Search Results

There are 5 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2021-40521 Airangel HSMX Gateway devices through 5.2.04 allow Remote Code Execution.
CVE-2021-40520 Airangel HSMX Gateway devices through 5.2.04 have Weak SSH Credentials.
CVE-2021-40519 Airangel HSMX Gateway devices through 5.2.04 have Hard-coded Database Credentials.
CVE-2021-40518 Airangel HSMX Gateway devices through 5.2.04 allow CSRF.
CVE-2021-40517 Airangel HSMX Gateway devices through 5.2.04 is vulnerable to stored Cross Site Scripting. XSS Payload is placed in the name column of the updates table using database access.
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