Search Results

There are 4 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-37051 GitHub access token could be exposed to third-party sites in JetBrains IDEs after version 2023.1 and less than: IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.7, 2023.2.7, 2023.3.7, 2024.1.3, 2024.2 EAP3; Aqua 2024.1.2; CLion 2023.1.7, 2023.2.4, 2023.3.5, 2024.1.3, 2024.2 EAP2; DataGrip 2023.1.3, 2023.2.4, 2023.3.5, 2024.1.4; DataSpell 2023.1.6, 2023.2.7, 2023.3.6, 2024.1.2, 2024.2 EAP1; GoLand 2023.1.6, 2023.2.7, 2023.3.7, 2024.1.3, 2024.2 EAP3; MPS 2023.2.1, 2023.3.1, 2024.1 EAP2; PhpStorm 2023.1.6, 2023.2.6, 2023.3.7, 2024.1.3, 2024.2 EAP3; PyCharm 2023.1.6, 2023.2.7, 2023.3.6, 2024.1.3, 2024.2 EAP2; Rider 2023.1.7, 2023.2.5, 2023.3.6, 2024.1.3; RubyMine 2023.1.7, 2023.2.7, 2023.3.7, 2024.1.3, 2024.2 EAP4; RustRover 2024.1.1; WebStorm 2023.1.6, 2023.2.7, 2023.3.7, 2024.1.4
CVE-2021-45977 JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.1 Preview, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.1 RC, PyCharm Professional 2021.3.1 RC, GoLand 2021.3.1, PhpStorm 2021.3.1 Preview, PhpStorm 2021.3.1 RC, RubyMine 2021.3.1 Preview, RubyMine 2021.3.1 RC, CLion 2021.3.1, WebStorm 2021.3.1 Preview, and WebStorm 2021.3.1 RC (used as Remote Development backend IDEs) bind to the IP address. The fixed versions are: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.1, PyCharm Professional 2021.3.1, GoLand 2021.3.2, PhpStorm 2021.3.1 (213.6461.83), RubyMine 2021.3.1, CLion 2021.3.2, and WebStorm 2021.3.1.
CVE-2021-31898 In JetBrains WebStorm before 2021.1, HTTP requests were used instead of HTTPS.
CVE-2021-31897 In JetBrains WebStorm before 2021.1, code execution without user confirmation was possible for untrusted projects.
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