System (ACNS) 4.x, 5.0, 5.1, or 5.2 use a default password when the setup dialog has not been run, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2005-0600 Cisco devices running Application and Content Networking System (ACNS) 5.0, 5.1 before, or 5.2 before allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (bandwidth consumption) via "crafted IP packets" that are continuously forwarded.
CVE-2005-0599 Cisco devices running Application and Content Networking System (ACNS) 4.x, 5.0, or 5.1 before allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via malformed IP packets.
CVE-2005-0598 The RealServer RealSubscriber on Cisco devices running Application and Content Networking System (ACNS) 5.1 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via malformed packets.
CVE-2005-0597 Cisco devices running Application and Content Networking System (ACNS) 5.0 before and 5.1 before allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (process restart) via a "crafted TCP connection."
CVE-2004-2777 GE Healthcare Centricity Image Vault 3.x has a password of (1) gemnet for the administrator account, (2) webadmin for the webadmin administrator account of the ASACA DVD library, (3) an empty value for the gemsservice account of the Ultrasound Database, and possibly (4) gemnet2002 for the gemnet2002 account of the GEMNet license server, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2004-2532 Serv-U FTP server before has a default account and password for local administration, which allows local users to execute arbitrary commands by connecting to the server using the default administrator account, creating a new user, logging in as that new user, and then using the SITE EXEC command.
CVE-2004-2314 The Telnet listener for Novell iChain Server before 2.2 Field Patch 3b 2.2.116 does not have a password by default, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2004-2048 radmin in eSeSIX Thintune thin clients running firmware 2.4.38 and earlier starts a process port 25072 that can be accessed with a default "jstwo" password, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2004-1884 Ipswitch WS_FTP Server 4.0.2 has a backdoor XXSESS_MGRYY username with a default password, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2004-1791 The web management interface in Edimax AR-6004 ADSL Routers uses a default administrator name and password, which also appear as the default login text for the management interface, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2004-1694 Symantec ON Command CCM 5.4.x and iCommand 3.0.x has four default usernames and passwords, one of which is hardcoded, which allows remote attackers to gain unauthorized access.
CVE-2004-1591 The web interface for Micronet Wireless Broadband Router SP916BM running firmware before 1.9 08/04/2004 resets the password to the default password when the router is shut off, which could allow remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2004-1532 AppServ 2.5.x and earlier installs a default username and password, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2004-1322 Cisco Unity 2.x, 3.x, and 4.x, when integrated with Microsoft Exchange, has several hard coded usernames and passwords, which allows remote attackers to gain unauthorized access and change configuration settings or read outgoing or incoming e-mail messages.
CVE-2004-1320 Asante FM2008 running firmware 1.06 is shipped with a default username and password, which could allow remote attackers to gain unauthorized access.
CVE-2004-1228 The install scripts in SugarCRM Sugar Sales 2.0.1c and earlier are not removed after installation, which allows attackers to obtain the MySQL administrative password in cleartext from an installation form, or to cause a denial of service by changing database settings to the default.
CVE-2004-0680 Zoom X3 ADSL modem has a terminal running on port 254 that can be accessed using the default HTML management password, even if the password has been changed for the HTTP interface, which could allow remote attackers to gain unauthorized access.
CVE-2004-0616 The BT Voyager 2000 Wireless ADSL Router has a default public SNMP community name, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information such as the password, which is stored in plaintext.
CVE-2004-0391 Cisco Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) 2.0 through 2.5 and Hosting Solution Engine (HSE) 1.7 through 1.7.3 have a hardcoded username and password, which allows remote attackers to add new users, modify existing users, and change configuration.
CVE-2004-0311 American Power Conversion (APC) Web/SNMP Management SmartSlot Card 3.0 through 3.0.3 and 3.21 are shipped with a default password of TENmanUFactOryPOWER, which allows remote attackers to gain unauthorized access.
CVE-2003-1603 GE Healthcare Discovery VH has a default password of (1) interfile for the ftpclient user of the Interfile server or (2) "2" for the LOCAL user of the FTP server for the Codonics printer, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors.
CVE-2003-1515 Origo ASR-8100 ADSL Router 3.21 has an administration service running on port 254 that does not require a password, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service by restoring the factory defaults.
CVE-2003-1507 Planet Technology WGSD-1020 and WSW-2401 Ethernet switches use a default "superuser" account with the "planet" password, which allows remote attackers to gain administrative access.
CVE-2003-1457 Auerswald COMsuite CTI ControlCenter 3.1 creates a default "runasositron" user account with an easily guessable password, which allows local users or remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2003-1357 ProxyView has a default administrator password of Administrator for Embedded Windows NT, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2003-1225 The default CredentialMapper for BEA WebLogic Server and Express 7.0 and stores passwords in cleartext on disk, which allows local users to extract passwords.
CVE-2003-1035 The default installation of SAP R/3 46C/D allows remote attackers to bypass account locking by using the RFC API instead of the SAPGUI to conduct a brute force password guessing attack, which does not lock out the account like the SAPGUI does.
CVE-2003-0148 The default installation of MSDE via McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 2.0 through 3.0 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via a series of steps that (1) obtain the database administrator username and encrypted password in a configuration file from the ePO server using a certain request, (2) crack the password due to weak cryptography, and (3) use the password to pass commands through xp_cmdshell.
CVE-2003-0126 The web interface for SOHO Routefinder 550 firmware 4.63 and earlier, and possibly later versions, has a default "admin" account with a blank password, which could allow attackers on the LAN side to conduct unauthorized activities.
CVE-2003-0013 The default .htaccess scripts for Bugzilla 2.14.x before 2.14.5, 2.16.x before 2.16.2, and 2.17.x before 2.17.3 do not include filenames for backup copies of the localconfig file that are made from editors such as vi and Emacs, which could allow remote attackers to obtain a database password by directly accessing the backup file.
CVE-2002-2445 GE Healthcare Millennium MG, NC, and MyoSIGHT has a default password of (1) root.genie for the root user, (2) "service." for the service user, (3) admin.genie for the admin user, (4) reboot for the reboot user, and (5) shutdown for the shutdown user, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors.
CVE-2002-2373 The default configuration of the TCP/IP printer configuration utility in Apple LaserWriter 12/640 PS printer contains a blank Telnet password, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2002-2326 The default configuration of in Mac OS X 10.0 through 10.0.4 and 10.1 through 10.1.5 sends iDisk authentication credentials in cleartext when connecting to, which could allow remote attackers to obtain passwords by sniffing network traffic.
CVE-2002-2290 Mambo Site Server 4.0.11 installs with a default username and password of admin, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2002-2088 The MOSIX Project clump/os 5.4 creates a default VNC account without a password, which allows remote attackers to gain root access.
CVE-2002-2059 BIOS D845BG, D845HV, D845PT and D845WN on Intel motherboards does not properly restrict access to configuration information when BIOS passwords are enabled, which could allow local users to change the default boot device via the F8 key.
CVE-2002-2020 Netgear RP114 Cable/DSL Web Safe Router Firmware 3.26 uses a default administrator password and accepts admin logins on the external interface, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges if the password is not changed.
CVE-2002-1936 UTStarcom BAS 1000 3.1.10 creates several default or back door accounts and passwords, which allows remote attackers to gain access via (1) field account with a password of "*field", (2) guru account with a password of "*3noguru", (3) snmp account with a password of "snmp", or (4) dbase account with a password of "dbase".
CVE-2002-1833 The default configurations for DocuTech 6110 and DocuTech 6115 have a default administrative password of (1) "service!" on Solaris 8.0 or (2) "administ" on Windows NT, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2002-1809 The default configuration of the Windows binary release of MySQL 3.23.2 through 3.23.52 has a NULL root password, which could allow remote attackers to gain unauthorized root access to the MySQL database.
CVE-2002-1769 Microsoft Site Server 3.0 prior to SP4 installs a default user, LDAP_Anonymous, with a default password of LdapPassword_1, which allows remote attackers the "Log on locally" privilege.
CVE-2002-1738 Alt-N Technologies MDaemon and earlier creates a default MDaemon mail account with a password of MServer, which could allow remote attackers to send anonymous email.
CVE-2002-1691 Alcatel OmniPCX 4400 installs known user accounts and passwords in the /etc/password file by default, which allows remote attackers to gain unauthorized access.
CVE-2002-1637 Multiple components in Oracle 9i Application Server (9iAS) are installed with over 160 default usernames and passwords, including (1) SYS, (2) SYSTEM, (3) AQJAVA, (4) OWA, (5) IMAGEUSER, (6) USER1, (7) USER2, (8) PLSQL, (9) DEMO, (10) FINANCE, and many others, which allows attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2002-1578 The default installation of SAP R/3, when using Oracle and SQL*net V2 3.x, 4.x, and 6.10, allows remote attackers to obtain arbitrary, sensitive SAP data by directly connecting to the Oracle database and executing queries against the database, which is not password-protected.
CVE-2002-1577 SAP R/3 2.0B to 4.6D installs several clients with default users and passwords, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges via the (1) SAP*, (2) SAPCPIC, (3) DDIC, (4) EARLYWATCH, or (5) TMSADM accounts.
CVE-2002-1491 The Cisco VPN 5000 Client for MacOS before 5.2.2 records the most recently used login password in plaintext when saving "Default Connection" settings, which could allow local users to gain privileges.
CVE-2002-1440 The Gateway GS-400 server has a default root password of "0001n" that can not be changed via the administrative interface, which can allow attackers to gain root privileges.
CVE-2002-1229 Avaya Cajun switches P880, P882, P580, and P550R 5.2.14 and earlier contain undocumented accounts (1) manuf and (2) diag with default passwords, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2002-0881 Cisco IP Phone (VoIP) models 7910, 7940, and 7960 use a default administrative password, which allows attackers with physical access to the phone to modify the configuration settings.
CVE-2002-0858 catsnmp in Oracle 9i and 8i is installed with a dbsnmp user with a default dbsnmp password, which allows attackers to perform restricted database operations and possibly gain other privileges.
CVE-2002-0849 Linux-iSCSI iSCSI implementation installs the iscsi.conf file with world-readable permissions on some operating systems, including Red Hat Linux Limbo Beta #1, which could allow local users to gain privileges by reading the cleartext CHAP password.
CVE-2002-0774 Hosting Controller creates a default user AdvWebadmin with a default password, which could allow remote attackers to gain privileges if the password is not changed.
CVE-2002-0672 Pingtel xpressa SIP-based voice-over-IP phone 1.2.5 through allows attackers with physical access to restore the phone to factory defaults without authentication via a menu option, which sets the administrator password to null.
CVE-2002-0667 Pingtel xpressa SIP-based voice-over-IP phone 1.2.5 through has a default null administrator password, which could allow remote attackers to gain access to the phone.
CVE-2002-0626 Polycom ViewStation before 7.2.4 has a default null password for the administrator account, which allows arbitrary users to conduct unauthorized activities.
CVE-2002-0562 The default configuration of Oracle 9i Application Server 1.0.2.x running Oracle JSP or SQLJSP stores globals.jsa under the web root, which allows remote attackers to gain sensitive information including usernames and passwords via a direct HTTP request to globals.jsa.
CVE-2002-0540 Nortel CVX 1800 is installed with a default "public" community string, which allows remote attackers to read usernames and passwords and modify the CVX configuration.
CVE-2002-0310 Netwin WebNews 1.1k CGI program includes several default usernames and cleartext passwords that cannot be deleted by the administrator, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges via the username/password combinations (1) testweb/newstest, (2) alwn3845/imaptest, (3) alwi3845/wtest3452, or (4) testweb2/wtest4879.
CVE-2002-0305 Zero One Tech (ZOT) P100s print server does not properly disable the SNMP service or change the default password, which could leave the server open to attack without the administrator's knowledge.
CVE-2001-1594 GE Healthcare eNTEGRA P&R has a password of (1) entegra for the entegra user, (2) passme for the super user of the Polestar/Polestar-i Starlink 4 upgrade, (3) 0 for the entegra user of the Codonics printer FTP service, (4) eNTEGRA for the eNTEGRA P&R user account, (5) insite for the WinVNC Login, and possibly other accounts, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors. NOTE: it is not clear whether this password is default, hardcoded, or dependent on another system or product that requires a fixed value.
CVE-2001-1543 Axis network camera 2120, 2110, 2100, 200+ and 200 contains a default administration password "pass", which allows remote attackers to gain access to the camera.
CVE-2001-1538 SpeedXess HA-120 DSL router has a default administrative password of "speedxess", which allows remote attackers to gain access.
CVE-2001-1537 The default "basic" security setting' in config.php for TWIG webmail 2.7.4 and earlier stores cleartext usernames and passwords in cookies, which could allow attackers to obtain authentication information and gain privileges.
CVE-2001-1481 Xitami 2.4 through 2.5 b4 stores the Administrator password in plaintext in the default.aut file, whose default permissions are world-readable, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2001-1428 The (1) FTP and (2) Telnet services in Beck GmbH IPC@Chip are shipped with a default password, which allows remote attackers to gain unauthorized access.
CVE-2001-1424 Alcatel Speed Touch ADSL modem running firmware KHDSAA.108, KHDSAA.132, KHDSBA.133, and KHDSAA.134 has a blank default password, which allows remote attackers to gain unauthorized access.
CVE-2001-1220 D-Link DWL-1000AP Firmware 3.2.28 #483 Wireless LAN Access Point stores the administrative password in plaintext in the default Management Information Base (MIB), which allows remote attackers to gain administrative privileges.
CVE-2001-1213 The default configuration of DataWizard FtpXQ 2.0 and 2.1 includes a default username and password, which allows remote attackers to read and write arbitrary files in the root folder.
CVE-2001-1195 Novell Groupwise 5.5 and 6.0 Servlet Gateway is installed with a default username and password for the servlet manager, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges.
CVE-2001-1190 The default PAM files included with passwd in Mandrake Linux 8.1 do not support MD5 passwords, which could result in a lower level of password security than intended.
CVE-2001-1135 ZyXEL Prestige 642R and 642R-I routers do not filter the routers' Telnet and FTP ports on the external WAN interface from inside access, allowing someone on an internal computer to reconfigure the router, if the password is known.
CVE-2001-1106 The default configuration of Sambar Server 5 and earlier uses a symmetric key that is compiled into the binary program for encrypting passwords, which could allow local users to break all user passwords by cracking the key or modifying a copy of the sambar program to call the decryption procedure.
CVE-2001-0968 Knox Arkeia server 4.2, and possibly other versions, installs its root user with a null password by default, which allows local and remote users to gain privileges.
CVE-2001-0645 Symantec/AXENT NetProwler 3.5.x contains several default passwords, which could allow remote attackers to (1) access to the management tier via the "admin" password, or (2) connect to a MySQL ODBC from the management tier using a blank password.
CVE-2001-0632 Sun Chili!Soft 3.5.2 on Linux and 3.6 on AIX creates a default admin username and password in the default installation, which can allow a remote attacker to gain additional privileges.
CVE-2001-0372 Akopia Interchange 4.5.3 through 4.6.3 installs demo stores with a default group account :backup with no password, which allows a remote attacker to gain administrative access via the demo stores (1) barry, (2) basic, or (3) construct.
CVE-2001-0051 IBM DB2 Universal Database version 6.1 creates an account with a default user name and password, which allows remote attackers to gain access to the database.
CVE-2000-1247 The default configuration of the jserv-status handler in jserv.conf in Apache JServ 1.1.2 includes an "allow from" line, which allows local users to discover JDBC passwords or other sensitive information via a direct request to the jserv/ URI.
CVE-2000-1242 The HTTP service in American Power Conversion (APC) PowerChute uses a default username and password, which allows remote attackers to gain system access.
CVE-2000-1209 The "sa" account is installed with a default null password on (1) Microsoft SQL Server 2000, (2) SQL Server 7.0, and (3) Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0, including third party packages that use these products such as (4) Tumbleweed Secure Mail (MMS) (5) Compaq Insight Manager, and (6) Visio 2000, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges, as exploited by worms such as Voyager Alpha Force and Spida.
CVE-2000-1100 The default configuration for PostACI webmail system installs the /includes/ configuration file within the web root, which allows remote attackers to read sensitive information such as database usernames and passwords via a direct HTTP GET request.
CVE-2000-1015 The default configuration of Slashcode before version 2.0 Alpha has a default administrative password, which allows remote attackers to gain Slashcode privileges and possibly execute arbitrary commands.
CVE-2000-0772 The installation of Tumbleweed Messaging Management System (MMS) 4.6 and earlier (formerly Worldtalk Worldsecure) creates a default account "sa" with no password.
CVE-2000-0322 The passwd.php3 CGI script in the Red Hat Piranha Virtual Server Package allows local users to execute arbitrary commands via shell metacharacters.
CVE-2000-0300 The default encryption method of PcAnywhere 9.x uses weak encryption, which allows remote attackers to sniff and decrypt PcAnywhere or NT domain accounts.
CVE-2000-0109 The mcsp Client Site Processor system (MultiCSP) in Standard and Poor's ComStock is installed with several accounts that have no passwords or easily guessable default passwords.
CVE-2000-0038 glFtpD includes a default glftpd user account with a default password and a UID of 0.
CVE-1999-1355 BMC Patrol component, when installed with Compaq Insight Management Agent 4.23 and earlier, or Management Agents for Servers 4.40 and earlier, creates a PFCUser account with a default password and potentially dangerous privileges.
CVE-1999-1246 Direct Mailer feature in Microsoft Site Server 3.0 saves user domain names and passwords in plaintext in the TMLBQueue network share, which has insecure default permissions, allowing remote attackers to read the passwords and gain privileges.
CVE-1999-1092 tin 1.40 creates the .tin directory with insecure permissions, which allows local users to read passwords from the .inputhistory file.
CVE-1999-0954 WWWBoard has a default username and default password.
CVE-1999-0677 The WebRamp web administration utility has a default password.
CVE-1999-0519 A NETBIOS/SMB share password is the default, null, or missing.
CVE-1999-0508 An account on a router, firewall, or other network device has a default, null, blank, or missing password.
CVE-1999-0506 A Windows NT domain user or administrator account has a default, null, blank, or missing password.
CVE-1999-0504 A Windows NT local user or administrator account has a default, null, blank, or missing password.
CVE-1999-0502 A Unix account has a default, null, blank, or missing password.
CVE-1999-0407 By default, IIS 4.0 has a virtual directory /IISADMPWD which contains files that can be used as proxies for brute force password attacks, or to identify valid users on the system.
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