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There are 15 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2020-8340 A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was discovered in the legacy IBM and Lenovo System x IMM2 (Integrated Management Module 2), prior to version 5.60, embedded Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) web interface during an internal security review. This vulnerability could allow JavaScript code to be executed in the user's web browser if the user is convinced to visit a crafted URL, possibly through phishing. Successful exploitation requires specific knowledge about the user’s network to be included in the crafted URL. Impact is limited to the normal access restrictions and permissions of the user clicking the crafted URL, and subject to the user being able to connect to and already being authenticated to IMM2 or other systems. The JavaScript code is not executed on IMM2 itself.
CVE-2019-6161 An internal product security audit discovered a session handling vulnerability in the web interface of ThinkAgile CP-SB (Storage Block) BMC in firmware versions prior to 1908.M. This vulnerability allows session IDs to be reused, which could provide unauthorized access to the BMC under certain circumstances. This vulnerability does not affect ThinkSystem XCC, System x IMM2, or other BMCs.
CVE-2019-6159 A stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in various firmware versions of the legacy IBM System x IMM (IMM v1) embedded Baseboard Management Controller (BMC). This vulnerability could allow an unauthenticated user to cause JavaScript code to be stored in the IMM log which may then be executed in the user's web browser when IMM log records containing the JavaScript code are viewed. The JavaScript code is not executed on IMM itself. The later IMM2 (IMM v2) is not affected.
CVE-2019-6157 In various firmware versions of Lenovo System x, the integrated management module II (IMM2)'s first failure data capture (FFDC) includes the web server's private key in the generated log file for support.
CVE-2018-9068 The IMM2 First Failure Data Capture function collects management module logs and diagnostic information when a hardware error is detected. This information is made available for download through an SFTP server hosted on the IMM2 management network interface. In versions earlier than 4.90 for Lenovo System x and earlier than 6.80 for IBM System x, the credentials to access the SFTP server are hard-coded and described in the IMM2 documentation, allowing an attacker with management network access to obtain the collected FFDC data. After applying the update, the IMM2 will create random SFTP credentials for use with OneCLI.
CVE-2017-3774 A stack overflow vulnerability was discovered within the web administration service in Integrated Management Module 2 (IMM2) earlier than version 4.70 used in some Lenovo servers and earlier than version 6.60 used in some IBM servers. An attacker providing a crafted user ID and password combination can cause a portion of the authentication routine to overflow its stack, resulting in stack corruption.
CVE-2017-3768 An unprivileged attacker with connectivity to the IMM2 could cause a denial of service attack on the IMM2 (Versions earlier than 4.4 for Lenovo System x and earlier than 6.4 for IBM System x). Flooding the IMM2 with a high volume of authentication failures via the Common Information Model (CIM) used by LXCA and OneCLI and other tools can exhaust available system memory which can cause the IMM2 to reboot itself until the requests cease.
CVE-2017-3744 In the IMM2 firmware of Lenovo System x servers, remote commands issued by LXCA or other utilities may be captured in the First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) service log if the service log is generated when that remote command is running. Captured command data may contain clear text login information. Authorized users that can capture and export FFDC service log data may have access to these remote commands.
CVE-2014-0882 Integrated Management Module II (IMM2) on IBM Flex System, NeXtScale, System x3xxx, and System x iDataPlex systems might allow remote authenticated users to obtain sensitive account information via vectors related to generated Service Advisor data (FFDC). IBM X-Force ID: 91149.
CVE-2014-0881 The TPM on Integrated Management Module II (IMM2) on IBM Flex System x222 servers with firmware 1.00 through 3.56 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive key information or cause a denial of service by leveraging an incorrect configuration. IBM X-Force ID: 91146.
CVE-2014-0860 The firmware before 3.66E in IBM BladeCenter Advanced Management Module (AMM), the firmware before 1.43 in IBM Integrated Management Module (IMM), and the firmware before 4.15 in IBM Integrated Management Module II (IMM2) contains cleartext IPMI credentials, which allows attackers to execute arbitrary IPMI commands, and consequently establish a blade remote-control session, by leveraging access to (1) the chassis internal network or (2) the Ethernet-over-USB interface.
CVE-2013-4037 The RAKP protocol support in the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) implementation in Integrated Management Module (IMM) and Integrated Management Module II (IMM2) on IBM BladeCenter, Flex System, System x iDataPlex, and System x3### servers sends a password hash to the client, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via a brute-force attack.
CVE-2013-4031 The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) implementation in Integrated Management Module (IMM) and Integrated Management Module II (IMM2) on IBM BladeCenter, Flex System, System x iDataPlex, and System x3### servers has a default password for the IPMI user account, which makes it easier for remote attackers to perform power-on, power-off, or reboot actions, or add or modify accounts, via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-4030 Integrated Management Module (IMM) 2 1.00 through 2.00 on IBM System X and Flex System servers supports SSL cipher suites with short keys, which makes it easier for remote attackers to defeat cryptographic protection mechanisms via a brute-force attack against (1) SSL or (2) TLS traffic.
CVE-2012-4838 IBM Flex System Chassis Management Module (CMM) and Integrated Management Module 2 (IMM2) allow local users to obtain sensitive information about (1) local accounts, (2) SSH private keys, (3) SSL/TLS private keys, (4) SNMPv3 communities, and (5) LDAP credentials by leveraging unspecified side effects of service or maintenance activity.
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