Search Results

There are 3 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2021-23005 On all 7.x and 6.x versions (fixed in 8.0.0), when using a Quorum device for BIG-IQ high availability (HA) for automatic failover, BIG-IQ does not make use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) with the Corosync protocol. Note: Software versions which have reached End of Software Development (EoSD) are not evaluated.
CVE-2021-22997 On all 7.x and 6.x versions (fixed in 8.0.0), BIG-IQ HA ElasticSearch service does not implement any form of authentication for the clustering transport services, and all data used by ElasticSearch for transport is unencrypted. Note: Software versions which have reached End of Software Development (EoSD) are not evaluated.
CVE-2021-22996 On all 7.x versions (fixed in 8.0.0), when set up for auto failover, a BIG-IQ Data Collection Device (DCD) cluster member that receives an undisclosed message may cause the corosync process to abort. This behavior may lead to a denial-of-service (DoS) and impact the stability of a BIG-IQ high availability (HA) cluster. Note: Software versions which have reached End of Software Development (EoSD) are not evaluated.
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