Search Results

There are 9 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2021-22774 A CWE-759: Use of a One-Way Hash without a Salt vulnerability exists in EVlink City (EVC1S22P4 / EVC1S7P4 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), EVlink Parking (EVW2 / EVF2 / EV.2 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), and EVlink Smart Wallbox (EVB1A all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1 ) that could lead an attacker to get knowledge of charging station user account credentials using dictionary attacks techniques.
CVE-2021-22772 A CWE-306: Missing Authentication for Critical Function vulnerability exists in Easergy T200 ((Modbus) SC2-04MOD-07000100 and earlier), Easergy T200 ((IEC104) SC2-04IEC-07000100 and earlier), and Easergy T200 ((DNP3) SC2-04DNP-07000102 and earlier) that could cause unauthorized operation when authentication is bypassed.
CVE-2021-22771 A CWE-1236: Improper Neutralization of Formula Elements in a CSV File vulnerability exists in Easergy T300 with firmware V2.7.1 and older that would allow arbitrary command execution.
CVE-2021-22730 A CWE-798: Use of Hard-coded Credentials vulnerability exists in EVlink City (EVC1S22P4 / EVC1S7P4 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), EVlink Parking (EVW2 / EVF2 / EV.2 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), and EVlink Smart Wallbox (EVB1A all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1 ) that could an attacker to gain unauthorized administrative privileges when accessing to the charging station web server.
CVE-2021-22729 A CWE-259: Use of Hard-coded Password vulnerability exists in EVlink City (EVC1S22P4 / EVC1S7P4 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), EVlink Parking (EVW2 / EVF2 / EV.2 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), and EVlink Smart Wallbox (EVB1A all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1 ) that could allow an attacker to gain unauthorized administrative privileges when accessing to the charging station web server.
CVE-2021-22727 A CWE-331: Insufficient Entropy vulnerability exists in EVlink City (EVC1S22P4 / EVC1S7P4 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), EVlink Parking (EVW2 / EVF2 / EV.2 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), and EVlink Smart Wallbox (EVB1A all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1 ) that could allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access to the charging station web server
CVE-2021-22726 A CWE-918: Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability exists in EVlink City (EVC1S22P4 / EVC1S7P4 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), EVlink Parking (EVW2 / EVF2 / EV.2 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), and EVlink Smart Wallbox (EVB1A all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1 ) that could allow an attacker to perform unintended actions or access to data when crafted malicious parameters are submitted to the charging station web server.
CVE-2021-22708 A CWE-347: Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature vulnerability exists in EVlink City (EVC1S22P4 / EVC1S7P4 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), EVlink Parking (EVW2 / EVF2 / EV.2 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), and EVlink Smart Wallbox (EVB1A all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1 ) that could allow an attacker to craft a malicious firmware package and bypass the signature verification mechanism.
CVE-2021-22707 A CWE-798: Use of Hard-coded Credentials vulnerability exists in EVlink City (EVC1S22P4 / EVC1S7P4 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), EVlink Parking (EVW2 / EVF2 / EV.2 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), and EVlink Smart Wallbox (EVB1A all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1 ) that could allow an attacker to issue unauthorized commands to the charging station web server with administrative privileges.
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