Search Results

There are 3 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2020-1921 In the crypt function, we attempt to null terminate a buffer using the size of the input salt without validating that the offset is within the buffer. This issue affects HHVM versions prior to 4.56.3, all versions between 4.57.0 and 4.80.1, all versions between 4.81.0 and 4.93.1, and versions 4.94.0, 4.95.0, 4.96.0, 4.97.0, 4.98.0.
CVE-2020-1919 Incorrect bounds calculations in substr_compare could lead to an out-of-bounds read when the second string argument passed in is longer than the first. This issue affects HHVM versions prior to 4.56.3, all versions between 4.57.0 and 4.80.1, all versions between 4.81.0 and 4.93.1, and versions 4.94.0, 4.95.0, 4.96.0, 4.97.0, 4.98.0.
CVE-2020-1918 In-memory file operations (ie: using fopen on a data URI) did not properly restrict negative seeking, allowing for the reading of memory prior to the in-memory buffer. This issue affects HHVM versions prior to 4.56.3, all versions between 4.57.0 and 4.80.1, all versions between 4.81.0 and 4.93.1, and versions 4.94.0, 4.95.0, 4.96.0, 4.97.0, 4.98.0.
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