Search Results

There are 5 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-2905 A security vulnerability has been discovered within rpm-ostree, pertaining to the /etc/shadow file in default builds having the world-readable bit enabled. This issue arises from the default permissions being set at a higher level than recommended, potentially exposing sensitive authentication data to unauthorized access.
CVE-2022-47085 An issue was discovered in ostree before 2022.7 allows attackers to cause a denial of service or other unspecified impacts via the print_panic function in
CVE-2022-3675 Fedora CoreOS supports setting a GRUB bootloader password using a Butane config. When this feature is enabled, GRUB requires a password to access the GRUB command-line, modify kernel command-line arguments, or boot non-default OSTree deployments. Recent Fedora CoreOS releases have a misconfiguration which allows booting non-default OSTree deployments without entering a password. This allows someone with access to the GRUB menu to boot into an older version of Fedora CoreOS, reverting any security fixes that have recently been applied to the machine. A password is still required to modify kernel command-line arguments and to access the GRUB command line.
CVE-2017-2623 It was discovered that rpm-ostree and rpm-ostree-client before 2017.3 fail to properly check GPG signatures on packages when doing layering. Packages with unsigned or badly signed content could fail to be rejected as expected. This issue is partially mitigated on RHEL Atomic Host, where certificate pinning is used by default.
CVE-2015-3229 fedora-cloud-atomic.ks in spin-kickstarts allows remote attackers to conduct man-in-the-middle attacks by leveraging use of HTTP to download Fedora Atomic updates.
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