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There are 229 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-5891 A vulnerability was found in Quay. If an attacker can obtain the client ID for an application, they can use an OAuth token to authenticate despite not having access to the organization from which the application was created. This issue is limited to authentication and not authorization. However, in configurations where endpoints rely only on authentication, a user may authenticate to applications they otherwise have no access to.
CVE-2024-4540 A flaw was found in Keycloak in OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR). Client-provided parameters were found to be included in plain text in the KC_RESTART cookie returned by the authorization server's HTTP response to a `request_uri` authorization request, possibly leading to an information disclosure vulnerability.
CVE-2024-4024 An issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 7.8 before 16.9.6, all versions starting from 16.10 before 16.10.4, all versions starting from 16.11 before 16.11.1. Under certain conditions, an attacker with their Bitbucket account credentials may be able to take over a GitLab account linked to another user's Bitbucket account, if Bitbucket is used as an OAuth 2.0 provider on GitLab.
CVE-2024-39460 Jenkins Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin 886.v44cf5e4ecec5 and earlier prints the Bitbucket OAuth access token as part of the Bitbucket URL in the build log in some cases.
CVE-2024-38371 authentik is an open-source Identity Provider. Access restrictions assigned to an application were not checked when using the OAuth2 Device code flow. This could potentially allow users without the correct authorization to get OAuth tokens for an application and access it. This issue has been patched in version(s) 2024.6.0, 2024.2.4 and 2024.4.3.
CVE-2024-37893 Firefly III is a free and open source personal finance manager. In affected versions an MFA bypass in the Firefly III OAuth flow may allow malicious users to bypass the MFA-check. This allows malicious users to use password spraying to gain access to Firefly III data using passwords stolen from other sources. As OAuth applications are easily enumerable using an incrementing id, an attacker could try sign an OAuth application up to a users profile quite easily if they have created one. The attacker would also need to know the victims username and password. This problem has been patched in Firefly III v6.1.17 and up. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should Use a unique password for their Firefly III instance and store their password securely, i.e. in a password manager.
CVE-2024-36370 In JetBrains TeamCity before 2022.04.7, 2022.10.6, 2023.05.6, 2023.11.5 stored XSS via OAuth connection settings was possible
CVE-2024-36368 In JetBrains TeamCity before 2022.04.7, 2022.10.6, 2023.05.6, 2023.11.5 reflected XSS via OAuth provider configuration was possible
CVE-2024-31253 URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') vulnerability in WP OAuth Server OAuth Server.This issue affects OAuth Server: from n/a through 4.3.3.
CVE-2024-29033 OAuthenticator provides plugins for JupyterHub to use common OAuth providers, as well as base classes for writing one's own Authenticators with any OAuth 2.0 provider. `GoogleOAuthenticator.hosted_domain` is used to restrict what Google accounts can be authorized access to a JupyterHub. The restriction is intented to be to Google accounts part of one or more Google organization verified to control specified domain(s). Prior to version 16.3.0, the actual restriction has been to Google accounts with emails ending with the domain. Such accounts could have been created by anyone which at one time was able to read an email associated with the domain. This was described by Dylan Ayrey (@dxa4481) in this [blog post] from 15th December 2023). OAuthenticator 16.3.0 contains a patch for this issue. As a workaround, restrict who can login another way, such as `allowed_users` or `allowed_google_groups`.
CVE-2024-27083 Flask-AppBuilder is an application development framework, built on top of Flask. A Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been discovered on the OAuth login page. An attacker could trick a user to follow a specially crafted URL to the OAuth login page. This URL could inject and execute malicious javascript code that would get executed on the user's browser. This issue was introduced on 4.1.4 and patched on 4.2.1.
CVE-2024-25619 Mastodon is a free, open-source social network server based on ActivityPub. When an OAuth Application is destroyed, the streaming server wasn't being informed that the Access Tokens had also been destroyed, this could have posed security risks to users by allowing an application to continue listening to streaming after the application had been destroyed. Essentially this comes down to the fact that when Doorkeeper sets up the relationship between Applications and Access Tokens, it uses a `dependent: delete_all` configuration, which means the `after_commit` callback setup on `AccessTokenExtension` didn't actually fire, since `delete_all` doesn't trigger ActiveRecord callbacks. To mitigate, we need to add a `before_destroy` callback to `ApplicationExtension` which announces to streaming that all the Application's Access Tokens are being "killed". Impact should be negligible given the affected application had to be owned by the user. None the less this issue has been addressed in versions 4.2.6, 4.1.14, 4.0.14, and 3.5.18. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workaround for this vulnerability.
CVE-2024-22403 Nextcloud server is a self hosted personal cloud system. In affected versions OAuth codes did not expire. When an attacker would get access to an authorization code they could authenticate at any time using the code. As of version 28.0.0 OAuth codes are invalidated after 10 minutes and will no longer be authenticated. To exploit this vulnerability an attacker would need to intercept an OAuth code from a user session. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 28.0.0. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2024-2177 A Cross Window Forgery vulnerability exists within GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions from 16.3 prior to 16.11.5, 17.0 prior to 17.0.3, and 17.1 prior to 17.1.1. This condition allows for an attacker to abuse the OAuth authentication flow via a crafted payload.
CVE-2024-21495 Versions of the package before 1.0.42 are vulnerable to Insecure Randomness due to using an insecure random number generation library which could possibly be predicted via a brute-force search. Attackers could use the potentially predictable nonce value used for authentication purposes in the OAuth flow to conduct OAuth replay attacks. In addition, insecure randomness is used while generating multifactor authentication (MFA) secrets and creating API keys in the database package.
CVE-2024-1775 The Nextend Social Login and Register plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to a self-based Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the ‘error_description’ parameter in all versions up to, and including, 3.1.12 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers, with access to a subscriber-level account, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that execute if they can successfully trick a user into performing an action such as clicking on a link. NOTE: This vulnerability can be successfully exploited on a vulnerable WordPress instance against an OAuth pre-authenticated higher-level user (e.g., administrator) by leveraging a cross-site request forgery in conjunction with a certain social engineering technique to achieve a critical impact scenario (cross-site scripting to administrator-level account creation). However, successful exploitation requires "Debug mode" to be enabled in the plugin's "Global Settings".
CVE-2023-50714 yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth2 PKCE implementation is vulnerable in 2 ways. First, the `authCodeVerifier` should be removed after usage (similar to `authState`). Second, there is a risk for a `downgrade attack` if PKCE is being relied on for CSRF protection. Version 2.2.15 contains a patch for the issue. No known workarounds are available.
CVE-2023-50708 yii2-authclient is an extension that adds OpenID, OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect consumers for the Yii framework 2.0. In yii2-authclient prior to version 2.2.15, the Oauth1/2 `state` and OpenID Connect `nonce` is vulnerable for a `timing attack` since it is compared via regular string comparison (instead of `Yii::$app->getSecurity()->compareString()`). Version 2.2.15 contains a patch for the issue. No known workarounds are available.
CVE-2023-48309 NextAuth.js provides authentication for Next.js. `next-auth` applications prior to version 4.24.5 that rely on the default Middleware authorization are affected by a vulnerability. A bad actor could create an empty/mock user, by getting hold of a NextAuth.js-issued JWT from an interrupted OAuth sign-in flow (state, PKCE or nonce). Manually overriding the `next-auth.session-token` cookie value with this non-related JWT would let the user simulate a logged in user, albeit having no user information associated with it. (The only property on this user is an opaque randomly generated string). This vulnerability does not give access to other users' data, neither to resources that require proper authorization via scopes or other means. The created mock user has no information associated with it (ie. no name, email, access_token, etc.) This vulnerability can be exploited by bad actors to peek at logged in user states (e.g. dashboard layout). `next-auth` `v4.24.5` contains a patch for the vulnerability. As a workaround, using a custom authorization callback for Middleware, developers can manually do a basic authentication.
CVE-2023-47168 Mattermost fails to properly check a redirect URL parameter allowing for an open redirect was possible when the user clicked "Back to Mattermost" after providing a invalid custom url scheme in /oauth/{service}/mobile_login?redirect_to=
CVE-2023-45144 com.xwiki.identity-oauth:identity-oauth-ui is a package to aid in building identity and service providers based on OAuth authorizations. When a user logs in via the OAuth method, the identityOAuth parameters sent in the GET request is vulnerable to cross site scripting (XSS) and XWiki syntax injection. This allows remote code execution via the groovy macro and thus affects the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the whole XWiki installation. The issue has been fixed in Identity OAuth version 1.6. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability and users are advised to upgrade.
CVE-2023-44311 Multiple reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the Plugin for OAuth 2.0 module's OAuth2ProviderApplicationRedirect class in Liferay Portal through, and Liferay DXP 7.4 update 41 through update 89 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) code, or (2) error parameter. This issue is caused by an incomplete fix in CVE-2023-33941.
CVE-2023-39531 Sentry is an error tracking and performance monitoring platform. Starting in version 10.0.0 and prior to version 23.7.2, an attacker with sufficient client-side exploits could retrieve a valid access token for another user during the OAuth token exchange due to incorrect credential validation. The client ID must be known and the API application must have already been authorized on the targeted user account. Sentry SaaS customers do not need to take any action. Self-hosted installations should upgrade to version 23.7.2 or higher. There are no direct workarounds, but users should review applications authorized on their account and remove any that are no longer needed.
CVE-2023-37260 league/oauth2-server is an implementation of an OAuth 2.0 authorization server written in PHP. Starting in version 8.3.2 and prior to version 8.5.3, servers that passed their keys to the CryptKey constructor as as string instead of a file path will have had that key included in a LogicException message if they did not provide a valid pass phrase for the key where required. This issue has been patched so that the provided key is no longer exposed in the exception message in the scenario outlined above. Users should upgrade to version 8.5.3 to receive the patch. As a workaround, pass the key as a file instead of a string.
CVE-2023-35948 Novu provides an API for sending notifications through multiple channels. Versions prior to 0.16.0 contain an open redirect vulnerability in the "Sign In with GitHub" functionality of Novu's open-source repository. It could have allowed an attacker to force a victim into opening a malicious URL and thus, potentially log into the repository under the victim's account gaining full control of the account. This vulnerability only affected the Novu Cloud and Open-Source deployments if the user manually enabled the GitHub OAuth on their self-hosted instance of Novu. Users should upgrade to version 0.16.0 to receive a patch.
CVE-2023-34246 Doorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Ruby on Rails / Grape. Prior to version 5.6.6, Doorkeeper automatically processes authorization requests without user consent for public clients that have been previous approved. Public clients are inherently vulnerable to impersonation, their identity cannot be assured. This issue is fixed in version 5.6.6.
CVE-2023-34224 In JetBrains TeamCity before 2023.05 open redirect during oAuth configuration was possible
CVE-2023-34196 In the Keyfactor EJBCA before 8.0.0, the RA web certificate distribution servlet /ejbca/ra/cert allows partial denial of service due to an authentication issue. In configurations using OAuth, disclosure of CA certificates (attributes and public keys) to unauthenticated or less privileged users may occur.
CVE-2023-33946 The Object module in Liferay Portal through, and Liferay DXP 7.4 before update 49 does properly isolate objects in difference virtual instances, which allows remote authenticated users in one virtual instance to view objects in a different virtual instance via OAuth 2 scope administration page.
CVE-2023-33941 Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the Plugin for OAuth 2.0 module's OAuth2ProviderApplicationRedirect class in Liferay Portal through, and Liferay DXP 7.4 update 41 through 52 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) code, or (2) error parameter.
CVE-2023-33006 A cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier allows attackers to trick users into logging in to the attacker's account.
CVE-2023-33005 Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not invalidate the previous session on login.
CVE-2023-3128 Grafana is validating Azure AD accounts based on the email claim. On Azure AD, the profile email field is not unique and can be easily modified. This leads to account takeover and authentication bypass when Azure AD OAuth is configured with a multi-tenant app.
CVE-2023-30528 Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.
CVE-2023-30527 Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier stores the WSO2 Oauth client secret unencrypted in the global config.xml file on the Jenkins controller where it can be viewed by users with access to the Jenkins controller file system.
CVE-2023-27891 pretix before 4.17.1 allows OAuth application authorization from a logged-out session. The fixed versions are 4.15.1, 4.16.1, and 4.17.1.
CVE-2023-27496 Envoy is an open source edge and service proxy designed for cloud-native applications. Prior to versions 1.26.0, 1.25.3, 1.24.4, 1.23.6, and 1.22.9, the OAuth filter assumes that a `state` query param is present on any response that looks like an OAuth redirect response. Sending it a request with the URI path equivalent to the redirect path, without the `state` parameter, will lead to abnormal termination of Envoy process. Versions 1.26.0, 1.25.3, 1.24.4, 1.23.6, and 1.22.9 contain a patch. The issue can also be mitigated by locking down OAuth traffic, disabling the filter, or by filtering traffic before it reaches the OAuth filter (e.g. via a lua script).
CVE-2023-27490 NextAuth.js is an open source authentication solution for Next.js applications. `next-auth` applications using OAuth provider versions before `v4.20.1` have been found to be subject to an authentication vulnerability. A bad actor who can read traffic on the victim's network or who is able to social engineer the victim to click a manipulated login link could intercept and tamper with the authorization URL to **log in as the victim**, bypassing the CSRF protection. This is due to a partial failure during a compromised OAuth session where a session code is erroneously generated. This issue has been addressed in version 4.20.1. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may using Advanced Initialization, manually check the callback request for state, pkce, and nonce against the provider configuration to prevent this issue. See the linked GHSA for details.
CVE-2023-26451 Functions with insufficient randomness were used to generate authorization tokens of the integrated oAuth Authorization Service. Authorization codes were predictable for third parties and could be used to intercept and take over the client authorization process. As a result, other users accounts could be compromised. The oAuth Authorization Service is not enabled by default. We have updated the implementation to use sources with sufficient randomness to generate authorization tokens. No publicly available exploits are known.
CVE-2023-2585 Keycloak's device authorization grant does not correctly validate the device code and client ID. An attacker client could abuse the missing validation to spoof a client consent request and trick an authorization admin into granting consent to a malicious OAuth client or possible unauthorized access to an existing OAuth client.
CVE-2023-25042 Auth. (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Liam Gladdy (Storm Consultancy) oAuth Twitter Feed for Developers plugin <= 2.3.0 versions.
CVE-2023-24428 A cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Jenkins Bitbucket OAuth Plugin 0.12 and earlier allows attackers to trick users into logging in to the attacker's account.
CVE-2023-24427 Jenkins Bitbucket OAuth Plugin 0.12 and earlier does not invalidate the previous session on login.
CVE-2023-2422 A flaw was found in Keycloak. A Keycloak server configured to support mTLS authentication for OAuth/OpenID clients does not properly verify the client certificate chain. A client that possesses a proper certificate can authorize itself as any other client, therefore, access data that belongs to other clients.
CVE-2023-23944 Nextcloud mail is an email app for the nextcloud home server platform. In versions prior to 2.2.2 user's passwords were stored in cleartext in the database during the duration of OAuth2 setup procedure. Any attacker or malicious user with access to the database would have access to these user passwords until the OAuth setup has been completed. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Mail app is upgraded to 2.2.2. There are no known workarounds for this issue.
CVE-2023-22893 Strapi through 4.5.5 does not verify the access or ID tokens issued during the OAuth flow when the AWS Cognito login provider is used for authentication. A remote attacker could forge an ID token that is signed using the 'None' type algorithm to bypass authentication and impersonate any user that use AWS Cognito for authentication.
CVE-2023-22492 ZITADEL is a combination of Auth0 and Keycloak. RefreshTokens is an OAuth 2.0 feature that allows applications to retrieve new access tokens and refresh the user's session without the need for interacting with a UI. RefreshTokens were not invalidated when a user was locked or deactivated. The deactivated or locked user was able to obtain a valid access token only through a refresh token grant. When the locked or deactivated user&#8217;s session was already terminated (&#8220;logged out&#8221;) then it was not possible to create a new session. Renewal of access token through a refresh token grant is limited to the configured amount of time (RefreshTokenExpiration). As a workaround, ensure the RefreshTokenExpiration in the OIDC settings of your instance is set according to your security requirements. This issue has been patched in versions 2.17.3 and 2.16.4.
CVE-2023-22341 On version 14.1.x before, and all versions of 13.1.x, when the BIG-IP APM system is configured with all the following elements, undisclosed requests may cause the Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) to terminate: * An OAuth Server that references an OAuth Provider * An OAuth profile with the Authorization Endpoint set to '/' * An access profile that references the above OAuth profile and is associated with an HTTPS virtual server Note: Software versions which have reached End of Technical Support (EoTS) are not evaluated.
CVE-2023-1421 A reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability in the OAuth flow completion endpoints in Mattermost allows an attacker to send AJAX requests on behalf of the victim via sharing a crafted link with a malicious state parameter.
CVE-2023-1093 The OAuth Single Sign On WordPress plugin before 6.24.2 does not have CSRF checks when discarding Identify providers (IdP), which could allow attackers to make logged in admins delete all IdP via a CSRF attack
CVE-2023-1092 The OAuth Single Sign On Free WordPress plugin before 6.24.2, OAuth Single Sign On Standard WordPress plugin before 28.4.9, OAuth Single Sign On Premium WordPress plugin before 38.4.9 and OAuth Single Sign On Enterprise WordPress plugin before 48.4.9 do not have CSRF checks when deleting Identity Providers (IdP), which could allow attackers to make logged in admins delete arbitrary IdP via a CSRF attack
CVE-2022-46151 Querybook is an open source data querying UI. In affected versions user provided data is not escaped in the error field of the auth callback url in `querybook/server/app/auth/` and `querybook/server/app/auth/`. This may allow attackers to perform reflected cross site scripting (XSS) if Content Security Policy (CSP) is not enabled or `unsafe-inline` is allowed. Users are advised to upgrade to the latest, patched version of querybook (version 3.14.2 or greater). Users unable to upgrade may enable CSP and not allow unsafe-inline or manually escape query parameters in a reverse proxy.
CVE-2022-43693 Concrete CMS is vulnerable to CSRF due to the lack of "State" parameter for external Concrete authentication service for users of Concrete who use the "out of the box" core OAuth.
CVE-2022-43687 Concrete CMS (formerly concrete5) below 8.5.10 and between 9.0.0 and 9.1.2 does not issue a new session ID upon successful OAuth authentication. Remediate by updating to Concrete CMS 9.1.3+ or 8.5.10+.
CVE-2022-4148 The WP OAuth Server (OAuth Authentication) WordPress plugin before 4.3.0 has a flawed CSRF and authorisation check when deleting a client, which could allow any authenticated users, such as subscriber to delete arbitrary client.
CVE-2022-4145 A content spoofing flaw was found in OpenShift's OAuth endpoint. This flaw allows a remote, unauthenticated attacker to inject text into a webpage, enabling the obfuscation of a phishing operation.
CVE-2022-4137 A reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in the 'oob' OAuth endpoint due to incorrect null-byte handling. This issue allows a malicious link to insert an arbitrary URI into a Keycloak error page. This flaw requires a user or administrator to interact with a link in order to be vulnerable. This may compromise user details, allowing it to be changed or collected by an attacker.
CVE-2022-4037 An issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions before 15.5.7, all versions starting from 15.6 before 15.6.4, all versions starting from 15.7 before 15.7.2. A race condition can lead to verified email forgery and takeover of third-party accounts when using GitLab as an OAuth provider.
CVE-2022-3926 The WP OAuth Server (OAuth Authentication) WordPress plugin before 3.4.2 does not have CSRF check when regenerating secrets, which could allow attackers to make logged in admins regenerate the secret of an arbitrary client given they know the client ID
CVE-2022-39230 fhir-works-on-aws-authz-smart is an implementation of the authorization interface from the FHIR Works interface. Versions 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 are subject to Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor. This issue allows a client of the API to retrieve more information than the client&#8217;s OAuth scope permits when making &#8220;search-type&#8221; requests. This issue would not allow a client to retrieve information about individuals other than those the client was already authorized to access. Users of fhir-works-on-aws-authz-smart 3.1.1 or 3.1.2 should upgrade to version 3.1.3 or higher immediately. Versions 3.1.0 and below are unaffected. There is no workaround for this issue.
CVE-2022-39222 Dex is an identity service that uses OpenID Connect to drive authentication for other apps. Dex instances with public clients (and by extension, clients accepting tokens issued by those Dex instances) are affected by this vulnerability if they are running a version prior to 2.35.0. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by making a victim navigate to a malicious website and guiding them through the OIDC flow, stealing the OAuth authorization code in the process. The authorization code then can be exchanged by the attacker for a token, gaining access to applications accepting that token. Version 2.35.0 has introduced a fix for this issue. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.
CVE-2022-3894 The WP OAuth Server (OAuth Authentication) WordPress plugin before 4.2.5 does not have CSRF check when deleting a client, and does not ensure that the object to be deleted is actually a client, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin delete arbitrary client and post via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2022-3892 The WP OAuth Server (OAuth Authentication) WordPress plugin before 4.2.2 does not sanitize and escape Client IDs, which could allow high privilege users such as admin to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed (for example in multisite setup)
CVE-2022-3632 The OAuth Client by DigitialPixies WordPress plugin through 1.1.0 does not have CSRF checks in some places, which could allow attackers to make logged-in users perform unwanted actions.
CVE-2022-3631 The OAuth Client by DigitialPixies WordPress plugin through 1.1.0 does not sanitize and escapes some of its settings, which could allow high-privilege users such as admin to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed (for example, in multisite setup).
CVE-2022-36087 OAuthLib is an implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic for Python 3.6+. In OAuthLib versions 3.1.1 until 3.2.1, an attacker providing malicious redirect uri can cause denial of service. An attacker can also leverage usage of `uri_validate` functions depending where it is used. OAuthLib applications using OAuth2.0 provider support or use directly `uri_validate` are affected by this issue. Version 3.2.1 contains a patch. There are no known workarounds.
CVE-2022-34858 Authentication Bypass vulnerability in miniOrange OAuth 2.0 client for SSO plugin <= 1.11.3 at WordPress.
CVE-2022-34155 Improper Authentication vulnerability in miniOrange OAuth Single Sign On &#8211; SSO (OAuth Client) plugin allows Authentication Bypass.This issue affects OAuth Single Sign On &#8211; SSO (OAuth Client): from n/a through 6.23.3.
CVE-2022-34149 Authentication Bypass vulnerability in miniOrange WP OAuth Server plugin <= 3.0.4 at WordPress.
CVE-2022-32227 A cleartext transmission of sensitive information exists in Rocket.Chat <v5, <v4.8.2 and <v4.7.5 relating to Oauth tokens by having the permission "view-full-other-user-info", this could cause an oauth token leak in the product.
CVE-2022-32217 A cleartext storage of sensitive information exists in Rocket.Chat <v4.6.4 due to Oauth token being leaked in plaintext in logs.
CVE-2022-3119 The OAuth client Single Sign On WordPress plugin before 3.0.4 does not have authorisation and CSRF when updating its settings, which could allow unauthenticated attackers to update them and change the OAuth endpoints to ones they controls, allowing them to then be authenticated as admin if they know the correct email address
CVE-2022-31186 NextAuth.js is a complete open source authentication solution for Next.js applications. An information disclosure vulnerability in `next-auth` before `v4.10.2` and `v3.29.9` allows an attacker with log access privilege to obtain excessive information such as an identity provider's secret in the log (which is thrown during OAuth error handling) and use it to leverage further attacks on the system, like impersonating the client to ask for extensive permissions. This issue has been patched in `v4.10.2` and `v3.29.9` by moving the log for `provider` information to the debug level. In addition, we added a warning for having the `debug: true` option turned on in production. If for some reason you cannot upgrade, you can user the `logger` configuration option by sanitizing the logs.
CVE-2022-31162 Slack Morphism is an async client library for Rust. Prior to 0.41.0, it was possible for Slack OAuth client information to leak in application debug logs. Stricter and more secure debug formatting was introduced in v0.41.0 for OAuth secret types to reduce the possibility of printing sensitive information in application logs. As a workaround, do not print/output requests and responses for OAuth and client configurations in logs.
CVE-2022-31107 Grafana is an open-source platform for monitoring and observability. In versions 5.3 until 9.0.3, 8.5.9, 8.4.10, and 8.3.10, it is possible for a malicious user who has authorization to log into a Grafana instance via a configured OAuth IdP which provides a login name to take over the account of another user in that Grafana instance. This can occur when the malicious user is authorized to log in to Grafana via OAuth, the malicious user's external user id is not already associated with an account in Grafana, the malicious user's email address is not already associated with an account in Grafana, and the malicious user knows the Grafana username of the target user. If these conditions are met, the malicious user can set their username in the OAuth provider to that of the target user, then go through the OAuth flow to log in to Grafana. Due to the way that external and internal user accounts are linked together during login, if the conditions above are all met then the malicious user will be able to log in to the target user's Grafana account. Versions 9.0.3, 8.5.9, 8.4.10, and 8.3.10 contain a patch for this issue. As a workaround, concerned users can disable OAuth login to their Grafana instance, or ensure that all users authorized to log in via OAuth have a corresponding user account in Grafana linked to their email address.
CVE-2022-31069 NestJS Proxy is a NestJS module to decorate and proxy calls. Prior to version 0.7.0, the nestjs-proxy library did not have a way to control when Authorization headers should should be forwarded for specific backend services configured by the application developer. This could have resulted in sensitive information such as OAuth bearer access tokens being inadvertently exposed to such services that should not see them. A new feature has been introduced in the patched version of nestjs-proxy that allows application developers to opt out of forwarding the Authorization headers on a per service basis using the `forwardToken` config setting. Developers are advised to review the README for this library on Github or NPM for further details on how this configuration can be applied. This issue has been fixed in version 0.7.0 of `@finastra/nestjs-proxy`. Users of `@ffdc/nestjs-proxy` are advised that this package has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained or receiving updates. Such users should update their package.json file to use `@finastra/nestjs-proxy` instead.
CVE-2022-31027 OAuthenticator is an OAuth token library for the JupyerHub login handler. CILogonOAuthenticator is provided by the OAuthenticator package, and lets users log in to a JupyterHub via CILogon. This is primarily used to restrict a JupyterHub only to users of a given institute. The allowed_idps configuration trait of CILogonOAuthenticator is documented to be a list of domains that indicate the institutions whose users are authorized to access this JupyterHub. This authorization is validated by ensuring that the *email* field provided to us by CILogon has a *domain* that matches one of the domains listed in `allowed_idps`.If `allowed_idps` contains ``, you might expect only users with valid current credentials provided by University of California, Berkeley to be able to access the JupyterHub. However, CILogonOAuthenticator does *not* verify which provider is used by the user to login, only the email address provided. So a user can login with a GitHub account that has email set to `<something>`, and that will be treated exactly the same as someone logging in using the UC Berkeley official Identity Provider. The patch fixing this issue makes a *breaking change* in how `allowed_idps` is interpreted. It's no longer a list of domains, but configuration representing the `EntityID` of the IdPs that are allowed, picked from the [list maintained by CILogon]( Users are advised to upgrade.
CVE-2022-30034 Flower, a web UI for the Celery Python RPC framework, all versions as of 05-02-2022 is vulnerable to an OAuth authentication bypass. An attacker could then access the Flower API to discover and invoke arbitrary Celery RPC calls or deny service by shutting down Celery task nodes.
CVE-2022-29228 Envoy is a cloud-native high-performance proxy. In versions prior to 1.22.1 the OAuth filter would try to invoke the remaining filters in the chain after emitting a local response, which triggers an ASSERT() in newer versions and corrupts memory on earlier versions. continueDecoding() shouldn&#8217;t ever be called from filters after a local reply has been sent. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.
CVE-2022-29226 Envoy is a cloud-native high-performance proxy. In versions prior to 1.22.1 the OAuth filter implementation does not include a mechanism for validating access tokens, so by design when the HMAC signed cookie is missing a full authentication flow should be triggered. However, the current implementation assumes that access tokens are always validated thus allowing access in the presence of any access token attached to the request. Users are advised to upgrade. There is no known workaround for this issue.
CVE-2022-29214 NextAuth.js (next-auth) is am open source authentication solution for Next.js applications. Prior to versions 3.29.3 and 4.3.3, an open redirect vulnerability is present when the developer is implementing an OAuth 1 provider. Versions 3.29.3 and 4.3.3 contain a patch for this issue. The maintainers recommend adding a certain configuration to one's `callbacks` option as a workaround for those unable to upgrade.
CVE-2022-28133 Jenkins Bitbucket Server Integration Plugin 3.1.0 and earlier does not limit URL schemes for callback URLs on OAuth consumers, resulting in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers able to create BitBucket Server consumers.
CVE-2022-2569 The affected device stores sensitive information in cleartext, which may allow an authenticated user to access session data stored in the OAuth database belonging to legitimate users
CVE-2022-2403 A credentials leak was found in the OpenShift Container Platform. The private key for the external cluster certificate was stored incorrectly in the oauth-serving-cert ConfigMaps, and accessible to any authenticated OpenShift user or service-account. A malicious user could exploit this flaw by reading the oauth-serving-cert ConfigMap in the openshift-config-managed namespace, compromising any web traffic secured using that certificate.
CVE-2022-23206 In Apache Traffic Control Traffic Ops prior to 6.1.0 or 5.1.6, an unprivileged user who can reach Traffic Ops over HTTPS can send a specially-crafted POST request to /user/login/oauth to scan a port of a server that Traffic Ops can reach.
CVE-2022-22969 <Issue Description> Spring Security OAuth versions 2.5.x prior to 2.5.2 and older unsupported versions are susceptible to a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack via the initiation of the Authorization Request in an OAuth 2.0 Client application. A malicious user or attacker can send multiple requests initiating the Authorization Request for the Authorization Code Grant, which has the potential of exhausting system resources using a single session. This vulnerability exposes OAuth 2.0 Client applications only.
CVE-2022-21673 Grafana is an open-source platform for monitoring and observability. In affected versions when a data source has the Forward OAuth Identity feature enabled, sending a query to that datasource with an API token (and no other user credentials) will forward the OAuth Identity of the most recently logged-in user. This can allow API token holders to retrieve data for which they may not have intended access. This attack relies on the Grafana instance having data sources that support the Forward OAuth Identity feature, the Grafana instance having a data source with the Forward OAuth Identity feature toggled on, the Grafana instance having OAuth enabled, and the Grafana instance having usable API keys. This issue has been patched in versions 7.5.13 and 8.3.4.
CVE-2022-2133 The OAuth Single Sign On WordPress plugin before 6.22.6 doesn't validate that OAuth access token requests are legitimate, which allows attackers to log onto the site with the only knowledge of a user's email address.
CVE-2022-2083 The Simple Single Sign On WordPress plugin through 4.1.0 leaks its OAuth client_secret, which could be used by attackers to gain unauthorized access to the site.
CVE-2022-1162 A hardcoded password was set for accounts registered using an OmniAuth provider (e.g. OAuth, LDAP, SAML) in GitLab CE/EE versions 14.7 prior to 14.7.7, 14.8 prior to 14.8.5, and 14.9 prior to 14.9.2 allowing attackers to potentially take over accounts
CVE-2022-0916 An issue was discovered in Logitech Options. The OAuth 2.0 state parameter was not properly validated. This leaves applications vulnerable to CSRF attacks during authentication and authorization operations.
CVE-2021-45074 JFrog Artifactory before 7.29.3 and 6.23.38, is vulnerable to Broken Access Control, a low-privileged user is able to delete other known users OAuth token, which will force a reauthentication on an active session or in the next UI session.
CVE-2021-43777 Redash is a package for data visualization and sharing. In Redash version 10.0 and prior, the implementation of Google Login (via OAuth) incorrectly uses the `state` parameter to pass the next URL to redirect the user to after login. The `state` parameter should be used for a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token, not a static and easily predicted value. This vulnerability does not affect users who do not use Google Login for their instance of Redash. A patch in the `master` and `release/10.x.x` branches addresses this by replacing `Flask-Oauthlib` with `Authlib` which automatically provides and validates a CSRF token for the state variable. The new implementation stores the next URL on the user session object. As a workaround, one may disable Google Login to mitigate the vulnerability.
CVE-2021-42837 An issue was discovered in Talend Data Catalog before 7.3-20210930. After setting up SAML/OAuth, authentication is not correctly enforced on the native login page. Any valid user from the SAML/OAuth provider can be used as the username with an arbitrary password, and login will succeed.
CVE-2021-41580 ** DISPUTED ** The passport-oauth2 package before 1.6.1 for Node.js mishandles the error condition of failure to obtain an access token. This is exploitable in certain use cases where an OAuth identity provider uses an HTTP 200 status code for authentication-failure error reports, and an application grants authorization upon simply receiving the access token (i.e., does not try to use the token). NOTE: the passport-oauth2 vendor does not consider this a passport-oauth2 vulnerability.
CVE-2021-39881 In all versions of GitLab CE/EE since version 7.7, the application may let a malicious user create an OAuth client application with arbitrary scope names which may allow the malicious user to trick unsuspecting users to authorize the malicious client application using the spoofed scope name and description.
CVE-2021-37859 Fixed a bypass for a reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability affecting OAuth-enabled instances of Mattermost.
CVE-2021-32805 Flask-AppBuilder is an application development framework, built on top of Flask. In affected versions if using Flask-AppBuilder OAuth, an attacker can share a carefully crafted URL with a trusted domain for an application built with Flask-AppBuilder, this URL can redirect a user to a malicious site. This is an open redirect vulnerability. To resolve this issue upgrade to Flask-AppBuilder 3.2.2 or above. If upgrading is infeasible users may filter HTTP traffic containing `?next={next-site}` where the `next-site` domain is different from the application you are protecting as a workaround.
CVE-2021-31556 An issue was discovered in the Oauth extension for MediaWiki through 1.35.2. MWOAuthConsumerSubmitControl.php does not ensure that the length of an RSA key will fit in a MySQL blob.
CVE-2021-31555 An issue was discovered in the Oauth extension for MediaWiki through 1.35.2. It did not validate the oarc_version (aka oauth_registered_consumer.oarc_version) parameter's length.
CVE-2021-30650 A reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Symantec Layer7 API Management OAuth Toolkit (OTK) allows a remote attacker to craft a malicious URL for the OTK web UI and target OTK users with phishing attacks or other social engineering techniques. A successful attack allows injecting malicious code into the OTK web UI client application.
CVE-2021-29475 HedgeDoc (formerly known as CodiMD) is an open-source collaborative markdown editor. An attacker is able to receive arbitrary files from the file system when exporting a note to PDF. Since the code injection has to take place as note content, there fore this exploit requires the attackers ability to modify a note. This will affect all instances, which have pdf export enabled. This issue has been fixed by and is available in version 1.5.0. Starting the CodiMD/HedgeDoc instance with `CMD_ALLOW_PDF_EXPORT=false` or set `"allowPDFExport": false` in config.json can mitigate this issue for those who cannot upgrade. This exploit works because while PhantomJS doesn't actually render the `file:///` references to the PDF file itself, it still uses them internally, and exfiltration is possible, and easy through JavaScript rendering. The impact is pretty bad, as the attacker is able to read the CodiMD/HedgeDoc `config.json` file as well any other files on the filesystem. Even though the suggested Docker deploy option doesn't have many interesting files itself, the `config.json` still often contains sensitive information, database credentials, and maybe OAuth secrets among other things.
CVE-2021-29437 ScratchOAuth2 is an Oauth implementation for Scratch. Any ScratchOAuth2-related data normally accessible and modifiable by a user can be read and modified by a third party. 1. Scratch user visits 3rd party site. 2. 3rd party site asks user for Scratch username. 3. 3rd party site pretends to be user and gets login code from ScratchOAuth2. 4. 3rd party site gives code to user and instructs them to post it on their profile. 5. User posts code on their profile, not knowing it is a ScratchOAuth2 login code. 6. 3rd party site completes login with ScratchOAuth2. 7. 3rd party site has full access to anything the user could do if they directly logged in. See referenced GitHub security advisory for patch notes and workarounds.
CVE-2021-27582 org/mitre/oauth2/web/ in the OpenID Connect server implementation for MITREid Connect through 1.3.3 contains a Mass Assignment (aka Autobinding) vulnerability. This arises due to unsafe usage of the @ModelAttribute annotation during the OAuth authorization flow, in which HTTP request parameters affect an authorizationRequest.
CVE-2021-25311 condor_credd in HTCondor before 8.9.11 allows Directory Traversal outside the SEC_CREDENTIAL_DIRECTORY_OAUTH directory, as demonstrated by creating a file under /etc that will later be executed by root.
CVE-2021-24166 The wp_ajax_nf_oauth_disconnect from the Ninja Forms Contact Form &#8211; The Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress WordPress plugin before 3.4.34 had no nonce protection making it possible for attackers to craft a request to disconnect a site's OAuth connection.
CVE-2021-24165 In the Ninja Forms Contact Form WordPress plugin before 3.4.34, the wp_ajax_nf_oauth_connect AJAX action was vulnerable to open redirect due to the use of a user supplied redirect parameter and no protection in place.
CVE-2021-24164 In the Ninja Forms Contact Form WordPress plugin before, low-level users, such as subscribers, were able to trigger the action, wp_ajax_nf_oauth, and retrieve the connection url needed to establish a connection. They could also retrieve the client_id for an already established OAuth connection.
CVE-2021-23927 OX App Suite through 7.10.4 allows SSRF via a URL with an @ character in an appsuite/api/oauth/proxy PUT request.
CVE-2021-22696 CXF supports (via JwtRequestCodeFilter) passing OAuth 2 parameters via a JWT token as opposed to query parameters (see: The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization Request (JAR)). Instead of sending a JWT token as a "request" parameter, the spec also supports specifying a URI from which to retrieve a JWT token from via the "request_uri" parameter. CXF was not validating the "request_uri" parameter (apart from ensuring it uses "https) and was making a REST request to the parameter in the request to retrieve a token. This means that CXF was vulnerable to DDos attacks on the authorization server, as specified in section 10.4.1 of the spec. This issue affects Apache CXF versions prior to 3.4.3; Apache CXF versions prior to 3.3.10.
CVE-2021-22236 Due to improper handling of OAuth client IDs, new subscriptions generated OAuth tokens on an incorrect OAuth client application. This vulnerability is present in GitLab CE/EE since version 14.1.
CVE-2021-22213 A cross-site leak vulnerability in the OAuth flow of all versions of GitLab CE/EE since 7.10 allowed an attacker to leak an OAuth access token by getting the victim to visit a malicious page with Safari
CVE-2021-22119 Spring Security versions 5.5.x prior to 5.5.1, 5.4.x prior to 5.4.7, 5.3.x prior to 5.3.10 and 5.2.x prior to 5.2.11 are susceptible to a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack via the initiation of the Authorization Request in an OAuth 2.0 Client Web and WebFlux application. A malicious user or attacker can send multiple requests initiating the Authorization Request for the Authorization Code Grant, which has the potential of exhausting system resources using a single session or multiple sessions.
CVE-2020-7741 This affects the package hellojs before 1.18.6. The code get the param oauth_redirect from url and pass it to location.assign without any check and sanitisation. So we can simply pass some XSS payloads into the url param oauth_redirect, such as javascript:alert(1).
CVE-2020-7692 PKCE support is not implemented in accordance with the RFC for OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps. Without the use of PKCE, the authorization code returned by an authorization server is not enough to guarantee that the client that issued the initial authorization request is the one that will be authorized. An attacker is able to obtain the authorization code using a malicious app on the client-side and use it to gain authorization to the protected resource. This affects the package before 1.31.0.
CVE-2020-5409 Pivotal Concourse, most versions prior to 6.0.0, allows redirects to untrusted websites in its login flow. A remote unauthenticated attacker could convince a user to click on a link using the OAuth redirect link with an untrusted website and gain access to that user's access token in Concourse. (This issue is similar to, but distinct from, CVE-2018-15798.)
CVE-2020-4590 IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty through running oauth-2.0 or openidConnectServer-1.0 server features is vulnerable to a denial of service attack conducted by an authenticated client. IBM X-Force ID: 184650.
CVE-2020-4499 IBM Security Access Manager 9.0.7 and IBM Security Verify Access 10.0.0 could allow an unauthorized public Oauth client to bypass some or all of the authentication checks and gain access to applications. IBM X-Force ID: 182216.
CVE-2020-4072 In generator-jhipster-kotlin version 1.6.0 log entries are created for invalid password reset attempts. As the email is provided by a user and the api is public this can be used by an attacker to forge log entries. This is vulnerable to This problem affects only application generated with jwt or session authentication. Applications using oauth are not vulnerable. This issue has been fixed in version 1.7.0.
CVE-2020-26877 ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server 0.3.1 does not validate the redirect URI in accordance with RFC 6749 and is susceptible to an open redirector attack. Specifically, it directly sends an authorization code to the redirect URI submitted with the authorization request, without checking whether the redirect URI is registered by the client who initiated the request. This allows an attacker to craft a request with a manipulated redirect URI (redirect_uri parameter), which is under the attacker's control, and consequently obtain the leaked authorization code when the server redirects the client to the manipulated redirect URI with an authorization code. NOTE: this is similar to CVE-2019-3778.
CVE-2020-26250 OAuthenticator is an OAuth login mechanism for JupyterHub. In oauthenticator from version 0.12.0 and before 0.12.2, the deprecated (in jupyterhub 1.2) configuration `Authenticator.whitelist`, which should be transparently mapped to `Authenticator.allowed_users` with a warning, is instead ignored by OAuthenticator classes, resulting in the same behavior as if this configuration has not been set. If this is the only mechanism of authorization restriction (i.e. no group or team restrictions in configuration) then all authenticated users will be allowed. Provider-based restrictions, including deprecated values such as `GitHubOAuthenticator.org_whitelist` are **not** affected. All users of OAuthenticator 0.12.0 and 0.12.1 with JupyterHub 1.2 (JupyterHub Helm chart 0.10.0-0.10.5) who use the `admin.whitelist.users` configuration in the jupyterhub helm chart or the `c.Authenticator.whitelist` configuration directly. Users of other deprecated configuration, e.g. `c.GitHubOAuthenticator.team_whitelist` are **not** affected. If you see a log line like this and expect a specific list of allowed usernames: "[I 2020-11-27 16:51:54.528 JupyterHub app:1717] Not using allowed_users. Any authenticated user will be allowed." you are likely affected. Updating oauthenticator to 0.12.2 is recommended. A workaround is to replace the deprecated `c.Authenticator.whitelist = ...` with `c.Authenticator.allowed_users = ...`. If any users have been authorized during this time who should not have been, they must be deleted via the API or admin interface, per the referenced documentation.
CVE-2020-15679 An OAuth session fixation vulnerability existed in the VPN login flow, where an attacker could craft a custom login URL, convince a VPN user to login via that URL, and obtain authenticated access as that user. This issue is limited to cases where attacker and victim are sharing the same source IP and could allow the ability to view session states and disconnect VPN sessions. This vulnerability affects Mozilla VPN iOS 1.0.7 < (929), Mozilla VPN Windows < 1.2.2, and Mozilla VPN Android 1.1.0 < (1360).
CVE-2020-15331 Zyxel CloudCNM SecuManager 3.1.0 and 3.1.1 has a hardcoded OAUTH_SECRET_KEY in /opt/axess/etc/default/axess.
CVE-2020-15234 ORY Fosite is a security first OAuth2 & OpenID Connect framework for Go. In Fosite before version 0.34.1, the OAuth 2.0 Client's registered redirect URLs and the redirect URL provided at the OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint where compared using strings.ToLower while they should have been compared with a simple string match. This allows an attacker to register a client with allowed redirect URL Then perform an OAuth2 flow and requesting redirect URL Instead of an error (invalid redirect URL), the browser is redirected to with a potentially successful OAuth2 response, depending on the state of the overall OAuth2 flow (the user might still deny the request for example). This vulnerability has been patched in ORY Fosite v0.34.1.
CVE-2020-15233 ORY Fosite is a security first OAuth2 & OpenID Connect framework for Go. In Fosite from version 0.30.2 and before version 0.34.1, there is an issue in which an an attacker can override the registered redirect URL by performing an OAuth flow and requesting a redirect URL that is to the loopback adapter. Attackers can provide both custom URL query parameters to their loopback redirect URL, as well as actually overriding the host of the registered redirect URL. These attacks are only applicable in scenarios where the attacker has access over the loopback interface. This vulnerability has been patched in ORY Fosite v0.34.1.
CVE-2020-14460 An issue was discovered in Mattermost Server before 5.19.0, 5.18.1, 5.17.3, 5.16.5, and 5.9.8. Creation of a trusted OAuth application does not always require admin privileges, aka MMSA-2020-0001.
CVE-2020-13312 A vulnerability was discovered in GitLab versions before 13.1.10, 13.2.8 and 13.3.4. GitLab OAuth endpoint was vulnerable to brute-force attacks through a specific parameter.
CVE-2020-13300 GitLab CE/EE version 13.3 prior to 13.3.4 was vulnerable to an OAuth authorization scope change without user consent in the middle of the authorization flow.
CVE-2020-13292 In GitLab before 13.0.12, 13.1.6 and 13.2.3, it is possible to bypass E-mail verification which is required for OAuth Flow.
CVE-2020-13272 OAuth flow missing verification checks CE/EE 12.3 and later through 13.0.1 allows unverified user to use OAuth authorization code flow
CVE-2020-12689 An issue was discovered in OpenStack Keystone before 15.0.1, and 16.0.0. Any user authenticated within a limited scope (trust/oauth/application credential) can create an EC2 credential with an escalated permission, such as obtaining admin while the user is on a limited viewer role. This potentially allows a malicious user to act as the admin on a project another user has the admin role on, which can effectively grant that user global admin privileges.
CVE-2020-11691 In JetBrains Hub before 2020.1.12099, content spoofing in the Hub OAuth error message was possible.
CVE-2020-10706 A flaw was found in OpenShift Container Platform where OAuth tokens are not encrypted when the encryption of data at rest is enabled. This flaw allows an attacker with access to a backup to obtain OAuth tokens and then use them to log into the cluster as any user who logged into the cluster via the WebUI or via the command line in the last 24 hours. Once the backup is older than 24 hours the OAuth tokens are no longer valid.
CVE-2020-1025 An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when Microsoft SharePoint Server and Skype for Business Server improperly handle OAuth token validation. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could bypass authentication and achieve improper access. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would need to modify the token. The update addresses the vulnerability by modifying how Microsoft SharePoint Server and Skype for Business Server validate tokens.
CVE-2020-10187 Doorkeeper version 5.0.0 and later contains an information disclosure vulnerability that allows an attacker to retrieve the client secret only intended for the OAuth application owner. After authorizing the application and allowing access, the attacker simply needs to request the list of their authorized applications in a JSON format (usually GET /oauth/authorized_applications.json). An application is vulnerable if the authorized applications controller is enabled.
CVE-2019-9837 Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect (aka the OpenID Connect extension for Doorkeeper) 1.4.x and 1.5.x before 1.5.4 has an open redirect via the redirect_uri field in an OAuth authorization request (that results in an error response) with the 'openid' scope and a prompt=none value. This allows phishing attacks against the authorization flow.
CVE-2019-7661 An issue was discovered in PHPMyWind 5.5. The method parameter of the data/api/oauth/connect.php page has a reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
CVE-2019-6788 An issue was discovered in GitLab Community and Enterprise Edition before 11.5.8, 11.6.x before 11.6.6, and 11.7.x before 11.7.1. It allows Information Disclosure (issue 3 of 6). For installations using GitHub or Bitbucket OAuth integrations, it is possible to use a covert redirect to obtain the user OAuth token for those services.
CVE-2019-5625 The Android mobile application Halo Home before 1.11.0 stores OAuth authentication and refresh access tokens in a clear text file. This file persists until the user logs out of the application and reboots the device. This vulnerability can allow an attacker to impersonate the legitimate user by reusing the stored OAuth token, thus allowing them to view and change the user's personal information stored in the backend cloud service. The attacker would first need to gain physical control of the Android device or compromise it with a malicious app.
CVE-2019-3876 A flaw was found in the /oauth/token/request custom endpoint of the OpenShift OAuth server allowing for XSS generation of CLI tokens due to missing X-Frame-Options and CSRF protections. If not otherwise prevented, a separate XSS vulnerability via JavaScript could further allow for the extraction of these tokens.
CVE-2019-3778 Spring Security OAuth, versions 2.3 prior to 2.3.5, and 2.2 prior to 2.2.4, and 2.1 prior to 2.1.4, and 2.0 prior to 2.0.17, and older unsupported versions could be susceptible to an open redirector attack that can leak an authorization code. A malicious user or attacker can craft a request to the authorization endpoint using the authorization code grant type, and specify a manipulated redirection URI via the "redirect_uri" parameter. This can cause the authorization server to redirect the resource owner user-agent to a URI under the control of the attacker with the leaked authorization code. This vulnerability exposes applications that meet all of the following requirements: Act in the role of an Authorization Server (e.g. @EnableAuthorizationServer) and uses the DefaultRedirectResolver in the AuthorizationEndpoint. This vulnerability does not expose applications that: Act in the role of an Authorization Server and uses a different RedirectResolver implementation other than DefaultRedirectResolver, act in the role of a Resource Server only (e.g. @EnableResourceServer), act in the role of a Client only (e.g. @EnableOAuthClient).
CVE-2019-19381 oauth/oauth2/v1/saml/ in Abacus OAuth Login 2019_01_r4_20191021_0000 before prior to R4 (20.11.2019 Hotfix) allows Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) via an error message.
CVE-2019-19336 A cross-site scripting vulnerability was reported in the oVirt-engine's OAuth authorization endpoint before version 4.3.8. URL parameters were included in the HTML response without escaping. This flaw would allow an attacker to craft malicious HTML pages that can run scripts in the context of the user's oVirt session.
CVE-2019-14880 A vulnerability was found in Moodle versions 3.7 before 3.7.3, 3.6 before 3.6.7, 3.5 before 3.5.9 and earlier. OAuth 2 providers who do not verify users' email address changes require additional verification during sign-up to reduce the risk of account compromise.
CVE-2019-12300 Buildbot before 1.8.2 and 2.x before 2.3.1 accepts a user-submitted authorization token from OAuth and uses it to authenticate a user. If an attacker has a token allowing them to read the user details of a victim, they can login as the victim.
CVE-2019-11269 Spring Security OAuth versions 2.3 prior to 2.3.6, 2.2 prior to 2.2.5, 2.1 prior to 2.1.5, and 2.0 prior to 2.0.18, as well as older unsupported versions could be susceptible to an open redirector attack that can leak an authorization code. A malicious user or attacker can craft a request to the authorization endpoint using the authorization code grant type, and specify a manipulated redirection URI via the redirect_uri parameter. This can cause the authorization server to redirect the resource owner user-agent to a URI under the control of the attacker with the leaked authorization code.
CVE-2019-11208 The authorization component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO API Exchange Gateway, and TIBCO API Exchange Gateway Distribution for TIBCO Silver Fabric contains a vulnerability that theoretically processes OAuth authorization incorrectly, leading to potential escalation of privileges for the specific customer endpoint, when the implementation uses multiple scopes. This issue affects: TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO API Exchange Gateway version 2.3.1 and prior versions, and TIBCO API Exchange Gateway Distribution for TIBCO Silver Fabric version 2.3.1 and prior versions.
CVE-2019-10460 Jenkins Bitbucket OAuth Plugin 0.9 and earlier stored credentials unencrypted in the global config.xml configuration file on the Jenkins master where they could be viewed by users with access to the master file system.
CVE-2019-10436 An arbitrary file read vulnerability in Jenkins Google OAuth Credentials Plugin 0.9 and earlier allowed attackers able to configure jobs and credentials in Jenkins to obtain the contents of any file on the Jenkins master.
CVE-2019-10315 Jenkins GitHub Authentication Plugin 0.31 and earlier did not use the state parameter of OAuth to prevent CSRF.
CVE-2019-10165 OpenShift Container Platform before version 4.1.3 writes OAuth tokens in plaintext to the audit logs for the Kubernetes API server and OpenShift API server. A user with sufficient privileges could recover OAuth tokens from these audit logs and use them to access other resources.
CVE-2019-10117 An Open Redirect issue was discovered in GitLab Community and Enterprise Edition before 11.7.8, 11.8.x before 11.8.4, and 11.9.x before 11.9.2. A redirect is triggered after successful authentication within the Oauth/:GeoAuthController for the secondary Geo node.
CVE-2019-10114 An Information Exposure issue (issue 2 of 2) was discovered in GitLab Community and Enterprise Edition before 11.7.8, 11.8.x before 11.8.4, and 11.9.x before 11.9.2. During the OAuth authentication process, the application attempts to validate a parameter in an insecure way, potentially exposing data.
CVE-2018-19574 GitLab CE/EE, versions 7.6 up to 11.x before 11.3.11, 11.4 before 11.4.8, and 11.5 before 11.5.1, are vulnerable to an XSS vulnerability in the OAuth authorization page.
CVE-2018-1794 IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, and 9.0 using OAuth ear is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. This vulnerability allows users to embed arbitrary JavaScript code in the Web UI thus altering the intended functionality potentially leading to credentials disclosure within a trusted session. IBM X-Force ID: 148949.
CVE-2018-17500 Envoy Passport for Android and Envoy Passport for iPhone could allow a local attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by the storing of hardcoded OAuth Creds in plaintext. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive information.
CVE-2018-15798 Pivotal Concourse Release, versions 4.x prior to 4.2.2, login flow allows redirects to untrusted websites. A remote unauthenticated attacker could convince a user to click on a link using the oAuth redirect link with an untrusted website and gain access to that user's access token in Concourse.
CVE-2018-15758 Spring Security OAuth, versions 2.3 prior to 2.3.4, and 2.2 prior to 2.2.3, and 2.1 prior to 2.1.3, and 2.0 prior to 2.0.16, and older unsupported versions could be susceptible to a privilege escalation under certain conditions. A malicious user or attacker can craft a request to the approval endpoint that can modify the previously saved authorization request and lead to a privilege escalation on the subsequent approval. This scenario can happen if the application is configured to use a custom approval endpoint that declares AuthorizationRequest as a controller method argument. This vulnerability exposes applications that meet all of the following requirements: Act in the role of an Authorization Server (e.g. @EnableAuthorizationServer) and use a custom Approval Endpoint that declares AuthorizationRequest as a controller method argument. This vulnerability does not expose applications that: Act in the role of an Authorization Server and use the default Approval Endpoint, act in the role of a Resource Server only (e.g. @EnableResourceServer), act in the role of a Client only (e.g. @EnableOAuthClient).
CVE-2018-15727 Grafana 2.x, 3.x, and 4.x before 4.6.4 and 5.x before 5.2.3 allows authentication bypass because an attacker can generate a valid "remember me" cookie knowing only a username of an LDAP or OAuth user.
CVE-2018-15335 When APM 13.0.0-13.1.x is deployed as an OAuth Resource Server, APM becomes a client application to an external OAuth authorization server. In certain cases when communication between the BIG-IP APM and the OAuth authorization server is lost, APM may not display the intended message in the failure response
CVE-2018-15121 An issue was discovered in Auth0 auth0-aspnet and auth0-aspnet-owin. Affected packages do not use or validate the state parameter of the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect protocols. This leaves applications vulnerable to CSRF attacks during authentication and authorization operations.
CVE-2018-1260 Spring Security OAuth, versions 2.3 prior to 2.3.3, 2.2 prior to 2.2.2, 2.1 prior to 2.1.2, 2.0 prior to 2.0.15 and older unsupported versions contains a remote code execution vulnerability. A malicious user or attacker can craft an authorization request to the authorization endpoint that can lead to remote code execution when the resource owner is forwarded to the approval endpoint.
CVE-2018-1000211 Doorkeeper version 4.2.0 and later contains a Incorrect Access Control vulnerability in Token revocation API's authorized method that can result in Access tokens are not revoked for public OAuth apps, leaking access until expiry.
CVE-2018-1000088 Doorkeeper version 2.1.0 through 4.2.5 contains a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in web view's OAuth app form, user authorization prompt web view that can result in Stored XSS on the OAuth Client's name will cause users interacting with it will execute payload. This attack appear to be exploitable via The victim must be tricked to click an opaque link to the web view that runs the XSS payload. A malicious version virtually indistinguishable from a normal link.. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 4.2.6, 4.3.0.
CVE-2017-9506 The IconUriServlet of the Atlassian OAuth Plugin from version 1.3.0 before version 1.9.12 and from version 2.0.0 before version 2.0.4 allows remote attackers to access the content of internal network resources and/or perform an XSS attack via Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF).
CVE-2017-9421 Authentication Bypass vulnerability in Accellion kiteworks before 2017.01.00 allows remote attackers to execute certain API calls on behalf of a web user using a gathered token via a POST request to /oauth/token.
CVE-2017-9245 The Google News and Weather application before 3.3.1 for Android allows remote attackers to read OAuth tokens by sniffing the network and leveraging the lack of SSL.
CVE-2017-8304 An issue was discovered on Accellion FTA devices before FTA_9_12_180. courier/1000@/oauth/playground/callback.html allows XSS with a crafted URI.
CVE-2017-7419 A OAuth application in NetIQ Access Manager 4.3 before 4.3.2 and 4.2 before 4.2.4 allowed cross site scripting attacks due to unescaped "description" field that could be specified by the provider.
CVE-2017-6413 The "OpenID Connect Relying Party and OAuth 2.0 Resource Server" (aka mod_auth_openidc) module before 2.1.6 for the Apache HTTP Server does not skip OIDC_CLAIM_ and OIDCAuthNHeader headers in an "AuthType oauth20" configuration, which allows remote attackers to bypass authentication via crafted HTTP traffic.
CVE-2017-6062 The "OpenID Connect Relying Party and OAuth 2.0 Resource Server" (aka mod_auth_openidc) module before 2.1.5 for the Apache HTTP Server does not skip OIDC_CLAIM_ and OIDCAuthNHeader headers in an "OIDCUnAuthAction pass" configuration, which allows remote attackers to bypass authentication via crafted HTTP traffic.
CVE-2017-5250 In version 1.9.7 and prior of Insteon's Insteon for Hub Android app, the OAuth token used by the app to authorize user access is not stored in an encrypted and secure manner.
CVE-2017-5249 In version and prior of Wink Labs's Wink - Smart Home Android app, the OAuth token used by the app to authorize user access is not stored in an encrypted and secure manner.
CVE-2017-4960 An issue was discovered in Cloud Foundry release v247 through v252, UAA stand-alone release v3.9.0 through v3.11.0, and UAA Bosh Release v21 through v26. There is a potential to subject the UAA OAuth clients to a denial of service attack.
CVE-2017-18924 ** DISPUTED ** oauth2-server (aka node-oauth2-server) through 3.1.1 implements OAuth 2.0 without PKCE. It does not prevent authorization code injection. This is similar to CVE-2020-7692. NOTE: the vendor states 'As RFC7636 is an extension, I think the claim in the Readme of "RFC 6749 compliant" is valid and not misleading and I also therefore wouldn't describe this as a "vulnerability" with the library per se.'
CVE-2017-18917 An issue was discovered in Mattermost Server before 3.8.2, 3.7.5, and 3.6.7. Weak hashing was used for e-mail invitations, OAuth, and e-mail verification tokens.
CVE-2017-18905 An issue was discovered in Mattermost Server before 4.0.0, 3.10.2, and 3.9.2, when used as an OAuth 2.0 service provider, Session invalidation was mishandled.
CVE-2017-18897 An issue was discovered in Mattermost Server before 4.2.0, 4.1.1, and 4.0.5, when used as an OAuth 2.0 service provider. It mishandles a deny action for a redirection.
CVE-2017-18894 An issue was discovered in Mattermost Server before 4.2.0, 4.1.1, and 4.0.5, when used as an OAuth 2.0 service provider. Sometimes. resource-owner authorization is bypassed, allowing account takeover.
CVE-2017-18884 An issue was discovered in Mattermost Server before 4.3.0, 4.2.1, and 4.1.2. It allows attackers to gain privileges by using a registered OAuth application with personal access tokens.
CVE-2017-18883 An issue was discovered in Mattermost Server before 4.3.0, 4.2.1, and 4.1.2, when serving as an OAuth 2.0 Service Provider. There is low entropy for authorization data.
CVE-2017-18877 An issue was discovered in Mattermost Server before 4.3.0, 4.2.1, and 4.1.2. XSS attacks could occur against an OAuth 2.0 allow/deny page.
CVE-2017-18872 An issue was discovered in Mattermost Server before 4.4.3 and 4.3.3. Attackers could reconfigure an OAuth app in some cases where Mattermost is an OAuth 2.0 service provider.
CVE-2017-18111 The OAuthHelper in Atlassian Application Links before version 5.0.10, from version 5.1.0 before version 5.1.3, and from version 5.2.0 before version 5.2.6 used an XML document builder that was vulnerable to XXE when consuming a client OAuth request. This allowed malicious oauth application linked applications to probe internal network resources by requesting internal locations, read the contents of files and also cause an out of memory exception affecting availability via an XML External Entity vulnerability.
CVE-2017-18096 The OAuth status rest resource in Atlassian Application Links before version 5.2.7, from 5.3.0 before 5.3.4 and from 5.4.0 before 5.4.3 allows remote attackers with administrative rights to access the content of internal network resources via a Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) by creating an OAuth application link to a location they control and then redirecting access from the linked location's OAuth status rest resource to an internal location. When running in an environment like Amazon EC2, this flaw maybe used to access to a metadata resource that provides access credentials and other potentially confidential information.
CVE-2017-16028 react-native-meteor-oauth is a library for Oauth2 login to a Meteor server in React Native. The oauth Random Token is generated using a non-cryptographically strong RNG (Math.random()).
CVE-2017-14394 OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server of ForgeRock Access Management (OpenAM) 13.5.0-13.5.1 and Access Management (AM) 5.0.0-5.1.1 does not correctly validate redirect_uri for some invalid requests, which allows attackers to perform phishing via an unvalidated redirect.
CVE-2017-14193 The oauth function in controllers/member/api.php in dayrui FineCms 5.0.11 has XSS related to the Referer HTTP header with Internet Explorer.
CVE-2017-13761 The Fastly CDN module before 1.2.26 for Magento2, when used with a third-party authentication plugin, might allow remote authenticated users to obtain sensitive information from authenticated sessions via vectors involving caching of redirect responses.
CVE-2017-12160 It was found that Keycloak oauth would permit an authenticated resource to obtain an access/refresh token pair from the authentication server, permitting indefinite usage in the case of permission revocation. An attacker on an already compromised resource could use this flaw to grant himself continued permissions and possibly conduct further attacks.
CVE-2017-10805 In Odoo 8.0, Odoo Community Edition 9.0 and 10.0, and Odoo Enterprise Edition 9.0 and 10.0, incorrect access control on OAuth tokens in the OAuth module allows remote authenticated users to hijack OAuth sessions of other users.
CVE-2017-1000070 The Bitly oauth2_proxy in version 2.1 and earlier was affected by an open redirect vulnerability during the start and termination of the 2-legged OAuth flow. This issue was caused by improper input validation and a violation of RFC-6819
CVE-2017-1000024 Shotwell version 0.24.4 or earlier and 0.25.3 or earlier is vulnerable to an information disclosure in the web publishing plugins resulting in potential password and oauth token plaintext transmission
CVE-2017-0926 Gitlab Community Edition version 10.3 is vulnerable to an improper authorization issue in the Oauth sign-in component resulting in unauthorized user login.
CVE-2016-6658 Applications in cf-release before 245 can be configured and pushed with a user-provided custom buildpack using a URL pointing to the buildpack. Although it is not recommended, a user can specify a credential in the URL (basic auth or OAuth) to access the buildpack through the CLI. For example, the user could include a GitHub username and password in the URL to access a private repo. Because the URL to access the buildpack is stored unencrypted, an operator with privileged access to the Cloud Controller database could view these credentials.
CVE-2016-6651 The UAA /oauth/token endpoint in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 243; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.5; UAA BOSH before 11.7 and 12.x before 12.6; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.40, 1.7.x before 1.7.21, and 1.8.x before 1.8.2; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.13 and 1.8.x before 1.8.1 allows remote authenticated users to gain privileges by leveraging possession of a token.
CVE-2016-6636 The OAuth authorization implementation in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) before 242; UAA 2.x before, 3.x before, and 3.4.x before 3.4.4; UAA BOSH before 11.5 and 12.x before 12.5; Elastic Runtime before 1.6.40, 1.7.x before 1.7.21, and 1.8.x before 1.8.1; and Ops Manager 1.7.x before 1.7.13 and 1.8.x before 1.8.1 mishandles redirect_uri subdomains, which allows remote attackers to obtain implicit access tokens via a modified subdomain.
CVE-2016-6582 The Doorkeeper gem before 4.2.0 for Ruby might allow remote attackers to conduct replay attacks or revoke arbitrary tokens by leveraging failure to implement the OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation specification.
CVE-2016-6270 The handle_certificate function in /vmi/manager/engine/management/commands/ in Trend Micro Virtual Mobile Infrastructure before 5.1 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary commands via shell metacharacters in the password to api/v1/cfg/oauth/save_identify_pfx/.
CVE-2016-5663 Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in oauth_callback.php on Accellion Kiteworks appliances before kw2016.03.00 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) code, (2) error, or (3) error_description parameter.
CVE-2016-4977 When processing authorization requests using the whitelabel views in Spring Security OAuth 2.0.0 to 2.0.9 and 1.0.0 to 1.0.5, the response_type parameter value was executed as Spring SpEL which enabled a malicious user to trigger remote code execution via the crafting of the value for response_type.
CVE-2016-3098 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in administrate 0.1.4 and earlier allows remote attackers to hijack the user's OAuth autorization code.
CVE-2016-11086 lib/oauth/consumer.rb in the oauth-ruby gem through 0.5.4 for Ruby does not verify server X.509 certificates if a certificate bundle cannot be found, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof servers and obtain sensitive information.
CVE-2016-10511 The Twitter iOS client versions 6.62 and 6.62.1 fail to validate Twitter's server certificates for the /1.1/help/settings.json configuration endpoint, permitting man-in-the-middle attackers the ability to view an application-only OAuth client token and potentially enable unreleased Twitter iOS app features.
CVE-2016-0781 The UAA OAuth approval pages in Cloud Foundry v208 to v231, Login-server v1.6 to v1.14, UAA v2.0.0 to v2.7.4.1, UAA v3.0.0 to v3.2.0, UAA-Release v2 to v7 and Pivotal Elastic Runtime 1.6.x versions prior to 1.6.20 are vulnerable to an XSS attack by specifying malicious java script content in either the OAuth scopes (SCIM groups) or SCIM group descriptions.
CVE-2015-8009 The MWOAuthDataStore::lookup_token function in Extension:OAuth for MediaWiki 1.25.x before 1.25.3, 1.24.x before 1.24.4, and before 1.23.11 does not properly validate the signature when checking the authorization signature, which allows remote registered Consumers to use another Consumer's credentials by leveraging knowledge of the credentials.
CVE-2015-8008 The OAuth extension for MediaWiki improperly negotiates a new client token only over Special:OAuth/initiate, which allows attackers to bypass intended IP address access restrictions by making an API request with an existing token.
CVE-2015-8007 The Echo extension for MediWiki does not properly implement the hideuser functionality, which allows remote authenticated users to see hidden usernames in "non-revision based" notifications, as demonstrated by viewing a hidden username in a Thanks notification.
CVE-2015-8006 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the PageTriage toolbar in the PageTriage extension for MediWiki allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the page title.
CVE-2015-7417 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 before, 8.0 before, and 8.5 before allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via crafted data from an OAuth provider.
CVE-2015-4715 The fetch function in OAuth/Curl.php in Dropbox-PHP, as used in ownCloud Server before 6.0.8, 7.x before 7.0.6, and 8.x before 8.0.4 when an external Dropbox storage has been mounted, allows remote administrators of to read arbitrary files via an @ (at sign) character in unspecified POST values.
CVE-2015-2857 Accellion File Transfer Appliance before FTA_9_11_210 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via shell metacharacters in the oauth_token parameter.
CVE-2015-2675 The OAuth implementation in librest before 0.7.93 incorrectly truncates the pointer returned by the rest_proxy_call_get_url function, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via running the EnsureCredentials method from the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Account interface on an object representing a Flickr account.
CVE-2015-1885 WebSphereOauth20SP.ear in IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 7.0 before, 8.0 before, 8.5 Liberty Profile before, and 8.5 Full Profile before, when the OAuth grant type requires sending a password, allows remote attackers to gain privileges via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2014-8144 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in doorkeeper before 1.4.1 allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of unspecified victims for requests that read a user OAuth authorization code via unknown vectors.
CVE-2014-7922 The GoogleAuthUtil.getToken method in the Google Play services SDK before 2015 sets parameters in OAuth token requests upon finding a corresponding _opt_ parameter in the Bundle extras argument, which allows attackers to bypass an intended consent dialog and retrieve tokens for arbitrary OAuth scopes including the SID and LSID scopes, and consequently obtain access to a Google account, via a crafted application, as demonstrated by setting the has_permission=1 parameter value upon finding _opt_has_permission in that argument.
CVE-2014-4595 Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the WP RESTful plugin 0.1 and earlier for WordPress allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) oauth_callback parameter to html_api_authorize.php or the (2) oauth_token_temp or (3) oauth_callback_temp parameter to html_api_login.php.
CVE-2014-4590 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in get.php in the WP Microblogs plugin 0.4.0 and earlier for WordPress allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the oauth_verifier parameter.
CVE-2014-3476 OpenStack Identity (Keystone) before 2013.2.4, 2014.1 before 2014.1.2, and Juno before Juno-2 does not properly handle chained delegation, which allows remote authenticated users to gain privileges by leveraging a (1) trust or (2) OAuth token with impersonation enabled to create a new token with additional roles.
CVE-2014-1423 signond before 8.57+15.04.20141127.1-0ubuntu1, as used in Ubuntu Touch, did not properly restrict applications from querying oath tokens due to incorrect checks and the missing installation of the signon-apparmor-extension. An attacker could use this create a malicious click app that collects oauth tokens for other applications, exposing sensitive information.
CVE-2013-7142 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Open-Xchange (OX) AppSuite 7.4.1 and earlier allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified oAuth API functions.
CVE-2013-6738 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in IBM SmartCloud Analytics Log Analysis 1.1 and 1.2 before allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via an invalid query parameter in a response from an OAuth authorization endpoint.
CVE-2013-4347 The (1) make_nonce, (2) generate_nonce, and (3) generate_verifier functions in SimpleGeo python-oauth2 uses weak random numbers to generate nonces, which makes it easier for remote attackers to guess the nonce via a brute force attack.
CVE-2013-4346 The Server.verify_request function in SimpleGeo python-oauth2 does not check the nonce, which allows remote attackers to perform replay attacks via a signed URL.
CVE-2013-4120 Katello has a Denial of Service vulnerability in API OAuth authentication
CVE-2013-0597 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 7.0 before, 8.0 before, and 8.5 before, when OAuth is used, allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-1963 The Content Security Policy (CSP) functionality in Mozilla Firefox 4.x through 13.0, Firefox ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, Thunderbird 5.0 through 13.0, Thunderbird ESR 10.x before 10.0.6, and SeaMonkey before 2.11 does not properly restrict the strings placed into the blocked-uri parameter of a violation report, which allows remote web servers to capture OpenID credentials and OAuth 2.0 access tokens by triggering a violation.
CVE-2011-5243 TwitterOAuth does not verify that the server hostname matches a domain name in the subject's Common Name (CN) or subjectAltName field of the X.509 certificate, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof SSL servers via an arbitrary valid certificate.
CVE-2011-5242 tmhOAuth before 0.61 does not verify that the server hostname matches a domain name in the subject's Common Name (CN) or subjectAltName field of the X.509 certificate, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof SSL servers via an arbitrary valid certificate.
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