Search Results

There are 3 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2020-1917 xbuf_format_converter, used as part of exif_read_data, was appending a terminating null character to the generated string, but was not using its standard append char function. As a result, if the buffer was full, it would result in an out-of-bounds write. This issue affects HHVM versions prior to 4.56.3, all versions between 4.57.0 and 4.80.1, all versions between 4.81.0 and 4.93.1, and versions 4.94.0, 4.95.0, 4.96.0, 4.97.0, 4.98.0.
CVE-2020-1916 An incorrect size calculation in ldap_escape may lead to an integer overflow when overly long input is passed in, resulting in an out-of-bounds write. This issue affects HHVM prior to 4.56.2, all versions between 4.57.0 and 4.78.0, 4.79.0, 4.80.0, 4.81.0, 4.82.0, 4.83.0.
CVE-2020-1898 The fb_unserialize function did not impose a depth limit for nested deserialization. That meant a maliciously constructed string could cause deserialization to recurse, leading to stack exhaustion. This issue affected HHVM prior to v4.32.3, between versions 4.33.0 and 4.56.0, 4.57.0, 4.58.0, 4.58.1, 4.59.0, 4.60.0, 4.61.0, 4.62.0.
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