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There are 143 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-40629 JumpServer is an open-source Privileged Access Management (PAM) tool that provides DevOps and IT teams with on-demand and secure access to SSH, RDP, Kubernetes, Database and RemoteApp endpoints through a web browser. An attacker can exploit the Ansible playbook to write arbitrary files, leading to remote code execution (RCE) in the Celery container. The Celery container runs as root and has database access, allowing an attacker to steal all secrets for hosts, create a new JumpServer account with admin privileges, or manipulate the database in other ways. This issue has been patched in release versions 3.10.12 and 4.0.0. It is recommended to upgrade the safe versions. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2024-40628 JumpServer is an open-source Privileged Access Management (PAM) tool that provides DevOps and IT teams with on-demand and secure access to SSH, RDP, Kubernetes, Database and RemoteApp endpoints through a web browser. An attacker can exploit the ansible playbook to read arbitrary files in the celery container, leading to sensitive information disclosure. The Celery container runs as root and has database access, allowing the attacker to steal all secrets for hosts, create a new JumpServer account with admin privileges, or manipulate the database in other ways. This issue has been addressed in release versions 3.10.12 and 4.0.0. It is recommended to upgrade the safe versions. There is no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2024-36110 ansibleguy-webui is an open source WebUI for using Ansible. Multiple forms in versions < 0.0.21 allowed injection of HTML elements. These are returned to the user after executing job actions and thus evaluated by the browser. These issues have been addressed in version 0.0.21 (0.0.21.post2 on pypi). Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for these issues.
CVE-2024-29202 JumpServer is an open source bastion host and an operation and maintenance security audit system. Attackers can exploit a Jinja2 template injection vulnerability in JumpServer's Ansible to execute arbitrary code within the Celery container. Since the Celery container runs with root privileges and has database access, attackers could steal sensitive information from all hosts or manipulate the database. This vulnerability is fixed in v3.10.7.
CVE-2024-29201 JumpServer is an open source bastion host and an operation and maintenance security audit system. Attackers can bypass the input validation mechanism in JumpServer's Ansible to execute arbitrary code within the Celery container. Since the Celery container runs with root privileges and has database access, attackers could steal sensitive information from all hosts or manipulate the database. This vulnerability is fixed in v3.10.7.
CVE-2024-1657 A flaw was found in the ansible automation platform. An insecure WebSocket connection was being used in installation from the Ansible rulebook EDA server. An attacker that has access to any machine in the CIDR block could download all rulebook data from the WebSocket, resulting in loss of confidentiality and integrity of the system.
CVE-2024-0690 An information disclosure flaw was found in ansible-core due to a failure to respect the ANSIBLE_NO_LOG configuration in some scenarios. Information is still included in the output in certain tasks, such as loop items. Depending on the task, this issue may include sensitive information, such as decrypted secret values.
CVE-2023-5764 A template injection flaw was found in Ansible where a user's controller internal templating operations may remove the unsafe designation from template data. This issue could allow an attacker to use a specially crafted file to introduce templating injection when supplying templating data.
CVE-2023-5189 A path traversal vulnerability exists in Ansible when extracting tarballs. An attacker could craft a malicious tarball so that when using the galaxy importer of Ansible Automation Hub, a symlink could be dropped on the disk, resulting in files being overwritten.
CVE-2023-5115 An absolute path traversal attack exists in the Ansible automation platform. This flaw allows an attacker to craft a malicious Ansible role and make the victim execute the role. A symlink can be used to overwrite a file outside of the extraction path.
CVE-2023-4380 A logic flaw exists in Ansible Automation platform. Whenever a private project is created with incorrect credentials, they are logged in plaintext. This flaw allows an attacker to retrieve the credentials from the log, resulting in the loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
CVE-2023-4237 A flaw was found in the Ansible Automation Platform. When creating a new keypair, the ec2_key module prints out the private key directly to the standard output. This flaw allows an attacker to fetch those keys from the log files, compromising the system's confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
CVE-2023-39059 An issue in ansible semaphore v.2.8.90 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted payload to the extra variables parameter.
CVE-2023-32983 Jenkins Ansible Plugin 204.v8191fd551eb_f and earlier does not mask extra variables displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.
CVE-2023-32982 Jenkins Ansible Plugin 204.v8191fd551eb_f and earlier stores extra variables unencrypted in job config.xml files on the Jenkins controller where they can be viewed by users with Item/Extended Read permission or access to the Jenkins controller file system.
CVE-2023-28609 api/auth.go in Ansible Semaphore before 2.8.89 mishandles authentication.
CVE-2022-3697 A flaw was found in Ansible in the collection when using the tower_callback parameter from the module. This flaw allows an attacker to take advantage of this issue as the module is handling the parameter insecurely, leading to the password leaking in the logs.
CVE-2022-3644 The collection remote for pulp_ansible stores tokens in plaintext instead of using pulp's encrypted field and exposes them in read/write mode via the API () instead of marking it as write only.
CVE-2022-3205 Cross site scripting in automation controller UI in Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 and 2.0 where the project name is susceptible to XSS injection
CVE-2022-3146 A flaw was found in tripleo-ansible. Due to an insecure default configuration, the permissions of a sensitive file are not sufficiently restricted. This flaw allows a local attacker to use brute force to explore the relevant directory and discover the file. This issue leads to information disclosure of important configuration details from the OpenStack deployment.
CVE-2022-3101 A flaw was found in tripleo-ansible. Due to an insecure default configuration, the permissions of a sensitive file are not sufficiently restricted. This flaw allows a local attacker to use brute force to explore the relevant directory and discover the file, leading to information disclosure of important configuration details from the OpenStack deployment.
CVE-2022-2568 A privilege escalation flaw was found in the Ansible Automation Platform. This flaw allows a remote authenticated user with 'change user' permissions to modify the account settings of the superuser account and also remove the superuser privileges.
CVE-2022-1662 In convert2rhel, there's an ansible playbook named ansible/run-convert2rhel.yml which passes the Red Hat Subscription Manager user password via the CLI to convert2rhel. This could allow unauthorized local users to view the password via the process list while convert2rhel is running. However, this ansible playbook is only an example in the upstream repository and it is not shipped in officially supported versions of convert2rhel.
CVE-2021-4112 A flaw was found in ansible-tower where the default installation is vulnerable to job isolation escape. This flaw allows an attacker to elevate the privilege from a low privileged user to an AWX user from outside the isolated environment.
CVE-2021-4041 A flaw was found in ansible-runner. An improper escaping of the shell command, while calling the ansible_runner.interface.run_command, can lead to parameters getting executed as host's shell command. A developer could unintentionally write code that gets executed in the host rather than the virtual environment.
CVE-2021-3702 A race condition flaw was found in ansible-runner, where an attacker could watch for rapid creation and deletion of a temporary directory, substitute their directory at that name, and then have access to ansible-runner's private_data_dir the next time ansible-runner made use of the private_data_dir. The highest Threat out of this flaw is to integrity and confidentiality.
CVE-2021-3701 A flaw was found in ansible-runner where the default temporary files configuration in ansible-2.0.0 are written to world R/W locations. This flaw allows an attacker to pre-create the directory, resulting in reading private information or forcing ansible-runner to write files as the legitimate user in a place they did not expect. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality and integrity.
CVE-2021-3681 A flaw was found in Ansible Galaxy Collections. When collections are built manually, any files in the repository directory that are not explicitly excluded via the ``build_ignore`` list in "galaxy.yml" include files in the ``.tar.gz`` file. This contains sensitive info, such as the user's Ansible Galaxy API key and any secrets in ``ansible`` or ``ansible-playbook`` verbose output without the``no_log`` redaction. Currently, there is no way to deprecate a Collection Or delete a Collection Version. Once published, anyone who downloads or installs the collection can view the secrets.
CVE-2021-3620 A flaw was found in Ansible Engine's ansible-connection module, where sensitive information such as the Ansible user credentials is disclosed by default in the traceback error message. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality.
CVE-2021-3589 An authorization flaw was found in Foreman Ansible. An authenticated attacker with certain permissions to create and run Ansible jobs can access hosts through job templates. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity as well as system availability.
CVE-2021-3583 A flaw was found in Ansible, where a user's controller is vulnerable to template injection. This issue can occur through facts used in the template if the user is trying to put templates in multi-line YAML strings and the facts being handled do not routinely include special template characters. This flaw allows attackers to perform command injection, which discloses sensitive information. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality and integrity.
CVE-2021-3447 A flaw was found in several ansible modules, where parameters containing credentials, such as secrets, were being logged in plain-text on managed nodes, as well as being made visible on the controller node when run in verbose mode. These parameters were not protected by the no_log feature. An attacker can take advantage of this information to steal those credentials, provided when they have access to the log files containing them. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality. This flaw affects Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform in versions before 1.2.2 and Ansible Tower in versions before 3.8.2.
CVE-2021-33924 Confluent Ansible (cp-ansible) version 5.5.0, 5.5.1, 5.5.2 and 6.0.0 is vulnerable to Incorrect Access Control via its auxiliary component that allows remote attackers to access sensitive information.
CVE-2021-33923 Insecure permissions in Confluent Ansible (cp-ansible) 5.5.0, 5.5.1, 5.5.2 and 6.0.0 allows local attackers to access some sensitive information (private keys, state database).
CVE-2021-31918 A flaw was found in tripleo-ansible version as shipped in Red Hat Openstack 16.1. The Ansible log file is readable to all users during stack update and creation. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality.
CVE-2021-21382 Restund is an open source NAT traversal server. The restund TURN server can be instructed to open a relay to the loopback address range. This allows you to reach any other service running on localhost which you might consider private. In the configuration that we ship ( the `status` interface of restund is enabled and is listening on ``.The `status` interface allows users to issue administrative commands to `restund` like listing open relays or draining connections. It would be possible for an attacker to contact the status interface and issue administrative commands by setting `XOR-PEER-ADDRESS` to `{{restund_udp_status_port}}` when opening a TURN channel. We now explicitly disallow relaying to loopback addresses, 'any' addresses, link local addresses, and the broadcast address. As a workaround disable the `status` module in your restund configuration. However there might still be other services running on `` that you do not want to have exposed. The `turn` module can be disabled. Restund will still perform STUN and this might already be enough for initiating calls in your environments. TURN is only used as a last resort when other NAT traversal options do not work. One should also make sure that the TURN server is set up with firewall rules so that it cannot relay to other addresses that you don't want the TURN server to relay to. For example other services in the same VPC where the TURN server is running. Ideally TURN servers should be deployed in an isolated fashion where they can only reach what they need to reach to perform their task of assisting NAT-traversal.
CVE-2021-20253 A flaw was found in ansible-tower. The default installation is vulnerable to Job Isolation escape allowing an attacker to elevate the privilege from a low privileged user to the awx user from outside the isolated environment. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity as well as system availability.
CVE-2021-20228 A flaw was found in the Ansible Engine 2.9.18, where sensitive info is not masked by default and is not protected by the no_log feature when using the sub-option feature of the module. This flaw allows an attacker to obtain sensitive information. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality.
CVE-2021-20191 A flaw was found in ansible. Credentials, such as secrets, are being disclosed in console log by default and not protected by no_log feature when using those modules. An attacker can take advantage of this information to steal those credentials. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality. Versions before ansible 2.9.18 are affected.
CVE-2021-20180 A flaw was found in ansible module where credentials are disclosed in the console log by default and not protected by the security feature when using the bitbucket_pipeline_variable module. This flaw allows an attacker to steal bitbucket_pipeline credentials. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality.
CVE-2021-20178 A flaw was found in ansible module where credentials are disclosed in the console log by default and not protected by the security feature when using the bitbucket_pipeline_variable module. This flaw allows an attacker to steal bitbucket_pipeline credentials. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality.
CVE-2020-26278 Weave Net is open source software which creates a virtual network that connects Docker containers across multiple hosts and enables their automatic discovery. Weave Net before version 2.8.0 has a vulnerability in which can allow an attacker to take over any host in the cluster. Weave Net is supplied with a manifest that runs pods on every node in a Kubernetes cluster, which are responsible for managing network connections for all other pods in the cluster. This requires a lot of power over the host, and the manifest sets `privileged: true`, which gives it that power. It also set `hostPID: true`, which gave it the ability to access all other processes on the host, and write anywhere in the root filesystem of the host. This setting was not necessary, and is being removed. You are only vulnerable if you have an additional vulnerability (e.g. a bug in Kubernetes) or misconfiguration that allows an attacker to run code inside the Weave Net pod, No such bug is known at the time of release, and there are no known instances of this being exploited. Weave Net 2.8.0 removes the hostPID setting and moves CNI plugin install to an init container. Users who do not update to 2.8.0 can edit the hostPID line in their existing DaemonSet manifest to say false instead of true, arrange some other way to install CNI plugins (e.g. Ansible) and remove those mounts from the DaemonSet manifest.
CVE-2020-25677 A flaw was found in Ceph-ansible v4.0.41 where it creates an /etc/ceph/iscsi-gateway.conf with insecure default permissions. This flaw allows any user on the system to read sensitive information within this file. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality.
CVE-2020-25646 A flaw was found in Ansible Collection community.crypto. openssl_privatekey_info exposes private key in logs. This directly impacts confidentiality
CVE-2020-25636 A flaw was found in Ansible Base when using the aws_ssm connection plugin as there is no namespace separation for file transfers. Files are written directly to the root bucket, making possible to have collisions when running multiple ansible processes. This issue affects mainly the service availability.
CVE-2020-25635 A flaw was found in Ansible Base when using the aws_ssm connection plugin as garbage collector is not happening after playbook run is completed. Files would remain in the bucket exposing the data. This issue affects directly data confidentiality.
CVE-2020-2310 Missing permission checks in Jenkins Ansible Plugin 1.0 and earlier allow attackers with Overall/Read permission to enumerate credentials IDs of credentials stored in Jenkins.
CVE-2020-1753 A security flaw was found in Ansible Engine, all Ansible 2.7.x versions prior to 2.7.17, all Ansible 2.8.x versions prior to 2.8.11 and all Ansible 2.9.x versions prior to 2.9.7, when managing kubernetes using the k8s module. Sensitive parameters such as passwords and tokens are passed to kubectl from the command line, not using an environment variable or an input configuration file. This will disclose passwords and tokens from process list and no_log directive from debug module would not have any effect making these secrets being disclosed on stdout and log files.
CVE-2020-1746 A flaw was found in the Ansible Engine affecting Ansible Engine versions 2.7.x before 2.7.17 and 2.8.x before 2.8.11 and 2.9.x before 2.9.7 as well as Ansible Tower before and including versions 3.4.5 and 3.5.5 and 3.6.3 when the ldap_attr and ldap_entry community modules are used. The issue discloses the LDAP bind password to stdout or a log file if a playbook task is written using the bind_pw in the parameters field. The highest threat from this vulnerability is data confidentiality.
CVE-2020-1741 A flaw was found in openshift-ansible. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 3.11 is too permissive in the way it specified CORS allowed origins during installation. An attacker, able to man-in-the-middle the connection between the user's browser and the openshift console, could use this flaw to perform a phishing attack. The main threat from this vulnerability is data confidentiality.
CVE-2020-1740 A flaw was found in Ansible Engine when using Ansible Vault for editing encrypted files. When a user executes "ansible-vault edit", another user on the same computer can read the old and new secret, as it is created in a temporary file with mkstemp and the returned file descriptor is closed and the method write_data is called to write the existing secret in the file. This method will delete the file before recreating it insecurely. All versions in 2.7.x, 2.8.x and 2.9.x branches are believed to be vulnerable.
CVE-2020-1739 A flaw was found in Ansible 2.7.16 and prior, 2.8.8 and prior, and 2.9.5 and prior when a password is set with the argument "password" of svn module, it is used on svn command line, disclosing to other users within the same node. An attacker could take advantage by reading the cmdline file from that particular PID on the procfs.
CVE-2020-1738 A flaw was found in Ansible Engine when the module package or service is used and the parameter 'use' is not specified. If a previous task is executed with a malicious user, the module sent can be selected by the attacker using the ansible facts file. All versions in 2.7.x, 2.8.x and 2.9.x branches are believed to be vulnerable.
CVE-2020-1737 A flaw was found in Ansible 2.7.17 and prior, 2.8.9 and prior, and 2.9.6 and prior when using the Extract-Zip function from the win_unzip module as the extracted file(s) are not checked if they belong to the destination folder. An attacker could take advantage of this flaw by crafting an archive anywhere in the file system, using a path traversal. This issue is fixed in 2.10.
CVE-2020-1736 A flaw was found in Ansible Engine when a file is moved using atomic_move primitive as the file mode cannot be specified. This sets the destination files world-readable if the destination file does not exist and if the file exists, the file could be changed to have less restrictive permissions before the move. This could lead to the disclosure of sensitive data. All versions in 2.7.x, 2.8.x and 2.9.x branches are believed to be vulnerable.
CVE-2020-1735 A flaw was found in the Ansible Engine when the fetch module is used. An attacker could intercept the module, inject a new path, and then choose a new destination path on the controller node. All versions in 2.7.x, 2.8.x and 2.9.x branches are believed to be vulnerable.
CVE-2020-1734 A flaw was found in the pipe lookup plugin of ansible. Arbitrary commands can be run, when the pipe lookup plugin uses subprocess.Popen() with shell=True, by overwriting ansible facts and the variable is not escaped by quote plugin. An attacker could take advantage and run arbitrary commands by overwriting the ansible facts.
CVE-2020-1733 A race condition flaw was found in Ansible Engine 2.7.17 and prior, 2.8.9 and prior, 2.9.6 and prior when running a playbook with an unprivileged become user. When Ansible needs to run a module with become user, the temporary directory is created in /var/tmp. This directory is created with "umask 77 && mkdir -p <dir>"; this operation does not fail if the directory already exists and is owned by another user. An attacker could take advantage to gain control of the become user as the target directory can be retrieved by iterating '/proc/<pid>/cmdline'.
CVE-2020-1716 A flaw was found in the ceph-ansible playbook where it contained hardcoded passwords that were being used as default passwords while deploying Ceph services. Any authenticated attacker can abuse this flaw to brute-force Ceph deployments, and gain administrator access to Ceph clusters via the Ceph dashboard to initiate read, write, and delete Ceph clusters and also modify Ceph cluster configurations. Versions before ceph-ansible 6.0.0alpha1 are affected.
CVE-2020-14369 This release fixes a Cross Site Request Forgery vulnerability was found in Red Hat CloudForms which forces end users to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which the user is currently authenticated. An attacker can make a forgery HTTP request to the server by crafting custom flash file which can force the user to perform state changing requests like provisioning VMs, running ansible playbooks and so forth.
CVE-2020-14365 A flaw was found in the Ansible Engine, in ansible-engine 2.8.x before 2.8.15 and ansible-engine 2.9.x before 2.9.13, when installing packages using the dnf module. GPG signatures are ignored during installation even when disable_gpg_check is set to False, which is the default behavior. This flaw leads to malicious packages being installed on the system and arbitrary code executed via package installation scripts. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to integrity and system availability.
CVE-2020-14332 A flaw was found in the Ansible Engine when using module_args. Tasks executed with check mode (--check-mode) do not properly neutralize sensitive data exposed in the event data. This flaw allows unauthorized users to read this data. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality.
CVE-2020-14330 An Improper Output Neutralization for Logs flaw was found in Ansible when using the uri module, where sensitive data is exposed to content and json output. This flaw allows an attacker to access the logs or outputs of performed tasks to read keys used in playbooks from other users within the uri module. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality.
CVE-2020-14329 A data exposure flaw was found in Ansible Tower in versions before 3.7.2, where sensitive data can be exposed from the /api/v2/labels/ endpoint. This flaw allows users from other organizations in the system to retrieve any label from the organization and also disclose organization names. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality.
CVE-2020-14328 A flaw was found in Ansible Tower in versions before 3.7.2. A Server Side Request Forgery flaw can be abused by supplying a URL which could lead to the server processing it connecting to internal services or exposing additional internal services and more particularly retrieving full details in case of error. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality.
CVE-2020-14327 A Server-side request forgery (SSRF) flaw was found in Ansible Tower in versions before 3.6.5 and before 3.7.2. Functionality on the Tower server is abused by supplying a URL that could lead to the server processing it. This flaw leads to the connection to internal services or the exposure of additional internal services by abusing the test feature of lookup credentials to forge HTTP/HTTPS requests from the server and retrieving the results of the response.
CVE-2020-14296 Red Hat CloudForms 4.7 and 5 was vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) flaw. With the access to add Ansible Tower provider, an attacker could scan and attack systems from the internal network which are not normally accessible.
CVE-2020-10782 An exposure of sensitive information flaw was found in Ansible version 3.7.0. Sensitive information, such tokens and other secrets could be readable and exposed from the rsyslog configuration file, which has set the wrong world-readable permissions. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality. This is fixed in Ansible version 3.7.1.
CVE-2020-10744 An incomplete fix was found for the fix of the flaw CVE-2020-1733 ansible: insecure temporary directory when running become_user from become directive. The provided fix is insufficient to prevent the race condition on systems using ACLs and FUSE filesystems. Ansible Engine 2.7.18, 2.8.12, and 2.9.9 as well as previous versions are affected and Ansible Tower 3.4.5, 3.5.6 and 3.6.4 as well as previous versions are affected.
CVE-2020-10729 A flaw was found in the use of insufficiently random values in Ansible. Two random password lookups of the same length generate the equal value as the template caching action for the same file since no re-evaluation happens. The highest threat from this vulnerability would be that all passwords are exposed at once for the file. This flaw affects Ansible Engine versions before 2.9.6.
CVE-2020-10716 A flaw was found in Red Hat Satellite's Job Invocation, where the "User Input" entry was not properly restricted to the view. This flaw allows a malicious Satellite user to scan through the Job Invocation, with the ability to search for passwords and other sensitive data. This flaw affects tfm-rubygem-foreman_ansible versions before
CVE-2020-10709 A security flaw was found in Ansible Tower when requesting an OAuth2 token with an OAuth2 application. Ansible Tower uses the token to provide authentication. This flaw allows an attacker to obtain a refresh token that does not expire. The original token granted to the user still has access to Ansible Tower, which allows any user that can gain access to the token to be fully authenticated to Ansible Tower. This flaw affects Ansible Tower versions before 3.6.4 and Ansible Tower versions before 3.5.6.
CVE-2020-10698 A flaw was found in Ansible Tower when running jobs. This flaw allows an attacker to access the stdout of the executed jobs which are run from other organizations. Some sensible data can be disclosed. However, critical data should not be disclosed, as it should be protected by the no_log flag when debugging is enabled. This flaw affects Ansible Tower versions before 3.6.4, Ansible Tower versions before 3.5.6 and Ansible Tower versions before 3.4.6.
CVE-2020-10697 A flaw was found in Ansible Tower when running Openshift. Tower runs a memcached, which is accessed via TCP. An attacker can take advantage of writing a playbook polluting this cache, causing a denial of service attack. This attack would not completely stop the service, but in the worst-case scenario, it can reduce the Tower performance, for which memcached is designed. Theoretically, more sophisticated attacks can be performed by manipulating and crafting the cache, as Tower relies on memcached as a place to pull out setting values. Confidential and sensitive data stored in memcached should not be pulled, as this information is encrypted. This flaw affects Ansible Tower versions before 3.6.4, Ansible Tower versions before 3.5.6 and Ansible Tower versions before 3.4.6.
CVE-2020-10691 An archive traversal flaw was found in all ansible-engine versions 2.9.x prior to 2.9.7, when running ansible-galaxy collection install. When extracting a collection .tar.gz file, the directory is created without sanitizing the filename. An attacker could take advantage to overwrite any file within the system.
CVE-2020-10685 A flaw was found in Ansible Engine affecting Ansible Engine versions 2.7.x before 2.7.17 and 2.8.x before 2.8.11 and 2.9.x before 2.9.7 as well as Ansible Tower before and including versions 3.4.5 and 3.5.5 and 3.6.3 when using modules which decrypts vault files such as assemble, script, unarchive, win_copy, aws_s3 or copy modules. The temporary directory is created in /tmp leaves the s ts unencrypted. On Operating Systems which /tmp is not a tmpfs but part of the root partition, the directory is only cleared on boot and the decryp emains when the host is switched off. The system will be vulnerable when the system is not running. So decrypted data must be cleared as soon as possible and the data which normally is encrypted ble.
CVE-2020-10684 A flaw was found in Ansible Engine, all versions 2.7.x, 2.8.x and 2.9.x prior to 2.7.17, 2.8.9 and 2.9.6 respectively, when using ansible_facts as a subkey of itself and promoting it to a variable when inject is enabled, overwriting the ansible_facts after the clean. An attacker could take advantage of this by altering the ansible_facts, such as ansible_hosts, users and any other key data which would lead into privilege escalation or code injection.
CVE-2019-3828 Ansible fetch module before versions 2.5.15, 2.6.14, 2.7.8 has a path traversal vulnerability which allows copying and overwriting files outside of the specified destination in the local ansible controller host, by not restricting an absolute path.
CVE-2019-19355 An insecure modification vulnerability in the /etc/passwd file was found in the openshift/ocp-release-operator-sdk. An attacker with access to the container could use this flaw to modify /etc/passwd and escalate their privileges. This CVE is specific to the openshift/ansible-operator-container as shipped in Openshift 4.
CVE-2019-19350 An insecure modification vulnerability in the /etc/passwd file was found in the openshift/ansible-service-broker as shipped in Red Hat Openshift 4 and 3.11. An attacker with access to the container could use this flaw to modify /etc/passwd and escalate their privileges.
CVE-2019-19342 A flaw was found in Ansible Tower, versions 3.6.x before 3.6.2 and 3.5.x before 3.5.4, when /websocket is requested and the password contains the '#' character. This request would cause a socket error in RabbitMQ when parsing the password and an HTTP error code 500 and partial password disclose will occur in plaintext. An attacker could easily guess some predictable passwords or brute force the password.
CVE-2019-19341 A flaw was found in Ansible Tower, versions 3.6.x before 3.6.2, where files in '/var/backup/tower' are left world-readable. These files include both the SECRET_KEY and the database backup. Any user with access to the Tower server, and knowledge of when a backup is run, could retrieve every credential stored in Tower. Access to data is the highest threat with this vulnerability.
CVE-2019-19340 A flaw was found in Ansible Tower, versions 3.6.x before 3.6.2 and 3.5.x before 3.5.3, where enabling RabbitMQ manager by setting it with '-e rabbitmq_enable_manager=true' exposes the RabbitMQ management interface publicly, as expected. If the default admin user is still active, an attacker could guess the password and gain access to the system.
CVE-2019-15149 ** DISPUTED ** in Mitogen before 0.2.8 has a typo that drops the unidirectional-routing protection mechanism in the case of a child that is initiated by another child. The Ansible extension is unaffected. NOTE: the vendor disputes this issue because it is exploitable only in conjunction with hypothetical other factors, i.e., an affected use case within a library caller, and a bug in the message receiver policy code that led to reliance on this extra protection mechanism.
CVE-2019-14905 A vulnerability was found in Ansible Engine versions 2.9.x before 2.9.3, 2.8.x before 2.8.8, 2.7.x before 2.7.16 and earlier, where in Ansible's nxos_file_copy module can be used to copy files to a flash or bootflash on NXOS devices. Malicious code could craft the filename parameter to perform OS command injections. This could result in a loss of confidentiality of the system among other issues.
CVE-2019-14904 A flaw was found in the solaris_zone module from the Ansible Community modules. When setting the name for the zone on the Solaris host, the zone name is checked by listing the process with the 'ps' bare command on the remote machine. An attacker could take advantage of this flaw by crafting the name of the zone and executing arbitrary commands in the remote host. Ansible Engine 2.7.15, 2.8.7, and 2.9.2 as well as previous versions are affected.
CVE-2019-14890 A vulnerability was found in Ansible Tower before 3.6.1 where an attacker with low privilege could retrieve usernames and passwords credentials from the new RHSM saved in plain text into the database at '/api/v2/config' when applying the Ansible Tower license.
CVE-2019-14864 Ansible, versions 2.9.x before 2.9.1, 2.8.x before 2.8.7 and Ansible versions 2.7.x before 2.7.15, is not respecting the flag no_log set it to True when Sumologic and Splunk callback plugins are used send tasks results events to collectors. This would discloses and collects any sensitive data.
CVE-2019-14858 A vulnerability was found in Ansible engine 2.x up to 2.8 and Ansible tower 3.x up to 3.5. When a module has an argument_spec with sub parameters marked as no_log, passing an invalid parameter name to the module will cause the task to fail before the no_log options in the sub parameters are processed. As a result, data in the sub parameter fields will not be masked and will be displayed if Ansible is run with increased verbosity and present in the module invocation arguments for the task.
CVE-2019-14856 ansible before versions 2.8.6, 2.7.14, 2.6.20 is vulnerable to a None
CVE-2019-14846 In Ansible, all Ansible Engine versions up to ansible-engine 2.8.5, ansible-engine 2.7.13, ansible-engine 2.6.19, were logging at the DEBUG level which lead to a disclosure of credentials if a plugin used a library that logged credentials at the DEBUG level. This flaw does not affect Ansible modules, as those are executed in a separate process.
CVE-2019-10312 A missing permission check in Jenkins Ansible Tower Plugin 0.9.1 and earlier in the TowerInstallation.TowerInstallationDescriptor#doFillTowerCredentialsIdItems method allowed attackers with Overall/Read permission to enumerate credentials ID of credentials stored in Jenkins.
CVE-2019-10311 A missing permission check in Jenkins Ansible Tower Plugin 0.9.1 and earlier in the TowerInstallation.TowerInstallationDescriptor#doTestTowerConnection form validation method allowed attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified credentials IDs obtained through another method, capturing credentials stored in Jenkins.
CVE-2019-10310 A cross-site request forgery vulnerability in Jenkins Ansible Tower Plugin 0.9.1 and earlier in the TowerInstallation.TowerInstallationDescriptor#doTestTowerConnection form validation method allowed attackers permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified credentials IDs obtained through another method, capturing credentials stored in Jenkins
CVE-2019-10217 A flaw was found in ansible 2.8.0 before 2.8.4. Fields managing sensitive data should be set as such by no_log feature. Some of these fields in GCP modules are not set properly. service_account_contents() which is common class for all gcp modules is not setting no_log to True. Any sensitive data managed by that function would be leak as an output when running ansible playbooks.
CVE-2019-10206 ansible-playbook -k and ansible cli tools, all versions 2.8.x before 2.8.4, all 2.7.x before 2.7.13 and all 2.6.x before 2.6.19, prompt passwords by expanding them from templates as they could contain special characters. Passwords should be wrapped to prevent templates trigger and exposing them.
CVE-2019-10156 A flaw was discovered in the way Ansible templating was implemented in versions before 2.6.18, 2.7.12 and 2.8.2, causing the possibility of information disclosure through unexpected variable substitution. By taking advantage of unintended variable substitution the content of any variable may be disclosed.
CVE-2019-10139 During HE deployment via cockpit-ovirt, cockpit-ovirt generates an ansible variable file `/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/cockpit/ansibleVarFileXXXXXX.var` which contains the admin and the appliance passwords as plain-text. At the of the deployment procedure, these files are deleted.
CVE-2018-17954 An Improper Privilege Management in crowbar of SUSE OpenStack Cloud 7, SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8, SUSE OpenStack Cloud 9, SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 8, SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 9 allows root users on any crowbar managed node to cause become root on any other node. This issue affects: SUSE OpenStack Cloud 7 crowbar-core versions prior to 4.0+git.1578392992.fabfd186c-9.63.1, crowbar-. SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8 ardana-cinder versions prior to 8.0+git.1579279939.ee7da88-3.39.3, ardana-. SUSE OpenStack Cloud 9 ardana-ansible versions prior to 9.0+git.1581611758.f694f7d-3.16.1, ardana-. SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 8 crowbar-core versions prior to 5.0+git.1582968668.1a55c77c5-3.35.4, crowbar-. SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 9 crowbar-core versions prior to 6.0+git.1582892022.cbd70e833-3.19.3, crowbar-.
CVE-2018-16879 Ansible Tower before version 3.3.3 does not set a secure channel as it is using the default insecure configuration channel settings for messaging celery workers from RabbitMQ. This could lead in data leak of sensitive information such as passwords as well as denial of service attacks by deleting projects or inventory files.
CVE-2018-16876 ansible before versions 2.5.14, 2.6.11, 2.7.5 is vulnerable to a information disclosure flaw in vvv+ mode with no_log on that can lead to leakage of sensible data.
CVE-2018-16859 Execution of Ansible playbooks on Windows platforms with PowerShell ScriptBlock logging and Module logging enabled can allow for 'become' passwords to appear in EventLogs in plaintext. A local user with administrator privileges on the machine can view these logs and discover the plaintext password. Ansible Engine 2.8 and older are believed to be vulnerable.
CVE-2018-16837 Ansible "User" module leaks any data which is passed on as a parameter to ssh-keygen. This could lean in undesirable situations such as passphrases credentials passed as a parameter for the ssh-keygen executable. Showing those credentials in clear text form for every user which have access just to the process list.
CVE-2018-1117 ovirt-ansible-roles before version 1.0.6 has a vulnerability due to a missing no_log directive, resulting in the 'Add oVirt Provider to ManageIQ/CloudForms' playbook inadvertently disclosing admin passwords in the provisioning log. In an environment where logs are shared with other parties, this could lead to privilege escalation.
CVE-2018-1104 Ansible Tower through version 3.2.3 has a vulnerability that allows users only with access to define variables for a job template to execute arbitrary code on the Tower server.
CVE-2018-1101 Ansible Tower before version 3.2.4 has a flaw in the management of system and organization administrators that allows for privilege escalation. System administrators that are members of organizations can have their passwords reset by organization administrators, allowing organization administrators access to the entire system.
CVE-2018-10884 Ansible Tower before versions 3.1.8 and 3.2.6 is vulnerable to cross-site request forgery (CSRF) in awx/api/ An attacker could exploit this by tricking already authenticated users into visiting a malicious site and hijacking the authtoken cookie.
CVE-2018-10875 A flaw was found in ansible. ansible.cfg is read from the current working directory which can be altered to make it point to a plugin or a module path under the control of an attacker, thus allowing the attacker to execute arbitrary code.
CVE-2018-10874 In ansible it was found that inventory variables are loaded from current working directory when running ad-hoc command which are under attacker's control, allowing to run arbitrary code as a result.
CVE-2018-10855 Ansible 2.5 prior to 2.5.5, and 2.4 prior to 2.4.5, do not honor the no_log task flag for failed tasks. When the no_log flag has been used to protect sensitive data passed to a task from being logged, and that task does not run successfully, Ansible will expose sensitive data in log files and on the terminal of the user running Ansible.
CVE-2018-1085 openshift-ansible before versions 3.9.23, 3.7.46 deploys a misconfigured etcd file that causes the SSL client certificate authentication to be disabled. Quotations around the values of ETCD_CLIENT_CERT_AUTH and ETCD_PEER_CLIENT_CERT_AUTH in etcd.conf result in etcd being configured to allow remote users to connect without any authentication if they can access the etcd server bound to the network on the master nodes. An attacker could use this flaw to read and modify all the data about the Openshift cluster in the etcd datastore, potentially adding another compute node, or bringing down the entire cluster.
CVE-2018-1000149 A man in the middle vulnerability exists in Jenkins Ansible Plugin 0.8 and older in,,,,,, that disables host key verification by default.
CVE-2017-7550 A flaw was found in the way Ansible (2.3.x before 2.3.3, and 2.4.x before 2.4.1) passed certain parameters to the jenkins_plugin module. Remote attackers could use this flaw to expose sensitive information from a remote host's logs. This flaw was fixed by not allowing passwords to be specified in the "params" argument, and noting this in the module documentation.
CVE-2017-7528 Ansible Tower as shipped with Red Hat CloudForms Management Engine 5 is vulnerable to CRLF Injection. It was found that X-Forwarded-For header allows internal servers to deploy other systems (using callback).
CVE-2017-7481 Ansible before versions and fails to properly mark lookup-plugin results as unsafe. If an attacker could control the results of lookup() calls, they could inject Unicode strings to be parsed by the jinja2 templating system, resulting in code execution. By default, the jinja2 templating language is now marked as 'unsafe' and is not evaluated.
CVE-2017-7466 Ansible before version 2.3 has an input validation vulnerability in the handling of data sent from client systems. An attacker with control over a client system being managed by Ansible, and the ability to send facts back to the Ansible server, could use this flaw to execute arbitrary code on the Ansible server using the Ansible server privileges.
CVE-2017-2809 An exploitable vulnerability exists in the yaml loading functionality of ansible-vault before 1.0.5. A specially crafted vault can execute arbitrary python commands resulting in command execution. An attacker can insert python into the vault to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12148 A flaw was found in Ansible Tower's interface before 3.1.5 and 3.2.0 with SCM repositories. If a Tower project (SCM repository) definition does not have the 'delete before update' flag set, an attacker with commit access to the upstream playbook source repository could create a Trojan playbook that, when executed by Tower, modifies the checked out SCM repository to add git hooks. These git hooks could, in turn, cause arbitrary command and code execution as the user Tower runs as.
CVE-2016-9587 Ansible before versions 2.1.4, 2.2.1 is vulnerable to an improper input validation in Ansible's handling of data sent from client systems. An attacker with control over a client system being managed by Ansible and the ability to send facts back to the Ansible server could use this flaw to execute arbitrary code on the Ansible server using the Ansible server privileges.
CVE-2016-8647 An input validation vulnerability was found in Ansible's mysql_user module before, which may fail to correctly change a password in certain circumstances. Thus the previous password would still be active when it should have been changed.
CVE-2016-8628 Ansible before version 2.2.0 fails to properly sanitize fact variables sent from the Ansible controller. An attacker with the ability to create special variables on the controller could execute arbitrary commands on Ansible clients as the user Ansible runs as.
CVE-2016-8614 A flaw was found in Ansible before version 2.2.0. The apt_key module does not properly verify key fingerprints, allowing remote adversary to create an OpenPGP key which matches the short key ID and inject this key instead of the correct key.
CVE-2016-7070 A privilege escalation flaw was found in the Ansible Tower. When Tower before 3.0.3 deploys a PostgreSQL database, it incorrectly configures the trust level of postgres user. An attacker could use this vulnerability to gain admin level access to the database.
CVE-2016-3096 The create_script function in the lxc_container module in Ansible before 1.9.6-1 and 2.x before allows local users to write to arbitrary files or gain privileges via a symlink attack on (1) /opt/.lxc-attach-script, (2) the archived container in the archive_path directory, or the (3) lxc-attach-script.log or (4) lxc-attach-script.err files in the temporary directory.
CVE-2015-6240 The chroot, jail, and zone connection plugins in ansible before 1.9.2 allow local users to escape a restricted environment via a symlink attack.
CVE-2015-3908 Ansible before 1.9.2 does not verify that the server hostname matches a domain name in the subject's Common Name (CN) or subjectAltName field of the X.509 certificate, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof SSL servers via an arbitrary valid certificate.
CVE-2015-2186 The Ansible edxapp role in the Configuration Repo in edX allows remote websites to spoof edX accounts by leveraging use of the string literal "False" instead of a boolean False for the CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL setting. Note: this vulnerability was fixed on 2015-03-06, but the version number was not changed.
CVE-2015-1482 Ansible Tower (aka Ansible UI) before 2.0.5 allows remote attackers to bypass authentication and obtain sensitive information via a websocket connection to
CVE-2015-1481 Ansible Tower (aka Ansible UI) before 2.0.5 allows remote organization administrators to gain privileges by creating a superuser account.
CVE-2015-1368 Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Ansible Tower (aka Ansible UI) before 2.0.5 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) order_by parameter to credentials/, (2) inventories/, (3) projects/, or (4) users/3/permissions/ in api/v1/ or the (5) next_run parameter to api/v1/schedules/.
CVE-2014-4967 Multiple argument injection vulnerabilities in Ansible before 1.6.7 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by leveraging access to an Ansible managed host and providing a crafted fact, as demonstrated by a fact with (1) a trailing " src=" clause, (2) a trailing " temp=" clause, or (3) a trailing " validate=" clause accompanied by a shell command.
CVE-2014-4966 Ansible before 1.6.7 does not prevent inventory data with "{{" and "lookup" substrings, and does not prevent remote data with "{{" substrings, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via (1) crafted lookup('pipe') calls or (2) crafted Jinja2 data.
CVE-2014-4678 The safe_eval function in Ansible before 1.6.4 does not properly restrict the code subset, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted instructions. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2014-4657.
CVE-2014-4660 Ansible before 1.5.5 constructs filenames containing user and password fields on the basis of deb lines in sources.list, which might allow local users to obtain sensitive credential information in opportunistic circumstances by leveraging existence of a file that uses the "deb http://user:pass@server:port/" format.
CVE-2014-4659 Ansible before 1.5.5 sets 0644 permissions for sources.list, which might allow local users to obtain sensitive credential information in opportunistic circumstances by reading a file that uses the "deb http://user:pass@server:port/" format.
CVE-2014-4658 The vault subsystem in Ansible before 1.5.5 does not set the umask before creation or modification of a vault file, which allows local users to obtain sensitive key information by reading a file.
CVE-2014-4657 The safe_eval function in Ansible before 1.5.4 does not properly restrict the code subset, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted instructions.
CVE-2014-3498 The user module in ansible before 1.6.6 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary commands.
CVE-2014-2686 Ansible prior to 1.5.4 mishandles the evaluation of some strings.
CVE-2014-125036 A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, has been found in drybjed ansible-ntp. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file meta/main.yml. The manipulation leads to insufficient control of network message volume. The attack can only be done within the local network. The complexity of an attack is rather high. The exploitation is known to be difficult. The patch is identified as ed4ca2cf012677973c220cdba36b5c60bfa0260b. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue. VDB-217190 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.
CVE-2013-4260 lib/ansible/playbook/ in Ansible 1.2.x before 1.2.3, when playbook does not run due to an error, allows local users to overwrite arbitrary files via a symlink attack on a retry file with a predictable name in /var/tmp/ansible/.
CVE-2013-4259 runner/connection_plugins/ in Ansible before 1.2.3, when using ControlPersist, allows local users to redirect a ssh session via a symlink attack on a socket file with a predictable name in /tmp/.
CVE-2013-2233 Ansible before 1.2.1 makes it easier for remote attackers to conduct man-in-the-middle attacks by leveraging failure to cache SSH host keys.
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