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There are 6 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2021-3518 There's a flaw in libxml2 in versions before 2.9.11. An attacker who is able to submit a crafted file to be processed by an application linked with libxml2 could trigger a use-after-free. The greatest impact from this flaw is to confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
CVE-2021-3517 There is a flaw in the xml entity encoding functionality of libxml2 in versions before 2.9.11. An attacker who is able to supply a crafted file to be processed by an application linked with the affected functionality of libxml2 could trigger an out-of-bounds read. The most likely impact of this flaw is to application availability, with some potential impact to confidentiality and integrity if an attacker is able to use memory information to further exploit the application.
CVE-2021-3516 There's a flaw in libxml2's xmllint in versions before 2.9.11. An attacker who is able to submit a crafted file to be processed by xmllint could trigger a use-after-free. The greatest impact of this flaw is to confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
CVE-2021-28651 An issue was discovered in Squid before 4.15 and 5.x before 5.0.6. Due to a buffer-management bug, it allows a denial of service. When resolving a request with the urn: scheme, the parser leaks a small amount of memory. However, there is an unspecified attack methodology that can easily trigger a large amount of memory consumption.
CVE-2017-20005 NGINX before 1.13.6 has a buffer overflow for years that exceed four digits, as demonstrated by a file with a modification date in 1969 that causes an integer overflow (or a false modification date far in the future), when encountered by the autoindex module.
CVE-2015-1877 The open_generic_xdg_mime function in xdg-open in xdg-utils 1.1.0 rc1 in Debian, when using dash, does not properly handle local variables, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted file.
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