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There are 1331 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2022-0403 The Library File Manager WordPress plugin before 5.2.3 is using an outdated version of the elFinder library, which is know to be affected by security issues (CVE-2021-32682), and does not have any authorisation as well as CSRF checks in its connector AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call it. Furthermore, as the options passed to the elFinder library does not restrict any file type, users with a role as low as subscriber can Create/Upload/Delete Arbitrary files and folders.
CVE-2021-46889 The 10Web Photo Gallery plugin through 1.5.69 for WordPress allows XSS via theme_id for bwg_frontend_data. NOTE: other parameters are covered by CVE-2021-24291, CVE-2021-25041, and CVE-2021-31693.
CVE-2021-46782 The Pricing Table by Supsystic WordPress plugin before 1.9.5 does not escape the tab parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in the admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-46781 The Coming Soon by Supsystic WordPress plugin before 1.7.6 does not sanitise and escape the tab parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in the admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-46780 The Easy Google Maps WordPress plugin before 1.9.32 does not escape the tab parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in the admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-45729 The Privilege Escalation vulnerability discovered in the WP Google Map WordPress plugin (versions <= 1.8.0) allows authenticated low-role users to create, edit, and delete maps.
CVE-2021-44779 Unauthenticated SQL Injection (SQLi) vulnerability discovered in [GWA] AutoResponder WordPress plugin (versions <= 2.3), vulnerable at (&listid). No patched version available, plugin closed.
CVE-2021-44777 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities leading to single or bulk e-mail entries deletion discovered in Email Tracker WordPress plugin (versions <= 5.2.6).
CVE-2021-4436 The 3DPrint Lite WordPress plugin before does not have any authorisation and does not check the uploaded file in its p3dlite_handle_upload AJAX action , allowing unauthenticated users to upload arbitrary file to the web server. However, there is a .htaccess, preventing the file to be accessed on Web servers such as Apache.
CVE-2021-4434 The Social Warfare plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Remote Code Execution in versions up to, and including, 3.5.2 via the 'swp_url' parameter. This allows attackers to execute code on the server.
CVE-2021-4428 A vulnerability has been found in what3words Autosuggest Plugin up to 4.0.0 on WordPress and classified as problematic. Affected by this vulnerability is the function enqueue_scripts of the file w3w-autosuggest/public/class-w3w-autosuggest-public.php of the component Setting Handler. The manipulation leads to information disclosure. The attack can be launched remotely. Upgrading to version 4.0.1 is able to address this issue. The patch is named dd59cbac5f86057d6a73b87007c08b8bfa0c32ac. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-234247.
CVE-2021-4427 The Vuukle Comments, Reactions, Share Bar, Revenue plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.4.31. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation in the /admin/partials/free-comments-for-wordpress-vuukle-admin-display.php file. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to edit the plugins settings via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4426 The Absolute Reviews plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.0.8. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the metabox_review_save() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save meta tags via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4425 The Defender Security plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.4.6. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the verify_otp_login_time() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to verify a one time login via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4424 The Slider Hero plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 8.2.0. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the qc_slider_hero_duplicate() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to duplicate slides via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4423 The RAYS Grid plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.2.2. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the rsgd_insert_update() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to update post fields via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-44223 WordPress before 5.8 lacks support for the Update URI plugin header. This makes it easier for remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a supply-chain attack against WordPress installations that use any plugin for which the slug satisfies the naming constraints of the Plugin Directory but is not yet present in that directory.
CVE-2021-4422 The POST SMTP Mailer plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.0.20. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the handleCsvExport() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to trigger a CSV export via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4421 The Advanced Popups plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.1.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the metabox_popup_save() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save meta tags via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4420 The Sell Media plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.5.5. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the sell_media_process() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to sell media paypal orders via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4419 The WP-Backgrounds Lite plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.3. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the ino_save_data() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save meta data via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4418 The Custom CSS, JS & PHP plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.0.7. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the save() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save code snippets via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4417 The Forminator &#8211; Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.13.4. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the listen_for_saving_export_schedule() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to export form submissions via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4416 The wp-mpdf plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.5.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the mpdf_admin_savepost() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save post data via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4415 The Sunshine Photo Cart plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.8.28 This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the sunshine_products_quicksave_post() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save custom post data via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4414 The Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 5.8.5. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the wcal_preview_emails() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to generate email preview templates via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4413 The Process Steps Template Designer plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.2.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the save() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save field icons via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4412 The WP Prayer plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.6.5. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the save() and export() functions. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save plugin settings and trigger a data export via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4411 The WP EasyPay &#8211; Square for WordPress plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.2.0. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the wpep_download_transaction_in_excel() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to trigger a transactions download via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4410 The Qtranslate Slug plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.1.18. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the save_postdata() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save post data via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4409 The WooCommerce Etsy Integration plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.3.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the etcpf_delete_feed() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to delete an export feed via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4408 The DW Question & Answer plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.5.8. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the update_answer() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to update answers to questions via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4407 The Custom Banners plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.2.2 This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the saveCustomFields() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save custom fields via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4405 The ElasticPress plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.5.3. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the epio_send_autosuggest_allowed() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to send allowed parameters for autosuggest to elasticpress[.]io via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4404 The Event Espresso 4 Decaf plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 4.10.11. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the ajaxHandler() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to op into notifications via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4403 The Remove Schema plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.5. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the validate() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to modify the plugins settings via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4402 The Multiple Roles plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.3.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the mu_add_roles_in_signup_meta() and mu_add_roles_in_signup_meta_recently() functions. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to add additional roles to users via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4401 The Style Kits plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.8.0. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the update_posts_stylekit() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to update style kits for posts via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4400 The Better Search plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.5.2. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the bsearch_process_settings_import() and bsearch_process_settings_export() functions. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to import and export settings via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4399 The Edwiser Bridge plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including,2.0.6. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the user_data_synchronization_initiater(), course_synchronization_initiater(), users_link_to_moodle_synchronization(), connection_test_initiater(), admin_menus(), and subscribe_handler() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to perform unauthorized actions via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4398 The Amministrazione Trasparente plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 7.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the at_save_aturl_meta() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to update meta data via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4397 The Staff Directory Plugin plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.6. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the saveCustomFields() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save custom fields via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4396 The Rucy plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 0.4.4. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the save_rc_post_meta() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save post meta via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4395 The Abandoned Cart Recovery for WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.0.4. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the get_items() and extra_tablenav() functions. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to perform read-only actions via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4394 The Locations plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.2.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the saveCustomFields() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to update custom field meta data via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4393 The eCommerce Product Catalog Plugin for WordPress plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.0.17. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the save() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save manual digital orders via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4392 The eCommerce Product Catalog Plugin for WordPress plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.9.43. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the implecode_save_products_meta() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save product meta data via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4391 The Ultimate Gift Cards for WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.1.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the mwb_wgm_save_post() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to modify product gift card details via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4390 The Contact Form 7 Style plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.2. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the manage_wp_posts_be_qe_save_post() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to quick edit templates via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4389 The WP Travel plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 4.4.6. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the save_meta_data() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to save metadata for travel posts via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4388 The Opal Estate plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to featured property modifications in versions up to, and including, 1.6.11. This is due to missing capability checks on the opalestate_set_feature_property() and opalestate_remove_feature_property() functions. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to set and remove featured properties.
CVE-2021-4387 The Opal Estate plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.6.11. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the opalestate_set_feature_property() and opalestate_remove_feature_property() functions. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to set and remove featured properties via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4386 The WP Security Question plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.0.5. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the save() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to modify the plugin's settings via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4385 The WP Private Content Plus plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 3.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the save_groups() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to add new group members via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4384 The WordPress Photo Gallery &#8211; Image Gallery plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.0.6. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the load_images_thumbnail() and edit_gallery() functions. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to edit galleries via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4383 The WP Quick FrontEnd Editor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to page content injection in versions up to, and including, 5.5. This is due to missing capability checks in the plugin's page-editing functionality. This makes it possible for low-authenticated attackers, such as subscribers, to edit/create any page or post on the blog.
CVE-2021-4382 The Recently plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to missing file type validation in the fetch_external_image() function in versions up to, and including, 3.0.4. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers to upload arbitrary files on the affected site's server which may make remote code execution possible.
CVE-2021-4381 The uListing plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass via wp_route due to missing capability checks, and a missing security nonce, in the StmListingSingleLayout::import_new_layout method in versions up to, and including, 1.6.6. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to change any WordPress option in the database.
CVE-2021-4380 The Pinterest Automatic plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to missing capability checks on the 'wp_pinterest_automatic_parse_request' function and the 'process_form.php' script in versions up to, and including, 1.14.3. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to update arbitrary options on a site that can be used to create new administrative user accounts or redirect unsuspecting site visitors.
CVE-2021-4379 The WooCommerce Multi Currency plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check on the wmc_bulk_fixed_price function in versions up to, and including, 2.1.17. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with subscriber-level permissions and above, to make changes to product prices.
CVE-2021-4378 The WP Quick FrontEnd Editor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting in versions up to, and including, 5.5 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with minimal permissions like subscribers, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.
CVE-2021-4377 The Doneren met Mollie plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Sensitive Data Exposure in versions up to, and including, 2.8.5 via the dmm_export_donations() function which is called via the admin_post_dmm_export hook due to missing capability checks. This can allow authenticated attackers to extract a CSV file that contains sensitive information about the donors.
CVE-2021-4376 The WooCommerce Multi Currency plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Missing Authorization in versions up to, and including, 2.1.17. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers to change the price of a product to an arbitrary value.
CVE-2021-4375 The Welcart e-Commerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check on the usces_download_system_information() function in versions up to, and including, 2.2.7. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers to download information including WordPress settings, plugin settings, PHP settings and server settings.
CVE-2021-4374 The WordPress Automatic Plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary options updates in versions up to, and including, 3.53.2. This is due to missing authorization and option validation in the process_form.php file. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to arbitrarily update the settings of a vulnerable site and ultimately compromise the entire site.
CVE-2021-4373 The Better Search plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.5.2. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to import settings via forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4372 The WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting in versions up to, and including, 2.4.1. This is due to missing sanitization on the settings imported via the import() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to import a settings file containing malicious JavaScript that would execute when an administrator accesses the settings area of the site.
CVE-2021-4371 The WP Quick FrontEnd Editor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Setting Changs in versions up to, and including, 5.5. This is due to lacking both a security nonce and a capabilities check. This makes it possible for low-authenticated attackers to change plugin settings even when they do not have the capabilities to do so.
CVE-2021-4370 The uListing plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass as most actions and endpoints are accessible to unauthenticated users, lack security nonces, and data is seldom validated. This issue exists in versions up to, and including, 1.6.6. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to conduct numerous administrative actions, including those less critical than the explicitly outlined ones in our detection.
CVE-2021-4369 The Frontend File Manager plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Unauthenticated Content Injection in versions up to, and including, 18.2. This is due to lacking authorization protections, checks against users editing other's posts, and lacking a security nonce, all on the wpfm_edit_file_title_desc AJAX action. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to edit the content and title of every page on the site.
CVE-2021-4368 The Frontend File Manager plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Authenticated Settings Change in versions up to, and including, 18.2. This is due to lacking capability checks and a security nonce, all on the wpfm_save_settings AJAX action. This makes it possible for subscriber-level attackers to edit the plugin settings, such as the allowed upload file types. This can lead to remote code execution through other vulnerabilities.
CVE-2021-4367 The Flo Forms &#8211; Easy Drag & Drop Form Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via Options Change by using the flo_import_forms_options AJAX action in versions up to, and including, 1.0.35 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping along with missing capability checks. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, like subscribers, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.
CVE-2021-4366 The PWA for WP & AMP plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check on the pwaforwp_update_features_options function in versions up to, and including, 1.7.32. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers to change the otherwise restricted settings within the plugin.
CVE-2021-4365 The Frontend File Manager plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting in versions up to, and including, 18.2. This is due to lacking authentication protections and santisation all on the wpfm_edit_file_title_desc AJAX action. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.
CVE-2021-4364 The JobSearch WP Job Board plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check on the jobsearch_add_job_import_schedule_call() function in versions up to, and including, 1.8.1. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers to add and/or modify schedule calls.
CVE-2021-4363 The WP Quick FrontEnd Editor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in versions up to, and including, 5.5 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on the 'save_content_front' function that uses print_r on the user-supplied $_REQUEST values . This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that execute if they can successfully trick a user into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4362 The Kiwi Social Share plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check on the kiwi_social_share_get_option() function called via the kiwi_social_share_get_option AJAX action in version 2.1.0. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to read and modify arbitrary options on a WordPress site that can be used for complete site takeover. This was a previously fixed vulnerability that was reintroduced in this version.
CVE-2021-4361 The JobSearch WP Job Board plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check on the jobsearch_job_integrations_settin_save AJAX action in versions up to, and including, 1.8.1. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers to update arbitrary options on the site.
CVE-2021-4360 The Controlled Admin Access plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Privilege Escalation in versions up to, and including, 1.5.5 by not properly restricting access to the configuration page. This makes it possible for attackers to create a new administrator role with unrestricted access.
CVE-2021-4359 The Frontend File Manager plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Unauthenticated Arbitrary Post Deletion in versions up to, and including, 18.2. This is due to lacking authentication protections and lacking a security nonce on the wpfm_delete_file AJAX action. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to delete any posts and pages on the site.
CVE-2021-4358 The WP DSGVO Tools (GDPR) plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via an unknown parameter in versions up to, and including, 3.1.23 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.
CVE-2021-4357 The uListing plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to missing capability checks, and a missing security nonce, on the UlistingUserRole::save_role_api function in versions up to, and including, 1.6.6. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to arbitrarily delete site posts and pages.
CVE-2021-4356 The Frontend File Manager plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Download in versions up to, and including, 18.2. This is due to lacking authentication protections, capability checks, and sanitization, all on the wpfm_file_meta_update AJAX action. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to download arbitrary files on the site, potentially leading to site takeover.
CVE-2021-4355 The Welcart e-Commerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to missing capability checks on the download_orderdetail_list(), change_orderlist(), and download_member_list() functions called via admin_init hooks in versions up to, and including, 2.2.7. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to download lists of members, products and orders.
CVE-2021-4354 The PWA for WP & AMP for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to missing file type validation in the pwaforwp_splashscreen_uploader function in versions up to, and including, 1.7.32. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers to upload arbitrary files on the affected sites server which may make remote code execution possible.
CVE-2021-4353 The WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthenticated settings export in versions up to, and including, 2.4.1. This is due to missing authorization on the export() function which makes makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to export the plugin's settings.
CVE-2021-4352 The JobSearch WP Job Board plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check on the save_locsettings function in versions up to, and including, 1.8.1. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to change the settings of the plugin.
CVE-2021-4351 The Frontend File Manager plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Unauthenticated Post Meta Change in versions up to, and including, 18.2. This is due to lacking authentication protections, capability checks, and sanitization, all on the wpfm_file_meta_update AJAX action. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to change the meta data of certain posts and pages.
CVE-2021-4350 The Frontend File Manager plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Unauthenticated HTML Injection in versions up to, and including, 18.2. This is due to lacking authentication protections on the wpfm_send_file_in_email AJAX action. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to send emails using the site with a custom subject, recipient email, and body with unsanitized HTML content. This effectively lets the attacker use the site as a spam relay.
CVE-2021-4349 The Process Steps Template Designer plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.2.1. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to conduct unspecified attacks via forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4348 The Ultimate GDPR & CCPA plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthenticated settings import and export via the export_settings & import_settings functions in versions up to, and including, 2.4. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to change plugin settings and conduct attacks such as redirecting visitors to malicious sites.
CVE-2021-4347 The function update_shipment_status_email_status_fun in the plugin Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce in versions up to 3.2.6 is vulnerable to authenticated arbitrary options update. The function allows attackers (including those at customer level) to update any WordPress option in the database. Version 3.2.5 was initially released as a fix, but doesn't fully address the issue.
CVE-2021-4346 The uListing plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Unauthenticated Arbitrary Account Changes in versions up to, and including, 1.6.6. This is due to missing login checks on the stm_listing_profile_edit AJAX action. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to edit any account on the blog, such as changing the admin account's email address.
CVE-2021-4345 The uListing plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to missing capability and nonce checks on the UlistingUserRole::save_role_api method in versions up to, and including, 1.6.6. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to remove or add roles, and add capabilities.
CVE-2021-4344 The Frontend File Manager plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Privilege Escalation in versions up to, and including, 18.2. This is due to lacking mishandling the use of user IDs that is accessible by the visitor. This makes it possible for unauthenticated or authenticated attackers to access the information and privileges of other users, including 'guest users', in their own category (authenticated, or unauthenticated guests).
CVE-2021-4343 The Unauthenticated Account Creation plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Unauthenticated Account Creation in versions up to, and including, 1.6.6. This is due to the stm_listing_register AJAX action function being accessible and taking roles unprotected. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to create accounts, even those with administrator privileges.
CVE-2021-4341 The uListing plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass via Ajax due to missing capability checks, missing input validation, and a missing security nonce in the stm_update_email_data AJAX action in versions up to, and including, 1.6.6. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to change any WordPress option in the database.
CVE-2021-43409 The &#8220;WPO365 | LOGIN&#8221; WordPress plugin (up to and including version 15.3) by is vulnerable to a persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (also known as Stored or Second-Order XSS). Persistent XSS vulnerabilities occur when the application stores and retrieves client supplied data without proper handling of dangerous content. This type of XSS vulnerability is exploited by submitting malicious script content to the application which is then retrieved and executed by other application users. The attacker could exploit this to conduct a range of attacks against users of the affected application such as session hijacking, account take over and accessing sensitive data. In this case, the XSS payload can be submitted by any anonymous user, the payload then renders and executes when a WordPress administrator authenticates and accesses the WordPress Dashboard. The injected payload can carry out actions on behalf of the administrator including adding other administrative users and changing application settings. This flaw could be exploited to ultimately provide full control of the affected system to the attacker.
CVE-2021-43408 The "Duplicate Post" WordPress plugin up to and including version 1.1.9 is vulnerable to SQL Injection. SQL injection vulnerabilities occur when client supplied data is included within an SQL Query insecurely. SQL Injection can typically be exploited to read, modify and delete SQL table data. In many cases it also possible to exploit features of SQL server to execute system commands and/or access the local file system. This particular vulnerability can be exploited by any authenticated user who has been granted access to use the Duplicate Post plugin. By default, this is limited to Administrators, however the plugin presents the option to permit access to the Editor, Author, Contributor and Subscriber roles.
CVE-2021-4340 The uListing plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to generic SQL Injection via the &#8216;listing_id&#8217; parameter in versions up to, and including, 1.6.6 due to insufficient escaping on the user supplied parameter and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to append additional SQL queries into already existing queries that can be used to extract sensitive information from the database.
CVE-2021-4339 The uListing plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check in the "ulisting/includes/route.php" file on the /1/api/ulisting-user/search REST-API route in versions up to, and including, 1.6.6. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to retrieve the list of all users and their email address in the database.
CVE-2021-4338 The 404 to 301 plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to missing capability checks on the open_redirect & save_redirect functions in versions up to, and including, 3.0.7. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers to view, create and edit redirections.
CVE-2021-4337 Sixteen XforWooCommerce Add-On Plugins for WordPress are vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check on the wp_ajax_svx_ajax_factory function in various versions listed below. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with subscriber-level permissions and above, to read, edit, or delete WordPress settings, plugin settings, and to arbitrarily list all users on a WordPress website. The plugins impacted are: Product Filter for WooCommerce < 8.2.0, Improved Product Options for WooCommerce < 5.3.0, Improved Sale Badges for WooCommerce < 4.4.0, Share, Print and PDF Products for WooCommerce < 2.8.0, Product Loops for WooCommerce < 1.7.0, XforWooCommerce < 1.7.0, Package Quantity Discount < 1.2.0, Price Commander for WooCommerce < 1.3.0, Comment and Review Spam Control for WooCommerce < 1.5.0, Add Product Tabs for WooCommerce < 1.5.0, Autopilot SEO for WooCommerce < 1.6.0, Floating Cart < 1.3.0, Live Search for WooCommerce < 2.1.0, Bulk Add to Cart for WooCommerce < 1.3.0, Live Product Editor for WooCommerce < 4.7.0, and Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce < 5.3.0.
CVE-2021-43353 The Crisp Live Chat WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery due to missing nonce validation via the crisp_plugin_settings_page function found in the ~/crisp.php file, which made it possible for attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in versions up to, and including 0.31.
CVE-2021-4335 The Fancy Product Designer plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized access to data and modification of plugin settings due to a missing capability check on multiple AJAX functions in versions up to, and including, 4.6.9. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers with subscriber-level permissions to modify plugin settings, including retrieving arbitrary order information or creating/updating/deleting products, orders, or other sensitive information not associated with their own account.
CVE-2021-4334 The Fancy Product Designer plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of site options due to a missing capability check on the fpd_update_options function in versions up to, and including, 4.6.9. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers with subscriber-level permissions to modify site options, including setting the default role to administrator which can allow privilege escalation.
CVE-2021-4333 The WP Statistics plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 13.1.1. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the view() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to activate and deactivate arbitrary plugins, via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.
CVE-2021-4332 The Plus Addons for Elementor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file reads in versions up to, and including 4.1.9 (pro) and 2.0.6 (free). The plugin has a feature to add an "Info Box" to an Elementor created page. This Info Box can include an SVG image for the box. Unfortunately, the plugin used file_get_contents with no verification that the file being supplied was an SVG file, so any user with access to the Elementor page builder, such as contributors, could read arbitrary files on the WordPress installation.
CVE-2021-4331 The Plus Addons for Elementor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to privilege escalation in versions up to, and including 4.1.9 (pro) and 2.0.6 (free). The plugin adds a registration form to the Elementor page builders functionality. As part of the registration form, users can choose which role to set as the default for users upon registration. This field is not hidden for lower-level users so any user with access to the Elementor page builder, such as contributors, can set the default role to administrator. Since contributors can not publish posts, only author+ users can elevate privileges without interaction via a site administrator (to approve a post).
CVE-2021-4330 The Envato Elements & Download and Template Kit &#8211; Import plugins for WordPress are vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to insufficient validation of file type upon extracting uploaded Zip files in the installFreeTemplateKit and uploadTemplateKitZipFile functions. This makes it possible for attackers with contributor-lever permissions and above to upload arbitrary files and potentially gain remote code execution in versions up to and including 1.0.13 of Template Kit &#8211; Import and versions up to and including 2.0.10 of Envato Elements & Download.
CVE-2021-42549 Insufficient Input Validation in the search functionality of Wordpress plugin Lets-Box prior to 1.15.3 allows unauthenticated user to craft a reflected Cross-Site Scripting attack.
CVE-2021-42548 Insufficient Input Validation in the search functionality of Wordpress plugin Share-one-Drive prior to 1.15.3 allows unauthenticated user to craft a reflected Cross-Site Scripting attack.
CVE-2021-42547 Insufficient Input Validation in the search functionality of Wordpress plugin Out-of-the-Box prior to 1.20.3 allows unauthenticated user to craft a reflected Cross-Site Scripting attack.
CVE-2021-42546 Insufficient Input Validation in the search functionality of Wordpress plugin Use-Your-Drive prior to 1.18.3 allows unauthenticated user to craft a reflected Cross-Site Scripting attack.
CVE-2021-42367 The Variation Swatches for WooCommerce WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via several parameters found in the ~/includes/class-menu-page.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.1.1. Due to missing authorization checks on the tawcvs_save_settings function, low-level authenticated users such as subscribers can exploit this vulnerability.
CVE-2021-42365 The Asgaros Forums WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient escaping via the name parameter found in the ~/admin/tables/admin-structure-table.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.15.13. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-42364 The Stetic WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery due to missing nonce validation via the stats_page function found in the ~/stetic.php file, which made it possible for attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in versions up to, and including 1.0.6.
CVE-2021-42363 The Preview E-Mails for WooCommerce WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the search_order parameter found in the ~/views/form.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.6.8.
CVE-2021-42362 The WordPress Popular Posts WordPress plugin is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to insufficient input file type validation found in the ~/src/Image.php file which makes it possible for attackers with contributor level access and above to upload malicious files that can be used to obtain remote code execution, in versions up to and including 5.3.2.
CVE-2021-42361 The Contact Form Email WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and escaping via the name parameter found in the ~/trunk/ file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.3.24. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-42360 On sites that also had the Elementor plugin for WordPress installed, it was possible for users with the edit_posts capability, which includes Contributor-level users, to import blocks onto any page using the astra-page-elementor-batch-process AJAX action. An attacker could craft and host a block containing malicious JavaScript on a server they controlled, and then use it to overwrite any post or page by sending an AJAX request with the action set to astra-page-elementor-batch-process and the url parameter pointed to their remotely-hosted malicious block, as well as an id parameter containing the post or page to overwrite. Any post or page that had been built with Elementor, including published pages, could be overwritten by the imported block, and the malicious JavaScript in the imported block would then be executed in the browser of any visitors to that page.
CVE-2021-42358 The Contact Form With Captcha WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery due to missing nonce validation in the ~/cfwc-form.php file during contact form submission, which made it possible for attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in versions up to, and including 1.6.2.
CVE-2021-4227 The ark-commenteditor WordPress plugin through 2.15.6 does not properly sanitise or encode the comments when in Source editor, allowing attackers to inject an iFrame in the page and thus load arbitrary content from any page to the comment section
CVE-2021-4225 The SP Project & Document Manager WordPress plugin before 4.24 allows any authenticated users, such as subscribers, to upload files. The plugin attempts to prevent PHP and other similar files that could be executed on the server from being uploaded by checking the file extension. It was discovered that on Windows servers, the security checks in place were insufficient, enabling bad actors to potentially upload backdoors on vulnerable sites.
CVE-2021-4222 The WP-Paginate WordPress plugin before 2.1.4 does not sanitise and escape its preset settings, allowing high privilege users such as admin to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed
CVE-2021-4208 The ExportFeed WordPress plugin through does not sanitise and escape the product_id POST parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection vulnerability exploitable by high privilege users
CVE-2021-41951 ResourceSpace before 9.6 rev 18290 is affected by a reflected Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in plugins/wordpress_sso/pages/index.php via the wordpress_user parameter. If an attacker is able to persuade a victim to visit a crafted URL, malicious JavaScript content may be executed within the context of the victim's browser.
CVE-2021-41836 The Fathom Analytics WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and escaping via the $site_id parameter found in the ~/fathom-analytics.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 3.0.4. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-4134 The Fancy Product Designer WordPress plugin is vulnerable to SQL Injection due to insufficient escaping and parameterization of the ID parameter found in the ~/inc/api/class-view.php file which allows attackers with administrative level permissions to inject arbitrary SQL queries to obtain sensitive information, in versions up to and including 4.7.4.
CVE-2021-4096 The Fancy Product Designer plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the FPD_Admin_Import class that makes it possible for attackers to upload malicious files that could be used to gain webshell access to a server in versions up to, and including, 4.7.5.
CVE-2021-4074 The WHMCS Bridge WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the cc_whmcs_bridge_url parameter found in the ~/whmcs-bridge/bridge_cp.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 6.1. Due to missing authorization checks on the cc_whmcs_bridge_add_admin function, low-level authenticated users such as subscribers can exploit this vulnerability.
CVE-2021-4073 The RegistrationMagic WordPress plugin made it possible for unauthenticated users to log in as any site user, including administrators, if they knew a valid username on the site due to missing identity validation in the social login function social_login_using_email() of the plugin. This affects versions equal to, and less than,
CVE-2021-39357 The Leaky Paywall WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via the ~/class.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 4.16.5. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39356 The Content Staging WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and escaping via several parameters that are echo'd out via the ~/templates/settings.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.0.1. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39355 The Indeed Job Importer WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/indeed-job-importer/trunk/indeed-job-importer.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.5. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39354 The Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the $start_date and $end_date parameters found in the ~/includes/admin/payments/class-payments-table.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.11.2.
CVE-2021-39353 The Easy Registration Forms WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery due to missing nonce validation via the ajax_add_form function found in the ~/includes/class-form.php file which made it possible for attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in versions up to, and including 2.1.1.
CVE-2021-39352 The Catch Themes Demo Import WordPress plugin is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads via the import functionality found in the ~/inc/CatchThemesDemoImport.php file, in versions up to and including 1.7, due to insufficient file type validation. This makes it possible for an attacker with administrative privileges to upload malicious files that can be used to achieve remote code execution.
CVE-2021-39351 The WP Bannerize WordPress plugin is vulnerable to authenticated SQL injection via the id parameter found in the ~/Classes/wpBannerizeAdmin.php file which allows attackers to exfiltrate sensitive information from vulnerable sites. This issue affects versions 2.0.0 - 4.0.2.
CVE-2021-39350 The FV Flowplayer Video Player WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the player_id parameter found in the ~/view/stats.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions -
CVE-2021-39349 The Author Bio Box WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/includes/admin/class-author-bio-box-admin.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 3.3.1. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39348 The LearnPress WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient escaping on the $custom_profile parameter found in the ~/inc/admin/views/backend-user-profile.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled. Please note that this is seperate from CVE-2021-24702.
CVE-2021-39347 The Stripe for WooCommerce WordPress plugin is missing a capability check on the save() function found in the ~/includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-user-edit.php file that makes it possible for attackers to configure their account to use other site users unique STRIPE identifier and make purchases with their payment accounts. This affects versions 3.0.0 - 3.3.9.
CVE-2021-39346 The Google Maps Easy WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/modules/marker_groups/views/tpl/mgrEditMarkerGroup.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.9.33. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39345 The HAL WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/wp-hal.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.1.1. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39344 The KJM Admin Notices WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/admin/class-kjm-admin-notices-admin.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.0.1. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39343 The MPL-Publisher WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/libs/PublisherController.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.30.2. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39342 The Credova_Financial WordPress plugin discloses a site's associated Credova API account username and password in plaintext via an AJAX action whenever a site user goes to checkout on a page that has the Credova Financing option enabled. This affects versions up to, and including, 1.4.8.
CVE-2021-39341 The OptinMonster WordPress plugin is vulnerable to sensitive information disclosure and unauthorized setting updates due to insufficient authorization validation via the logged_in_or_has_api_key function in the ~/OMAPI/RestApi.php file that can used to exploit inject malicious web scripts on sites with the plugin installed. This affects versions up to, and including, 2.6.4.
CVE-2021-39340 The Notification WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/src/classes/Utils/Settings.php file which made it possible for attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 7.2.4. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39339 The Telefication WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Open Proxy and Server-Side Request Forgery via the ~/bypass.php file due to a user-supplied URL request value that gets called by a curl requests. This affects versions up to, and including, 1.8.0.
CVE-2021-39338 The MyBB Cross-Poster WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/classes/MyBBXPSettings.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39337 The job-portal WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/admin/jobs_function.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.0.1. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39336 The Job Manager WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/admin-jobs.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.7.25. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39335 The WpGenius Job Listing WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/src/admin/class/class-wpgenious-job-listing-options.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.2. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39334 The Job Board Vanila WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via the psjb_exp_in and the psjb_curr_in parameters found in the ~/job-settings.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39333 The Hashthemes Demo Importer Plugin <= 1.1.1 for WordPress contained several AJAX functions which relied on a nonce which was visible to all logged-in users for access control, allowing them to execute a function that truncated nearly all database tables and removed the contents of wp-content/uploads.
CVE-2021-39332 The Business Manager WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization found throughout the plugin which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.4.5. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39329 The JobBoardWP WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation and sanitization via several parameters found in the ~/includes/admin/class-metabox.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.7. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39328 The Simple Job Board WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient escaping on the $job_board_privacy_policy_label variable echo'd out via the ~/admin/settings/class-simple-job-board-settings-privacy.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.9.4. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.
CVE-2021-39327 The BulletProof Security WordPress plugin is vulnerable to sensitive information disclosure due to a file path disclosure in the publicly accessible ~/db_backup_log.txt file which grants attackers the full path of the site, in addition to the path of database backup files. This affects versions up to, and including, 5.1.
CVE-2021-39325 The OptinMonster WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient input validation in the load_previews function found in the ~/OMAPI/Output.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.6.0.
CVE-2021-39322 The Easy Social Icons plugin <= 3.0.8 for WordPress echoes out the raw value of `$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']` in its main file. On certain configurations including Apache+modPHP this makes it possible to use it to perform a reflected Cross-Site Scripting attack by injecting malicious code in the request path.
CVE-2021-39321 Version 3.3.23 of the Sassy Social Share WordPress plugin is vulnerable to PHP Object Injection via the wp_ajax_heateor_sss_import_config AJAX action due to deserialization of unvalidated user supplied inputs via the import_config function found in the ~/admin/class-sassy-social-share-admin.php file. This can be exploited by underprivileged authenticated users due to a missing capability check on the import_config function.
CVE-2021-39320 The underConstruction plugin <= 1.18 for WordPress echoes out the raw value of `$GLOBALS['PHP_SELF']` in the ucOptions.php file. On certain configurations including Apache+modPHP, this makes it possible to use it to perform a reflected Cross-Site Scripting attack by injecting malicious code in the request path.
CVE-2021-39318 The H5P CSS Editor WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the h5p-css-file parameter found in the ~/h5p-css-editor.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.
CVE-2021-39317 A WordPress plugin and several WordPress themes developed by AccessPress Themes are vulnerable to malicious file uploads via the plugin_offline_installer AJAX action due to a missing capability check in the plugin_offline_installer_callback function found in the /demo-functions.php file or /welcome.php file of the affected products. The complete list of affected products and their versions are below: WordPress Plugin: AccessPress Demo Importer <=1.0.6 WordPress Themes: accesspress-basic <= 3.2.1 accesspress-lite <= 2.92 accesspress-mag <= 2.6.5 accesspress-parallax <= 4.5 accesspress-root <= 2.5 accesspress-store <= 2.4.9 agency-lite <= 1.1.6 arrival <= 1.4.2 bingle <= 1.0.4 bloger <= 1.2.6 brovy <= 1.3 construction-lite <= 1.2.5 doko <= 1.0.27 edict-lite <= 1.1.4 eightlaw-lite <= 2.1.5 eightmedi-lite <= 2.1.8 eight-sec <= 1.1.4 eightstore-lite <= 1.2.5 enlighten <= 1.3.5 fotography <= 2.4.0 opstore <= 1.4.3 parallaxsome <= 1.3.6 punte <= 1.1.2 revolve <= 1.3.1 ripple <= 1.2.0 sakala <= 1.0.4 scrollme <= 2.1.0 storevilla <= 1.4.1 swing-lite <= 1.1.9 the100 <= 1.1.2 the-launcher <= 1.3.2 the-monday <= 1.4.1 ultra-seven <= 1.2.8 uncode-lite <= 1.3.3 vmag <= 1.2.7 vmagazine-lite <= 1.3.5 vmagazine-news <= 1.0.5 wpparallax <= 2.0.6 wp-store <= 1.1.9 zigcy-baby <= 1.0.6 zigcy-cosmetics <= 1.0.5 zigcy-lite <= 2.0.9
CVE-2021-39316 The Zoomsounds plugin <= 6.45 for WordPress allows arbitrary files, including sensitive configuration files such as wp-config.php, to be downloaded via the `dzsap_download` action using directory traversal in the `link` parameter.
CVE-2021-39315 The Magic Post Voice WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the ids parameter found in the ~/inc/admin/main.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.2.
CVE-2021-39314 The WooCommerce EnvioPack WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the dataid parameter found in the ~/includes/functions.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.2.
CVE-2021-39313 The Simple Image Gallery WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the msg parameter found in the ~/simple-image-gallery.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.6.
CVE-2021-39312 The True Ranker plugin <= 2.2.2 for WordPress allows arbitrary files, including sensitive configuration files such as wp-config.php, to be accessed via the src parameter found in the ~/admin/vendor/datatables/examples/resources/examples.php file.
CVE-2021-39311 The link-list-manager WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the category parameter found in the ~/llm.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.
CVE-2021-39310 The Real WYSIWYG WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to the use of PHP_SELF in the ~/real-wysiwyg.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.0.2.
CVE-2021-39309 The Parsian Bank Gateway for Woocommerce WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via and parameter due to a var_dump() on $_POST variables found in the ~/vendor/dpsoft/parsian-payment/sample/rollback-payment.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.
CVE-2021-39203 WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. In affected versions authenticated users who don't have permission to view private post types/data can bypass restrictions in the block editor under certain conditions. This affected WordPress 5.8 beta during the testing period. It's fixed in the final 5.8 release.
CVE-2021-39202 WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. In affected versions the widgets editor introduced in WordPress 5.8 beta 1 has improper handling of HTML input in the Custom HTML feature. This leads to stored XSS in the custom HTML widget. This has been patched in WordPress 5.8. It was only present during the testing/beta phase of WordPress 5.8.
CVE-2021-39201 WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. ### Impact The issue allows an authenticated but low-privileged user (like contributor/author) to execute XSS in the editor. This bypasses the restrictions imposed on users who do not have the permission to post `unfiltered_html`. ### Patches This has been patched in WordPress 5.8, and will be pushed to older versions via minor releases (automatic updates). It's strongly recommended that you keep auto-updates enabled to receive the fix. ### References ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Open an issue in [HackerOne](
CVE-2021-39200 WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. In affected versions output data of the function wp_die() can be leaked under certain conditions, which can include data like nonces. It can then be used to perform actions on your behalf. This has been patched in WordPress 5.8.1, along with any older affected versions via minor releases. It's strongly recommended that you keep auto-updates enabled to receive the fix.
CVE-2021-38361 The .htaccess Redirect WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the link parameter found in the ~/htaccess-redirect.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.3.1.
CVE-2021-38360 The wp-publications WordPress plugin is vulnerable to restrictive local file inclusion via the Q_FILE parameter found in the ~/bibtexbrowser.php file which allows attackers to include local zip files and achieve remote code execution, in versions up to and including 0.0.
CVE-2021-38359 The WordPress InviteBox Plugin for viral Refer-a-Friend Promotions WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the message parameter found in the ~/admin/admin.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.4.1.
CVE-2021-38358 The MoolaMojo WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the classes parameter found in the ~/views/button-generator.html.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including
CVE-2021-38357 The SMS OVH WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the position parameter found in the ~/sms-ovh-sent.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.1.
CVE-2021-38356 The NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster <= 4.3.20 WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the $_REQUEST['page'] parameter which is echoed out on inc/nxs_class_snap.php by supplying the appropriate value 'nxssnap-post' to load the page in $_GET['page'] along with malicious JavaScript in $_POST['page'].
CVE-2021-38355 The Bug Library WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the successimportcount parameter found in the ~/bug-library.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.0.3.
CVE-2021-38354 The GNU-Mailman Integration WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the gm_error parameter found in the ~/includes/admin/mailing-lists-page.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.6.
CVE-2021-38353 The Dropdown and scrollable Text WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the content parameter found in the ~/index.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.0.
CVE-2021-38352 The Feedify &#8211; Web Push Notifications WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the feedify_msg parameter found in the ~/includes/base.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.1.8.
CVE-2021-38351 The OSD Subscribe WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the osd_subscribe_message parameter found in the ~/options/osd_subscribe_options_subscribers.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.2.3.
CVE-2021-38350 The spideranalyse WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the date parameter found in the ~/analyse/index.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.0.1.
CVE-2021-38349 The Integration of Moneybird for WooCommerce WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the error_description parameter found in the ~/templates/wcmb-admin.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.1.1.
CVE-2021-38348 The Advance Search WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the wpas_id parameter found in the ~/inc/admin/views/html-advance-search-admin-options.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.1.2.
CVE-2021-38347 The Custom Website Data WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the id parameter found in the ~/views/edit.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.2.
CVE-2021-38346 The Brizy Page Builder plugin <= 2.3.11 for WordPress allowed authenticated users to upload executable files to a location of their choice using the brizy_create_block_screenshot AJAX action. The file would be named using the id parameter, which could be prepended with "../" to perform directory traversal, and the file contents were populated via the ibsf parameter, which would be base64-decoded and written to the file. While the plugin added a .jpg extension to all uploaded filenames, a double extension attack was still possible, e.g. a file named shell.php would be saved as shell.php.jpg, and would be executable on a number of common configurations.
CVE-2021-38345 The Brizy Page Builder plugin <= 2.3.11 for WordPress used an incorrect authorization check that allowed any logged-in user accessing any endpoint in the wp-admin directory to modify the content of any existing post or page created with the Brizy editor. An identical issue was found by another researcher in Brizy <= 1.0.125 and fixed in version 1.0.126, but the vulnerability was reintroduced in version 1.0.127.
CVE-2021-38344 The Brizy Page Builder plugin <= 2.3.11 for WordPress was vulnerable to stored XSS by lower-privileged users such as a subscribers. It was possible to add malicious JavaScript to a page by modifying the request sent to update the page via the brizy_update_item AJAX action and adding JavaScript to the data parameter, which would be executed in the session of any visitor viewing or previewing the post or page.
CVE-2021-38343 The Nested Pages WordPress plugin <= 3.1.15 was vulnerable to an Open Redirect via the `page` POST parameter in the `npBulkActions`, `npBulkEdit`, `npListingSort`, and `npCategoryFilter` `admin_post` actions.
CVE-2021-38342 The Nested Pages WordPress plugin <= 3.1.15 was vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the `npBulkAction`s and `npBulkEdit` `admin_post` actions, which allowed attackers to trash or permanently purge arbitrary posts as well as changing their status, reassigning their ownership, and editing other metadata.
CVE-2021-38341 The WooCommerce Payment Gateway Per Category WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/includes/plugin_settings.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.0.10.
CVE-2021-38340 The Wordpress Simple Shop WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the update_row parameter found in the ~/includes/add_product.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.2.
CVE-2021-38339 The Simple Matted Thumbnails WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/simple-matted-thumbnail.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.01.
CVE-2021-38338 The Border Loading Bar WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the `f` and `t` parameter found in the ~/titan-framework/iframe-googlefont-preview.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.1.
CVE-2021-38337 The RSVPMaker Excel WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/phpexcel/PHPExcel/Shared/JAMA/docs/download.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.1.
CVE-2021-38336 The Edit Comments XT WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/edit-comments-xt.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.
CVE-2021-38335 The Wise Agent Capture Forms WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/WiseAgentCaptureForm.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.
CVE-2021-38334 The WP Design Maps & Places WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the filename parameter found in the ~/wpdmp-admin.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.2.
CVE-2021-38333 The WP Scrippets WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/wp-scrippets.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.5.1.
CVE-2021-38332 The On Page SEO + Whatsapp Chat Button Plugin WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/settings.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.1.
CVE-2021-38331 The WP-T-Wap WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the posted parameter found in the ~/wap/writer.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.13.2.
CVE-2021-38330 The Yet Another Plugin WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/yabp.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.4.
CVE-2021-38329 The DJ EmailPublish WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/dj-email-publish.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.7.2.
CVE-2021-38328 The Notices WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/notices.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 6.1.
CVE-2021-38327 The YouTube Video Inserter WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/adminUI/settings.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including
CVE-2021-38326 The Post Title Counter WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the notice parameter found in the ~/post-title-counter.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.1.
CVE-2021-38325 The User Activation Email WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the uae-key parameter found in the ~/user-activation-email.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.3.0.
CVE-2021-38324 The SP Rental Manager WordPress plugin is vulnerable to SQL Injection via the orderby parameter found in the ~/user/shortcodes.php file which allows attackers to retrieve information contained in a site's database, in versions up to and including 1.5.3.
CVE-2021-38323 The RentPress WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the selections parameter found in the ~/src/rentPress/AjaxRequests.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 6.6.4.
CVE-2021-38322 The Twitter Friends Widget WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the pmc_TF_user and pmc_TF_password parameter found in the ~/twitter-friends-widget.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 3.1.
CVE-2021-38321 The Custom Menu Plugin WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the selected_menu parameter found in the ~/custom-menus.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.3.3.
CVE-2021-38320 The simpleSAMLphp Authentication WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/simplesamlphp-authentication.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.7.0.
CVE-2021-38319 The More From Google WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to a reflected $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] value in the ~/morefromgoogle.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.0.2.
CVE-2021-38318 The 3D Cover Carousel WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the id parameter in the ~/cover-carousel.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.
CVE-2021-38317 The Konnichiwa! Membership WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the plan_id parameter in the ~/views/subscriptions.html.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.8.3.
CVE-2021-38316 The WP Academic People List WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the category_name parameter in the ~/admin-panel.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.4.1.
CVE-2021-38315 The SP Project & Document Manager WordPress plugin is vulnerable to attribute-based Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the from and to parameters in the ~/functions.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 4.25.
CVE-2021-38314 The Gutenberg Template Library & Redux Framework plugin <= 4.2.11 for WordPress registered several AJAX actions available to unauthenticated users in the `includes` function in `redux-core/class-redux-core.php` that were unique to a given site but deterministic and predictable given that they were based on an md5 hash of the site URL with a known salt value of '-redux' and an md5 hash of the previous hash with a known salt value of '-support'. These AJAX actions could be used to retrieve a list of active plugins and their versions, the site's PHP version, and an unsalted md5 hash of site&#8217;s `AUTH_KEY` concatenated with the `SECURE_AUTH_KEY`.
CVE-2021-38312 The Gutenberg Template Library & Redux Framework plugin <= 4.2.11 for WordPress used an incorrect authorization check in the REST API endpoints registered under the &#8220;redux/v1/templates/&#8221; REST Route in &#8220;redux-templates/classes/class-api.php&#8221;. The `permissions_callback` used in this file only checked for the `edit_posts` capability which is granted to lower-privileged users such as contributors, allowing such users to install arbitrary plugins from the WordPress repository and edit arbitrary posts.
CVE-2021-37597 WP Cerber before 8.9.3 allows MFA bypass via wordpress_logged_in_[hash] manipulation.
CVE-2021-36920 Authenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability discovered in WordPress plugin Download Monitor (versions <= 4.4.6).
CVE-2021-36919 Multiple Authenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in WordPress Awesome Support plugin (versions <= 6.0.6), vulnerable parameters (&id, &assignee).
CVE-2021-36917 WordPress Hide My WP plugin (versions <= 6.2.3) can be deactivated by any unauthenticated user. It is possible to retrieve a reset token which can then be used to deactivate the plugin.
CVE-2021-36916 The SQL injection vulnerability in the Hide My WP WordPress plugin (versions <= 6.2.3) is possible because of how the IP address is retrieved and used inside a SQL query. The function "hmwp_get_user_ip" tries to retrieve the IP address from multiple headers, including IP address headers that the user can spoof, such as "X-Forwarded-For." As a result, the malicious payload supplied in one of these IP address headers will be directly inserted into the SQL query, making SQL injection possible.
CVE-2021-36915 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Cozmoslabs Profile Builder plugin <= 3.6.0 at WordPress allows uploading the JSON file and updating the options. Requires Import and Export add-on.
CVE-2021-36914 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in CalderaWP License Manager (WordPress plugin) <= 1.2.11.
CVE-2021-36913 Unauthenticated Options Change and Content Injection vulnerability in Qube One Redirection for Contact Form 7 plugin <= 2.4.0 at WordPress allows attackers to change options and inject scripts into the footer HTML. Requires an additional extension (plugin) AccessiBe.
CVE-2021-36912 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Andrea Pernici News Sitemap for Google plugin <= 1.0.16 on WordPress, attackers must have contributor or higher user role.
CVE-2021-36911 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability discovered in WordPress Comment Engine Pro plugin (versions <= 1.0), could be exploited by users with Editor or higher role.
CVE-2021-36910 Authenticated (admin user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in WP-Appbox (WordPress plugin) <= 4.3.20.
CVE-2021-36909 Authenticated Database Reset vulnerability in WordPress WP Reset PRO Premium plugin (versions <= 5.98) allows any authenticated user to wipe the entire database regardless of their authorization. It leads to a complete website reset and takeover.
CVE-2021-36906 Multiple Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) vulnerabilities in ExpressTech Quiz And Survey Master plugin <= 7.3.6 on WordPress.
CVE-2021-36905 Multiple Auth. (contributor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Quiz And Survey Master plugin <= 7.3.4 on WordPress.
CVE-2021-36901 Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Phil Baker's Age Gate plugin <= 2.17.0 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36899 Authenticated (admin+) Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Gabe Livan's Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster plugin <= at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36898 Auth. SQL Injection (SQLi) vulnerability in Quiz And Survey Master plugin <= 7.3.4 on WordPress.
CVE-2021-36896 Authenticated (author or higher user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Pricing Table (WordPress plugin) versions <= 1.5.2
CVE-2021-36895 Unauthenticated Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Tripetto's Tripetto plugin <= 5.1.4 on WordPress via SVG image upload.
CVE-2021-36893 Authenticated (author or higher user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Responsive Tabs (WordPress plugin) <= 4.0.5
CVE-2021-36891 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Photo Gallery by Supsystic plugin <= 1.15.5 at WordPress allows changing the plugin settings.
CVE-2021-36890 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Social Share Buttons by Supsystic plugin <= 2.2.2 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36889 Multiple Stored Authenticated Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities were discovered in tarteaucitron.js &#8211; Cookies legislation & GDPR WordPress plugin (versions <= 1.6).
CVE-2021-36888 Unauthenticated Arbitrary Options Update vulnerability leading to full website compromise discovered in Image Hover Effects Ultimate (versions <= 9.6.1) WordPress plugin.
CVE-2021-36887 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability leading to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) discovered in tarteaucitron.js &#8211; Cookies legislation & GDPR WordPress plugin (versions <= 1.5.4), vulnerable parameters "tarteaucitronEmail" and "tarteaucitronPass".
CVE-2021-36886 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability discovered in Contact Form 7 Database Addon &#8211; CFDB7 WordPress plugin (versions <=
CVE-2021-36885 Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability discovered in Contact Form 7 Database Addon &#8211; CFDB7 WordPress plugin (versions <=
CVE-2021-36884 Authenticated Persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability discovered in WordPress Backup Migration plugin <= 1.1.5 versions.
CVE-2021-36880 Unauthenticated SQL Injection (SQLi) vulnerability in WordPress uListing plugin (versions <= 2.0.3), vulnerable parameter: custom.
CVE-2021-36879 Unauthenticated Privilege Escalation vulnerability in WordPress uListing plugin (versions <= 2.0.5). Possible if WordPress configuration allows user registration.
CVE-2021-36878 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in WordPress uListing plugin (versions <= 2.0.5) makes it possible for attackers to update settings.
CVE-2021-36877 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in WordPress uListing plugin (versions <= 2.0.5) makes it possible for attackers to modify user roles.
CVE-2021-36876 Multiple Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in WordPress uListing plugin (versions <= 2.0.5) as it lacks CSRF checks on plugin administration pages.
CVE-2021-36875 Authenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in WordPress uListing plugin (versions <= 2.0.5). Vulnerable parameters: &filter[id], &filter[user], &filter[expired_date], &filter[created_date], &filter[updated_date].
CVE-2021-36874 Authenticated Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) vulnerability in WordPress uListing plugin (versions <= 2.0.5).
CVE-2021-36873 Authenticated Persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in WordPress iQ Block Country plugin (versions <= 1.2.11). Vulnerable parameter: &blockcountry_blockmessage.
CVE-2021-36872 Authenticated Persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in WordPress Popular Posts plugin (versions <= 5.3.3). Vulnerable at &widget-wpp[2][post_type].
CVE-2021-36871 Multiple Authenticated Persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in WordPress WP Google Maps Pro premium plugin (versions <= 8.1.11). Vulnerable parameters: &wpgmaps_marker_category_name, Value > &attributes[], Name > &attributes[], &icons[], &names[], &description, &link, &title.
CVE-2021-36870 Multiple Authenticated Persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in WordPress WP Google Maps plugin (versions <= 8.1.12). Vulnerable parameters: &dataset_name, &wpgmza_gdpr_retention_purpose, &wpgmza_gdpr_company_name, &name #2, &name, &polyname #2, &polyname, &address.
CVE-2021-36869 Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in WordPress Ivory Search plugin (versions <= 4.6.6). Vulnerable parameter: &post.
CVE-2021-36867 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Alexander Ustimenko's Psychological tests & quizzes plugin <= 0.21.19 on WordPress possible for users with contributor or higher user rights.
CVE-2021-36866 Authenticated (author or higher role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Fatcat Apps Easy Pricing Tables plugin <= 3.1.2 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36865 Insecure direct object references (IDOR) vulnerability in ExpressTech Quiz And Survey Master plugin <= 7.3.4 at WordPress allows attackers to change the content of the quiz.
CVE-2021-36864 Auth. (editor+) Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ExpressTech Quiz And Survey Master plugin <= 7.3.4 on WordPress.
CVE-2021-36863 Auth. (contributor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ExpressTech Quiz And Survey Master plugin <= 7.3.4 on WordPress.
CVE-2021-36861 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Rich Reviews by Starfish plugin <= 1.9.14 at WordPress allows an attacker to delete reviews.
CVE-2021-36858 Auth. (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Themepoints Testimonials plugin <= 2.6 on WordPress.
CVE-2021-36857 Authenticated (editor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in wpshopmart Testimonial Builder plugin <= 1.6.1 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36855 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) via Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Booking Ultra Pro plugin <= 1.1.4 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36854 Multiple Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in Booking Ultra Pro plugin <= 1.1.4 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36852 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in ThimPress WP Hotel Booking plugin <= 1.10.5 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36851 Authenticated (editor or higher user role) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Web-Settler Testimonial Slider &#8211; Free Testimonials Slider Plugin (WordPress plugin) via parameters mpsp_posts_bg_color, mpsp_posts_description_color, mpsp_slide_nav_button_color.
CVE-2021-36850 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in WordPress Media File Renamer &#8211; Auto & Manual Rename plugin (versions <= 5.1.9). Affected parameters "post_title", "filename", "lock". This allows changing the uploaded media title, media file name, and media locking state.
CVE-2021-36849 Authenticated (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in René Hermenau's Social Media Share Buttons plugin <= 3.8.1 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36848 Authenticated (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Social Media Feather (WordPress plugin) versions <= 2.0.4
CVE-2021-36847 Authenticated (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in WebbaPlugins Webba Booking plugin <= 4.2.21 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36846 Authenticated (admin or higher user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Premio Chaty (WordPress plugin) <= 2.8.3
CVE-2021-36845 Multiple Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in YITH Maintenance Mode (WordPress plugin) versions <= 1.3.8, there are 46 vulnerable parameters that were missed by the vendor while patching the 1.3.7 version to 1.3.8. Vulnerable parameters: 1 - "Newsletter" tab, &yith_maintenance_newsletter_submit_label parameter: payload should start with a single quote (') symbol to break the context, i.e.: NOTIFY ME' autofocus onfocus=alert(/Visse/);// v=' - this payload will be auto triggered while admin visits this page/tab. 2 - "General" tab issues, vulnerable parameters: &yith_maintenance_message, &yith_maintenance_custom_style, &yith_maintenance_mascotte, &yith_maintenance_title_font[size], &yith_maintenance_title_font[family], &yith_maintenance_title_font[color], &yith_maintenance_paragraph_font[size], &yith_maintenance_paragraph_font[family], &yith_maintenance_paragraph_font[color], &yith_maintenance_border_top. 3 - "Background" tab issues, vulnerable parameters: &yith_maintenance_background_image, &yith_maintenance_background_color. 4 - "Logo" tab issues, vulnerable parameters: &yith_maintenance_logo_image, &yith_maintenance_logo_tagline, &yith_maintenance_logo_tagline_font[size], &yith_maintenance_logo_tagline_font[family], &yith_maintenance_logo_tagline_font[color]. 5 - "Newsletter" tab issues, vulnerable parameters: &yith_maintenance_newsletter_email_font[size], &yith_maintenance_newsletter_email_font[family], &yith_maintenance_newsletter_email_font[color], &yith_maintenance_newsletter_submit_font[size], &yith_maintenance_newsletter_submit_font[family], &yith_maintenance_newsletter_submit_font[color], &yith_maintenance_newsletter_submit_background, &yith_maintenance_newsletter_submit_background_hover, &yith_maintenance_newsletter_title, &yith_maintenance_newsletter_action, &yith_maintenance_newsletter_email_label, &yith_maintenance_newsletter_email_name, &yith_maintenance_newsletter_submit_label, &yith_maintenance_newsletter_hidden_fields. 6 - "Socials" tab issues, vulnerable parameters: &yith_maintenance_socials_facebook, &yith_maintenance_socials_twitter, &yith_maintenance_socials_gplus, &yith_maintenance_socials_youtube, &yith_maintenance_socials_rss, &yith_maintenance_socials_skype, &yith_maintenance_socials_email, &yith_maintenance_socials_behance, &yith_maintenance_socials_dribble, &yith_maintenance_socials_flickr, &yith_maintenance_socials_instagram, &yith_maintenance_socials_pinterest, &yith_maintenance_socials_tumblr, &yith_maintenance_socials_linkedin.
CVE-2021-36844 Authenticated (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in MyThemeShop WP Subscribe plugin <= 1.2.12 on WordPress.
CVE-2021-36843 Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability discovered in WordPress Floating Social Media Icon plugin (versions <= 4.3.5) Social Media Configuration form. Requires high role user like admin.
CVE-2021-36841 Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in YITH Maintenance Mode (WordPress plugin) versions <= 1.3.7, vulnerable parameter &yith_maintenance_newsletter_submit_label. Possible even when unfiltered HTML is disallowed by WordPress configuration.
CVE-2021-36839 Authenticated (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Social Media Follow Buttons Bar plugin <= 4.73 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36833 Authenticated (admin or higher user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ibericode's MC4WP plugin <= 4.8.6 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36832 WordPress Popups, Welcome Bar, Optins and Lead Generation Plugin &#8211; Icegram (versions <= 2.0.2) vulnerable at "Headline" (&message_data[16][headline]) input.
CVE-2021-36830 Authenticated (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Comment Guestbook plugin <= 0.8.0 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36829 Authenticated (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in MyThemeShop Launcher: Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin <= 1.0.11 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-36827 Auth. (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Saturday Drive's Ninja Forms Contact Form plugin <= 3.6.9 at WordPress via "label".
CVE-2021-36823 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Cusmin AGCA - Absolutely Glamorous Custom Admin (WordPress plugin) allows Stored XSS.This issue affects AGCA - Absolutely Glamorous Custom Admin (WordPress plugin): from n/a through 6.8.
CVE-2021-34668 The WordPress Real Media Library WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the name parameter in the ~/inc/overrides/lite/rest/Folder.php file which allows author-level attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in folder names, in versions up to and including 4.14.1.
CVE-2021-34667 The Calendar_plugin WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to the use of `$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']` in the ~/calendar.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.
CVE-2021-34666 The Add Sidebar WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the add parameter in the ~/wp_sidebarMenu.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.0.0.
CVE-2021-34665 The WP SEO Tags WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the saq_txt_the_filter parameter in the ~/wp-seo-tags.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.2.7.
CVE-2021-34664 The Moova for WooCommerce WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the lat parameter in the ~/Checkout/Checkout.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 3.5.
CVE-2021-34663 The jQuery Tagline Rotator WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to the use of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in the ~/jquery-tagline-rotator.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.1.5.
CVE-2021-34661 The WP Fusion Lite WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the `show_logs_section` function found in the ~/includes/admin/logging/class-log-handler.php file which allows attackers to drop all logs for the plugin, in versions up to and including 3.37.18.
CVE-2021-34660 The WP Fusion Lite WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the startdate parameter found in the ~/includes/admin/logging/class-log-table-list.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 3.37.18.
CVE-2021-34659 The Plugmatter Pricing Table Lite WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the `email` parameter in the ~/license.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.32.
CVE-2021-34658 The Simple Popup Newsletter WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to the use of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in the ~/simple-popup-newsletter.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.4.7.
CVE-2021-34657 The 2TypoFR WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the text function found in the ~/vendor/Org_Heigl/Hyphenator/index.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.11.
CVE-2021-34656 The 2Way VideoCalls and Random Chat - HTML5 Webcam Videochat WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the `vws_notice` function found in the ~/inc/requirements.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 5.2.7.
CVE-2021-34655 The WP Songbook WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the url parameter found in the ~/inc/class.ajax.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.0.11.
CVE-2021-34654 The Custom Post Type Relations WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the cptr[name] parameter found in the ~/pages/admin-page.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.
CVE-2021-34653 The WP Fountain WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to the use of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in the ~/wp-fountain.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.5.9.
CVE-2021-34652 The Media Usage WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the id parameter in the ~/mmu_admin.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.0.4.
CVE-2021-34651 The Scribble Maps WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the map parameter in the ~/includes/admin.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.2.
CVE-2021-34650 The eID Easy WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the error parameter found in the ~/admin.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 4.6.
CVE-2021-34649 The Simple Behance Portfolio WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the `dark` parameter in the ~/titan-framework/iframe-font-preview.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.2.
CVE-2021-34648 The Ninja Forms WordPress plugin is vulnerable to arbitrary email sending via the trigger_email_action function found in the ~/includes/Routes/Submissions.php file, in versions up to and including 3.5.7. This allows authenticated attackers to send arbitrary emails from the affected server via the /ninja-forms-submissions/email-action REST API which can be used to socially engineer victims.
CVE-2021-34647 The Ninja Forms WordPress plugin is vulnerable to sensitive information disclosure via the bulk_export_submissions function found in the ~/includes/Routes/Submissions.php file, in versions up to and including 3.5.7. This allows authenticated attackers to export all Ninja Forms submissions data via the /ninja-forms-submissions/export REST API which can include personally identifiable information.
CVE-2021-34646 Versions up to, and including, 5.4.3, of the Booster for WooCommerce WordPress plugin are vulnerable to authentication bypass via the process_email_verification function due to a random token generation weakness in the reset_and_mail_activation_link function found in the ~/includes/class-wcj-emails-verification.php file. This allows attackers to impersonate users and trigger an email address verification for arbitrary accounts, including administrative accounts, and automatically be logged in as that user, including any site administrators. This requires the Email Verification module to be active in the plugin and the Login User After Successful Verification setting to be enabled, which it is by default.
CVE-2021-34645 The Shopping Cart & eCommerce Store WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the save_currency_settings function found in the ~/admin/inc/wp_easycart_admin_initial_setup.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 5.1.0.
CVE-2021-34644 The Multiplayer Games WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to the use of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in the ~/multiplayergames.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 3.7.
CVE-2021-34643 The Skaut bazar WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to the use of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in the ~/skaut-bazar.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.3.2.
CVE-2021-34642 The Smart Email Alerts WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the api_key in the ~/views/settings.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.10.
CVE-2021-34641 The SEOPress WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site-Scripting via the processPut function found in the ~/src/Actions/Api/TitleDescriptionMeta.php file which allows authenticated attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions 5.0.0 - 5.0.3.
CVE-2021-34640 The Securimage-WP-Fixed WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting due to the use of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in the ~/securimage-wp.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 3.5.4.
CVE-2021-34639 Authenticated File Upload in WordPress Download Manager <= 3.1.24 allows authenticated (Author+) users to upload files with a double extension, e.g. "payload.php.png" which is executable in some configurations. This issue affects: WordPress Download Manager version 3.1.24 and prior versions.
CVE-2021-34638 Authenticated Directory Traversal in WordPress Download Manager <= 3.1.24 allows authenticated (Contributor+) users to obtain sensitive configuration file information, as well as allowing Author+ users to perform XSS attacks, by setting Download template to a file containing configuration information or an uploaded JavaScript with an image extension This issue affects: WordPress Download Manager version 3.1.24 and prior versions.
CVE-2021-34637 The Post Index WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the OptionsPage function found in the ~/php/settings.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 0.7.5.
CVE-2021-34636 The Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timers WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the save_theme function found in the ~/includes/admin/coundown_theme_page.php file due to a missing nonce check which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.5.7.
CVE-2021-34635 The Poll Maker WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the mcount parameter found in the ~/admin/partials/settings/poll-maker-settings.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 3.2.8.
CVE-2021-34634 The Nifty Newsletters WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the sola_nl_wp_head function found in the ~/sola-newsletters.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 4.0.23.
CVE-2021-34633 The Youtube Feeder WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the printAdminPage function found in the ~/youtube-feeder.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.0.1.
CVE-2021-34632 The SEO Backlinks WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the loc_config function found in the ~/seo-backlinks.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 4.0.1.
CVE-2021-34631 The NewsPlugin WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery via the handle_save_style function found in the ~/news-plugin.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 1.0.18.
CVE-2021-34629 The SendGrid WordPress plugin is vulnerable to authorization bypass via the get_ajax_statistics function found in the ~/lib/class-sendgrid-statistics.php file which allows authenticated users to export statistic for a WordPress multi-site main site, in versions up to and including 1.11.8.
CVE-2021-34628 The Admin Custom Login WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery due to the loginbgSave action found in the ~/includes/Login-form-setting/Login-form-background.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 3.2.7.
CVE-2021-34627 A vulnerability in the getSelectedMimeTypesByRole function of the WP Upload Restriction WordPress plugin allows low-level authenticated users to view custom extensions added by administrators. This issue affects versions 2.2.3 and prior.
CVE-2021-34626 A vulnerability in the deleteCustomType function of the WP Upload Restriction WordPress plugin allows low-level authenticated users to delete custom extensions added by administrators. This issue affects versions 2.2.3 and prior.
CVE-2021-34625 A vulnerability in the saveCustomType function of the WP Upload Restriction WordPress plugin allows low-level authenticated users to inject arbitrary web scripts. This issue affects versions 2.2.3 and prior.
CVE-2021-34624 A vulnerability in the file uploader component found in the ~/src/Classes/FileUploader.php file of the ProfilePress WordPress plugin made it possible for users to upload arbitrary files during user registration or during profile updates. This issue affects versions 3.0.0 - 3.1.3. .
CVE-2021-34623 A vulnerability in the image uploader component found in the ~/src/Classes/ImageUploader.php file of the ProfilePress WordPress plugin made it possible for users to upload arbitrary files during user registration or during profile updates. This issue affects versions 3.0.0 - 3.1.3. .
CVE-2021-34622 A vulnerability in the user profile update component found in the ~/src/Classes/EditUserProfile.php file of the ProfilePress WordPress plugin made it possible for users to escalate their privileges to that of an administrator while editing their profile. This issue affects versions 3.0.0 - 3.1.3. .
CVE-2021-34621 A vulnerability in the user registration component found in the ~/src/Classes/RegistrationAuth.php file of the ProfilePress WordPress plugin made it possible for users to register on sites as an administrator. This issue affects versions 3.0.0 - 3.1.3. .
CVE-2021-34620 The WP Fluent Forms plugin < 3.6.67 for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery leading to stored Cross-Site Scripting and limited Privilege Escalation due to a missing nonce check in the access control function for administrative AJAX actions
CVE-2021-34619 The WooCommerce Stock Manager WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery leading to Arbitrary File Upload in versions up to, and including, 2.5.7 due to missing nonce and file validation in the /woocommerce-stock-manager/trunk/admin/views/import-export.php file.
CVE-2021-32790 Woocommerce is an open source eCommerce plugin for WordPress. An SQL injection vulnerability impacts all WooCommerce sites running the WooCommerce plugin between version 3.3.0 and 3.3.6. Malicious actors (already) having admin access, or API keys to the WooCommerce site can exploit vulnerable endpoints of `/wp-json/wc/v3/webhooks`, `/wp-json/wc/v2/webhooks` and other webhook listing API. Read-only SQL queries can be executed using this exploit, while data will not be returned, by carefully crafting `search` parameter information can be disclosed using timing and related attacks. Version 3.3.6 is the earliest version of Woocommerce with a patch for this vulnerability. There are no known workarounds other than upgrading.
CVE-2021-32770 Gatsby is a framework for building websites. The gatsby-source-wordpress plugin prior to versions 4.0.8 and 5.9.2 leaks .htaccess HTTP Basic Authentication variables into the app.js bundle during build-time. Users who are not initializing basic authentication credentials in the gatsby-config.js are not affected. A patch has been introduced in gatsby-source-wordpress@4.0.8 and gatsby-source-wordpress@5.9.2 which mitigates the issue by filtering all variables specified in the `auth: { }` section. Users that depend on this functionality are advised to upgrade to the latest release of gatsby-source-wordpress, run `gatsby clean` followed by a `gatsby build`. One may manually edit the app.js file post-build as a workaround.
CVE-2021-31693 The 10Web Photo Gallery plugin through 1.5.68 for WordPress allows XSS via album_gallery_id_0, bwg_album_search_0, and type_0 for bwg_frontend_data. NOTE: other parameters are covered by CVE-2021-24291, CVE-2021-25041, and CVE-2021-46889. NOTE: VMware information, previously connected to this CVE ID because of a typo, is at CVE-2022-31693.
CVE-2021-31567 Authenticated (admin+) Arbitrary File Download vulnerability discovered in Download Monitor WordPress plugin (versions <= 4.4.6). The plugin allows arbitrary files, including sensitive configuration files such as wp-config.php, to be downloaded via the &downloadable_file_urls[0] parameter data. It's also possible to escape from the web server home directory and download any file within the OS.
CVE-2021-3135 An issue was discovered in the tagDiv Newspaper theme for WordPress. It allows XSS via the wp-admin/admin-ajax.php td_block_id parameter in a td_ajax_block API call.
CVE-2021-3133 The Elementor Contact Form DB plugin before 1.6 for WordPress allows CSRF via backend admin pages.
CVE-2021-3120 An arbitrary file upload vulnerability in the YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Premium plugin before 3.3.1 for WordPress allows remote attackers to achieve remote code execution on the operating system in the security context of the web server. In order to exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must be able to place a valid Gift Card product into the shopping cart. An uploaded file is placed at a predetermined path on the web server with a user-specified filename and extension. This occurs because the ywgc-upload-picture parameter can have a .php value even though the intention was to only allow uploads of Gift Card images.
CVE-2021-29504 WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress. An improper error handling in HTTPS requests management in WP-CLI version 0.12.0 and later allows remote attackers able to intercept the communication to remotely disable the certificate verification on WP-CLI side, gaining full control over the communication content, including the ability to impersonate update servers and push malicious updates towards WordPress instances controlled by the vulnerable WP-CLI agent, or push malicious updates toward WP-CLI itself. The vulnerability stems from the fact that the default behavior of `WP_CLI\Utils\http_request()` when encountering a TLS handshake error is to disable certificate validation and retry the same request. The default behavior has been changed with version 2.5.0 of WP-CLI and the `wp-cli/wp-cli` framework (via so that the `WP_CLI\Utils\http_request()` method accepts an `$insecure` option that is `false` by default and consequently that a TLS handshake failure is a hard error by default. This new default is a breaking change and ripples through to all consumers of `WP_CLI\Utils\http_request()`, including those in separate WP-CLI bundled or third-party packages. has also added an `--insecure` flag to the `cli update` command to counter this breaking change. There is no direct workaround for the default insecure behavior of `wp-cli/wp-cli` versions before 2.5.0. The workaround for dealing with the breaking change in the commands directly affected by the new secure default behavior is to add the `--insecure` flag to manually opt-in to the previous insecure behavior.
CVE-2021-29476 Requests is a HTTP library written in PHP. Requests mishandles deserialization in FilteredIterator. The issue has been patched and users of `Requests` 1.6.0, 1.6.1 and 1.7.0 should update to version 1.8.0.
CVE-2021-29450 Wordpress is an open source CMS. One of the blocks in the WordPress editor can be exploited in a way that exposes password-protected posts and pages. This requires at least contributor privileges. This has been patched in WordPress 5.7.1, along with the older affected versions via minor releases. It's strongly recommended that you keep auto-updates enabled to receive the fix.
CVE-2021-29447 Wordpress is an open source CMS. A user with the ability to upload files (like an Author) can exploit an XML parsing issue in the Media Library leading to XXE attacks. This requires WordPress installation to be using PHP 8. Access to internal files is possible in a successful XXE attack. This has been patched in WordPress version 5.7.1, along with the older affected versions via a minor release. We strongly recommend you keep auto-updates enabled.
CVE-2021-26609 A vulnerability was found in Mangboard(WordPress plugin). A SQL-Injection vulnerability was found in order_type parameter. The order_type parameter makes a SQL query using unfiltered data. This vulnerability allows a remote attacker to steal user information.
CVE-2021-26256 Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability discovered in Survey Maker WordPress plugin (versions <= 2.0.6).
CVE-2021-25121 The Rating by BestWebSoft WordPress plugin before 1.6 does not validate the submitted rating, allowing submission of long integer, causing a Denial of Service on the post/page when a user submit such rating
CVE-2021-25120 The Easy Social Feed Free and Pro WordPress plugins before 6.2.7 do not sanitise some of their parameters used via AJAX actions before outputting them back in the response, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25119 The AGIL WordPress plugin through 1.0 accepts all zip files and automatically extracts the zip file without validating the extracted file type. Allowing high privilege users such as admin to upload an arbitrary file like PHP, leading to RCE
CVE-2021-25118 The Yoast SEO WordPress plugin (from versions 16.7 until 17.2) discloses the full internal path of featured images in posts via the wp/v2/posts REST endpoints which could help an attacker identify other vulnerabilities or help during the exploitation of other identified vulnerabilities.
CVE-2021-25117 The WP-PostRatings WordPress plugin before 1.86.1 does not sanitise the postratings_image parameter from its options page (wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-postratings/postratings-options.php). Even though the page is only accessible to administrators, and protected against CSRF attacks, the issue is still exploitable when the unfiltered_html capability is disabled.
CVE-2021-25116 The Enqueue Anything WordPress plugin through 1.0.1 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks in the remove_asset AJAX action, and does not ensure that the item to be deleted is actually an asset. As a result, low privilege users such as subscriber could delete arbitrary assets, as well as put arbitrary posts in the trash.
CVE-2021-25115 The WP Photo Album Plus WordPress plugin before 8.0.10 was vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Error log content was handled improperly, therefore any user, even unauthenticated, could cause arbitrary javascript to be executed in the admin panel.
CVE-2021-25114 The Paid Memberships Pro WordPress plugin before 2.6.7 does not escape the discount_code in one of its REST route (available to unauthenticated users) before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection
CVE-2021-25113 The Dropdown Menu Widget WordPress plugin through 1.9.7 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks when saving its settings, allowing low privilege users such as subscriber to update them. Due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping, it could also lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25112 The WHMCS Bridge WordPress plugin before 6.4b does not sanitise and escape the error parameter before outputting it back in admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25111 The English WordPress Admin WordPress plugin before 1.5.2 does not validate the admin_custom_language_return_url before redirecting users o it, leading to an open redirect issue
CVE-2021-25110 The Futurio Extra WordPress plugin before 1.6.3 allows any logged in user, such as subscriber, to extract any other user's email address.
CVE-2021-25109 The Futurio Extra WordPress plugin before 1.6.3 is affected by a SQL Injection vulnerability that could be used by high privilege users to extract data from the database as well as used to perform Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) against logged in admins by making send open a malicious link.
CVE-2021-25108 The IP2Location Country Blocker WordPress plugin before 2.26.6 does not have CSRF check in the ip2location_country_blocker_save_rules AJAX action, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin block arbitrary country, or block all of them at once, preventing users from accessing the frontend.
CVE-2021-25107 The Form Store to DB WordPress plugin before 1.1.1 does not sanitise and escape parameter keys before outputting it back in the created entry, allowing unauthenticated attacker to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against admin
CVE-2021-25106 The Privacy Policy Generator, Terms & Conditions Generator WordPress Plugin : WPLegalPages WordPress plugin before 2.7.1 does not check for authorisation and has a flawed CSRF logic when saving its settings, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber, to update them. Furthermore, due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping, it could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25105 The Ivory Search WordPress plugin before 5.4.1 does not escape some of the Form settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-25104 The Ocean Extra WordPress plugin before 1.9.5 does not escape generated links which are then used when the OceanWP is active, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-25103 The Translate WordPress with GTranslate WordPress plugin before 2.9.7 does not sanitise and escape the body parameter in the url_addon/gtranslate-email.php file before outputting it back in the page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue. Note: exploitation of the issue requires knowledge of the NONCE_SALT and NONCE_KEY
CVE-2021-25102 The All In One WP Security & Firewall WordPress plugin before 4.4.11 does not validate, sanitise and escape the redirect_to parameter before using it to redirect user, either via a Location header, or meta url attribute, when the Rename Login Page is active, which could lead to an Arbitrary Redirect as well as Cross-Site Scripting issue. Exploitation of this issue requires the Login Page URL value to be known, which should be hard to guess, reducing the risk
CVE-2021-25101 The Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall WordPress plugin before 4.20.94 does not sanitise and escape the POST data before outputting it back in attributes of an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site scripting. Due to the presence of specific parameter value, available to admin users, this can only be exploited by an admin against another admin user.
CVE-2021-25100 The GiveWP WordPress plugin before 2.17.3 does not escape the s parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in the Donation Forms dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25099 The GiveWP WordPress plugin before 2.17.3 does not sanitise and escape the form_id parameter before outputting it back in the response of an unauthenticated request via the give_checkout_login AJAX action, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25098 The Pricing Tables WordPress Plugin WordPress plugin before 3.1.3 does not verify the CSRF nonce when removing posts, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin remove arbitrary posts from the blog via a CSRF attack, which will be put in the trash
CVE-2021-25097 The LabTools WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have proper authorisation and CSRF check in place when deleting publications, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to delete arbitrary publication
CVE-2021-25096 The IP2Location Country Blocker WordPress plugin before 2.26.5 bans can be bypassed by using a specific parameter in the URL
CVE-2021-25095 The IP2Location Country Blocker WordPress plugin before 2.26.5 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks in the ip2location_country_blocker_save_rules AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call it and block arbitrary country, or block all of them at once, preventing users from accessing the frontend.
CVE-2021-25094 The Tatsu WordPress plugin before 3.3.12 add_custom_font action can be used without prior authentication to upload a rogue zip file which is uncompressed under the WordPress's upload directory. By adding a PHP shell with a filename starting with a dot ".", this can bypass extension control implemented in the plugin. Moreover, there is a race condition in the zip extraction process which makes the shell file live long enough on the filesystem to be callable by an attacker.
CVE-2021-25093 The Link Library WordPress plugin before 7.2.8 does not have authorisation in place when deleting links, allowing unauthenticated users to delete arbitrary links via a crafted request
CVE-2021-25092 The Link Library WordPress plugin before 7.2.8 does not have CSRF check when resetting library settings, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin reset arbitrary settings via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-25091 The Link Library WordPress plugin before 7.2.9 does not sanitise and escape the settingscopy parameter before outputting it back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25090 The Portfolio Gallery, Product Catalog WordPress plugin before 2.1.0 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks in various functions related to AJAX actions, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber, to call them. Due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping, it could also allows attackers to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks on pages where a Portfolio is embed
CVE-2021-25089 The UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin WordPress plugin before 1.16.69 does not sanitise and escape the updraft_restore parameter before outputting it back in the Restore page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25088 The XML Sitemaps WordPress plugin before 4.1.3 does not sanitise and escape a settings before outputting it in the Debug page, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed (for example in multisite setup)
CVE-2021-25087 The Download Manager WordPress plugin before 3.2.35 does not have any authorisation checks in some of the REST API endpoints, allowing unauthenticated attackers to call them, which could lead to sensitive information disclosure, such as posts passwords (fixed in 3.2.24) and files Master Keys (fixed in 3.2.25).
CVE-2021-25086 The Advanced Page Visit Counter WordPress plugin before 6.1.2 does not sanitise and escape some input before outputting it in an admin dashboard page, allowing unauthenticated attackers to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against admins viewing it
CVE-2021-25085 The WOOF WordPress plugin before does not sanitise and escape the woof_redraw_elements before outputing back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25084 The Advanced Cron Manager WordPress plugin before 2.4.2 and Advanced Cron Manager Pro WordPress plugin before 2.5.3 do not have authorisation checks in some of their AJAX actions, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call them and add or remove events as well as schedules for example
CVE-2021-25083 The Registrations for the Events Calendar WordPress plugin before 2.7.10 does not escape the qtype parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in the settings page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25082 The Popup Builder WordPress plugin before 4.0.7 does not validate and sanitise the sgpb_type parameter before using it in a require statement, leading to a Local File Inclusion issue. Furthermore, since the beginning of the string can be controlled, the issue can lead to RCE vulnerability via wrappers such as PHAR
CVE-2021-25081 The Maps Plugin using Google Maps for WordPress plugin before 1.8.4 does not have CSRF checks in most of its AJAX actions, which could allow attackers to make logged in admins delete arbitrary posts and update the plugin's settings via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-25080 The Contact Form Entries WordPress plugin before 1.1.7 does not validate, sanitise and escape the IP address retrieved via headers such as CLIENT-IP and X-FORWARDED-FOR, allowing unauthenticated attackers to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against logged in admins viewing the created entry
CVE-2021-25079 The Contact Form Entries WordPress plugin before 1.2.4 does not sanitise and escape various parameters, such as form_id, status, end_date, order, orderby and search before outputting them back in the admin page
CVE-2021-25078 The Affiliates Manager WordPress plugin before 2.9.0 does not validate, sanitise and escape the IP address of requests logged by the click tracking feature, allowing unauthenticated attackers to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against admin viewing the tracked requests.
CVE-2021-25077 The Store Toolkit for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 2.3.2 does not sanitise and escape the tab parameter before outputting it back in an admin page in an error message, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25076 The WP User Frontend WordPress plugin before 3.5.26 does not validate and escape the status parameter before using it in a SQL statement in the Subscribers dashboard, leading to an SQL injection. Due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping, this could also lead to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25075 The Duplicate Page or Post WordPress plugin before 1.5.1 does not have any authorisation and has a flawed CSRF check in the wpdevart_duplicate_post_parametrs_save_in_db AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call it and change the plugin's settings, or perform such attack via CSRF. Furthermore, due to the lack of escaping, this could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25074 The WebP Converter for Media WordPress plugin before 4.0.3 contains a file (passthru.php) which does not validate the src parameter before redirecting the user to it, leading to an Open Redirect issue
CVE-2021-25073 The WP125 WordPress plugin before 1.5.5 does not have CSRF checks in various action, for example when deleting an ad, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin delete them via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-25072 The NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster WordPress plugin before 4.3.25 does not have CSRF check in place when deleting items, allowing attacker to make a logged in admin delete arbitrary posts via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-25071 The WordPress plugin through 2.0.1 does not sanitise and escape the translation parameter before outputting it back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25070 The Block Bad Bots WordPress plugin before 6.88 does not properly sanitise and escape the User Agent before using it in a SQL statement to record logs, leading to an SQL Injection issue
CVE-2021-25069 The Download Manager WordPress plugin before 3.2.34 does not sanitise and escape the package_ids parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection, which can also be exploited to cause a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-25068 The Sync WooCommerce Product feed to Google Shopping WordPress plugin through 1.2.4 uses the 'feed_id' POST parameter which is not properly sanitized for use in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection vulnerability in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-25067 The Landing Page Builder WordPress plugin before was affected by a reflected XSS in page-builder-add on the ulpb_post admin page.
CVE-2021-25066 The Ninja Forms Contact Form WordPress plugin before 3.6.10 does not sanitize and escape some imported data, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-25065 The Smash Balloon Social Post Feed WordPress plugin before 4.1.1 was affected by a reflected XSS in custom-facebook-feed in cff-top admin page.
CVE-2021-25064 The Wow Countdowns WordPress plugin through 3.1.2 does not sanitize user input into the 'did' parameter and uses it in a SQL statement, leading to an authenticated SQL Injection.
CVE-2021-25063 The Skins for Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin before 2.5.1 does not sanitise and escape the tab parameter before outputting it back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25062 The Orders Tracking for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 1.1.10 does not sanitise and escape the file_url before outputting it back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25061 The WP Booking System WordPress plugin before 2.0.15 was affected by a reflected xss in wp-booking-system on the wpbs-calendars admin page.
CVE-2021-25060 The Five Star Business Profile and Schema WordPress plugin before 2.1.7 does not have any authorisation and CSRF in its bpfwp_welcome_add_contact_page and bpfwp_welcome_set_contact_information AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscribers, to call them. Furthermore, due to the lack of sanitisation, it also lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25059 The Download Plugin WordPress plugin before 2.0.0 does not properly validate a user has the required privileges to access a backup's nonce identifier, which may allow any users with an account on the site (such as subscriber) to download a full copy of the website.
CVE-2021-25058 The Buffer Button WordPress plugin through 1.0 was vulnerable to Authenticated Stored Cross Site Scripting (XSS) within the Twitter username to mention text field.
CVE-2021-25057 The Translation Exchange WordPress plugin through 1.0.14 was vulnerable to Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) within the Project Key text field found in the plugin's settings.
CVE-2021-25056 The Ninja Forms Contact Form WordPress plugin before 3.6.10 does not sanitise and escape field labels, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-25054 The WPcalc WordPress plugin through 2.1 does not sanitize user input into the 'did' parameter and uses it in a SQL statement, leading to an authenticated SQL Injection vulnerability.
CVE-2021-25053 The WP Coder WordPress plugin before 2.5.2 within the wow-company admin menu page allows to include() arbitrary file with PHP extension (as well as with data:// or http:// protocols), thus leading to CSRF RCE.
CVE-2021-25052 The Button Generator WordPress plugin before 2.3.3 within the wow-company admin menu page allows to include() arbitrary file with PHP extension (as well as with data:// or http:// protocols), thus leading to CSRF RCE.
CVE-2021-25051 The Modal Window WordPress plugin before 5.2.2 within the wow-company admin menu page allows to include() arbitrary file with PHP extension (as well as with data:// or http:// protocols), thus leading to CSRF RCE.
CVE-2021-25050 The Remove Footer Credit WordPress plugin before 1.0.11 does properly sanitise its settings, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed.
CVE-2021-25049 The Mobile Events Manager WordPress plugin before 1.4.4 does not sanitise and escape various of its settings, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-25048 The KingComposer WordPress plugin through 2.9.6 does not have authorisation, CSRF and sanitisation/escaping when creating profile, allowing any authenticated users to create arbitrary ones, with Cross-Site Scripting payloads in them
CVE-2021-25047 The 10Web Social Photo Feed WordPress plugin before 1.4.29 was affected by a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the wdi_apply_changes admin page, allowing an attacker to perform such attack against any logged in users
CVE-2021-25046 The Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin before 6.2.0 alloed any logged-in user, even a subscriber user, may add a category whose parameters are incorrectly escaped in the admin panel, leading to stored XSS.
CVE-2021-25045 The Asgaros Forum WordPress plugin before 1.15.15 does not validate or escape the forum_id parameter before using it in a SQL statement when editing a forum, leading to an SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-25044 The Cryptocurrency Pricing list and Ticker WordPress plugin through 1.5 does not sanitise and escape the ccpw_setpage parameter before outputting it back in pages where its shortcode is embed, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-25043 The WOOCS WordPress plugin before does not sanitise and escape the custom_prices parameter before outputting it back in the response, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-25042 The WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) WordPress plugin before 5.5 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks in the updateIpAddress AJAX action, allowing any authenticated user to call it, or make a logged in user do it via a CSRF attack and add an arbitrary IP address to exclude. Furthermore, due to the lack of validation, sanitisation and escaping, users could set a malicious value and perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against logged in admin
CVE-2021-25041 The Photo Gallery by 10Web WordPress plugin before 1.5.68 is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issues via the bwg_album_breadcrumb_0 and shortcode_id GET parameters passed to the bwg_frontend_data AJAX action
CVE-2021-25040 The Booking Calendar WordPress plugin before 8.9.2 does not sanitise and escape the booking_type parameter before outputting it back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25039 The WordPress Multisite Content Copier/Updater WordPress plugin before 2.1.0 does not sanitise and escape the wmcc_content_type, wmcc_source_blog and wmcc_record_per_page parameters before outputting them back in attributes, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25038 The WordPress Multisite User Sync/Unsync WordPress plugin before 2.1.2 does not sanitise and escape the wmus_source_blog and wmus_record_per_page parameters before outputting them back in attributes, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25037 The All in One SEO WordPress plugin before is affected by an authenticated SQL injection issue, which was discovered during an internal audit by the Jetpack Scan team, and could grant attackers access to privileged information from the affected site&#8217;s database (e.g., usernames and hashed passwords).
CVE-2021-25036 The All in One SEO WordPress plugin before is affected by a Privilege Escalation issue, which was discovered during an internal audit by the Jetpack Scan team, and may grant bad actors access to protected REST API endpoints they shouldn&#8217;t have access to. This could ultimately enable users with low-privileged accounts, like subscribers, to perform remote code execution on affected sites.
CVE-2021-25035 The Backup and Staging by WP Time Capsule WordPress plugin before 1.22.7 does not sanitise and escape the error parameter before outputting it back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25034 The WP User WordPress plugin before 7.0 does not sanitise and escape some parameters in pages where the [wp_user] shortcode is used, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25033 The WordPress Newsletter Plugin WordPress plugin before 1.6.5 does not validate the to parameter before redirecting the user to its given value, leading to an open redirect issue
CVE-2021-25032 The PublishPress Capabilities WordPress plugin before 2.3.1, PublishPress Capabilities Pro WordPress plugin before 2.3.1 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks when updating the plugin's settings via the init hook, and does not ensure that the options to be updated belong to the plugin. As a result, unauthenticated attackers could update arbitrary blog options, such as the default role and make any new registered user with an administrator role.
CVE-2021-25031 The Image Hover Effects Ultimate (Image Gallery, Effects, Lightbox, Comparison or Magnifier) WordPress plugin before 9.7.1 does not escape the effects parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25030 The Events Made Easy WordPress plugin before 2.2.36 does not sanitise and escape the search_text parameter before using it in a SQL statement via the eme_searchmail AJAX action, available to any authenticated users. As a result, users with a role as low as subscriber can call it and perform SQL injection attacks
CVE-2021-25029 The CLUEVO LMS, E-Learning Platform WordPress plugin before 1.8.1 does not sanitise and escape Course's module, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-25028 The Event Tickets WordPress plugin before 5.2.2 does not validate the tribe_tickets_redirect_to parameter before redirecting the user to the given value, leading to an arbitrary redirect issue
CVE-2021-25027 The PowerPack Addons for Elementor WordPress plugin before 2.6.2 does not escape the tab parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in the admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-25026 The Patreon WordPress plugin before 1.8.2 does not sanitise and escape the field "Custom Patreon Page name", which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-25025 The EventCalendar WordPress plugin before 1.1.51 does not have proper authorisation and CSRF checks in the add_calendar_event AJAX actions, allowing users with a role as low as subscriber to create events
CVE-2021-25024 The EventCalendar WordPress plugin before 1.1.51 does not escape some user input before outputting it back in attributes, leading to Reflected Cross-SIte Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25023 The Speed Booster Pack &#9889; PageSpeed Optimization Suite WordPress plugin before does not escape the sbp_convert_table_name parameter before using it in a SQL statement to convert the related table, leading to an SQL injection
CVE-2021-25022 The UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin WordPress plugin before 1.16.66 does not sanitise and escape the backup_timestamp and job_id parameter before outputting then back in admin pages, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25021 The OMGF | Host Google Fonts Locally WordPress plugin before 4.5.12 does not validate the cache directory setting, allowing high privilege users to use a path traversal vector and delete arbitrary folders when uninstalling the plugin
CVE-2021-25020 The CAOS | Host Google Analytics Locally WordPress plugin before 4.1.9 does not validate the cache directory setting, allowing high privilege users to use a path traversal vector and delete arbitrary folders when uninstalling the plugin
CVE-2021-25019 The SEO Plugin by Squirrly SEO WordPress plugin before 11.1.12 does not escape the type parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25018 The PPOM for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 24.0 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks in the ppom_settings_panel_action AJAX action, allowing any authenticated to call it and set arbitrary settings. Furthermore, due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping, it could lead to Stored XSS issues
CVE-2021-25017 The Tutor LMS WordPress plugin before 1.9.12 does not escape the search parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25016 The Chaty WordPress plugin before 2.8.3 and Chaty Pro WordPress plugin before 2.8.2 do not sanitise and escape the search parameter before outputting it back in the admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-25015 The myCred WordPress plugin before 2.4 does not sanitise and escape the search query before outputting it back in the history dashboard page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-25014 The Ibtana WordPress plugin before does not have authorisation and CSRF checks in the ive_save_general_settings AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call it and change the plugin's settings which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-25013 The Qubely WordPress plugin before 1.7.8 does not have authorisation and CSRF check on the qubely_delete_saved_block AJAX action, and does not ensure that the block to be deleted belong to the plugin, as a result, any authenticated users, such as subscriber can delete arbitrary posts
CVE-2021-25012 The Pz-LinkCard WordPress plugin through does not sanitise and escape multiple parameters before outputting them back in admin dashboard pages, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25011 The Maps Plugin using Google Maps for WordPress plugin before 1.8.1 does not have proper authorisation and CSRF in most of its AJAX actions, which could allow any authenticated users, such as subscriber to delete arbitrary posts and update the plugin's settings.
CVE-2021-25010 The Post Snippets WordPress plugin before 3.1.4 does not have CSRF check when importing files, allowing attacker to make a logged In admin import arbitrary snippets. Furthermore, imported snippers are not sanitised and escaped, which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-25009 The CorreosExpress WordPress plugin through 2.6.0 generates log files which are publicly accessible, and contain sensitive information such as sender/receiver names, phone numbers, physical and email addresses
CVE-2021-25008 The Code Snippets WordPress plugin before 2.14.3 does not escape the snippets-safe-mode parameter before outputting it back in attributes, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-25007 The MOLIE WordPress plugin through 0.5 does not validate and escape a post parameter before using in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL Injection
CVE-2021-25006 The MOLIE WordPress plugin through 0.5 does not escape the course_id parameter before outputting it back in the admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-25005 The SEUR Oficial WordPress plugin before 1.7.0 does not sanitize and escape some of its settings allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-25004 The SEUR Oficial WordPress plugin before 1.7.2 creates a PHP file with a random name when installed, even though it is used for support purposes, it allows to download any file from the web server without restriction after knowing the URL and a password than an administrator can see in the plugin settings page.
CVE-2021-25003 The WPCargo Track & Trace WordPress plugin before 6.9.0 contains a file which could allow unauthenticated attackers to write a PHP file anywhere on the web server, leading to RCE
CVE-2021-25002 The Tipsacarrier WordPress plugin before does not have any authorisation check in place some functions, which could allow unauthenticated users to access Orders data which could be used to retrieve the client full address, name and phone via tracking URL
CVE-2021-25001 The Booster for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 5.4.9 does not sanitise and escape the wcj_create_products_xml_result parameter before outputting back in the admin dashboard when the Product XML Feeds module is enabled, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-25000 The Booster for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 5.4.9 does not sanitise and escape the wcj_delete_role parameter before outputting back in the admin dashboard when the General module is enabled, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24999 The Booster for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 5.4.9 does not sanitise and escape the wcj_notice parameter before outputting it back in the admin dashboard when the Pdf Invoicing module is enabled, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24998 The Simple JWT Login WordPress plugin before 3.3.0 can be used to create new WordPress user accounts with a randomly generated password. The password is generated using the str_shuffle PHP function that "does not generate cryptographically secure values, and should not be used for cryptographic purposes" according to PHP's documentation.
CVE-2021-24997 The WP Guppy WordPress plugin before 1.3 does not have any authorisation in some of the REST API endpoints, allowing any user to call them and could lead to sensitive information disclosure, such as usernames and chats between users, as well as be able to send messages as an arbitrary user
CVE-2021-24996 The IDPay for Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin through 2.1.2 does not sanitise and escape the idpay_error parameter before outputting it back in the page leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24995 The HTML5 Responsive FAQ WordPress plugin through 2.8.5 does not properly sanitise and escape some of its settings, which could allow a high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed
CVE-2021-24994 The Migration, Backup, Staging WordPress plugin before 0.9.69 does not have authorisation when adding remote storages, and does not sanitise as well as escape a parameter from such unauthenticated requests before outputting it in admin page, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24993 The Ultimate Product Catalog WordPress plugin before 5.0.26 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks in some AJAX actions, which could allow any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call them and add arbitrary products, or change the plugin's settings for example
CVE-2021-24992 The Smart Floating / Sticky Buttons WordPress plugin before 2.5.5 does not sanitise and escape some parameter before outputting them in attributes and page, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24991 The WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips WordPress plugin before 2.10.5 does not escape the tab and section parameters before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24989 The Accept Donations with PayPal WordPress plugin before 1.3.4 does not have CSRF check in place and does not ensure that the post to be deleted belongs to the plugin, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin delete arbitrary posts from the blog
CVE-2021-24988 The WP RSS Aggregator WordPress plugin before 4.19.3 does not sanitise and escape data before outputting it in the System Info admin dashboard, which could lead to a Stored XSS issue due to the wprss_dismiss_addon_notice AJAX action missing authorisation and CSRF checks, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call it and set a malicious payload in the addon parameter.
CVE-2021-24987 The Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin WordPress plugin before 7.13.30 does not sanitise and escape the urls parameter in its the_champ_sharing_count AJAX action (available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users) before outputting it back in the response, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24986 The Post Grid WordPress plugin before 2.1.16 does not escape the keyword parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in pages containing a Post Grid with a search form
CVE-2021-24985 The Easy Forms for Mailchimp WordPress plugin before 6.8.6 does not sanitise and escape the field_name and field_type parameters before outputting them back in attributes, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24984 The WPFront User Role Editor WordPress plugin before does not sanitise and escape the changes-saved parameter before outputting it back in the admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24983 The Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster WordPress plugin before does not sanitise and escape POSted parameters sent to the wpassetcleanup_fetch_active_plugins_icons AJAX action (available to admin users), leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24982 The Child Theme Generator WordPress plugin through 2.2.7 does not sanitise escape the parade parameter before outputting it back, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24981 The Directorist WordPress plugin before was vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery to Remote File Upload leading to arbitrary PHP shell uploads in the wp-content/plugins directory.
CVE-2021-24980 The Gwolle Guestbook WordPress plugin before 4.2.0 does not sanitise and escape the gwolle_gb_user_email parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue in an admin page
CVE-2021-24979 The Paid Memberships Pro WordPress plugin before 2.6.6 does not escape the s parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24978 The OSMapper WordPress plugin through 2.1.5 contains an AJAX action to delete a plugin related post type named 'map' and is registered with the wp_ajax_nopriv prefix, making it available to unauthenticated users. There is no authorisation, CSRF and checks in place to ensure that the post to delete is a map one. As a result, unauthenticated user can delete arbitrary posts from the blog
CVE-2021-24977 The Use Any Font | Custom Font Uploader WordPress plugin before 6.2.1 does not have any authorisation checks when assigning a font, allowing unauthenticated users to sent arbitrary CSS which will then be processed by the frontend for all users. Due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping in the backend, it could also lead to Stored XSS issues
CVE-2021-24976 The Smart SEO Tool WordPress plugin before 3.0.6 does not sanitise and escape the search parameter before outputting it back in an attribute when the TDK optimisation setting is enabled, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24975 The NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster WordPress plugin before 4.3.24 does not sanitise and escape logged requests before outputting them in the related admin dashboard, leading to an Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24974 The Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 11.0.7 does not have authorisation and CSRF check in some of its AJAX actions, allowing any authenticated users to call then, which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue (which will be triggered in the admin dashboard) due to the lack of escaping.
CVE-2021-24973 The Site Reviews WordPress plugin before 5.17.3 does not sanitise and escape the site-reviews parameter of the glsr_action AJAX action (available to unauthenticated and any authenticated users), allowing them to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against logged in admins viewing the Tool dashboard of the plugin
CVE-2021-24972 The Pixel Cat WordPress plugin before 2.6.3 does not escape some of its settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed
CVE-2021-24971 The WP Responsive Menu WordPress plugin before does not have capability and CSRF checks in the wpr_live_update AJAX action, as well as do not sanitise and escape some of the data submitted. As a result, any authenticated, such as subscriber could update the plugin's settings and perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against all visitor and users on the frontend
CVE-2021-24970 The All-in-One Video Gallery WordPress plugin before 2.5.0 does not sanitise and validate the tab parameter before using it in a require statement in the admin dashboard, leading to a Local File Inclusion issue
CVE-2021-24969 The WordPress Download Manager WordPress plugin before 3.2.22 does not sanitise and escape Template data before outputting it in various pages (such as admin dashboard and frontend). Due to the lack of authorisation and CSRF checks in the wpdm_save_template AJAX action, any authenticated users such as subscriber is able to call it and perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24968 The Ultimate FAQ WordPress plugin before 2.1.2 does not have capability and CSRF checks in the ewd_ufaq_welcome_add_faq and ewd_ufaq_welcome_add_faq_page AJAX actions, available to any authenticated users. As a result, any users, with a role as low as Subscriber could create FAQ and FAQ questions
CVE-2021-24967 The Contact Form & Lead Form Elementor Builder WordPress plugin before 1.6.4 does not sanitise and escape some lead values, which could allow unauthenticated users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against logged in admin viewing the inserted Leads
CVE-2021-24966 The Error Log Viewer WordPress plugin through 1.1.1 does not validate the path of the log file to clear, allowing high privilege users to clear arbitrary files on the web server, including those outside of the blog folder
CVE-2021-24965 The Five Star Restaurant Reservations WordPress plugin before 2.4.8 does not have capability and CSRF checks in the rtb_welcome_set_schedule AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users to call it. Due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping, users with a role as low as subscriber could perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against logged in admins
CVE-2021-24964 The LiteSpeed Cache WordPress plugin before 4.4.4 does not properly verify that requests are coming from servers, allowing attackers to make requests to certain endpoints by using a specific X-Forwarded-For header value. In addition, one of the endpoint could be used to set CSS code if a setting is enabled, which will then be output in some pages without being sanitised and escaped. Combining those two issues, an unauthenticated attacker could put Cross-Site Scripting payloads in pages visited by users.
CVE-2021-24963 The LiteSpeed Cache WordPress plugin before 4.4.4 does not escape the qc_res parameter before outputting it back in the JS code of an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24962 The WordPress File Upload Free and Pro WordPress plugins before 4.16.3 allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform path traversal via a shortcode argument, which can then be used to upload a PHP code disguised as an image inside the auto-loaded directory of the plugin, resulting in arbitrary code execution.
CVE-2021-24961 The WordPress File Upload WordPress plugin before 4.16.3, wordpress-file-upload-pro WordPress plugin before 4.16.3 does not escape some of its shortcode argument, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24960 The WordPress File Upload WordPress plugin before 4.16.3, wordpress-file-upload-pro WordPress plugin before 4.16.3 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to configure the upload form in a way that allows uploading of SVG files, which could be then be used for Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24959 The WP Email Users WordPress plugin through 1.7.6 does not escape the data_raw parameter in the weu_selected_users_1 AJAX action, available to any authenticated users, allowing them to perform SQL injection attacks.
CVE-2021-24958 The Meks Easy Photo Feed Widget WordPress plugin before 1.2.4 does not have capability and CSRF checks in the meks_save_business_selected_account AJAX action, available to any authenticated user, and does not escape some of the settings. As a result, any authenticated user, such as subscriber could update the plugin's settings and put Cross-Site Scripting payloads in them
CVE-2021-24957 The Advanced Page Visit Counter WordPress plugin before 6.1.6 does not escape the artID parameter before using it in a SQL statement in the apvc_reset_count_art AJAX action, available to any authenticated user, leading to a SQL injection
CVE-2021-24956 The Blog2Social: Social Media Auto Post & Scheduler WordPress plugin before 6.8.7 does not sanitise and escape the b2sShowByDate parameter before outputting it back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24955 The User Registration, Login Form, User Profile & Membership WordPress plugin before 3.2.3 does not escape the data parameter of the pp_get_forms_by_builder_type AJAX action before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24954 The User Registration, Login Form, User Profile & Membership WordPress plugin before 3.2.3 does not sanitise and escape the ppress_cc_data parameter before outputting it back in an attribute of an admin dashboard page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24953 The Advanced iFrame WordPress plugin before 2022 does not sanitise and escape the ai_config_id parameter before outputting it back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24952 The WordPress plugin before 4.6.2 does not sanitise, validate and escape the sync_progressive_data parameter for the tvcajax_product_sync_bantch_wise AJAX action before using it in a SQL statement, allowing any authenticated user to perform SQL injection attacks.
CVE-2021-24951 The LearnPress WordPress plugin before 4.1.4 does not sanitise, validate and escape the id parameter before using it in SQL statements when duplicating course/lesson/quiz/question, leading to SQL Injections issues
CVE-2021-24950 The Insight Core WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have any authorisation and CSRF checks in the insight_customizer_options_import (available to any authenticated user), does not validate user input before passing it to unserialize(), nor sanitise and escape it before outputting it in the response. As a result, it could allow users with a role as low as Subscriber to perform PHP Object Injection, as well as Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24949 The "WP Search Filters" widget of The Plus Addons for Elementor - Pro WordPress plugin before 5.0.7 does not sanitise and escape the option parameter before using it in a SQL statement, which could lead to SQL injection
CVE-2021-24948 The Plus Addons for Elementor - Pro WordPress plugin before 5.0.7 does not validate the qvquery parameter of the tp_get_dl_post_info_ajax AJAX action, which could allow unauthenticated users to retrieve sensitive information, such as private and draft posts
CVE-2021-24947 The RVM WordPress plugin before 6.4.2 does not have proper authorisation, CSRF checks and validation of the rvm_upload_regions_file_path parameter in the rvm_import_regions AJAX action, allowing any authenticated user, such as subscriber, to read arbitrary files on the web server
CVE-2021-24946 The Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin before 6.1.5 does not sanitise and escape the time parameter before using it in a SQL statement in the mec_load_single_page AJAX action, available to unauthenticated users, leading to an unauthenticated SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24945 The Like Button Rating &#9829; LikeBtn WordPress plugin before 2.6.38 does not have any authorisation and CSRF checks in the likebtn_export_votes AJAX action, which could allow any authenticated user, such as subscriber, to get a list of email and IP addresses of people who liked content from the blog.
CVE-2021-24944 The Custom Dashboard & Login Page WordPress plugin before 7.0 does not sanitise some of its settings, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24943 The Registrations for the Events Calendar WordPress plugin before 2.7.6 does not sanitise and escape the event_id in the rtec_send_unregister_link AJAX action (available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users) before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an unauthenticated SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24942 The Menu Item Visibility Control WordPress plugin through 0.5 doesn't sanitize and validate the "Visibility logic" option for WordPress menu items, which could allow highly privileged users to execute arbitrary PHP code even in a hardened environment.
CVE-2021-24941 The Popups, Welcome Bar, Optins and Lead Generation Plugin WordPress plugin before 2.0.5 does not sanitise and escape the message_id parameter of the get_message_action_row AJAX action before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24940 The Persian Woocommerce WordPress plugin through 5.8.0 does not escape the s parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in the admin dashboard, which could lead to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24939 The LoginWP (Formerly Peter's Login Redirect) WordPress plugin before does not sanitise and escape the rul_login_url and rul_logout_url parameter before outputting them back in attributes in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24938 The WOOCS WordPress plugin before does not sanitise and escape the key parameter of the woocs_update_profiles_data AJAX action (available to any authenticated user) before outputting it back in the response, leading to a Reflected cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24937 The Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster WordPress plugin before does not escape the wpacu_selected_sub_tab_area parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24936 The WP Extra File Types WordPress plugin before 0.5.1 does not have CSRF check when saving its settings, nor sanitise and escape some of them, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change them and perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24935 The WP Google Fonts WordPress plugin before 3.1.5 does not escape the googlefont_ajax_name and googlefont_ajax_family parameter of the googlefont_action AJAx action (available to any authenticated user) before outputing them in attributes, leading Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24934 The Visual CSS Style Editor WordPress plugin before 7.5.4 does not sanitise and escape the wyp_page_type parameter before outputting it back in an admin page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24933 The Dynamic Widgets WordPress plugin through 1.5.16 does not escape the prefix parameter before outputting it back in an attribute when using the term_tree AJAX action (available to any authenticated users), leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24932 The Auto Featured Image (Auto Post Thumbnail) WordPress plugin before 3.9.3 does not sanitise and escape the post_id parameter before outputting back in an admin page within a JS block, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24931 The Secure Copy Content Protection and Content Locking WordPress plugin before 2.8.2 does not escape the sccp_id parameter of the ays_sccp_results_export_file AJAX action (available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users) before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24930 The WordPress Online Booking and Scheduling Plugin WordPress plugin before 20.3.1 does not escape the Staff Full Name field before outputting it back in a page, which could lead to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24928 The Rearrange Woocommerce Products WordPress plugin before 3.0.8 does not have proper access controls in the save_all_order AJAX action, nor validation and escaping when inserting user data in SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection, and allowing any authenticated user, such as subscriber, to modify arbitrary post content (for example with an XSS payload), as well as exfiltrate any data by copying it to another post.
CVE-2021-24927 The My Calendar WordPress plugin before 3.2.18 does not sanitise and escape the callback parameter of the mc_post_lookup AJAX action (available to any authenticated user) before outputting it back in the response, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24926 The Domain Check WordPress plugin before 1.0.17 does not sanitise and escape the domain parameter before outputting it back in the page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24925 The Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin before 6.1.5 does not sanitise and escape the current_month_divider parameter of its mec_list_load_more AJAX call (available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users) before outputting it back in the response, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24924 The Email Log WordPress plugin before 2.4.8 does not escape the d parameter before outputting it back in an attribute in the Log page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24923 The Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Sendinblue WordPress plugin before 3.1.25 does not escape the sib-statistics-date parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24922 The Pixel Cat WordPress plugin before 2.6.2 does not have CSRF check when saving its settings, and did not sanitise as well as escape some of them, which could allow attacker to make a logged in admin change them and perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24921 The Advanced Database Cleaner WordPress plugin before 3.0.4 does not sanitise and escape $_GET keys and values before outputting them back in attributes, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24920 The StatCounter WordPress plugin before 2.0.7 does not sanitise and escape the Project ID and Secure Code settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24919 The Wicked Folders WordPress plugin before 2.8.10 does not sanitise and escape the folder_id parameter before using it in a SQL statement in the wicked_folders_save_sort_order AJAX action, available to any authenticated user. leading to an SQL injection
CVE-2021-24918 The Smash Balloon Social Post Feed WordPress plugin before 4.0.1 did not have any privilege or nonce validation before saving the plugin's setting. As a result, any logged-in user on a vulnerable site could update the settings and store rogue JavaScript on each of its posts and pages.
CVE-2021-24917 The WPS Hide Login WordPress plugin before 1.9.1 has a bug which allows to get the secret login page by setting a random referer string and making a request to /wp-admin/options.php as an unauthenticated user.
CVE-2021-24916 The Qubely WordPress plugin before 1.8.6 allows unauthenticated user to send arbitrary e-mails to arbitrary addresses via the qubely_send_form_data AJAX action.
CVE-2021-24915 The Contest Gallery WordPress plugin before does not have capability checks and does not sanitise or escape the cg-search-user-name-original parameter before using it in a SQL statement when exporting users from a gallery, which could allow unauthenticated to perform SQL injections attacks, as well as get the list of all users registered on the blog, including their username and email address
CVE-2021-24914 The Tawk.To Live Chat WordPress plugin before 0.6.0 does not have capability and CSRF checks in the tawkto_setwidget and tawkto_removewidget AJAX actions, available to any authenticated user. The first one allows low-privileged users (including simple subscribers) to change the 'tawkto-embed-widget-page-id' and 'tawkto-embed-widget-widget-id' parameters. Any authenticated user can thus link the vulnerable website to their own instance. Consequently, they will be able to monitor the vulnerable website and interact with its visitors (receive contact messages, answer, ...). They will also be able to display an arbitrary Knowledge Base. The second one will remove the live chat widget from pages.
CVE-2021-24913 The Logo Showcase with Slick Slider WordPress plugin before 2.0.1 does not have CSRF check in the lswss_save_attachment_data AJAX action, allowing attackers to make a logged in high privilege user, change title, description, alt text, and URL of arbitrary uploaded media.
CVE-2021-24912 The Transposh WordPress Translation WordPress plugin before 1.0.8 does not have CSRF check in its tp_translation AJAX action, which could allow attackers to make authorised users add a translation. Given the lack of sanitisation in the tk0 parameter, this could lead to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue which will be executed in the context of a logged in admin
CVE-2021-24911 The Transposh WordPress Translation WordPress plugin before 1.0.8 does not sanitise and escape the tk0 parameter from the tp_translation AJAX action, leading to Stored Cross-Site Scripting, which will trigger in the admin dashboard of the plugin. The minimum role needed to perform such attack depends on the plugin "Who can translate ?" setting.
CVE-2021-24910 The Transposh WordPress Translation WordPress plugin before 1.0.8 does not sanitise and escape the a parameter via an AJAX action (available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users when the curl library is installed) before outputting it back in the response, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24909 The ACF Photo Gallery Field WordPress plugin before 1.7.5 does not sanitise and escape the post parameter in the includes/acf_photo_gallery_metabox_edit.php file before outputing back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24908 The Check & Log Email WordPress plugin before 1.0.4 does not escape the d parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24907 The Contact Form, Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress plugin before 1.8.0 does not escape the status parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24906 The Protect WP Admin WordPress plugin before 3.6.2 does not check for authorisation in the lib/pwa-deactivate.php file, which could allow unauthenticated users to disable the plugin (and therefore the protection offered) via a crafted request
CVE-2021-24905 The Advanced Contact form 7 DB WordPress plugin before 1.8.7 does not have authorisation nor CSRF checks in the acf7_db_edit_scr_file_delete AJAX action, and does not validate the file to be deleted, allowing any authenticated user to delete arbitrary files on the web server. For example, removing the wp-config.php allows attackers to trigger WordPress setup again, gain administrator privileges and execute arbitrary code or display arbitrary content to the users.
CVE-2021-24904 The Mortgage Calculators WP WordPress plugin before 1.56 does not implement any sanitisation on the color setting of the background of a calculator, which could allow high privilege users to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24903 The GRAND FlaGallery WordPress plugin through 6.1.2 does not sanitise and escape some of its gallery settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24902 The Typebot | Build beautiful conversational forms WordPress plugin before 1.4.3 does not sanitise and escape the Publish ID setting, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24901 The Security Audit WordPress plugin through 1.0.0 does not sanitise and escape the Data Id setting, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24900 The Ninja Tables WordPress plugin before 4.1.8 does not sanitise and escape some of its table fields, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24899 The Media-Tags WordPress plugin through does not sanitise and escape any of its Labels settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_htnl capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24898 The EditableTable WordPress plugin through 0.1.4 does not sanitise and escape any of the Table and Column fields, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24897 The Add Subtitle WordPress plugin through 1.1.0 does not sanitise or escape the sub-title field (available only with classic editor) when output in the page, which could allow users with a role as low as contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24896 The Caldera Forms WordPress plugin before 1.9.5 does not sanitise and escape the Form Name before outputting it in attributes, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24895 The Cybersoldier WordPress plugin before 1.7.0 does not sanitise and escape the URL settings before outputting it in an attribute, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24894 The Reviews Plus WordPress plugin before 1.2.14 does not validate the submitted rating, allowing submission of long integer, causing a Denial of Service in the review section when an authenticated user submit such rating and the reviews are set to be displayed on the post/page
CVE-2021-24893 The Stars Rating WordPress plugin before 3.5.1 does not validate the submitted rating, allowing submission of long integer, causing a Denial of Service in the comments section, or pending comment dashboard depending if the user sent it as unauthenticated or authenticated.
CVE-2021-24892 Insecure Direct Object Reference in edit function of Advanced Forms (Free & Pro) before 1.6.9 allows authenticated remote attacker to change arbitrary user's email address and request for reset password, which could lead to take over of WordPress's administrator account. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must register to obtain a valid WordPress's user and use such user to authenticate with WordPress in order to exploit the vulnerable edit function.
CVE-2021-24891 The Elementor Website Builder WordPress plugin before 3.4.8 does not sanitise or escape user input appended to the DOM via a malicious hash, resulting in a DOM Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24890 The Scripts Organizer WordPress plugin before 3.0 does not have capability and CSRF checks in the saveScript AJAX action, available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users, and does not validate user input in any way, which could allow unauthenticated users to put arbitrary PHP code in a file
CVE-2021-24889 The Ninja Forms Contact Form WordPress plugin before 3.6.4 does not escape keys of the fields POST parameter, which could allow high privilege users to perform SQL injections attacks
CVE-2021-24888 The ImageBoss WordPress plugin before 3.0.6 does not sanitise and escape its Source Name setting, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24885 The YOP Poll WordPress plugin before 6.1.2 does not escape the perpage parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24884 The Formidable Form Builder WordPress plugin before 4.09.05 allows to inject certain HTML Tags like <audio>,<video>,<img>,<a> and<button>.This could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to exploit a HTML-injection byinjecting a malicous link. The HTML-injection may trick authenticated users to follow the link. If the Link gets clicked, Javascript code can be executed. The vulnerability is due to insufficient sanitization of the "data-frmverify" tag for links in the web-based entry inspection page of affected systems. A successful exploitation incomibantion with CSRF could allow the attacker to perform arbitrary actions on an affected system with the privileges of the user. These actions include stealing the users account by changing their password or allowing attackers to submit their own code through an authenticated user resulting in Remote Code Execution. If an authenticated user who is able to edit Wordpress PHP Code in any kind, clicks the malicious link, PHP code can be edited.
CVE-2021-24883 The Popup Anything WordPress plugin before 2.0.4 does not escape the Link Text and Button Text fields of Popup, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24882 The Slideshow Gallery WordPress plugin before 1.7.4 does not sanitise and escape the Slide "Title", "Description", and Gallery "Title" fields, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed
CVE-2021-24881 The Passster WordPress plugin before does not properly check for password, as well as that the post to be viewed is public, allowing unauthenticated users to bypass the protection offered by the plugin, and access arbitrary posts (such as private) content, by sending a specifically crafted request.
CVE-2021-24880 The SupportCandy WordPress plugin before 2.2.7 does not validate and escape the page attribute of its shortcode, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24879 The SupportCandy WordPress plugin before 2.2.7 does not have CSRF check in the wpsc_tickets AJAX action, nor has any sanitisation or escaping in some of the filter fields which could allow attackers to make a logged in user having access to the ticket lists dashboard set an arbitrary filter (stored in their cookies) with an XSS payload in it.
CVE-2021-24878 The SupportCandy WordPress plugin before 2.2.7 does not sanitise and escape the query string before outputting it back in pages with the [wpsc_create_ticket] shortcode embed, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24877 The MainWP Child WordPress plugin before 4.1.8 does not validate the orderby and order parameter before using them in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection exploitable by high privilege users such as admin when the Backup and Staging by WP Time Capsule plugin is installed
CVE-2021-24876 The Registrations for the Events Calendar WordPress plugin before 2.7.5 does not escape the v parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24875 The eCommerce Product Catalog Plugin for WordPress plugin before 3.0.39 does not escape the ic-settings-search parameter before outputting it back in the page in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24874 The Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Sendinblue WordPress plugin before 3.1.31 does not escape the lang and pid parameter before outputting them back in attributes, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24873 The Tutor LMS WordPress plugin before 1.9.11 does not sanitise and escape user input before outputting back in attributes in the Student Registration page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24872 The Get Custom Field Values WordPress plugin before 4.0 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to access other posts metadata without validating the permissions. Eg. contributors can access admin posts metadata.
CVE-2021-24871 The Get Custom Field Values WordPress plugin before 4.0.1 does not escape custom fields before outputting them in the page, which could allow users with a role as low as contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24870 The WP Fastest Cache WordPress plugin before 0.9.5 is lacking a CSRF check in its wpfc_save_cdn_integration AJAX action, and does not sanitise and escape some the options available via the action, which could allow attackers to make logged in high privilege users call it and set a Cross-Site Scripting payload
CVE-2021-24869 The WP Fastest Cache WordPress plugin before 0.9.5 does not escape user input in the set_urls_with_terms method before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection exploitable by low privilege users such as subscriber
CVE-2021-24868 The Document Embedder WordPress plugin before 1.7.9 contains a AJAX action endpoint, which could allow any authenticated user, such as subscriber to enumerate the title of arbitrary private and draft posts.
CVE-2021-24866 The WP Data Access WordPress plugin before 5.0.0 does not properly sanitise and escape the backup_date parameter before using it a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection issue and could allow arbitrary table deletion
CVE-2021-24865 The Advanced Custom Fields: Extended WordPress plugin before does not validate the order and orderby parameters before using them in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL Injection issue
CVE-2021-24864 The WP Cloudy, weather plugin WordPress plugin before 4.4.9 does not escape the post_id parameter before using it in a SQL statement in the admin dashboard, leading to a SQL Injection issue
CVE-2021-24863 The WP Block and Stop Bad Bots Crawlers and Spiders and Anti Spam Protection Plugin StopBadBots WordPress plugin before 6.67 does not sanitise and escape the User Agent before using it in a SQL statement to save it, leading to a SQL injection
CVE-2021-24862 The RegistrationMagic WordPress plugin before does not escape user input in its rm_chronos_ajax AJAX action before using it in a SQL statement when duplicating tasks in batches, which could lead to a SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24861 The Quotes Collection WordPress plugin through 2.5.2 does not validate and escape the bulkcheck parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection
CVE-2021-24860 The BSK PDF Manager WordPress plugin before 3.1.2 does not validate and escape the orderby and order parameters before using them in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24859 The User Meta Shortcodes WordPress plugin through 0.5 registers a shortcode that allows any user with a role as low as contributor to access other users metadata by specifying the user login as a parameter. This makes the WP instance vulnerable to data extrafiltration, including password hashes
CVE-2021-24858 The Cookie Notification Plugin for WordPress plugin before 1.0.9 does not sanitise or escape the id GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement, when retrieving the setting to edit in the admin dashboard, leading to an authenticated SQL Injection
CVE-2021-24857 The ToTop Link WordPress plugin through 1.7.1 passes base64 encoded user input to the unserialize() PHP function, which could lead to PHP Object injection if a plugin installed on the blog has a suitable gadget chain.
CVE-2021-24856 The Shared Files WordPress plugin before 1.6.61 does not sanitise and escape the Download Counter Text settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24855 The Display Post Metadata WordPress plugin before 1.5.0 adds a shortcode to print out custom fields, however their content is not sanitised or escaped which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24854 The QR Redirector WordPress plugin before 1.6.1 does not sanitise and escape some of the QR Redirect fields, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24853 The QR Redirector WordPress plugin before 1.6 does not have capability and CSRF checks when saving bulk QR Redirector settings via the qr_save_bulk AJAX action, which could allow any authenticated user, such as subscriber to change the redirect response status code of arbitrary QR Redirects
CVE-2021-24852 The MouseWheel Smooth Scroll WordPress plugin before 5.7 does not have CSRF check in place on its settings page, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change them via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24851 The Insert Pages WordPress plugin before 3.7.0 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to access content and metadata from arbitrary posts/pages regardless of their author and status (ie private), using a shortcode. Password protected posts/pages are not affected by such issue.
CVE-2021-24850 The Insert Pages WordPress plugin before 3.7.0 adds a shortcode that prints out other pages' content and custom fields. It can be used by users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks by storing the payload/s in another post's custom fields.
CVE-2021-24849 The wcfm_ajax_controller AJAX action of the WCFM Marketplace WordPress plugin before 3.4.12, available to unauthenticated and authenticated user, does not properly sanitise multiple parameters before using them in SQL statements, leading to SQL injections
CVE-2021-24848 The mediamaticAjaxRenameCategory AJAX action of the Mediamatic WordPress plugin before 2.8.1, available to any authenticated user, does not sanitise the categoryID parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection
CVE-2021-24847 The importFromRedirection AJAX action of the SEO Redirection Plugin &#8211; 301 Redirect Manager WordPress plugin before 8.2, available to any authenticated user, does not properly sanitise the offset parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading an SQL injection when the redirection plugin is also installed
CVE-2021-24846 The get_query() function of the Ni WooCommerce Custom Order Status WordPress plugin before 1.9.7, used by the niwoocos_ajax AJAX action, available to all authenticated users, does not properly sanitise the sort parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection, exploitable by any authenticated users, such as subscriber
CVE-2021-24845 The Improved Include Page WordPress plugin through 1.2 allows passing shortcode attributes with post_type & post_status which can be used to retrieve arbitrary content. This way, users with a role as low as Contributor can gain access to content they are not supposed to.
CVE-2021-24844 The Affiliates Manager WordPress plugin before 2.8.7 does not validate the orderby parameter before using it in an SQL statement in the admin dashboard, leading to an SQL Injection issue
CVE-2021-24843 The SupportCandy WordPress plugin before 2.2.7 does not have CRSF check in its wpsc_tickets AJAX action, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin call it and delete arbitrary tickets via the set_delete_permanently_bulk_ticket setting_action.
CVE-2021-24842 The Bulk Datetime Change WordPress plugin before 1.12 does not enforce capability checks which allows users with Contributor roles to 1) list private post titles of other users and 2) change the posted date of other users' posts.
CVE-2021-24841 The Helpful WordPress plugin before 4.4.59 does not sanitise and escape some of its settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24840 The Squaretype WordPress theme before 3.0.4 allows unauthenticated users to manipulate the query_vars used to retrieve the posts to display in one of its REST endpoint, without any validation. As a result, private and scheduled posts could be retrieved via a crafted request.
CVE-2021-24839 The SupportCandy WordPress plugin before 2.2.5 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks in its wpsc_tickets AJAX action, which could allow unauthenticated users to call it and delete arbitrary tickets via the set_delete_permanently_bulk_ticket setting_action. Other actions may be affected as well.
CVE-2021-24838 The AnyComment WordPress plugin before 0.3.5 has an API endpoint which passes user input via the redirect parameter to the wp_redirect() function without being validated first, leading to an Open Redirect issue, which according to the vendor, is a feature.
CVE-2021-24837 The Passster WordPress plugin before does not escape the area parameter of its shortcode, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24836 The Temporary Login Without Password WordPress plugin before 1.7.1 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks when updating its settings, which could allows any logged-in users, such as subscribers to update them
CVE-2021-24835 The WCFM &#8211; Frontend Manager for WooCommerce along with Bookings Subscription Listings Compatible WordPress plugin before 6.5.12, when used in combination with another WCFM - WooCommerce Multivendor plugin such as WCFM - WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace, does not escape the withdrawal_vendor parameter before using it in a SQL statement, allowing low privilege users such as Subscribers to perform SQL injection attacks
CVE-2021-24834 The YOP Poll WordPress plugin before 6.3.1 is affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability which exists in the Create Poll - Options module where a user with a role as low as author is allowed to execute arbitrary script code within the context of the application. This vulnerability is due to insufficient validation of custom label parameters - vote button label , results link label and back to vote caption label.
CVE-2021-24833 The YOP Poll WordPress plugin before 6.3.1 is affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability, which exists in the Admin preview module where a user with a role as low as author is allowed to execute arbitrary script code within the context of the application. This vulnerability is due to insufficient validation of question and answer text parameters in Create Poll module.
CVE-2021-24832 The WP SEO Redirect 301 WordPress plugin before 2.3.2 does not have CSRF in place when deleting redirects, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin delete them via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24831 All AJAX actions of the Tab WordPress plugin before 1.3.2 are available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users, allowing unauthenticated attackers to modify various data in the plugin, such as add/edit/delete arbitrary tabs.
CVE-2021-24830 The Advanced Access Manager WordPress plugin before 6.8.0 does not escape some of its settings when outputting them, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24829 The Visitor Traffic Real Time Statistics WordPress plugin before 3.9 does not validate and escape user input passed to the today_traffic_index AJAX action (available to any authenticated users) before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24828 The Mortgage Calculator / Loan Calculator WordPress plugin before 1.5.17 does not escape the some of the attributes of its mlcalc shortcode before outputting them, which could allow users with a role as low as contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24827 The Asgaros Forum WordPress plugin before 1.15.13 does not validate and escape user input when subscribing to a topic before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an unauthenticated SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24826 The Custom Content Shortcode WordPress plugin before 4.0.2 does not escape custom fields before outputting them, which could allow Contributor+ (v < 4.0.1) or Admin+ (v < 4.0.2) users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed. Please note that such attack is still possible by admin+ in single site blogs by default (but won't be when the unfiltered_html is disallowed)
CVE-2021-24825 The Custom Content Shortcode WordPress plugin before 4.0.2 does not validate the data passed to its load shortcode, which could allow Contributor+ (v < 4.0.1) or Admin+ (v < 4.0.2) users to display arbitrary files from the filesystem (such as logs, .htaccess etc), as well as perform Local File Inclusion attacks as PHP files will be executed. Please note that such attack is still possible by admin+ in single site blogs by default (but won't be when either the unfiltered_html or file_edit is disallowed)
CVE-2021-24824 The [field] shortcode included with the Custom Content Shortcode WordPress plugin before 4.0.1, allows authenticated users with a role as low as contributor, to access arbitrary post metadata. This could lead to sensitive data disclosure, for example when used in combination with WooCommerce, the email address of orders can be retrieved
CVE-2021-24823 The Support Board WordPress plugin before 3.3.6 does not have any CSRF checks in actions handled by the include/ajax.php file, which could allow attackers to make logged in users do unwanted actions. For example, make an admin delete arbitrary files
CVE-2021-24822 The Stylish Cost Calculator WordPress plugin before 7.0.4 does not have any authorisation and CSRF checks on some of its AJAX actions (available to authenticated users), which could allow any authenticated users, such as subscriber to call them, and perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks against logged in admin, as well as frontend users due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping in some parameters
CVE-2021-24821 The Cost Calculator WordPress plugin before 1.6 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks via the Description fields of a Cost Calculator > Price Settings (which gets injected on the edit page as well as any page that embeds the calculator using the shortcode), as well as the Text Preview field of a Project (injected on the edit project page)
CVE-2021-24820 The Cost Calculator WordPress plugin through 1.6 allows authenticated users (Contributor+ in versions < 1.5, and Admin+ in versions <= 1.6) to perform path traversal and local PHP file inclusion on Windows Web Servers via the Cost Calculator post's Layout
CVE-2021-24819 The Page/Post Content Shortcode WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have proper authorisation in place, allowing users with a role as low as contributor to access draft/private/password protected/trashed posts/pages they should not be allowed to, including posts created by other users such as admins and editors.
CVE-2021-24818 The WP Limits WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have CSRF check when saving its settings, allowing attacker to make a logged in admin change them, which could make the blog unstable by setting low values
CVE-2021-24817 The Ultimate NoFollow WordPress plugin through 1.4.8 does not sanitise and escape the href attribute of its shortcodes, allowing users with a role as low as contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24816 The Phoenix Media Rename WordPress plugin before 3.4.4 does not have capability checks in its phoenix_media_rename AJAX action, which could allow users with Author roles to rename any uploaded media files, including ones they do not own.
CVE-2021-24815 The Accept Donations with PayPal WordPress plugin before 1.3.2 does not escape the Amount Menu Name field of created Buttons, which could allow a high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24814 The check_privacy_settings AJAX action of the WordPress GDPR WordPress plugin before 1.9.26, available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users, responds with JSON data without an "application/json" content-type. Since an HTML payload isn't properly escaped, it may be interpreted by a web browser led to this endpoint. Javascript code may be executed on a victim's browser. If the victim is an administrator with a valid session cookie, full control of the WordPress instance may be taken (AJAX calls and iframe manipulation are possible because the vulnerable endpoint is on the same domain as the admin panel - there is no same-origin restriction).
CVE-2021-24813 The Events Made Easy WordPress plugin before 2.2.24 does not sanitise and escape Custom Field Names, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24812 The BetterLinks WordPress plugin before 1.2.6 does not sanitise and escape some of imported link fields, which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues when an admin import a malicious CSV.
CVE-2021-24811 The Shop Page WP WordPress plugin before 1.2.8 does not sanitise and escape some of the Product fields, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24810 The WP Event Manager WordPress plugin before 3.1.23 does not escape some of its Field Editor settings when outputting them, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24809 The BP Better Messages WordPress plugin before does not check for CSRF in multiple of its AJAX actions: bp_better_messages_leave_chat, bp_better_messages_join_chat, bp_messages_leave_thread, bp_messages_mute_thread, bp_messages_unmute_thread, bp_better_messages_add_user_to_thread, bp_better_messages_exclude_user_from_thread. This could allow attackers to make logged in users do unwanted actions
CVE-2021-24808 The BP Better Messages WordPress plugin before sanitise (with sanitize_text_field) but does not escape the 'subject' parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24807 The Support Board WordPress plugin before 3.3.5 allows Authenticated (Agent+) users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks by placing a payload in the notes field, when an administrator or any authenticated user go to the chat the XSS will be automatically executed.
CVE-2021-24806 The wpDiscuz WordPress plugin before 7.3.4 does check for CSRF when adding, editing and deleting comments, which could allow attacker to make logged in users such as admin edit and delete arbitrary comment, or the user who made the comment to edit it via a CSRF attack. Attackers could also make logged in users post arbitrary comment.
CVE-2021-24805 The DW Question & Answer Pro WordPress plugin through 1.3.4 does not properly check for CSRF in some of its functions, allowing attackers to make logged in users perform unwanted actions, such as update a comment or a question status.
CVE-2021-24804 The Simple JWT Login WordPress plugin before 3.2.1 does not have nonce checks when saving its settings, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin changed them. Settings such as HMAC verification secret, account registering and default user roles can be updated, which could result in site takeover.
CVE-2021-24803 The Core Tweaks WP Setup WordPress plugin through 4.1 allows to bulk-set many settings in WordPress, including the admin email, as well as creating a new admin account. There is no CSRF protection in place, allowing an attacker to arbitrary change the admin email or create another admin account and takeover the website via CSRF attacks
CVE-2021-24802 The Colorful Categories WordPress plugin before 2.0.15 does not enforce nonce checks which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin or editor change taxonomy colors via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24801 The WP Survey Plus WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have any authorisation and CSRF checks in place in its AJAX actions, allowing any user to call them and add/edit/delete Surveys. Furthermore, due to the lack of sanitization in the Surveys' Title, this could also lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24800 The DW Question & Answer Pro WordPress plugin through 1.3.4 does not check that the comment to edit belongs to the user making the request, allowing any user to edit other comments.
CVE-2021-24799 The Far Future Expiry Header WordPress plugin before 1.5 does not have CSRF check when saving its settings, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change them via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24798 The WP Header Images WordPress plugin before 2.0.1 does not sanitise and escape the t parameter before outputting it back in the plugin's settings page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24797 The Tickera WordPress plugin before does not properly sanitise and escape the Name fields of booked Events before outputting them in the Orders admin dashboard, which could allow unauthenticated users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against admins.
CVE-2021-24796 The My Tickets WordPress plugin before 1.8.31 does not properly sanitise and escape the Email field of booked tickets before outputting it in the Payment admin dashboard, which could allow unauthenticated users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against admins
CVE-2021-24795 The Filter Portfolio Gallery WordPress plugin through 1.5 is lacking Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) check when deleting a Gallery, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin delete arbitrary Gallery.
CVE-2021-24794 The Connections Business Directory WordPress plugin before 10.4.3 does not escape the Address settings when creating an Entry, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24793 The WPeMatico RSS Feed Fetcher WordPress plugin before 2.6.12 does not escape the Feed URL added to a campaign before outputting it in an attribute, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24792 The Shiny Buttons WordPress plugin through 1.1.0 does not have any authorisation and CSRF in place when saving a template (wpbtn_save_template function hooked to the init action), nor sanitise and escape them before outputting them in the admin dashboard, which allow unauthenticated users to add a malicious template and lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24791 The Header Footer Code Manager WordPress plugin before 1.1.14 does not validate and escape the "orderby" and "order" request parameters before using them in a SQL statement when viewing the Snippets admin dashboard, leading to SQL injections
CVE-2021-24790 The Contact Form Advanced Database WordPress plugin through 1.0.8 does not have any authorisation as well as CSRF checks in its delete_cf7_data and export_cf7_data AJAX actions, available to any authenticated users, which could allow users with a role as low as subscriber to call them. The delete_cf7_data would lead to arbitrary metadata deletion, as well as PHP Object Injection if a suitable gadget chain is present in another plugin, as user data is passed to the maybe_unserialize() function without being first validated.
CVE-2021-24789 The Flat Preloader WordPress plugin before 1.5.5 does not escape some of its settings when outputting them in attribute in the frontend, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed
CVE-2021-24788 The Batch Cat WordPress plugin through 0.3 defines 3 custom AJAX actions, which both require authentication but are available for all roles. As a result, any authenticated user (including simple subscribers) can add/set/delete arbitrary categories to posts.
CVE-2021-24787 The Client Invoicing by Sprout Invoices WordPress plugin before 19.9.7 does not sanitise and escape some of its settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24786 The Download Monitor WordPress plugin before 4.4.5 does not properly validate and escape the "orderby" GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement when viewing the logs, leading to an SQL Injection issue
CVE-2021-24785 The Great Quotes WordPress plugin through 1.0.0 does not sanitise and escape the Quote and Author fields of its Quotes, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24784 The WP Admin Logo Changer WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have CSRF check when saving its settings, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin update them via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24783 The Post Expirator WordPress plugin before 2.6.0 does not have proper capability checks in place, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to schedule deletion of arbitrary posts.
CVE-2021-24782 The Flex Local Fonts WordPress plugin through 1.0.0 does not escape the Class Name field when adding a font, which could allow hight privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24781 The Image Source Control WordPress plugin before 2.3.1 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to change arbitrary post meta fields of arbitrary posts (even those they should not be able to edit)
CVE-2021-24780 The Single Post Exporter WordPress plugin through 1.1.1 does not have CSRF checks when saving its settings, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change them via a CSRF attack and give access to the export feature to any role such as subscriber. Subscriber users would then be able to export an arbitrary post/page (such as private and password protected) via a direct URL
CVE-2021-24779 The WP Debugging WordPress plugin before 2.11.0 has its update_settings() function hooked to admin_init and is missing any authorisation and CSRF checks, as a result, the settings can be updated by unauthenticated users.
CVE-2021-24778 The test parameter of the xmlfeed in the Tradetracker-Store WordPress plugin before 4.6.60 is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24777 The view submission functionality in the Hotscot Contact Form WordPress plugin before 1.3 makes a get request with the sub_id parameter which not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24776 The WP Performance Score Booster WordPress plugin before 2.1 does not have CSRF check when saving its settings, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change them via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24775 The Document Embedder WordPress plugin before 1.7.5 contains a REST endpoint, which could allow unauthenticated users to enumerate the title of arbitrary private and draft posts.
CVE-2021-24774 The Check & Log Email WordPress plugin before 1.0.3 does not validate and escape the "order" and "orderby" GET parameters before using them in a SQL statement when viewing logs, leading to SQL injections issues
CVE-2021-24773 The WordPress Download Manager WordPress plugin before 3.2.16 does not escape some of the Download settings when outputting them, allowing high privilege users to perform XSS attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24772 The Stream WordPress plugin before 3.8.2 does not sanitise and validate the order GET parameter from the Stream Records admin dashboard before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection issue.
CVE-2021-24771 The Inspirational Quote Rotator WordPress plugin through 1.0.0 does not sanitize and escape some of its quote fields when adding/editing a quote as admin, leading to Stored Cross-Site scripting issues when the quote is output in the "Quotes list" even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24770 The Stylish Price List WordPress plugin before 6.9.1 does not perform capability checks in its spl_upload_ser_img AJAX action (available to authenticated users), which could allow any authenticated users, such as subscriber, to upload arbitrary images.
CVE-2021-24769 The Permalink Manager Lite WordPress plugin before does not validate and escape the orderby parameter before using it in a SQL statement in the Permalink Manager page, leading to a SQL Injection
CVE-2021-24768 The WP RSS Aggregator WordPress plugin before 4.19.2 does not properly sanitise and escape the URL to Blacklist field, allowing malicious HTML to be inserted by high privilege users even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed, which could lead to Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24767 The Redirect 404 Error Page to Homepage or Custom Page with Logs WordPress plugin before 1.7.9 does not check for CSRF when deleting logs, which could allow attacker to make a logged in admin delete them via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24766 The 404 to 301 &#8211; Redirect, Log and Notify 404 Errors WordPress plugin before 3.0.9 does not have CSRF check in place when cleaning the logs, which could allow attacker to make a logged in admin delete all of them via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24765 The Perfect Survey WordPress plugin through 1.5.2 does not validate and escape the X-Forwarded-For header value before outputting it in the statistic page when the Anonymize IP setting of a survey is turned off, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24764 The Perfect Survey WordPress plugin before 1.5.2 does not sanitise and escape multiple parameters (id and filters[session_id] of single_statistics page, type and message of importexport page) before outputting them back in pages/attributes in the admin dashboard, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24763 The Perfect Survey WordPress plugin before 1.5.2 does not have proper authorisation nor CSRF checks in the save_global_setting AJAX action, allowing unauthenticated users to edit surveys and modify settings. Given the lack of sanitisation and escaping in the settings, this could also lead to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue which will be executed in the context of a user viewing any survey
CVE-2021-24762 The Perfect Survey WordPress plugin before 1.5.2 does not validate and escape the question_id GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement in the get_question AJAX action, allowing unauthenticated users to perform SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24761 The Error Log Viewer WordPress plugin before 1.1.2 does not perform nonce check when deleting a log file and does not have path traversal prevention, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin delete arbitrary text files on the web server.
CVE-2021-24760 The Gutenberg PDF Viewer Block WordPress plugin before 1.0.1 does not sanitise and escape its block, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24759 The PDF.js Viewer WordPress plugin before 2.0.2 does not escape some of its shortcode and Gutenberg Block attributes, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24758 The Email Log WordPress plugin before 2.4.7 does not properly validate, sanitise and escape the "orderby" and "order" GET parameters before using them in SQL statement in the admin dashboard, leading to SQL injections
CVE-2021-24757 The Stylish Price List WordPress plugin before 6.9.0 does not perform capability checks in its spl_upload_ser_img AJAX action (available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users), which could allow unauthenticated users to upload images.
CVE-2021-24756 The WP System Log WordPress plugin before 1.0.21 does not sanitise, validate and escape the IP address retrieved from login requests before outputting them in the admin dashboard, which could allow unauthenticated attacker to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against admins viewing the logs.
CVE-2021-24755 The myCred WordPress plugin before 2.3 does not validate or escape the fields parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL injection exploitable by any authenticated user
CVE-2021-24754 The MainWP Child Reports WordPress plugin before 2.0.8 does not validate or sanitise the order parameter before using it in a SQL statement in the admin dashboard, leading to an SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24753 The Rich Reviews by Starfish WordPress plugin before 1.9.6 does not properly validate the orderby GET parameter of the pending reviews page before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an authenticated SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24752 Multiple Plugins from the CatchThemes vendor do not perform capability and CSRF checks in the ctp_switch AJAX action, which could allow any authenticated users, such as Subscriber to change the Essential Widgets WordPress plugin before 1.9, To Top WordPress plugin before 2.3, Header Enhancement WordPress plugin before 1.5, Generate Child Theme WordPress plugin before 1.6, Essential Content Types WordPress plugin before 1.9, Catch Web Tools WordPress plugin before 2.7, Catch Under Construction WordPress plugin before 1.4, Catch Themes Demo Import WordPress plugin before 1.6, Catch Sticky Menu WordPress plugin before 1.7, Catch Scroll Progress Bar WordPress plugin before 1.6, Social Gallery and Widget WordPress plugin before 2.3, Catch Infinite Scroll WordPress plugin before 1.9, Catch Import Export WordPress plugin before 1.9, Catch Gallery WordPress plugin before 1.7, Catch Duplicate Switcher WordPress plugin before 1.6, Catch Breadcrumb WordPress plugin before 1.7, Catch IDs WordPress plugin before 2.4's configurations.
CVE-2021-24751 The GenerateBlocks WordPress plugin before 1.4.0 does not validate the generateblocks/container block's tagName attribute, which could allow users with a role as low as contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24750 The WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) WordPress plugin before 4.8 does not properly sanitise and escape the refUrl in the refDetails AJAX action, available to any authenticated user, which could allow users with a role as low as subscriber to perform SQL injection attacks
CVE-2021-24749 The URL Shortify WordPress plugin before 1.5.1 does not have CSRF check in place when bulk-deleting links or groups, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin delete arbitrary link and group via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24748 The Email Before Download WordPress plugin before 6.8 does not properly validate and escape the order and orderby GET parameters before using them in SQL statements, leading to authenticated SQL injection issues
CVE-2021-24747 The SEO Booster WordPress plugin before 3.8 allows for authenticated SQL injection via the "fn_my_ajaxified_dataloader_ajax" AJAX request as the $_REQUEST['order'][0]['dir'] parameter is not properly escaped leading to blind and error-based SQL injections.
CVE-2021-24746 The Social Sharing Plugin WordPress plugin before 3.3.40 does not escape the viewed post URL before outputting it back in onclick attributes when the "Enable 'More' icon" option is enabled (which is the default setting), leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24745 The About Author Box WordPress plugin before 1.0.2 does not sanitise and escape the Social Profiles field values before outputting them in attributes, which could allow user with a role as low as contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24744 The WordPress Contact Forms by Cimatti WordPress plugin before 1.4.12 does not sanitise and escape the Form Title before outputting it in some admin pages. which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24743 The Podcast Subscribe Buttons WordPress plugin before 1.4.2 allows users with any role capable of editing or adding posts to perform stored XSS.
CVE-2021-24742 The Logo Slider and Showcase WordPress plugin before 1.3.37 allows Editor users to update the plugin's settings via the rtWLSSettings AJAX action because it uses a nonce for authorisation instead of a capability check.
CVE-2021-24741 The Support Board WordPress plugin before 3.3.4 does not escape multiple POST parameters (such as status_code, department, user_id, conversation_id, conversation_status_code, and recipient_id) before using them in SQL statements, leading to SQL injections which are exploitable by unauthenticated users.
CVE-2021-24740 The Tutor LMS WordPress plugin before 1.9.9 does not escape some of its settings before outputting them in attributes, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24739 The Logo Carousel WordPress plugin before 3.4.2 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to duplicate and view arbitrary private posts made by other users via the Carousel Duplication feature
CVE-2021-24738 The Logo Carousel WordPress plugin before 3.4.2 does not validate and escape the "Logo Margin" carousel option, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24737 The Comments &#8211; wpDiscuz WordPress plugin through 7.3.0 does not properly sanitise or escape the Follow and Unfollow messages before outputting them in the page, which could allow high privilege users to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24736 The Easy Download Manager and File Sharing Plugin with frontend file upload &#8211; a better Media Library &#8212; Shared Files WordPress plugin before 1.6.57 does not sanitise and escape some of its settings before outputting them in attributes, which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24735 The Compact WP Audio Player WordPress plugin before 1.9.7 does not implement nonce checks, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change the "Disable Simultaneous Play" setting via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24734 The Compact WP Audio Player WordPress plugin before 1.9.7 does not escape some of its shortcodes attributes, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24733 The WP Post Page Clone WordPress plugin before 1.2 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to clone and view other users' draft and password-protected posts which they cannot view normally.
CVE-2021-24732 The PDF Flipbook, 3D Flipbook WordPress &#8211; DearFlip WordPress plugin before 1.7.10 does not escape the class attribute of its shortcode before outputting it back in an attribute, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24731 The Registration Forms &#8211; User profile, Content Restriction, Spam Protection, Payment Gateways, Invitation Codes WordPress plugin before does not properly escape user data before using it in a SQL statement in the wp-json/pie/v1/login REST API endpoint, leading to an SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24730 The Logo Showcase with Slick Slider WordPress plugin before 1.2.5 does not have CSRF and authorisation checks in the lswss_save_attachment_data AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as Subscriber, to change title, description, alt text, and URL of arbitrary uploaded media.
CVE-2021-24729 The Logo Showcase with Slick Slider WordPress plugin before 1.2.4 does not sanitise the Grid Settings, which could allow users with a role as low as Author to perform stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks via post metadata of Grid logo showcase.
CVE-2021-24728 The Membership & Content Restriction &#8211; Paid Member Subscriptions WordPress plugin before 2.4.2 did not sanitise, validate or escape its order and orderby parameters before using them in SQL statement, leading to Authenticated SQL Injections in the Members and Payments pages.
CVE-2021-24727 The StopBadBots WordPress plugin before 6.60 did not validate or escape the order and orderby GET parameter in some of its admin dashboard pages, leading to Authenticated SQL Injections
CVE-2021-24726 The WP Simple Booking Calendar WordPress plugin before 2.0.6 did not escape, validate or sanitise the orderby parameter in its Search Calendars action, before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an authenticated SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24725 The Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools WordPress plugin before 2.1.6 does not have CSRF check in its 'Delete comments easily', which could allow attackers to make logged in admin delete arbitrary comments
CVE-2021-24724 The Timetable and Event Schedule by MotoPress WordPress plugin before 2.3.19 does not sanitise some of its parameters, which could allow low privilege users such as author to perform XSS attacks against frontend and backend users when viewing the related event/s
CVE-2021-24723 The WP Reactions Lite WordPress plugin before 1.3.6 does not properly sanitize inputs within wp-admin pages, allowing users with sufficient access to inject XSS payloads within /wp-admin/ pages.
CVE-2021-24722 The Restaurant Menu by MotoPress WordPress plugin before 2.4.2 does not properly sanitize or escape inputs when creating new menu items, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24721 The Loco Translate WordPress plugin before 2.5.4 mishandles data inputs which get saved to a file, which can be renamed to an extension ending in .php, resulting in authenticated "translator" users being able to inject PHP code into files ending with .php in web accessible locations.
CVE-2021-24720 The GeoDirectory Business Directory WordPress plugin before was vulnerable to Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
CVE-2021-24719 The Enfold Enfold WordPress theme before 4.8.4 was vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). The vulnerability is present on Enfold versions previous than 4.8.4 which use Avia Page Builder.
CVE-2021-24718 The Contact Form, Survey & Popup Form Plugin for WordPress plugin before 1.5 does not properly sanitize some of its settings allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24717 The AutomatorWP WordPress plugin before 1.7.6 does not perform capability checks which allows users with Subscriber roles to enumerate automations, disclose title of private posts or user emails, call functions, or perform privilege escalation via Ajax actions.
CVE-2021-24716 The Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin before 5.22.3 does not properly sanitize or escape values set by users with access to adjust settings withing wp-admin.
CVE-2021-24715 The WP Sitemap Page WordPress plugin before 1.7.0 does not properly sanitise and escape some of its settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24714 The Import any XML or CSV File to WordPress plugin before 3.6.3 does not escape the Import's Title and Unique Identifier fields before outputting them in admin pages, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24713 The Video Lessons Manager WordPress plugin before 1.7.2 and Video Lessons Manager Pro WordPress plugin before 3.5.9 do not properly sanitize and escape values when updating their settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24712 The Appointment Hour Booking WordPress plugin before 1.3.17 does not properly sanitize values used when creating new calendars.
CVE-2021-24711 The del_reistered_domains AJAX action of the Software License Manager WordPress plugin before 4.5.1 does not have any CSRF checks, and is vulnerable to a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24710 The Print-O-Matic WordPress plugin before 2.0.3 does not escape some of its settings before outputting them in attribute, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24709 The Weather Effect WordPress plugin before 1.3.6 does not properly validate and escape some of its settings (like *_size_leaf, *_flakes_leaf, *_speed) which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24708 The Export any WordPress data to XML/CSV WordPress plugin before 1.3.1 does not escape its Export's Name before outputting it in Manage Exports settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24707 The Learning Courses WordPress plugin before 5.0 does not sanitise and escape the Email PDT identity token settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24706 The Qwizcards &#8211; online quizzes and flashcards WordPress plugin before 3.62 does not properly sanitize and escape some of its settings, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24705 The NEX-Forms WordPress plugin before 8.4.3 does not have CSRF checks in place when editing a form, and does not escape some of its settings as well as form fields before outputting them in attributes. This could allow attackers to make a logged in admin edit arbitrary forms with Cross-Site Scripting payloads in them
CVE-2021-24704 In the Orange Form WordPress plugin through 1.0, the process_bulk_action() function in "admin/orange-form-email.php" performs an unprepared SQL query with an unsanitized parameter ($id). Only admin can access the page that invokes the function, but because of lack of CSRF protection, it is actually exploitable and could allow attackers to make a logged in admin delete arbitrary posts for example
CVE-2021-24703 The Download Plugin WordPress plugin before 1.6.1 does not have capability and CSRF checks in the dpwap_plugin_activate AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscribers, to activate plugins that are already installed.
CVE-2021-24702 The LearnPress WordPress plugin before does not properly sanitize or escape various inputs within course settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks when the unfiltred_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24701 The Quiz Tool Lite WordPress plugin through 2.3.15 does not sanitize multiple input fields used when creating or managing quizzes and in other setting options, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24700 The Forminator WordPress plugin before 1.15.4 does not sanitize and escape the email field label, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed
CVE-2021-24699 The Easy Media Download WordPress plugin before 1.1.7 does not escape the text argument of its shortcode, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24698 The Simple Download Monitor WordPress plugin before 3.9.6 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to remove thumbnails from downloads they do not own, even if they cannot normally edit the download.
CVE-2021-24697 The Simple Download Monitor WordPress plugin before 3.9.5 does not escape the 1) sdm_active_tab GET parameter and 2) sdm_stats_start_date/sdm_stats_end_date POST parameters before outputting them back in attributes, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24696 The Simple Download Monitor WordPress plugin before 3.9.9 does not enforce nonce checks, which could allow attackers to perform CSRF attacks to 1) make admins export logs to exploit a separate log disclosure vulnerability (fixed in 3.9.6), 2) delete logs (fixed in 3.9.9), 3) remove thumbnail image from downloads
CVE-2021-24695 The Simple Download Monitor WordPress plugin before 3.9.6 saves logs in a predictable location, and does not have any authentication or authorisation in place to prevent unauthenticated users to download and read the logs containing Sensitive Information such as IP Addresses and Usernames
CVE-2021-24694 The Simple Download Monitor WordPress plugin before 3.9.11 could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attack via 1) "color" or "css_class" argument of sdm_download shortcode, 2) "class" or "placeholder" argument of sdm_search_form shortcode.
CVE-2021-24693 The Simple Download Monitor WordPress plugin before 3.9.5 does not escape the "File Thumbnail" post meta before outputting it in some pages, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks. Given the that XSS is triggered even when the Download is in a review state, contributor could make JavaScript code execute in a context of a reviewer such as admin and make them create a rogue admin account, or install a malicious plugin
CVE-2021-24692 The Simple Download Monitor WordPress plugin before 3.9.5 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to download any file on the web server (such as wp-config.php) via a path traversal vector.
CVE-2021-24691 The Quiz And Survey Master WordPress plugin before 7.3.2 does not escape the Quiz Url Slug setting before outputting it in some pages, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24690 The Chained Quiz WordPress plugin before does not properly sanitize or escape inputs in the plugin's settings.
CVE-2021-24689 The Contact Forms - Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder WordPress plugin through 1.0.5 allows high privilege users to download arbitrary files from the web server via a path traversal attack
CVE-2021-24688 The Orange Form WordPress plugin through 1.0.1 does not have any authorisation and CSRF checks in all of its AJAX calls, for example the or_delete_filed one which is available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users could allow attackers to delete arbitrary posts.The AJAX calls performing actions on posts also do not ensure that the post belong to them (or that they are allowed to perform such action on it)
CVE-2021-24687 The Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin before 5.22.2 does not escape some of its settings before outputting them in attributes, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24686 The SVG Support WordPress plugin before 2.3.20 does not escape the "CSS Class to target" setting before outputting it in an attribute, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24685 The Flat Preloader WordPress plugin before 1.5.4 does not enforce nonce checks when saving its settings, as well as does not sanitise and escape them, which could allow attackers to a make logged in admin change them with a Cross-Site Scripting payload (triggered either in the frontend or backend depending on the payload)
CVE-2021-24684 The WordPress PDF Light Viewer Plugin WordPress plugin before 1.4.12 allows users with Author roles to execute arbitrary OS command on the server via OS Command Injection when invoking Ghostscript.
CVE-2021-24683 The Weather Effect WordPress plugin before 1.3.4 does not have any CSRF checks in place when saving its settings, and do not validate or escape them, which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24682 The Cool Tag Cloud WordPress plugin before 2.26 does not escape the style attribute of the cool_tag_cloud shortcode, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24681 The Duplicate Page WordPress plugin through 4.4.2 does not sanitise or escape the Duplicate Post Suffix settings before outputting it, which could allow high privilege users to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24680 The WP Travel Engine WordPress plugin before 5.3.1 does not escape the Description field in the Trip Destination/Activities/Trip Type and Pricing Category pages, allowing users with a role as low as editor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks, even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24679 The Bitcoin / AltCoin Payment Gateway for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 1.6.1 does not escape the 's' GET parameter before outputting back in the All Masking Rules page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24678 The CM Tooltip Glossary WordPress plugin before 3.9.21 does not escape some glossary_tooltip shortcode attributes, which could allow users a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24677 The Find My Blocks WordPress plugin before 3.4.0 does not have authorisation checks in its REST API, which could allow unauthenticated users to enumerate private posts' titles.
CVE-2021-24676 The Better Find and Replace WordPress plugin before 1.2.9 does not escape the 's' GET parameter before outputting back in the All Masking Rules page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24675 The One User Avatar WordPress plugin before 2.3.7 does not check for CSRF when updating the Avatar in page where the [avatar_upload] shortcode is embed. As a result, attackers could make logged in user change their avatar via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24674 The Genie WP Favicon WordPress plugin through 0.5.2 does not have CSRF in place when updating the favicon, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change it via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24673 The Appointment Hour Booking WordPress plugin before 1.3.16 does not escape some of the Calendar Form settings, allowing high privilege users to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24672 The One User Avatar WordPress plugin before 2.3.7 does not escape the link and target attributes of its shortcode, allowing users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24671 The MX Time Zone Clocks WordPress plugin before 3.4.1 does not escape the time_zone attribute of the mxmtzc_time_zone_clocks shortcode, allowing users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24670 The CoolClock WordPress plugin before 4.3.5 does not escape some shortcode attributes, allowing users with a role as low as Contributor toperform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24669 The MAZ Loader &#8211; Preloader Builder for WordPress plugin before 1.3.3 does not validate or escape the loader_id parameter of the mzldr shortcode, which allows users with a role as low as Contributor to perform SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24668 The MAZ Loader WordPress plugin before 1.4.1 does not enforce nonce checks, which allows attackers to make administrators delete arbitrary loaders via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24666 The Podlove Podcast Publisher WordPress plugin before 3.5.6 contains a 'Social & Donations' module (not activated by default), which adds the rest route '/services/contributor/(?P<id>[\d]+), takes an 'id' and 'category' parameters as arguments. Both parameters can be used for the SQLi.
CVE-2021-24665 The WP Video Lightbox WordPress plugin before 1.9.3 does not escape the attributes of its shortcodes, allowing users with a role as low as contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24664 The School Management System &#8211; WPSchoolPress WordPress plugin before 2.1.17 sanitise some fields using sanitize_text_field() but does not escape them before outputting in attributes, resulting in Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24663 The Simple Schools Staff Directory WordPress plugin through 1.1 does not validate uploaded logo pictures to ensure that are indeed images, allowing high privilege users such as admin to upload arbitrary file like PHP, leading to RCE
CVE-2021-24662 The Game Server Status WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not validate or escape the server_id parameter before using it in SQL statement, leading to an Authenticated SQL Injection in an admin page
CVE-2021-24661 The PostX &#8211; Gutenberg Blocks for Post Grid WordPress plugin before 2.4.10, with Saved Templates Addon enabled, allows users with Contributor roles or higher to read password-protected or private post contents the user is otherwise unable to read, given the post ID.
CVE-2021-24660 The PostX &#8211; Gutenberg Blocks for Post Grid WordPress plugin before 2.4.10, with Saved Templates Addon enabled, allows users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks via the plugin's shortcode.
CVE-2021-24659 The PostX &#8211; Gutenberg Blocks for Post Grid WordPress plugin before 2.4.10 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks via the plugin's block.
CVE-2021-24658 The Erident Custom Login and Dashboard WordPress plugin before 3.5.9 did not properly sanitise its settings, allowing high privilege users to use XSS payloads in them (even when the unfileted_html is disabled)
CVE-2021-24657 The Limit Login Attempts WordPress plugin before 4.0.50 does not escape the IP addresses (which can be controlled by attacker via headers such as X-Forwarded-For) of attempted logins before outputting them in the reports table, leading to an Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24656 The Simple Social Media Share Buttons WordPress plugin before 3.2.4 does not escape the Share Title settings before outputting it in the frontend pages or posts (depending on the settings used), allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24655 The WP User Manager WordPress plugin before 2.6.3 does not ensure that the user ID to reset the password of is related to the reset key given. As a result, any authenticated user can reset the password (to an arbitrary value) of any user knowing only their ID, and gain access to their account.
CVE-2021-24654 The User Registration WordPress plugin before 2.0.2 does not properly sanitise the user_registration_profile_pic_url value when submitted directly via the user_registration_update_profile_details AJAX action. This could allow any authenticated user, such as subscriber, to perform Stored Cross-Site attacks when their profile is viewed
CVE-2021-24653 The Cookie Bar WordPress plugin before 1.8.9 doesn't properly sanitise the Cookie Bar Message setting, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24652 The PostX &#8211; Gutenberg Blocks for Post Grid WordPress plugin before 2.4.10 performs incorrect checks before allowing any logged in user to perform some ajax based requests, allowing any user to modify, delete or add ultp_options values.
CVE-2021-24651 The Poll Maker WordPress plugin before 3.4.2 allows unauthenticated users to perform SQL injection via the ays_finish_poll AJAX action. While the result is not disclosed in the response, it is possible to use a timing attack to exfiltrate data such as password hash.
CVE-2021-24649 The WP User Frontend WordPress plugin before 3.5.29 uses a user supplied argument called urhidden in its registration form, which contains the role for the account to be created with, encrypted via wpuf_encryption(). This could allow an attacker having access to the AUTH_KEY and AUTH_SALT constant (via an arbitrary file access issue for example, or if the blog is using the default keys) to create an account with any role they want, such as admin
CVE-2021-24648 The RegistrationMagic WordPress plugin before does not sanitise and escape the rm_search_value parameter before outputting back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE-2021-24647 The Registration Forms &#8211; User profile, Content Restriction, Spam Protection, Payment Gateways, Invitation Codes WordPress plugin before has a flaw in the social login implementation, allowing unauthenticated attacker to login as any user on the site by only knowing their user ID or username
CVE-2021-24646 The Banner Creator WordPress plugin before 1.4.3 does not properly sanitize inputs when creating banners, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24645 The Product Helper WordPress plugin before 1.0.2 does not sanitize and escape Product Code when creating Product Shortcode, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24644 The Images to WebP WordPress plugin before 1.9 does not validate or sanitise the tab parameter before passing it to the include() function, which could lead to a Local File Inclusion issue
CVE-2021-24643 The WP Map Block WordPress plugin before 1.2.3 does not escape some attributes of the WP Map Block, which could allow users with a role as low as contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24642 The Scroll Baner WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have CSRF check in place when saving its settings, nor perform any sanitisation, escaping or validation on them. This could allow attackers to make logged in admin change them and could lead to RCE (via a file upload) as well as XSS
CVE-2021-24641 The Images to WebP WordPress plugin before 1.9 does not have CSRF checks in place when performing some administrative actions, which could result in modification of plugin settings, Denial-of-Service, as well as arbitrary image conversion
CVE-2021-24640 The WordPress Slider Block Gutenslider plugin before 5.2.0 does not escape the minWidth attribute of a Gutenburg block, which could allow users with a role as low as contributor to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24639 The OMGF WordPress plugin before 4.5.4 does not enforce path validation, authorisation and CSRF checks in the omgf_ajax_empty_dir AJAX action, which allows any authenticated users to delete arbitrary files or folders on the server.
CVE-2021-24638 The OMGF WordPress plugin before 4.5.4 does not escape or validate the handle parameter of the REST API, which allows unauthenticated users to perform path traversal and overwrite arbitrary CSS file with Google Fonts CSS, or download fonts uploaded on Google Fonts website.
CVE-2021-24637 The Google Fonts Typography WordPress plugin before 3.0.3 does not escape and sanitise some of its block settings, allowing users with as role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks via blockType (combined with content), align, color, variant and fontID argument of a Gutenberg block.
CVE-2021-24636 The Print My Blog WordPress Plugin before 3.4.2 does not enforce nonce (CSRF) checks, which allows attackers to make logged in administrators deactivate the Print My Blog plugin and delete all saved data for that plugin by tricking them to open a malicious link
CVE-2021-24635 The Visual Link Preview WordPress plugin before 2.2.3 does not enforce authorisation on several AJAX actions and has the CSRF nonce displayed for all authenticated users, allowing any authenticated user (such as subscriber) to call them and 1) Get and search through title and content of Draft post, 2) Get title of a password-protected post as well as 3) Upload an image from an URL
CVE-2021-24634 The Recipe Card Blocks by WPZOOM WordPress plugin before 2.8.3 does not properly sanitise or escape some of the properties of the Recipe Card Block (such as ingredientsLayout, iconSet, steps, ingredients, recipeTitle, or settings), which could allow users with a role as low as contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24633 The Countdown Block WordPress plugin before 1.1.2 does not have authorisation in the eb_write_block_css AJAX action, which allows any authenticated user, such as Subscriber, to modify post contents displayed to users.
CVE-2021-24632 The Recipe Card Blocks by WPZOOM WordPress plugin before 2.8.1 does not escape the message parameter before outputting it back in the admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24631 The Unlimited PopUps WordPress plugin through 4.5.3 does not sanitise or escape the did GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement, available to users as low as editor, leading to an authenticated SQL Injection
CVE-2021-24630 The Schreikasten WordPress plugin through 0.14.18 does not sanitise or escape the id GET parameter before using it in SQL statements in the comments dashboard from various actions, leading to authenticated SQL Injections which can be exploited by users as low as author
CVE-2021-24629 The Post Content XMLRPC WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not sanitise or escape multiple GET/POST parameters before using them in SQL statements in the admin dashboard, leading to an authenticated SQL Injections
CVE-2021-24628 The Wow Forms WordPress plugin through 3.1.3 does not sanitise or escape a 'did' GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement, when deleting a form in the admin dashboard, leading to an authenticated SQL injection
CVE-2021-24627 The G Auto-Hyperlink WordPress plugin through 1.0.1 does not sanitise or escape an 'id' GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement, to select data to be displayed in the admin dashboard, leading to an authenticated SQL injection
CVE-2021-24626 The Chameleon CSS WordPress plugin through 1.2 does not have any CSRF and capability checks in all its AJAX calls, allowing any authenticated user, such as subscriber to call them and perform unauthorised actions. One of AJAX call, remove_css, also does not sanitise or escape the css_id POST parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL Injection
CVE-2021-24625 The SpiderCatalog WordPress plugin through 1.7.3 does not sanitise or escape the 'parent' and 'ordering' parameters from the admin dashboard before using them in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection when adding a category
CVE-2021-24624 The MP3 Audio Player for Music, Radio & Podcast by Sonaar WordPress plugin before 2.4.2 does not properly sanitize or escape data in some of its Playlist settings, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
CVE-2021-24623 The WordPress Advanced Ticket System, Elite Support Helpdesk WordPress plugin before 1.0.64 does not sanitize or escape form values before saving to the database or when outputting, which allows high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24622 The Customer Service Software & Support Ticket System WordPress plugin before 5.10.4 does not sanitize or escape form fields before outputting it in the List, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24621 The WP Courses LMS WordPress plugin before 2.0.44 does not sanitise its Video Embed Code, allowing malicious code to be injected in it by high privilege users, even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed, which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24620 The WordPress Simple Ecommerce Shopping Cart Plugin- Sell products through Paypal plugin through 2.2.5 does not check for the uploaded Downloadable Digital product file, allowing any file, such as PHP to be uploaded by an administrator. Furthermore, as there is no CSRF in place, attackers could also make a logged admin upload a malicious PHP file, which would lead to RCE
CVE-2021-24619 The Per page add to head WordPress plugin through 1.4.4 does not properly sanitise one of its setting, allowing malicious HTML to be inserted by high privilege users even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed, which could lead to Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24618 The Donate With QRCode WordPress plugin before 1.4.5 does not sanitise or escape its QRCode Image setting, which result into a Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Furthermore, the plugin also does not have any CSRF and capability checks in place when saving such setting, allowing any authenticated user (as low as subscriber), or unauthenticated user via a CSRF vector to update them and perform such attack.
CVE-2021-24617 The GamePress WordPress plugin through 1.1.0 does not escape the op_edit POST parameter before outputting it back in multiple Game Option pages, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24616 The AddToAny Share Buttons WordPress plugin before 1.7.48 does not escape its Image URL button setting, which could lead allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24615 The Wechat Reward WordPress plugin through 1.7 does not sanitise or escape its QR settings, nor has any CSRF check in place, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin change the settings and perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24614 The Book appointment online WordPress plugin before 1.39 does not sanitise or escape Service Prices before outputting it in the List, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24613 The Post Views Counter WordPress plugin before 1.3.5 does not sanitise or escape its Post Views Label settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks in the frontend even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24612 The Sociable WordPress plugin through does not sanitise or escape some of its settings before outputting them in the admins dashboard, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against other users even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24611 The Keyword Meta WordPress plugin through 3.0 does not sanitise of escape its settings before outputting them back in the page after they are saved, allowing for Cross-Site Scripting issues. Furthermore, it is also lacking any CSRF check, allowing attacker to make a logged in high privilege user save arbitrary setting via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24610 The TranslatePress WordPress plugin before 2.0.9 does not implement a proper sanitisation on the translated strings. The 'trp_sanitize_string' function only removes script tag with a regex, still allowing other HTML tags and attributes to execute javascript, which could lead to authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24609 The WP Mapa Politico Espana WordPress plugin before 3.7.0 does not sanitise or escape some of its settings before outputting them in attributes, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed
CVE-2021-24608 The Formidable Form Builder &#8211; Contact Form, Survey & Quiz Forms Plugin for WordPress plugin before 5.0.07 does not sanitise and escape its Form's Labels, allowing high privileged users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24607 The Storefront Footer Text WordPress plugin through 1.0.1 does not sanitize and escape the "Footer Credit Text" added to pages, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered-html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24606 The Availability Calendar WordPress plugin before 1.2.1 does not escape the category attribute from its shortcode before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL Injection issue, which can be exploited by any user able to add shortcode to posts/pages, such as contributor+
CVE-2021-24605 The create_post_page AJAX action of the Custom Post View Generator WordPress plugin through 0.4.6 (available to authenticated user) does not sanitise or escape user input before outputting it back in the response, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site issue
CVE-2021-24604 The Availability Calendar WordPress plugin before 1.2.2 does not sanitise or escape its Category Names before outputting them in page/post where the associated shortcode is embed, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed
CVE-2021-24603 The Site Reviews WordPress plugin before 5.13.1 does not sanitise some of its Review Details when adding a review as an admin, which could allow them to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks when the unfiltered_html is disallowed
CVE-2021-24602 The HM Multiple Roles WordPress plugin before 1.3 does not have any access control to prevent low privilege users to set themselves as admin via their profile page
CVE-2021-24601 The WPFront Notification Bar WordPress plugin before does not properly sanitise and escape its settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24600 The WP Dialog WordPress plugin through does not sanitise and escape some of its settings before outputting them in pages, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24599 The Email Encoder &#8211; Protect Email Addresses WordPress plugin before 2.1.2 has an endpoint that requires no authentication and will render a user supplied value in the HTML response without escaping or sanitizing the data.
CVE-2021-24598 The Testimonial WordPress plugin before 1.6.0 does not escape some testimonial fields which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24597 The You Shang WordPress plugin through 1.0.1 does not escape its qrcode links settings, which result into Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues in frontend posts and the plugins settings page depending on the payload used
CVE-2021-24596 The youForms for WordPress plugin through 1.0.5 does not sanitise escape the Button Text field of its Templates, allowing high privilege users (editors and admins) to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24595 The Wp Cookie Choice WordPress plugin through 1.1.0 is lacking any CSRF check when saving its options, and do not escape them when outputting them in attributes. As a result, an attacker could make a logged in admin change them to arbitrary values including XSS payloads via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24594 The Translate WordPress &#8211; Google Language Translator WordPress plugin before 6.0.12 does not sanitise and escape some of its settings before outputting it in various pages, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24593 The Business Hours Indicator WordPress plugin before 2.3.5 does not sanitise or escape its 'Now closed message" setting when outputting it in the backend and frontend, leading to an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24592 The Sitewide Notice WP WordPress plugin before 2.3 does not sanitise some of its settings before outputting them in frontend pages, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24591 The Highlight WordPress plugin before 0.9.3 does not sanitise its CustomCSS setting, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24590 The Cookie Notice & Consent Banner for GDPR & CCPA Compliance WordPress plugin before 1.7.2 does not properly sanitize inputs to prevent injection of arbitrary HTML within the plugin's design customization options.
CVE-2021-24588 The SMS Alert Order Notifications WordPress plugin before 3.4.7 is affected by a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the plugin's setting page.
CVE-2021-24587 The Splash Header WordPress plugin before 1.20.8 doesn't sanitise and escape some of its settings while outputting them in the admin dashboard, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24586 The Per page add to head WordPress plugin before 1.4.4 is lacking any CSRF check when saving its settings, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change them. Furthermore, as the plugin allows arbitrary HTML to be inserted in one of the setting (feature mentioned by the plugin), this could lead to Stored XSS issue which will be triggered either in the backend, frontend or both depending on the payload used.
CVE-2021-24585 The Timetable and Event Schedule WordPress plugin before 2.4.0 outputs the Hashed Password, Username and Email Address (along other less sensitive data) of the user related to the Even Head of the Timeslot in the response when requesting the event Timeslot data with a user with the edit_posts capability. Combined with the other Unauthorised Event Timeslot Modification issue ( where an arbitrary user ID can be set, this could allow low privilege users with the edit_posts capability (such as author) to retrieve sensitive User data by iterating over the user_id
CVE-2021-24584 The Timetable and Event Schedule WordPress plugin before 2.4.2 does not have proper access control when updating a timeslot, allowing any user with the edit_posts capability (contributor+) to update arbitrary timeslot from any events. Furthermore, no CSRF check is in place as well, allowing such attack to be perform via CSRF against a logged in with such capability. In versions before 2.3.19, the lack of sanitisation and escaping in some of the fields, like the descritption could also lead to Stored XSS issues
CVE-2021-24583 The Timetable and Event Schedule WordPress plugin before 2.4.2 does not have proper access control when deleting a timeslot, allowing any user with the edit_posts capability (contributor+) to delete arbitrary timeslot from any events. Furthermore, no CSRF check is in place as well, allowing such attack to be performed via CSRF against a logged in with such capability
CVE-2021-24582 The ThinkTwit WordPress plugin before 1.7.1 did not sanitise or escape its "Consumer key" setting before outputting it its settings page, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24581 The Blue Admin WordPress plugin through 21.06.01 does not sanitise or escape its "Logo Title" setting before outputting in a page, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue. Furthermore, the plugin does not have CSRF check in place when saving its settings, allowing the issue to be exploited via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24580 The Side Menu Lite WordPress plugin before 2.2.6 does not sanitise user input from the List page in the admin dashboard before using it in SQL statement, leading to a SQL Injection issue
CVE-2021-24579 The bt_bb_get_grid AJAX action of the Bold Page Builder WordPress plugin before 3.1.6 passes user input into the unserialize() function without any validation or sanitisation, which could lead to a PHP Object Injection. Even though the plugin did not contain a suitable gadget to fully exploit the issue, other installed plugins on the blog could allow such issue to be exploited and lead to RCE in some cases.
CVE-2021-24578 The SportsPress WordPress plugin before 2.7.9 does not sanitise and escape its match_day parameter before outputting back in the Events backend page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24577 The Coming soon and Maintenance mode WordPress plugin before 3.5.3 does not properly sanitize inputs submitted by authenticated users when setting adding or modifying coming soon or maintenance mode pages, leading to stored XSS.
CVE-2021-24576 The Easy Accordion WordPress plugin before 2.0.22 does not properly sanitize inputs when adding new items to an accordion.
CVE-2021-24575 The School Management System &#8211; WPSchoolPress WordPress plugin before 2.1.10 does not properly sanitize or use prepared statements before using POST variable in SQL queries, leading to SQL injection in multiple actions available to various authenticated users, from simple subscribers/students to teachers and above.
CVE-2021-24574 The Simple Banner WordPress plugin before 2.10.4 does not sanitise and escape one of its settings, allowing high privilege users such as admin to use Cross-Site Scripting payload even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24572 The Accept Donations with PayPal WordPress plugin before 1.3.1 provides a function to create donation buttons which are internally stored as posts. The deletion of a button is not CSRF protected and there is no control to check if the deleted post was a button post. As a result, an attacker could make logged in admins delete arbitrary posts
CVE-2021-24571 The HD Quiz WordPress plugin before 1.8.4 does not escape some of its Answers before outputting them in attribute when generating the Quiz, which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24570 The Accept Donations with PayPal WordPress plugin before 1.3.1 offers a function to create donation buttons, which internally are posts. The process to create a new button is lacking a CSRF check. An attacker could use this to make an authenticated admin create a new button. Furthermore, one of the Button field is not escaped before being output in an attribute when editing a Button, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue as well.
CVE-2021-24569 The Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA WordPress plugin before 2.1.2 does not escape the value of its Button Text setting when outputting it in an attribute in the frontend, allowing high privilege users such as admin to perform Cross-Site Scripting even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24568 The AddToAny Share Buttons WordPress plugin before 1.7.46 does not sanitise its Sharing Header setting when outputting it in frontend pages, allowing high privilege users such as admin to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24567 The Simple Post WordPress plugin through 1.1 does not sanitize user input when an authenticated user Text value, then it does not escape these values when outputting to the browser leading to an Authenticated Stored XSS Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24566 The WooCommerce Currency Switcher FOX WordPress plugin before 1.3.7 was vulnerable to LFI attacks via the "woocs" shortcode.
CVE-2021-24565 The Contact Form 7 Captcha WordPress plugin before 0.0.9 does not have any CSRF check in place when saving its settings, allowing attacker to make a logged in user with the manage_options change them. Furthermore, the settings are not escaped when output in attributes, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24564 The WPFront Scroll Top WordPress plugin before does not sanitise or escape its Image ALT setting before outputting it attributes, leading to an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24563 The Frontend Uploader WordPress plugin through 1.3.2 does not prevent HTML files from being uploaded via its form, allowing unauthenticated user to upload a malicious HTML file containing JavaScript for example, which will be triggered when someone access the file directly
CVE-2021-24562 The LMS by LifterLMS &#8211; Online Course, Membership & Learning Management System Plugin for WordPress plugin before 4.21.2 was affected by an IDOR issue, allowing students to see other student answers and grades
CVE-2021-24561 The WP SMS WordPress plugin before 5.4.13 does not sanitise the "wp_group_name" parameter before outputting it back in the "Groups" page, leading to an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24560 The Software License Manager WordPress plugin before 4.4.8 does not sanitise or escape the edit_record parameter before outputting it back in the page in the admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24559 The Qyrr WordPress plugin before 0.7 does not escape the data-uri of the QR Code when outputting it in a src attribute, allowing for Cross-Site Scripting attacks. Furthermore, the data_uri_to_meta AJAX action, available to all authenticated users, only had a CSRF check in place, with the nonce available to users with a role as low as Contributor allowing any user with such role (and above) to set a malicious data-uri in arbitrary QR Code posts, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24558 The pspin_duplicate_post_save_as_new_post function of the Project Status WordPress plugin through 1.6 does not sanitise, validate or escape the post GET parameter passed to it before outputting it in an error message when the related post does not exist, leading to a reflected XSS issue
CVE-2021-24556 The kento_email_subscriber_ajax AJAX action of the Email Subscriber WordPress plugin through 1.1, does not properly sanitise, validate and escape the submitted subscribe_email and subscribe_name POST parameters, inserting them in the DB and then outputting them back in the Subscriber list (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=kes_campaign&page=kento_email_subscriber_list_settings), leading a Stored XSS issue.
CVE-2021-24554 The Paytm &#8211; Donation Plugin WordPress plugin through 1.3.2 does not sanitise, validate or escape the id GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement when deleting donations, leading to an authenticated SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24553 The Timeline Calendar WordPress plugin through 1.2 does not sanitise, validate or escape the edit GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement when editing events, leading to an authenticated SQL injection issue. Other SQL Injections are also present in the plugin
CVE-2021-24552 The Simple Events Calendar WordPress plugin through 1.4.0 does not sanitise, validate or escape the event_id POST parameter before using it in a SQL statement when deleting events, leading to an authenticated SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24551 The Edit Comments WordPress plugin through 0.3 does not sanitise, validate or escape the jal_edit_comments GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24550 The Broken Link Manager WordPress plugin through 0.6.5 does not sanitise, validate or escape the url GET parameter before using it in a SQL statement when retrieving an URL to edit, leading to an authenticated SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24549 The AceIDE WordPress plugin through 2.6.2 does not sanitise or validate the user input which is appended to system paths before using it in various actions, such as to read arbitrary files from the server. This allows high privilege users such as administrator to access any file on the web server outside of the blog directory via a path traversal attack.
CVE-2021-24548 The Mimetic Books WordPress plugin through 0.2.13 was vulnerable to Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in the "Default Publisher ID" field on the plugin's settings page.
CVE-2021-24547 The KN Fix Your Title WordPress plugin through 1.0.1 was vulnerable to Authenticated Stored XSS in the separator field.
CVE-2021-24546 The Gutenberg Block Editor Toolkit &#8211; EditorsKit WordPress plugin before 1.31.6 does not sanitise and validate the Conditional Logic of the Custom Visibility settings, allowing users with a role as low contributor to execute Arbitrary PHP code
CVE-2021-24545 The WP HTML Author Bio WordPress plugin through 1.2.0 does not sanitise the HTML allowed in the Bio of users, allowing them to use malicious JavaScript code, which will be executed when anyone visit a post in the frontend made by such user. As a result, user with a role as low as author could perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against users, which could potentially lead to privilege escalation when an admin view the related post/s.
CVE-2021-24544 The Responsive WordPress Slider WordPress plugin through 2.2.0 does not sanitise and escape some of the Slider options, allowing Cross-Site Scripting payloads to be set in them. Furthermore, as by default any authenticated user is allowed to create Sliders (, such settings can be changed in the plugin's settings), this would allow user with a role as low as subscriber to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against logged in admins viewing the slider list and could lead to privilege escalation by creating a rogue admin account for example.
CVE-2021-24543 The jQuery Reply to Comment WordPress plugin through 1.31 does not have any CSRF check when saving its settings, nor sanitise or escape its 'Quote String' and 'Reply String' settings before outputting them in Comments, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24541 The Wonder PDF Embed WordPress plugin before 1.7 does not escape parameters of its wonderplugin_pdf shortcode, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored XSS attacks.
CVE-2021-24540 The Wonder Video Embed WordPress plugin before 1.8 does not escape parameters of its wonderplugin_video shortcode, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored XSS attacks.
CVE-2021-24539 The Coming Soon, Under Construction & Maintenance Mode By Dazzler WordPress plugin before 1.6.7 does not sanitise or escape its description setting when outputting it in the frontend when the Coming Soon mode is enabled, even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24538 The Current Book WordPress plugin through 1.0.1 does not sanitize user input when an authenticated user adds Author or Book Title, then does not escape these values when outputting to the browser leading to an Authenticated Stored XSS Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24537 The Similar Posts WordPress plugin through 3.1.5 allow high privilege users to execute arbitrary PHP code in an hardened environment (ie with DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT, DISALLOW_FILE_MODS and DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML set to true) via the 'widget_rrm_similar_posts_condition' widget setting of the plugin.
CVE-2021-24536 The Custom Login Redirect WordPress plugin through 1.0.0 does not have CSRF check in place when saving its settings, and do not sanitise or escape user input before outputting them back in the page, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24535 The Light Messages WordPress plugin through 1.0 is lacking CSRF check when updating it's settings, and is not sanitising its Message Content in them (even with the unfiltered_html disallowed). As a result, an attacker could make a logged in admin update the settings to arbitrary values, and set a Cross-Site Scripting payload in the Message Content. Depending on the options set, the XSS payload can be triggered either in the backend only (in the plugin's settings), or both frontend and backend.
CVE-2021-24534 The PhoneTrack Meu Site Manager WordPress plugin through 0.1 does not sanitise or escape its "php_id" setting before outputting it back in an attribute in the page, leading to a stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24533 The Maintenance WordPress plugin before 4.03 does not sanitise or escape some of its settings, allowing high privilege users such as admin to se Cross-Site Scripting payload in them (even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed), which will be triggered in the frontend
CVE-2021-24531 The Charitable &#8211; Donation Plugin WordPress plugin before 1.6.51 is affected by an authenticated stored cross-site scripting vulnerability which was found in the add donation feature.
CVE-2021-24530 The Alojapro Widget WordPress plugin through 1.1.15 doesn't properly sanitise its Custom CSS settings, allowing high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24529 The Grid Gallery &#8211; Photo Image Grid Gallery WordPress plugin before 1.2.5 does not properly sanitize the title field for image galleries when adding them via the admin dashboard, resulting in an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24528 The FluentSMTP WordPress plugin before 2.0.1 does not sanitize parameters before storing the settings in the database, nor does the plugin escape the values before outputting them when viewing the SMTP settings set by this plugin, leading to a stored cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. Only users with roles capable of managing plugins can modify the plugin's settings.
CVE-2021-24527 The User Registration & User Profile &#8211; Profile Builder WordPress plugin before 3.4.9 has a bug allowing any user to reset the password of the admin of the blog, and gain unauthorised access, due to a bypass in the way the reset key is checked. Furthermore, the admin will not be notified of such change by email for example.
CVE-2021-24526 The Form Maker by 10Web &#8211; Mobile-Friendly Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder WordPress plugin before 1.13.60 does not escape its Form Title before outputting it in an attribute when editing a form in the admin dashboard, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24525 The Shortcodes Ultimate WordPress plugin before 5.10.2 allows users with Contributor roles to perform stored XSS via shortcode attributes. Note: the plugin is inconsistent in its handling of shortcode attributes; some do escape, most don't, and there are even some attributes that are insecure by design (like [su_button]'s onclick attribute).
CVE-2021-24524 The GiveWP &#8211; Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform WordPress plugin before 2.12.0 did not escape the Donation Level setting of its Donation Forms, allowing high privilege users to use Cross-Site Scripting payloads in them.
CVE-2021-24523 The Daily Prayer Time WordPress plugin before 2021.08.10 does not sanitise or escape some of its settings before outputting them in the page, leading to Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24522 The User Registration, User Profile, Login & Membership &#8211; ProfilePress (Formerly WP User Avatar) WordPress plugin before 3.1.11's widget for tabbed login/register was not properly escaped and could be used in an XSS attack which could lead to wp-admin access. Further, the plugin in several places assigned $_POST as $_GET which meant that in some cases this could be replicated with just $_GET parameters and no need for $_POST values.
CVE-2021-24521 The Side Menu Lite &#8211; add sticky fixed buttons WordPress plugin before 2.2.1 does not properly sanitize input values from the browser when building an SQL statement. Users with the administrator role or permission to manage this plugin could perform an SQL Injection attack.
CVE-2021-24520 The Stock in & out WordPress plugin through 1.0.4 lacks proper sanitization before passing variables to an SQL request, making it vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks. Users with a role of contributor or higher can exploit this vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24519 The VikRentCar Car Rental Management System WordPress plugin before 1.1.10 does not sanitise the 'Text Next to Icon' field when adding or editing a Characteristic, allowing high privilege users such as admin to use XSS payload in it, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24518 The WPFront Notification Bar WordPress plugin before does not sanitise or escape its Custom CSS setting, allowing high privilege users such as admin to set XSS payload in it even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24517 The Stop Spammers Security | Block Spam Users, Comments, Forms WordPress plugin before 2021.18 does not escape some of its settings, allowing high privilege users such as admin to set Cross-Site Scripting payloads in them even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24516 The PlanSo Forms WordPress plugin through 2.6.3 does not escape the title of its Form before outputting it in attributes, allowing high privilege users such as admin to set XSS payload in it, even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed, leading to an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24515 The Video Gallery WordPress plugin before 1.1.5 does not escape the Title and Description of the videos in a gallery before outputting them in attributes, leading to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24514 The Visual Form Builder WordPress plugin before 3.0.4 does not sanitise or escape its Form Name, allowing high privilege users such as admin to set Cross-Site Scripting payload in them, even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24513 The Form Builder | Create Responsive Contact Forms WordPress plugin before does not sanitise or escape its Form Title, allowing high privilege users such as admin to set Cross-Site Scripting payload in them, even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24512 The Video Posts Webcam Recorder WordPress plugin before 3.2.4 has an authenticated reflected cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in one of the administrative functions for handling deletion of videos.
CVE-2021-24511 The fetch_product_ajax functionality in the Product Feed on WooCommerce WordPress plugin before uses a `product_id` POST parameter which is not properly sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24510 The MF Gig Calendar WordPress plugin before 1.2 does not sanitise and escape the id GET parameter before outputting back in the admin dashboard when editing an Event, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24509 The Page View Count WordPress plugin before 2.4.9 does not escape the postid parameter of pvc_stats shortcode, allowing users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored XSS attacks. A post made by a contributor would still have to be approved by an admin to have the XSS triggered in the frontend, however, higher privilege users, such as editor could exploit this without the need of approval, and even when the blog disallows the unfiltered_html capability.
CVE-2021-24508 The Smash Balloon Social Post Feed WordPress plugin before 2.19.2 does not sanitise or escape the feedID POST parameter in its feed_locator AJAX action (available to both authenticated and unauthenticated users) before outputting a truncated version of it in the admin dashboard, leading to an unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue which will be executed in the context of a logged in administrator.
CVE-2021-24507 The Astra Pro Addon WordPress plugin before 3.5.2 did not properly sanitise or escape some of the POST parameters from the astra_pagination_infinite and astra_shop_pagination_infinite AJAX action (available to both unauthenticated and authenticated user) before using them in SQL statement, leading to an SQL Injection issues
CVE-2021-24506 The Slider Hero with Animation, Video Background & Intro Maker WordPress plugin before 8.2.7 does not sanitise or escape the id attribute of its hero-button shortcode before using it in a SQL statement, allowing users with a role as low as Contributor to perform SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24505 The Forms WordPress plugin before 1.12.3 did not sanitise its input fields, leading to Stored Cross-Site scripting issues. The plugin was vulnerable to an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability within the Forms "Add new" field.
CVE-2021-24504 The WP LMS &#8211; Best WordPress LMS Plugin WordPress plugin through 1.1.2 does not properly sanitise or validate its User Field Titles, allowing XSS payload to be used in them. Furthermore, no CSRF and capability checks were in place, allowing such attack to be performed either via CSRF or as any user (including unauthenticated)
CVE-2021-24503 The Popular Brand Icons &#8211; Simple Icons WordPress plugin before 2.7.8 does not sanitise or validate some of its shortcode parameters, such as "color", "size" or "class", allowing users with a role as low as Contributor to set Cross-Site payload in them. A post made by a contributor would still have to be approved by an admin to have the XSS triggered in the frontend, however, higher privilege users, such as editor could exploit this without the need of approval, and even when the blog disallows the unfiltered_html capability.
CVE-2021-24502 The WP Google Map WordPress plugin before 1.7.7 did not sanitise or escape the Map Title before outputting them in the page, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue by high privilege users, even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed
CVE-2021-24501 The Workreap WordPress theme before 2.2.2 had several AJAX actions missing authorization checks to verify that a user was authorized to perform critical operations such as modifying or deleting objects. This allowed a logged in user to modify or delete objects belonging to other users on the site.
CVE-2021-24500 Several AJAX actions available in the Workreap WordPress theme before 2.2.2 lacked CSRF protections, as well as allowing insecure direct object references that were not validated. This allows an attacker to trick a logged in user to submit a POST request to the vulnerable site, potentially modifying or deleting arbitrary objects on the target site.
CVE-2021-24499 The Workreap WordPress theme before 2.2.2 AJAX actions workreap_award_temp_file_uploader and workreap_temp_file_uploader did not perform nonce checks, or validate that the request is from a valid user in any other way. The endpoints allowed for uploading arbitrary files to the uploads/workreap-temp directory. Uploaded files were neither sanitized nor validated, allowing an unauthenticated visitor to upload executable code such as php scripts.
CVE-2021-24498 The Calendar Event Multi View WordPress plugin before 1.4.01 does not sanitise or escape the 'start' and 'end' GET parameters before outputting them in the page (via php/edit.php), leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24497 The Giveaway WordPress plugin through 1.2.2 is vulnerable to an SQL Injection issue which allows an administrative user to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the $post_id on the options.php page.
CVE-2021-24496 The Community Events WordPress plugin before 1.4.8 does not sanitise, validate or escape its importrowscount and successimportcount GET parameters before outputting them back in an admin page, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue which will be executed in the context of a logged in administrator
CVE-2021-24495 The Marmoset Viewer WordPress plugin before 1.9.3 does not property sanitize, validate or escape the 'id' parameter before outputting back in the page, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24494 The WP Offload SES Lite WordPress plugin before 1.4.5 did not escape some of the fields in the Activity page of the admin dashboard, such as the email's id, subject and recipient, which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues when an attacker can control any of these fields, like the subject when filling a contact form for example. The XSS will be executed in the context of a logged in admin viewing the Activity tab of the plugin.
CVE-2021-24493 The shopp_upload_file AJAX action of the Shopp WordPress plugin through 1.4, available to both unauthenticated and authenticated user does not have any security measure in place to prevent upload of malicious files, such as PHP, allowing unauthenticated users to upload arbitrary files and leading to RCE
CVE-2021-24492 The hndtst_action_instance_callback AJAX call of the Handsome Testimonials & Reviews WordPress plugin before 2.1.1, available to any authenticated users, does not sanitise, validate or escape the hndtst_previewShortcodeInstanceId POST parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an SQL Injection issue.
CVE-2021-24491 The Fileviewer WordPress plugin through 2.2 does not have CSRF checks in place when performing actions such as upload and delete files. As a result, attackers could make a logged in administrator delete and upload arbitrary files via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24490 The Email Artillery (MASS EMAIL) WordPress plugin through 4.1 does not properly check the uploaded files from the Import Emails feature, allowing arbitrary files to be uploaded. Furthermore, the plugin is also lacking any CSRF check, allowing such issue to be exploited via a CSRF attack as well. However, due to the presence of a .htaccess, denying access to everything in the folder the file is uploaded to, the malicious uploaded file will only be accessible on Web Servers such as Nginx/IIS
CVE-2021-24489 The Request a Quote WordPress plugin before 2.3.9 does not sanitise, validate or escape some of its settings in the admin dashboard, leading to authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24488 The slider import search feature and tab parameter of the Post Grid WordPress plugin before 2.1.8 settings are not properly sanitised before being output back in the pages, leading to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24487 The St-Daily-Tip WordPress plugin through 4.7 does not have any CSRF check in place when saving its 'Default Text to Display if no tips' setting, and was also lacking sanitisation as well as escaping before outputting it the page. This could allow attacker to make logged in administrators set a malicious payload in it, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24486 The Simple Social Media Share Buttons &#8211; Social Sharing for Everyone WordPress plugin before 3.2.3 did not escape the align and like_button_size parameters of its SSB shortcode, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
CVE-2021-24485 The Special Text Boxes WordPress plugin before 5.9.110 does not sanitise or escape some of its settings, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24484 The get_reports() function in the Secure Copy Content Protection and Content Locking WordPress plugin before 2.6.7 did not use whitelist or validate the orderby parameter before using it in SQL statements passed to the get_results() DB calls, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24483 The get_poll_categories(), get_polls() and get_reports() functions in the Poll Maker WordPress plugin before 3.2.1 did not use whitelist or validate the orderby parameter before using it in SQL statements passed to the get_results() DB calls, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24482 The Related Posts for WordPress plugin through 2.0.4 does not sanitise its heading_text and CSS settings, allowing high privilege users (admin) to set XSS payloads in them, leading to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24481 The Any Hostname WordPress plugin through 1.0.6 does not sanitise or escape its "Allowed hosts" setting, leading to an authenticated stored XSS issue as high privilege users are able to set XSS payloads in it
CVE-2021-24480 The Event Geek WordPress plugin through 2.5.2 does not sanitise or escape its "Use your own " setting before outputting it in the page, leading to an authenticated (admin+) stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24479 The DrawBlog WordPress plugin through 0.90 does not sanitise or validate some of its settings before outputting them back in the page, leading to an authenticated stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24478 The Bookshelf WordPress plugin through 2.0.4 does not sanitise or escape its "Paypal email address" setting before outputting it in the page, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24477 The Migrate Users WordPress plugin through 1.0.1 does not sanitise or escape its Delimiter option before outputting in a page, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue. Furthermore, the plugin does not have CSRF check in place when saving its options, allowing the issue to be exploited via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24476 The Steam Group Viewer WordPress plugin through 2.1 does not sanitise or escape its "Steam Group Address" settings before outputting it in the page, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24474 The Awesome Weather Widget WordPress plugin through 3.0.2 does not sanitize the id parameter of its awesome_weather_refresh AJAX action, leading to an unauthenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24473 The User Profile Picture WordPress plugin before 2.6.0 was affected by an IDOR issue, allowing users with the upload_image capability (by default author and above) to change and delete the profile pictures of other users (including those with higher roles).
CVE-2021-24472 The OnAir2 WordPress theme before and QT KenthaRadio WordPress plugin before 2.0.2 have exposed proxy functionality to unauthenticated users, sending requests to this proxy functionality will have the web server fetch and display the content from any URI, this would allow for SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) and RFI (Remote File Inclusion) vulnerabilities on the website.
CVE-2021-24471 The YouTube Embed WordPress plugin before 5.2.2 does not validate, escape or sanitise some of its shortcode attributes, leading to Stored XSS issues by 1. using w, h, controls, cc_lang, color, language, start, stop, or style parameter of youtube shortcode, 2. by using style, class, rel, target, width, height, or alt parameter of youtube_thumb shortcode, or 3. by embedding a video whose title or description contains XSS payload (if API key is configured).
CVE-2021-24470 The Yada Wiki WordPress plugin before 3.4.1 did not sanitise, validate or escape the anchor attribute of its shortcode, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24468 The Leaflet Map WordPress plugin before 3.0.0 does not escape some shortcode attributes before they are used in JavaScript code or HTML, which could allow users with a role as low as Contributors to exploit stored XSS issues
CVE-2021-24467 The Leaflet Map WordPress plugin before 3.0.0 does not verify the CSRF nonce when saving its settings, which allows attackers to make a logged in admin update the settings via a Cross-Site Request Forgery attack. This could lead to Cross-Site Scripting issues by either changing the URL of the JavaScript library being used, or using malicious attributions which will be executed in all page with an embed map from the plugin
CVE-2021-24466 The Verse-O-Matic WordPress plugin through 4.1.1 does not have any CSRF checks in place, allowing attackers to make logged in administrators do unwanted actions, such as add/edit/delete arbitrary verses and change the settings. Due to the lack of sanitisation in the settings and verses, this could also lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24465 The Meow Gallery WordPress plugin before 4.1.9 does not sanitise, validate or escape the ids attribute of its gallery shortcode (available for users as low as Contributor) before using it in an SQL statement, leading to an authenticated SQL Injection issue. The injection also allows the returned values to be manipulated in a way that could lead to data disclosure and arbitrary objects to be deserialized.
CVE-2021-24464 The YouTube Embed, Playlist and Popup by WpDevArt WordPress plugin before 2.3.9 did not escape, validate or sanitise some of its shortcode options, available to users with a role as low as Contributor, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24463 The get_sliders() function in the Image Slider by Ays- Responsive Slider and Carousel WordPress plugin before 2.5.0 did not use whitelist or validate the orderby parameter before using it in SQL statements passed to the get_results() DB calls, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24462 The get_gallery_categories() and get_galleries() functions in the Photo Gallery by Ays &#8211; Responsive Image Gallery WordPress plugin before 4.4.4 did not use whitelist or validate the orderby parameter before using it in SQL statements passed to the get_results() DB calls, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24461 The get_faqs() function in the FAQ Builder AYS WordPress plugin before 1.3.6 did not use whitelist or validate the orderby parameter before using it in SQL statements passed to the get_results() DB calls, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24460 The get_fb_likeboxes() function in the Popup Like box &#8211; Page Plugin WordPress plugin before 3.5.3 did not use whitelist or validate the orderby parameter before using it in SQL statements passed to the get_results() DB calls, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24459 The get_results() and get_items() functions in the Survey Maker WordPress plugin before 1.5.6 did not use whitelist or validate the orderby parameter before using it in SQL statements passed to the get_results() DB calls, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24458 The get_ays_popupboxes() and get_popup_categories() functions of the Popup box WordPress plugin before 2.3.4 did not use whitelist or validate the orderby parameter before using it in SQL statements passed to the get_results() DB calls, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24457 The get_portfolios() and get_portfolio_attributes() functions in the class-portfolio-responsive-gallery-list-table.php and class-portfolio-responsive-gallery-attributes-list-table.php files of the Portfolio Responsive Gallery WordPress plugin before 1.1.8 did not use whitelist or validate the orderby parameter before using it in SQL statements passed to the get_results() DB calls, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24456 The Quiz Maker WordPress plugin before did not properly sanitise and escape the order and orderby parameters before using them in SQL statements, leading to SQL injection issues in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24455 The Tutor LMS &#8211; eLearning and online course solution WordPress plugin before 1.9.2 did not escape the Summary field of Announcements (when outputting it in an attribute), which can be created by users as low as Tutor Instructor. This lead to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue, which is triggered when viewing the Announcements list, and could result in privilege escalation when viewed by an admin.
CVE-2021-24454 In the YOP Poll WordPress plugin before 6.2.8, when a pool is created with the options "Allow other answers", "Display other answers in the result list" and "Show results", it can lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues as the 'Other' answer is not sanitised before being output in the page. The execution of the XSS payload depends on the 'Show results' option selected, which could be before or after sending the vote for example.
CVE-2021-24453 The Include Me WordPress plugin through 1.2.1 is vulnerable to path traversal / local file inclusion, which can lead to Remote Code Execution (RCE) of the system due to log poisoning and therefore potentially a full compromise of the underlying structure
CVE-2021-24452 The W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin before 2.1.5 was affected by a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue within the "extension" parameter in the Extensions dashboard, when the 'Anonymously track usage to improve product quality' setting is enabled, as the parameter is output in a JavaScript context without proper escaping. This could allow an attacker, who can convince an authenticated admin into clicking a link, to run malicious JavaScript within the user's web browser, which could lead to full site compromise.
CVE-2021-24451 The Export Users With Meta WordPress plugin before 0.6.5 did not escape the list of roles to export before using them in a SQL statement in the export functionality, available to admins, leading to an authenticated SQL Injection.
CVE-2021-24450 The User Registration, User Profiles, Login & Membership &#8211; ProfilePress (Formerly WP User Avatar) WordPress plugin before 3.1.8 did not sanitise or escape some of its settings before saving them and outputting them back in the page, allowing high privilege users such as admin to set JavaScript payloads in them even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24448 The User Registration & User Profile &#8211; Profile Builder WordPress plugin before 3.4.8 does not sanitise or escape its 'Modify default Redirect Delay timer' setting, allowing high privilege users to use JavaScript code in it, even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24447 The WP Image Zoom WordPress plugin before 1.47 did not validate its tab parameter before using it in the include_once() function, leading to a local file inclusion issue in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24446 The Remove Footer Credit WordPress plugin before 1.0.6 does not have CSRF check in place when saving its settings, which could allow attacker to make logged in admins change them and lead to Stored XSS issue as well due to the lack of sanitisation
CVE-2021-24445 The My Site Audit WordPress plugin through 1.2.4 does not sanitise or escape the Audit Name field when creating an audit, allowing high privilege users to set JavaScript payloads in them, even when he unfiltered_html capability is disallowed, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24444 The TaxoPress &#8211; Create and Manage Taxonomies, Tags, Categories WordPress plugin before does not sanitise its Taxonomy description field, allowing high privilege users to set JavaScript payload in them even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24443 The About Me widget of the Youzify &#8211; BuddyPress Community, User Profile, Social Network & Membership WordPress plugin before 1.0.7 does not properly sanitise its Biography field, allowing any authenticated user to set Cross-Site Scripting payloads in it, which will be executed when viewing the affected user profile. This could allow a low privilege user to gain unauthorised access to the admin side of the blog by targeting an admin, inducing them to view their profile with a malicious payload adding a rogue account for example.
CVE-2021-24442 The Poll, Survey, Questionnaire and Voting system WordPress plugin before 1.5.3 did not sanitise, escape or validate the date_answers[] POST parameter before using it in a SQL statement when sending a Poll result, allowing unauthenticated users to perform SQL Injection attacks
CVE-2021-24441 The Sign-up Sheets WordPress plugin before 1.0.14 does not not sanitise or validate the Sheet title when generating the CSV to export, which could lead to a CSV injection issue
CVE-2021-24440 The Sign-up Sheets WordPress plugin before 1.0.14 did not sanitise or escape some of its fields when creating a new sheet, allowing high privilege users to add JavaScript in them, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue. The payloads will be triggered when viewing the 'All Sheets' page in the admin dashboard
CVE-2021-24439 The Browser Screenshots WordPress plugin before 1.7.6 allowed authenticated users with a role as low as Contributor to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks as the image_class parameter of the browser-shot shortcode was not escaped.
CVE-2021-24438 The ShareThis Dashboard for Google Analytics WordPress plugin before 2.5.2 does not sanitise or escape the 'ga_action' parameter in the stats view before outputting it back in an attribute when the plugin is connected to a Google Analytics account, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue which will be executed in the context of a logged in administrator
CVE-2021-24437 The Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator WordPress plugin through 1.3.20 does not sanitise or escape one of its parameter before outputting it back in the response, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) which is executed in the context of a logged administrator.
CVE-2021-24436 The W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin before 2.1.4 was vulnerable to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) security vulnerability within the "extension" parameter in the Extensions dashboard, which is output in an attribute without being escaped first. This could allow an attacker, who can convince an authenticated admin into clicking a link, to run malicious JavaScript within the user's web browser, which could lead to full site compromise.
CVE-2021-24434 The Glass WordPress plugin through 1.3.2 does not sanitise or escape its "Glass Pages" setting before outputting in a page, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue. Furthermore, the plugin did not have CSRF check in place when saving its settings, allowing the issue to be exploited via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24433 The simple sort&search WordPress plugin through 0.0.3 does not make sure that the indexurl parameter of the shortcodes "category_sims", "order_sims", "orderby_sims", "period_sims", and "tag_sims" use allowed URL protocols, which can lead to stored cross-site scripting by users with a role as low as Contributor
CVE-2021-24432 The Advanced AJAX Product Filters WordPress plugin does not sanitise the 'term_id' POST parameter before outputting it in the page, leading to reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24431 The Language Bar Flags WordPress plugin through 1.0.8 does not have any CSRF in place when saving its settings and did not sanitise or escape them when generating the flag bar in the frontend. This could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change the settings, and set Cross-Site Scripting payload in them, which will be executed in the frontend for all users
CVE-2021-24430 The Speed Booster Pack &#9889; PageSpeed Optimization Suite WordPress plugin before 4.2.0 did not validate its caching_exclude_urls and caching_include_query_strings settings before outputting them in a PHP file, which could lead to RCE
CVE-2021-24429 The Salon booking system WordPress plugin before 6.3.1 does not properly sanitise and escape the First Name field when booking an appointment, allowing low privilege users such as subscriber to set JavaScript in them, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. The Payload will then be triggered when an admin visits the "Calendar" page and the malicious script is executed in the admin context.
CVE-2021-24428 The RSS for Yandex Turbo WordPress plugin through 1.30 does not sanitise or escape some of its settings before saving and outputing them in the admin dashboard, leading to an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24427 The W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin before 2.1.3 did not sanitise or escape some of its CDN settings, allowing high privilege users to use JavaScript in them, which will be output in the page, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24426 The Backup by 10Web &#8211; Backup and Restore Plugin WordPress plugin through 1.0.20 does not sanitise or escape the tab parameter before outputting it back in the page, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24425 The Floating Notification Bar, Sticky Menu on Scroll, and Sticky Header for Any Theme &#8211; myStickymenu WordPress plugin before 2.5.2 does not sanitise or escape its Bar Text settings, allowing hight privilege users to use malicious JavaScript in it, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue, which will be triggered in the plugin's setting, as well as all front-page of the blog (when the Welcome bar is active)
CVE-2021-24424 The WP Reset &#8211; Most Advanced WordPress Reset Tool WordPress plugin before 1.90 did not sanitise or escape its extra_data parameter when creating a snapshot via the admin dashboard, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24423 The UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin WordPress plugin before 1.6.59 does not sanitise its updraft_service settings, allowing high privilege users to set malicious JavaScript payload in it and leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24421 The WP JobSearch WordPress plugin before 1.7.4 did not sanitise or escape multiple of its parameters from the my-resume page before outputting them in the page, allowing low privilege users to use JavaScript payloads in them and leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24420 The Request a Quote WordPress plugin before 2.3.4 did not sanitise and escape some of its quote fields when adding/editing a quote as admin, leading to Stored Cross-Site scripting issues when the quote is output in the 'All Quotes" table.
CVE-2021-24419 The WP YouTube Lyte WordPress plugin before 1.7.16 did not sanitise or escape its lyte_yt_api_key and lyte_notification settings before outputting them back in the page, allowing high privilege users to set XSS payload on them and leading to stored Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24418 The Smooth Scroll Page Up/Down Buttons WordPress plugin through 1.4 does not properly sanitise and validate its psb_positioning settings, allowing high privilege users such as admin to set an XSS payload in it, which will be executed in all pages of the blog
CVE-2021-24416 The StreamCast &#8211; Radio Player for WordPress plugin before 2.1.1 does not sanitise or validate the parameters from its shortcode, allowing users with a role as low as contributor to set Cross-Site Scripting payload in them which will be triggered in the page/s with the embed malicious shortcode
CVE-2021-24415 The Polo Video Gallery &#8211; Best wordpress video gallery plugin WordPress plugin through 1.2 does not sanitise or validate the parameters from its shortcode, allowing users with a role as low as contributor to set Cross-Site Scripting payload in them which will be triggered in the page/s with the embed malicious shortcode
CVE-2021-24414 The Video Player for YouTube WordPress plugin before 1.4 does not sanitise or validate the parameters from its shortcode, allowing users with a role as low as contributor to set Cross-Site Scripting payload in them which will be triggered in the page/s with the embed malicious shortcode
CVE-2021-24413 The Easy Twitter Feed WordPress plugin before 1.2 does not sanitise or validate the parameters from its shortcode, allowing users with a role as low as contributor to set Cross-Site Scripting payload in them which will be triggered in the page/s with the embed malicious shortcode
CVE-2021-24412 The Html5 Audio Player &#8211; Audio Player for WordPress plugin before 2.1.3 does not sanitise or validate the parameters from its shortcode, allowing users with a role as low as contributor to set Cross-Site Scripting payload in them which will be triggered in the page/s with the embed malicious shortcode
CVE-2021-24411 The Social Tape WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have CSRF checks in place when saving its settings, and do not sanitise or escape them before outputting them back in the page, leading to a stored Cross-Site Scripting issue via a CSRF attack
CVE-2021-24410 The &#3108;&#3142;&#3122;&#3137;&#3095;&#3137; &#3116;&#3144;&#3116;&#3135;&#3122;&#3149; &#3125;&#3098;&#3112;&#3118;&#3137;&#3122;&#3137; WordPress plugin through 1.0 is lacking any CSRF check when saving its settings and verses, and do not sanitise or escape them when outputting them back in the page. This could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change the settings, as well as add malicious verses containing JavaScript code in them, leading to Stored XSS issues
CVE-2021-24409 The Prismatic WordPress plugin before 2.8 does not escape the 'tab' GET parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue which will be executed in the context of a logged in administrator
CVE-2021-24408 The Prismatic WordPress plugin before 2.8 does not sanitise or validate some of its shortcode parameters, allowing users with a role as low as Contributor to set Cross-Site payload in them. A post made by a contributor would still have to be approved by an admin to have the XSS trigger able in the frontend, however, higher privilege users, such as editor could exploit this without the need of approval, and even when the blog disallows the unfiltered_html capability.
CVE-2021-24407 The Jannah WordPress theme before 5.4.5 did not properly sanitize the 'query' POST parameter in its tie_ajax_search AJAX action, leading to a Reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24406 The wpForo Forum WordPress plugin before 1.9.7 did not validate the redirect_to parameter in the login form of the forum, leading to an open redirect issue after a successful login. Such issue could allow an attacker to induce a user to use a login URL redirecting to a website under their control and being a replica of the legitimate one, asking them to re-enter their credentials (which will then in the attacker hands)
CVE-2021-24405 The Easy Cookies Policy WordPress plugin through 1.6.2 is lacking any capability and CSRF check when saving its settings, allowing any authenticated users (such as subscriber) to change them. If users can't register, this can be done through CSRF. Furthermore, the cookie banner setting is not sanitised or validated before being output in all pages of the frontend and the backend settings one, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24404 The options.php file of the WP-Board WordPress plugin through 1.1 beta accepts a postid parameter which is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection. This is a time based SQLI and in the same function vulnerable parameter is passed twice so if we pass time as 5 seconds it takes 10 seconds to return since the query ran twice.
CVE-2021-24403 The Orders functionality in the WordPress Page Contact plugin through 1.0 has an order_id parameter which is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection. The feature is available to low privilege users such as contributors
CVE-2021-24402 The Orders functionality in the WP iCommerce WordPress plugin through 1.1.1 has an `order_id` parameter which is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection. The feature is available to low privilege users such as contributors
CVE-2021-24401 The Edit domain functionality in the WP Domain Redirect WordPress plugin through 1.0 has an `editid` parameter which is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24400 The Edit Role functionality in the Display Users WordPress plugin through 2.0.0 had an `id` parameter which is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24399 The check_order function of The Sorter WordPress plugin through 1.0 uses an `area_id` parameter which is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24398 The Add new scene functionality in the Responsive 3D Slider WordPress plugin through 1.2 uses an id parameter which is not sanitised, escaped or validated before being inserted to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection. This is a time based SQLI and in the same function vulnerable parameter is passed twice so if we pass time as 5 seconds it takes 10 seconds to return since the query is ran twice.
CVE-2021-24397 The edit functionality in the MicroCopy WordPress plugin through 1.1.0 makes a get request to fetch the related option. The id parameter used is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24396 A pageid GET parameter of the GSEOR &#8211; WordPress SEO Plugin WordPress plugin through 1.3 is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24395 The editid GET parameter of the Embed Youtube Video WordPress plugin through 1.0 is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24394 An id GET parameter of the Easy Testimonial Manager WordPress plugin through 1.2.0 is not sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection
CVE-2021-24393 A c GET parameter of the Comment Highlighter WordPress plugin through 0.13 is not properly sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24392 An id GET parameter of the WordPress Membership WordPress plugin through 1.0 is not properly sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24391 An editid GET parameter of the Cashtomer WordPress plugin through 1.0.0 is not properly sanitised, escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24390 A proid GET parameter of the WordPress&#25903;&#20184;&#23453;Alipay|&#36130;&#20184;&#36890;Tenpay|&#36125;&#23453;PayPal&#38598;&#25104;&#25554;&#20214; WordPress plugin through 3.7.2 is not sanitised, properly escaped or validated before inserting to a SQL statement not delimited by quotes, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24389 The WP Foodbakery WordPress plugin before 2.2, used in the FoodBakery WordPress theme before 2.2 did not properly sanitize the foodbakery_radius parameter before outputting it back in the response, leading to an unauthenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24388 In the VikRentCar Car Rental Management System WordPress plugin before 1.1.7, there is a custom filed option by which we can manage all the fields that the users will have to fill in before saving the order. However, the field name is not sanitised or escaped before being output back in the page, leading to a stored Cross-Site Scripting issue. There is also no CSRF check done before saving the setting, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin set arbitrary Custom Fields, including one with XSS payload in it.
CVE-2021-24387 The WP Pro Real Estate 7 WordPress theme before 3.1.1 did not properly sanitise the ct_community parameter in its search listing page before outputting it back in it, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting which can be triggered in both unauthenticated or authenticated user context
CVE-2021-24386 The WP SVG images WordPress plugin before 3.4 did not sanitise the SVG files uploaded, which could allow low privilege users such as author+ to upload a malicious SVG and then perform XSS attacks by inducing another user to access the file directly. In v3.4, the plugin restricted such upload to editors and admin, with an option to also allow author to do so. The description of the plugin has also been updated with a security warning as upload of such content is intended.
CVE-2021-24384 The joomsport_md_load AJAX action of the JoomSport WordPress plugin before 5.1.8, registered for both unauthenticated and unauthenticated users, unserialised user input from the shattr POST parameter, leading to a PHP Object Injection issue. Even though the plugin does not have a suitable gadget chain to exploit this, other installed plugins could, which might lead to more severe issues such as RCE
CVE-2021-24383 The WP Google Maps WordPress plugin before 8.1.12 did not sanitise, validate of escape the Map Name when output in the Map List of the admin dashboard, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24382 The Smart Slider 3 Free and pro WordPress plugins before did not sanitise the Project Name before outputting it back in the page, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue. By default, only administrator users could access the affected functionality, limiting the exploitability of the vulnerability. However, some WordPress admins may allow lesser privileged users to access the plugin's functionality, in which case, privilege escalation could be performed.
CVE-2021-24381 The Ninja Forms Contact Form WordPress plugin before does not sanitise and escape the custom class name of the form field created, which could allow high privilege users to perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed.
CVE-2021-24380 The Shantz WordPress QOTD WordPress plugin through 1.2.2 is lacking any CSRF check when updating its settings, allowing attackers to make logged in administrators change them to arbitrary values.
CVE-2021-24379 The Comments Like Dislike WordPress plugin before 1.1.4 allows users to like/dislike posted comments, however does not prevent them from replaying the AJAX request to add a like. This allows any user (even unauthenticated) to add unlimited like/dislike to any comment. The plugin appears to have some Restriction modes, such as Cookie Restriction, IP Restrictions, Logged In User Restriction, however, they do not prevent such attack as they only check client side
CVE-2021-24378 The Autoptimize WordPress plugin before 2.7.8 does not check for malicious files such as .html in the archive uploaded via the 'Import Settings' feature. As a result, it is possible for a high privilege user to upload a malicious file containing JavaScript code inside an archive which will execute when a victim visits index.html inside the plugin directory.
CVE-2021-24377 The Autoptimize WordPress plugin before 2.7.8 attempts to remove potential malicious files from the extracted archive uploaded via the 'Import Settings' feature, however this is not sufficient to protect against RCE as a race condition can be achieved in between the moment the file is extracted on the disk but not yet removed. It is a bypass of CVE-2020-24948.
CVE-2021-24376 The Autoptimize WordPress plugin before 2.7.8 attempts to delete malicious files (such as .php) form the uploaded archive via the "Import Settings" feature, after its extraction. However, the extracted folders are not checked and it is possible to upload a zip which contained a directory with PHP file in it and then it is not removed from the disk. It is a bypass of CVE-2020-24948 which allows sending a PHP file via the "Import Settings" functionality to achieve Remote Code Execution.
CVE-2021-24375 Lack of authentication or validation in motor_load_more, motor_gallery_load_more, motor_quick_view and motor_project_quick_view AJAX handlers of the Motor WordPress theme before 3.1.0 allows an unauthenticated attacker access to arbitrary files in the server file system, and to execute arbitrary php scripts found on the server file system. We found no vulnerability for uploading files with this theme, so any scripts to be executed must already be on the server file system.
CVE-2021-24374 The Jetpack Carousel module of the JetPack WordPress plugin before 9.8 allows users to create a "carousel" type image gallery and allows users to comment on the images. A security vulnerability was found within the Jetpack Carousel module by nguyenhg_vcs that allowed the comments of non-published page/posts to be leaked.
CVE-2021-24373 The WP Hardening &#8211; Fix Your WordPress Security WordPress plugin before 1.2.2 did not sanitise or escape the historyvalue GET parameter before outputting it in a Javascript block, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24372 The WP Hardening &#8211; Fix Your WordPress Security WordPress plugin before 1.2.2 did not sanitise or escape the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] before outputting it in an attribute, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24371 The Import feature of the RSVPMaker WordPress plugin before 8.7.3 (/wp-admin/tools.php?page=rsvpmaker_export_screen) takes an URL input and calls curl on it, without first validating it to ensure it's a remote one. As a result, a high privilege user could use that feature to scan the internal network via a SSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24370 The Fancy Product Designer WordPress plugin before 4.6.9 allows unauthenticated attackers to upload arbitrary files, resulting in remote code execution.
CVE-2021-24369 In the GetPaid WordPress plugin before 2.3.4, users with the contributor role and above can create a new Payment Form, however the Label and Help Text input fields were not getting sanitized properly. So it was possible to inject malicious content such as img tags, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue which is triggered when the form will be edited, for example when an admin reviews it and could lead to privilege escalation.
CVE-2021-24368 The Quiz And Survey Master &#8211; Best Quiz, Exam and Survey Plugin WordPress plugin before 7.1.18 did not sanitise or escape its result_id parameter when displaying an existing quiz result page, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue. This could allow for privilege escalation by inducing a logged in admin to open a malicious link
CVE-2021-24367 The WP Config File Editor WordPress plugin through 1.7.1 was affected by an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24366 The Admin Columns WordPress plugin before 4.3 and Admin Columns Pro WordPress plugin before 5.5.1 do not sanitise and escape its Label settings, which could allow high privilege users such as admin to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed (for example in multisite setup)
CVE-2021-24365 The Admin Columns WordPress plugin Free before 4.3.2 and Pro before 5.5.2 allowed to configure individual columns for tables. Each column had a type. The type "Custom Field" allowed to choose an arbitrary database column to display in the table. There was no escaping applied to the contents of "Custom Field" columns.
CVE-2021-24364 The Jannah WordPress theme before 5.4.4 did not properly sanitize the options JSON parameter in its tie_get_user_weather AJAX action before outputting it back in the page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24363 The Photo Gallery by 10Web &#8211; Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery WordPress plugin before 1.5.75 did not ensure that uploaded files are kept inside its uploads folder, allowing high privilege users to put images/SVG anywhere in the filesystem via a path traversal vector
CVE-2021-24362 The Photo Gallery by 10Web &#8211; Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery WordPress plugin before 1.5.75 did not ensure that uploaded SVG files added to a gallery do not contain malicious content. As a result, users allowed to add images to gallery can upload an SVG file containing JavaScript code, which will be executed when accessing the image directly (ie in the /wp-content/uploads/photo-gallery/ folder), leading to a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue
CVE-2021-24361 In the Location Manager WordPress plugin before, the AJAX action gd_popular_location_list did not properly sanitise or validate some of its POST parameters, which are then used in a SQL statement, leading to unauthenticated SQL Injection issues.
CVE-2021-24360 The Yes/No Chart WordPress plugin before 1.0.12 did not sanitise its sid shortcode parameter before using it in a SQL statement, allowing medium privilege users (contributor+) to perform Blind SQL Injection attacks
CVE-2021-24359 The Plus Addons for Elementor Page Builder WordPress plugin before 4.1.11 did not properly check that a user requesting a password reset was the legitimate user, allowing an attacker to send an arbitrary reset password email to a registered user on behalf of the WordPress site. Such issue could be chained with an open redirect (CVE-2021-24358) in version below 4.1.10, to include a crafted password reset link in the email, which would lead to an account takeover.
CVE-2021-24358 The Plus Addons for Elementor Page Builder WordPress plugin before 4.1.10 did not validate a redirect parameter on a specifically crafted URL before redirecting the user to it, leading to an Open Redirect issue.
CVE-2021-24357 In the Best Image Gallery & Responsive Photo Gallery &#8211; FooGallery WordPress plugin before 2.0.35, the Custom CSS field of each gallery is not properly sanitised or validated before being being output in the page where the gallery is embed, leading to a stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24356 In the Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks WordPress plugin before 2.0.4, a lack of capability checks and insufficient nonce check on the AJAX action, simple301redirects/admin/activate_plugin, made it possible for authenticated users to activate arbitrary plugins installed on vulnerable sites.
CVE-2021-24355 In the Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks WordPress plugin before 2.0.4, the lack of capability checks and insufficient nonce check on the AJAX actions, simple301redirects/admin/get_wildcard and simple301redirects/admin/wildcard, made it possible for authenticated users to retrieve and update the wildcard value for redirects.
CVE-2021-24354 A lack of capability checks and insufficient nonce check on the AJAX action in the Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks WordPress plugin before 2.0.4, made it possible for authenticated users to install arbitrary plugins on vulnerable sites.
CVE-2021-24353 The import_data function of the Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks WordPress plugin before 2.0.4 had no capability or nonce checks making it possible for unauthenticated users to import a set of site redirects.
CVE-2021-24352 The export_data function of the Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks WordPress plugin before 2.0.4 had no capability or nonce checks making it possible for unauthenticated users to export a site's redirects.
CVE-2021-24351 The theplus_more_post AJAX action of The Plus Addons for Elementor Page Builder WordPress plugin before 4.1.12 did not properly sanitise some of its fields, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (exploitable on both unauthenticated and authenticated users)
CVE-2021-24350 The Visitors WordPress plugin through 0.3 is affected by an Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. The plugin would display the user's user agent string without validation or encoding within the WordPress admin panel.
CVE-2021-24349 This Gallery from files WordPress plugin through 1.6.0 gives the functionality of uploading images to the server. But filenames are not properly sanitized before being output in an error message when they have an invalid extension, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue. Due to the lack of CSRF check, the attack could also be performed via such vector.
CVE-2021-24348 The menu delete functionality of the Side Menu &#8211; add fixed side buttons WordPress plugin before 3.1.5, available to Administrator users takes the did GET parameter and uses it into an SQL statement without proper sanitisation, validation or escaping, therefore leading to a SQL Injection issue
CVE-2021-24347 The SP Project & Document Manager WordPress plugin before 4.22 allows users to upload files, however, the plugin attempts to prevent php and other similar files that could be executed on the server from being uploaded by checking the file extension. It was discovered that php files could still be uploaded by changing the file extension's case, for example, from "php" to "pHP".
CVE-2021-24346 The Stock in & out WordPress plugin through 1.0.4 has a search functionality, the lowest accessible level to it being contributor. The srch POST parameter is not validated, sanitised or escaped before using it in the echo statement, leading to a reflected XSS issue
CVE-2021-24345 The page lists-management feature of the Sendit WP Newsletter WordPress plugin through 2.5.1, available to Administrator users does not sanitise, validate or escape the id_lista POST parameter before using it in SQL statement, therefore leading to Blind SQL Injection.
CVE-2021-24344 The Easy Preloader WordPress plugin through 1.0.0 does not sanitise its setting fields, leading to authenticated (admin+) Stored Cross-Site scripting issues
CVE-2021-24343 The iFlyChat WordPress plugin before 4.7.0 does not sanitise its APP ID setting before outputting it back in the page, leading to an authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24342 The JNews WordPress theme before 8.0.6 did not sanitise the cat_id parameter in the POST request /?ajax-request=jnews (with action=jnews_build_mega_category_*), leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue.
CVE-2021-24341 When deleting a date in the Xllentech English Islamic Calendar WordPress plugin before 2.6.8, the year_number and month_number POST parameters are not sanitised, escaped or validated before being used in a SQL statement, leading to SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24340 The WP Statistics WordPress plugin before 13.0.8 relied on using the WordPress esc_sql() function on a field not delimited by quotes and did not first prepare the query. Additionally, the page, which should have been accessible to administrator only, was also available to any visitor, including unauthenticated ones.
CVE-2021-24339 The Pods &#8211; Custom Content Types and Fields WordPress plugin before 2.7.27 was vulnerable to an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) security vulnerability within the 'Menu Label' field parameter.
CVE-2021-24338 The Pods &#8211; Custom Content Types and Fields WordPress plugin before 2.7.27 was vulnerable to an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) security vulnerability within the 'Singular Label' field parameter.
CVE-2021-24337 The id GET parameter of one of the Video Embed WordPress plugin through 1.0's page (available via forced browsing) is not sanitised, validated or escaped before being used in a SQL statement, allowing low privilege users, such as subscribers, to perform SQL injection.
CVE-2021-24336 The FlightLog WordPress plugin through 3.0.2 does not sanitise, validate or escape various POST parameters before using them a SQL statement, leading to SQL injections exploitable by editor and administrator users
CVE-2021-24335 The Car Repair Services & Auto Mechanic WordPress theme before 4.0 did not properly sanitise its serviceestimatekey search parameter before outputting it back in the page, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24334 The Instant Images &#8211; One Click Unsplash Uploads WordPress plugin before did not properly validate and sanitise its unsplash_download_w and unsplash_download_h parameter settings (/wp-admin/upload.php?page=instant-images), only validating them client side before saving them, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24333 The Content Copy Protection & Prevent Image Save WordPress plugin through 1.3 does not check for CSRF when saving its settings, not perform any validation and sanitisation on them, allowing attackers to make a logged in administrator set arbitrary XSS payloads in them.
CVE-2021-24332 The Autoptimize WordPress plugin before 2.8.4 was missing proper escaping and sanitisation in some of its settings, allowing high privilege users to set XSS payloads in them, leading to stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24331 The Smooth Scroll Page Up/Down Buttons WordPress plugin before 1.4 did not properly sanitise and validate its settings, such as psb_distance, psb_buttonsize, psb_speed, only validating them client side. This could allow high privilege users (such as admin) to set XSS payloads in them
CVE-2021-24330 The Funnel Builder by CartFlows &#8211; Create High Converting Sales Funnels For WordPress plugin before 1.6.13 did not sanitise its facebook_pixel_id and google_analytics_id settings, allowing high privilege users to set XSS payload in them, which will either be executed on pages generated by the plugin, or the whole website depending on the settings used.
CVE-2021-24329 The WP Super Cache WordPress plugin before 1.7.3 did not properly sanitise its wp_cache_location parameter in its settings, which could lead to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24328 The WP Login Security and History WordPress plugin through 1.0 did not have CSRF check when saving its settings, not any sanitisation or validation on them. This could allow attackers to make logged in administrators change the plugin's settings to arbitrary values, and set XSS payloads on them as well
CVE-2021-24327 The SEO Redirection Plugin &#8211; 301 Redirect Manager WordPress plugin before 6.4 did not sanitise the Redirect From and Redirect To fields when creating a new redirect in the dashboard, allowing high privilege users (even with the unfiltered_html disabled) to set XSS payloads
CVE-2021-24326 The tab parameter of the settings page of the All 404 Redirect to Homepage WordPress plugin before 1.21 was vulnerable to an authenticated reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue as user input was not properly sanitised before being output in an attribute.
CVE-2021-24325 The tab parameter of the settings page of the 404 SEO Redirection WordPress plugin through 1.3 is vulnerable to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue as user input is not properly sanitised or escaped before being output in an attribute.
CVE-2021-24324 The 404 SEO Redirection WordPress plugin through 1.3 is lacking CSRF checks in all its settings, allowing attackers to make a logged in user change the plugin's settings. Due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping in some fields, it could also lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24322 The Database Backup for WordPress plugin before 2.4 did not escape the backup_recipient POST parameter in before output it back in the attribute of an HTML tag, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24321 The Bello - Directory & Listing WordPress theme before 1.6.0 did not sanitise the bt_bb_listing_field_price_range_to, bt_bb_listing_field_now_open, bt_bb_listing_field_my_lng, listing_list_view and bt_bb_listing_field_my_lat parameters before using them in a SQL statement, leading to SQL Injection issues
CVE-2021-24320 The Bello - Directory & Listing WordPress theme before 1.6.0 did not properly sanitise and escape its listing_list_view, bt_bb_listing_field_my_lat, bt_bb_listing_field_my_lng, bt_bb_listing_field_distance_value, bt_bb_listing_field_my_lat_default, bt_bb_listing_field_keyword, bt_bb_listing_field_location_autocomplete, bt_bb_listing_field_price_range_from and bt_bb_listing_field_price_range_to parameter in ints listing page, leading to reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24319 The Bello - Directory & Listing WordPress theme before 1.6.0 did not properly sanitise its post_excerpt parameter before outputting it back in the shop/my-account/bello-listing-endpoint/ page, leading to a Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24318 The Listeo WordPress theme before 1.6.11 did not ensure that the Post/Page and Booking to delete belong to the user making the request, allowing any authenticated users to delete arbitrary page/post and booking via an IDOR vector.
CVE-2021-24317 The Listeo WordPress theme before 1.6.11 did not properly sanitise some parameters in its Search, Booking Confirmation and Personal Message pages, leading to Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24316 The search feature of the Mediumish WordPress theme through 1.0.47 does not properly sanitise it's 's' GET parameter before output it back the page, leading to the Cross-SIte Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24315 The GiveWP &#8211; Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform WordPress plugin before 2.10.4 did not sanitise or escape the Background Image field of its Stripe Checkout Setting and Logo field in its Email settings, leading to authenticated (admin+) Stored XSS issues.
CVE-2021-24314 The Goto WordPress theme before 2.1 did not sanitise, validate of escape the keywords GET parameter from its listing page before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an Unauthenticated SQL injection issue
CVE-2021-24313 The WP Prayer WordPress plugin before 1.6.2 provides the functionality to store requested prayers/praises and list them on a WordPress website. These stored prayer/praise requests can be listed by using the WP Prayer engine. An authenticated WordPress user with any role can fill in the form to request a prayer. The form to request prayers or praises have several fields. The 'prayer request' and 'praise request' fields do not use proper input validation and can be used to store XSS payloads.
CVE-2021-24312 The parameters $cache_path, $wp_cache_debug_ip, $wp_super_cache_front_page_text, $cache_scheduled_time, $cached_direct_pages used in the settings of WP Super Cache WordPress plugin before 1.7.3 result in RCE because they allow input of '$' and '\n'. This is due to an incomplete fix of CVE-2021-24209.
CVE-2021-24311 The wp_ajax_upload-remote-file AJAX action of the External Media WordPress plugin before 1.0.34 was vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads via any authenticated users.
CVE-2021-24310 The Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery WordPress plugin before 1.5.67 did not properly sanitise the gallery title, allowing high privilege users to create one with XSS payload in it, which will be triggered when another user will view the gallery list or the affected gallery in the admin dashboard. This is due to an incomplete fix of CVE-2019-16117
CVE-2021-24309 The "Schedule Name" input in the Weekly Schedule WordPress plugin before 3.4.3 general options did not properly sanitize input, allowing a user to inject javascript code using the <script> HTML tags and cause a stored XSS issue
CVE-2021-24308 The 'State' field of the Edit profile page of the LMS by LifterLMS &#8211; Online Course, Membership & Learning Management System Plugin for WordPress plugin before 4.21.1 is not properly sanitised when output in the About section of the profile page, leading to a stored Cross-Site Scripting issue. This could allow low privilege users (such as students) to elevate their privilege via an XSS attack when an admin will view their profile.
CVE-2021-24307 The All in One SEO &#8211; Best WordPress SEO Plugin &#8211; Easily Improve Your SEO Rankings before enables authenticated users with "aioseo_tools_settings" privilege (most of the time admin) to execute arbitrary code on the underlying host. Users can restore plugin's configuration by uploading a backup .ini file in the section "Tool > Import/Export". However, the plugin attempts to unserialize values of the .ini file. Moreover, the plugin embeds Monolog library which can be used to craft a gadget chain and thus trigger system command execution.
CVE-2021-24306 The Ultimate Member &#8211; User Profile, User Registration, Login & Membership Plugin WordPress plugin before 2.1.20 did not properly sanitise, validate or encode the query string when generating a link to edit user's own profile, leading to an authenticated reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue. Knowledge of the targeted username is required to exploit this, and attackers would then need to make the related logged in user open a malicious link.
CVE-2021-24305 The Target First WordPress Plugin v2.0, also previously known as Watcheezy, suffers from a critical unauthenticated stored XSS vulnerability. An attacker could change the licence key value through a POST on any URL with the 'weeWzKey' parameter that will be save as the 'weeID option and is not sanitized.
CVE-2021-24304 The Newsmag WordPress theme before 5.0 does not sanitise the td_block_id parameter in its td_ajax_block AJAX action, leading to an unauthenticated Reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24303 The JiangQie Official Website Mini Program WordPress plugin before 1.1.1 does not escape or validate the id GET parameter before using it in SQL statements, leading to SQL injection issues
CVE-2021-24302 The Hana Flv Player WordPress plugin through 3.1.3 is vulnerable to an Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability within the 'Default Skin' field.
CVE-2021-24301 The Hotjar Connecticator WordPress plugin through 1.1.1 is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in the 'hotjar script' textarea. The request did include a CSRF nonce that was properly verified by the server and this vulnerability could only be exploited by administrator users.
CVE-2021-24300 The slider import search feature of the PickPlugins Product Slider for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 1.13.22 did not properly sanitised the keyword GET parameter, leading to reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24299 The ReDi Restaurant Reservation WordPress plugin before 21.0426 provides the functionality to let users make restaurant reservations. These reservations are stored and can be listed on an 'Upcoming' page provided by the plugin. An unauthenticated user can fill in the form to make a restaurant reservation. The form to make a restaurant reservation field called 'Comment' does not use proper input validation and can be used to store XSS payloads. The XSS payloads will be executed when the plugin user goes to the 'Upcoming' page, which is an external website loaded in an iframe, and the stored reservation with XSS payload is loaded.
CVE-2021-24297 The Goto WordPress theme before 2.1 did not properly sanitize the formvalue JSON POST parameter in its tl_filter AJAX action, leading to an unauthenticated Reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24296 The WP Customer Reviews WordPress plugin before 3.5.6 did not sanitise some of its settings, allowing high privilege users such as administrators to set XSS payloads in them which will then be triggered in pages where reviews are enabled
CVE-2021-24295 It was possible to exploit an Unauthenticated Time-Based Blind SQL Injection vulnerability in the Spam protection, AntiSpam, FireWall by CleanTalk WordPress Plugin before 5.153.4. The update_log function in lib/Cleantalk/ApbctWP/Firewall/SFW.php included a vulnerable query that could be injected via the User-Agent Header by manipulating the cookies set by the Spam protection, AntiSpam, FireWall by CleanTalk WordPress plugin before 5.153.4, sending an initial request to obtain a ct_sfw_pass_key cookie and then manually setting a separate ct_sfw_passed cookie and disallowing it from being reset.
CVE-2021-24294 The dsgvoaio_write_log AJAX action of the DSGVO All in one for WP WordPress plugin before 4.0 did not sanitise or escape some POST parameter submitted before outputting them in the Log page in the administrator dashboard (wp-admin/admin.php?page=dsgvoaiofree-show-log). This could allow unauthenticated attackers to gain unauthorised access by using an XSS payload to create a rogue administrator account, which will be trigged when an administrator will view the logs.
CVE-2021-24293 In the eCommerce module of the NextGEN Gallery Pro WordPress plugin before 3.1.11, there is an action to call get_cart_items via photocrati_ajax , after that the settings[shipping_address][name] is able to inject malicious javascript.
CVE-2021-24292 The Happy Addons for Elementor WordPress plugin before 2.24.0, Happy Addons Pro for Elementor WordPress plugin before 1.17.0 have a number of widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method: The &#8220;Card&#8221; widget accepts a &#8220;title_tag&#8221; parameter. Although the element control lists a fixed set of possible html tags, it is possible to send a &#8216;save_builder&#8217; request with the &#8220;heading_tag&#8221; set to &#8220;script&#8221;, and the actual &#8220;title&#8221; parameter set to JavaScript to be executed within the script tags added by the &#8220;heading_tag&#8221; parameter.
CVE-2021-24291 The Photo Gallery by 10Web &#8211; Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery WordPress plugin before 1.5.69 was vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issues via the gallery_id, tag, album_id and _id GET parameters passed to the bwg_frontend_data AJAX action (available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users)
CVE-2021-24290 There are several endpoints in the Store Locator Plus for WordPress plugin through 5.5.15 that could allow unauthenticated attackers the ability to inject malicious JavaScript into pages.
CVE-2021-24289 There is functionality in the Store Locator Plus for WordPress plugin through 5.5.14 that made it possible for authenticated users to update their user meta data to become an administrator on any site using the plugin.
CVE-2021-24287 The settings page of the Select All Categories and Taxonomies, Change Checkbox to Radio Buttons WordPress plugin before 1.3.2 did not properly sanitise the tab parameter before outputting it back, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24286 The settings page of the Redirect 404 to parent WordPress plugin before 1.3.1 did not properly sanitise the tab parameter before outputting it back, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24285 The request_list_request AJAX call of the Car Seller - Auto Classifieds Script WordPress plugin through 2.1.0, available to both authenticated and unauthenticated users, does not sanitise, validate or escape the order_id POST parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL Injection issue.
CVE-2021-24284 The Kaswara Modern VC Addons WordPress plugin through 3.0.1 allows unauthenticated arbitrary file upload via the 'uploadFontIcon' AJAX action. The supplied zipfile being unzipped in the wp-content/uploads/kaswara/fonts_icon directory with no checks for malicious files such as PHP.
CVE-2021-24282 In the Redirection for Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin before 2.3.4, any authenticated user, such as a subscriber, could use the various AJAX actions in the plugin to do a variety of things. For example, an attacker could use wpcf7r_reset_settings to reset the plugin&#8217;s settings, wpcf7r_add_action to add actions to a form, and more.
CVE-2021-24281 In the Redirection for Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin before 2.3.4, any authenticated user, such as a subscriber, could use the delete_action_post AJAX action to delete any post on a target site.
CVE-2021-24280 In the Redirection for Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin before 2.3.4, any authenticated user, such as a subscriber, could use the import_from_debug AJAX action to inject PHP objects.
CVE-2021-24279 In the Redirection for Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin before 2.3.4, low level users, such as subscribers, could use the import_from_debug AJAX action to install any plugin from the WordPress repository.
CVE-2021-24278 In the Redirection for Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin before 2.3.4, unauthenticated users can use the wpcf7r_get_nonce AJAX action to retrieve a valid nonce for any WordPress action/function.
CVE-2021-24277 The RSS for Yandex Turbo WordPress plugin before 1.30 did not properly sanitise the user inputs from its &#1057;&#1095;&#1077;&#1090;&#1095;&#1080;&#1082;&#1080; settings tab before outputting them back in the page, leading to authenticated stored Cross-Site Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24276 The Contact Form by Supsystic WordPress plugin before 1.7.15 did not sanitise the tab parameter of its options page before outputting it in an attribute, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24275 The Popup by Supsystic WordPress plugin before 1.10.5 did not sanitise the tab parameter of its options page before outputting it in an attribute, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24274 The Ultimate Maps by Supsystic WordPress plugin before 1.2.5 did not sanitise the tab parameter of its options page before outputting it in an attribute, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24273 The &#8220;Clever Addons for Elementor&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 2.1.0 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24272 The fitness calculators WordPress plugin before 1.9.6 add calculators for Water intake, BMI calculator, protein Intake, and Body Fat and was lacking CSRF check, allowing attackers to make logged in users perform unwanted actions, such as change the calculator headers. Due to the lack of sanitisation, this could also lead to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24271 The &#8220;Ultimate Addons for Elementor&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 1.30.0 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24270 The &#8220;DeTheme Kit for Elementor&#8221; WordPress Plugin before has a widget that is vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24269 The &#8220;Sina Extension for Elementor&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 3.3.12 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24268 The &#8220;JetWidgets For Elementor&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 1.0.9 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24267 The &#8220;All-in-One Addons for Elementor &#8211; WidgetKit&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 2.3.10 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24266 The &#8220;The Plus Addons for Elementor Page Builder Lite&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 2.0.6 has four widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24265 The &#8220;Rife Elementor Extensions & Templates&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 1.1.6 has a widget that is vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24264 The &#8220;Image Hover Effects &#8211; Elementor Addon&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 1.3.4 has a widget that is vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24263 The &#8220;Elementor Addons &#8211; PowerPack Addons for Elementor&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 2.3.2 for WordPress has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24262 The &#8220;WooLentor &#8211; WooCommerce Elementor Addons + Builder&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 1.8.6 has a widget that is vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24261 The &#8220;HT Mega &#8211; Absolute Addons for Elementor Page Builder&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 1.5.7 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24260 The &#8220;Livemesh Addons for Elementor&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 6.8 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24259 The &#8220;Elementor Addon Elements&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 1.11.2 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24258 The Elements Kit Lite and Elements Kit Pro WordPress Plugins before 2.2.0 have a number of widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24257 The &#8220;Premium Addons for Elementor&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 4.2.8 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24256 The &#8220;Elementor &#8211; Header, Footer & Blocks Template&#8221; WordPress Plugin before 1.5.8 has two widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24255 The Essential Addons for Elementor Lite WordPress Plugin before 4.5.4 has two widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, both via a similar method.
CVE-2021-24254 The College publisher Import WordPress plugin through 0.1 does not check for the uploaded CSV file to import, allowing high privilege users to upload arbitrary files, such as PHP, leading to RCE. Due to the lack of CSRF check, the issue could also be exploited via a CSRF attack.
CVE-2021-24253 The Classyfrieds WordPress plugin through 3.8 does not properly check the uploaded file when an authenticated user adds a listing, only checking the content-type in the request. This allows any authenticated user to upload arbitrary PHP files via the Add Listing feature of the plugin, leading to RCE.
CVE-2021-24252 The Event Banner WordPress plugin through 1.3 does not verify the uploaded image file, allowing admin accounts to upload arbitrary files, such as .exe, .php, or others executable, leading to RCE. Due to the lack of CSRF check, the issue can also be used via such vector to achieve the same result, or via a LFI as authorisation checks are missing (but would require WP to be loaded)
CVE-2021-24251 The Business Directory Plugin &#8211; Easy Listing Directories for WordPress WordPress plugin before 5.11.2 suffered from a Cross-Site Request Forgery issue, allowing an attacker to make a logged in administrator update arbitrary payment history, such as change their status (from pending to completed to example)
CVE-2021-24250 The Business Directory Plugin &#8211; Easy Listing Directories for WordPress WordPress plugin before 5.11.2 suffered from lack of sanitisation in the label of the Form Fields, leading to Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues across various pages of the plugin.
CVE-2021-24249 The Business Directory Plugin &#8211; Easy Listing Directories for WordPress WordPress plugin before 5.11.2 suffered from a Cross-Site Request Forgery issue, allowing an attacker to make a logged in administrator export files, which could then be downloaded by the attacker to get access to PII, such as email, home addresses etc
CVE-2021-24248 The Business Directory Plugin &#8211; Easy Listing Directories for WordPress WordPress plugin before 5.11.1 did not properly check for imported files, forbidding certain extension via a blacklist approach, allowing administrator to import an archive with a .php4 inside for example, leading to RCE
CVE-2021-24247 The Contact Form Check Tester WordPress plugin through 1.0.2 settings are visible to all registered users in the dashboard and are lacking any sanitisation. As a result, any registered user, such as subscriber, can leave an XSS payload in the plugin settings, which will be triggered by any user visiting them, and could allow for privilege escalation. The vendor decided to close the plugin.
CVE-2021-24246 The Workscout Core WordPress plugin before 1.3.4, used by the WorkScout Theme did not sanitise the chat messages sent via the workscout_send_message_chat AJAX action, leading to Stored Cross-Site Scripting and Cross-Frame Scripting issues
CVE-2021-24245 The Stop Spammers WordPress plugin before 2021.9 did not escape user input when blocking requests (such as matching a spam word), outputting it in an attribute after sanitising it to remove HTML tags, which is not sufficient and lead to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24244 An AJAX action registered by the WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Clipboard WordPress plugin before 4.5.8 did not have capability checks, allowing low privilege users, such as subscribers, to update the license options (key, email).
CVE-2021-24243 An AJAX action registered by the WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Clipboard WordPress plugin before 4.5.6 did not have capability checks nor sanitization, allowing low privilege users (subscriber+) to call it and set XSS payloads, which will be triggered in all backend pages.
CVE-2021-24242 The Tutor LMS &#8211; eLearning and online course solution WordPress plugin before 1.8.8 is affected by a local file inclusion vulnerability through the maliciously constructed sub_page parameter of the plugin's Tools, allowing high privilege users to include any local php file
CVE-2021-24241 The Advanced Custom Fields Pro WordPress plugin before 5.9.1 did not properly escape the generated update URL when outputting it in an attribute, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue in the update settings page.
CVE-2021-24240 The Business Hours Pro WordPress plugin through 5.5.0 allows a remote attacker to upload arbitrary files using its manual update functionality, leading to an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24239 The Pie Register &#8211; User Registration Forms. Invitation based registrations, Custom Login, Payments WordPress plugin before does not sanitise the invitaion_code GET parameter when outputting it in the Activation Code page, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24238 The Realteo WordPress plugin before 1.2.4, used by the Findeo Theme, did not ensure that the requested property to be deleted belong to the user making the request, allowing any authenticated users to delete arbitrary properties by tampering with the property_id parameter.
CVE-2021-24237 The Realteo WordPress plugin before 1.2.4, used by the Findeo Theme, did not properly sanitise the keyword_search, search_radius. _bedrooms and _bathrooms GET parameters before outputting them in its properties page, leading to an unauthenticated reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24236 The Imagements WordPress plugin through 1.2.5 allows images to be uploaded in comments, however only checks for the Content-Type in the request to forbid dangerous files. This allows unauthenticated attackers to upload arbitrary files by using a valid image Content-Type along with a PHP filename and code, leading to RCE.
CVE-2021-24235 The Goto WordPress theme before 2.0 does not sanitise the keywords and start_date GET parameter on its Tour List page, leading to an unauthenticated reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24234 The Search Forms page of the Ivory Search WordPress lugin before 4.6.1 did not properly sanitise the tab parameter before output it in the page, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue when opening a malicious crafted link as a high privilege user. Knowledge of a form id is required to conduct the attack.
CVE-2021-24233 The Cooked Pro WordPress plugin before was affected by unauthenticated reflected Cross-Site Scripting issues, due to improper sanitisation of user input while being output back in pages as an arbitrary attribute.
CVE-2021-24232 The Advanced Booking Calendar WordPress plugin before 1.6.8 does not sanitise the license error message when output in the settings page, leading to an authenticated reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
CVE-2021-24231 The Jetpack Scan team identified a Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability in the Patreon WordPress plugin before 1.7.0, allowing attackers to make a logged administrator disconnect the site from Patreon by visiting a specially crafted link.
CVE-2021-24230 The Jetpack Scan team identified a Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability in the Patreon WordPress plugin before 1.7.0, allowing attackers to make a logged in user overwrite or create arbitrary user metadata on the victim&#8217;s account once visited. If exploited, this bug can be used to overwrite the &#8220;wp_capabilities&#8221; meta, which contains the affected user account&#8217;s roles and privileges. Doing this would essentially lock them out of the site, blocking them from accessing paid content.
CVE-2021-24229 The Jetpack Scan team identified a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the patreon_save_attachment_patreon_level AJAX action of the Patreon WordPress plugin before 1.7.2. This AJAX hook is used to update the pledge level required by Patreon subscribers to access a given attachment. This action is accessible for user accounts with the &#8216;manage_options&#8217; privilege (i.e.., only administrators). Unfortunately, one of the parameters used in this AJAX endpoint is not sanitized before being printed back to the user, so the risk it represents is the same as the previous XSS vulnerability.
CVE-2021-24228 The Jetpack Scan team identified a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in the Login Form of the Patreon WordPress plugin before 1.7.2. The WordPress login form (wp-login.php) is hooked by the plugin and offers to allow users to authenticate on the site using their Patreon account. Unfortunately, some of the error logging logic behind the scene allowed user-controlled input to be reflected on the login page, unsanitized.
CVE-2021-24227 The Jetpack Scan team identified a Local File Disclosure vulnerability in the Patreon WordPress plugin before 1.7.0 that could be abused by anyone visiting the site. Using this attack vector, an attacker could leak important internal files like wp-config.php, which contains database credentials and cryptographic keys used in the generation of nonces and cookies.
CVE-2021-24226 In the AccessAlly WordPress plugin before 3.5.7, the file "resource/frontend/product/product-shortcode.php" responsible for the [accessally_order_form] shortcode is dumping serialize($_SERVER), which contains all environment variables. The leakage occurs on all public facing pages containing the [accessally_order_form] shortcode, no login or administrator role is required.
CVE-2021-24225 The Advanced Booking Calendar WordPress plugin before 1.6.7 did not sanitise the calId GET parameter in the "Seasons & Calendars" page before outputing it in an A tag, leading to a reflected XSS issue
CVE-2021-24224 The EFBP_verify_upload_file AJAX action of the Easy Form Builder WordPress plugin through 1.0, available to authenticated users, does not have any security in place to verify uploaded files, allowing low privilege users to upload arbitrary files, leading to RCE.
CVE-2021-24223 The N5 Upload Form WordPress plugin through 1.0 suffers from an arbitrary file upload issue in page where a Form from the plugin is embed, as any file can be uploaded. The uploaded filename might be hard to guess as it's generated with md5(uniqid(rand())), however, in the case of misconfigured servers with Directory listing enabled, accessing it is trivial.
CVE-2021-24222 The WP-Curriculo Vitae Free WordPress plugin through 6.3 suffers from an arbitrary file upload issue in page where the [formCadastro] is embed. The form allows unauthenticated user to register and submit files for their profile picture as well as resume, without any file extension restriction, leading to RCE.
CVE-2021-24221 The Quiz And Survey Master &#8211; Best Quiz, Exam and Survey Plugin for WordPress plugin before 7.1.12 did not sanitise the result_id GET parameter on pages with the [qsm_result] shortcode without id attribute, concatenating it in a SQL statement and leading to an SQL injection. The lowest role allowed to use this shortcode in post or pages being author, such user could gain unauthorised access to the DBMS. If the shortcode (without the id attribute) is embed on a public page or post, then unauthenticated users could exploit the injection.
CVE-2021-24220 Thrive &#8220;Legacy&#8221; Rise by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Luxe by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Minus by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Ignition by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, FocusBlog by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Squared by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Voice WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Performag by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Pressive by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Storied by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0 register a REST API endpoint to compress images using the Kraken image optimization engine. By supplying a crafted request in combination with data inserted using the Option Update vulnerability, it was possible to use this endpoint to retrieve malicious code from a remote URL and overwrite an existing file on the site with it or create a new file.This includes executable PHP files that contain malicious code.
CVE-2021-24219 The Thrive Optimize WordPress plugin before, Thrive Comments WordPress plugin before, Thrive Headline Optimizer WordPress plugin before, Thrive Leads WordPress plugin before, Thrive Ultimatum WordPress plugin before, Thrive Quiz Builder WordPress plugin before, Thrive Apprentice WordPress plugin before, Thrive Visual Editor WordPress plugin before, Thrive Dashboard WordPress plugin before, Thrive Ovation WordPress plugin before 2.4.5, Thrive Clever Widgets WordPress plugin before 1.57.1 and Rise by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Ignition by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Luxe by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, FocusBlog by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Minus by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Squared by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Voice WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Performag by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Pressive by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Storied by Thrive Themes WordPress theme before 2.0.0, Thrive Themes Builder WordPress theme before 2.2.4 register a REST API endpoint associated with Zapier functionality. While this endpoint was intended to require an API key in order to access, it was possible to access it by supplying an empty api_key parameter in vulnerable versions if Zapier was not enabled. Attackers could use this endpoint to add arbitrary data to a predefined option in the wp_options table.
CVE-2021-24218 The wp_ajax_save_fbe_settings and wp_ajax_delete_fbe_settings AJAX actions of the Facebook for WordPress plugin before 3.0.4 were vulnerable to CSRF due to a lack of nonce protection. The settings in the saveFbeSettings function had no sanitization allowing for script tags to be saved.
CVE-2021-24217 The run_action function of the Facebook for WordPress plugin before 3.0.0 deserializes user supplied data making it possible for PHP objects to be supplied creating an Object Injection vulnerability. There was also a useable magic method in the plugin that could be used to achieve remote code execution.
CVE-2021-24216 The All-in-One WP Migration WordPress plugin before 7.41 does not validate uploaded files' extension, which allows administrators to upload PHP files on their site, even on multisite installations.
CVE-2021-24215 An Improper Access Control vulnerability was discovered in the Controlled Admin Access WordPress plugin before 1.5.2. Uncontrolled access to the website customization functionality and global CMS settings, like /wp-admin/customization.php and /wp-admin/options.php, can lead to a complete compromise of the target resource.
CVE-2021-24214 The OpenID Connect Generic Client WordPress plugin 3.8.0 and 3.8.1 did not sanitise the login error when output back in the login form, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue. This issue does not require authentication and can be exploited with the default configuration.
CVE-2021-24213 The GiveWP &#8211; Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform WordPress plugin before 2.10.0 was affected by a reflected Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability inside of the administration panel, via the 's' GET parameter on the Donors page.
CVE-2021-24212 The WooCommerce Help Scout WordPress plugin before 2.9.1 ( allows unauthenticated users to upload any files to the site which by default will end up in wp-content/uploads/hstmp.
CVE-2021-24211 The WordPress Related Posts plugin through 3.6.4 contains an authenticated (admin+) stored XSS vulnerability in the title field on the settings page. By exploiting that an attacker will be able to execute JavaScript code in the user's browser.
CVE-2021-24210 There is an open redirect in the PhastPress WordPress plugin before 1.111 that allows an attacker to malform a request to a page with the plugin and then redirect the victim to a malicious page. There is also a support comment from another user one year ago ( that says that the php involved in the request only go to whitelisted pages but it's possible to redirect the victim to any domain.
CVE-2021-24209 The WP Super Cache WordPress plugin before 1.7.2 was affected by an authenticated (admin+) RCE in the settings page due to input validation failure and weak $cache_path check in the WP Super Cache Settings -> Cache Location option. Direct access to the wp-cache-config.php file is not prohibited, so this vulnerability can be exploited for a web shell injection.
CVE-2021-24208 The editor of the WP Page Builder WordPress plugin before 1.2.4 allows lower-privileged users to insert unfiltered HTML, including JavaScript, into pages via the &#8220;Raw HTML&#8221; widget and the &#8220;Custom HTML&#8221; widgets (though the custom HTML widget requires sending a crafted request - it appears that this widget uses some form of client side validation but not server side validation), all of which are added via the &#8220;page_builder_data&#8221; parameter when performing the &#8220;wppb_page_save&#8221; AJAX action. It is also possible to insert malicious JavaScript via the &#8220;wppb_page_css&#8221; parameter (this can be done by closing out the style tag and opening a script tag) when performing the &#8220;wppb_page_save&#8221; AJAX action.
CVE-2021-24207 By default, the WP Page Builder WordPress plugin before 1.2.4 allows subscriber-level users to edit and make changes to any and all posts pages - user roles must be specifically blocked from editing posts and pages.
CVE-2021-24206 In the Elementor Website Builder WordPress plugin before 3.1.4, the image box widget (includes/widgets/image-box.php) accepts a &#8216;title_size&#8217; parameter. Although the element control lists a fixed set of possible html tags, it is possible for a user with Contributor or above permissions to send a modified &#8216;save_builder&#8217; request containing JavaScript in the &#8216;title_size&#8217; parameter, which is not filtered and is output without escaping. This JavaScript will then be executed when the saved page is viewed or previewed.
CVE-2021-24205 In the Elementor Website Builder WordPress plugin before 3.1.4, the icon box widget (includes/widgets/icon-box.php) accepts a &#8216;title_size&#8217; parameter. Although the element control lists a fixed set of possible html tags, it is possible for a user with Contributor or above permissions to send a modified &#8216;save_builder&#8217; request containing JavaScript in the &#8216;title_size&#8217; parameter, which is not filtered and is output without escaping. This JavaScript will then be executed when the saved page is viewed or previewed.
CVE-2021-24204 In the Elementor Website Builder WordPress plugin before 3.1.4, the accordion widget (includes/widgets/accordion.php) accepts a &#8216;title_html_tag&#8217; parameter. Although the element control lists a fixed set of possible html tags, it is possible for a user with Contributor or above permissions to send a modified &#8216;save_builder&#8217; request containing JavaScript in the &#8216;title_html_tag&#8217; parameter, which is not filtered and is output without escaping. This JavaScript will then be executed when the saved page is viewed or previewed.
CVE-2021-24203 In the Elementor Website Builder WordPress plugin before 3.1.4, the divider widget (includes/widgets/divider.php) accepts an &#8216;html_tag&#8217; parameter. Although the element control lists a fixed set of possible html tags, it is possible for a user with Contributor or above permissions to send a modified &#8216;save_builder&#8217; request with this parameter set to &#8216;script&#8217; and combined with a &#8216;text&#8217; parameter containing JavaScript, which will then be executed when the saved page is viewed or previewed.
CVE-2021-24202 In the Elementor Website Builder WordPress plugin before 3.1.4, the heading widget (includes/widgets/heading.php) accepts a &#8216;header_size&#8217; parameter. Although the element control lists a fixed set of possible html tags, it is possible for a user with Contributor or above permissions to send a modified &#8216;save_builder&#8217; request with this parameter set to &#8216;script&#8217; and combined with a &#8216;title&#8217; parameter containing JavaScript, which will then be executed when the saved page is viewed or previewed.
CVE-2021-24201 In the Elementor Website Builder WordPress plugin before 3.1.4, the column element (includes/elements/column.php) accepts an &#8216;html_tag&#8217; parameter. Although the element control lists a fixed set of possible html tags, it is possible for a user with Contributor or above permissions to send a modified &#8216;save_builder&#8217; request containing JavaScript in the &#8216;html_tag&#8217; parameter, which is not filtered and is output without escaping. This JavaScript will then be executed when the saved page is viewed or previewed.
CVE-2021-24200 The wpDataTables &#8211; Tables & Table Charts premium WordPress plugin before 3.4.2 allows a low privilege authenticated user to perform Boolean-based blind SQL Injection in the table list page on the endpoint /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=get_wdtable&table_id=1, on the 'length' HTTP POST parameter. This allows an attacker to access all the data in the database and obtain access to the WordPress application.
CVE-2021-24199 The wpDataTables &#8211; Tables & Table Charts premium WordPress plugin before 3.4.2 allows a low privilege authenticated user to perform Boolean-based blind SQL Injection in the table list page on the endpoint /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=get_wdtable&table_id=1, on the 'start' HTTP POST parameter. This allows an attacker to access all the data in the database and obtain access to the WordPress application.
CVE-2021-24198 The wpDataTables &#8211; Tables & Table Charts premium WordPress plugin before 3.4.2 has Improper Access Control. A low privilege authenticated user that visits the page where the table is published can tamper the parameters to delete the data of another user that are present in the same table through id_key and id_val parameters. By exploiting this issue an attacker is able to delete the data of all users in the same table.
CVE-2021-24197 The wpDataTables &#8211; Tables & Table Charts premium WordPress plugin before 3.4.2 has Improper Access Control. A low privilege authenticated user that visits the page where the table is published can tamper the parameters to access the data of another user that are present in the same table by taking over the user permissions on the table through formdata[wdt_ID] parameter. By exploiting this issue an attacker is able to access and manage the data of all users in the same table.
CVE-2021-24196 The Social Slider Widget WordPress plugin before 1.8.5 allowed Authenticated Reflected XSS in the plugin settings page as the &#8216;token_error&#8217; parameter can be controlled by users and it is directly echoed without being sanitized
CVE-2021-24195 Low privileged users can use the AJAX action 'cp_plugins_do_button_job_later_callback' in the Login as User or Customer (User Switching) WordPress plugin before 1.8, to install any plugin (including a specific version) from the WordPress repository, as well as activate arbitrary plugin from then blog, which helps attackers install vulnerable plugins and could lead to more critical vulnerabilities like RCE.
CVE-2021-24194 Low privileged users can use the AJAX action 'cp_plugins_do_button_job_later_callback' in the Login Protection - Limit Failed Login Attempts WordPress plugin before 2.9, to install any plugin (including a specific version) from the WordPress repository, as well as activate arbitrary plugin from then blog, which helps attackers install vulnerable plugins and could lead to more critical vulnerabilities like RCE.
CVE-2021-24193 Low privileged users can use the AJAX action 'cp_plugins_do_button_job_later_callback' in the Visitor Traffic Real Time Statistics WordPress plugin before 2.12, to install any plugin (including a specific version) from the WordPress repository, as well as activate arbitrary plugin from then blog, which helps attackers install vulnerable plugins and could lead to more critical vulnerabilities like RCE.
CVE-2021-24192 Low privileged users can use the AJAX action 'cp_plugins_do_button_job_later_callback' in the Tree Sitemap WordPress plugin before 2.9, to install any plugin (including a specific version) from the WordPress repository, as well as activate arbitrary plugin from then blog, which helps attackers install vulnerable plugins and could lead to more critical vulnerabilities like RCE.
CVE-2021-24191 Low privileged users can use the AJAX action 'cp_plugins_do_button_job_later_callback' in the WP Maintenance Mode & Site Under Construction WordPress plugin before 1.8.2, to install any plugin (including a specific version) from the WordPress repository, as well as activate arbitrary plugin from then blog, which helps attackers install vulnerable plugins and could lead to more critical vulnerabilities like RCE.
CVE-2021-24190 Low privileged users can use the AJAX action 'cp_plugins_do_button_job_later_callback' in the WooCommerce Conditional Marketing Mailer WordPress plugin before 1.5.2, to install any plugin (including a specific version) from the WordPress repository, as well as activate arbitrary plugin from then blog, which helps attackers install vulnerable plugins and could lead to more critical vulnerabilities like RCE.
CVE-2021-24189 Low privileged users can use the AJAX action 'cp_plugins_do_button_job_later_callback' in the Captchinoo, Google recaptcha for admin login page WordPress plugin before 2.4, to install any plugin (including a specific version) from the WordPress repository, as well as activate arbitrary plugin from then blog, which helps attackers install vulnerable plugins and could lead to more critical vulnerabilities like RCE.
CVE-2021-24188 Low privileged users can use the AJAX action 'cp_plugins_do_button_job_later_callback' in the WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click WordPress plugin before 3.1.5, to install any plugin (including a specific version) from the WordPress repository, as well as activate arbitrary plugin from then blog, which helps attackers install vulnerable plugins and could lead to more critical vulnerabilities like RCE.
CVE-2021-24187 The setting page of the SEO Redirection Plugin - 301 Redirect Manager WordPress plugin before 6.4 is vulnerable to reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) as user input is not properly sanitised before being output in an attribute.
CVE-2021-24186 The tutor_answering_quiz_question/get_answer_by_id function pair from the Tutor LMS &#8211; eLearning and online course solution WordPress plugin before 1.8.3 was vulnerable to UNION based SQL injection that could be exploited by students.
CVE-2021-24185 The tutor_place_rating AJAX action from the Tutor LMS &#8211; eLearning and online course solution WordPress plugin before 1.7.7 was vulnerable to blind and time based SQL injections that could be exploited by students.
CVE-2021-24184 Several AJAX endpoints in the Tutor LMS &#8211; eLearning and online course solution WordPress plugin before 1.7.7 were unprotected, allowing students to modify course information and elevate their privileges among many other actions.
CVE-2021-24183 The tutor_quiz_builder_get_question_form AJAX action from the Tutor LMS &#8211; eLearning and online course solution WordPress plugin before 1.8.3 was vulnerable to UNION based SQL injection that could be exploited by students.
CVE-2021-24182 The tutor_quiz_builder_get_answers_by_question AJAX action from the Tutor LMS &#8211; eLearning and online course solution WordPress plugin before 1.8.3 was vulnerable to UNION based SQL injection that could be exploited by students.
CVE-2021-24181 The tutor_mark_answer_as_correct AJAX action from the Tutor LMS &#8211; eLearning and online course solution WordPress plugin before 1.7.7 was vulnerable to blind and time based SQL injections that could be exploited by students.
CVE-2021-24180 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding within the Related Posts for WordPress plugin before 2.0.4 lead to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability within the 'lang' GET parameter while editing a post, triggered when users with the capability of editing posts access a malicious URL.
CVE-2021-24179 The Business Directory Plugin &#8211; Easy Listing Directories for WordPress WordPress plugin before 5.11 suffered from a Cross-Site Request Forgery issue, allowing an attacker to make a logged in administrator import files. As the plugin also did not validate uploaded files, it could lead to RCE.
CVE-2021-24178 The Business Directory Plugin &#8211; Easy Listing Directories for WordPress WordPress plugin before 5.11.1 suffered from Cross-Site Request Forgery issues, allowing an attacker to make a logged in administrator add, edit or delete form fields, which could also lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issues.
CVE-2021-24177 In the default configuration of the File Manager WordPress plugin before 7.1, a Reflected XSS can occur on the endpoint /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp_file_manager_properties when a payload is submitted on the User-Agent parameter. The payload is then reflected back on the web application response.
CVE-2021-24176 The JH 404 Logger WordPress plugin through 1.1 doesn't sanitise the referer and path of 404 pages, when they are output in the dashboard, which leads to executing arbitrary JavaScript code in the WordPress dashboard.
CVE-2021-24175 The Plus Addons for Elementor Page Builder WordPress plugin before 4.1.7 was being actively exploited to by malicious actors to bypass authentication, allowing unauthenticated users to log in as any user (including admin) by just providing the related username, as well as create accounts with arbitrary roles, such as admin. These issues can be exploited even if registration is disabled, and the Login widget is not active.
CVE-2021-24174 The Database Backups WordPress plugin through does not have CSRF checks, allowing attackers to make a logged in user unwanted actions, such as generate backups of the database, change the plugin's settings and delete backups.
CVE-2021-24173 The VM Backups WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have CSRF checks, allowing attackers to make a logged in user unwanted actions, such as update the plugin's options, leading to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue.
CVE-2021-24172 The VM Backups WordPress plugin through 1.0 does not have CSRF checks, allowing attackers to make a logged in user unwanted actions, such as generate backups of the DB, plugins, and current .
CVE-2021-24171 The WooCommerce Upload Files WordPress plugin before 59.4 ran a single sanitization pass to remove blocked extensions such as .php. It was possible to bypass this and upload a file with a PHP extension by embedding a "blocked" extension within another "blocked" extension in the "wcuf_file_name" parameter. It was also possible to perform a double extension attack and upload files to a different location via path traversal using the "wcuf_current_upload_session_id" parameter.
CVE-2021-24170 The REST API endpoint get_users in the User Profile Picture WordPress plugin before 2.5.0 returned more information than was required for its functionality to users with the upload_files capability. This included password hashes, hashed user activation keys, usernames, emails, and other less sensitive information.
CVE-2021-24169 This Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 3.1.8 helps you to easily export WooCommerce order data. The tab parameter in the Admin Panel is vulnerable to reflected XSS.
CVE-2021-24168 The Easy Contact Form Pro WordPress plugin before did not properly sanitise the text fields (such as Email Subject, Email Recipient, etc) when creating or editing a form, leading to an authenticated (author+) stored cross-site scripting issue. This could allow medium privilege accounts (such as author and editor) to perform XSS attacks against high privilege ones like administrator.
CVE-2021-24166 The wp_ajax_nf_oauth_disconnect from the Ninja Forms Contact Form &#8211; The Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress WordPress plugin before 3.4.34 had no nonce protection making it possible for attackers to craft a request to disconnect a site's OAuth connection.
CVE-2021-24165 In the Ninja Forms Contact Form WordPress plugin before 3.4.34, the wp_ajax_nf_oauth_connect AJAX action was vulnerable to open redirect due to the use of a user supplied redirect parameter and no protection in place.
CVE-2021-24164 In the Ninja Forms Contact Form WordPress plugin before, low-level users, such as subscribers, were able to trigger the action, wp_ajax_nf_oauth, and retrieve the connection url needed to establish a connection. They could also retrieve the client_id for an already established OAuth connection.
CVE-2021-24163 The AJAX action, wp_ajax_ninja_forms_sendwp_remote_install_handler, did not have a capability check on it, nor did it have any nonce protection, therefore making it possible for low-level users, such as subscribers, to install and activate the SendWP Ninja Forms Contact Form &#8211; The Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress WordPress plugin before 3.4.34 and retrieve the client_secret key needed to establish the SendWP connection while also installing the SendWP plugin.
CVE-2021-24162 In the Reponsive Menu (free and Pro) WordPress plugins before 4.0.4, attackers could craft a request and trick an administrator into importing all new settings. These settings could be modified to include malicious JavaScript, therefore allowing an attacker to inject payloads that could aid in further infection of the site.
CVE-2021-24161 In the Reponsive Menu (free and Pro) WordPress plugins before 4.0.4, attackers could craft a request and trick an administrator into uploading a zip archive containing malicious PHP files. The attacker could then access those files to achieve remote code execution and further infect the targeted site.
CVE-2021-24160 In the Reponsive Menu (free and Pro) WordPress plugins before 4.0.4, subscribers could upload zip archives containing malicious PHP files that would get extracted to the /rmp-menu/ directory. These files could then be accessed via the front end of the site to trigger remote code execution and ultimately allow an attacker to execute commands to further infect a WordPress site.
CVE-2021-24159 Due to the lack of sanitization and lack of nonce protection on the custom CSS feature, an attacker could craft a request to inject malicious JavaScript on a site using the Contact Form 7 Style WordPress plugin through 3.1.9. If an attacker successfully tricked a site&#8217;s administrator into clicking a link or attachment, then the request could be sent and the CSS settings would be successfully updated to include malicious JavaScript.
CVE-2021-24155 The WordPress Backup and Migrate Plugin &#8211; Backup Guard WordPress plugin before 1.6.0 did not ensure that the imported files are of the SGBP format and extension, allowing high privilege users (admin+) to upload arbitrary files, including PHP ones, leading to RCE.
CVE-2021-24154 The Theme Editor WordPress plugin before 2.6 did not validate the GET file parameter before passing it to the download_file() function, allowing administrators to download arbitrary files on the web server, such as /etc/passwd
CVE-2021-24153 A Stored Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability was discovered in the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin before 3.4.1, which had built-in blacklist filters which were blacklisting Parenthesis as well as several functions such as alert but bypasses were found.
CVE-2021-24151 The WP Editor WordPress plugin before 1.2.7 did not sanitise or validate its setting fields leading to an authenticated (admin+) blind SQL injection issue via an arbitrary parameter when making a request to save the settings.
CVE-2021-24150 The LikeBtn WordPress Like Button Rating &#9829; LikeBtn WordPress plugin before 2.6.32 was vulnerable to Unauthenticated Full-Read Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF).
CVE-2021-24149 Unvalidated input in the Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin, versions before 5.16.6, did not sanitise the mec[post_id] POST parameter in the mec_fes_form AJAX action when logged in as an author+, leading to an authenticated SQL Injection issue.
CVE-2021-24148 A business logic issue in the MStore API WordPress plugin, versions before 3.2.0, had an authentication bypass with Sign In With Apple allowing unauthenticated users to recover an authentication cookie with only an email address.
CVE-2021-24147 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding in the Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin, versions before 5.16.5, did not sanitise the mic_comment field (Notes on time) when adding/editing an event, allowing users with privilege as low as author to add events with a Cross-Site Scripting payload in them, which will be triggered in the frontend when viewing the event.
CVE-2021-24146 Lack of authorisation checks in the Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin, versions before 5.16.5, did not properly restrict access to the export files, allowing unauthenticated users to exports all events data in CSV or XML format for example.
CVE-2021-24145 Arbitrary file upload in the Modern Events Calendar Lite WordPress plugin, versions before 5.16.5, did not properly check the imported file, allowing PHP ones to be uploaded by administrator by using the 'text/csv' content-type in the request.
CVE-2021-24142 Unvaludated input in the 301 Redirects - Easy Redirect Manager WordPress plugin, versions before 2.51, did not sanitise its "Redirect From" column when importing a CSV file, allowing high privilege users to perform SQL injections.
CVE-2021-24140 Unvalidated input in the Ajax Load More WordPress plugin, versions before 5.3.2, lead to SQL Injection in POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php with param repeater=' or sleep(5)#&type=test.
CVE-2021-24139 Unvalidated input in the Photo Gallery (10Web Photo Gallery) WordPress plugin, versions before 1.5.55, leads to SQL injection via the frontend/models/model.php bwg_search_x parameter.
CVE-2021-24138 Unvalidated input in the AdRotate WordPress plugin, versions before 5.8.4, leads to Authenticated SQL injection via param "id". This requires an admin privileged user.
CVE-2021-24137 Unvalidated input in the Blog2Social WordPress plugin, versions before 6.3.1, lead to SQL Injection in the Re-Share Posts feature, allowing authenticated users to inject arbitrary SQL commands.
CVE-2021-24136 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding in the Testimonials Widget WordPress plugin, versions before 4.0.0, lead to multiple Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities, allowing remote attackers to inject arbitrary JavaScript code or HTML via the below parameters: - Author - Job Title - Location - Company - Email - URL
CVE-2021-24135 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding in the WP Customer Reviews WordPress plugin, versions before 3.4.3, lead to multiple Stored Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities allowing remote attackers to inject arbitrary JavaScript code or HTML.
CVE-2021-24134 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding in the Constant Contact Forms WordPress plugin, versions before 1.8.8, lead to multiple Stored Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities, which allowed high-privileged user (Editor+) to inject arbitrary JavaScript code or HTML in posts where the malicious form is embed.
CVE-2021-24133 Lack of CSRF checks in the ActiveCampaign WordPress plugin, versions before 8.0.2, on its Settings form, which could allow attacker to make a logged-in administrator change API Credentials to attacker's account.
CVE-2021-24132 The Slider by 10Web WordPress plugin, versions before 1.2.36, in the bulk_action, export_full and save_slider_db functionalities of the plugin were vulnerable, allowing a high privileged user (Admin), or medium one such as Contributor+ (if "Role Options" is turn on for other users) to perform a SQL Injection attacks.
CVE-2021-24131 Unvalidated input in the Anti-Spam by CleanTalk WordPress plugin, versions before 5.149, lead to multiple authenticated SQL injection vulnerabilities, however, it requires high privilege user (admin+).
CVE-2021-24130 Unvalidated input in the WP Google Map Plugin WordPress plugin, versions before 4.1.5, in the Manage Locations page within the plugin settings was vulnerable to SQL Injection through a high privileged user (admin+).
CVE-2021-24129 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding in the Themify Portfolio Post WordPress plugin, versions before 1.1.6, lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities allowing low-privileged users (Contributor+) to inject arbitrary JavaScript code or HTML in posts where the Themify Custom Panel is embedded, which could lead to privilege escalation.
CVE-2021-24128 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding in the Team Members WordPress plugin, versions before 5.0.4, lead to Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities allowing medium-privileged authenticated attacker (contributor+) to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the 'Description/biography' of a member.
CVE-2021-24127 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding in the ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager WordPress plugin, versions before 3.9.3, was vulnerable to authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), which could lead to privilege escalation.
CVE-2021-24126 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding in the Envira Gallery Lite WordPress plugin, versions before, did not properly sanitise the images metadata (namely title) before outputting them in the generated gallery, which could lead to privilege escalation.
CVE-2021-24125 Unvalidated input in the Contact Form Submissions WordPress plugin before 1.7.1, could lead to SQL injection in the wpcf7_contact_form GET parameter when submitting a filter request as a high privilege user (admin+)
CVE-2021-24124 Unvalidated input and lack of output encoding in the WP Shieldon WordPress plugin, version 1.6.3 and below, leads to Unauthenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) when the CAPTCHA page is shown could lead to privileged escalation.
CVE-2021-24123 Arbitrary file upload in the PowerPress WordPress plugin, versions before 8.3.8, did not verify some of the uploaded feed images (such as the ones from Podcast Artwork section), allowing high privilege accounts (admin+) being able to upload arbitrary files, such as php, leading to RCE.
CVE-2021-23209 Multiple Authenticated (admin user role) Persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities discovered in AMP for WP &#8211; Accelerated Mobile Pages WordPress plugin (versions <=
CVE-2021-23174 Authenticated (admin+) Persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability discovered in Download Monitor WordPress plugin (versions <= 4.4.6) Vulnerable parameters: &post_title, &downloadable_file_version[0].
CVE-2021-21389 BuddyPress is an open source WordPress plugin to build a community site. In releases of BuddyPress from 5.0.0 before 7.2.1 it's possible for a non-privileged, regular user to obtain administrator rights by exploiting an issue in the REST API members endpoint. The vulnerability has been fixed in BuddyPress 7.2.1. Existing installations of the plugin should be updated to this version to mitigate the issue.
CVE-2021-20846 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Push Notifications for WordPress (Lite) versions prior to 6.0.1 allows a remote attacker to hijack the authentication of an administrator and conduct an arbitrary operation via a specially crafted web page.
CVE-2021-20781 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in WordPress Meta Data Filter & Taxonomies Filter versions prior to v.1.2.8 and versions prior to v.2.2.8 allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of administrators via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2021-20780 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in WPCS - WordPress Currency Switcher 1.1.6 and earlier allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of administrators via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2021-20779 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in WordPress Email Template Designer - WP HTML Mail versions prior to 3.0.8 allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of administrators via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2021-20746 Cross-site scripting vulnerability in WordPress Popular Posts 5.3.2 and earlier allows a remote authenticated attacker to inject an arbitrary script via unspecified vectors.
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