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There are 8 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2018-7951 The iBMC (Intelligent Baseboard Management Controller) of some Huawei servers have a JSON injection vulnerability due to insufficient input validation. An authenticated, remote attacker can launch a JSON injection to modify the password of administrator. Successful exploit may allow attackers to obtain the management privilege of the system.
CVE-2018-7950 The iBMC (Intelligent Baseboard Management Controller) of some Huawei servers have a JSON injection vulnerability due to insufficient input validation. An authenticated, remote attacker can launch a JSON injection to modify the password of administrator. Successful exploit may allow attackers to obtain the management privilege of the system.
CVE-2018-7949 The iBMC (Intelligent Baseboard Management Controller) of some Huawei servers have a privilege escalation vulnerability. A remote attacker may send some specially crafted login messages to the affected products. Due to improper authentication design, successful exploit enables low privileged users to get or modify passwords of highly privileged users.
CVE-2018-7942 The iBMC (Intelligent Baseboard Management Controller) of some Huawei servers have an authentication bypass vulnerability. An unauthenticated, remote attacker may send some specially crafted messages to the affected products. Due to improper authentication design, successful exploit may cause some information leak.
CVE-2018-7941 Huawei iBMC V200R002C60 have an authentication bypass vulnerability. A remote attacker with low privilege may craft specific messages to upload authentication certificate to the affected products. Due to improper validation of the upload authority, successful exploit may cause privilege elevation.
CVE-2017-17323 Huawei iBMC V200R002C10; V200R002C20; V200R002C30 have an improper authorization vulnerability. The software incorrectly performs an authorization check when a normal user attempts to access certain information which is supposed to be accessed only by admin user. Successful exploit could cause information disclosure.
CVE-2016-6900 The Intelligent Baseboard Management Controller (iBMC) in Huawei RH1288 V3 servers with software before V100R003C00SPC613; RH2288 V3 servers with software before V100R003C00SPC617; RH2288H V3 servers with software before V100R003C00SPC515; RH5885 V3 servers with software before V100R003C10SPC102; and XH620 V3, XH622 V3, and XH628 V3 servers with software before V100R003C00SPC610 allows local users to cause a denial of service (iBMC resource consumption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2016-6899 The Intelligent Baseboard Management Controller (iBMC) in Huawei RH1288 V3 servers with software before V100R003C00SPC613, RH2288 V3 servers with software before V100R003C00SPC617, RH2288H V3 servers with software before V100R003C00SPC515, RH5885 V3 servers with software before V100R003C10SPC102, and XH620 V3, XH622 V3, and XH628 V3 servers with software before V100R003C00SPC610 might allow remote attackers to decrypt encrypted data and consequently obtain sensitive information by leveraging selection of an insecure SSL encryption algorithm.
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