Search Results

There are 4 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2010-1435 Joomla! Core is prone to a security bypass vulnerability. Exploiting this issue may allow attackers to perform otherwise restricted actions and subsequently retrieve password reset tokens from the database through an already existing SQL injection vector. Joomla! Core versions 1.5.x ranging from 1.5.0 and up to and including 1.5.15 are vulnerable.
CVE-2010-1434 Joomla! Core is prone to a session fixation vulnerability. An attacker may leverage this issue to hijack an arbitrary session and gain access to sensitive information, which may help in launching further attacks. Joomla! Core versions 1.5.x ranging from 1.5.0 and up to and including 1.5.15 are vulnerable.
CVE-2010-1433 Joomla! Core is prone to a vulnerability that lets attackers upload arbitrary files because the application fails to properly verify user-supplied input. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to upload arbitrary code and run it in the context of the webserver process. This may facilitate unauthorized access or privilege escalation; other attacks are also possible. Joomla! Core versions 1.5.x ranging from 1.5.0 and up to and including 1.5.15 are vulnerable.
CVE-2010-1432 Joomla! Core is prone to an information disclosure vulnerability. Attackers can exploit this issue to obtain sensitive information that may help in launching further attacks. Joomla! Core versions 1.5.x ranging from 1.5.0 and up to and including 1.5.15 are vulnerable.
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