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There are 416 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-7530 Incorrect garbage collection interaction could have led to a use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129.
CVE-2024-7528 Incorrect garbage collection interaction in IndexedDB could have led to a use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 128.1.
CVE-2024-7527 Unexpected marking work at the start of sweeping could have led to a use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.
CVE-2024-7521 Incomplete WebAssembly exception handing could have led to a use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 129, Firefox ESR < 115.14, Firefox ESR < 128.1, Thunderbird < 128.1, and Thunderbird < 115.14.
CVE-2024-6603 In an out-of-memory scenario an allocation could fail but free would have been called on the pointer afterwards leading to memory corruption. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 128, Firefox ESR < 115.13, Thunderbird < 115.13, and Thunderbird < 128.
CVE-2024-5694 An attacker could have caused a use-after-free in the JavaScript engine to read memory in the JavaScript string section of the heap. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127.
CVE-2024-5688 If a garbage collection was triggered at the right time, a use-after-free could have occurred during object transplant. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 127, Firefox ESR < 115.12, and Thunderbird < 115.12.
CVE-2024-4771 A memory allocation check was missing which would lead to a use-after-free if the allocation failed. This could have triggered a crash or potentially be leveraged to achieve code execution. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 126.
CVE-2024-4770 When saving a page to PDF, certain font styles could have led to a potential use-after-free crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 126, Firefox ESR < 115.11, and Thunderbird < 115.11.
CVE-2024-4764 Multiple WebRTC threads could have claimed a newly connected audio input leading to use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 126.
CVE-2024-3861 If an AlignedBuffer were assigned to itself, the subsequent self-move could result in an incorrect reference count and later use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 125, Firefox ESR < 115.10, and Thunderbird < 115.10.
CVE-2024-3857 The JIT created incorrect code for arguments in certain cases. This led to potential use-after-free crashes during garbage collection. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 125, Firefox ESR < 115.10, and Thunderbird < 115.10.
CVE-2024-3856 A use-after-free could occur during WASM execution if garbage collection ran during the creation of an array. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 125.
CVE-2024-3853 A use-after-free could result if a JavaScript realm was in the process of being initialized when a garbage collection started. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 125.
CVE-2024-0752 A use-after-free crash could have occurred on macOS if a Firefox update were being applied on a very busy system. This could have resulted in an exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 122.
CVE-2023-6862 A use-after-free was identified in the `nsDNSService::Init`. This issue appears to manifest rarely during start-up. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 115.6 and Thunderbird < 115.6.
CVE-2023-6859 A use-after-free condition affected TLS socket creation when under memory pressure. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 115.6, Thunderbird < 115.6, and Firefox < 121.
CVE-2023-6207 Ownership mismanagement led to a use-after-free in ReadableByteStreams This vulnerability affects Firefox < 120, Firefox ESR < 115.5.0, and Thunderbird < 115.5.
CVE-2023-5174 If Windows failed to duplicate a handle during process creation, the sandbox code may have inadvertently freed a pointer twice, resulting in a use-after-free and a potentially exploitable crash. *This bug only affects Firefox on Windows when run in non-standard configurations (such as using `runas`). Other operating systems are unaffected.* This vulnerability affects Firefox < 118, Firefox ESR < 115.3, and Thunderbird < 115.3.
CVE-2023-5172 A hashtable in the Ion Engine could have been mutated while there was a live interior reference, leading to a potential use-after-free and exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 118.
CVE-2023-5171 During Ion compilation, a Garbage Collection could have resulted in a use-after-free condition, allowing an attacker to write two NUL bytes, and cause a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 118, Firefox ESR < 115.3, and Thunderbird < 115.3.
CVE-2023-4575 When creating a callback over IPC for showing the File Picker window, multiple of the same callbacks could have been created at a time and eventually all simultaneously destroyed as soon as one of the callbacks finished. This could have led to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 117, Firefox ESR < 102.15, Firefox ESR < 115.2, Thunderbird < 102.15, and Thunderbird < 115.2.
CVE-2023-4574 When creating a callback over IPC for showing the Color Picker window, multiple of the same callbacks could have been created at a time and eventually all simultaneously destroyed as soon as one of the callbacks finished. This could have led to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 117, Firefox ESR < 102.15, Firefox ESR < 115.2, Thunderbird < 102.15, and Thunderbird < 115.2.
CVE-2023-4573 When receiving rendering data over IPC `mStream` could have been destroyed when initialized, which could have led to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 117, Firefox ESR < 102.15, Firefox ESR < 115.2, Thunderbird < 102.15, and Thunderbird < 115.2.
CVE-2023-4049 Race conditions in reference counting code were found through code inspection. These could have resulted in potentially exploitable use-after-free vulnerabilities. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 116, Firefox ESR < 102.14, and Firefox ESR < 115.1.
CVE-2023-37209 A use-after-free condition existed in `NotifyOnHistoryReload` where a `LoadingSessionHistoryEntry` object was freed and a reference to that object remained. This resulted in a potentially exploitable condition when the reference to that object was later reused. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 115.
CVE-2023-37202 Cross-compartment wrappers wrapping a scripted proxy could have caused objects from other compartments to be stored in the main compartment resulting in a use-after-free. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 115, Firefox ESR < 102.13, and Thunderbird < 102.13.
CVE-2023-37201 An attacker could have triggered a use-after-free condition when creating a WebRTC connection over HTTPS. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 115, Firefox ESR < 102.13, and Thunderbird < 102.13.
CVE-2023-3600 During the worker lifecycle, a use-after-free condition could have occured, which could have led to a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 115.0.2, Firefox ESR < 115.0.2, and Thunderbird < 115.0.1.
CVE-2023-29543 An attacker could have caused memory corruption and a potentially exploitable use-after-free of a pointer in a global object's debugger vector. This vulnerability affects Firefox for Android < 112, Firefox < 112, and Focus for Android < 112.
CVE-2023-29536 An attacker could cause the memory manager to incorrectly free a pointer that addresses attacker-controlled memory, resulting in an assertion, memory corruption, or a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 112, Focus for Android < 112, Firefox ESR < 102.10, Firefox for Android < 112, and Thunderbird < 102.10.
CVE-2023-25747 A potential use-after-free in libaudio was fixed by disabling the AAudio backend when running on Android API below version 30. *This bug only affects Firefox for Android. Other versions of Firefox are unaffected.* This vulnerability affects Firefox for Android < 110.1.0.
CVE-2023-25739 Module load requests that failed were not being checked as to whether or not they were cancelled causing a use-after-free in <code>ScriptLoadContext</code>. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 110, Thunderbird < 102.8, and Firefox ESR < 102.8.
CVE-2023-25735 Cross-compartment wrappers wrapping a scripted proxy could have caused objects from other compartments to be stored in the main compartment resulting in a use-after-free after unwrapping the proxy. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 110, Thunderbird < 102.8, and Firefox ESR < 102.8.
CVE-2022-46884 A potential use-after-free vulnerability existed in SVG Images if the Refresh Driver was destroyed at an inopportune time. This could have lead to memory corruption or a potentially exploitable crash. *Note*: This advisory was added on December 13th, 2022 after discovering it was inadvertently left out of the original advisory. The fix was included in the original release of Firefox 106. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 106.
CVE-2022-46882 A use-after-free in WebGL extensions could have led to a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 107, Firefox ESR < 102.6, and Thunderbird < 102.6.
CVE-2022-46880 A missing check related to tex units could have led to a use-after-free and potentially exploitable crash.<br />*Note*: This advisory was added on December 13th, 2022 after we better understood the impact of the issue. The fix was included in the original release of Firefox 105. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 102.6, Firefox < 105, and Thunderbird < 102.6.
CVE-2022-45409 The garbage collector could have been aborted in several states and zones and <code>GCRuntime::finishCollection</code> may not have been called, leading to a use-after-free and potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 102.5, Thunderbird < 102.5, and Firefox < 107.
CVE-2022-45407 If an attacker loaded a font using <code>FontFace()</code> on a background worker, a use-after-free could have occurred, leading to a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 107.
CVE-2022-45406 If an out-of-memory condition occurred when creating a JavaScript global, a JavaScript realm may be deleted while references to it lived on in a BaseShape. This could lead to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 102.5, Thunderbird < 102.5, and Firefox < 107.
CVE-2022-45405 Freeing arbitrary <code>nsIInputStream</code>'s on a different thread than creation could have led to a use-after-free and potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 102.5, Thunderbird < 102.5, and Firefox < 107.
CVE-2022-40960 Concurrent use of the URL parser with non-UTF-8 data was not thread-safe. This could lead to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 102.3, Thunderbird < 102.3, and Firefox < 105.
CVE-2022-38476 A data race could occur in the <code>PK11_ChangePW</code> function, potentially leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. In Firefox, this lock protected the data when a user changed their master password. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 102.2 and Thunderbird < 102.2.
CVE-2022-34470 Session history navigations may have led to a use-after-free and potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 102, Firefox ESR < 91.11, Thunderbird < 102, and Thunderbird < 91.11.
CVE-2022-28282 By using a link with <code>rel="localization"</code> a use-after-free could have been triggered by destroying an object during JavaScript execution and then referencing the object through a freed pointer, leading to a potential exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 91.8, Firefox < 99, and Firefox ESR < 91.8.
CVE-2022-26486 An unexpected message in the WebGPU IPC framework could lead to a use-after-free and exploitable sandbox escape. We have had reports of attacks in the wild abusing this flaw. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 97.0.2, Firefox ESR < 91.6.1, Firefox for Android < 97.3.0, Thunderbird < 91.6.2, and Focus < 97.3.0.
CVE-2022-26485 Removing an XSLT parameter during processing could have lead to an exploitable use-after-free. We have had reports of attacks in the wild abusing this flaw. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 97.0.2, Firefox ESR < 91.6.1, Firefox for Android < 97.3.0, Thunderbird < 91.6.2, and Focus < 97.3.0.
CVE-2022-26385 In unusual circumstances, an individual thread may outlive the thread's manager during shutdown. This could have led to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 98.
CVE-2022-26381 An attacker could have caused a use-after-free by forcing a text reflow in an SVG object leading to a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 98, Firefox ESR < 91.7, and Thunderbird < 91.7.
CVE-2022-22740 Certain network request objects were freed too early when releasing a network request handle. This could have lead to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5.
CVE-2022-22737 Constructing audio sinks could have lead to a race condition when playing audio files and closing windows. This could have lead to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5.
CVE-2022-1196 After a VR Process is destroyed, a reference to it may have been retained and used, leading to a use-after-free and potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 91.8 and Firefox ESR < 91.8.
CVE-2022-1097 <code>NSSToken</code> objects were referenced via direct points, and could have been accessed in an unsafe way on different threads, leading to a use-after-free and potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 91.8, Firefox < 99, and Firefox ESR < 91.8.
CVE-2021-43539 Failure to correctly record the location of live pointers across wasm instance calls resulted in a GC occurring within the call not tracing those live pointers. This could have led to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 91.4.0, Firefox ESR < 91.4.0, and Firefox < 95.
CVE-2021-43535 A use-after-free could have occured when an HTTP2 session object was released on a different thread, leading to memory corruption and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 93, Thunderbird < 91.3, and Firefox ESR < 91.3.
CVE-2021-38504 When interacting with an HTML input element's file picker dialog with webkitdirectory set, a use-after-free could have resulted, leading to memory corruption and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 94, Thunderbird < 91.3, and Firefox ESR < 91.3.
CVE-2021-38498 During process shutdown, a document could have caused a use-after-free of a languages service object, leading to memory corruption and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 93, Thunderbird < 91.2, and Firefox ESR < 91.2.
CVE-2021-29985 A use-after-free vulnerability in media channels could have led to memory corruption and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 78.13, Thunderbird < 91, Firefox ESR < 78.13, and Firefox < 91.
CVE-2021-29980 Uninitialized memory in a canvas object could have caused an incorrect free() leading to memory corruption and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 78.13, Thunderbird < 91, Firefox ESR < 78.13, and Firefox < 91.
CVE-2021-29972 A use-after-free vulnerability was found via testing, and traced to an out-of-date Cairo library. Updating the library resolved the issue, and may have remediated other, unknown security vulnerabilities as well. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 90.
CVE-2021-29970 A malicious webpage could have triggered a use-after-free, memory corruption, and a potentially exploitable crash. *This bug could only be triggered when accessibility was enabled.*. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 78.12, Firefox ESR < 78.12, and Firefox < 90.
CVE-2021-23997 Due to unexpected data type conversions, a use-after-free could have occurred when interacting with the font cache. We presume that with enough effort this could have been exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 88.
CVE-2020-6820 Under certain conditions, when handling a ReadableStream, a race condition can cause a use-after-free. We are aware of targeted attacks in the wild abusing this flaw. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 68.7.0, Firefox < 74.0.1, and Firefox ESR < 68.6.1.
CVE-2020-6819 Under certain conditions, when running the nsDocShell destructor, a race condition can cause a use-after-free. We are aware of targeted attacks in the wild abusing this flaw. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 68.7.0, Firefox < 74.0.1, and Firefox ESR < 68.6.1.
CVE-2020-6807 When a device was changed while a stream was about to be destroyed, the <code>stream-reinit</code> task may have been executed after the stream was destroyed, causing a use-after-free and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 68.6, Firefox < 74, Firefox < ESR68.6, and Firefox ESR < 68.6.
CVE-2020-6805 When removing data about an origin whose tab was recently closed, a use-after-free could occur in the Quota manager, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 68.6, Firefox < 74, Firefox < ESR68.6, and Firefox ESR < 68.6.
CVE-2020-26974 When flex-basis was used on a table wrapper, a StyleGenericFlexBasis object could have been incorrectly cast to the wrong type. This resulted in a heap user-after-free, memory corruption, and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 84, Thunderbird < 78.6, and Firefox ESR < 78.6.
CVE-2020-26972 The lifecycle of IPC Actors allows managed actors to outlive their manager actors; and the former must ensure that they are not attempting to use a dead actor they have a reference to. Such a check was omitted in WebGL, resulting in a use-after-free and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 84.
CVE-2020-26960 If the Compact() method was called on an nsTArray, the array could have been reallocated without updating other pointers, leading to a potential use-after-free and exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 83, Firefox ESR < 78.5, and Thunderbird < 78.5.
CVE-2020-26959 During browser shutdown, reference decrementing could have occured on a previously freed object, resulting in a use-after-free, memory corruption, and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 83, Firefox ESR < 78.5, and Thunderbird < 78.5.
CVE-2020-26950 In certain circumstances, the MCallGetProperty opcode can be emitted with unmet assumptions resulting in an exploitable use-after-free condition. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 82.0.3, Firefox ESR < 78.4.1, and Thunderbird < 78.4.2.
CVE-2020-15678 When recursing through graphical layers while scrolling, an iterator may have become invalid, resulting in a potential use-after-free. This occurs because the function APZCTreeManager::ComputeClippedCompositionBounds did not follow iterator invalidation rules. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 81, Thunderbird < 78.3, and Firefox ESR < 78.3.
CVE-2020-15669 When aborting an operation, such as a fetch, an abort signal may be deleted while alerting the objects to be notified. This results in a use-after-free and we presume that with enough effort it could have been exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 68.12 and Thunderbird < 68.12.
CVE-2020-12680 ** DISPUTED ** Avira Free Antivirus through 15.0.2005.1866 allows local users to discover user credentials. The functions of the executable file Avira.PWM.NativeMessaging.exe are aimed at collecting credentials stored in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge. The executable does not verify the calling program and thus a request such as fetchChromePasswords or fetchCredentials will succeed. NOTE: some third parties have stated that this is "not a vulnerability."
CVE-2020-12420 When trying to connect to a STUN server, a race condition could have caused a use-after-free of a pointer, leading to memory corruption and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 68.10, Firefox < 78, and Thunderbird < 68.10.0.
CVE-2020-12419 When processing callbacks that occurred during window flushing in the parent process, the associated window may die; causing a use-after-free condition. This could have led to memory corruption and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 68.10, Firefox < 78, and Thunderbird < 68.10.0.
CVE-2020-12416 A VideoStreamEncoder may have been freed in a race condition with VideoBroadcaster::AddOrUpdateSink, resulting in a use-after-free, memory corruption, and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 78.
CVE-2020-12387 A race condition when running shutdown code for Web Worker led to a use-after-free vulnerability. This resulted in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 68.8, Firefox < 76, and Thunderbird < 68.8.0.
CVE-2019-9821 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur in AssertWorkerThread due to a race condition with shared workers. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 67.
CVE-2019-9820 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur in the chrome event handler when it is freed while still in use. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.7, Firefox < 67, and Firefox ESR < 60.7.
CVE-2019-9818 A race condition is present in the crash generation server used to generate data for the crash reporter. This issue can lead to a use-after-free in the main process, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash and a sandbox escape. *Note: this vulnerability only affects Windows. Other operating systems are unaffected.*. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.7, Firefox < 67, and Firefox ESR < 60.7.
CVE-2019-9796 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when the SMIL animation controller incorrectly registers with the refresh driver twice when only a single registration is expected. When a registration is later freed with the removal of the animation controller element, the refresh driver incorrectly leaves a dangling pointer to the driver's observer array. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.6, Firefox ESR < 60.6, and Firefox < 66.
CVE-2019-9790 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when a raw pointer to a DOM element on a page is obtained using JavaScript and the element is then removed while still in use. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.6, Firefox ESR < 60.6, and Firefox < 66.
CVE-2019-17011 Under certain conditions, when retrieving a document from a DocShell in the antitracking code, a race condition could cause a use-after-free condition and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 68.3, Firefox ESR < 68.3, and Firefox < 71.
CVE-2019-17010 Under certain conditions, when checking the Resist Fingerprinting preference during device orientation checks, a race condition could have caused a use-after-free and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 68.3, Firefox ESR < 68.3, and Firefox < 71.
CVE-2019-17008 When using nested workers, a use-after-free could occur during worker destruction. This resulted in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 68.3, Firefox ESR < 68.3, and Firefox < 71.
CVE-2019-11757 When following the value's prototype chain, it was possible to retain a reference to a locale, delete it, and subsequently reference it. This resulted in a use-after-free and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 70, Thunderbird < 68.2, and Firefox ESR < 68.2.
CVE-2019-11756 Improper refcounting of soft token session objects could cause a use-after-free and crash (likely limited to a denial of service). This vulnerability affects Firefox < 71.
CVE-2019-11752 It is possible to delete an IndexedDB key value and subsequently try to extract it during conversion. This results in a use-after-free and a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 69, Thunderbird < 68.1, Thunderbird < 60.9, Firefox ESR < 60.9, and Firefox ESR < 68.1.
CVE-2019-11746 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur while manipulating video elements if the body is freed while still in use. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 69, Thunderbird < 68.1, Thunderbird < 60.9, Firefox ESR < 60.9, and Firefox ESR < 68.1.
CVE-2019-11713 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur in HTTP/2 when a cached HTTP/2 stream is closed while still in use, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 60.8, Firefox < 68, and Thunderbird < 60.8.
CVE-2019-11692 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when listeners are removed from the event listener manager while still in use, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.7, Firefox < 67, and Firefox ESR < 60.7.
CVE-2019-11691 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when working with XMLHttpRequest (XHR) in an event loop, causing the XHR main thread to be called after it has been freed. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.7, Firefox < 67, and Firefox ESR < 60.7.
CVE-2018-5919 In all android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, a use after free issue in WLAN host driver can lead to device reboot.
CVE-2018-5904 In all android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, while list traversal in LPM status driver for clean up, use after free vulnerability may occur.
CVE-2018-5899 In Android releases from CAF using the linux kernel (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) before security patch level 2018-06-05, whenever TDLS connection is setup, we are freeing the netbuf in ol_tx_completion_handler and after that, we are accessing it in NBUF_UPDATE_TX_PKT_COUNT causing a use after free.
CVE-2018-5873 An issue was discovered in the __ns_get_path function in fs/nsfs.c in the Linux kernel before 4.11. Due to a race condition when accessing files, a Use After Free condition can occur. This also affects all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) before security patch level 2018-07-05.
CVE-2018-5859 Due to a race condition in the MDSS MDP driver in all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) before security patch level 2018-07-05, a Use After Free condition can occur.
CVE-2018-5857 In the WCD CPE codec, a Use After Free condition can occur in all Android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the Linux kernel.
CVE-2018-5856 In all android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, due to a race condition, a Use After Free condition can occur in Audio.
CVE-2018-5853 A race condition exists in a driver in all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) before security patch level 2018-05-05 potentially leading to a use-after-free condition.
CVE-2018-5849 Due to a race condition in the QTEECOM driver in all Android releases from CAF (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) using the Linux Kernel, when more than one HLOS client loads the same TA, a Use After Free condition can occur.
CVE-2018-5847 Early or late retirement of rotation requests can result in a Use After Free condition in all Android releases from CAF (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) using the Linux Kernel.
CVE-2018-5846 A Use After Free condition can occur in the IPA driver whenever the IPA IOCTLs IPA_IOC_NOTIFY_WAN_UPSTREAM_ROUTE_ADD/IPA_IOC_NOTIFY_WAN_UPSTREAM_ROUTE_DEL/IPA_IOC_NOTIFY_WAN_EMBMS_CONNECTED are called in all Android releases from CAF (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) using the Linux Kernel.
CVE-2018-5845 A race condition in drm_atomic_nonblocking_commit() in the display driver can potentially lead to a Use After Free scenario in all Android releases from CAF (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) using the Linux Kernel.
CVE-2018-5832 Due to a race condition in a camera driver ioctl handler in Android releases from CAF using the linux kernel (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) before security patch level 2018-06-05, a Use After Free condition can occur.
CVE-2018-5831 In the KGSL driver in Android releases from CAF using the linux kernel (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) before security patch level 2018-06-05, a reference counting error can lead to a Use After Free condition.
CVE-2018-5826 In Qualcomm Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, and QRD Android with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel before security patch level 2018-04-05, due to a race condition, a Use After Free condition can occur in the WLAN driver.
CVE-2018-5825 In Qualcomm Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, and QRD Android with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel before security patch level 2018-04-05, in the kernel IPA driver, a Use After Free condition can occur.
CVE-2018-5180 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur during WebGL operations. While this results in a potentially exploitable crash, the vulnerability is limited because the memory is freed and reused in a brief window of time during the freeing of the same callstack. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 60.
CVE-2018-5155 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur while adjusting layout during SVG animations with text paths. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.8, Thunderbird ESR < 52.8, Firefox < 60, and Firefox ESR < 52.8.
CVE-2018-5154 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur while enumerating attributes during SVG animations with clip paths. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.8, Thunderbird ESR < 52.8, Firefox < 60, and Firefox ESR < 52.8.
CVE-2018-5148 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur in the compositor during certain graphics operations when a raw pointer is used instead of a reference counted one. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 52.7.3 and Firefox < 59.0.2.
CVE-2018-5128 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when manipulating elements, events, and selection ranges during editor operations. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 59.
CVE-2018-5104 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur during font face manipulation when a font face is freed while still in use, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.6, Firefox ESR < 52.6, and Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-5103 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur during mouse event handling due to issues with multiprocess support. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.6, Firefox ESR < 52.6, and Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-5102 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when manipulating HTML media elements with media streams, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.6, Firefox ESR < 52.6, and Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-5101 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when manipulating floating "first-letter" style elements, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-5100 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when arguments passed to the "IsPotentiallyScrollable" function are freed while still in use by scripts. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-5099 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when the widget listener is holding strong references to browser objects that have previously been freed, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash when these references are used. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.6, Firefox ESR < 52.6, and Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-5098 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when form input elements, focus, and selections are manipulated by script content. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.6, Firefox ESR < 52.6, and Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-5097 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur during XSL transformations when the source document for the transformation is manipulated by script content during the transformation. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.6, Firefox ESR < 52.6, and Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-5096 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur while editing events in form elements on a page, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 52.6 and Thunderbird < 52.6.
CVE-2018-5092 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when the thread for a Web Worker is freed from memory prematurely instead of from memory in the main thread while cancelling fetch operations. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-5091 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur during WebRTC connections when interacting with the DTMF timers. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 52.6 and Firefox < 58.
CVE-2018-3599 In Qualcomm Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, and QRD Android with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel before security patch level 2018-04-05, while notifying a DCI client, a Use After Free condition can occur.
CVE-2018-3587 In a firmware memory dump feature in all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android), a Use After Free condition can occur.
CVE-2018-3584 In Qualcomm Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, and QRD Android with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel before security patch level 2018-04-05, a Use After Free condition can occur in the function rmnet_usb_ctrl_init().
CVE-2018-3571 In the KGSL driver in all Android releases from CAF (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) using the Linux Kernel, a Use After Free condition can occur when printing information about sparse memory allocations
CVE-2018-3564 In the FastRPC driver in Android releases from CAF using the linux kernel (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) before security patch level 2018-06-05, a Use After Free condition can occur when mapping on the remote processor fails.
CVE-2018-3561 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, a race condition in diag_ioctl_lsm_deinit() leads to a Use After Free condition.
CVE-2018-3560 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, a Double Free vulnerability exists in Audio Driver while opening a sound compression device.
CVE-2018-18500 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur while parsing an HTML5 stream in concert with custom HTML elements. This results in the stream parser object being freed while still in use, leading to a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.5, Firefox ESR < 60.5, and Firefox < 65.
CVE-2018-18492 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur after deleting a selection element due to a weak reference to the select element in the options collection. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.4, Firefox ESR < 60.4, and Firefox < 64.
CVE-2018-12378 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when an IndexedDB index is deleted while still in use by JavaScript code that is providing payload values to be stored. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12377 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when refresh driver timers are refreshed in some circumstances during shutdown when the timer is deleted while still in use. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12363 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when script uses mutation events to move DOM nodes between documents, resulting in the old document that held the node being freed but the node still having a pointer referencing it. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12360 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when deleting an input element during a mutation event handler triggered by focusing that element. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-11984 In all android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, A use after free condition and an out-of-bounds access can occur in the DIAG driver.
CVE-2018-11962 In all android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, Use-after-free issue in heap while loading audio effects config in audio effects factory.
CVE-2018-11960 In all android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, A use after free condition can occur in the SPS driver which can lead to error in kernel.
CVE-2018-11889 In all android releases (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, when requesting rssi timeout, access invalid memory may occur since local variable 'context' stack data of wlan function is free.
CVE-2018-11843 In all android releases (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, lack fo check on return value in WMA response handler can lead to potential use after free.
CVE-2018-11842 In all android releases (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, during wlan association, driver allocates memory. In case the mem allocation fails driver does a mem free though the memory was not allocated.
CVE-2018-11823 In all android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, freeing device memory in driver probe failure will result in double free issue in power module.
CVE-2018-11300 In all android releases (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, callback executed from the other thread has freed memory which is also used in wlan function and may result in to a "Use after free" scenario.
CVE-2018-11286 In all android releases (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, while accessing global variable "debug_client" in multi-thread manner, Use after free issue occurs
CVE-2018-11281 In all android releases (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, while calling IPA_IOC_MDFY_RT_RULE IPA IOCTL, header entry is not checked before use. If IPA_IOC_MDFY_RT_RULE IOCTL called for header entries formerly deleted, a Use after free condition will occur.
CVE-2018-11276 In all android releases (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, double free of memory allocation is possible in Kernel when it explicitly tries to free that memory on driver probe failure, since memory allocated is automatically freed on probe.
CVE-2018-11273 In all android releases (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, 'voice_svc_dev' is allocated as a device-managed resource. If error 'cdev_alloc_err' occurs, 'device_destroy' will free all associated resources, including 'voice_svc_dev' leading to a double free.
CVE-2018-11261 In all android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, there is a possible Use-after-free issue in Media Codec process. Any application using codec service will be affected.
CVE-2017-9705 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, concurrent rx notifications and read() operations in the G-Link PKT driver can result in a double free condition due to missing locking resulting in list_del() and list_add() overlapping and corrupting the next and previous pointers.
CVE-2017-9704 In all android releases(Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) from CAF using the linux kernel, There is no synchronization between msm_vb2 buffer operations which can lead to use after free.
CVE-2017-9703 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, a race condition in a Camera driver can lead to a Use After Free condition.
CVE-2017-9687 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, two concurrent threads/processes can write the value of "0" to the debugfs file that controls ipa ipc log which will lead to the double-free in ipc_log_context_destroy(). Another issue is the Use-After-Free which can happen due to the race condition when the ipc log is deallocated via the debugfs call during a log print.
CVE-2017-9686 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, there is a possible double free/use after free in the SPS driver when debugfs logging is used.
CVE-2017-7828 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when flushing and resizing layout because the "PressShell" object has been freed while still in use. This results in a potentially exploitable crash during these operations. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 57, Firefox ESR < 52.5, and Thunderbird < 52.5.
CVE-2017-7819 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur in design mode when image objects are resized if objects referenced during the resizing have been freed from memory. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 56, Firefox ESR < 52.4, and Thunderbird < 52.4.
CVE-2017-7818 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when manipulating arrays of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) elements within containers through the DOM. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 56, Firefox ESR < 52.4, and Thunderbird < 52.4.
CVE-2017-7809 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when an editor DOM node is deleted prematurely during tree traversal while still bound to the document. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.3, Firefox ESR < 52.3, and Firefox < 55.
CVE-2017-7806 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when the layer manager is freed too early when rendering specific SVG content, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 55.
CVE-2017-7805 During TLS 1.2 exchanges, handshake hashes are generated which point to a message buffer. This saved data is used for later messages but in some cases, the handshake transcript can exceed the space available in the current buffer, causing the allocation of a new buffer. This leaves a pointer pointing to the old, freed buffer, resulting in a use-after-free when handshake hashes are then calculated afterwards. This can result in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 56, Firefox ESR < 52.4, and Thunderbird < 52.4.
CVE-2017-7802 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when manipulating the DOM during the resize event of an image element. If these elements have been freed due to a lack of strong references, a potentially exploitable crash may occur when the freed elements are accessed. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.3, Firefox ESR < 52.3, and Firefox < 55.
CVE-2017-7801 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur while re-computing layout for a "marquee" element during window resizing where the updated style object is freed while still in use. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.3, Firefox ESR < 52.3, and Firefox < 55.
CVE-2017-7800 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur in WebSockets when the object holding the connection is freed before the disconnection operation is finished. This results in an exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.3, Firefox ESR < 52.3, and Firefox < 55.
CVE-2017-7793 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur in the Fetch API when the worker or the associated window are freed when still in use, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 56, Firefox ESR < 52.4, and Thunderbird < 52.4.
CVE-2017-7784 A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when reading an image observer during frame reconstruction after the observer has been freed. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.3, Firefox ESR < 52.3, and Firefox < 55.
CVE-2017-7757 A use-after-free vulnerability in IndexedDB when one of its objects is destroyed in memory while a method on it is still being executed. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 54, Firefox ESR < 52.2, and Thunderbird < 52.2.
CVE-2017-7756 A use-after-free and use-after-scope vulnerability when logging errors from headers for XML HTTP Requests (XHR). This could result in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 54, Firefox ESR < 52.2, and Thunderbird < 52.2.
CVE-2017-7752 A use-after-free vulnerability during specific user interactions with the input method editor (IME) in some languages due to how events are handled. This results in a potentially exploitable crash but would require specific user interaction to trigger. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 54, Firefox ESR < 52.2, and Thunderbird < 52.2.
CVE-2017-7751 A use-after-free vulnerability with content viewer listeners that results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 54, Firefox ESR < 52.2, and Thunderbird < 52.2.
CVE-2017-7750 A use-after-free vulnerability during video control operations when a "<track>" element holds a reference to an older window if that window has been replaced in the DOM. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 54, Firefox ESR < 52.2, and Thunderbird < 52.2.
CVE-2017-7749 A use-after-free vulnerability when using an incorrect URL during the reloading of a docshell. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 54, Firefox ESR < 52.2, and Thunderbird < 52.2.
CVE-2017-5472 A use-after-free vulnerability with the frameloader during tree reconstruction while regenerating CSS layout when attempting to use a node in the tree that no longer exists. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 54, Firefox ESR < 52.2, and Thunderbird < 52.2.
CVE-2017-5460 A use-after-free vulnerability in frame selection triggered by a combination of malicious script content and key presses by a user. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5442 A use-after-free vulnerability during changes in style when manipulating DOM elements. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5441 A use-after-free vulnerability when holding a selection during scroll events. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5440 A use-after-free vulnerability during XSLT processing due to a failure to propagate error conditions during matching while evaluating context, leading to objects being used when they no longer exist. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5439 A use-after-free vulnerability during XSLT processing due to poor handling of template parameters. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5438 A use-after-free vulnerability during XSLT processing due to the result handler being held by a freed handler during handling. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5435 A use-after-free vulnerability occurs during transaction processing in the editor during design mode interactions. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5434 A use-after-free vulnerability occurs when redirecting focus handling which results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5433 A use-after-free vulnerability in SMIL animation functions occurs when pointers to animation elements in an array are dropped from the animation controller while still in use. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5432 A use-after-free vulnerability occurs during certain text input selection resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.1, Firefox ESR < 45.9, Firefox ESR < 52.1, and Firefox < 53.
CVE-2017-5411 A use-after-free can occur during buffer storage operations within the ANGLE graphics library, used for WebGL content. The buffer storage can be freed while still in use in some circumstances, leading to a potentially exploitable crash. Note: This issue is in "libGLES", which is only in use on Windows. Other operating systems are not affected. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 52 and Thunderbird < 52.
CVE-2017-5404 A use-after-free error can occur when manipulating ranges in selections with one node inside a native anonymous tree and one node outside of it. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 52, Firefox ESR < 45.8, Thunderbird < 52, and Thunderbird < 45.8.
CVE-2017-5403 When adding a range to an object in the DOM, it is possible to use "addRange" to add the range to an incorrect root object. This triggers a use-after-free, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 52 and Thunderbird < 52.
CVE-2017-5402 A use-after-free can occur when events are fired for a "FontFace" object after the object has been already been destroyed while working with fonts. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 52, Firefox ESR < 45.8, Thunderbird < 52, and Thunderbird < 45.8.
CVE-2017-5396 A use-after-free vulnerability in the Media Decoder when working with media files when some events are fired after the media elements are freed from memory. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 45.7, Firefox ESR < 45.7, and Firefox < 51.
CVE-2017-5380 A potential use-after-free found through fuzzing during DOM manipulation of SVG content. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 45.7, Firefox ESR < 45.7, and Firefox < 51.
CVE-2017-5379 Use-after-free vulnerability in Web Animations when interacting with cycle collection found through fuzzing. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 51.
CVE-2017-5376 Use-after-free while manipulating XSL in XSLT documents. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 45.7, Firefox ESR < 45.7, and Firefox < 51.
CVE-2017-15856 Due to a race condition while processing the power stats debug file to read status, a double free condition can occur in Android releases from CAF using the linux kernel (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) before security patch level 2018-06-05.
CVE-2017-15849 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, a LayerStack can be destroyed in between Validate and Commit by the application resulting in a Use After Free condition.
CVE-2017-15843 Due to a race condition in a bus driver, a double free in msm_bus_floor_vote_context() can potentially occur in all Android releases from CAF (Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android) using the Linux Kernel.
CVE-2017-15826 Due to a race condition in MDSS rotator in Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, and QRD Android before 2017-10-20, a double free vulnerability may potentially exist when two threads free the same perf structures.
CVE-2017-14918 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, in the GPS location wireless interface, a Use After Free condition can occur.
CVE-2017-14902 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, due to a race condition in the GLink kernel driver, a Use After Free condition can potentially occur.
CVE-2017-14881 While calling the IPA IOCTL handler for IPA_IOC_ADD_HDR_PROC_CTX in Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, and QRD Android before 2017-10-13, a use-after-free condition may potentially occur.
CVE-2017-14877 While the IPA driver in Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, and QRD Android before 2017-08-31 is processing IOCTL commands there is no mutex lock of allocated memory. If one thread sends an ioctl cmd IPA_IOC_QUERY_RT_TBL_INDEX while another sends an ioctl cmd IPA_IOC_DEL_RT_RULE, a use-after-free condition may occur.
CVE-2017-11092 In android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, in the KGSL driver function kgsl_ioctl_gpu_command, a Use After Free condition can potentially occur.
CVE-2017-11091 In android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, in the function mdss_rotator_ioctl in the driver /dev/mdss_rotator, a Use-After-Free condition can potentially occur due to a fence being installed too early.
CVE-2017-11075 In Qualcomm Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, and QRD Android with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel before security patch level 2018-04-05, if cmd_pkt and reg_pkt are called from different userspace threads, a use after free condition can potentially occur in wdsp_glink_write().
CVE-2017-11048 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, in a display driver function, a Use After Free condition can occur.
CVE-2017-11045 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, in a camera driver function, a race condition exists which can lead to a Use After Free condition.
CVE-2017-11044 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, in a KGSL driver function, a race condition exists which can lead to a Use After Free condition.
CVE-2017-11033 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, in the coresight-tmc driver, a simultaneous read and enable of the ETR device after changing the buffer size may result in a Use After Free condition of the previous buffer.
CVE-2017-11032 In android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, a double free can occur when kmalloc fails to allocate memory for pointers resp/req in the service-locator driver function service_locator_send_msg().
CVE-2017-11031 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, the VIDIOC_G_SDE_ROTATOR_FENCE ioctl command can be used to cause a Use After Free condition.
CVE-2017-11024 In android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, a race condition in the rmnet USB control driver can potentially lead to a Use After Free condition.
CVE-2017-11006 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, a Use After Free condition can occur during positioning.
CVE-2017-11005 In Android for MSM, Firefox OS for MSM, QRD Android, with all Android releases from CAF using the Linux kernel, a Use After Free condition can occur during a deinitialization path.
CVE-2016-9899 Use-after-free while manipulating DOM events and removing audio elements due to errors in the handling of node adoption. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 50.1, Firefox ESR < 45.6, and Thunderbird < 45.6.
CVE-2016-9898 Use-after-free resulting in potentially exploitable crash when manipulating DOM subtrees in the Editor. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 50.1, Firefox ESR < 45.6, and Thunderbird < 45.6.
CVE-2016-9896 Use-after-free while manipulating the "navigator" object within WebVR. Note: WebVR is not currently enabled by default. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 50.1.
CVE-2016-9079 A use-after-free vulnerability in SVG Animation has been discovered. An exploit built on this vulnerability has been discovered in the wild targeting Firefox and Tor Browser users on Windows. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 50.0.2, Firefox ESR < 45.5.1, and Thunderbird < 45.5.1.
CVE-2016-9069 A use-after-free in nsINode::ReplaceOrInsertBefore during DOM operations resulting in potentially exploitable crashes. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 50.
CVE-2016-9068 A use-after-free during web animations when working with timelines resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 50.
CVE-2016-9067 Two use-after-free errors during DOM operations resulting in potentially exploitable crashes. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 50.
CVE-2016-5287 A potentially exploitable use-after-free crash during actor destruction with service workers. This issue does not affect releases earlier than Firefox 49. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 49.0.2.
CVE-2016-5281 Use-after-free vulnerability in the DOMSVGLength class in Mozilla Firefox before 49.0, Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.4, and Thunderbird < 45.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging improper interaction between JavaScript code and an SVG document.
CVE-2016-5280 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::nsTextNodeDirectionalityMap::RemoveElementFromMap function in Mozilla Firefox before 49.0, Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.4, and Thunderbird < 45.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via bidirectional text.
CVE-2016-5277 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsRefreshDriver::Tick function in Mozilla Firefox before 49.0, Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.4, and Thunderbird < 45.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) by leveraging improper interaction between timeline destruction and the Web Animations model implementation.
CVE-2016-5276 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::ProcessInvalidationList function in Mozilla Firefox before 49.0, Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.4, and Thunderbird < 45.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via an aria-owns attribute.
CVE-2016-5274 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsFrameManager::CaptureFrameState function in Mozilla Firefox before 49.0, Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.4, and Thunderbird < 45.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging improper interaction between restyling and the Web Animations model implementation.
CVE-2016-5264 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsNodeUtils::NativeAnonymousChildListChange function in Mozilla Firefox before 48.0 and Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via an SVG element that is mishandled during effect application.
CVE-2016-5259 Use-after-free vulnerability in the CanonicalizeXPCOMParticipant function in Mozilla Firefox before 48.0 and Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a script that closes its own Service Worker within a nested sync event loop.
CVE-2016-5258 Use-after-free vulnerability in the WebRTC socket thread in Mozilla Firefox before 48.0 and Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging incorrect free operations on DTLS objects during the shutdown of a WebRTC session.
CVE-2016-5255 Use-after-free vulnerability in the js::PreliminaryObjectArray::sweep function in Mozilla Firefox before 48.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted JavaScript that is mishandled during incremental garbage collection.
CVE-2016-5254 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsXULPopupManager::KeyDown function in Mozilla Firefox before 48.0 and Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.3 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption and application crash) by leveraging keyboard access to use the Alt key during selection of top-level menu items.
CVE-2016-2828 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 47.0 and Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via WebGL content that triggers texture access after destruction of the texture's recycle pool.
CVE-2016-2821 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::dom::Element class in Mozilla Firefox before 47.0 and Firefox ESR 45.x before 45.2, when contenteditable mode is enabled, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) by triggering deletion of DOM elements that were created in the editor.
CVE-2016-2811 Use-after-free vulnerability in the ServiceWorkerInfo class in the Service Worker subsystem in Mozilla Firefox before 46.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to the BeginReading method.
CVE-2016-1979 Use-after-free vulnerability in the PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey function in Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) before 3.21.1, as used in Mozilla Firefox before 45.0, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted key data with DER encoding.
CVE-2016-1978 Use-after-free vulnerability in the ssl3_HandleECDHServerKeyExchange function in Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) before 3.21, as used in Mozilla Firefox before 44.0, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact by making an SSL (1) DHE or (2) ECDHE handshake at a time of high memory consumption.
CVE-2016-1976 Use-after-free vulnerability in the DesktopDisplayDevice class in the WebRTC implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 45.0 on Windows might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via unknown vectors.
CVE-2016-1973 Race condition in the GetStaticInstance function in the WebRTC implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 45.0 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2016-1972 Race condition in libvpx in Mozilla Firefox before 45.0 on Windows might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (use-after-free) or possibly have unspecified other impact via unknown vectors.
CVE-2016-1964 Use-after-free vulnerability in the AtomicBaseIncDec function in Mozilla Firefox before 45.0 and Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) by leveraging mishandling of XML transformations.
CVE-2016-1962 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::DataChannelConnection::Close function in Mozilla Firefox before 45.0 and Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging mishandling of WebRTC data-channel connections.
CVE-2016-1961 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsHTMLDocument::SetBody function in dom/html/nsHTMLDocument.cpp in Mozilla Firefox before 45.0 and Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging mishandling of a root element, aka ZDI-CAN-3574.
CVE-2016-1960 Integer underflow in the nsHtml5TreeBuilder class in the HTML5 string parser in Mozilla Firefox before 45.0 and Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free) by leveraging mishandling of end tags, as demonstrated by incorrect SVG processing, aka ZDI-CAN-3545.
CVE-2015-7210 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 43.0 and Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by triggering attempted use of a data channel that has been closed by a WebRTC function.
CVE-2015-4510 Race condition in the WorkerPrivate::NotifyFeatures function in Mozilla Firefox before 41.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free and application crash) by leveraging improper interaction between shared workers and the IndexedDB implementation.
CVE-2015-4509 Use-after-free vulnerability in the HTMLVideoElement interface in Mozilla Firefox before 41.0 and Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted JavaScript code that modifies the URI table of a media element, aka ZDI-CAN-3176.
CVE-2015-4497 Use-after-free vulnerability in the CanvasRenderingContext2D implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 40.0.3 and Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.2.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging improper interaction between resize events and changes to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) token sequences for a CANVAS element.
CVE-2015-4492 Use-after-free vulnerability in the XMLHttpRequest::Open implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 40.0 and Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.2 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a SharedWorker object that makes recursive calls to the open method of an XMLHttpRequest object.
CVE-2015-4488 Use-after-free vulnerability in the StyleAnimationValue class in Mozilla Firefox before 40.0, Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.2, and Firefox OS before 2.2 allows remote attackers to have an unspecified impact by leveraging a StyleAnimationValue::operator self assignment.
CVE-2015-4477 Use-after-free vulnerability in the MediaStream playback feature in Mozilla Firefox before 40.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified use of the Web Audio API.
CVE-2015-2733 Use-after-free vulnerability in the CanonicalizeXPCOMParticipant function in Mozilla Firefox before 39.0 and Firefox ESR 31.x before 31.8 and 38.x before 38.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving attachment of an XMLHttpRequest object to a dedicated worker.
CVE-2015-2731 Use-after-free vulnerability in the CSPService::ShouldLoad function in the microtask implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 39.0, Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.1, and Thunderbird before 38.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging client-side JavaScript that triggers removal of a DOM object on the basis of a Content Policy.
CVE-2015-2722 Use-after-free vulnerability in the CanonicalizeXPCOMParticipant function in Mozilla Firefox before 39.0 and Firefox ESR 31.x before 31.8 and 38.x before 38.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving attachment of an XMLHttpRequest object to a shared worker.
CVE-2015-2715 Race condition in the nsThreadManager::RegisterCurrentThread function in Mozilla Firefox before 38.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free and heap memory corruption) by leveraging improper Media Decoder Thread creation at the time of a shutdown.
CVE-2015-2713 Use-after-free vulnerability in the SetBreaks function in Mozilla Firefox before 38.0, Firefox ESR 31.x before 31.7, and Thunderbird before 31.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via a document containing crafted text in conjunction with a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) token sequence containing properties related to vertical text.
CVE-2015-2706 Race condition in the AsyncPaintWaitEvent::AsyncPaintWaitEvent function in Mozilla Firefox before 37.0.2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free) via a crafted plugin that does not properly complete initialization.
CVE-2015-0831 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::dom::IndexedDB::IDBObjectStore::CreateIndex function in Mozilla Firefox before 36.0, Firefox ESR 31.x before 31.5, and Thunderbird before 31.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via crafted content that is improperly handled during IndexedDB index creation.
CVE-2015-0828 Double free vulnerability in the nsXMLHttpRequest::GetResponse function in Mozilla Firefox before 36.0, when a nonstandard memory allocator is used, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via crafted JavaScript code that makes an XMLHttpRequest call with zero bytes of data.
CVE-2015-0823 Multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities in OpenType Sanitiser, as used in Mozilla Firefox before 36.0, might allow remote attackers to trigger problematic Developer Console information or possibly have unspecified other impact by leveraging incorrect macro expansion, related to the ots::ots_gasp_parse function.
CVE-2015-0813 Use-after-free vulnerability in the AppendElements function in Mozilla Firefox before 37.0, Firefox ESR 31.x before 31.6, and Thunderbird before 31.6 on Linux, when the Fluendo MP3 plugin for GStreamer is used, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via a crafted MP3 file.
CVE-2015-0808 The webrtc::VPMContentAnalysis::Release function in the WebRTC implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 37.0 uses incompatible approaches to the deallocation of memory for simple-type arrays, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2015-0804 The HTMLSourceElement::BindToTree function in Mozilla Firefox before 37.0 does not properly constrain a data type after omitting namespace validation during certain tree-binding operations, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free) via a crafted HTML document containing a SOURCE element.
CVE-2015-0803 The HTMLSourceElement::AfterSetAttr function in Mozilla Firefox before 37.0 does not properly constrain the original data type of a casted value during the setting of a SOURCE element's attributes, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free) via a crafted HTML document.
CVE-2014-8641 Use-after-free vulnerability in the WebRTC implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 35.0, Firefox ESR 31.x before 31.4, and SeaMonkey before 2.32 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted track data.
CVE-2014-1592 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsHtml5TreeOperation function in xul.dll in Mozilla Firefox before 34.0, Firefox ESR 31.x before 31.3, Thunderbird before 31.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.31 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by adding a second root element to an HTML5 document during parsing.
CVE-2014-1581 Use-after-free vulnerability in DirectionalityUtils.cpp in Mozilla Firefox before 33.0, Firefox ESR 31.x before 31.2, and Thunderbird 31.x before 31.2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via text that is improperly handled during the interaction between directionality resolution and layout.
CVE-2014-1567 Use-after-free vulnerability in DirectionalityUtils.cpp in Mozilla Firefox before 32.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.8 and 31.x before 31.1, and Thunderbird 24.x before 24.8 and 31.x before 31.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via text that is improperly handled during the interaction between directionality resolution and layout.
CVE-2014-1563 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::DOMSVGLength::GetTearOff function in Mozilla Firefox before 32.0, Firefox ESR 31.x before 31.1, and Thunderbird 31.x before 31.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via an SVG animation with DOM interaction that triggers incorrect cycle collection.
CVE-2014-1555 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsDocLoader::OnProgress function in Mozilla Firefox before 31.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.7, and Thunderbird before 24.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors that trigger a FireOnStateChange event.
CVE-2014-1551 Use-after-free vulnerability in the FontTableRec destructor in Mozilla Firefox before 31.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.7, and Thunderbird before 24.7 on Windows allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted use of fonts in MathML content, leading to improper handling of a DirectWrite font-face object.
CVE-2014-1550 Use-after-free vulnerability in the MediaInputPort class in Mozilla Firefox before 31.0 and Thunderbird before 31.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) by leveraging incorrect Web Audio control-message ordering.
CVE-2014-1544 Use-after-free vulnerability in the CERT_DestroyCertificate function in in Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.x, as used in Firefox before 31.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.7, and Thunderbird before 24.7, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors that trigger certain improper removal of an NSSCertificate structure from a trust domain.
CVE-2014-1541 Use-after-free vulnerability in the RefreshDriverTimer::TickDriver function in the SMIL Animation Controller in Mozilla Firefox before 30.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.6, and Thunderbird before 24.6 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via crafted web content.
CVE-2014-1540 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsEventListenerManager::CompileEventHandlerInternal function in the Event Listener Manager in Mozilla Firefox before 30.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via crafted web content.
CVE-2014-1538 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsTextEditRules::CreateMozBR function in Mozilla Firefox before 30.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.6, and Thunderbird before 24.6 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2014-1537 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::dom::workers::WorkerPrivateParent function in Mozilla Firefox before 30.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2014-1532 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsHostResolver::ConditionallyRefreshRecord function in in Mozilla Firefox before 29.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.5, Thunderbird before 24.5, and SeaMonkey before 2.26 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors related to host resolution.
CVE-2014-1531 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsGenericHTMLElement::GetWidthHeightForImage function in Mozilla Firefox before 29.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.5, Thunderbird before 24.5, and SeaMonkey before 2.26 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors involving an imgLoader object that is not properly handled during an image-resize operation.
CVE-2014-1525 The mozilla::dom::TextTrack::AddCue function in Mozilla Firefox before 29.0 and SeaMonkey before 2.26 does not properly perform garbage collection for Text Track Manager variables, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free and heap memory corruption) via a crafted VIDEO element in an HTML document.
CVE-2014-1512 Use-after-free vulnerability in the TypeObject class in the JavaScript engine in Mozilla Firefox before 28.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.4, Thunderbird before 24.4, and SeaMonkey before 2.25 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by triggering extensive memory consumption while garbage collection is occurring, as demonstrated by improper handling of BumpChunk objects.
CVE-2014-1490 Race condition in libssl in Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) before 3.15.4, as used in Mozilla Firefox before 27.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.3, Thunderbird before 24.3, SeaMonkey before 2.24, and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (use-after-free) or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors involving a resumption handshake that triggers incorrect replacement of a session ticket.
CVE-2014-1486 Use-after-free vulnerability in the imgRequestProxy function in Mozilla Firefox before 27.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.3, Thunderbird before 24.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.24 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving unspecified Content-Type values for image data.
CVE-2013-5618 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsNodeUtils::LastRelease function in the table-editing user interface in the editor component in Mozilla Firefox before 26.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.2, Thunderbird before 24.2, and SeaMonkey before 2.23 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by triggering improper garbage collection.
CVE-2013-5616 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType function in Mozilla Firefox before 26.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.2, Thunderbird before 24.2, and SeaMonkey before 2.23 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors related to mListeners event listeners.
CVE-2013-5613 Use-after-free vulnerability in the PresShell::DispatchSynthMouseMove function in Mozilla Firefox before 26.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.2, Thunderbird before 24.2, and SeaMonkey before 2.23 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors involving synthetic mouse movement, related to the RestyleManager::GetHoverGeneration function.
CVE-2013-5603 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsContentUtils::ContentIsHostIncludingDescendantOf function in Mozilla Firefox before 25.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.1, Thunderbird before 24.1, and SeaMonkey before 2.22 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors involving HTML document templates.
CVE-2013-5601 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsEventListenerManager::SetEventHandler function in Mozilla Firefox before 25.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.10 and 24.x before 24.1, Thunderbird before 24.1, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.10, and SeaMonkey before 2.22 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to a memory allocation through the garbage collection (GC) API.
CVE-2013-5600 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsIOService::NewChannelFromURIWithProxyFlags function in Mozilla Firefox before 25.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.10 and 24.x before 24.1, Thunderbird before 24.1, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.10, and SeaMonkey before 2.22 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving a blob: URL.
CVE-2013-5599 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsIPresShell::GetPresContext function in the PresShell (aka presentation shell) implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 25.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.10 and 24.x before 24.1, Thunderbird before 24.1, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.10, and SeaMonkey before 2.22 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption and application crash) via vectors involving a CANVAS element, a mozTextStyle attribute, and an onresize event.
CVE-2013-5597 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsDocLoader::doStopDocumentLoad function in Mozilla Firefox before 25.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.10 and 24.x before 24.1, Thunderbird before 24.1, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.10, and SeaMonkey before 2.22 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors involving a state-change event during an update of the offline cache.
CVE-2013-1738 Use-after-free vulnerability in the JS_GetGlobalForScopeChain function in Mozilla Firefox before 24.0, Thunderbird before 24.0, and SeaMonkey before 2.21 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging incorrect garbage collection in situations involving default compartments and frame-chain restoration.
CVE-2013-1735 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::layout::ScrollbarActivity function in Mozilla Firefox before 24.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.9, Thunderbird before 24.0, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.9, and SeaMonkey before 2.21 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to image-document scrolling.
CVE-2013-1724 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::dom::HTMLFormElement::IsDefaultSubmitElement function in Mozilla Firefox before 24.0, Thunderbird before 24.0, and SeaMonkey before 2.21 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors involving a destroyed SELECT element.
CVE-2013-1722 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsAnimationManager::BuildAnimations function in the Animation Manager in Mozilla Firefox before 24.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.9, Thunderbird before 24.0, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.9, and SeaMonkey before 2.21 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors involving stylesheet cloning.
CVE-2013-1705 Heap-based buffer underflow in the cryptojs_interpret_key_gen_type function in Mozilla Firefox before 23.0 and SeaMonkey before 2.20 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF) request.
CVE-2013-1704 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsINode::GetParentNode function in Mozilla Firefox before 23.0 and SeaMonkey before 2.20 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption and application crash) via vectors involving a DOM modification at the time of a SetBody mutation event.
CVE-2013-1686 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::ResetDir function in Mozilla Firefox before 22.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.7, Thunderbird before 17.0.7, and Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-1685 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsIDocument::GetRootElement function in Mozilla Firefox before 22.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.7, Thunderbird before 17.0.7, and Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via a crafted web site.
CVE-2013-1684 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement::LookupMediaElementURITable function in Mozilla Firefox before 22.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.7, Thunderbird before 17.0.7, and Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via a crafted web site.
CVE-2013-1681 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsContentUtils::RemoveScriptBlocker function in Mozilla Firefox before 21.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.6, Thunderbird before 17.0.6, and Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.6 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-1680 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsFrameList::FirstChild function in Mozilla Firefox before 21.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.6, Thunderbird before 17.0.6, and Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.6 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-1679 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::plugins::child::_geturlnotify function in Mozilla Firefox before 21.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.6, Thunderbird before 17.0.6, and Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.6 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-1674 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 21.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.6, Thunderbird before 17.0.6, and Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.6 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving an onresize event during the playing of a video.
CVE-2013-1055 The unity-firefox-extension package could be tricked into dropping a C callback which was still in use, which Firefox would then free, causing Firefox to crash. This could be achieved by adding an action to the launcher and updating it with new callbacks until the libunity-webapps rate limit was hit. Fixed in 3.0.0+14.04.20140416-0ubuntu1.14.04.1 of unity-firefox-extension and in all versions of libunity-webapps by shipping an empty unity-firefox-extension package, thus disabling the extension entirely and invalidating the attack against the libunity-webapps package.
CVE-2013-0796 The WebGL subsystem in Mozilla Firefox before 20.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.5, Thunderbird before 17.0.5, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.5, and SeaMonkey before 2.17 on Linux does not properly interact with Mesa drivers, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (free of unallocated memory) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-0789 Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in the browser engine in Mozilla Firefox before 20.0 and SeaMonkey before 2.17 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption and application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors related to the nsContentUtils::HoldJSObjects function and the nsAutoPtr class, and other vectors.
CVE-2013-0787 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsEditor::IsPreformatted function in editor/libeditor/base/nsEditor.cpp in Mozilla Firefox before 19.0.2, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.4, Thunderbird before 17.0.4, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.4, and SeaMonkey before 2.16.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving an execCommand call.
CVE-2013-0781 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsPrintEngine::CommonPrint function in Mozilla Firefox before 19.0, Thunderbird before 17.0.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.16 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-0780 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsOverflowContinuationTracker::Finish function in Mozilla Firefox before 19.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.3, Thunderbird before 17.0.3, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.16 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via a crafted document that uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) -moz-column-* properties.
CVE-2013-0777 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsDisplayBoxShadowOuter::Paint function in Mozilla Firefox before 19.0, Thunderbird before 17.0.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.16 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-0775 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsImageLoadingContent::OnStopContainer function in Mozilla Firefox before 19.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.3, Thunderbird before 17.0.3, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.16 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted web script.
CVE-2013-0766 Use-after-free vulnerability in the ~nsHTMLEditRules implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 18.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.1, Thunderbird before 17.0.2, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.1, and SeaMonkey before 2.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-0763 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 18.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.1, Thunderbird before 17.0.2, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.1, and SeaMonkey before 2.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors related to Mesa drivers and a resized WebGL canvas.
CVE-2013-0762 Use-after-free vulnerability in the imgRequest::OnStopFrame function in Mozilla Firefox before 18.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.1, Thunderbird before 17.0.2, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.1, and SeaMonkey before 2.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-0761 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::TrackUnionStream::EndTrack implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 18.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.1, Thunderbird before 17.0.2, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.1, and SeaMonkey before 2.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-0756 Use-after-free vulnerability in the obj_toSource function in Mozilla Firefox before 18.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.2, Thunderbird before 17.0.2, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.2, and SeaMonkey before 2.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted web page referencing JavaScript Proxy objects that are not properly handled during garbage collection.
CVE-2013-0755 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozVibrate implementation in the Vibrate library in Mozilla Firefox before 18.0, Firefox ESR 17.x before 17.0.2, Thunderbird before 17.0.2, Thunderbird ESR 17.x before 17.0.2, and SeaMonkey before 2.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to the domDoc pointer.
CVE-2013-0754 Use-after-free vulnerability in the ListenerManager implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 18.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.2, Thunderbird before 17.0.2, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.2, and SeaMonkey before 2.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving the triggering of garbage collection after memory allocation for listener objects.
CVE-2013-0753 Use-after-free vulnerability in the serializeToStream implementation in the XMLSerializer component in Mozilla Firefox before 18.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.2, Thunderbird before 17.0.2, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.2, and SeaMonkey before 2.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted web content.
CVE-2013-0744 Use-after-free vulnerability in the TableBackgroundPainter::TableBackgroundData::Destroy function in Mozilla Firefox before 18.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.2, Thunderbird before 17.0.2, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.12 and 17.x before 17.0.2, and SeaMonkey before 2.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via an HTML document with a table containing many columns and column groups.
CVE-2012-5840 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsTextEditorState::PrepareEditor function in Mozilla Firefox before 17.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, Thunderbird before 17.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, and SeaMonkey before 2.14 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2012-4214.
CVE-2012-5830 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 17.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, Thunderbird before 17.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, and SeaMonkey before 2.14 on Mac OS X allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via an HTML document.
CVE-2012-4218 Use-after-free vulnerability in the BuildTextRunsScanner::BreakSink::SetBreaks function in Mozilla Firefox before 17.0, Thunderbird before 17.0, and SeaMonkey before 2.14 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4217 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsViewManager::ProcessPendingUpdates function in Mozilla Firefox before 17.0, Thunderbird before 17.0, and SeaMonkey before 2.14 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4216 Use-after-free vulnerability in the gfxFont::GetFontEntry function in Mozilla Firefox before 17.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, Thunderbird before 17.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, and SeaMonkey before 2.14 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4215 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsPlaintextEditor::FireClipboardEvent function in Mozilla Firefox before 17.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, Thunderbird before 17.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, and SeaMonkey before 2.14 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4214 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsTextEditorState::PrepareEditor function in Mozilla Firefox before 17.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, Thunderbird before 17.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.11, and SeaMonkey before 2.14 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, a different vulnerability than CVE-2012-5840.
CVE-2012-4213 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsEditor::FindNextLeafNode function in Mozilla Firefox before 17.0, Thunderbird before 17.0, and SeaMonkey before 2.14 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4212 Use-after-free vulnerability in the XPCWrappedNative::Mark function in Mozilla Firefox before 17.0, Thunderbird before 17.0, and SeaMonkey before 2.14 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4190 The FT2FontEntry::CreateFontEntry function in FreeType, as used in the Android build of Mozilla Firefox before 16.0.1 on CyanogenMod 10, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption and application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4183 Use-after-free vulnerability in the DOMSVGTests::GetRequiredFeatures function in Mozilla Firefox before 16.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, Thunderbird before 16.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, and SeaMonkey before 2.13 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4182 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsTextEditRules::WillInsert function in Mozilla Firefox before 16.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, Thunderbird before 16.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, and SeaMonkey before 2.13 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4181 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsSMILAnimationController::DoSample function in Mozilla Firefox before 16.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, Thunderbird before 16.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, and SeaMonkey before 2.13 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4179 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsHTMLCSSUtils::CreateCSSPropertyTxn function in Mozilla Firefox before 16.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, Thunderbird before 16.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, and SeaMonkey before 2.13 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-3990 Use-after-free vulnerability in the IME State Manager implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 16.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, Thunderbird before 16.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, and SeaMonkey before 2.13 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors, related to the nsIContent::GetNameSpaceID function.
CVE-2012-3988 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 16.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, Thunderbird before 16.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.8, and SeaMonkey before 2.13 might allow user-assisted remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving use of mozRequestFullScreen to enter full-screen mode, and use of the history.back method for backwards history navigation.
CVE-2012-3970 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsTArray_base::Length function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via vectors involving movement of a requiredFeatures attribute from one SVG document to another.
CVE-2012-3968 Use-after-free vulnerability in the WebGL implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to deletion of a fragment shader by its accessor.
CVE-2012-3964 Use-after-free vulnerability in the gfxTextRun::GetUserData function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-3963 Use-after-free vulnerability in the js::gc::MapAllocToTraceKind function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-3962 Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 do not properly iterate through the characters in a text run, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted document.
CVE-2012-3961 Use-after-free vulnerability in the RangeData implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-3960 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozSpellChecker::SetCurrentDictionary function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-3959 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsRangeUpdater::SelAdjDeleteNode function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-3958 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsHTMLEditRules::DeleteNonTableElements function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-3957 Heap-based buffer overflow in the nsBlockFrame::MarkLineDirty function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-3956 Use-after-free vulnerability in the MediaStreamGraphThreadRunnable::Run function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-1976 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsHTMLSelectElement::SubmitNamesValues function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-1975 Use-after-free vulnerability in the PresShell::CompleteMove function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-1974 Use-after-free vulnerability in the gfxTextRun::CanBreakLineBefore function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-1973 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsObjectLoadingContent::LoadObject function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-1972 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsHTMLEditor::CollapseAdjacentTextNodes function in Mozilla Firefox before 15.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, Thunderbird before 15.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-1962 Use-after-free vulnerability in the JSDependentString::undepend function in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 13.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, Thunderbird 5.0 through 13.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, and SeaMonkey before 2.11 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors involving strings with multiple dependencies.
CVE-2012-1958 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsGlobalWindow::PageHidden function in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 13.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, Thunderbird 5.0 through 13.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, and SeaMonkey before 2.11 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to focused content.
CVE-2012-1954 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsDocument::AdoptNode function in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 13.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, Thunderbird 5.0 through 13.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, and SeaMonkey before 2.11 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors involving multiple adoptions and empty documents.
CVE-2012-1951 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsSMILTimeValueSpec::IsEventBased function in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 13.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, Thunderbird 5.0 through 13.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, and SeaMonkey before 2.11 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code by interacting with objects used for SMIL Timing.
CVE-2012-1946 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsINode::ReplaceOrInsertBefore function in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 12.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.5, Thunderbird 5.0 through 12.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.5, and SeaMonkey before 2.10 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via document changes involving replacement or insertion of a node.
CVE-2012-1940 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsFrameList::FirstChild function in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 12.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.5, Thunderbird 5.0 through 12.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.5, and SeaMonkey before 2.10 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption and application crash) by changing the size of a container of absolutely positioned elements in a column.
CVE-2012-1144 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap write operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted TrueType font.
CVE-2012-1143 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (divide-by-zero error) via a crafted font.
CVE-2012-1142 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap write operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted glyph-outline data in a font.
CVE-2012-1141 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted ASCII string in a BDF font.
CVE-2012-1140 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted PostScript font object.
CVE-2012-1139 Array index error in FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid stack read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted glyph data in a BDF font.
CVE-2012-1138 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors involving the MIRP instruction in a TrueType font.
CVE-2012-1137 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted header in a BDF font.
CVE-2012-1136 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap write operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted glyph or bitmap data in a BDF font that lacks an ENCODING field.
CVE-2012-1135 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors involving the NPUSHB and NPUSHW instructions in a TrueType font.
CVE-2012-1134 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap write operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted private-dictionary data in a Type 1 font.
CVE-2012-1133 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap write operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted glyph or bitmap data in a BDF font.
CVE-2012-1132 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted dictionary data in a Type 1 font.
CVE-2012-1131 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, on 64-bit platforms allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors related to the cell table of a font.
CVE-2012-1130 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted property data in a PCF font.
CVE-2012-1129 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted SFNT string in a Type 42 font.
CVE-2012-1128 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted TrueType font.
CVE-2012-1127 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted glyph or bitmap data in a BDF font.
CVE-2012-1126 FreeType before 2.4.9, as used in Mozilla Firefox Mobile before 10.0.4 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid heap read operation and memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted property data in a BDF font.
CVE-2012-0470 Heap-based buffer overflow in the nsSVGFEDiffuseLightingElement::LightPixel function in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 11.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.4, Thunderbird 5.0 through 11.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.4, and SeaMonkey before 2.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid gfxImageSurface free operation) or possibly execute arbitrary code by leveraging the use of "different number systems."
CVE-2012-0469 Use-after-free vulnerability in the mozilla::dom::indexedDB::IDBKeyRange::cycleCollection::Trace function in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 11.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.4, Thunderbird 5.0 through 11.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.4, and SeaMonkey before 2.9 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to crafted IndexedDB data.
CVE-2012-0464 Use-after-free vulnerability in the browser engine in Mozilla Firefox before 3.6.28 and 4.x through 10.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.3, Thunderbird before 3.1.20 and 5.0 through 10.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.8 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving an empty argument to the array.join function in conjunction with the triggering of garbage collection.
CVE-2012-0457 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsSMILTimeValueSpec::ConvertBetweenTimeContainer function in Mozilla Firefox before 3.6.28 and 4.x through 10.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.3, Thunderbird before 3.1.20 and 5.0 through 10.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.8 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via an SVG animation.
CVE-2012-0454 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 10.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.3, Thunderbird 5.0 through 10.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.8 on 32-bit Windows 7 platforms allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors involving use of the file-open dialog in a child window, related to the IUnknown_QueryService function in the Windows shlwapi.dll library.
CVE-2012-0452 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox 10.x before 10.0.1, Thunderbird 10.x before 10.0.1, and SeaMonkey 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors that trigger failure of an nsXBLDocumentInfo::ReadPrototypeBindings function call, related to the cycle collector's access to a hash table containing a stale XBL binding.
CVE-2011-3671 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsHTMLSelectElement function in nsHTMLSelectElement.cpp in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 8.0, Thunderbird 5.0 through 8.0, and SeaMonkey before 2.6 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving removal of the parent node of an element.
CVE-2011-3659 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 3.6.26 and 4.x through 9.0, Thunderbird before 3.1.18 and 5.0 through 9.0, and SeaMonkey before 2.7 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to incorrect AttributeChildRemoved notifications that affect access to removed nsDOMAttribute child nodes.
CVE-2011-3005 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 6, Thunderbird before 7.0, and SeaMonkey before 2.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted OGG headers in a .ogg file.
CVE-2011-2983 Mozilla Firefox before 3.6.20, Thunderbird 2.x and 3.x before 3.1.12, SeaMonkey 1.x and 2.x, and possibly other products does not properly handle the RegExp.input property, which allows remote attackers to bypass the Same Origin Policy and read data from a different domain via a crafted web site, possibly related to a use-after-free.
CVE-2011-2373 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 3.6.18 and 4.x through 4.0.1, Thunderbird before 3.1.11, and SeaMonkey through 2.0.14, when JavaScript is disabled, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted XUL document.
CVE-2011-2363 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsSVGPointList::AppendElement function in the implementation of SVG element lists in Mozilla Firefox before 3.6.18, Thunderbird before 3.1.11, and SeaMonkey through 2.0.14 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors involving a user-supplied callback.
CVE-2011-0085 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsXULCommandDispatcher function in Mozilla Firefox before 3.6.18, Thunderbird before 3.1.11, and SeaMonkey through 2.0.14 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted XUL document that dequeues the current command updater.
CVE-2011-0083 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsSVGPathSegList::ReplaceItem function in the implementation of SVG element lists in Mozilla Firefox before 3.6.18, Thunderbird before 3.1.11, and SeaMonkey through 2.0.14 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via vectors involving a user-supplied callback.
CVE-2011-0066 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 3.5.19 and 3.6.x before 3.6.17, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.14, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to OBJECT's mObserverList.
CVE-2011-0065 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 3.5.19 and 3.6.x before 3.6.17, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.14, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to OBJECT's mChannel.
CVE-2011-0057 Use-after-free vulnerability in the Web Workers implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 3.5.17 and 3.6.x before 3.6.14, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.12, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to a JavaScript Worker and garbage collection.
CVE-2011-0055 Use-after-free vulnerability in the JSON.stringify method in js3250.dll in Mozilla Firefox before 3.5.17 and 3.6.x before 3.6.14, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.12, might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors related to the js_HasOwnProperty function and garbage collection.
CVE-2010-3766 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 3.5.16 and 3.6.x before 3.6.13, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.11, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving a change to an nsDOMAttribute node.
CVE-2010-3180 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsBarProp function in Mozilla Firefox before 3.5.14 and 3.6.x before 3.6.11, Thunderbird before 3.0.9 and 3.1.x before 3.1.5, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.9 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by accessing the locationbar property of a closed window.
CVE-2010-2760 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsTreeSelection function in Mozilla Firefox before 3.5.12 and 3.6.x before 3.6.9, Thunderbird before 3.0.7 and 3.1.x before 3.1.3, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.7 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving a XUL tree selection, related to a "dangling pointer vulnerability." NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2010-2753.
CVE-2010-2755 layout/generic/nsObjectFrame.cpp in Mozilla Firefox 3.6.7 does not properly free memory in the parameter array of a plugin instance, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted HTML document, related to the DATA and SRC attributes of an OBJECT element. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incorrect fix for CVE-2010-1214.
CVE-2010-2753 Integer overflow in Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x before 3.5.11 and 3.6.x before 3.6.7, Thunderbird 3.0.x before 3.0.6 and 3.1.x before 3.1.1, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.6 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a large selection attribute in a XUL tree element, which triggers a use-after-free.
CVE-2010-1209 Use-after-free vulnerability in the NodeIterator implementation in Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x before 3.5.11 and 3.6.x before 3.6.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.6, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted NodeFilter that detaches DOM nodes, related to the NodeIterator interface and a javascript callback.
CVE-2010-1208 Use-after-free vulnerability in the attribute-cloning functionality in the DOM implementation in Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x before 3.5.11 and 3.6.x before 3.6.7, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.6, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to deletion of an event attribute node with a nonzero reference count.
CVE-2010-1198 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x before 3.5.10 and 3.6.x before 3.6.4, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.5, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving multiple plugin instances.
CVE-2010-1121 Mozilla Firefox 3.6.x before 3.6.3 does not properly manage the scopes of DOM nodes that are moved from one document to another, which allows remote attackers to conduct use-after-free attacks and execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors involving improper interaction with garbage collection, as demonstrated by Nils during a Pwn2Own competition at CanSecWest 2010.
CVE-2010-0183 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsCycleCollector::MarkRoots function in Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x before 3.5.10 and SeaMonkey before 2.0.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted HTML document, related to an improper frame construction process for menus.
CVE-2010-0175 Use-after-free vulnerability in the nsTreeSelection implementation in Mozilla Firefox before 3.0.19 and 3.5.x before 3.5.9, Thunderbird before 3.0.4, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (application crash) via unspecified vectors that trigger a call to the handler for the select event for XUL tree items.
CVE-2010-0164 Use-after-free vulnerability in the imgContainer::InternalAddFrameHelper function in src/imgContainer.cpp in libpr0n in Mozilla Firefox 3.6 before 3.6.2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption and application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a multipart/x-mixed-replace animation in which the frames have different bits-per-pixel (bpp) values.
CVE-2009-3371 Use-after-free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x before 3.5.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code by creating JavaScript web-workers recursively.
CVE-2009-1837 Race condition in the NPObjWrapper_NewResolve function in modules/plugin/base/src/nsJSNPRuntime.cpp in xul.dll in Mozilla Firefox 3 before 3.0.11 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a page transition during Java applet loading, related to a use-after-free vulnerability for memory associated with a destroyed Java object.
CVE-2009-1571 Use-after-free vulnerability in the HTML parser in Mozilla Firefox 3.0.x before 3.0.18 and 3.5.x before 3.5.8, Thunderbird before 3.0.2, and SeaMonkey before 2.0.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified method calls that attempt to access freed objects in low-memory situations.
CVE-2009-0775 Double free vulnerability in Mozilla Firefox before 3.0.7, Thunderbird before, and SeaMonkey before 1.1.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via "cloned XUL DOM elements which were linked as a parent and child," which are not properly handled during garbage collection.
CVE-2008-2934 Mozilla Firefox 3 before 3.0.1 on Mac OS X allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted GIF file that triggers a free of an uninitialized pointer.
CVE-2008-2785 Mozilla Firefox before and 3.x before 3.0.1, Thunderbird before, and SeaMonkey before 1.1.11 use an incorrect integer data type as a CSS object reference counter in the CSSValue array (aka nsCSSValue:Array) data structure, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a large number of references to a common CSS object, leading to a counter overflow and a free of in-use memory, aka ZDI-CAN-349.
CVE-2007-0046 Double free vulnerability in the Adobe Acrobat Reader Plugin before 8.0.0, as used in Mozilla Firefox, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by causing an error via a javascript: URI call to document.write in the (1) FDF, (2) XML, or (3) XFDF AJAX request parameters.
CVE-2006-6502 Use-after-free vulnerability in the LiveConnect bridge code for Mozilla Firefox 2.x before, 1.5.x before, Thunderbird before, and SeaMonkey before 1.0.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via unknown vectors.
CVE-2006-2788 Double free vulnerability in the getRawDER function for nsIX509Cert in Firefox allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (hang) and possibly execute arbitrary code via certain Javascript code.
CVE-2006-2781 Double free vulnerability in nsVCard.cpp in Mozilla Thunderbird before and SeaMonkey before 1.0.2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (hang) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a VCard that contains invalid base64 characters.
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