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There are 4 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2021-30638 Information Exposure vulnerability in context asset handling of Apache Tapestry allows an attacker to download files inside WEB-INF if using a specially-constructed URL. This was caused by an incomplete fix for CVE-2020-13953. This issue affects Apache Tapestry Apache Tapestry 5.4.0 version to Apache Tapestry 5.6.3; Apache Tapestry 5.7.0 version and Apache Tapestry 5.7.1.
CVE-2021-27850 A critical unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability was found all recent versions of Apache Tapestry. The affected versions include 5.4.5, 5.5.0, 5.6.2 and 5.7.0. The vulnerability I have found is a bypass of the fix for CVE-2019-0195. Recap: Before the fix of CVE-2019-0195 it was possible to download arbitrary class files from the classpath by providing a crafted asset file URL. An attacker was able to download the file `AppModule.class` by requesting the URL `http://localhost:8080/assets/something/services/AppModule.class` which contains a HMAC secret key. The fix for that bug was a blacklist filter that checks if the URL ends with `.class`, `.properties` or `.xml`. Bypass: Unfortunately, the blacklist solution can simply be bypassed by appending a `/` at the end of the URL: `http://localhost:8080/assets/something/services/AppModule.class/` The slash is stripped after the blacklist check and the file `AppModule.class` is loaded into the response. This class usually contains the HMAC secret key which is used to sign serialized Java objects. With the knowledge of that key an attacker can sign a Java gadget chain that leads to RCE (e.g. CommonsBeanUtils1 from ysoserial). Solution for this vulnerability: * For Apache Tapestry 5.4.0 to 5.6.1, upgrade to 5.6.2 or later. * For Apache Tapestry 5.7.0, upgrade to 5.7.1 or later.
CVE-2020-13953 In Apache Tapestry from 5.4.0 to 5.5.0, crafting specific URLs, an attacker can download files inside the WEB-INF folder of the WAR being run.
CVE-2019-0195 Manipulating classpath asset file URLs, an attacker could guess the path to a known file in the classpath and have it downloaded. If the attacker found the file with the value of the tapestry.hmac-passphrase configuration symbol, most probably the webapp's AppModule class, the value of this symbol could be used to craft a Java deserialization attack, thus running malicious injected Java code. The vector would be the t:formdata parameter from the Form component.
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