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There are 6 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2023-3326 pam_krb5 authenticates a user by essentially running kinit with the password, getting a ticket-granting ticket (tgt) from the Kerberos KDC (Key Distribution Center) over the network, as a way to verify the password. However, if a keytab is not provisioned on the system, pam_krb5 has no way to validate the response from the KDC, and essentially trusts the tgt provided over the network as being valid. In a non-default FreeBSD installation that leverages pam_krb5 for authentication and does not have a keytab provisioned, an attacker that is able to control both the password and the KDC responses can return a valid tgt, allowing authentication to occur for any user on the system.
CVE-2009-1384 pam_krb5 2.2.14 through 2.3.4, as used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5, generates different password prompts depending on whether the user account exists, which allows remote attackers to enumerate valid usernames.
CVE-2008-5690 The Kerberos credential renewal feature in Sun Solaris 8, 9, and 10, and OpenSolaris build snv_01 through snv_104, allows local users to cause a denial of service (authentication failure) via unspecified vectors related to incorrect cache file permissions, and lack of credential storage by the store_cred function in pam_krb5.
CVE-2008-3825 pam_krb5 2.2.14 in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 and earlier, when the existing_ticket option is enabled, uses incorrect privileges when reading a Kerberos credential cache, which allows local users to gain privileges by setting the KRB5CCNAME environment variable to an arbitrary cache filename and running the (1) su or (2) sudo program. NOTE: there may be a related vector involving sshd that has limited relevance.
CVE-2004-0653 Solaris 9, when configured as a Kerberos client with patch 112908-12 or 115168-03 and using pam_krb5 as an "auth" module with the debug feature enabled, records passwords in plaintext, which could allow local users to gain other user's passwords by reading log files.
CVE-2003-0690 KDM in KDE 3.1.3 and earlier does not verify whether the pam_setcred function call succeeds, which may allow attackers to gain root privileges by triggering error conditions within PAM modules, as demonstrated in certain configurations of the MIT pam_krb5 module.
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