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There are 92 CVE Records that match your search.
Name Description
CVE-2024-35307 Argument Injection Leading to Remote Code Execution in Realtime Graph Extension, allowing unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary code on the server. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through <777.
CVE-2024-35306 OS Command injection in Ajax PHP files via HTTP Request, allows to execute system commands by exploiting variables. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through <777.
CVE-2024-35305 Unauth Time-Based SQL Injection in API allows to exploit HTTP request Authorization header. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through <777.
CVE-2024-35304 System command injection through Netflow function due to improper input validation, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary system commands. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through <777.
CVE-2023-4677 Cron log backup files contain administrator session IDs. It is trivial for any attacker who can reach the Pandora FMS Console to scrape the cron logs directory for cron log backups. The contents of these log files can then be abused to authenticate to the application as an administrator. This issue affects Pandora FMS <= 772.
CVE-2023-44092 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows OS Command Injection. This vulnerability allowed to create a reverse shell and execute commands in the OS. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through <776.
CVE-2023-44091 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows SQL Injection. This ulnerability allowed SQL injections to be made even if authentication failed.This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through <776.
CVE-2023-44090 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows CVE-2008-5817. This vulnerability allowed SQL changes to be made to several files in the Grafana module. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through <776.
CVE-2023-44089 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). It was possible to execute malicious JS code on Visual Consoles. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 774.
CVE-2023-44088 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows SQL Injection. Arbitrary SQL queries were allowed to be executed using any account with low privileges. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 774.
CVE-2023-41815 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Malicious code could be executed in the File Manager section. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 774.
CVE-2023-41814 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Through an HTML payload (iframe tag) it is possible to carry out XSS attacks when the user receiving the messages opens their notifications. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 774.
CVE-2023-41813 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Allows you to edit the Web Console user notification options. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 774.
CVE-2023-41812 Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Accessing Functionality Not Properly Constrained by ACLs. This vulnerability allowed PHP executable files to be uploaded through the file manager. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41811 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This vulnerability allowed Javascript code to be executed in the news section of the web console. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41810 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This vulnerability allowed Javascript code to be executed in some Widgets' text box. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41808 Improper Privilege Management vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Privilege Escalation. This vulnerability allows an unauthorised user to escalate and read sensitive files as if they were root. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41807 Improper Privilege Management vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Privilege Escalation. This vulnerability allows a user to escalate permissions on the system shell. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41806 Improper Privilege Management vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Privilege Escalation. This vulnerability causes that a bad privilege assignment could cause a DOS attack that affects the availability of the Pandora FMS server. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41793 : Path Traversal vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Path Traversal. This vulnerability allowed changing directories and creating files and downloading them outside the allowed directories. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through <776.
CVE-2023-41792 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This vulnerability allowed Javascript code to be executed in the SNMP Trap Editor. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41791 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This vulnerability allowed users with low privileges to introduce Javascript executables via a translation string that could affect the integrity of some configuration files. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41790 Uncontrolled Search Path Element vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Leveraging/Manipulating Configuration File Search Paths. This vulnerability allows to access the server configuration file and to compromise the database. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41789 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This vulnerability allows an attacker to perform cookie hijacking and log in as that user without the need for credentials. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41788 Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Accessing Functionality Not Properly Constrained by ACLs. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute code via PHP file uploads. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 773.
CVE-2023-41787 Uncontrolled Search Path Element vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows Leveraging/Manipulating Configuration File Search Paths. This vulnerability allows access to files with sensitive information. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 772.
CVE-2023-41786 Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Pandora FMS on all allows File Discovery. This vulnerability allows users with low privileges to download database backups. This issue affects Pandora FMS: from 700 through 772.
CVE-2023-2807 Authentication Bypass by Spoofing vulnerability in the password reset process of Pandora FMS allows an unauthenticated attacker to initiate a password reset process for any user account without proper authentication. This issue affects PandoraFMS v771 and prior versions on all platforms.
CVE-2023-24518 A Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Pandora FMS allows an attacker to force authenticated users to send a request to a web application they are currently authenticated against. This issue affects Pandora FMS version 767 and earlier versions on all platforms.
CVE-2023-24517 Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type vulnerability in the Pandora FMS File Manager component, allows an attacker to make make use of this issue ( unrestricted file upload ) to execute arbitrary system commands. This issue affects Pandora FMS v767 version and prior versions on all platforms.
CVE-2023-24516 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Pandora FMS Special Days component allows an attacker to use it to steal the session cookie value of admin users easily with little user interaction. This issue affects Pandora FMS v767 version and prior versions on all platforms.
CVE-2023-24515 Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in API checker of Pandora FMS. Application does not have a check on the URL scheme used while retrieving API URL. Rather than validating the http/https scheme, the application allows other scheme such as file, which could allow a malicious user to fetch internal file content. This issue affects Pandora FMS v767 version and prior versions on all platforms.
CVE-2023-24514 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Visual Console Module of Pandora FMS could be used to hijack admin users session cookie values, carry out phishing attacks, etc. This issue affects Pandora FMS v767 version and prior versions on all platforms.
CVE-2023-0828 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Syslog Section of Pandora FMS allows attacker to cause that users cookie value will be transferred to the attackers users server. This issue affects Pandora FMS v767 version and prior versions on all platforms.
CVE-2022-47373 Reflected Cross Site Scripting in Search Functionality of Module Library in Pandora FMS Console v766 and lower. This vulnerability arises on the forget password functionality in which parameter username does not proper input validation/sanitization thus results in executing malicious JavaScript payload.
CVE-2022-47372 Stored cross-site scripting vulnerability in the Create event section in Pandora FMS Console v766 and lower. An attacker typically exploits this vulnerability by injecting XSS payloads on popular pages of a site or passing a link to a victim, tricking them into viewing the page that contains the stored XSS payload.
CVE-2022-45437 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Artica PFMS Pandora FMS v765 on all allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). A user with edition privileges can create a Payload in the reporting dashboard module. An admin user can observe the Payload without interaction and attacker can get information.
CVE-2022-45436 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Artica PFMS Pandora FMS v765 on all platforms, allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). As a manager privilege user , create a network map containing name as xss payload. Once created, admin user must click on the edit network maps and XSS payload will be executed, which could be used for stealing admin users cookie value.
CVE-2022-43980 There is a stored cross-site scripting vulnerability in Pandora FMS v765 in the network maps editing functionality. An attacker could modify a network map, including on purpose the name of an XSS payload. Once created, if a user with admin privileges clicks on the edited network maps, the XSS payload will be executed. The exploitation of this vulnerability could allow an atacker to steal the value of the admin user´s cookie.
CVE-2022-43979 There is a Path Traversal that leads to a Local File Inclusion in Pandora FMS v764. A function is called to check that the parameter that the user has inserted does not contain malicious characteres, but this check is insufficient. An attacker could insert an absolute path to overcome the heck, thus being able to incluse any PHP file that resides on the disk. The exploitation of this vulnerability could lead to a remote code execution.
CVE-2022-43978 There is an improper authentication vulnerability in Pandora FMS v764. The application verifies that the user has a valid session when he is not trying to do a login. Since the secret is static in generatePublicHash function, an attacker with knowledge of a valid session can abuse this in order to pass the authentication check.
CVE-2022-26310 Pandora FMS v7.0NG.760 and below allows an improper authorization in User Management where any authenticated user with access to the User Management module could create, modify or delete any user with full admin privilege. The impact could lead to a vertical privilege escalation to access the privileges of a higher-level user or typically an admin user.
CVE-2022-26309 Pandora FMS v7.0NG.759 allows Cross-Site Request Forgery in Bulk operation (User operation) resulting in elevation of privilege to Administrator group.
CVE-2022-26308 Pandora FMS v7.0NG.760 and below allows an improper access control in Configuration (Credential store) where a user with the role of Operator (Write) could create, delete, view existing keys which are outside the intended role.
CVE-2022-2059 In Pandora FMS v7.0NG.761 and below, in the agent creation section, the alias parameter is vulnerable to a Stored Cross Site-Scripting. This vulnerability can be exploited by an attacker with administrator privileges logged in the system.
CVE-2022-2032 In Pandora FMS v7.0NG.761 and below, in the file manager section, the dirname parameter is vulnerable to a Stored Cross Site-Scripting. This vulnerability can be exploited by an attacker with administrator privileges logged in the system.
CVE-2022-1648 Pandora FMS v7.0NG.760 and below allows a relative path traversal in File Manager where a privileged user could upload a .php file outside the intended images directory which is restricted to execute the .php file. The impact could lead to a Remote Code Execution with running application privilege.
CVE-2022-0507 Found a potential security vulnerability inside the Pandora API. Affected Pandora FMS version range: all versions of NG version, up to OUM 759. This vulnerability could allow an attacker with authenticated IP to inject SQL.
CVE-2021-46681 A XSS vulnerability exist in Pandora FMS version 756 and below, that allows an attacker to perform javascript code executions via module massive operation name field.
CVE-2021-46680 A XSS vulnerability exist in Pandora FMS version 756 and below, that allows an attacker to perform javascript code executions via the module form name field.
CVE-2021-46679 A XSS vulnerability exist in Pandora FMS version 756 and below, that allows an attacker to perform javascript code executions via service elements.
CVE-2021-46678 A XSS vulnerability exist in Pandora FMS version 756 and below, that allows an attacker to perform javascript code executions via the service name field.
CVE-2021-46677 A XSS vulnerability exist in Pandora FMS version 756 and below, that allows an attacker to perform javascript code executions via the event filter name field.
CVE-2021-46676 A XSS vulnerability exist in Pandora FMS version 756 and below, that allows an attacker to perform javascript code executions via the transactional maps name field.
CVE-2021-36698 Pandora FMS through 755 allows XSS via a new Event Filter with a crafted name.
CVE-2021-36697 With an admin account, the .htaccess file in Artica Pandora FMS <=755 can be overwritten with the File Manager component. The new .htaccess file contains a Rewrite Rule with a type definition. A normal PHP file can be uploaded with this new "file type" and the code can be executed with an HTTP request.
CVE-2021-34075 In Artica Pandora FMS <=754 in the File Manager component, there is sensitive information exposed on the client side which attackers can access.
CVE-2021-32100 A remote file inclusion vulnerability exists in Artica Pandora FMS 742, exploitable by the lowest privileged user.
CVE-2021-32099 A SQL injection vulnerability in the pandora_console component of Artica Pandora FMS 742 allows an unauthenticated attacker to upgrade his unprivileged session via the /include/chart_generator.php session_id parameter, leading to a login bypass.
CVE-2021-32098 Artica Pandora FMS 742 allows unauthenticated attackers to perform Phar deserialization.
CVE-2020-8947 functions_netflow.php in Artica Pandora FMS 7.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary OS commands via shell metacharacters in the index.php?operation/netflow/nf_live_view ip_dst, dst_port, or src_port parameter, a different vulnerability than CVE-2019-20224.
CVE-2020-8511 In Artica Pandora FMS through 7.42, Web Admin users can execute arbitrary code by uploading a .php file via the File Repository component, a different issue than CVE-2020-7935 and CVE-2020-8500.
CVE-2020-8500 ** DISPUTED ** In Artica Pandora FMS 7.42, Web Admin users can execute arbitrary code by uploading a .php file via the Updater or Extension component. NOTE: The vendor reports that this is intended functionality.
CVE-2020-8497 In Artica Pandora FMS through 7.42, an unauthenticated attacker can read the chat history. The file is in JSON format and it contains user names, user IDs, private messages, and timestamps.
CVE-2020-7935 Artica Pandora FMS through 7.42 is vulnerable to remote PHP code execution because of an Unrestricted Upload Of A File With A Dangerous Type issue in the File Manager. An attacker can create a (or use an existing) directory that is externally accessible to store PHP files. The filename and the exact path is known by the attacker, so it is possible to execute PHP code in the context of the application. The vulnerability is exploitable only with Administrator access.
CVE-2020-5844 index.php?sec=godmode/extensions&sec2=extensions/files_repo in Pandora FMS v7.0 NG allows authenticated administrators to upload malicious PHP scripts, and execute them via base64 decoding of the file location. This affects v7.0NG.742_FIX_PERL2020.
CVE-2020-26518 Artica Pandora FMS before 743 allows unauthenticated attackers to conduct SQL injection attacks via the pandora_console/include/chart_generator.php session_id parameter.
CVE-2020-13855 Artica Pandora FMS 7.44 allows arbitrary file upload (leading to remote command execution) via the File Repository Manager feature.
CVE-2020-13854 Artica Pandora FMS 7.44 allows privilege escalation.
CVE-2020-13853 Artica Pandora FMS 7.44 has persistent XSS in the Messages feature.
CVE-2020-13852 Artica Pandora FMS 7.44 allows arbitrary file upload (leading to remote command execution) via the File Manager feature.
CVE-2020-13851 Artica Pandora FMS 7.44 allows remote command execution via the events feature.
CVE-2020-13850 Artica Pandora FMS 7.44 has inadequate access controls on a web folder.
CVE-2020-11749 Pandora FMS 7.0 NG <= 746 suffers from Multiple XSS vulnerabilities in different browser views. A network administrator scanning a SNMP device can trigger a Cross Site Scripting (XSS), which can run arbitrary code to allow Remote Code Execution as root or apache2.
CVE-2019-20224 netflow_get_stats in functions_netflow.php in Pandora FMS 7.0NG allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary OS commands via shell metacharacters in the ip_src parameter in an index.php?operation/netflow/nf_live_view request. This issue has been fixed in Pandora FMS 7.0 NG 742.
CVE-2019-20050 Pandora FMS &#8804; 7.42 suffers from a remote code execution vulnerability. To exploit the vulnerability, an authenticated user should create a new folder with a "tricky" name in the filemanager. The exploit works when the php-fileinfo extension is disabled on the host system. The attacker must include shell metacharacters in the content type.
CVE-2019-19681 ** DISPUTED ** Pandora FMS 7.x suffers from remote code execution vulnerability. With an authenticated user who can modify the alert system, it is possible to define and execute commands as root/Administrator. NOTE: The product vendor states that the vulnerability as it is described is not in fact an actual vulnerability. They state that to be able to create alert commands, you need to have admin rights. They also state that the extended ACL system can disable access to specific sections of the configuration, such as defining new alert commands.
CVE-2019-13035 Artica Pandora FMS 7.0 NG before 735 suffers from local privilege escalation due to improper permissions on C:\PandoraFMS and its sub-folders, allowing standard users to create new files. Moreover, the Apache service httpd.exe will try to execute cmd.exe from C:\PandoraFMS (the current directory) as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM upon web requests to the portal. This will effectively allow non-privileged users to escalate privileges to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
CVE-2018-11223 XSS in Artica Pandora FMS before 7.0 NG 723 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted "refr" parameter in a "/pandora_console/index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&refr=" call.
CVE-2018-11222 Local File Inclusion (LFI) in Artica Pandora FMS through version 7.23 allows an attacker to call any php file via the /pandora_console/ajax.php ajax endpoint.
CVE-2018-11221 Unauthenticated untrusted file upload in Artica Pandora FMS through version 7.23 allows an attacker to upload an arbitrary plugin via include/ajax/update_manager.ajax in the update system.
CVE-2017-15937 Artica Pandora FMS version 7.0 leaks a full installation pathname via GET data when intercepting the main page's graph requisition. This also implies that general OS information is leaked (e.g., a /var/www pathname typically means Linux or UNIX).
CVE-2017-15936 In Artica Pandora FMS version 7.0, an Attacker with write Permission can create an agent with an XSS Payload; when a user enters the agent definitions page, the script will get executed.
CVE-2017-15935 Artica Pandora FMS version 7.0 is vulnerable to remote PHP code execution through the manager files function. This is only exploitable by administrators who upload a PHP file.
CVE-2017-15934 Artica Pandora FMS version 7.0 is vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting in the map name parameter.
CVE-2014-8629 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Page visualization agents in Pandora FMS 5.1 SP1 and earlier allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the refr parameter to index.php.
CVE-2010-4283 PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in extras/pandora_diag.php in Pandora FMS before 3.1.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the argv[1] parameter.
CVE-2010-4282 Multiple directory traversal vulnerabilities in Pandora FMS before 3.1.1 allow remote attackers to include and execute arbitrary local files via (1) the page parameter to ajax.php or (2) the id parameter to general/pandora_help.php, and allow remote attackers to include and execute, create, modify, or delete arbitrary local files via (3) the layout parameter to operation/agentes/networkmap.php.
CVE-2010-4281 Incomplete blacklist vulnerability in the safe_url_extraclean function in ajax.php in Pandora FMS before 3.1.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code by using a page parameter containing a UNC share pathname, which bypasses the check for the : (colon) character.
CVE-2010-4280 Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in Pandora FMS before 3.1.1 allow remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary SQL commands via (1) the id_group parameter in an operation/agentes/ver_agente action to ajax.php or (2) the group_id parameter in an operation/agentes/estado_agente action to index.php, related to operation/agentes/estado_agente.php.
CVE-2010-4279 The default configuration of Pandora FMS 3.1 and earlier specifies an empty string for the loginhash_pwd field, which allows remote attackers to bypass authentication by sending a request to index.php with "admin" in the loginhash_user parameter, in conjunction with the md5 hash of "admin" in the loginhash_data parameter.
CVE-2010-4278 operation/agentes/networkmap.php in Pandora FMS before 3.1.1 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary commands via shell metacharacters in the layout parameter in an operation/agentes/networkmap action to index.php.
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