Search Results

There are 39 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2020-9364 An issue was discovered in helpers/mailer.php in the Creative Contact Form extension 4.6.2 before 2019-12-03 for Joomla!. A directory traversal vulnerability resides in the filename field for uploaded attachments via the creativecontactform_upload parameter. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability with the "Send me a copy" option to receive any files of the filesystem via email.
CVE-2019-9922 An issue was discovered in the Harmis JE Messenger component 1.2.2 for Joomla!. Directory Traversal allows read access to arbitrary files.
CVE-2019-9921 An issue was discovered in the Harmis JE Messenger component 1.2.2 for Joomla!. It is possible to read information that should only be accessible by a different user.
CVE-2019-9920 An issue was discovered in the Harmis JE Messenger component 1.2.2 for Joomla!. It is possible to perform an action within the context of the account of another user.
CVE-2019-9919 An issue was discovered in the Harmis JE Messenger component 1.2.2 for Joomla!. It is possible to craft messages in a way that JavaScript gets executed on the side of the receiving user when the message is opened, aka XSS.
CVE-2019-9918 An issue was discovered in the Harmis JE Messenger component 1.2.2 for Joomla!. Input does not get validated and queries are not written in a way to prevent SQL injection. Therefore arbitrary SQL-Statements can be executed in the database.
CVE-2019-9714 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.4. The media form field lacks escaping, leading to XSS.
CVE-2019-9713 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.4. The sample data plugins lack ACL checks, allowing unauthorized access.
CVE-2019-9712 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.4. The JSON handler in com_config lacks input validation, leading to XSS.
CVE-2019-9711 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.4. The item_title layout in edit views lacks escaping, leading to XSS.
CVE-2019-9184 SQL injection vulnerability in the J2Store plugin 3.x before 3.3.7 for Joomla! allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the product_option[] parameter.
CVE-2019-7744 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.3. Inadequate filtering on URL fields in various core components could lead to an XSS vulnerability.
CVE-2019-7743 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.3. The phar:// stream wrapper can be used for objection injection attacks because there is no protection mechanism (such as the TYPO3 PHAR stream wrapper) to prevent use of the phar:// handler for non .phar-files.
CVE-2019-7742 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.3. A combination of specific web server configurations, in connection with specific file types and browser-side MIME-type sniffing, causes an XSS attack vector.
CVE-2019-7741 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.3. Inadequate checks at the Global Configuration helpurl settings allowed stored XSS.
CVE-2019-7740 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.3. Inadequate parameter handling in JavaScript code (core.js writeDynaList) could lead to an XSS attack vector.
CVE-2019-7739 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.3. The "No Filtering" textfilter overrides child settings in the Global Configuration. This is intended behavior. However, it might be unexpected for the user because the configuration dialog lacks an additional message to explain this.
CVE-2019-6264 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.2. Inadequate escaping in mod_banners leads to a stored XSS vulnerability.
CVE-2019-6263 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.2. Inadequate checks of the Global Configuration Text Filter settings allowed stored XSS.
CVE-2019-6262 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.2. Inadequate checks of the Global Configuration helpurl settings allowed stored XSS.
CVE-2019-6261 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.2. Inadequate escaping in com_contact leads to a stored XSS vulnerability.
CVE-2019-19846 In Joomla! before 3.9.14, the lack of validation of configuration parameters used in SQL queries caused various SQL injection vectors.
CVE-2019-19845 In Joomla! before 3.9.14, a missing access check in framework files could lead to a path disclosure.
CVE-2019-19634 class.upload.php in class.upload through 1.0.3 and 2.x through 2.0.4, as used in the K2 extension for Joomla! and other products, omits .pht from the set of dangerous file extensions, a similar issue to CVE-2019-19576.
CVE-2019-19576 class.upload.php in class.upload before 1.0.3 and 2.x before 2.0.4, as used in the K2 extension for Joomla! and other products, omits .phar from the set of dangerous file extensions.
CVE-2019-18674 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.13. A missing access check in the phputf8 mapping files could lead to a path disclosure.
CVE-2019-18650 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.13. A missing token check in com_template causes a CSRF vulnerability.
CVE-2019-17527 dataForDepandantField in models/custormfields.php in the JS JOBS FREE extension before 1.2.7 for Joomla! allows SQL Injection via the index.php?option=com_jsjobs&task=customfields.getfieldtitlebyfieldandfieldfo child parameter.
CVE-2019-17399 The Shack Forms Pro extension before 4.0.32 for Joomla! allows path traversal via a file attachment.
CVE-2019-16725 In Joomla! 3.x before 3.9.12, inadequate escaping allowed XSS attacks using the logo parameter of the default templates.
CVE-2019-15120 The Kunena extension before 5.1.14 for Joomla! allows XSS via BBCode.
CVE-2019-15028 In Joomla! before 3.9.11, inadequate checks in com_contact could allow mail submission in disabled forms.
CVE-2019-14654 In Joomla! 3.9.7 and 3.9.8, inadequate filtering allows users authorised to create custom fields to manipulate the filtering options and inject an unvalidated option. In other words, the filter attribute in subform fields allows remote code execution. This is fixed in 3.9.9.
CVE-2019-12766 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.7. The subform fieldtype does not sufficiently filter or validate input of subfields. This leads to XSS attack vectors.
CVE-2019-12765 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.7. The CSV export of com_actionslogs is vulnerable to CSV injection.
CVE-2019-12764 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.7. The update server URL of com_joomlaupdate can be manipulated by non Super-Admin users.
CVE-2019-11809 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.6. The debug views of com_users do not properly escape user supplied data, which leads to a potential XSS attack vector.
CVE-2019-10946 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.5. The "refresh list of helpsites" endpoint of com_users lacks access checks, allowing calls from unauthenticated users.
CVE-2019-10945 An issue was discovered in Joomla! before 3.9.5. The Media Manager component does not properly sanitize the folder parameter, allowing attackers to act outside the media manager root directory.
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