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There are 33 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-34082 Grav is a file-based Web platform. Prior to version 1.7.46, a low privilege user account with page edit privilege can read any server files using Twig Syntax. This includes Grav user account files - `/grav/user/accounts/*.yaml`. This file stores hashed user password, 2FA secret, and the password reset token. This can allow an adversary to compromise any registered account and read any file in the web server by resetting a password for a user to get access to the password reset token from the file or by cracking the hashed password. A low privileged user may also perform a full account takeover of other registered users including Administrators. Version 1.7.46 contains a patch.
CVE-2024-28119 Grav is an open-source, flat-file content management system. Prior to version 1.7.45, due to the unrestricted access to twig extension class from grav context, an attacker can redefine the escape function and execute arbitrary commands. Twig processing of static pages can be enabled in the front matter by any administrative user allowed to create or edit pages. As the Twig processor runs unsandboxed, this behavior can be used to gain arbitrary code execution and elevate privileges on the instance. Version 1.7.45 contains a patch for this issue.
CVE-2024-28118 Grav is an open-source, flat-file content management system. Prior to version 1.7.45, due to the unrestricted access to twig extension class from Grav context, an attacker can redefine config variable. As a result, attacker can bypass a previous SSTI mitigation. Twig processing of static pages can be enabled in the front matter by any administrative user allowed to create or edit pages. As the Twig processor runs unsandboxed, this behavior can be used to gain arbitrary code execution and elevate privileges on the instance. Version 1.7.45 contains a fix for this issue.
CVE-2024-28117 Grav is an open-source, flat-file content management system. Prior to version 1.7.45, Grav validates accessible functions through the Utils::isDangerousFunction function, but does not impose restrictions on twig functions like twig_array_map, allowing attackers to bypass the validation and execute arbitrary commands. Twig processing of static pages can be enabled in the front matter by any administrative user allowed to create or edit pages. As the Twig processor runs unsandboxed, this behavior can be used to gain arbitrary code execution and elevate privileges on the instance. Upgrading to patched version 1.7.45 can mitigate this issue.
CVE-2024-28116 Grav is an open-source, flat-file content management system. Grav CMS prior to version 1.7.45 is vulnerable to a Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI), which allows any authenticated user (editor permissions are sufficient) to execute arbitrary code on the remote server bypassing the existing security sandbox. Version 1.7.45 contains a patch for this issue.
CVE-2024-27923 Grav is a content management system (CMS). Prior to version 1.7.43, users who may write a page may use the `frontmatter` feature due to insufficient permission validation and inadequate file name validation. This may lead to remote code execution. Version 1.7.43 fixes this issue.
CVE-2024-27921 Grav is an open-source, flat-file content management system. A file upload path traversal vulnerability has been identified in the application prior to version 1.7.45, enabling attackers to replace or create files with extensions like .json, .zip, .css, .gif, etc. This critical security flaw poses severe risks, that can allow attackers to inject arbitrary code on the server, undermine integrity of backup files by overwriting existing files or creating new ones, and exfiltrate sensitive data using CSS exfiltration techniques. Upgrading to patched version 1.7.45 can mitigate the issue.
CVE-2023-37897 Grav is a file-based Web-platform built in PHP. Grav is subject to a server side template injection (SSTI) vulnerability. The fix for another SSTI vulnerability using `|map`, `|filter` and `|reduce` twigs implemented in the commit `71bbed1` introduces bypass of the denylist due to incorrect return value from `isDangerousFunction()`, which allows to execute the payload prepending double backslash (`\\`). The `isDangerousFunction()` check in version 1.7.42 and onwards retuns `false` value instead of `true` when the `\` symbol is found in the `$name`. This vulnerability can be exploited if the attacker has access to: 1. an Administrator account, or 2. a non-administrator, user account that has Admin panel access and Create/Update page permissions. A fix for this vulnerability has been introduced in commit `b4c6210` and is included in release version ``. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-34452 Grav is a flat-file content management system. In versions 1.7.42 and prior, the "/forgot_password" page has a self-reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability that can be exploited by injecting a script into the "email" parameter of the request. While this vulnerability can potentially allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the user's browser, the impact is limited as it requires user interaction to trigger the vulnerability. As of time of publication, a patch is not available. Server-side validation should be implemented to prevent this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-34448 Grav is a flat-file content management system. Prior to version 1.7.42, the patch for CVE-2022-2073, a server-side template injection vulnerability in Grav leveraging the default `filter()` function, did not block other built-in functions exposed by Twig's Core Extension that could be used to invoke arbitrary unsafe functions, thereby allowing for remote code execution. A patch in version 1.74.2 overrides the built-in Twig `map()` and `reduce()` filter functions in `system/src/Grav/Common/Twig/Extension/GravExtension.php` to validate the argument passed to the filter in `$arrow`.
CVE-2023-34253 Grav is a flat-file content management system. Prior to version 1.7.42, the denylist introduced in commit 9d6a2d to prevent dangerous functions from being executed via injection of malicious templates was insufficient and could be easily subverted in multiple ways -- (1) using unsafe functions that are not banned, (2) using capitalised callable names, and (3) using fully-qualified names for referencing callables. Consequently, a low privileged attacker with login access to Grav Admin panel and page creation/update permissions is able to inject malicious templates to obtain remote code execution. A patch in version 1.7.42 improves the denylist.
CVE-2023-34252 Grav is a flat-file content management system. Prior to version 1.7.42, there is a logic flaw in the `GravExtension.filterFilter()` function whereby validation against a denylist of unsafe functions is only performed when the argument passed to filter is a string. However, passing an array as a callable argument allows the validation check to be skipped. Consequently, a low privileged attacker with login access to Grav Admin panel and page creation/update permissions is able to inject malicious templates to obtain remote code execution. The vulnerability can be found in the `GravExtension.filterFilter()` function declared in `/system/src/Grav/Common/Twig/Extension/GravExtension.php`. Version 1.7.42 contains a patch for this issue. End users should also ensure that `twig.undefined_functions` and `twig.undefined_filters` properties in `/path/to/webroot/system/config/system.yaml` configuration file are set to `false` to disallow Twig from treating undefined filters/functions as PHP functions and executing them.
CVE-2023-34251 Grav is a flat-file content management system. Versions prior to 1.7.42 are vulnerable to server side template injection. Remote code execution is possible by embedding malicious PHP code on the administrator screen by a user with page editing privileges. Version 1.7.42 contains a fix for this issue.
CVE-2023-31506 A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Grav versions 1.7.44 and before, allows remote authenticated attackers to execute arbitrary web scripts or HTML via the onmouseover attribute of an ISINDEX element.
CVE-2022-2073 Code Injection in GitHub repository getgrav/grav prior to 1.7.34.
CVE-2022-1173 stored xss in GitHub repository getgrav/grav prior to 1.7.33.
CVE-2022-0970 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Stored in GitHub repository getgrav/grav prior to 1.7.31.
CVE-2022-0743 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Stored in GitHub repository getgrav/grav prior to 1.7.31.
CVE-2022-0268 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Stored in Packagist getgrav/grav prior to 1.7.28.
CVE-2021-3924 grav is vulnerable to Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')
CVE-2021-3920 grav-plugin-admin is vulnerable to Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
CVE-2021-3904 grav is vulnerable to Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
CVE-2021-3818 grav is vulnerable to Reliance on Cookies without Validation and Integrity Checking
CVE-2021-3799 grav-plugin-admin is vulnerable to Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames
CVE-2021-29440 Grav is a file based Web-platform. Twig processing of static pages can be enabled in the front matter by any administrative user allowed to create or edit pages. As the Twig processor runs unsandboxed, this behavior can be used to gain arbitrary code execution and elevate privileges on the instance. The issue was addressed in version 1.7.11.
CVE-2021-29439 The Grav admin plugin prior to version 1.10.11 does not correctly verify caller's privileges. As a consequence, users with the permission `admin.login` can install third-party plugins and their dependencies. By installing the right plugin, an attacker can obtain an arbitrary code execution primitive and elevate their privileges on the instance. The vulnerability has been addressed in version 1.10.11. As a mitigation blocking access to the `/admin` path from untrusted sources will reduce the probability of exploitation.
CVE-2021-21425 Grav Admin Plugin is an HTML user interface that provides a way to configure Grav and create and modify pages. In versions 1.10.7 and earlier, an unauthenticated user can execute some methods of administrator controller without needing any credentials. Particular method execution will result in arbitrary YAML file creation or content change of existing YAML files on the system. Successfully exploitation of that vulnerability results in configuration changes, such as general site information change, custom scheduler job definition, etc. Due to the nature of the vulnerability, an adversary can change some part of the webpage, or hijack an administrator account, or execute operating system command under the context of the web-server user. This vulnerability is fixed in version 1.10.8. Blocking access to the `/admin` path from untrusted sources can be applied as a workaround.
CVE-2020-29556 The Backup functionality in Grav CMS through 1.7.0-rc.17 allows an authenticated attacker to read arbitrary local files on the underlying server by exploiting a path-traversal technique. (This vulnerability can also be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker due to a lack of CSRF protection.)
CVE-2020-29555 The BackupDelete functionality in Grav CMS through 1.7.0-rc.17 allows an authenticated attacker to delete arbitrary files on the underlying server by exploiting a path-traversal technique. (This vulnerability can also be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker due to a lack of CSRF protection.)
CVE-2020-29553 The Scheduler in Grav CMS through 1.7.0-rc.17 allows an attacker to execute a system command by tricking an admin into visiting a malicious website (CSRF).
CVE-2020-11529 Common/Grav.php in Grav before 1.7 has an Open Redirect. This is partially fixed in 1.6.23 and still present in 1.6.x.
CVE-2019-16126 Grav through 1.6.15 allows (Stored) Cross-Site Scripting due to JavaScript execution in SVG images.
CVE-2018-5233 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in system/src/Grav/Common/Twig/Twig.php in Grav CMS before 1.3.0 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the PATH_INFO to admin/tools.
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