Search Results

There are 2 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2020-1900 When unserializing an object with dynamic properties HHVM needs to pre-reserve the full size of the dynamic property array before inserting anything into it. Otherwise the array might resize, invalidating previously stored references. This pre-reservation was not occurring in HHVM prior to v4.32.3, between versions 4.33.0 and 4.56.0, 4.57.0, 4.58.0, 4.58.1, 4.59.0, 4.60.0, 4.61.0, 4.62.0.
CVE-2020-1899 The unserialize() function supported a type code, "S", which was meant to be supported only for APC serialization. This type code allowed arbitrary memory addresses to be accessed as if they were static StringData objects. This issue affected HHVM prior to v4.32.3, between versions 4.33.0 and 4.56.0, 4.57.0, 4.58.0, 4.58.1, 4.59.0, 4.60.0, 4.61.0, 4.62.0.
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