Search Results

There are 3 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2021-22712 A CWE-119:Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer vulnerability exists in Interactive Graphical SCADA System (IGSS) Definition (Def.exe) V15.0.0.21041 and prior, which could result in arbitrary read or write conditions when malicious CGF (Configuration Group File) file is imported to IGSS Definition due to an unchecked pointer address.
CVE-2021-22711 A CWE-119:Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer vulnerability exists in Interactive Graphical SCADA System (IGSS) Definition (Def.exe) V15.0.0.21041 and prior, which could result in arbitrary read or write conditions when malicious CGF (Configuration Group File) file is imported to IGSS Definition due to missing validation of input data.
CVE-2021-22709 A CWE-119:Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer vulnerability exists in Interactive Graphical SCADA System (IGSS) Definition (Def.exe) V15.0.0.21041 and prior, which could result in loss of data or remote code execution when malicious CGF (Configuration Group File) file is imported to IGSS Definition.
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