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There are 9 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2022-46751 Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference, XML Injection (aka Blind XPath Injection) vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache Ivy.This issue affects any version of Apache Ivy prior to 2.5.2. When Apache Ivy prior to 2.5.2 parses XML files - either its own configuration, Ivy files or Apache Maven POMs - it will allow downloading external document type definitions and expand any entity references contained therein when used. This can be used to exfiltrate data, access resources only the machine running Ivy has access to or disturb the execution of Ivy in different ways. Starting with Ivy 2.5.2 DTD processing is disabled by default except when parsing Maven POMs where the default is to allow DTD processing but only to include a DTD snippet shipping with Ivy that is needed to deal with existing Maven POMs that are not valid XML files but are nevertheless accepted by Maven. Access can be be made more lenient via newly introduced system properties where needed. Users of Ivy prior to version 2.5.2 can use Java system properties to restrict processing of external DTDs, see the section about "JAXP Properties for External Access restrictions" inside Oracle's "Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) Security Guide".
CVE-2022-29599 In Apache Maven maven-shared-utils prior to version 3.3.3, the Commandline class can emit double-quoted strings without proper escaping, allowing shell injection attacks.
CVE-2022-22932 Apache Karaf obr:* commands and run goal on the karaf-maven-plugin have partial path traversal which allows to break out of expected folder. The risk is low as obr:* commands are not very used and the entry is set by user. This has been fixed in revision:;h=36a2bc4;h=52b70cf Mitigation: Apache Karaf users should upgrade to 4.2.15 or 4.3.6 or later as soon as possible, or use correct path. JIRA Tickets:
CVE-2021-36739 The "first name" and "last name" fields of the Apache Pluto 3.1.0 MVCBean JSP portlet maven archetype are vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
CVE-2021-26291 Apache Maven will follow repositories that are defined in a dependency’s Project Object Model (pom) which may be surprising to some users, resulting in potential risk if a malicious actor takes over that repository or is able to insert themselves into a position to pretend to be that repository. Maven is changing the default behavior in 3.8.1+ to no longer follow http (non-SSL) repository references by default. More details available in the referenced urls. If you are currently using a repository manager to govern the repositories used by your builds, you are unaffected by the risks present in the legacy behavior, and are unaffected by this vulnerability and change to default behavior. See this link for more information about repository management:
CVE-2020-13949 In Apache Thrift 0.9.3 to 0.13.0, malicious RPC clients could send short messages which would result in a large memory allocation, potentially leading to denial of service.
CVE-2019-10086 In Apache Commons Beanutils 1.9.2, a special BeanIntrospector class was added which allows suppressing the ability for an attacker to access the classloader via the class property available on all Java objects. We, however were not using this by default characteristic of the PropertyUtilsBean.
CVE-2018-11804 Spark's Apache Maven-based build includes a convenience script, 'build/mvn', that downloads and runs a zinc server to speed up compilation. It has been included in release branches since 1.3.x, up to and including master. This server will accept connections from external hosts by default. A specially-crafted request to the zinc server could cause it to reveal information in files readable to the developer account running the build. Note that this issue does not affect end users of Spark, only developers building Spark from source code.
CVE-2013-0253 The default configuration of Apache Maven 3.0.4, when using Maven Wagon 2.1, disables SSL certificate checks, which allows remote attackers to spoof servers via a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack.
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