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There are 5 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2021-37682 TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. In affected versions all TFLite operations that use quantization can be made to use unitialized values. [For example]( The issue stems from the fact that `quantization.params` is only valid if `quantization.type` is different that `kTfLiteNoQuantization`. However, these checks are missing in large parts of the code. We have patched the issue in GitHub commits 537bc7c723439b9194a358f64d871dd326c18887, 4a91f2069f7145aab6ba2d8cfe41be8a110c18a5 and 8933b8a21280696ab119b63263babdb54c298538. The fix will be included in TensorFlow 2.6.0. We will also cherrypick this commit on TensorFlow 2.5.1, TensorFlow 2.4.3, and TensorFlow 2.3.4, as these are also affected and still in supported range.
CVE-2021-37679 TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. In affected versions it is possible to nest a `tf.map_fn` within another `tf.map_fn` call. However, if the input tensor is a `RaggedTensor` and there is no function signature provided, code assumes the output is a fully specified tensor and fills output buffer with uninitialized contents from the heap. The `t` and `z` outputs should be identical, however this is not the case. The last row of `t` contains data from the heap which can be used to leak other memory information. The bug lies in the conversion from a `Variant` tensor to a `RaggedTensor`. The [implementation]( does not check that all inner shapes match and this results in the additional dimensions. The same implementation can result in data loss, if input tensor is tweaked. We have patched the issue in GitHub commit 4e2565483d0ffcadc719bd44893fb7f609bb5f12. The fix will be included in TensorFlow 2.6.0. We will also cherrypick this commit on TensorFlow 2.5.1, TensorFlow 2.4.3, and TensorFlow 2.3.4, as these are also affected and still in supported range.
CVE-2021-37678 TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. In affected versions TensorFlow and Keras can be tricked to perform arbitrary code execution when deserializing a Keras model from YAML format. The [implementation]( uses `yaml.unsafe_load` which can perform arbitrary code execution on the input. Given that YAML format support requires a significant amount of work, we have removed it for now. We have patched the issue in GitHub commit 23d6383eb6c14084a8fc3bdf164043b974818012. The fix will be included in TensorFlow 2.6.0. We will also cherrypick this commit on TensorFlow 2.5.1, TensorFlow 2.4.3, and TensorFlow 2.3.4, as these are also affected and still in supported range.
CVE-2021-37665 TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. In affected versions due to incomplete validation in MKL implementation of requantization, an attacker can trigger undefined behavior via binding a reference to a null pointer or can access data outside the bounds of heap allocated arrays. The [implementation]( does not validate the dimensions of the `input` tensor. A similar issue occurs in `MklRequantizePerChannelOp`. The [implementation]( does not perform full validation for all the input arguments. We have patched the issue in GitHub commit 9e62869465573cb2d9b5053f1fa02a81fce21d69 and in the Github commit 203214568f5bc237603dbab6e1fd389f1572f5c9. The fix will be included in TensorFlow 2.6.0. We will also cherrypick this commit on TensorFlow 2.5.1, TensorFlow 2.4.3, and TensorFlow 2.3.4, as these are also affected and still in supported range.
CVE-2021-37663 TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. In affected versions due to incomplete validation in `tf.raw_ops.QuantizeV2`, an attacker can trigger undefined behavior via binding a reference to a null pointer or can access data outside the bounds of heap allocated arrays. The [implementation]( has some validation but does not check that `min_range` and `max_range` both have the same non-zero number of elements. If `axis` is provided (i.e., not `-1`), then validation should check that it is a value in range for the rank of `input` tensor and then the lengths of `min_range` and `max_range` inputs match the `axis` dimension of the `input` tensor. We have patched the issue in GitHub commit 6da6620efad397c85493b8f8667b821403516708. The fix will be included in TensorFlow 2.6.0. We will also cherrypick this commit on TensorFlow 2.5.1, TensorFlow 2.4.3, and TensorFlow 2.3.4, as these are also affected and still in supported range.
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