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There are 110 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-38372 Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js. Depending on network and process conditions of a `fetch()` request, `response.arrayBuffer()` might include portion of memory from the Node.js process. This has been patched in v6.19.2.
CVE-2024-34712 Oceanic is a NodeJS library for interfacing with Discord. Prior to version 1.10.4, input to functions such as `` is not url-encoded, resulting in specially crafted input such as `../../../channels/{id}` being normalized into the url `/api/v10/channels/{id}`, and deleting a channel rather than removing a ban. Version 1.10.4 fixes this issue. Some workarounds are available. One may sanitize user input, ensuring strings are valid for the purpose they are being used for. One may also encode input with `encodeURIComponent` before providing it to the library.
CVE-2024-30261 Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js. An attacker can alter the `integrity` option passed to `fetch()`, allowing `fetch()` to accept requests as valid even if they have been tampered. This vulnerability was patched in version(s) 5.28.4 and 6.11.1.
CVE-2024-30260 Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js. Undici cleared Authorization and Proxy-Authorization headers for `fetch()`, but did not clear them for `undici.request()`. This vulnerability was patched in version(s) 5.28.4 and 6.11.1.
CVE-2024-24806 libuv is a multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O. The `uv_getaddrinfo` function in `src/unix/getaddrinfo.c` (and its windows counterpart `src/win/getaddrinfo.c`), truncates hostnames to 256 characters before calling `getaddrinfo`. This behavior can be exploited to create addresses like `0x00007f000001`, which are considered valid by `getaddrinfo` and could allow an attacker to craft payloads that resolve to unintended IP addresses, bypassing developer checks. The vulnerability arises due to how the `hostname_ascii` variable (with a length of 256 bytes) is handled in `uv_getaddrinfo` and subsequently in `uv__idna_toascii`. When the hostname exceeds 256 characters, it gets truncated without a terminating null byte. As a result attackers may be able to access internal APIs or for websites (similar to MySpace) that allows users to have `` pages. Internal services that crawl or cache these user pages can be exposed to SSRF attacks if a malicious user chooses a long vulnerable username. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.48.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2024-24758 Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js. Undici already cleared Authorization headers on cross-origin redirects, but did not clear `Proxy-Authentication` headers. This issue has been patched in versions 5.28.3 and 6.6.1. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2024-24750 Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js. In affected versions calling `fetch(url)` and not consuming the incoming body ((or consuming it very slowing) will lead to a memory leak. This issue has been addressed in version 6.6.1. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should make sure to always consume the incoming body.
CVE-2024-22025 A vulnerability in Node.js has been identified, allowing for a Denial of Service (DoS) attack through resource exhaustion when using the fetch() function to retrieve content from an untrusted URL. The vulnerability stems from the fact that the fetch() function in Node.js always decodes Brotli, making it possible for an attacker to cause resource exhaustion when fetching content from an untrusted URL. An attacker controlling the URL passed into fetch() can exploit this vulnerability to exhaust memory, potentially leading to process termination, depending on the system configuration.
CVE-2024-22019 A vulnerability in Node.js HTTP servers allows an attacker to send a specially crafted HTTP request with chunked encoding, leading to resource exhaustion and denial of service (DoS). The server reads an unbounded number of bytes from a single connection, exploiting the lack of limitations on chunk extension bytes. The issue can cause CPU and network bandwidth exhaustion, bypassing standard safeguards like timeouts and body size limits.
CVE-2024-22017 setuid() does not affect libuv's internal io_uring operations if initialized before the call to setuid(). This allows the process to perform privileged operations despite presumably having dropped such privileges through a call to setuid(). This vulnerability affects all users using version greater or equal than Node.js 18.18.0, Node.js 20.4.0 and Node.js 21.
CVE-2024-21896 The permission model protects itself against path traversal attacks by calling path.resolve() on any paths given by the user. If the path is to be treated as a Buffer, the implementation uses Buffer.from() to obtain a Buffer from the result of path.resolve(). By monkey-patching Buffer internals, namely, Buffer.prototype.utf8Write, the application can modify the result of path.resolve(), which leads to a path traversal vulnerability. This vulnerability affects all users using the experimental permission model in Node.js 20 and Node.js 21. Please note that at the time this CVE was issued, the permission model is an experimental feature of Node.js.
CVE-2024-21892 On Linux, Node.js ignores certain environment variables if those may have been set by an unprivileged user while the process is running with elevated privileges with the only exception of CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE. Due to a bug in the implementation of this exception, Node.js incorrectly applies this exception even when certain other capabilities have been set. This allows unprivileged users to inject code that inherits the process's elevated privileges.
CVE-2024-21891 Node.js depends on multiple built-in utility functions to normalize paths provided to node:fs functions, which can be overwitten with user-defined implementations leading to filesystem permission model bypass through path traversal attack. This vulnerability affects all users using the experimental permission model in Node.js 20 and Node.js 21. Please note that at the time this CVE was issued, the permission model is an experimental feature of Node.js.
CVE-2024-21890 The Node.js Permission Model does not clarify in the documentation that wildcards should be only used as the last character of a file path. For example: ``` --allow-fs-read=/home/node/.ssh/*.pub ``` will ignore `pub` and give access to everything after `.ssh/`. This misleading documentation affects all users using the experimental permission model in Node.js 20 and Node.js 21. Please note that at the time this CVE was issued, the permission model is an experimental feature of Node.js.
CVE-2024-0727 Issue summary: Processing a maliciously formatted PKCS12 file may lead OpenSSL to crash leading to a potential Denial of Service attack Impact summary: Applications loading files in the PKCS12 format from untrusted sources might terminate abruptly. A file in PKCS12 format can contain certificates and keys and may come from an untrusted source. The PKCS12 specification allows certain fields to be NULL, but OpenSSL does not correctly check for this case. This can lead to a NULL pointer dereference that results in OpenSSL crashing. If an application processes PKCS12 files from an untrusted source using the OpenSSL APIs then that application will be vulnerable to this issue. OpenSSL APIs that are vulnerable to this are: PKCS12_parse(), PKCS12_unpack_p7data(), PKCS12_unpack_p7encdata(), PKCS12_unpack_authsafes() and PKCS12_newpass(). We have also fixed a similar issue in SMIME_write_PKCS7(). However since this function is related to writing data we do not consider it security significant. The FIPS modules in 3.2, 3.1 and 3.0 are not affected by this issue.
CVE-2023-7245 The nodejs framework in OpenVPN Connect 3.0 through 3.4.3 (Windows)/3.4.7 (macOS) was not properly configured, which allows a local user to execute arbitrary code within the nodejs process context via the ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE environment variable
CVE-2023-6460 A potential logging of the firestore key via logging within nodejs-firestore exists - Developers who were logging objects through this._settings would be logging the firestore key as well potentially exposing it to anyone with logs read access. We recommend upgrading to version 6.1.0 to avoid this issue
CVE-2023-6237 Issue summary: Checking excessively long invalid RSA public keys may take a long time. Impact summary: Applications that use the function EVP_PKEY_public_check() to check RSA public keys may experience long delays. Where the key that is being checked has been obtained from an untrusted source this may lead to a Denial of Service. When function EVP_PKEY_public_check() is called on RSA public keys, a computation is done to confirm that the RSA modulus, n, is composite. For valid RSA keys, n is a product of two or more large primes and this computation completes quickly. However, if n is an overly large prime, then this computation would take a long time. An application that calls EVP_PKEY_public_check() and supplies an RSA key obtained from an untrusted source could be vulnerable to a Denial of Service attack. The function EVP_PKEY_public_check() is not called from other OpenSSL functions however it is called from the OpenSSL pkey command line application. For that reason that application is also vulnerable if used with the '-pubin' and '-check' options on untrusted data. The OpenSSL SSL/TLS implementation is not affected by this issue. The OpenSSL 3.0 and 3.1 FIPS providers are affected by this issue.
CVE-2023-6129 Issue summary: The POLY1305 MAC (message authentication code) implementation contains a bug that might corrupt the internal state of applications running on PowerPC CPU based platforms if the CPU provides vector instructions. Impact summary: If an attacker can influence whether the POLY1305 MAC algorithm is used, the application state might be corrupted with various application dependent consequences. The POLY1305 MAC (message authentication code) implementation in OpenSSL for PowerPC CPUs restores the contents of vector registers in a different order than they are saved. Thus the contents of some of these vector registers are corrupted when returning to the caller. The vulnerable code is used only on newer PowerPC processors supporting the PowerISA 2.07 instructions. The consequences of this kind of internal application state corruption can be various - from no consequences, if the calling application does not depend on the contents of non-volatile XMM registers at all, to the worst consequences, where the attacker could get complete control of the application process. However unless the compiler uses the vector registers for storing pointers, the most likely consequence, if any, would be an incorrect result of some application dependent calculations or a crash leading to a denial of service. The POLY1305 MAC algorithm is most frequently used as part of the CHACHA20-POLY1305 AEAD (authenticated encryption with associated data) algorithm. The most common usage of this AEAD cipher is with TLS protocol versions 1.2 and 1.3. If this cipher is enabled on the server a malicious client can influence whether this AEAD cipher is used. This implies that TLS server applications using OpenSSL can be potentially impacted. However we are currently not aware of any concrete application that would be affected by this issue therefore we consider this a Low severity security issue.
CVE-2023-5678 Issue summary: Generating excessively long X9.42 DH keys or checking excessively long X9.42 DH keys or parameters may be very slow. Impact summary: Applications that use the functions DH_generate_key() to generate an X9.42 DH key may experience long delays. Likewise, applications that use DH_check_pub_key(), DH_check_pub_key_ex() or EVP_PKEY_public_check() to check an X9.42 DH key or X9.42 DH parameters may experience long delays. Where the key or parameters that are being checked have been obtained from an untrusted source this may lead to a Denial of Service. While DH_check() performs all the necessary checks (as of CVE-2023-3817), DH_check_pub_key() doesn't make any of these checks, and is therefore vulnerable for excessively large P and Q parameters. Likewise, while DH_generate_key() performs a check for an excessively large P, it doesn't check for an excessively large Q. An application that calls DH_generate_key() or DH_check_pub_key() and supplies a key or parameters obtained from an untrusted source could be vulnerable to a Denial of Service attack. DH_generate_key() and DH_check_pub_key() are also called by a number of other OpenSSL functions. An application calling any of those other functions may similarly be affected. The other functions affected by this are DH_check_pub_key_ex(), EVP_PKEY_public_check(), and EVP_PKEY_generate(). Also vulnerable are the OpenSSL pkey command line application when using the "-pubcheck" option, as well as the OpenSSL genpkey command line application. The OpenSSL SSL/TLS implementation is not affected by this issue. The OpenSSL 3.0 and 3.1 FIPS providers are not affected by this issue.
CVE-2023-52079 msgpackr is a fast MessagePack NodeJS/JavaScript implementation. Prior to 1.10.1, when decoding user supplied MessagePack messages, users can trigger stuck threads by crafting messages that keep the decoder stuck in a loop. The fix is available in v1.10.1. Exploits seem to require structured cloning, replacing the 0x70 extension with your own (that throws an error or does something other than recursive referencing) should mitigate the issue.
CVE-2023-50728 octokit/webhooks is a GitHub webhook events toolset for Node.js. Starting in 9.26.0 and prior to 9.26.3, 10.9.2, 11.1.2, and 12.0.4, there is a problem caused by an issue with error handling in the @octokit/webhooks library because the error can be undefined in some cases. The resulting request was found to cause an uncaught exception that ends the nodejs process. The bug is fixed in octokit/webhooks.js 9.26.3, 10.9.2, 11.1.2, and 12.0.4, app.js 14.02, octokit.js 3.1.2, and Protobot 12.3.3.
CVE-2023-45143 Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client written from scratch for Node.js. Prior to version 5.26.2, Undici already cleared Authorization headers on cross-origin redirects, but did not clear `Cookie` headers. By design, `cookie` headers are forbidden request headers, disallowing them to be set in RequestInit.headers in browser environments. Since undici handles headers more liberally than the spec, there was a disconnect from the assumptions the spec made, and undici's implementation of fetch. As such this may lead to accidental leakage of cookie to a third-party site or a malicious attacker who can control the redirection target (ie. an open redirector) to leak the cookie to the third party site. This was patched in version 5.26.2. There are no known workarounds.
CVE-2023-44487 The HTTP/2 protocol allows a denial of service (server resource consumption) because request cancellation can reset many streams quickly, as exploited in the wild in August through October 2023.
CVE-2023-43646 get-func-name is a module to retrieve a function's name securely and consistently both in NodeJS and the browser. Versions prior to 2.0.1 are subject to a regular expression denial of service (redos) vulnerability which may lead to a denial of service when parsing malicious input. This vulnerability can be exploited when there is an imbalance in parentheses, which results in excessive backtracking and subsequently increases the CPU load and processing time significantly. This vulnerability can be triggered using the following input: '\t'.repeat(54773) + '\t/function/i'. This issue has been addressed in commit `f934b228b` which has been included in releases from 2.0.1. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-40340 Jenkins NodeJS Plugin 1.6.0 and earlier does not properly mask (i.e., replace with asterisks) credentials specified in the Npm config file in Pipeline build logs.
CVE-2023-38506 Joplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application. A Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability allows pasting untrusted data into the rich text editor to execute arbitrary code. HTML pasted into the rich text editor is not sanitized (or not sanitized properly). As such, the `onload` attribute of pasted images can execute arbitrary code. Because the TinyMCE editor frame does not use the `sandbox` attribute, such scripts can access NodeJS's `require` through the `top` variable. From this, an attacker can run arbitrary commands. This issue has been addressed in version 2.12.10 and users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-37899 Feathersjs is a framework for creating web APIs and real-time applications with TypeScript or JavaScript. Feathers socket handler did not catch invalid string conversion errors like `const message = ${{ toString: '' }}` which would cause the NodeJS process to crash when sending an unexpected message like `socket.emit('find', { toString: '' })`. A fix has been released in versions 5.0.8 and 4.5.18. Users are advised to upgrade. There is no known workaround for this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-37898 Joplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application. A Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability allows an untrusted note opened in safe mode to execute arbitrary code. `packages/renderer/MarkupToHtml.ts` renders note content in safe mode by surrounding it with <pre> and </pre>, without escaping any interior HTML tags. Thus, an attacker can create a note that closes the opening <pre> tag, then includes HTML that runs JavaScript. Because the rendered markdown iframe has the same origin as the toplevel document and is not sandboxed, any scripts running in the preview iframe can access the top variable and, thus, access the toplevel NodeJS `require` function. `require` can then be used to import modules like fs or child_process and run arbitrary commands. This issue has been addressed in version 2.12.9 and all users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-34232 snowflake-connector-nodejs, a NodeJS driver for Snowflake, is vulnerable to command injection via single sign on (SSO) browser URL authentication in versions prior to 1.6.21. In order to exploit the potential for command injection, an attacker would need to be successful in (1) establishing a malicious resource and (2) redirecting users to utilize the resource. The attacker could set up a malicious, publicly accessible server which responds to the SSO URL with an attack payload. If the attacker then tricked a user into visiting the maliciously crafted connection URL, the user&#8217;s local machine would render the malicious payload, leading to a remote code execution. This attack scenario can be mitigated through URL whitelisting as well as common anti-phishing resources. Version 1.6.21 contains a patch for this issue.
CVE-2023-34109 zxcvbn-ts is an open source password strength estimator written in typescript. This vulnerability affects users running on the nodeJS platform which are using the second argument of the zxcvbn function. It can result in an unbounded resource consumption as the user inputs array is extended with every function call. Browsers are impacted, too but a single user need to do a lot of input changes so that it affects the browser, while the node process gets the inputs of every user of a platform and can be killed that way. This problem has been patched in version 3.0.2. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should stop using the second argument of the zxcvbn function and use the zxcvbnOptions.setOptions function.
CVE-2023-30590 The generateKeys() API function returned from crypto.createDiffieHellman() only generates missing (or outdated) keys, that is, it only generates a private key if none has been set yet, but the function is also needed to compute the corresponding public key after calling setPrivateKey(). However, the documentation says this API call: "Generates private and public Diffie-Hellman key values". The documented behavior is very different from the actual behavior, and this difference could easily lead to security issues in applications that use these APIs as the DiffieHellman may be used as the basis for application-level security, implications are consequently broad.
CVE-2023-24807 Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client for Node.js. Prior to version 5.19.1, the `Headers.set()` and `Headers.append()` methods are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) attacks when untrusted values are passed into the functions. This is due to the inefficient regular expression used to normalize the values in the `headerValueNormalize()` utility function. This vulnerability was patched in v5.19.1. No known workarounds are available.
CVE-2023-23936 Undici is an HTTP/1.1 client for Node.js. Starting with version 2.0.0 and prior to version 5.19.1, the undici library does not protect `host` HTTP header from CRLF injection vulnerabilities. This issue is patched in Undici v5.19.1. As a workaround, sanitize the `` string before passing to undici.
CVE-2023-23920 An untrusted search path vulnerability exists in Node.js. <19.6.1, <18.14.1, <16.19.1, and <14.21.3 that could allow an attacker to search and potentially load ICU data when running with elevated privileges.
CVE-2022-43548 A OS Command Injection vulnerability exists in Node.js versions <14.21.1, <16.18.1, <18.12.1, <19.0.1 due to an insufficient IsAllowedHost check that can easily be bypassed because IsIPAddress does not properly check if an IP address is invalid before making DBS requests allowing rebinding attacks.The fix for this issue in was incomplete and this new CVE is to complete the fix.
CVE-2022-39266 isolated-vm is a library for nodejs which gives the user access to v8's Isolate interface. In versions 4.3.6 and prior, if the untrusted v8 cached data is passed to the API through CachedDataOptions, attackers can bypass the sandbox and run arbitrary code in the nodejs process. Version 4.3.7 changes the documentation to warn users that they should not accept `cachedData` payloads from a user.
CVE-2022-37434 zlib through 1.2.12 has a heap-based buffer over-read or buffer overflow in inflate in inflate.c via a large gzip header extra field. NOTE: only applications that call inflateGetHeader are affected. Some common applications bundle the affected zlib source code but may be unable to call inflateGetHeader (e.g., see the nodejs/node reference).
CVE-2022-36127 A vulnerability in Apache SkyWalking NodeJS Agent prior to 0.5.1. The vulnerability will cause NodeJS services that has this agent installed to be unavailable if the OAP is unhealthy and NodeJS agent can't establish the connection.
CVE-2022-35949 undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js.`undici` is vulnerable to SSRF (Server-side Request Forgery) when an application takes in **user input** into the `path/pathname` option of `undici.request`. If a user specifies a URL such as `` or `//` ```js const undici = require("undici") undici.request({origin: "", pathname: "//"}) ``` Instead of processing the request as `` (or `` when ` is used`), it actually processes the request as `` and sends it to ``. If a developer passes in user input into `path` parameter of `undici.request`, it can result in an _SSRF_ as they will assume that the hostname cannot change, when in actual fact it can change because the specified path parameter is combined with the base URL. This issue was fixed in `undici@5.8.1`. The best workaround is to validate user input before passing it to the `undici.request` call.
CVE-2022-35948 undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js.`=< undici@5.8.0` users are vulnerable to _CRLF Injection_ on headers when using unsanitized input as request headers, more specifically, inside the `content-type` header. Example: ``` import { request } from 'undici' const unsanitizedContentTypeInput = 'application/json\r\n\r\nGET /foo2 HTTP/1.1' await request('http://localhost:3000, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': unsanitizedContentTypeInput }, }) ``` The above snippet will perform two requests in a single `request` API call: 1) `http://localhost:3000/` 2) `http://localhost:3000/foo2` This issue was patched in Undici v5.8.1. Sanitize input when sending content-type headers using user input as a workaround.
CVE-2022-35265 A denial of service vulnerability exists in the web_server hashFirst functionality of Robustel R1510 3.1.16 and 3.3.0. A specially-crafted network request can lead to denial of service. An attacker can send a sequence of requests to trigger this vulnerability.This denial of service is in the `/action/import_nodejs_app/` API.
CVE-2022-32210 `Undici.ProxyAgent` never verifies the remote server's certificate, and always exposes all request & response data to the proxy. This unexpectedly means that proxies can MitM all HTTPS traffic, and if the proxy's URL is HTTP then it also means that nominally HTTPS requests are actually sent via plain-text HTTP between Undici and the proxy server.
CVE-2022-31183 fs2 is a compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala. When establishing a server-mode `TLSSocket` using `fs2-io` on Node.js, the parameter `requestCert = true` is ignored, peer certificate verification is skipped, and the connection proceeds. The vulnerability is limited to: 1. `fs2-io` running on Node.js. The JVM TLS implementation is completely independent. 2. `TLSSocket`s in server-mode. Client-mode `TLSSocket`s are implemented via a different API. 3. mTLS as enabled via `requestCert = true` in `TLSParameters`. The default setting is `false` for server-mode `TLSSocket`s. It was introduced with the initial Node.js implementation of fs2-io in 3.1.0. A patch is released in v3.2.11. The requestCert = true parameter is respected and the peer certificate is verified. If verification fails, a SSLException is raised. If using an unpatched version on Node.js, do not use a server-mode TLSSocket with requestCert = true to establish a mTLS connection.
CVE-2022-31151 Authorization headers are cleared on cross-origin redirect. However, cookie headers which are sensitive headers and are official headers found in the spec, remain uncleared. There are active users using cookie headers in undici. This may lead to accidental leakage of cookie to a 3rd-party site or a malicious attacker who can control the redirection target (ie. an open redirector) to leak the cookie to the 3rd party site. This was patched in v5.7.1. By default, this vulnerability is not exploitable. Do not enable redirections, i.e. `maxRedirections: 0` (the default).
CVE-2022-31150 undici is an HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js. It is possible to inject CRLF sequences into request headers in undici in versions less than 5.7.1. A fix was released in version 5.8.0. Sanitizing all HTTP headers from untrusted sources to eliminate `\r\n` is a workaround for this issue.
CVE-2022-29244 npm pack ignores root-level .gitignore and .npmignore file exclusion directives when run in a workspace or with a workspace flag (ie. `--workspaces`, `--workspace=<name>`). Anyone who has run `npm pack` or `npm publish` inside a workspace, as of v7.9.0 and v7.13.0 respectively, may be affected and have published files into the npm registry they did not intend to include. Users should upgrade to the latest, patched version of npm v8.11.0, run: npm i -g npm@latest . Node.js versions v16.15.1, v17.19.1, and v18.3.0 include the patched v8.11.0 version of npm.
CVE-2022-25229 Popcorn Time 0.4.7 has a Stored XSS in the 'Movies API Server(s)' field via the 'settings' page. The 'nodeIntegration' configuration is set to on which allows the 'webpage' to use 'NodeJs' features, an attacker can leverage this to run OS commands.
CVE-2022-25224 Proton v0.2.0 allows an attacker to create a malicious link inside a markdown file. When the victim clicks the link, the application opens the site in the current frame allowing an attacker to host JavaScript code in the malicious link in order to trigger an XSS attack. The 'nodeIntegration' configuration is set to on which allows the 'webpage' to use 'NodeJs' features, an attacker can leverage this to run OS commands.
CVE-2022-24434 This affects all versions of package dicer. A malicious attacker can send a modified form to server, and crash the nodejs service. An attacker could sent the payload again and again so that the service continuously crashes.
CVE-2022-21824 Due to the formatting logic of the "console.table()" function it was not safe to allow user controlled input to be passed to the "properties" parameter while simultaneously passing a plain object with at least one property as the first parameter, which could be "__proto__". The prototype pollution has very limited control, in that it only allows an empty string to be assigned to numerical keys of the object prototype.Node.js >= 12.22.9, >= 14.18.3, >= 16.13.2, and >= 17.3.1 use a null protoype for the object these properties are being assigned to.
CVE-2021-41117 keypair is a a RSA PEM key generator written in javascript. keypair implements a lot of cryptographic primitives on its own or by borrowing from other libraries where possible, including node-forge. An issue was discovered where this library was generating identical RSA keys used in SSH. This would mean that the library is generating identical P, Q (and thus N) values which, in practical terms, is impossible with RSA-2048 keys. Generating identical values, repeatedly, usually indicates an issue with poor random number generation, or, poor handling of CSPRNG output. Issue 1: Poor random number generation (`GHSL-2021-1012`). The library does not rely entirely on a platform provided CSPRNG, rather, it uses it's own counter-based CMAC approach. Where things go wrong is seeding the CMAC implementation with "true" random data in the function `defaultSeedFile`. In order to seed the AES-CMAC generator, the library will take two different approaches depending on the JavaScript execution environment. In a browser, the library will use [`window.crypto.getRandomValues()`]( However, in a nodeJS execution environment, the `window` object is not defined, so it goes down a much less secure solution, also of which has a bug in it. It does look like the library tries to use node's CSPRNG when possible unfortunately, it looks like the `crypto` object is null because a variable was declared with the same name, and set to `null`. So the node CSPRNG path is never taken. However, when `window.crypto.getRandomValues()` is not available, a Lehmer LCG random number generator is used to seed the CMAC counter, and the LCG is seeded with `Math.random`. While this is poor and would likely qualify in a security bug in itself, it does not explain the extreme frequency in which duplicate keys occur. The main flaw: The output from the Lehmer LCG is encoded incorrectly. The specific [line][] with the flaw is: `b.putByte(String.fromCharCode(next & 0xFF))` The [definition]( of `putByte` is `util.ByteBuffer.prototype.putByte = function(b) { += String.fromCharCode(b);};`. Simplified, this is `String.fromCharCode(String.fromCharCode(next & 0xFF))`. The double `String.fromCharCode` is almost certainly unintentional and the source of weak seeding. Unfortunately, this does not result in an error. Rather, it results most of the buffer containing zeros. Since we are masking with 0xFF, we can determine that 97% of the output from the LCG are converted to zeros. The only outputs that result in meaningful values are outputs 48 through 57, inclusive. The impact is that each byte in the RNG seed has a 97% chance of being 0 due to incorrect conversion. When it is not, the bytes are 0 through 9. In summary, there are three immediate concerns: 1. The library has an insecure random number fallback path. Ideally the library would require a strong CSPRNG instead of attempting to use a LCG and `Math.random`. 2. The library does not correctly use a strong random number generator when run in NodeJS, even though a strong CSPRNG is available. 3. The fallback path has an issue in the implementation where a majority of the seed data is going to effectively be zero. Due to the poor random number generation, keypair generates RSA keys that are relatively easy to guess. This could enable an attacker to decrypt confidential messages or gain authorized access to an account belonging to the victim.
CVE-2021-39199 remark-html is an open source nodejs library which compiles Markdown to HTML. In affected versions the documentation of remark-html has mentioned that it was safe by default. In practice the default was never safe and had to be opted into. That is, user input was not sanitized. This means arbitrary HTML can be passed through leading to potential XSS attacks. The problem has been patched in 13.0.2 and 14.0.1: `remark-html` is now safe by default, and the implementation matches the documentation. On older affected versions, pass `sanitize: true` if you cannot update.
CVE-2021-3777 nodejs-tmpl is vulnerable to Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity
CVE-2021-29486 cumulative-distribution-function is an open source npm library used which calculates statistical cumulative distribution function from data array of x values. In versions prior to 2.0.0 apps using this library on improper data may crash or go into an infinite-loop. In the case of a nodejs server-app using this library to act on invalid non-numeric data, the nodejs server may crash. This may affect other users of this server and/or require the server to be rebooted for proper operation. In the case of a browser app using this library to act on invalid non-numeric data, that browser may crash or lock up. A flaw enabling an infinite-loop was discovered in the code for evaluating the cumulative-distribution-function of input data. Although the documentation explains that numeric data is required, some users may confuse an array of strings like ["1","2","3","4","5"] for numeric data [1,2,3,4,5] when it is in fact string data. An infinite loop is possible when the cumulative-distribution-function is evaluated for a given point when the input data is string data rather than type `number`. This vulnerability enables an infinite-cpu-loop denial-of-service-attack on any app using npm:cumulative-distribution-function v1.0.3 or earlier if the attacker can supply malformed data to the library. The vulnerability could also manifest if a data source to be analyzed changes data type from Arrays of number (proper) to Arrays of string (invalid, but undetected by earlier version of the library). Users should upgrade to at least v2.0.0, or the latest version. Tests for several types of invalid data have been created, and version 2.0.0 has been tested to reject this invalid data by throwing a `TypeError()` instead of processing it. Developers using this library may wish to adjust their app's code slightly to better tolerate or handle this TypeError. Apps performing proper numeric data validation before sending data to this library should be mostly unaffected by this patch. The vulnerability can be mitigated in older versions by ensuring that only finite numeric data of type `Array[number]` or `number` is passed to `cumulative-distribution-function` and its `f(x)` function, respectively.
CVE-2021-23280 Eaton Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) prior to 1.69 is vulnerable to authenticated arbitrary file upload vulnerability. IPM&#8217;s maps_srv.js allows an attacker to upload a malicious NodeJS file using uploadBackgroud action. An attacker can upload a malicious code or execute any command using a specially crafted packet to exploit the vulnerability.
CVE-2021-22940 Node.js before 16.6.1, 14.17.5, and 12.22.5 is vulnerable to a use after free attack where an attacker might be able to exploit the memory corruption, to change process behavior.
CVE-2021-22939 If the Node.js https API was used incorrectly and "undefined" was in passed for the "rejectUnauthorized" parameter, no error was returned and connections to servers with an expired certificate would have been accepted.
CVE-2021-22930 Node.js before 16.6.0, 14.17.4, and 12.22.4 is vulnerable to a use after free attack where an attacker might be able to exploit the memory corruption, to change process behavior.
CVE-2021-21421 node-etsy-client is a NodeJs Etsy ReST API Client. Applications that are using node-etsy-client and reporting client error to the end user will offer api key value too This is fixed in node-etsy-client v0.3.0 and later.
CVE-2021-21413 isolated-vm is a library for nodejs which gives you access to v8's Isolate interface. Versions of isolated-vm before v4.0.0 have API pitfalls which may make it easy for implementers to expose supposed secure isolates to the permissions of the main nodejs isolate. Reference objects allow access to the underlying reference's full prototype chain. In an environment where the implementer has exposed a Reference instance to an attacker they would be able to use it to acquire a Reference to the nodejs context's Function object. Similar application-specific attacks could be possible by modifying the local prototype of other API objects. Access to NativeModule objects could allow an attacker to load and run native code from anywhere on the filesystem. If combined with, for example, a file upload API this would allow for arbitrary code execution. This is addressed in v4.0.0 through a series of related changes.
CVE-2021-21298 Node-Red is a low-code programming for event-driven applications built using nodejs. Node-RED 1.2.7 and earlier has a vulnerability which allows arbitrary path traversal via the Projects API. If the Projects feature is enabled, a user with `` permission is able to access any file via the Projects API. The issue has been patched in Node-RED 1.2.8. The vulnerability applies only to the Projects feature which is not enabled by default in Node-RED. The primary workaround is not give untrusted users read access to the Node-RED editor.
CVE-2021-21297 Node-Red is a low-code programming for event-driven applications built using nodejs. Node-RED 1.2.7 and earlier contains a Prototype Pollution vulnerability in the admin API. A badly formed request can modify the prototype of the default JavaScript Object with the potential to affect the default behaviour of the Node-RED runtime. The vulnerability is patched in the 1.2.8 release. A workaround is to ensure only authorized users are able to access the editor url.
CVE-2020-5977 NVIDIA GeForce Experience, all versions prior to, contains a vulnerability in NVIDIA Web Helper NodeJS Web Server in which an uncontrolled search path is used to load a node module, which may lead to code execution, denial of service, escalation of privileges, and information disclosure.
CVE-2020-1694 A flaw was found in all versions of Keycloak before 10.0.0, where the NodeJS adapter did not support the verify-token-audience. This flaw results in some users having access to sensitive information outside of their permissions.
CVE-2020-15477 The WebControl in RaspberryTortoise through 2012-10-28 is vulnerable to remote code execution via shell metacharacters in a URI. The file nodejs/raspberryTortoise.js has no validation on the parameter incomingString before passing it to the child_process.exec function.
CVE-2019-6644 Similar to the issue identified in CVE-2018-12120, on versions 14.1.0-, 14.0.0-, 13.0.0-13.1.2, and 12.1.0-12.1.4 BIG-IP will bind a debug nodejs process to all interfaces when invoked. This may expose the process to unauthorized users if the plugin is left in debug mode and the port is accessible.
CVE-2019-4001 Improper input validation in Druva inSync Client 6.5.0 allows a local, authenticated attacker to execute arbitrary NodeJS code.
CVE-2019-15606 Including trailing white space in HTTP header values in Nodejs 10, 12, and 13 causes bypass of authorization based on header value comparisons
CVE-2019-12047 Gridea v0.8.0 has an XSS vulnerability through which the Nodejs module can be called to achieve arbitrary code execution, as demonstrated by child_process.exec and the "<img src=# onerror='eval(new Buffer(" substring.
CVE-2017-16042 Growl adds growl notification support to nodejs. Growl before 1.10.2 does not properly sanitize input before passing it to exec, allowing for arbitrary command execution.
CVE-2017-1000228 nodejs ejs versions older than 2.5.3 is vulnerable to remote code execution due to weak input validation in ejs.renderFile() function
CVE-2017-1000189 nodejs ejs version older than 2.5.5 is vulnerable to a denial-of-service due to weak input validation in the ejs.renderFile()
CVE-2017-1000188 nodejs ejs version older than 2.5.5 is vulnerable to a Cross-site-scripting in the ejs.renderFile() resulting in code injection
CVE-2016-7099 The tls.checkServerIdentity function in Node.js 0.10.x before 0.10.47, 0.12.x before 0.12.16, 4.x before 4.6.0, and 6.x before 6.7.0 does not properly handle wildcards in name fields of X.509 certificates, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof servers via a crafted certificate.
CVE-2016-5325 CRLF injection vulnerability in the ServerResponse#writeHead function in Node.js 0.10.x before 0.10.47, 0.12.x before 0.12.16, 4.x before 4.6.0, and 6.x before 6.7.0 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary HTTP headers and conduct HTTP response splitting attacks via the reason argument.
CVE-2016-2537 The is-my-json-valid package before 2.12.4 for Node.js has an incorrect exports['utc-millisec'] regular expression, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (blocked event loop) via a crafted string.
CVE-2016-2515 Hawk before 3.1.3 and 4.x before 4.1.1 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption or partial outage) via a long (1) header or (2) URI that is matched against an improper regular expression.
CVE-2016-2216 The HTTP header parsing code in Node.js 0.10.x before 0.10.42, 0.11.6 through 0.11.16, 0.12.x before 0.12.10, 4.x before 4.3.0, and 5.x before 5.6.0 allows remote attackers to bypass an HTTP response-splitting protection mechanism via UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters in the HTTP header, as demonstrated by %c4%8d%c4%8a.
CVE-2016-2086 Node.js 0.10.x before 0.10.42, 0.12.x before 0.12.10, 4.x before 4.3.0, and 5.x before 5.6.0 allow remote attackers to conduct HTTP request smuggling attacks via a crafted Content-Length HTTP header.
CVE-2016-10647 node-air-sdk is an AIR SDK for nodejs. node-air-sdk downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.
CVE-2016-10626 mystem3 is a NodeJS wrapper for the Yandex MyStem 3. mystem3 downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.
CVE-2016-10622 nodeschnaps is a NodeJS compatibility layer for Java (Rhino). nodeschnaps downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.
CVE-2016-10618 node-browser is a wrapper webdriver by nodejs. node-browser downloads resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks.
CVE-2016-10593 ibapi is an Interactive Brokers API addon for NodeJS. ibapi downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. Before 2.5.6, it may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested binary with an attacker controlled binary if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.
CVE-2016-10578 unicode loads unicode data downloaded from into nodejs. Unicode before 9.0.0 downloads binary resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks.
CVE-2016-10556 sequelize is an Object-relational mapping, or a middleman to convert things from Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server into usable data for NodeJS In Postgres, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server there is an issue where arrays are treated as strings and improperly escaped. This causes potential SQL injection in sequelize 3.19.3 and earlier, where a malicious user could put `["test", "'); DELETE TestTable WHERE Id = 1 --')"]` inside of ``` database.query('SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE Name IN (:names)', { replacements: { names: directCopyOfUserInput } }); ``` and cause the SQL statement to become `SELECT Id FROM Table WHERE Name IN ('test', '\'); DELETE TestTable WHERE Id = 1 --')`. In Postgres, MSSQL, and SQLite, the backslash has no special meaning. This causes the the statement to delete whichever Id has a value of 1 in the TestTable table.
CVE-2016-10554 sequelize is an Object-relational mapping, or a middleman to convert things from Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server into usable data for NodeJS. Before version 1.7.0-alpha3, sequelize defaulted SQLite to use MySQL backslash escaping, even though SQLite uses Postgres escaping.
CVE-2016-10553 sequelize is an Object-relational mapping, or a middleman to convert things from Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server into usable data for NodeJS. A fix was pushed out that fixed potential SQL injection in sequelize 2.1.3 and earlier.
CVE-2016-10550 sequelize is an Object-relational mapping, or a middleman to convert things from Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server into usable data for NodeJS If user input goes into the `limit` or `order` parameters, a malicious user can put in their own SQL statements. This affects sequelize 3.16.0 and earlier.
CVE-2016-1000232 NodeJS Tough-Cookie version 2.2.2 contains a Regular Expression Parsing vulnerability in HTTP request Cookie Header parsing that can result in Denial of Service. This attack appear to be exploitable via Custom HTTP header passed by client. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 2.3.0.
CVE-2015-8027 Node.js 0.12.x before 0.12.9, 4.x before 4.2.3, and 5.x before 5.1.1 does not ensure the availability of a parser for each HTTP socket, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (uncaughtException and service outage) via a pipelined HTTP request.
CVE-2015-5688 Directory traversal vulnerability in lib/app/index.js in Geddy before 13.0.8 for Node.js allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a ..%2f (dot dot encoded slash) in the PATH_INFO to the default URI.
CVE-2015-1370 Incomplete blacklist vulnerability in marked 0.3.2 and earlier for Node.js allows remote attackers to conduct cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks via a vbscript tag in a link.
CVE-2015-1369 SQL injection vulnerability in Sequelize before 2.0.0-rc7 for Node.js allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the order parameter.
CVE-2015-1164 Open redirect vulnerability in the serve-static plugin before 1.7.2 for Node.js, when mounted at the root, allows remote attackers to redirect users to arbitrary web sites and conduct phishing attacks via a // (slash slash) followed by a domain in the PATH_INFO to the default URI.
CVE-2014-7205 Eval injection vulnerability in the internals.batch function in lib/batch.js in the bassmaster plugin before 1.5.2 for the hapi server framework for Node.js allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary Javascript code via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2014-7193 The Crumb plugin before 3.0.0 for Node.js does not properly restrict token access in situations where a hapi route handler has CORS enabled, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information, and potentially obtain the ability to spoof requests to non-CORS routes, via a crafted web site that is visited by an application consumer.
CVE-2014-6394 visionmedia send before 0.8.4 for Node.js uses a partial comparison for verifying whether a directory is within the document root, which allows remote attackers to access restricted directories, as demonstrated using "public-restricted" under a "public" directory.
CVE-2014-6393 The Express web framework before 3.11 and 4.x before 4.5 for Node.js does not provide a charset field in HTTP Content-Type headers in 400 level responses, which might allow remote attackers to conduct cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks via characters in a non-standard encoding.
CVE-2014-5256 Node.js 0.8 before 0.8.28 and 0.10 before 0.10.30 does not consider the possibility of recursive processing that triggers V8 garbage collection in conjunction with a V8 interrupt, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption and application crash) via deep JSON objects whose parsing lets this interrupt mask an overflow of the program stack.
CVE-2014-3744 Directory traversal vulnerability in the st module before 0.2.5 for Node.js allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a %2e%2e (encoded dot dot) in an unspecified path.
CVE-2014-3743 Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the Marked module before 0.3.1 for Node.js allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via vectors related to (1) gfm codeblocks (language) or (2) javascript url's.
CVE-2014-3742 The hapi server framework 2.0.x and 2.1.x before 2.2.0 for Node.js allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (file descriptor consumption and process crash) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2014-3741 The printDirect function in lib/printer.js in the node-printer module 0.0.1 and earlier for Node.js allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via unspecified characters in the lpr command.
CVE-2014-1850 ** REJECT ** DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: CVE-2014-3743. Reason: This candidate is a duplicate of CVE-2014-3743. Notes: All CVE users should reference CVE-2014-3743 instead of this candidate. All references and descriptions in this candidate have been removed to prevent accidental usage
CVE-2013-7381 libnotify before 1.0.4 for Node.js allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via unspecified characters in a call to libnotify.notify.
CVE-2013-7379 The admin API in the tomato module before 0.0.6 for Node.js does not properly check the access key when it is set to a string, which allows remote attackers to bypass authentication via a string in the access-key header that partially matches config.master.api.access_key.
CVE-2013-7378 scripts/ in the Hubot Scripts module before 2.4.4 for Node.js allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
CVE-2013-7377 The codem-transcode module before 0.5.0 for Node.js, when ffprobe is enabled, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a POST request to /probe.
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