Search Results

There are 14 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2021-22444 There is an Input Verification Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause code injection.
CVE-2021-22443 There is an Input Verification Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause random address access.
CVE-2021-22442 There is an Improper Validation of Integrity Check Value Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause the system to reset.
CVE-2021-22438 There is a Memory Buffer Improper Operation Limit Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause malicious code to be executed.
CVE-2021-22435 There is a Configuration Defect Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may affect service integrity and availability.
CVE-2021-22392 There is an Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause verification bypass and directions to abnormal addresses.
CVE-2021-22391 There is an Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause the system to reset.
CVE-2021-22390 There is a Memory Buffer Improper Operation Limit Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause certain codes to be executed.
CVE-2021-22389 There is a Permission Control Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause certain codes to be executed.
CVE-2021-22388 There is an Integer Overflow Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause certain codes to be executed.
CVE-2021-22387 There is an Improper Control of Dynamically Managing Code Resources Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may allow attempts to remotely execute commands.
CVE-2021-22384 There is an Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may lead to authentication bypass.
CVE-2021-22381 There is an Input Verification Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause an infinite loop in DoS.
CVE-2021-22379 There is an Integer Underflow (Wrap or Wraparound) Vulnerability in Huawei Smartphone.Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause DoS of Samgr.
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