Search Results

There are 102 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-5430 An issue was discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 16.10 prior to 16.11.5, starting from 17.0 prior to 17.0.3, and starting from 17.1 prior to 17.1.1, which allows a project maintainer can delete the merge request approval policy via graphQL.
CVE-2024-47614 async-graphql is a GraphQL server library implemented in Rust. async-graphql before 7.0.10 does not limit the number of directives for a field. This can lead to Service Disruption, Resource Exhaustion, and User Experience Degradation. This vulnerability is fixed in 7.0.10.
CVE-2024-47082 Strawberry GraphQL is a library for creating GraphQL APIs. Prior to version 0.243.0, multipart file upload support as defined in the GraphQL multipart request specification was enabled by default in all Strawberry HTTP view integrations. This made all Strawberry HTTP view integrations vulnerable to cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks if users did not explicitly enable CSRF preventing security mechanism for their servers. Additionally, the Django HTTP view integration, in particular, had an exemption for Django's built-in CSRF protection (i.e., the `CsrfViewMiddleware` middleware) by default. In affect, all Strawberry integrations were vulnerable to CSRF attacks by default. Version `v0.243.0` is the first `strawberry-graphql` including a patch.
CVE-2024-4472 An issue was discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 16.5 prior to 17.1.7, starting from 17.2 prior to 17.2.5, and starting from 17.3 prior to 17.3.2, where dependency proxy credentials are retained in graphql Logs.
CVE-2024-43414 Apollo Federation is an architecture for declaratively composing APIs into a unified graph. Each team can own their slice of the graph independently, empowering them to deliver autonomously and incrementally. Instances of @apollo/query-planner >=2.0.0 and <2.8.5 are impacted by a denial-of-service vulnerability. @apollo/gateway versions >=2.0.0 and < 2.8.5 and Apollo Router <1.52.1 are also impacted through their use of @apollo/query-panner. If @apollo/query-planner is asked to plan a sufficiently complex query, it may loop infinitely and never complete. This results in unbounded memory consumption and either a crash or out-of-memory (OOM) termination. This issue can be triggered if you have at least one non-@key field that can be resolved by multiple subgraphs. To identify these shared fields, the schema for each subgraph must be reviewed. The mechanism to identify shared fields varies based on the version of Federation your subgraphs are using. You can check if your subgraphs are using Federation 1 or Federation 2 by reviewing their schemas. Federation 2 subgraph schemas will contain a @link directive referencing the version of Federation being used while Federation 1 subgraphs will not. For example, in a Federation 2 subgraph, you will find a line like @link(url: ""). If a similar @link directive is not present in your subgraph schema, it is using Federation 1. Note that a supergraph can contain a mix of Federation 1 and Federation 2 subgraphs. This issue results from the Apollo query planner attempting to use a Number exceeding Javascript&#8217;s Number.MAX_VALUE in some cases. In Javascript, Number.MAX_VALUE is (2^1024 - 2^971). When the query planner receives an inbound graphql request, it breaks the query into pieces and for each piece, generates a list of potential execution steps to solve the piece. These candidates represent the steps that the query planner will take to satisfy the pieces of the larger query. As part of normal operations, the query planner requires and calculates the number of possible query plans for the total query. That is, it needs the product of the number of query plan candidates for each piece of the query. Under normal circumstances, after generating all query plan candidates and calculating the number of all permutations, the query planner moves on to stack rank candidates and prune less-than-optimal options. In particularly complex queries, especially those where fields can be solved through multiple subgraphs, this can cause the number of all query plan permutations to balloon. In worst-case scenarios, this can end up being a number larger than Number.MAX_VALUE. In Javascript, if Number.MAX_VALUE is exceeded, Javascript represents the value as &#8220;infinity&#8221;. If the count of candidates is evaluated as infinity, the component of the query planner responsible for pruning less-than-optimal query plans does not actually prune candidates, causing the query planner to evaluate many orders of magnitude more query plan candidates than necessary. This issue has been addressed in @apollo/query-planner v2.8.5, @apollo/gateway v2.8.5, and Apollo Router v1.52.1. Users are advised to upgrade. This issue can be avoided by ensuring there are no fields resolvable from multiple subgraphs. If all subgraphs are using Federation 2, you can confirm that you are not impacted by ensuring that none of your subgraph schemas use the @shareable directive. If you are using Federation 1 subgraphs, you will need to validate that there are no fields resolvable by multiple subgraphs.
CVE-2024-40094 GraphQL Java (aka graphql-java) before 21.5 does not properly consider ExecutableNormalizedFields (ENFs) as part of preventing denial of service via introspection queries. 20.9 and 19.11 are also fixed versions.
CVE-2024-4006 An issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 16.7 before 16.9.6, all versions starting from 16.10 before 16.10.4, all versions starting from 16.11 before 16.11.1 where personal access scopes were not honored by GraphQL subscriptions
CVE-2024-39895 Directus is a real-time API and App dashboard for managing SQL database content. A denial of service (DoS) attack by field duplication in GraphQL is a type of attack where an attacker exploits the flexibility of GraphQL to overwhelm a server by requesting the same field multiple times in a single query. This can cause the server to perform redundant computations and consume excessive resources, leading to a denial of service for legitimate users. Request to the endpoint /graphql are sent when visualizing graphs generated at a dashboard. By modifying the data sent and duplicating many times the fields a DoS attack is possible. This vulnerability is fixed in 10.12.0.
CVE-2024-39324 aimeos/ai-admin-graphql is the Aimeos GraphQL API admin interface. Starting in version 2022.04.1 and prior to versions 2022.10.10, 2023.10.6, and 2024.4.2, improper access control allows a editors to manage own services via GraphQL API which isn't allowed in the JQAdm front end. Versions 2022.10.10, 2023.10.6, and 2024.4.2 contain a patch for the issue.
CVE-2024-39323 aimeos/ai-admin-graphql is the Aimeos GraphQL API admin interface. Starting in version 2022.04.01 and prior to versions 2022.10.10, 2023.10.6, and 2024.04.6, an improper access control vulnerability allows an editor to modify and take over an admin account in the back end. Versions 2022.10.10, 2023.10.6, and 2024.04.6 fix this issue.
CVE-2024-37843 Craft CMS up to v3.7.31 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the GraphQL API endpoint.
CVE-2024-34152 Mattermost versions 9.5.x <= 9.5.3, 9.6.x <= 9.6.1 and 8.1.x <= 8.1.12 fail to perform proper access control which allows a guest to get the metadata of a public playbook run that linked to the channel they are guest via sending an RHSRuns GraphQL query request to the server
CVE-2024-3127 An issue has been discovered in GitLab EE affecting all versions starting from 12.5 before 17.1.6, all versions starting from 17.2 before 17.2.4, all versions starting from 17.3 before 17.3.1. Under certain conditions it may be possible to bypass the IP restriction for groups through GraphQL allowing unauthorised users to perform some actions at the group level.
CVE-2024-24556 urql is a GraphQL client that exposes a set of helpers for several frameworks. The `@urql/next` package is vulnerable to XSS. To exploit this an attacker would need to ensure that the response returns `html` tags and that the web-application is using streamed responses (non-RSC). This vulnerability is due to improper escaping of html-like characters in the response-stream. To fix this vulnerability upgrade to version 1.1.1
CVE-2024-2440 A race condition in GitHub Enterprise Server allowed an existing admin to maintain permissions on a detached repository by making a GraphQL mutation to alter repository permissions while the repository is detached. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.13 and was fixed in versions 3.9.13, 3.10.10, 3.11.8 and 3.12.1. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.
CVE-2024-23841 apollo-client-nextjs is the Apollo Client support for the Next.js App Router. The @apollo/experimental-apollo-client-nextjs NPM package is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting vulnerability. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would need to either inject malicious input (e.g. by redirecting a user to a specifically-crafted link) or arrange to have malicious input be returned by a GraphQL server (e.g. by persisting it in a database). To fix this issue, please update to version 0.7.0 or later.
CVE-2024-1066 An issue has been discovered in GitLab EE affecting all versions from 13.3.0 prior to 16.6.7, 16.7 prior to 16.7.5, and 16.8 prior to 16.8.2 which allows an attacker to do a resource exhaustion using GraphQL `vulnerabilitiesCountByDay`
CVE-2023-6690 A race condition in GitHub Enterprise Server allowed an existing admin to maintain permissions on transferred repositories by making a GraphQL mutation to alter repository permissions during the transfer. This vulnerability affected GitHub Enterprise Server version 3.8.0 and above and was fixed in version 3.8.12, 3.9.7, 3.10.4, and 3.11.1.
CVE-2023-6394 A flaw was found in Quarkus. This issue occurs when receiving a request over websocket with no role-based permission specified on the GraphQL operation, Quarkus processes the request without authentication despite the endpoint being secured. This can allow an attacker to access information and functionality outside of normal granted API permissions.
CVE-2023-5256 In certain scenarios, Drupal's JSON:API module will output error backtraces. With some configurations, this may cause sensitive information to be cached and made available to anonymous users, leading to privilege escalation. This vulnerability only affects sites with the JSON:API module enabled, and can be mitigated by uninstalling JSON:API. The core REST and contributed GraphQL modules are not affected.
CVE-2023-50730 Grackle is a GraphQL server written in functional Scala, built on the Typelevel stack. The GraphQL specification requires that GraphQL fragments must not form cycles, either directly or indirectly. Prior to Grackle version 0.18.0, that requirement wasn't checked, and queries with cyclic fragments would have been accepted for type checking and compilation. The attempted compilation of such fragments would result in a JVM `StackOverflowError` being thrown. Some knowledge of an applications GraphQL schema would be required to construct such a query, however no knowledge of any application-specific performance or other behavioural characteristics would be needed. Grackle uses the cats-parse library for parsing GraphQL queries. Prior to version 0.18.0, Grackle made use of the cats-parse `recursive` operator. However, `recursive` is not currently stack safe. `recursive` was used in three places in the parser: nested selection sets, nested input values (lists and objects), and nested list type declarations. Consequently, queries with deeply nested selection sets, input values or list types could be constructed which exploited this, causing a JVM `StackOverflowException` to be thrown during parsing. Because this happens very early in query processing, no specific knowledge of an applications GraphQL schema would be required to construct such a query. The possibility of small queries resulting in stack overflow is a potential denial of service vulnerability. This potentially affects all applications using Grackle which have untrusted users. Both stack overflow issues have been resolved in the v0.18.0 release of Grackle. As a workaround, users could interpose a sanitizing layer in between untrusted input and Grackle query processing.
CVE-2023-47643 SuiteCRM is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software application. Prior to version 8.4.2, Graphql Introspection is enabled without authentication, exposing the scheme defining all object types, arguments, and functions. An attacker can obtain the GraphQL schema and understand the entire attack surface of the API, including sensitive fields such as UserHash. This issue is patched in version 8.4.2. There are no known workarounds.
CVE-2023-46942 Lack of authentication in NPM's package @evershop/evershop before version 1.0.0-rc.8, allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via improper authorization in GraphQL endpoints.
CVE-2023-44401 The Silverstripe CMS GraphQL Server serves Silverstripe data as GraphQL representations. In versions 4.0.0 prior to 4.3.7 and 5.0.0 prior to 5.1.3, `canView` permission checks are bypassed for ORM data in paginated GraphQL query results where the total number of records is greater than the number of records per page. Note that this also affects GraphQL queries which have a limit applied, even if the query isn&#8217;t paginated per se. This has been fixed in versions 4.3.7 and 5.1.3 by ensuring no new records are pulled in from the database after performing `canView` permission checks for each page of results. This may result in some pages in the query results having less than the maximum number of records per page even when there are more pages of results. This behavior is consistent with how pagination works in other areas of Silverstripe CMS, such as in `GridField`, and is a result of having to perform permission checks in PHP rather than in the database directly. One may disable these permission checks by disabling the `CanViewPermission` plugin.
CVE-2023-43799 Altair is a GraphQL Client. Prior to version 5.2.5, the Altair GraphQL Client Desktop Application does not sanitize external URLs before passing them to the underlying system. Moreover, Altair GraphQL Client also does not isolate the context of the renderer process. This affects versions of the software running on MacOS, Windows, and Linux. Version 5.2.5 fixes this issue.
CVE-2023-42319 Geth (aka go-ethereum) through 1.13.4, when --http --graphql is used, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption and daemon hang) via a crafted GraphQL query. NOTE: the vendor's position is that the "graphql endpoint [is not] designed to withstand attacks by hostile clients, nor handle huge amounts of clients/traffic.
CVE-2023-41317 The Apollo Router is a configurable, high-performance graph router written in Rust to run a federated supergraph that uses Apollo Federation 2. Affected versions are subject to a Denial-of-Service (DoS) type vulnerability which causes the Router to panic and terminate when GraphQL Subscriptions are enabled. It can be triggered when **all of the following conditions are met**: 1. Running Apollo Router v1.28.0, v1.28.1 or v1.29.0 ("impacted versions"); **and** 2. The Supergraph schema provided to the Router (either via Apollo Uplink or explicitly via other configuration) **has a `subscription` type** with root-fields defined; **and** 3. The YAML configuration provided to the Router **has subscriptions enabled** (they are _disabled_ by default), either by setting `enabled: true` _or_ by setting a valid `mode` within the `subscriptions` object (as seen in [subscriptions' documentation](; **and** 4. An [anonymous]( (i.e., un-named) `subscription` operation (e.g., `subscription { ... }`) is received by the Router If **all four** of these criteria are met, the impacted versions will panic and terminate. There is no data-privacy risk or sensitive-information exposure aspect to this vulnerability. This is fixed in Apollo Router v1.29.1. Users are advised to upgrade. Updating to v1.29.1 should be a clear and simple upgrade path for those running impacted versions. However, if Subscriptions are **not** necessary for your Graph &#8211; but are enabled via configuration &#8212; then disabling subscriptions is another option to mitigate the risk.
CVE-2023-40180 silverstripe-graphql is a package which serves Silverstripe data in GraphQL representations. An attacker could use a recursive graphql query to execute a Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDOS attack) against a website. This mostly affects websites with publicly exposed graphql schemas. If your Silverstripe CMS project does not expose a public facing graphql schema, a user account is required to trigger the DDOS attack. If your site is hosted behind a content delivery network (CDN), such as Imperva or CloudFlare, this may further mitigate the risk. This issue has been addressed in versions 3.8.2, 4.1.3, 4.2.5, 4.3.4, and 5.0.3. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-40027 Keystone is an open source headless CMS for Node.js &#8212; built with GraphQL and React. When `ui.isAccessAllowed` is set as `undefined`, the `adminMeta` GraphQL query is publicly accessible (no session required). This is different to the behaviour of the default AdminUI middleware, which by default will only be publicly accessible (no session required) if a `session` strategy is not defined. This vulnerability does not affect developers using the `@keystone-6/auth` package, or any users that have written their own `ui.isAccessAllowed` (that is to say, `isAccessAllowed` is not `undefined`). This vulnerability does affect users who believed that their `session` strategy will, by default, enforce that `adminMeta` is inaccessible by the public in accordance with that strategy; akin to the behaviour of the AdminUI middleware. This vulnerability has been patched in `@keystone-6/core` version `5.5.1`. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may opt to write their own `isAccessAllowed` functionality to work-around this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-38503 Directus is a real-time API and App dashboard for managing SQL database content. Starting in version 10.3.0 and prior to version 10.5.0, the permission filters (i.e. `user_created IS $CURRENT_USER`) are not properly checked when using GraphQL subscription resulting in unauthorized users getting event on their subscription which they should not be receiving according to the permissions. This can be any collection but out-of-the box the `directus_users` collection is configured with such a permissions filter allowing you to get updates for other users when changes happen. Version 10.5.0 contains a patch. As a workaround, disable GraphQL subscriptions.
CVE-2023-34047 A batch loader function in Spring for GraphQL versions 1.1.0 - 1.1.5 and 1.2.0 - 1.2.2 may be exposed to GraphQL context with values, including security context values, from a different session. An application is vulnerable if it provides a DataLoaderOptions instance when registering batch loader functions through DefaultBatchLoaderRegistry.
CVE-2023-33796 ** DISPUTED ** A vulnerability in Netbox v3.5.1 allows unauthenticated attackers to execute queries against the GraphQL database, granting them access to sensitive data stored in the database. NOTE: the vendor disputes this because the reporter's only query was for the schema of the API, which is public; queries for database objects would have been denied.
CVE-2023-31135 Dgraph is an open source distributed GraphQL database. Existing Dgraph audit logs are vulnerable to brute force attacks due to nonce collisions. The first 12 bytes come from a baseIv which is initialized when an audit log is created. The last 4 bytes come from the length of the log line being encrypted. This is problematic because two log lines will often have the same length, so due to these collisions we are reusing the same nonce many times. All audit logs generated by versions of Dgraph <v23.0.0 are affected. Attackers must have access to the system the logs are stored on. Dgraph users should upgrade to v23.0.0. Users unable to upgrade should store existing audit logs in a secure location and for extra security, encrypt using an external tool like `gpg`.
CVE-2023-28877 The VTEX apps-graphql@2.x GraphQL API module does not properly restrict unauthorized access to private configuration data. (apps-graphql@3.x is unaffected by this issue.)
CVE-2023-28867 In GraphQL Java (aka graphql-java) before 20.1, an attacker can send a crafted GraphQL query that causes stack consumption. The fixed versions are 20.1, 19.4, 18.4, 17.5, and 0.0.0-2023-03-20T01-49-44-80e3135.
CVE-2023-28104 `silverstripe/graphql` serves Silverstripe data as GraphQL representations. In versions 4.2.2 and 4.1.1, an attacker could use a specially crafted graphql query to execute a denial of service attack against a website which has a publicly exposed graphql endpoint. This mostly affects websites with particularly large/complex graphql schemas. Users should upgrade to `silverstripe/graphql` 4.2.3 or 4.1.2 to remedy the vulnerability.
CVE-2023-27588 Hasura is an open-source product that provides users GraphQL or REST APIs. A path traversal vulnerability has been discovered within Hasura GraphQL Engine prior to versions 1.3.4, 2.55.1, 2.20.1, and 2.21.0-beta1. Projects running on Hasura Cloud were not vulnerable. Self-hosted Hasura Projects with deployments that are publicly exposed and not protected by a WAF or other HTTP protection layer should be upgraded to version 1.3.4, 2.55.1, 2.20.1, or 2.21.0-beta1 to receive a patch.
CVE-2023-26144 Versions of the package graphql from 16.3.0 and before 16.8.1 are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) due to insufficient checks in the OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedRule.ts file when parsing large queries. This vulnerability allows an attacker to degrade system performance. **Note:** It was not proven that this vulnerability can crash the process.
CVE-2023-26052 Saleor is a headless, GraphQL commerce platform delivering personalized shopping experiences. Some internal Python exceptions are not handled properly and thus are returned in API as error messages. Some messages might contain sensitive information like infrastructure details in unauthenticated requests. This issue has been patched in versions 3.1.48, 3.7.59, 3.8.0, 3.9.27, 3.10.14 and 3.11.12.
CVE-2023-26051 Saleor is a headless, GraphQL commerce platform delivering personalized shopping experiences. Some internal Python exceptions are not handled properly and thus are returned in API as error messages. Some messages might contain sensitive information like user email address in staff-authenticated requests.
CVE-2023-25575 API Platform Core is the server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs. Resource properties secured with the `security` option of the `ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiProperty` attribute can be disclosed to unauthorized users. The problem affects most serialization formats, including raw JSON, which is enabled by default when installing API Platform. Custom serialization formats may also be impacted. Only collection endpoints are affected by the issue, item endpoints are not. The JSON-LD format is not affected by the issue. The result of the security rule is only executed for the first item of the collection. The result of the rule is then cached and reused for the next items. This bug can leak data to unauthorized users when the rule depends on the value of a property of the item. This bug can also hide properties that should be displayed to authorized users. This issue impacts the 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1 branches. Please upgrade to versions 2.7.10, 3.0.12 or 3.1.3. As a workaround, replace the `cache_key` of the context array of the Serializer inside a custom normalizer that works on objects if the security option of the `ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiProperty` attribute is used.
CVE-2023-25572 react-admin is a frontend framework for building browser applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs. react-admin prior to versions 3.19.12 and 4.7.6, along with ra-ui-materialui prior to 3.19.12 and 4.7.6, are vulnerable to cross-site scripting. All React applications built with react-admin and using the `<RichTextField>` are affected. `<RichTextField>` outputs the field value using `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` without client-side sanitization. If the data isn't sanitized server-side, this opens a possible cross-site scripting (XSS) attack. Versions 3.19.12 and 4.7.6 now use `DOMPurify` to escape the HTML before outputting it with React and `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`. Users who already sanitize HTML data server-side do not need to upgrade. As a workaround, users may replace the `<RichTextField>` by a custom field doing sanitization by hand.
CVE-2023-25557 DataHub is an open-source metadata platform. The DataHub frontend acts as a proxy able to forward any REST or GraphQL requests to the backend. The goal of this proxy is to perform authentication if needed and forward HTTP requests to the DataHub Metadata Store (GMS). It has been discovered that the proxy does not adequately construct the URL when forwarding data to GMS, allowing external users to reroute requests from the DataHub Frontend to any arbitrary hosts. As a result attackers may be able to reroute a request from originating from the frontend proxy to any other server and return the result. This vulnerability was discovered and reported by the GitHub Security lab and is tracked as GHSL-2022-076.
CVE-2023-2478 An issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 15.4 before 15.9.7, all versions starting from 15.10 before 15.10.6, all versions starting from 15.11 before 15.11.2. Under certain conditions, a malicious unauthorized GitLab user may use a GraphQL endpoint to attach a malicious runner to any project.
CVE-2023-22491 Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build websites and apps. The gatsby-transformer-remark plugin prior to versions 5.25.1 and 6.3.2 passes input through to the `gray-matter` npm package, which is vulnerable to JavaScript injection in its default configuration, unless input is sanitized. The vulnerability is present in gatsby-transformer-remark when passing input in data mode (querying MarkdownRemark nodes via GraphQL). Injected JavaScript executes in the context of the build server. To exploit this vulnerability untrusted/unsanitized input would need to be sourced by or added into a file processed by gatsby-transformer-remark. A patch has been introduced in `gatsby-transformer-remark@5.25.1` and `gatsby-transformer-remark@6.3.2` which mitigates the issue by disabling the `gray-matter` JavaScript Frontmatter engine. As a workaround, if an older version of `gatsby-transformer-remark` must be used, input passed into the plugin should be sanitized ahead of processing. It is encouraged for projects to upgrade to the latest major release branch for all Gatsby plugins to ensure the latest security updates and bug fixes are received in a timely manner.
CVE-2023-22477 Mercurius is a GraphQL adapter for Fastify. Any users of Mercurius until version 10.5.0 are subjected to a denial of service attack by sending a malformed packet over WebSocket to `/graphql`. This issue was patched in #940. As a workaround, users can disable subscriptions.
CVE-2023-0921 A lack of length validation in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions from 8.3 before 15.10.8, 15.11 before 15.11.7, and 16.0 before 16.0.2 allows an authenticated attacker to create a large Issue description via GraphQL which, when repeatedly requested, saturates CPU usage.
CVE-2022-46792 Hasura GraphQL Engine before 2.15.2 mishandles row-level authorization in the Update Many API for Postgres backends. The fixed versions are 2.10.2, 2.11.3, 2.12.1, 2.13.2, 2.14.1, and 2.15.2. (Versions before 2.10.0 are unaffected.)
CVE-2022-41876 ezplatform-graphql is a GraphQL server implementation for Ibexa DXP and Ibexa Open Source. Versions prior to 2.3.12 and 1.0.13 are subject to Insecure Storage of Sensitive Information. Unauthenticated GraphQL queries for user accounts can expose password hashes of users that have created or modified content, typically administrators and editors. This issue has been patched in versions 2.3.12, and 1.0.13 on the 1.X branch. Users unable to upgrade can remove the "passwordHash" entry from "src/bundle/Resources/config/graphql/User.types.yaml" in the GraphQL package, and other properties like hash type, email, login if you prefer.
CVE-2022-39382 Keystone is a headless CMS for Node.js &#8212; built with GraphQL and React.`@keystone-6/core@3.0.0 || 3.0.1` users that use `NODE_ENV` to trigger security-sensitive functionality in their production builds are vulnerable to `NODE_ENV` being inlined to `"development"` for user code, irrespective of what your environment variables. If you do not use `NODE_ENV` in your user code to trigger security-sensitive functionality, you are not impacted by this vulnerability. Any dependencies that use `NODE_ENV` to trigger particular behaviors (optimizations, security or otherwise) should still respect your environment's configured `NODE_ENV` variable. The application's dependencies, as found in `node_modules` (including `@keystone-6/core`), are typically not compiled as part of this process, and thus should be unaffected. We have tested this assumption by verifying that `NODE_ENV=production yarn keystone start` still uses secure cookies when using `statelessSessions`. This vulnerability has been fixed in @keystone-6/core@3.0.2, regression tests have been added for this vulnerability in #8063.
CVE-2022-39275 Saleor is a headless, GraphQL commerce platform. In affected versions some GraphQL mutations were not properly checking the ID type input which allowed to access database objects that the authenticated user may not be allowed to access. This vulnerability can be used to expose the following information: Estimating database row counts from tables with a sequential primary key or Exposing staff user and customer email addresses and full name through the `assignNavigation()` mutation. This issue has been patched in main and backported to multiple releases (3.7.17, 3.6.18, 3.5.23, 3.4.24, 3.3.26, 3.2.14, 3.1.24). Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.
CVE-2022-37734 graphql-java before19.0 is vulnerable to Denial of Service. An attacker can send a malicious GraphQL query that consumes CPU resources. The fixed versions are 19.0 and later, 18.3, and 17.4, and 0.0.0-2022-07-26T05-45-04-226aabd9.
CVE-2022-37315 graphql-go (aka GraphQL for Go) through 0.8.0 has infinite recursion in the type definition parser.
CVE-2022-36084 cruddl is software for creating a GraphQL API for a database, using the GraphQL SDL to model a schema. If cruddl starting with version 1.1.0 and prior to versions 2.7.0 and 3.0.2 is used to generate a schema that uses `@flexSearchFulltext`, users of that schema may be able to inject arbitrary AQL queries that will be forwarded to and executed by ArangoDB. Schemas that do not use `@flexSearchFulltext` are not affected. The attacker needs to have `READ` permission to at least one root entity type that has `@flexSearchFulltext` enabled. The issue has been fixed in version 3.0.2 and in version 2.7.0 of cruddl. As a workaround, users can temporarily remove `@flexSearchFulltext` from their schemas.
CVE-2022-3411 A lack of length validation in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions from 12.4 before 15.6.7, 15.7 before 15.7.6, and 15.8 before 15.8.1 allows an authenticated attacker to create a large Issue description via GraphQL which, when repeatedly requested, saturates CPU usage.
CVE-2022-31173 Juniper is a GraphQL server library for Rust. Affected versions of Juniper are vulnerable to uncontrolled recursion resulting in a program crash. This issue has been addressed in version 0.15.10. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should limit the recursion depth manually.
CVE-2022-30288 ** DISPUTED ** Agoo before 2.14.3 does not reject GraphQL fragment spreads that form cycles, leading to an application crash. NOTE: the vendor has disputed this on the grounds that it is not the server's responsibility to "enforce all the various ways a developer could write code with logic errors."
CVE-2022-29353 An arbitrary file upload vulnerability in the file upload module of Graphql-upload v13.0.0 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted filename.
CVE-2022-25863 The package gatsby-plugin-mdx before 2.14.1, from 3.0.0 and before 3.15.2 are vulnerable to Deserialization of Untrusted Data when passing input through to the gray-matter package, due to its default configurations that are missing input sanitization. Exploiting this vulnerability is possible when passing input in both webpack (MDX files in src/pages or MDX file imported as a component in frontend / React code) and data mode (querying MDX nodes via GraphQL). Workaround: If an older version of gatsby-plugin-mdx must be used, input passed into the plugin should be sanitized ahead of processing.
CVE-2022-24827 Elide is a Java library that lets you stand up a GraphQL/JSON-API web service with minimal effort. When leveraging the following together: Elide Aggregation Data Store for Analytic Queries, Parameterized Columns (A column that requires a client provided parameter), and a parameterized column of type TEXT. There is the potential for a hacker to provide a carefully crafted query that would bypass server side authorization filters through SQL injection. A recent patch to Elide 6.1.2 allowed the '-' character to be included in parameterized TEXT columns. This character can be interpreted as SQL comments ('--') and allow the attacker to remove the WHERE clause from the generated query and bypass authorization filters. A fix is provided in Elide 6.1.4. The vulnerability only exists for parameterized columns of type TEXT and only for analytic queries (CRUD is not impacted). Workarounds include leveraging a different type of parameterized column (TIME, MONEY, etc) or not leveraging parameterized columns.
CVE-2022-23739 An incorrect authorization vulnerability was identified in GitHub Enterprise Server, allowing for escalation of privileges in GraphQL API requests from GitHub Apps. This vulnerability allowed an app installed on an organization to gain access to and modify most organization-level resources that are not tied to a repository regardless of granted permissions, such as users and organization-wide projects. Resources associated with repositories were not impacted, such as repository file content, repository-specific projects, issues, or pull requests. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.7.1 and was fixed in versions 3.3.16, 3.4.11, 3.5.8, 3.6.4, 3.7.1. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.
CVE-2022-21708 graphql-go is a GraphQL server with a focus on ease of use. In versions prior to 1.3.0 there exists a DoS vulnerability that is possible due to a bug in the library that would allow an attacker with specifically designed queries to cause stack overflow panics. Any user with access to the GraphQL handler can send these queries and cause stack overflows. This in turn could potentially compromise the ability of the server to serve data to its users. The issue has been patched in version `v1.3.0`. The only known workaround for this issue is to disable the `graphql.MaxDepth` option from your schema which is not recommended.
CVE-2022-1902 A flaw was found in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes. Notifier secrets were not properly sanitized in the GraphQL API. This flaw allows authenticated ACS users to retrieve Notifiers from the GraphQL API, revealing secrets that can escalate their privileges.
CVE-2022-1563 The WPGraphQL WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 0.12.4 does not prevent unauthenticated attackers from enumerating a shop's coupon codes and values via GraphQL.
CVE-2022-0172 An issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting with 12.3. Under certain conditions it was possible to bypass the IP restriction for public projects through GraphQL allowing unauthorised users to read titles of issues, merge requests and milestones.
CVE-2022-0152 An issue has been discovered in GitLab affecting all versions starting from 13.10 before 14.4.5, all versions starting from 14.5.0 before 14.5.3, all versions starting from 14.6.0 before 14.6.2. GitLab was vulnerable to unauthorized access to some particular fields through the GraphQL API.
CVE-2021-43801 Mercurius is a GraphQL adapter for Fastify. Any users from Mercurius@8.10.0 to 8.11.1 are subjected to a denial of service attack by sending a malformed JSON to `/graphql` unless they are using a custom error handler. The vulnerability has been fixed in and shipped as v8.11.2. As a workaround users may use a custom error handler.
CVE-2021-4191 An issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting versions 13.0 to 14.6.5, 14.7 to 14.7.4, and 14.8 to 14.8.2. Private GitLab instances with restricted sign-ups may be vulnerable to user enumeration to unauthenticated users through the GraphQL API.
CVE-2021-41249 GraphQL Playground is a GraphQL IDE for development of graphQL focused applications. All versions of graphql-playground-react older than graphql-playground-react@1.7.28 are vulnerable to compromised HTTP schema introspection responses or schema prop values with malicious GraphQL type names, exposing a dynamic XSS attack surface that can allow code injection on operation autocomplete. In order for the attack to take place, the user must load a malicious schema in graphql-playground. There are several ways this can occur, including by specifying the URL to a malicious schema in the endpoint query parameter. If a user clicks on a link to a GraphQL Playground installation that specifies a malicious server, arbitrary JavaScript can run in the user's browser, which can be used to exfiltrate user credentials or other harmful goals. If you are using graphql-playground-react directly in your client app, upgrade to version 1.7.28 or later.
CVE-2021-41248 GraphiQL is the reference implementation of this monorepo, GraphQL IDE, an official project under the GraphQL Foundation. All versions of graphiql older than graphiql@1.4.7 are vulnerable to compromised HTTP schema introspection responses or schema prop values with malicious GraphQL type names, exposing a dynamic XSS attack surface that can allow code injection on operation autocomplete. In order for the attack to take place, the user must load a vulnerable schema in graphiql. There are a number of ways that can occur. By default, the schema URL is not attacker-controllable in graphiql or in its suggested implementations or examples, leaving only very complex attack vectors. If a custom implementation of graphiql's fetcher allows the schema URL to be set dynamically, such as a URL query parameter like ?endpoint= in graphql-playground, or a database provided value, then this custom graphiql implementation is vulnerable to phishing attacks, and thus much more readily available, low or no privelege level xss attacks. The URLs could look like any generic looking graphql schema URL. It should be noted that desktop clients such as Altair, Insomnia, Postwoman, do not appear to be impacted by this. This vulnerability does not impact codemirror-graphql, monaco-graphql or other dependents, as it exists in onHasCompletion.ts in graphiql. It does impact all forks of graphiql, and every released version of graphiql.
CVE-2021-39915 Improper access control in the GraphQL API in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 13.0 before 14.3.6, all versions starting from 14.4 before 14.4.4, all versions starting from 14.5 before 14.5.2, allows an attacker to see the names of project access tokens on arbitrary projects
CVE-2021-39904 An Improper Access Control vulnerability in the GraphQL API in all versions of GitLab CE/EE starting from 13.1 before 14.2.6, all versions starting from 14.3 before 14.3.4, and all versions starting from 14.4 before 14.4.1 allows a Merge Request creator to resolve discussions and apply suggestions after a project owner has locked the Merge Request
CVE-2021-36044 Magento Commerce versions 2.4.2 (and earlier), 2.4.2-p1 (and earlier) and 2.3.7 (and earlier) are affected by an improper input validation vulnerability. An unauthenticated attacker could abuse this vulnerability to cause a server-side denial-of-service using a GraphQL field.
CVE-2021-36012 Magento Commerce versions 2.4.2 (and earlier), 2.4.2-p1 (and earlier) and 2.3.7 (and earlier) are affected by a business logic error in the placeOrder graphql mutation. An authenticated attacker can leverage this vulnerability to altar the price of an item.
CVE-2021-35970 Talk 4 in Coral before 4.12.1 allows remote attackers to discover e-mail addresses and other sensitive information via GraphQL because permission checks use an incorrect data type.
CVE-2021-28661 Default SilverStripe GraphQL Server (aka silverstripe/graphql) 3.x through 3.4.1 permission checker not inherited by query subclass.
CVE-2021-23326 This affects the package @graphql-tools/git-loader before 6.2.6. The use of exec and execSync in packages/loaders/git/src/load-git.ts allows arbitrary command injection.
CVE-2021-22863 An improper access control vulnerability was identified in the GitHub Enterprise Server GraphQL API that allowed authenticated users of the instance to modify the maintainer collaboration permission of a pull request without proper authorization. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker would be able to gain access to head branches of pull requests opened on repositories of which they are a maintainer. Forking is disabled by default for organization owned private repositories and would prevent this vulnerability. Additionally, branch protections such as required pull request reviews or status checks would prevent unauthorized commits from being merged without further review or validation. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server since 2.12.22 and was fixed in versions 2.20.24, 2.21.15, 2.22.7 and 3.0.1. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.
CVE-2021-22228 An issue has been discovered in GitLab affecting all versions before 13.11.6, all versions starting from 13.12 before 13.12.6, and all versions starting from 14.0 before 14.0.2. Improper access control allows unauthorised users to access project details using Graphql.
CVE-2021-22224 A cross-site request forgery vulnerability in the GraphQL API in GitLab since version 13.12 and before versions 13.12.6 and 14.0.2 allowed an attacker to call mutations as the victim
CVE-2021-22209 An issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 13.8. GitLab was not properly validating authorisation tokens which resulted in GraphQL mutation being executed.
CVE-2021-21027 Magento versions 2.4.1 (and earlier), 2.4.0-p1 (and earlier) and 2.3.6 (and earlier) are affected by a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via the GraphQL API. Successful exploitation could lead to unauthorized modification of customer metadata by an unauthenticated attacker. Access to the admin console is not required for successful exploitation.
CVE-2020-9483 **Resolved** When use H2/MySQL/TiDB as Apache SkyWalking storage, the metadata query through GraphQL protocol, there is a SQL injection vulnerability, which allows to access unpexcted data. Apache SkyWalking 6.0.0 to 6.6.0, 7.0.0 H2/MySQL/TiDB storage implementations don't use the appropriate way to set SQL parameters.
CVE-2020-6165 SilverStripe 4.5.0 allows attackers to read certain records that should not have been placed into a result set. This affects silverstripe/recipe-cms. The automatic permission-checking mechanism in the silverstripe/graphql module does not provide complete protection against lists that are limited (e.g., through pagination), resulting in records that should have failed a permission check being added to the final result set. GraphQL endpoints are configured by default (e.g., for assets), but the admin/graphql endpoint is access protected by default. This limits the vulnerability to all authenticated users, including those with limited permissions (e.g., where viewing records exposed through admin/graphql requires administrator permissions). However, if custom GraphQL endpoints have been configured for a specific implementation (usually under /graphql), this vulnerability could also be exploited through unauthenticated requests. This vulnerability only applies to reading records; it does not allow unauthorised changing of records.
CVE-2020-4038 GraphQL Playground (graphql-playground-html NPM package) before version 1.6.22 have a severe XSS Reflection attack vulnerability. All unsanitized user input passed into renderPlaygroundPage() method could trigger this vulnerability. This has been patched in graphql-playground-html version 1.6.22. Note that some of the associated dependent middleware packages are also affected including but not limited to graphql-playground-middleware-express before version 1.7.16, graphql-playground-middleware-koa before version 1.6.15, graphql-playground-middleware-lambda before version 1.7.17, and graphql-playground-middleware-hapi before 1.6.13.
CVE-2020-26417 Information disclosure via GraphQL in GitLab CE/EE 13.1 and later exposes private group and project membership. This affects versions >=13.6 to <13.6.2, >=13.5 to <13.5.5, and >=13.1 to <13.4.7.
CVE-2020-26415 Information about the starred projects for private user profiles was exposed via the GraphQL API starting from 12.2 via the REST API. This affects GitLab >=12.2 to <13.4.7, >=13.5 to <13.5.5, and >=13.6 to <13.6.2.
CVE-2020-26413 An issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 13.4 before 13.6.2. Information disclosure via GraphQL results in user email being unexpectedly visible.
CVE-2020-26406 Certain SAST CiConfiguration information could be viewed by unauthorized users in GitLab EE starting with 13.3. This information was exposed through GraphQL to non-members of public projects with repository visibility restricted as well as guest members on private projects. Affected versions are: >=13.3, <13.3.9,>=13.4, <13.4.5,>=13.5, <13.5.2.
CVE-2020-26136 In SilverStripe through 4.6.0-rc1, GraphQL doesn't honour MFA (multi-factor authentication) when using basic authentication.
CVE-2020-15126 In parser-server from version 3.5.0 and before 4.3.0, an authenticated user using the viewer GraphQL query can by pass all read security on his User object and can also by pass all objects linked via relation or Pointer on his User object.
CVE-2020-13334 In GitLab versions prior to 13.2.10, 13.3.7 and 13.4.2, improper authorization checks allow a non-member of a project/group to change the confidentiality attribute of issue via mutation GraphQL query
CVE-2020-13317 A vulnerability was discovered in GitLab versions before 13.1.10, 13.2.8, and 13.3.4. An insufficient check in the GraphQL api allowed a maintainer to delete a repository.
CVE-2020-10978 GitLab EE/CE 8.11 to 12.9 is leaking information on Issues opened in a public project and then moved to a private project through Web-UI and GraphQL API.
CVE-2019-25060 The WPGraphQL WordPress plugin before 0.3.5 doesn't properly restrict access to information about other users' roles on the affected site. Because of this, a remote attacker could forge a GraphQL query to retrieve the account roles of every user on the site.
CVE-2019-18455 An issue was discovered in GitLab Community and Enterprise Edition 11 through 12.4 when building Nested GraphQL queries. It has a large or infinite loop.
CVE-2019-15576 An information disclosure vulnerability exists in GitLab CE/EE <v12.3.2, <v12.2.6, and <v12.1.12 that allowed an attacker to view private system notes from a GraphQL endpoint.
CVE-2019-13005 An issue was discovered in GitLab Enterprise Edition and Community Edition 1.10 through 12.0.2. The GitLab graphql service was vulnerable to multiple authorization issues that disclosed restricted user, group, and repository metadata to unauthorized users. It has Incorrect Access Control.
CVE-2019-12437 In SilverStripe through 4.3.3, the previous fix for SS-2018-007 does not completely mitigate the risk of CSRF in GraphQL mutations,
CVE-2019-1020015 graphql-engine (aka Hasura GraphQL Engine) before 1.0.0-beta.3 mishandles the audience check while verifying JWT.
CVE-2019-1010304 Saleor Issue was introduced by merge commit: e1b01bad0703afd08d297ed3f1f472248312cc9c. This commit was released as part of 2.0.0 release is affected by: Incorrect Access Control. The impact is: Important. The component is: ProductVariant type in GraphQL API. The attack vector is: Unauthenticated user can access the GraphQL API (which is by default publicly exposed under `/graphql/` URL) and fetch products data which may include admin-restricted shop's revenue data. The fixed version is: 2.3.1.
CVE-2019-1000011 API Platform version from 2.2.0 to 2.3.5 contains an Incorrect Access Control vulnerability in GraphQL delete mutations that can result in a user authorized to delete a resource can delete any resource. This attack appears to be exploitable via the user must be authorized. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 2.3.6.
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